At the present day, the majority of students chose work while going to college, they take a part-time job and attend classes, or they chose a full-time occupation during the summer. Some students have a financial necessity to find work before graduation, while others are ready to sacrifice their free time, entertainment, and communication with group mates to provide themselves with a comfortable living and become adaptable, responsible, and mature. Like any activity, working while going to college has positive and negative effects on young people. The purpose of this essay is to examine the reasons that encourage students to work while studying and the impact of working during college.
Reasons for Working During College
Working during college has its reasons and may be highly beneficial. Although a significant number of students are frequently apprehensive about applying for a part-time or even full-time job during college, this possibility may be taken into consideration. However, a student should thoroughly evaluate his or her strengths, flexibility, and potential necessity of working. One of the most substantial reasons to work while going to college is the ability to earn money. A working student may independently pay for his or her classes, reduce the amount of money that was borrowed for education, or have the ability to afford a comfortable living. In particular cases, when companies offer students the benefits of a full-time job for the execution of part-time work, young people may start their retirement savings while they are still studying. Another reason for working while going to college is the improvement of personal and professional skills. Even if a taken part-time job is not connected with obtainable education and future profession, it will inevitably require time management and decision-making skills, or the ability to build understanding with a large number of diverse people. In general, working during college is a positive personal life experience, students may try various kinds of activities, test their abilities, or get acquainted and apparently form a friendship with a great number of people.
Positive Effects of Working During College
Working while going to college has a substantial number of positive effects. First of all, getting a job during college provides students with an income and helps them to make student loan payments. Student loan debt is a significant issue for many students, the necessity to pay it after graduation slows down life progress and postpones the essential ambitions such as homeownership and starting a family. Working during college gives young people the possibility to graduate without substantial financial obligations. Another positive impact of the combination of work with studying is the receiving of valuable job experience. Students who are working during college accumulate knowledge, improve self-discipline, and develop their professional and communicative skills. Finding a job that corresponds with a chosen profession may positively affect a resume and provide career development immediately after finishing the study. Even if job experience received during part-time work is not closely related to the field of study, working students learn work ethic, and get additional information that may be highly useful in the future. Such students obviously get more chances to fit a particular position after graduation compared with young people without any experience at all.
Negative Effects of Working During College
Despite the positive impact of working while going to college on students future career, self-development, and financial obligations, a job taken in college may influence students adversely. As young people who work frequently choose their jobs instead of study time and prefer practical skills to theoretical knowledge, it significantly affects their grades in a negative way. Students with work frequently have a serious risk of getting expelled, as the necessity to work effectively for extended hours eliminates the possibility of studying to the full extent. The constant receiving of low grades results in deferring or quitting courses. If a job takes much time and effort, it makes students distracted and influences their social life, insulating them from entertainment, communication, and activities with group mates. Negative effects of working while studying on grades, a lack of sleep and social life, and tension at work due to managing deadlines significantly increase the working students level of stress. One more potential though not inevitable negative effect of working while going to college is an elevated risk of students obesity. Working young people frequently do not have time for balanced and healthy meals, and the consumption of fast food and other high-sugar meals may lead to severe health problems, like obesity, diabetes, and other diseases.
Students have various reasons to work while going to college, the most substantial reason is the ability to pay classes, reduce the student loan debt before graduation, and start retirement savings in the case of full-time job benefits for part-time work from particular companies. Working while going to college improves students personal and professional skills and provides a positive life experience. Working in college has both positive and negative effects on students. It helps with student loan payments and significantly influences the successful start of a career due to received experience, skills, and knowledge. However, a lack of sleep and social life, tension at work due to managing deadlines, and extended working hours have a negative impact on students grades and increase the risk of getting expelled. As working students frequently eat fast food due to a lack of time for healthy meals, it may result in severe diseases.
Every person faces situations of loss and grief at some time in his or her life. A person passes all stages of grief from denial to acceptance to cope with grief and return to life. I was 36 when I experienced the first serious loss in my life. Certainly, there were other ones before this event, but they did not influence me strongly. Thus, my grandmother died two years ago. She lived in the United States and died in her home. She was diagnosed with lung cancer half a year before her death, and despite the treatment she took and the first successes, she did not manage to fight the disease. We were very emotionally close as a grandmother and a granddaughter. I wish I had the same relationships with my grandchildren if I have any. We could share secrets, ask for advice, and talk about everything in the world.
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I believe I experienced some impacts that should be mentioned about this loss. The first immediate impact was psychological. I was stressed by the event and could not behave as usual. Although I knew that this outcome was inevitable, it was difficult to acknowledge that I would not talk to her over the cup of tea in her kitchen again. Despite my family and friends who were very supportive, I felt lonely and was getting depressed. Another immediate impact was physical. I remember I lost appetite and had some sleep problems during the first days, but later I managed to cope with that condition and returned to normal life. Finally, the impact that came to power overtime was a spiritual one. At first, I was questioning my spiritual beliefs. However, I suppose I came to a conscious need of religion and strengthened my spiritual beliefs after my grandmother passed away. I cannot say I became passionately religious, but a short silent prayer before I went to bed was calming.
Although I was an adult woman and realized the inevitability of a lethal outcome, the death of my grandmother was a great loss for me. I knew I had to do something to deal with it and live my usual life. First of all, I remembered that she would not have been happy if I cried. My grandmother was an optimistic person and could make other people smile. So I spend some evenings with my mother looking at grandmothers photos and remembering some warm and funny moments of our life together. It was useful for coping with the loss both for me and my mother. Also, I took my grandmothers dog to live with me. People say that a dog resembles its owner, and this dog became another reminder of grandmothers happy days and our walks in the park.
I believe people around me were also affected by this event. My grandmother had an active social life and worked in a community center after she retired. Thus, many of her colleagues and friends were also in grief because she was a real thought leader in the center, and her death was a loss for them as well as for the community as a whole. Her colleagues from the community center planted roses to commemorate my grandmother because she planned to create a rose alley but the disease did not let her accomplish the plan. The rest of our family were also in shock and despair. Our grandmother had the talent to unite people and contributed to our being one big family. Certainly, we remained a family after she passed on but our further meetings lacked some particular ingredient, which she used to bring in. Also, I became closer with my mother. This loss helped me to understand that we should spend as much time with our close people as we can because life is unpredictable and nobody knows when it will finish.
Looking back at that time, I am grateful to the people who managed to support me and were helpful. For example, my grandmothers friends, colleagues, and just acquaintances were supportive both before and after a funeral. They were telling stories about their experiences with my grandmother and made me believe that she would not have wanted me to grieve and to cry. In fact, these people helped me to recover. Two of her best friends still phone me on Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I usually send them small presents on holidays. My best friend was very helpful by being near and asking no questions about my feelings until I was ready to discuss them. Still, she was always trying to make me a sandwich or a cup of tea because I had no appetite at that time, and she helped me to live the first days after the loss, which were the most complicated. Certainly, my family was supportive as well. Grandmothers death was a loss for all of us and the opportunity to share grief was valuable.
Apart from the people who were helpful at that time, there were some who managed to hurt me, although not intentionally. Thus, my grandmothers neighbor spoke to me and said that the grandmother was already old and that I should not have been in such grief. At that time, I could not percept these words normally and became even more upset. Two years later I came to realize that the woman tried to comfort me and said that my grandmother lived a long and happy life in a big family and achieved everything a woman could desire and that I should accept the situation and not be angry or disappointed.
I developed some rituals, which proved to be helpful at that time. One of them included our meetings with my mother. She was in grief as well, and we had an opportunity to speak about something that was worrying us. We gathered together once in a week or two, stayed home watching grandmothers photos, or went for a walk to her favorite places. Later we could talk not only about our feelings of loss and grief but just enjoy our time together. I should admit that we became very close during those two years. Another ritual was bringing the flowers. My grandmother loved the flowers, and I went to the cemetery at least once a month to bring fresh flowers. I felt a need to do it, and these visits made me feel better.
My grandmother and I were very close. I even kept her photo in a wallet. After her death, this small picture of her smiling became a link, which helped me feel connected to my grandmother. It provided me with the comfort my grandmother managed to give to all of us when she was alive. Another connection was her dog I took to live in my house. It was a real friend of my grandmother and having him provided me with some comfort.
At present, I have preserved my ritual of visiting a cemetery and bringing flowers. It is the only thing I can do for her now. She always loved the flowers, and it is my pleasure to select them and imagine how happy she could have been to see them. Our meetings with the mother are also a kind of a ritual. Still, they are not always connected with our loss, we just enjoy spending time together.
I believe I experienced normal grief. I did not have a long denial stage, did not avoid my grandmothers favorite places, my grief did not have a negative impact on my relationships with other people, and the emptiness I felt did not last long. The first days after my grandmothers death was complicated, but support from my family and friends was helpful. Despite the fact that I knew that her death was just a matter of time, it was difficult to acknowledge that it came so fast. However, as a person involved in healthcare, I knew it was a good outcome for her before the severe pain came.
Remembering these past events, I realize that I could have acted differently at that time. During the first days, I was concentrated on my grief and did not know that my mother also felt bad because her mother died. As far as I can judge, I have skipped some stages of grief, or they were not distinct. Thus, I do not remember any absolute denial. I was shocked by the sad news, but it did not last long. After denial, anger came. I remember this feeling well enough. I was angry because, despite the wide choice of treatments for cancer, it did not help my close person. The stage of bargaining was not very evident in my experience. I returned to work at that time and tried to work as much as I could to avoid the sad thoughts. Still, I was sometimes asking the questions, such as what if the disease could have been diagnosed earlier or the treatment had been more effective?). However, I did not have the answers except that everything could have been different. I have experienced a short stage of depression, but it was quickly followed by acceptance and did not influence me much.
I believe the course was useful for me because I managed to discover some secret sides of my personality. After analyzing the situation of loss and grief, I realize that I am stronger than I expected. I have learned that I am a personality able to solve the complicated problems. Moreover, I realized that, in fact, every problem has a solution until a person passes away. After death, the only problem is to manage ones grief and the feeling of loss. However, having the knowledge from the course, in case a similar situation happens, I will be able to act thoughtfully. Also, I will be more useful to other people in grief because I will be able to manage my feelings and thus help them overcome complicated situations related to grief and loss of something or somebody significant.
As with any person, the relationships in my family depend on different factors and social institutions. The most important among these factors are gender, religion, and education. My Hispanic family supports traditional gender roles actively, which is further reinforced by Roman Catholicism, which is why the idea of combining marriage and education may appear problematic and even frowned upon.
The most notable factor shaping relations within my family and, specifically, my relationships with my relatives is gender. I come from a Hispanic family that has thoroughly defined ideas on the social roles acceptable for both men and women. For a female, these ideas have a more significant focus on family than for a male and, generally, revolve around marriage and motherhood. It is much like Yarber and Sayad (2013) put it: once a woman passes through adolescence and reaches maturity, she is expected to get married and have children (p. 139).
It does not mean that the ideas of gender adopted in my family deny a woman any roles except those of a wife and a mother. Still, traditional gender roles are mostly upheld, and the traditional female role puts its primary emphasis on a womans commitment and responsibilities in marriage rather than in any other context.
Another important social factor embedded in my family and familial relationships is religion. One has to understand that, among Hispanics, the family is a fundamental value by itself. There is even a specific sociological concept called familismo, which designates this commitment to family and family members and the tendency to value them above all things (Yarber & Sayad, 2013, p. 61). However, religion Roman Catholicism in the case of my family strengthens such an attitude even further by sanctioning it with the force of divine authority. The idea of filial or daughterly piety promotes respect to ones parents and adherence to the norms they embody and advocate.
Thus, if the traditional gender roles present an idea of what an exemplary family should be, religion explains why this idea, and not any other, deserves implementation in practice. When both familismo and Catholicism support and reinforce a specific social role, they inevitably leave an impact on the family as a whole and each of its members individually.
Finally, education is also a noteworthy social institution that affects my family and, specifically, my relations with my relatives. As mentioned above, the idea of a gender role prescribed for a woman and generally shared within my family focus on marital responsibilities. A specific concept describing this concentration on being faithful and subordinate to husbands and maintaining family traditions and culture is called marianismo (Yarber & Sayad, 2013, p. 39).
As a consequence, female students cause a value dissonance because they are expected to marry and stay home with their husbands and children rather than pursue an education. Thus, education contradicts the traditional female gender role as embedded and propagated in my family and, as such, is a factor in its own right.
As one can see, gender, religion, and education all play their roles in shaping my family and relationships within it. Generally, my family supports traditional gender roles, which, for a woman, revolve around marriage and motherhood. Religion offers additional sanction to these roles by encouraging obedience and daughterly piety. Education, on the other hand, produces a value dissonance, as it contradicts the marital and familial expectations usually associated with a Hispanic woman.
Yarber, W., & Sayad, B. (2013). Human sexuality: Diversity in contemporary America (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
One of the simplest, but informative and fairly common tools for collecting family information is the genogram. A genogram is a form of a graphic family genealogy on which, in a special way with the help of special characters information is recorded about family members in at least three generations. The genogram, unlike other forms of consultative and therapeutic records maintained by a psychologist, allows you to constantly add and adjust every time you meet with your family.
This can be done by both a psychologist and a client. It enables the therapist and client to keep in mind a large amount of information about family members, their relationships, and critical events in family history. The genogram is not a test and does not contain clinical scales. However, it is a tool for collecting information about a problem family, i.e., performs the same function as the tests. The genogram is used to analyze family history from the perspective of system theory. The list of standard symbols used in the genogram is presented below.
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Other important information may be briefly marked on the genogram next to those to whom it belongs: names, education, occupation, serious illness, current place of residence, etc. For a client, drawing the familys genogram the first time on a piece of paper even if there are conventional signs in front of him is an almost impossible task. Therefore, as a rule, a psychologist or psychologist with the active participation of family members makes up the genogram.
Marriage and family are among those phenomena for which interest has always been steady and widespread. The importance that the family acquired in the era of civilization in the public and personal life of people led to a relatively early-born and constant interest in studying it. From the beginning of our century, significant social changes began, which also transformed marriage and family. First of all, it is the mass inclusion of women in production. The woman joined an active working, social life. The economic independence of women has undermined the traditional authority of men as the breadwinner of the family.
Equally important is the social equality of the sexes. It means not only the right of women to work, education, social security, participation in public and political life. This is equality in the family. Socio-economic transformations have also given rise to new interpersonal relationships, peoples views on personal, including family happiness. Modern man not only has the right to independently build his fate and family life but also actively uses this right. He does not want to put up with a defective marriage, ugly relationships in the family, and actively seek personal happiness.
The increased interest in family and marriage is due to a number of reasons. A third of all, marriages are not viable. The issue of strengthening marriage and improving the marriage structure of the population is acquiring the most crucial state significance in connection with the birth rate problem. The solution to such issues is unthinkable without the study of family relations. Most modern scientists have come to the conclusion that the fight against negative social phenomena, such as male and female apathy or aggression, alcoholism and drug addiction, growing crime, and mental disorders, cannot be effective if people ignore the role of marital relations in the occurrence of these phenomena.
When I was a child, my dream was to find the work connected with managing people and resources. The vision persisted until it became time for pursuing a college degree, where I opted for a business course in Human Resource Management (HRM). I intended to be in a position to lead people at the workplace. After graduating from school, luckily, I got an internship program with one of the renowned retail companies called Costco Retailers.
The first working experience was memorable because I finally managed to become independent and earn my first money. When I started working in the corporation, I changed my mentality to adapt to the new system. This paper will discuss the experience during my first job recruitment, skills, and knowledge gathered during this period. During the first working experience, recruits should apply the theoretical knowledge in practice to avoid difficulties in time-management, issue solving, and communication with clients and colleagues.
The time-management appeared to be a fundamental problem that I have faced during my experience. It was a requirement that all the staff report one hour before the opening of the stores. This was necessary to facilitate daily planning and arrangement of the work routine to enhance the efficiency of the operations. It was difficult for me to manage time properly and organize the activities of other people. I had to participate in various events and often failed to perform my duties correctly. There even was a period of time when I was at significant risk of being fired. I had to learn how to be time-conscious to overcome the pressure. I solved this problem thanks to applying some time-management techniques.
Besides the time factor, another issue was working under pressure. During the first few months, I was stationed at the customer care desk to attend to the clients queries. At this position, several problems emerged that required immediate attention from the top managers within the department. It was challenging to handle some inquiries because of the large number of customers and the nature of their needs. The intensity to meet their expectation was overwhelming, and it involved many commands from the senior staff.
Another problem that required theoretical knowledge from me was cultural diversity. Shoppers consist of people from different races, gender, culture, and profession. Communicating with customers was a nightmare, especially for those whose cultures tend to diverge at some point. Sometimes you might offend people from different cultures without noticing it. Nonetheless, thanks to their interactive nature and understanding, some clients helped me learn how to communicate appropriately.
Generally, working with customers entails fluctuating motions since they come in different moods with various expectations to be fulfilled. Meeting people from different backgrounds increased my exposure and understanding of individuals behave in relation to their culture. The race-tolerance strategies learned during my education helped me to adjust my communicational style.
I thought handling customers was the main challenge of this position, but there was another significant problem. Being a novice, young, and unfamiliar with the companys system was another terrifying encounter. At the customer care desk, we had co-workers who had been in the institution for an extended period. These workers used to take advantage of the recruits by assigning complex tasks and overworking them. I became a victim and felt exploited since I could do twice what the other workers were doing. From one point of view, such pressure was rational, aiming to increase my working skills. From the other point, I had moral difficulties coping with a considerable amount of work while experienced colleagues did not offer me any help.
It is also essential to mention which new skills I have gained during my working experience which contribute to my professional development. Thanks to this organization, I gained valuable knowledge and skills helpful for developing in this work industry. First, I gained an understanding of how to communicate with customers and colleagues. Before joining the Costco team, I thought managing people was easy to perform and did not require any special knowledge. Thanks to this working experience, I have learned that communication and management is a whole science that requires profound knowledge and well-developed communicational skills. Therefore, I realized that it is critical to apply the behavioral analysis approach to maintain effective communication.
Moreover, the company made me develop and improve my intrapersonal skills. Working with people having different ages and cultures requires self-understanding (Horak & Matoskova, 2018). To be able to relate effectively with other staff members and even customers, I had to learn how to communicate and listen. Communication is essential in advancing the relationship amongst the business affiliates. The on-the-job experience made it easier to comprehend and apply the skills. Here I also successfully applied the gained during my education knowledge.
Surprisingly, technological knowledge was vital during my working experience. Furthermore, being at the customer care desk exposed me to using the computer system to record, search, monitor, and even communicate with the administration. I developed deep insight into technology, and my computer knowledge increased. Through the period, I could use the system to perform critical tasks like monitoring the level of inventory, tracking customers purchasing records, and updating new valuable information for clients. In addition, I was able to analyze the trend of buyers, which was helpful for the administration for updating the stocks.
Another critical skill that I acquired during the period was the ability to solve problems. At the customer care desk, clients came with various issues ranging from sales of defective products to poor service delivery. I have analyzed different literature on the topic of problem-solving. Multiple techniques help the manager build good relationships with the customer and colleagues (Funke et al., 2018). One of them is the culturally-tolerant attitude towards the participants of communication. I developed a profound knowledge of managing different circumstances to generate a proper solution by handling such issues. Seeing and learning how the colleagues were regulating similar situations at work was vital and prompted self-confidence. To make a decision, self-reliance is essential as it allows one to find their own answers to the problem.
Generally, obtaining a job after completing coursework in college is beneficial because you can gain valuable experience. On the job, learning makes the whole perspective different as it comes with arrays of experiences both encouraging and demoralizing. Sometimes changing and adapting to a new routine is difficult for the new employees. Furthermore, interacting with various people at the workplace advance understanding and worldview of individuals.
The exposure also makes people gain the necessary knowledge and skills that are essential for further carrier development. Joining the proper organization could impact the level of experience individual gains. If people are ready to develop their knowledge and skills, asking questions, elaborate new ideas, then the chances of attaining new skills at work are high. It is also vital to implement the theoretical concept learned through education in practice. Thus, applying theoretical concepts and constant development contributed to forming a positive working experience.
Funke, J., Fischer, A., & Holt, D. V. (2018). Competencies for complexity: Problem solving in the twenty-first century. In Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills (pp. 41-53). Springer, Cham. Web.
Horak, M., & Matoskova, J. (2018). Comparison of training programmes and activities for cluster managers in Europe with respect to their focus on skills development. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, 6(1). Web.
Kamasutra (or Kama Sutra) is an ancient work by Vatsyayana analyzing the sexual behavior of males and females. It was written in Sanskrit; however, now it is a among classical works focusing primarily on sexual intercourse and desire, a goal of sexual life, relationships between partners, and physiological experience of sex. Due to its nature, the book has been misrepresented as a list of positions for sex. However, the text itself explores relationships between two people in love who want to achieve success in their personal life. It teaches women how to embrace and use their sexuality within the context of marriage.
Causes of Kamasutras Appearance
First of all, Kamasutra focuses on many topics of family life; however, one of the most prominent themes is sexual pleasure. At the time, when Kamasutra was written, female role in intercourse was passive (Chander 2015, 2-3). Even today, some people with stereotypes about women, sex, and family hierarchy, in general, consider the woman as an inactive party during sexual interaction. Kamasutra encourages equal participation of both male and female during sex. Participation is an essential aspect of sexual and emotional pleasure, according to the book. In fact, the book analyzes positions which might be dominant for one of the partners; however, the primary point of all of the position is to be involved in the process.
If one of the partners is inactive; hence, both of them will not achieve physical pleasure. The book is a type of sexual education for adults (Rao, Tandon and Das 2015, 84-85). Due to the fact that the theme of sex was a taboo for many centuries, there were not a lot of sources, where men and women can learn about sex and learn about techniques in it. Kamasutra became a type of sexual encyclopedia for both males and females. Nonetheless, for women, it played a significant role as they can finally justify their active and equal participation in sex. It taught women how to receive pleasure from sex, which was a moral milestone.
Due to the fact that sex was under strict taboo, in many instances partners did not receive any pleasure. Taking into account the conservative views of religious people back then, the sex had a status of a tool to conceive a child, even though it was a method to achieve physical pleasure. Nonetheless, many women did not receive any satisfaction, as both men and women did not know how to achieve this pleasure. Sexual life is an integral part of everyones development; hence, for women, Kamasutra provides theoretical knowledge on how to achieve this pleasure and do not be afraid to achieve it.
Equal participation of partners extends beyond the bed, as Kamasutra also promotes an idea of emotional pleasure and successful marriage. Women have to participate in the social life of the family as well and make decisions which have the same weight as the decision of a man. It is a severe and even provocative statement for that period (Chander 2015, 4). Nonetheless, it is direct equality which became a standard for a modern family. Women and men are in partnerships while being married and they have to cooperate with each other to achieve absolute success. Hence, Kamasutra guide for women to become an equal partner and a valued one.
Furthermore, sex might have an image of something mechanical and secondary in marriage, which is untrue. The book encourages and provokes partners to experiment and talk with each other during sex (Rao, Tandon and Das 2015, 85-86). Males must not be the single initiators of change or pleasure during sex, Kamasutra invites women to show their opinion about it, change it in the same way as men do. However, the goal has to be single for both of the partners to satisfy one another. In many cases, women might be dissatisfied with quality of sex in marriage, and it is unhealthy. To prevent serious emotional problems, women have to speak up about the issues they might have.
Resolution of Beauty Standards
Acceptance of any type of a body is the next important context in Kamasutra. Throughout the history of humankind, there were always specific standards of beauty. However, the absolute majority of men and women does not match these standards. Hence, there was a body shaming policy in a way (Rao, Tandon and Das 2015, 87). For men, it was not as humiliating as it was for women. However, Kamasutra being progressive at that time promoted an idea that everyone can be happy and have pleasurable experience, despite the type of the body. It does not require partners to be thin, fat, slim, or slender. On the contrary, it embraces every kind of the body to try certain techniques in order to achieve pleasure.
Some women were anxious and paranoid about their state of the body. However, Kamsutra tried to break the stigma and see everyone as beautiful and capable of being happy. The book promoted realistic body image and complete appreciation of everybodys body. It does not limit a particular type of body to a single technique. Hence, women learned about the freedom of having different shapes. Physical challenges after a pregnancy are normal for women and husband must help his wife to take care of her body during this difficult period. However, it still encourages women and men not to concentrate on the body, Kamasutra forces people to receive pleasure anyway.
The Idea of Self-improvement
However, Kamasutra strongly relies on an idea of self-improvement. Even though everyone should accept one another for who he or she is and not how they look, wives and husbands have to take care of their body. Wives have to participate in some physical activity, avoid being lazy, and stay healthy. The goal for physical exercises and procedures such as shaving have to be realistic. It also relates to hygienic methods such as bathing. Body should not be dirty or sick; it has to be healthy and clean for both men and women, as it is a sign of discipline and a desire to improve oneself. Some negative stereotypes see marriage as the end of personal growth, while Kamasutra denies that.
Problem of Sexual Life and Marriage
Furthermore, many married people face a difficulty of a lack of romantic side of life after the marriage. There might be different reasons for that; however, Kamasutra strongly encourages to be close to one another (Chander 2015, 6). Men might not show as many emotions as women typically do and this can ruin relationships. Instead of ending the marriage, Kamasutra encourages each partner to show emotional closeness and connection to one another. There is a stigma that marriage stops relationships and the routine starts. Even though it is a challenging task for both of the partners to maintain them, there is more than enough time to show affection and love.
As wives, women, as well as men, have to hug, kiss, and cuddle each other. Even though it is an obvious step in each relationship; however, some people might forget about it. The book understands a necessity of physical touches and contact. Kamasutra encourages women to touch their husband and vice versa. The physical touches lead to emotional comfort, and they increase happiness in the life of a married couple. Even though the routine is difficult; partners have to understand the value of something casual as a morning kiss. Women have to use these methods to help marriage stay healthy and stable. Furthermore, it increases the sexual pleasure of the partners as well.
At the same time, the book acknowledges the destructive effect of habits and routine on marriage. In order to prevent that Kamasutra teaches women to use their physical appearance as a motivation, provocation, and overall pleasure for men. Even though it might sound like the women are the only ones to impress men in marriage, Kamasutra has the same requirement for men. Wives have to dress in something unusual, something bright and beautiful in order to show what kind of happiness the other partner has close to him. When she makes love& she wears gorgeous jewelry (Mallanaga 2002, 95). It helps to tease in a lovely way one another and provoke emotions. Wives and husbands have to work hard to continue impressing each other, and it is a challenging task for someone who lives every day together for many years.
Mutual respect is one of the pillars of a successful and pleasurable marriage. It is hard to deny that without any respect the relationships can be considered valuable. Men and women have to try their best to understand each other. Even though partners have to help each other in challenging situation, it is more vital to show gratitude and appreciation of another partner for what he or she does. As stated above, it is a partnership, and it has to be in some way beneficial for every party (Rao, Tandon and Das 2015, 87-88). Women have to respect mens privacy and the lack of desire to have sex and vice versa. These are fundamental principles of mutual support and respect that can help save the marriage.
Women also have to be able to demand respect and support from men. Marriage is an institution in which everyone has to participate and work hard. In case if women do their best and men do not, wives have the right to demand it from their husbands. Dissatisfaction and problems in marriage have to be discussed in order to resolve and prevent them. Otherwise, there might be a lot of conflicts and unresolved issues, which will be a serious obstacle for intimate trust and positive relationships (Mallanaga 2002, 94). As a matter of fact, it is a severe misconception to ignore the problems. Wives have a right to show their disapproval or disappointment with marriage if there is basis for that.
Moreover, both parties have to show that they are beneficial and valuable to one another. A role of wife has a set of certain duties and responsibilities: legal responsibilities, religious, ethical, emotional, sexual, and personal ones. In other words, they have to show that marriage works for another partner. Otherwise, there is no sense in saving and sustaining the marriage. Men have to understand that their life might be miserable without women, and women have to realize that men make their lives easier in marriage. In another way, these are benefits of marriage, according to Kamasutra.
Women also have a right to resist the negative attitude of their husband to themselves. For instance, the wife has to avoid bad language (Mallanaga 2002, 95). In other words, they can protect themselves and use adultery as a way to escape the negative life (Chander 2015, 7). Nonetheless, it is the last measure to stop husband from doing something wrong. Husbands might have a possessive attitude to their wives and see them as a type of property. A lack of sincerity and love can lead women to cheat and refuse from their husbands as it is their right to have a better life.
Kamasutra recognizes an essential right of women to decide what is right for them. Even though the book also analyzes strict social and marital traditions in India, still it is vital for the work to acknowledge women as their makers of happiness. Compared to contemporary values at that time, women did not have a lot of tools to change their lives. Being an influential and important source of knowledge, Kamasutra encourages women to protect their right to happiness and pleasure.
In conclusion, Kamasutra is progressive and proposes many valuable lessons for both men and women to learn about relationships, sexual life, and marriage. Since everyone aims to have healthy and happy relationships, the book can provide useful information for future partners. Undoubtedly, the theme of sexual satisfaction and pleasure is one of the priorities; however, the rights of women and their equal role in marriage are discussed as well. The book was ahead of its time and has helped to increase the influence of women on family life and personal relationships.
Chander, Rajesh. 2015. Women Through the Indian Traditions. International Journal of History and Research 5 (4): 1-8.
Mallanaga, Vatsyayana. 2003. Kamasutra. Washington: Oxford University Press.
Rao, Sathyanarayana, Abhinav Tandon, and Keya Das. 2015. Sexual Myths and Misconceptions. Intimacy Matters, 83-90. Web.
The modern society setup encourages the widespread development of nuclear families as opposed to the extended families that were widely acknowledged in the previous decades. Grandparents no longer live in close vicinity of their grandchildren due to the shifts in economic status and social patterns. Grandparents usually have numerous and vital roles to play in the lives and daily activities of their grandchildren; these roles usually range from being loving companions to their grandsons and granddaughters to caregivers and mentors, acting as sources of historical data and information and also providing support in many other forms or even sometimes becoming surrogate parents (Weston & Qu, 2009).
Modern societies greatly downplay the significance of kinship in social interactions; this is contrary to the evolutionary perspective where one expects biological relationships to act as an enduring powerful determinant of social investment (Pollet, Nettle, & Nelissen, 2006). It is evident that grandparents provided important benefits to their grandchildren in the past. However, similar relationships are still present in some societies around the world. For example, studies show similar trends of benefits given to grandchildren from grandparents in present-day populations of rural Ethiopia and Gambia (pollet, Nettle, & Nelissen, 2006). Grandparents and grandchildren usually have some sort of responsibility for each other which is not usually specifically defined (Ross, Hill, Sweeting, & Cunningham-Burley, 2002). The transition of family setups from the initial extended family orientation to reduced nuclear family orientation has been accompanied by significant changes in the relationships between grandparents and grandchildren all over the globe.
This paper investigates the relationships between grandparents and their grandchildren in the past, and at present as well as their impacts.
Grandparent-grandchildren relationships in the past
In the colonial and post-revolutionary era, economic and social control was mainly a role played by grandparents. Grandparents had authority over their children and grandchildren even after their marriage and establishment of their own households as long as they were still residing on the ancestral land. This provided numerous opportunities for interactions between the grandparents and their grandchildren since they lived in close vicinity. However, the earlier societies were characterized by high rates of mortality due to the severe conditions of life and a challenging environment. The ancient society was also characterized by high fertility rates and early ages of marriage, but due to difficult times and conditions of living, many people did not survive to become grandparents and thus they did not experience grandparenthood.
Grandparenting was usually accompanied with active parenthood as most people became grandparents while still taking care of their own young children. Grandparents offered a link to the past events for their grandchildren. They acted as the primary sources of information that regarded the historical background of the family, heritage and traditional practices. Grandparents usually availed family experiences and cultural practices to their grandchildren through storytelling. They also were responsible for keeping their grandchildren in close connection to the wider set of family relatives. It was a common stereotype that grandparents were responsible for spoiling their grandchildren often by giving them treats. Grandparents also provided financial support for their grandsons and granddaughters by paying school fees and giving them some pocket money (Ross, Hill, Sweeting, & Cunningham-Burley, 2002).
The ancient society setup encouraged the grandchildren to provide care for their grandparents, for example ancient Israeli law stipulated that grand children were responsible for supporting their grandparents. It states that; a person is responsible for providing sustenance to his other family members, among them; his parents parents, his spouses parents parents (Even-Zohar & Sharlin, 2009). Grandchildren provided material gifts, such as shopping and transportation to their aging grandparents and care during old age and illness periods, which mainly involved emotional support. There is considerable evidence from past documented records suggesting that in spite of the high mortality and fertility rates of the colonial and post-revolutionary era, there was a high frequency of contact and affectionate bonds in relationships between grandparent and grandchild in early families.
These records suggest that grandparents frequently left possessions and money to their grandchildren and regularly took care of them in their childhood years. This led to developing a strong link and affection between grandparents and grandchildren that were characterized by closeness, love, respect and frequent contact (Hoff, 2007). During the 18th century, the life expectancy of most people increased and most of them lived into old age, as a result, people married at tender ages and had early children; which increased the chances of grandparents meeting their grandchildren because co-residence became more likely as compared to that of the previous ages.
The aged, however, were viewed as non-productive, sometimes as a burden to their children and grandchildren. The parents usually acted as the intermediary between the grandparents and grandchildren even in situations where the children were already adults. The relationship between the parents and the grandparents greatly determined the nature of the relationship between the children and their grandparents (Even-Zohar & Sharlin, 2009). A close relationship between the parents and the grandparents led to development of a closer interaction between the grandchildren and their grandparents.
On the other hand, a strained relationship between the parents and the grandparents would definitely result in weak interrelationships between the grandchildren and their grandparents since the parents were the main facilitators in their reunion and constant visits to grandparents. Gender differences in the roles played by grandparents were also evident in the early grandparent-grandchild relationships (Ochiltree, 2006); research shows that the grandmothers had closer family relations with their grandchildren implying that the role of the grandmother in grant parenting was more satisfactory as compared to that of a grandfather (Reitzes & Mutran, 2004).
Current relationship between grandchildren and grandparents
Studies on the relationships between grandparents and their grandchildren at present days reveal a slight shift that has been occasioned by the hard economic times and modern society social setups. In a case study conducted for parents with at least one living parent to point out the nature of the relationship between their children and the childrens grandparents, most respondents answered that the relationship was varied (Weston & Qu, 2009). The responses varied among very close, close and not close with a negligible percentage recording non-existent. These statistics show that despite the fact that nowadays grandchildren live far away from their grandparents, even further than in the ancient times, they still manage to maintain their relationships. Present day demographic transformations indicate that families are increasingly becoming multigenerational due to the lower mortality and increasing fertility rates (Ramos, 2013).
This implies that the number of families with large age differences between generations continues decreasing (Mann, Khan, & Leeson, 2009). This suggests that most adults today have both sets of grandparents alive and consequently, most grandparents live to meet most of their grandchildren as well as less siblings compete for grandparents attention because nowadays the number of children in a family has decreased as compared to the past (Cherlin & Furstenberg, 2006). Presently, majority of grandchildren have extended relationships with at least two grandparents while a few have extended relationships with all the four grandparents. The increased life expectancy of people in modern time implies that grandparents have more time to spend with their grandchildren as compared to the time available to the past generations. The average grandparent is older today than the one from the past decade when parents may have been too busy raising their lastborns and forgetting their roles as grandparents.
Todays grandparents have sufficient time to spend with their grandchildren and are able to pay attention to them as they are old and past the child bearing age. Technological advancements in the transport facilities and long distance communication have made it convenient for grandparents to meet and interact with their grandsons and granddaughter. Road and air transport have increasingly become fast and convenient for grandparents and grandchildren to travel and meet. As opposed to the previous decades when people had to travel to their ancestral land to meet their grandparents, postal communication, online web communication including email and teleconferencing are available for quick communication between grandparents and grandchildren. In addition, grandparents and grandchildren today have abilities to go for vacations and Grand Camp adventures to meet share information and have fun (Parent Giving, 2013).
The number of adult children living with their parents today has drastically declined. In the 1900s, grandparents and their grandchildren mostly lived in the same household solving their challenges together. Today, a great number of older people live in solitude or only with their spouses, thereby reducing the frequency of interactions between grandparents and their grandchildren. In contrast to the previous decades where parents were greatly responsible for mediating contacts between their adult children and their parents, their childrens grandparents, recent studies show that parents are no longer responsible for the mediation role neither in divorced nor in intact families (Coney & Smith, 1996). Grandchildren today are the initiators of contacts with their paternal grandparents, and the role is further amplified in cases of divorce.
Divorce of parents usually increases the ties between grandparents and grandchildren resulting in close relationships. In cases of divorces in families, children especially the young children are mostly left in the care of their grandparents. This has been shown to increase the relationships between the two groups resulting in a strong impact of grandparents on their grandchildrens views formation, development and instilling positive values (Wise, 2007). On the other hand, in some cases, divorce usually ends the ties between the grandparent and the grandchild depending on the relationship of the parent taking custody of the child with the grandparents.
Modern technological advancements have led to an increase in the frequency, with which grandparents and grandchildren can meet and communicate with each other. Mobile phones and email messaging over the internet enable grandparents and grandchildren to communicate at the push of a button. Furthermore, the increased speeds of the automobile in the transport sector have made it easier for grandparents and grandchildren to reunite and share information, thus keeping in touch with each other and playing an active role in the lives of the both sides. The increase in life expectancy and reduced mortality rates has grown the chances of grandparents to build strong relationships with their grandchildren. This has also presented grandchildren with chances of meeting most of their paternal and maternal grandparents.
Interview with grandmother
Me: Grandmother, why are grandparents so important in their grandchildrens lives?
Grandmother: My dear grandchild, grandparents are very important in childs life, as they are often a childs primary source of family history, heritage and cultural practices.
Me: Are there any changes in the relationships between grandchildren and their grandparents now as compared to those at your childhood age?
Grandmother: So many things have changed; there are very many different things we used to do that you, children at present, are no longer finding interesting.
Me: Which things have changed, grandmother? Let us start with the setting. Has it changed significantly?
Grandmother: Yes, my dear. During our days, we used to live in the same household with our parents and grandparents. We frequently interacted with our grandparents as opposed to your rare visits now. Today, grandchildren live far away from their grandparents; it is difficult for grandparents to meet their grandchildren since one needs to travel a lot.
Me: Comparing the speed of communication today and in the olden days, what were the modes of communication?
Grandmother: We are lucky these days; technology has eased and fastened the communication process. In our days, grandparents and their grandchildren relied on telegrams and snail mail for communication. The telephone technology was not as advanced as it is today. There were telephones but not everybody owned them, as not everyone could allow having a telephone at home, what to say about mobile phones. Today with the advent of mobile technology, grandparents can communicate with their grandchildren with ease. You can also use the emails and video conferencing. You are lucky your grandmother today knows how to use a computer, while there were no computers in our days.
Me: What about travelling?
Grandmother: Oh, I forgot to tell you that there were only trains and buses, and there were not as numerous and convenient as they are today, so it took one a long time to travel from the city to the rural areas to meet their grandparents. Today, you have fast electric trains, personal automobiles as well as the aircrafts that can traverse miles in a very short period of time.
Me: Grandmother, did people at your childhood receive the ultimate attention from your grandparents?
Grandmother: Again, I should say that you are lucky. You see, I am already an old woman; I can neither go to work nor bear children anymore. I can only sit the whole day talking to my grandchildren and taking care of them. In our days, a person became a grandparent while still young enough to have his/her own children, so grandparents were usually busy with their daily issues and had no time to spend on their grandchildren. My grandmother, for instance, had a small girl to care of while I was young; she rarely found time to sit with her grandchildren and talk to them. She had to provide care for her lastborn, and furthermore, she was still employed and had to go to work.
Grandparents and grandchildren have had a history regarding their relationships. These relationships have been determined by cultural and demographic factors as well as their parenting roles. Studies have shown that close interactions between the grandparents and grandchildren have encouraged development of strong relationships between the grandparent and the grandchild; similarly limited interactions have also strained these relationships. The bounds between grandparents and grandchildren have gradually evolved with time due to economic shifts, changing society setups and improved technological advancements. Today, children can easier and faster travel to their grandparents as compared to the previous decades, the frequency of interactions has also increased so has the speed of communication. These advancements in grandparent and grandchild relationships have also had various impacts on the lives of both the grandparent and the grandchild.
Cherlin, A. J., & Furstenberg, F. F. (2006). The Moderniztion of Grandparenthood. In S. A. Ross, American Families Past And Present: Social Perspectives on Transformations (p. 52 65). New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
Coney, T. M., & Smith, L. A. (1996). Young adults relations with grandparents following recent parental divorce. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 51(2): S91-5.
Even-Zohar, A., & Sharlin, S. (2009). Grandchildhood: Adult Grandchildrens Perception of Their Role towards Their Grandparents from an Intergenerational perspective. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 40(2): 167 170.
Hoff, A. (2007). Functional Solidarity between Grandparents and Grandchildren in Germany. London: Oxford Institute of Ageing.
Mann, R., Khan, H. T., & Leeson, G. W. (2009). Age and gender differences in grandchildrens relations with their maternal grandfathers and grandmothers. London: Oxford Institute of Ageing.
Ochiltree, G. (2006). Grandparents, Grandchildren and the Generation in Between. Australia: Acer Press.
Pollet, T. V., Nettle, D., & Nelissen, M. (2006). Contact Frequency Between Grandparents and Grandchildren in amodern society: Estimates of the Impact of Paternity Uncertainity. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 4(34), 203213. Web.
Ramos, A.C. (2013). Children and intergenerational relationships: the relations between grandparents and grandchildren from childrens perspectives. In 3rd Global Conference Childhood: A Persons Project on 18th 20th July 2013. Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom. Web.
Reitzes, D. C., & Mutran, E. J. (2004). Grandparenthood: Factors Influencing Frequency of Grandparent-Grandchildren Contact and Grandparent Role Satisfaction. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 59(1): S9-S16.
Ross, N., Hill, M., Sweeting, H., & Cunningham-Burley, S. (2002). Grandparents and teen grandchildren: Exploring Intergenerational Relationships. Glasgow: Centre for Research on Families and Relationships.
Weston, R., & Qu, L. (2009). Relationships Between Grandparents and Grandchildren. Family Matters, 81: 59-60. Web.
Wise, R.M. (2007).Grandparent-grandchild Relationships and Perceptions of Grandparent Goal Influence in Emerging Adulthood. Ann Arbor, USA: ProQuest.
How many of us know that pets can provide safety, profit and companionship especially to the youth? With recent experiments proving that pets can provide a sense of homeliness and unconditional companionship to students living in dorms, the pet policy of Arizona State University that currently allows only fish tanks in Residence Halls or Shared Houses should be changed so as to allow pets in dorms taking into account the numerous benefits pets can bring to students.
First, students, who live in dorms, live away from their homes and hence are likely to feel lonely in their new environment. They are often vulnerable to fall victim to bad friendships, gangs, drugs and alcohol. Most colleges around the country do not allow students to have pets in dorms the reasons being pets are noisy, dirty, smelly, and unhealthy and can be dangerous. Students who live in dorms are often under huge stress. They are yet to form friendships and likely to feel homesick and lonely. This can make them fall victim to drugs and alcohol within the campus. How to escape from all this loneliness?
Recent experimentation show that pets provide numerous benefits to students. Much has been written in recent years about pet therapy. Dean Warren, in his book Small Animal Care and Management says that a pet will provide individuals with basic acceptance and a sense of being loved and wanted. Moreover, by learning to understand a pets body language, emotions and needs, these individuals can develop a stronger sense of responsibility and personal worth. Pet therapy has also been found to help students cope with stress and illness. Rubbing the stomach of a dog, or stroking a cat can be a profoundly relaxing experience.
Research shows that pet owners have less stress, with decreased heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension. Soft fur or feathers are not only soothing to the touch for human skin, but also appear to decrease the firing of muscle neurons, which in turn decreases muscle tension (Seaward 236). The present generation is one that relies more heavily on parental support both financial and emotional than did previous generations. And as this new generation struggles to adapt to college life, companion animals can provide the much needed relief from stress.
Interestingly, according to the rules of ASU one fish tank/bowl, no larger than 1.5 gallons, is permitted per resident. However, residents of family houses can have pets other than fish subject to completing a Pet addendum and paying a Pet Deposit of $350 (ASU 1). There are cases where pets have been allowed inside dorms successfully. For example, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology tried allowed cats in four dormitories at MIT, two years ago.
It was required that the cats must be spayed or neutered, have all their required shots, be registered with the campus housing office, and have the approval of every resident on the floor. Cats have also been welcomed at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena where each cat is given a collar that identifies its owners dorm. The State University of New York at Canton has been allowing pets in the Pet Wing of Mohawk Hall since 1996 and claim the decision has been a huge success (Clyburn 1).
The only condition was that pets should be small enough to fit in a small cage. This has resulted in students having snakes, cats, hamsters, rabbits and chinchillas. However, the University has also ensured that the pets are safe by ensuring that animals have their shots and are healthy. The cats are required to have a flea collar. It will not be surprising if there is a huge welcome if pet policy were changed at ASU allowing students to have them in dorms.
While pets are prohibited for reasons such as them being unhygienic, noisy, smelly, and unhealthy and can be dangerous, it is true that allowing pets in dorms can bring in more students to ASU. The Arizona State University Housing Manual states that violation of the pet policy will result in charges that may exceed $1,000 for the entire replacement of the carpet, door(s) upholstery, and the painting of walls, and deodorizing the room/house. Another commonly cited reason for not allowing pets in dorms is that pets can be allergic to some people.
Subsequently it is important for people allergic to pet induced problems to have accommodation in dorms free from pets. Animal cruelty concerns also thwart authorities from allowing pets inside dorms. At Stephens College, students pay a $200 refundable pet deposit, but they are also required to confine their pets to a kennel or cage anytime they leave their rooms (Moore, 1). The college requirements are that all animals must be less than 40 pounds in weight, and there is just one small, fenced dog run (Moore 1). There is the potential for neglect when students get caught up in schoolwork and dont have time for pets.
However, these problems can be solved with some forethought and planning. For example, the problem of allergic reactions has been solved by the Shimer College in Waukegan, Illinois which has allowed pets for years, by allotting one pet-free dorm to accommodate students with allergies. The other dorms are full of birds, fish, snakes, various rodents, large turtles, and cats. Students who neglect to take care of pets should be held accountable and realize that owning a pet is a huge responsibility. It is possible to have registered authorities check periodically on the rooms and pets to ensure they are being taken care of (Clyburn 1).
Last and most important, while allowing pets in dorms need not necessarily eliminate all problems associated with you, students living in dorms would get adjusted to the dorm environment faster when there are pets around. In a world that is full of stress due to increased expectations from students, pets would provide the much needed relief from stress. As defined in the dictionary, stress is a physical, mental, or emotional response to events that causes bodily or mental tension. Simply put, stress is any outside force or event that has an effect on our body or mind.
Therefore, allowing pets in the dorms agrees with this description of stress. According to the resolution passed by USG in 2002 pets on campus contribute towards the mental well-being of students on campus and the enhancement of a sense of community (Yuhasz 1). Pets help in creating such a homely atmosphere in the dorm. Moreover, maintenance of pets involves some physical activity that can be de-stressing. According to MIT Housing Director Karen Nilsson, students desire companionship and a homely atmosphere in the dorm.
In fact, Dr. Wendy Libby of Stephens College, Columbia University (Arango 1) says that college is the place where young adults first develop independence and self-reliance as they adjust to life away from home. According to her, pets in dorms help in this growth process of developing self-reliance and reduce the stress level. The Delta Society, a nonprofit group that promotes the presence of pets in workplaces says that research shows that pets have a calming effect on people of all ages and temperaments (Moore 1).
Consequently, it can be easily seen that pets result in positive outcomes when they are allowed within dorms. They help students in handling stress in a healthy manner and also help them have a sense of homeliness in the campus. By managing them, they learn to cope with their own emotional and intellectual and physical vulnerabilities.
In conclusion, ASU should allow pets in the dorms of ASU. It should take into consideration the many benefits acquired from such a pet policy. Presently the ASU allows fishes. Extending the pet policy to include small pets that require minimal maintenance can improve student performance and also bring in more students to ASU.
Works Cited
Arango, Andrea (2006). Pet-friendly dorms. The Cavalier Daily. Web.
ASU (2008). Pet Policy. Web.
Clyburn, Erin (2004). Pet-friendly dorms for future. The Reflector. Web.
Moore, Armstrong Elizabeth (2005). Animal Dorm. The Christian Science Monitor. Web.
Seaward, Luke Brian (2006). Essentials of Managing Stress. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Warren, Dean (2000) Small Animal Care and Management. Thomas Delmar Learning.
Yuhasz, Misia (2008). Students ask for pets to be allowed back on campus. The Observer. Web.
A mothers love has been proven throughout history and has been immortalized by sayings like Nothing beats a mothers love and No matter what a child does, a mother will always be a mother. My mother is the epitome of these sayings and as I live and breathe, I will continue to attest to this. You see, I have not only felt my mothers love but also seen it in action. I can remember everything that happened just this past June June 18, 2003, to be exact, as if everything only happened a few hours ago.
That year, I was a carefree 11-year-old who had all the time in the world to enjoy the life ahead of me. Little did I know that everything in my life would change that night. The night that my 15-year-old brother was killed by a drowsy school bus driver as he stood outside my parents outdoor equipment business. That night, I came home from school to receive the bad news. News that changed my life literally from that very morning.
I had 15 special years with my brother and being in the 5th grade, he was my role model in everything that I did. He was my protector and guardian angel who was always there when I needed him. But now, I am 17 and 2 years older than him. I often find myself wondering as to how my night has turned out and what our relationship might be like at this point in our lives. Would we still be best friends and have each others backs? 6 years later my family and I have changed a lot and are still on the road towards a long and lonely grieving process.
Consequences of the accident
We were devastated by the accident. Our sense of security was crushed and we could barely function as individuals and as a family for the next couple of years after the accident. We each dealt with death in different ways. My father had to go back to work 2 weeks after my brothers untimely demise. He had to go back to the place where my brother died to pay the bills. While my mother threw herself into investigative work trying to figure out how a drowsy bus driver from our school would have been allowing to drive a bus in his condition. She needed to understand why and how the accident happened to have some sort of closure. She refused to let my brothers death be in vain. Something good had to come out of it and that she would make sure of that.
Everybody tried to dissuade my mother from finding out the truth. Everyone but me. You see, I know my mother, I knew she would not stop until she got some answers. Her investigation was not for naught. It may have taken her 4 years but, she discovered that the driver suffered from sleep apnea and would often sleep in the bus garage, was taking 5 different medications, had uncontrolled diabetes, and most importantly, was not certified to drive a bus due to his existing physical conditions.
Armed with this knowledge, she ran for the school board and won. Under her guidance, she revamped the entire transportation of our school district and started a chapter of the non profit organization Victims of Irresponsible Drowsy Drivers (VOIDD). She has traveled extensively throughout New York to educate the public about the dangers of drowsy driving and what countermeasures can be implemented. Watching my mothers determination and strength that pulled her through the most devastating experience of our lives was an experience for me. Although she had taught me never to give up on my passions and beliefs, I only took it to heart when I saw her practice what she preached.
My family crisis taught me how to be selfless and be there for others who need help and support. through my mothers actions, I have learned that she will always be my mother no matter what mistakes I make and what changes happen in the family. She will forever be, the strongest lady I know.
I have come to learn that lives can change at the drop of a hat. Life has no guarantees and needs to be flexible. I learned how to accept things that I could not change, no matter how hard and painful it might be because of my brothers death. His death taught me how to live and my family was eventually reborn after all the events that took place. We learned to laugh and be a family again even without my brothers presence.
All my experiences in life have changed me as a person. I may only be in high school but I have been a long-term member of Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) and a soccer player for 12 years. I also take part in 4-H Community Service projects in honor of my brothers memory and to show my mother that I too can be as strong as she is and that I respect everything she has accomplished in life with or without the support of her friends and family.
The word love originated from the Old English word lufu meaning to desire and the Latin word lumber meaning to please. Love is generally defined by the Dictionary as a strong liking or a passionate affection for another person (Windgassen).
Love is an intricate part of human nature, one that is indispensable in our lives and one that makes our lives worth living). It spawns varying feelings in individuals; different individuals experience love in varying fashions due to which love is difficult to define. The best definition of love is one passed on by the Greeks more than 2,500 years ago. It classifies love into 4 types Eros, Filial, Caritas, and Agape (Windgassen).
Eros is love associated with eroticism. It exists between couples and also includes the sexual feelings individuals experience towards their own bodies when they lack a partner or spouse. Totally self-serving in nature, it is a desire linked with sexuality and powered by basic carnal lust and an inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli while lacking the balancing swaying power of reason and experience. It is not immoral , but a basic, necessary, crucial, and healthy feeling that requires recognition and expression within the scope of relationship, sincerity, self-love, and mutuality. Eros is considered the most problematic type of love because individuals frequently struggle to love themselves as well as others with moral soundness as well as intimacy (Windgassen).
Filial is love associated with family. It is founded on blood relationships. As compared to Eros, Philial contains greater virtue because it is not self-serving but moves beyond ones self, and it is not driven by instinct. Phils distinctive characteristics are that it has a restricted scope and that it is powered by a commitment to those relatives (Windgassen).
Caritas is love for all humanity. It desires only what is good for another person or a group of people irrespective of whether the person/s are acquaintances or not. Caritas is similar to Philial in that it is selfless, but it is different due to its wider scope, encompassing people in the family, workplace, and in all other areas of contact (Windgassen). Mother Teresas life and work are one of the best exponents of Caritas; it made others feel, in the words of C.S. Lewis: We love to know we are not alone (
Agape is love for the universe (Windgassen), well explained by Victor Hugos quote: Life is the flower for which love is the honey ( Agape desires what is good for all humanity as well as all living beings and the very earth itself. It is the greatest level of love that manifests itself as boundless love without possessiveness and self-interest. Agape is similar to Caritas and Philial in that it is selfless but different from both as it has the widest scope of all types of love due to which it is very rare for people to practice it (Windgassen).
Love Quotes. 2006. Web.
Windgassen, Diana. What is the Meaning of Love? Associated Content, Inc. 2006. Web.