The Burden of Loss


In the process of developing the genogram and learning plan, which was largely based on collecting personal information and experience, several insights into how meaningful events influence ones lifestyle and, accordingly, personal health and wellness were revealed. Thus, an evident necessity for the investigation of such an event emerged. The purpose of this paper is to provide critical reflective analysis of one meaningful event in life and discuss its impact. It is essential to discuss how this event affected my overall health in the context of six dimensions of health, the information that could be retrieved from contemporary scholarly literature, and, finally, to conclude on how this knowledge and experience influenced the change of my perspective on life.

Look Back

This paper is structured in accordance with the LEARN framework, which defines the choice of headings and the overall presentation of the information. The LEARN approach is used because it provides an efficient instrument for the investigation and reflection over meaningful events in ones life. Accordingly, this section will dwell upon the introduction of the event, which will be reflected upon in the following sections.

As I was searching and collecting information for previous assignments, I identified numerous events that have a considerable impact on my current physical and mental health. However, it is possible to state that the most important event in terms of the significance of its influence on me is the death of my grandmother. It was an immensely traumatizing experience for me as well as my family as a whole because it was the first death of a close relative that I have ever experienced, and also my grandmother was the first family member to die within our family. Thus, I find it essential to reflect on the particular aspect of this event and its impact on my personal health and wellness.


Summary of the Event

Primarily, it is essential to elaborate on the event in more detail. It happened more than a year and a half ago, in winter, when my grandmother got sick. At first, it appeared that she had a common cold; however, she was not getting better in a long time, and thus she was hospitalized. When she was in the hospital, it was identified that she had pneumonia, which progressed continuously. In the weeks of her life, she was in a coma, and, eventually, she died. The whole family was involved as everyone tried to support her, but she was not getting better. At the time when this event occurred, I was in another city as I was going through the exams.

Personal Feelings and Perceptions of Self and Others

When I first heard the news about my grandmothers death, I could not believe it, even though I knew that her condition was getting worse. I found myself in a position when I encountered an event that previously never happened to me, and thus I did not know how to react. Considering the perception of self, it is possible to observe that I was not feeling like a person that can continue to live normally. Also, the interaction with my relatives aggravated this feeling, especially as I saw the grief of my grandfather, who, needless to say, loved his wife very much.


The Issue for Analysis

It is essential to identify core issues related to the described event and reflect on it. As some time passed after the death of my grandmother, I came to the realization that the primary issue induced by this event was depression related to post-traumatic stress (Atwoli, Stein, Koenen, & McLaughlin, 2015). This problem is considerably common in situations similar to the one that I have described. However, every person has his or her individual reaction and perception of such events, and also the outcomes of the reflection over such events differ in their results for every particular individual. Therefore, it is essential to investigate this issue from the perspective of academic knowledge in order to later combine it with my perspective and retrieve meaningful conclusions.

Perspectives from the Scholarly Literature

As it is mentioned by Keyes, Pratt, Galea, McLaughlin, Koenen, and Shear (2014), unexpected death of a loved one is common and associated with subsequent elevations in symptoms of multiple forms of psychopathology, and it is also stated that such event is the most common traumatic experience, which is usually rated as the worst by respondents (p. 864). Atwoli et al. (2015) argue that the relationship between such experience and the emergence of posttraumatic stress disorder is evident. Additionally, the study by Burke, Neimeyer, Young, Bonin, and Davis (2014) indicates that complicated grief, defined as a severe, prolonged response to the loss of a loved one, is also considerably connected with spiritual complicated grief, which is a spiritual crisis following loss (p. 268).

It is also appropriate to mention the article by Cohen, Edmondson, and Kronish (2015), in which the authors state that such conditions as stress, anxiety, depression as well as symptoms associated with these conditions, have a direct influence on the physical state of an individual who experiences it. The authors mention cardiovascular disease as one of the most common manifestations of the physical effect of depression and stress.

Comparison of Acquired Knowledge and the Event

The literature research conducted for this assignment and, particularly, studying the articles mentioned in the previous subsection has contributed significantly to my understanding of the experience related to the death of my grandmother. The issues related to posttraumatic stress disorder and depression induced by the death of a loved one have a prolonged effect on the life of any individual who experiences such events, and thus it is essential to understand how to use coping techniques (Keyes et al., 2014).

Also, it is essential to mention that through the investigation of the academic sources on the topic, I have acquired a more profound understanding of the effect of the loss on six dimensions of health. It is apparent that the most direct and evident effect manifests itself in emotional, spiritual, and intellectual dimensions. However, the effect on physical, social, and occupational dimensions of health are also present, despite that they might not be represented as apparent as emotional effects.

The Emerge of a New Perspective

It is appropriate to state that the investigation of academic literature has helped me to acquire a new perspective on the given issue through new experience and knowledge retrieved from the articles. For a considerably long time, I did not know how to efficiently cope with the feelings of grief, induced by the loss, primarily due to the fact that I had not any specific knowledge about how posttraumatic stress disorder and depression are developed and how their negative effects could be diminished.


How My Perspective Could Be Changed

In this section, it is essential to revise the overall discussion of the analysis provided in the previous section. The significance of the knowledge acquired in the process of investigation of academic literature could be hardly denied. One of the most important aspects of my reflection on the experience of loss is the conclusion about the necessity of rational understanding of emotional problems, as it helps to cope with the depressive and stressful condition to a great extent. Thus, it is possible to state that my perspective has changed on a more positive and rational outlook on life.

The Rationale for Making a Change

Further, it is of high importance to discuss the rationale for making a change in my lifestyle and mindset. The previous subsection provides a basis for this rationale, and it could be formulated in the following way: it is essential to manage ones stress, employing the guidelines from scientific research, in order to efficiently implement coping techniques and changes ones life for better. It is also appropriate to consider an alternative coping strategy, proposed in the article by Burke et al. (2014), that is to change ones spiritual beliefs and practices in order to positively influence the treatment of depression and stress-induced grief.

New Perspective

The final section and conclusion of this paper constitute the establishment of a new perspective as well as the identification of recommendations for future changes in lifestyle and mindset. It is possible to state that the critical reflective analysis performed in this assignment has helped me considerably. However, I also understand that the process of coping with stress and traumatic experience is a long process that has to be maintained in order to have a prolonged and profound positive effect.


Atwoli, L., Stein, D. J., Koenen, K. C., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2015). Epidemiology of posttraumatic stress disorder: Prevalence, correlates and consequences. Current opinion in psychiatry, 28(4), 307-311.

Burke, L. A., Neimeyer, R. A., Young, A. J., Bonin, E. P., & Davis, N. L. (2014). Complicated spiritual grief II: A deductive inquiry following the loss of a loved one. Death Studies, 38(4), 268-281.

Cohen, B. E., Edmondson, D., & Kronish, I. M. (2015). State of the art review: Depression, stress, anxiety, and cardiovascular disease. American journal of hypertension, 28(11), 1295-1302.

Keyes, K. M., Pratt, C., Galea, S., McLaughlin, K. A., Koenen, K. C., & Shear, M. K. (2014). The burden of loss: Unexpected death of a loved one and psychiatric disorders across the life course in a national study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 171(8), 864-871.

Anthropology: Kinship in Kyrgyzstan

In the contemporary world, kinship systems are getting more complex than the one presented by Schneider. I interviewed a student from Kyrgyzstan and found out that the kinship system in his country while having certain similarities, is very different in some aspects. The collected data is consistent with Schneiders definition of marriage but is a little different from Schneiders account of who can be considered a relative. Relatedness is a broader notion in Kyrgyzstan than in the United States. There are also differences in solidarity because financial help to family members is considered to be an ordinary practice.

In Europe and the United States, gay marriages are becoming more common, contradicting Schneiders notion of family. In Kyrgyzstan, however, people are more conservative, and a family must consist of a husband and a wife (Case 1). However, the family is not only limited to the couple and their children. The husbands parents are also members of the same household (Case 1). Their son will marry, and his wife becomes a member of the family, whereas daughters, upon marriage, become members of their husbands families.

Denis relation to his grandparents is also different than in traditional American culture. While Schneiders model does not distinguish between a fathers and a mothers parents (1968), Denis calls his fathers father chon-ata, the fathers mother chon-ene, the mothers father tai-ata, and the mothers mother tai-ene (Case 2). The difference is not only symbolic but also in the relations  grandparents from fathers side are generally closer since they all live in the same household.

Sibling relations also have their own intricacies in how they call each other (Case 3). The same is true for uncles, aunts, and cousins since Denis calls them differently depending on whether they are from his mothers or fathers side. The symbols are sophisticated, but they have undergone many simplifications since the early days of Kyrgyz history. For instance, today, Denis may call his uncles and aunts aga (brother) and eje (sister). The interesting thing is that Denis calls the eldest brother of his father chon-ata (grandfather). Kinship in Schneiders model includes friendliness, reunions, sociability, and rites of passage, but does not generally include financial aid or service. In contrast, Denis family does not hesitate to help each other via financial or service means (Case 4).

It is generally a bad practice to marry anyone who sits on a kinship chart, according to Denis (Case 4). The notion of relatedness is pervasive in Kyrgyzstan; that is why marriage happens between two people who are not related at all (Case 4). This broad definition of relatedness can be put in contrast with Schneiders model, where there is a specific definition of it, which includes the necessity of blood relation (Schneider 1968). It is a common belief that any genetic similarities between the husband and the wife can inflict harm on future generations of the family.

Conversation with Denis introduced a whole new kinship system to me, which has similarities with the American one but has its complexities and sophistication. The notion of family is the same as in Schneiders model and has not changed, unlike in some subcultures in the United States. The idea of relatedness is not specific in Kyrgyzstan, as Denis said, Any man can be a relative. There are major symbolic differences, and the system is more complicated in Kyrgyzstan than in the United States because the people with the same degree of relatedness can be called differently.

Jealousy as a Specific Emotion

The essence of the modern individual is revealed, both in the creative nature of his/her activity and in abstract thinking or the ability to selflessly love someone else. A person is predisposed to certain feelings, as well as effects that have a destructive and destructive, self-destructive character. Such emotions include envy, jealousy, revenge, ambition, and more. Jealousy, even in spite of its certain significance of this feeling in everyday life of a modern person, as well as the huge interest of literature and art in this topic, is among certain peripheral as well as insufficiently developed problems in modern psychological thought.

The causes of jealousy can be very diverse, and sometimes even unpredictable. Often a feeling like jealousy arises far from unfounded. The main aspects of the emergence of such a heart-breaking feeling are the following: distrust of the partner or doubts about him/her, sexual dissatisfaction or sexual stress, inferiority complexes; fear of loneliness, lack of attention from the partner, and jealousy of the past (Chung & Harris, 2018). In this situation, between virtues and values, on the one hand, and various vices, on the other hand, there are no clearly defined ethical boundaries. Quite often, they are intertwined with each other, and the problem of jealousy has an exceptional role in the context of the difficulties of relations. This is manifested both in sociocultural and artistic aspects, as well as in elements of a purely clinical nature.

In conclusion, a holistic consideration of this phenomenon as the most characteristic ontological manifestation of human nature makes it possible to describe the space of various moral relations in modern society, the key features of individual morality in a complete form. The relevance of the appeal to the analysis of the phenomenon of jealousy is, first of all, determined by its universal and cultural-universal character, which makes it possible to have a certain holistic understanding of the multifaceted, as well as the contradictory nature of modern man. Thus, the study of jealousy and its impact on the individual is of great interest today. Jealousy is a feeling that is inherent in every truly loving individual. Jealousy is a negative feeling based on the lovers possessive ways, emotions, and passionate love.


Chung, M., & Harris, C. R. (2018). Jealousy as a specific emotion: The dynamic functional model. Emotion Review, 10(4), 272-287.

Growing Up with Hearing Loss


Individuals with hearing disabilities face challenges with which able people do not have to deal on a daily basis. One may readily imagine how deafness can put a strain on a persons communication skills and ability to solve issues. Even though deaf people may attest to having similar struggles, their experiences may vary greatly depending on what kind of family they grew up in. This paper will provide a comparison between the experiences of growing up in an all-deaf family and being raised by non-deaf parents.

The Case of DeAngelo Brown

DeAngelo Brown is a young African-American with a hearing disability who was adopted by a non-deaf family in his early childhood. According to him, his adoptive family was loving and supportive; however, what was lacking was awareness of his special needs. For instance, growing up, DeAngelo was quite fond of watching TV but could not enjoy that activity since his family did not understand that he needed captions to follow the plot.

Thus, when the entire family was watching a movie, he felt excluded as he could not feel the same emotions or laugh at the same jokes. Because of that lack of understanding, he felt betrayed: as opposed to the real world where one does not expect compassion from strangers, his family was supposed to be his safe haven. What was even more baffling is that his peers, coaches, and personnel at the dorm where he was staying during athletic contests were more eager to help him. DeAngelo concludes that his family was not bonding with him enough, and he was hurt by such negligence.

The Case of an All-Deaf Family

The second video showcases two deaf parents of four children, two of whom are deaf and two are hearing. From the first minutes, one may observe a striking contrast between the experiences of children in this family and what DeAngelo had to deal with. The parents, Leslie and Bridgetta, do not think that a hearing disability is a tragedy. On the contrary, they see deafness as a gift that can be a huge part of a persons identity and account for genuinely unique experiences.

They pass this worldview to their two deaf children and accommodate them in every way possible as opposed to DeAngelos parents, who made him feel strange and isolated. Leslie tells about his childhood and teenage years: he grew up with hearing parents who were not always sure how to help him handle daily challenges. Thus, his struggles growing up made him knowledgeable of the best conditions for other deaf people, in his case, his children. DeAngelos parents grew up hearing, and that explains why they could not take measures to make the boys life easier based on their own experiences.


The world is not accommodating people with hearing disabilities: apart from professionals, barely anyone knows and understands sign language. On top of that, many are merely unaware of the fact that they might be hurting and making a deaf person feel disrespected. The lack of awareness is especially tragic when it comes from a deaf persons hearing family. For example, in the case of DeAngelo, he was deprived of many bonding experiences. An all-deaf family, on the other hand, is more likely to be compassionate and make an effort to accommodate their children based on the struggles they had growing up.

Stepfamily Relationships: The Blended Family Interview

Despite the modern advances in social sciences, there are numerous negative connotations associated with blended families, some of which are based on facts. The construct is sometimes viewed as inferior to traditional pairings because the new spouse does not have the same parental attachment to the children. The perception may be accurate at times, but in most families, the members learn to live in harmony. The results of a ten-question interview, where the single ten-year-old son came from the mothers side, are detailed below.

The first question was the duration of the remarriage, which would indicate whether it has proven itself to be stable. The family I interviewed has been together for four years, with the pair having considered marriage for a year beforehand. The duration is likely sufficient for the formation of family bonds and the discovery and resolution of various potential issues. The family should be stable and capable of supporting itself, though further questions may reveal lingering concerns.

The second question was the reason why the wife ended her relationship with her prior spouse. She answered that she and her first husband found that they could not understand each other and communicate, having conceived a child before deciding to marry, and chose to divorce. Ganong and Coleman (2016) note that such dynamics create loyalty conflicts for the child, complicating stepfamily relationships. They would be especially prevalent if the father visited frequently.

The third question concerned such appearances and the overall degree of the mans attachment to the child. The family answered that he lived a considerable distance away but still organized monthly trips where he would take the boy out for a day in the city or an amusement park. It does not appear that the father is overly possessive of the child, preventing him from integrating into his new home.

The fourth question was the opinion of the boy about his stepfather at the time of the interview. Asked separately, the husband claimed that the child had opened up and accepted him, while the mother shared the opinion that he still held some reservations but understood that the man had good intentions. The responses revealed that there are yet opinions and dynamics the family did not share.

The fifth question concerned the initial opinion of the child soon after the remarriage. Both parents admitted that the boy did not accept the man immediately despite having been introduced to him and frequently interacting for some months before the formalization of the relationship. The stepfather claimed that he must have intimidated the child due to his size, which was considerably bigger than that of the biological father, while the mother thought her son was confused by the change.

The sixth question was about the introduction itself and the childs reception of it. The family claimed that they took the slow approach, first having the man and the boy interact briefly, then going to various attractions together, and finally having the future stepfather visit the mothers house. The child had reacted warily, though not with immediate rejection, and the response intensified after the perceived home invasion.

The seventh question was about the strategies employed by the parents to bring the family together. There were no coordinated efforts to that effect beyond occasional group outings. The father claimed that he did not understand how to approach the child and preferred to let him take the first steps. According to Gold (2016), the approach is more effective than trying to be a friend. Nevertheless, it may be too passive and lead to tension and a lack of mutual understanding.

The eighth question was whether the family had any religious inclinations and involved the child in them. The husband claimed to be non-religious, and the wife belonged to the United Methodist Church. Nevertheless, both attended mass on Sundays along with the boy to promote family unity and as a social gathering. The child had been baptized soon after his birth but was not brought up in an overtly religious context.

The ninth question was about the challenges and difficulties before the family at the moment. The husband believed that the situation was going well, with the adaptation process progressing steadily, while the mother worried about the onset of adolescence. She thought that the child might become rebellious and ruin the developments that had taken place before the integration was complete. The stepfather was aware of her concerns but believed they could be overcome.

The tenth and final question was about the familys plans to have another child and the role of the son in their formation. Both parents expressed the desire to have a baby, but they are uncertain as to the timing. They can support it, but fear the division the birth would cause, alienating the son and potentially themselves from each other. Their current plan is to try for a baby when the first child becomes a teenager and grows more independent.

The interview revealed that the family was doing somewhat well, though there were some areas of concern. The stepfather did not try to force a relationship, though he might have been too distant as a result. The biological father did not appear to be intentionally disrupting the family. Nevertheless, the developments that were likely to occur shortly may hinder the growth of a close and healthy bond between the three members.


Ganong, L., & Coleman, M. (2016). Stepfamily relationships: Development, dynamics, and interventions. New York, NY: Springer.

Gold, J. M. (2016). Stepping in, stepping out: Creating stepfamily rhythm. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

Dysfunctional Behavior Within a Family

As new family social workers get into the field, they are likely to make mistakes before they gain enough experience. These errors may be caused by inappropriate behavior of the workers or by some dysfunction within the client family. First meetings are a popular venue for such issues, and the specialists should be ready to address misbehavior appropriately. Failure to mitigate the adverse effects may lead to ineffective interventions and harm the helping process (Collins, Jordan, & Coleman, 2013). This paper presents an example of a family behavior that may be viewed as dysfunctional. It also discusses how this behavior may emerge during the first interviews and how it may be addressed to mitigate its adverse influence on effective helping.

Tolerating Drug or Alcohol Abuse

Substance or alcohol abuse is a typical dysfunctional family pattern that affects many households worldwide. However, there is an even worse behavior that not only harms the family but also poses a significant hindrance for those who want to help  being afraid to discuss the problem or pretending that there is no problem at all. Children in such families tend to grow up thinking that drug or alcohol abuse is not something abnormal.

Some parents may even physically abuse their children when they are under alcohol influence (Venta, Velez, & Lau, 2016). When the partner witnesses such misbehavior and does not object, children may assume blame and develop a weak personality (Venta et al., 2016). Therefore, it is imperative that families do not tolerate such dysfunctional behavior and take immediate steps to resolve the problem.

How It May Emerge During the First Meeting

Initial interviews are critical because family social workers mostly engage in diagnostic activities and collecting required information for the development of appropriate intervention strategies. Disrupting this process may have a negative impact on the outcomes. The mentioned dysfunctional behavior may manifest itself in the unwillingness of the partner and children to share accurate information that may be valuable for the social worker. The specialist may even draw incorrect conclusions based on inaccurate and incomplete data. After witnessing that the affected family members are not inclined to discuss the problem with others, the misbehaving parent may start imposing even more significant harm. The social worker should be prepared for such situations and utilize various techniques to address the issue.

How Social Workers Should Address It

The social worker should establish mutual trust and effective communication with the family members. As the communication process in family social work is deliberate, one should not avoid sharing information (Collins et al., 2013). The specialist may use general principles suggested by Collins et al. (2013) to facilitate productive communication. All parties should agree on the concrete problems that need to be discussed. The social worker should be transparent when talking about the potential consequences of tolerating alcohol and physical abuse. The professional should also describe the potential adverse impacts on childrens mental health and future well-being.


Among the many factors that can adversely affect the interview and intervention process are dysfunctional behaviors shown by a social worker and family members. One instance of such conduct is the unwillingness to discuss the partners substance or alcohol abuse problem that often transforms into physical abuse of children. When the affected family members do not want to share any information about the issue, the social worker should apply the principles of effective communication to elicit the necessary data from the clients.


Collins, D., Jordan, C., & Coleman, H. (2013). An introduction to family social work (4th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Venta, A., Velez, L., & Lau, J. (2016). The role of parental depressive symptoms in predicting dysfunctional discipline among parents at high-risk for child maltreatment. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(10), 3076-3082.

Importance of Self-Care: Healthy Eating

Self-care is an essential aspect of both personal and career goals. To support self-care, I intend to start eating healthy. This will ensure that I am physically fit to undertake my work tasks. I have also been doing light physical exercises as part of my self-care routine. It is important to note that being time conscious has also contributed to my overall wellbeing. Time management ensures that everything is done perfectly without rush and lowers the chances of being stressed.

Relaxation and stress reduction activities also contribute to my wellbeing. The mentioned activities will be useful when working in the field as well. Overall, being healthy ensures that the body builds resilience. Due to the nature of animals, especially wounded ones, it is important that I be resilient. There are cases of animals that reacted aggressively due to treatment or interaction with a vet. Body strength and muscle resilience can help lower the chances of getting hurt while in the field.

Burnout and compassion fatigue are interrelated. Working as a veterinary technician exposes one to different work stressors. Low income is one significant aspect that would contribute to my burnout. A poor working environment will also largely contribute to my fatigue. It is important to note that any type of stress that can be avoided contributes to overall fatigue at the workplace. In turn, productivity levels might be negatively affected. Interaction with abused, tortured, and even terminally ill pets will have a significant impact on my compassion fatigue. There are owners who mistreat their pets, and this can be very emotional for me. I used to lash out at clients due to negligence, but now I can manage my emotions.

Living In A Big City Essay: Lifestyle

There was once a time when people preferred the small town living existence due to its inherent slow paced lifestyle and laid back, relaxing surroundings. Neighbors knew each other on a first name and last name basis and shared lazy Sunday afternoons at church or town sponsored fairs and socials. That kind of lifestyle probably still exists in some remote towns of the country. Or maybe it just exists in those Hollywood movies like Sweet Home Alabama. The reality of the situation is that the slow paced lifestyle that once described American living has given way to big city living. Being a person who exists in the 21st century, I am more comfortable with big city living for more reasons than just one.

First of all, big city living offers its residents an exciting lifestyle. Each day is an adventure as the city continuously offers something new to discover. There is always a new place opening up where people are encouraged to be different and try something new. The city offers its inhabitants a the opportunity to dive head on into the world of the future. City living is best lived in by people whose imagination knows no boundaries and wants to soar above the city lights that give glimmer to an otherwise dark night. I believe that is the reason why most small town people dream of eventually living in the big city. The surprises that big city living offers is simply too vast to quantify.

For me, big city living adventure began the day I learned to differentiate sounds. Living here is more than an adventure, it is an educational and social learning experience. There is no better place to learn about life than the city. Where everyone seems to be living in a glass menagerie and we can freely observe people and their attitudes in a habitat that they create for themselves. It may not be as open and nature bound as town living, but that is the beauty of city living. One learns by mingling with their friends and allowing strangers into their lives on a need to know basis.

Education-wise, the city offers an educational system that cannot be equaled in the small towns. All aspects of city living simply screams education. From the advertising billboards on the side of the bus to the hot dog cart vendor, there is always something new to learn. City dwellers have more stories with moral lessons to turn than any school teacher can teach.

Others say that there is a superficiality to city living because of the fast paced lifestyle led by the people. It seems like nobody really knows anything about their neighbors because they just live in the same building and nothing more. The truth of the matter is that city dwellers do not need all that time for face to face socialization because city living is designed to actually allow a person to have a social life on a different level. Like I explained earlier, city dwellers have a more adventurous spirit.

Such is the adventurous spirit that even the socialization aspect of our lives are dealt with in the same manner. While small towns would probably rely on Friday night socials or bingo nights, we rely on the internet, text messaging, and blogging to stay in touch with people and make friends. These friendships are not superficial at all because city dwellers tend to create an extended family among strangers due to the distance between them and relatives.

I cannot imagine myself moving out of the city because city living has a different kind of energy that keeps a person pumped up and ready for action. In order to live and survive in the city, one must possess quick with and abilities. Let me put it this way, city living makes one feel alive. Nothing can beat waking up late in the morning and then rushing out the door to catch the bus in order to not miss the first appointment of the day.

Big city living is the trend of the future. Urbanization has taken over the country as more and more states become reliant on industries for their income. The slow paced lifestyle of the past is only a hindrance to the future of any community. the importance of urbanization can be seen in every aspect of small town living that is now becoming a thing of the past. Even the farmers now rely heavily on technology to keep their farms running more efficiently and productively. Something they learned from following the big city models of running a production output oriented business.

More importantly, the city if where everything of importance is coming to the fore. Advances in the field of medicine are concentrated within the city because of the experimental advantages. While small town people are known for their good health, city dwellers are known for the amazing anti-bodies that our bodies contain due to certain unknown toxins that surround us. We are actually a lot healthier than the small town dwellers because our bodies are constantly fighting off airborne viral infections and thereby developing the necessary anti-bodies. My mother grew up in a small town. She told me that the first time she moved to the city, she was constantly fighting off infections just to be able to make it to work. So she was amazed when I was born and was practically never sick since childhood save for the occasional cold.

City living requires a person to learn how to handle himself in various, unexpected situations. There is nothing rudimentary about city living because of the way city life is designed to constantly evolve over time. If you are a person who believes that man was meant to constantly evolve and learn new things, then city living is meant for you. After all, cities seem to have a life of its own. Constantly changing and evolving in looks while the people living within try their best to keep up with the times and interests of those who make the city work.

In the end, city living is probably best described as a way of life for the youth. City living keeps on constantly on their toes and feeling young because everything about the life is meant to be enjoyed to the hilt. It is a never ending adventure that cannot be compared to anything else in the world. It is a state of mind that does not pigeon hole anybody because of his surroundings. City dwelling is all about breaking free and discovering ones self.

Living in the city is like the travel bug. Once you have been bitten by it, you will never want to stop. It is so enjoyable that nobody seems to ever get tired or grow old. It is more than a state of mind, city living is a state of physical and mental personality. Go ahead, try living in the city, it will change your life.

Personal Challenge: Michelle Obamas Citation

Michelle Obama once said, its important for you to understand that your experience facing and overcoming adversity is actually one of your biggest advantages. One of the biggest life challenges I had was being from a poor socio-economic background, where I often lacked the resources, opportunities, and even the simplest joys in life that my peers had. My family was experiencing a series of devastating and costly events, ranging from medical emergencies to house problems. A quick succession put the family under tremendous debt, which limited many of my options for success and education from early childhood.

Like some other families in this situation, whose kids never graduated, could barely keep a job, and engaged in questionable, if not criminal behavior, I thought my future was determined. However, I grew interested in financing and investment, even entrepreneurship, early on. As soon as I was 12, I began to work odd jobs, eventually switching to part-time positions as a teenager. I started saving up and making smart purchases, creating some financial independence for myself into later years of high school. This gave me the confidence and opportunity to pursue my dreams and education.

I do not think I would approach this situation much differently given the opportunity. Except for small fallbacks, I stayed the proper course of action by persevering and being determined. I sought out almost every chance that I could at the time. If anything, I would use the knowledge that I have now for more innovative long-term investments and perhaps spending some of the time that I chose to relax, on studying more, and improving myself. I realize how daunting and challenging the real world is, and it is essential for me to always be prepared for the future. I learned from this challenge that circumstance does not define who you are or what the future holds. One can withstand anything and overcome it with the proper determination. Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed and unsure about the future, despite having apparent dreams for myself. However, reflecting back on what I have gone through, I tell myself to look up and hope, working slowly at achieving new steps on my journey. It is a lesson I will never forget.

Laughter: Personal Experience Example

There is such phenomenon in our life, namely laughter, without which human existence is almost impossible to imagine. It relates to means of communication that make us joyful day by day. From my point of view, laughter is the most beautiful thing in the world. From birth, we have learned to smile at our parents, relatives, and friends. Laughter brings us joy and unforgettable sensations because it is good for us and those around us. When we laugh and feel joy, our body receives another dose of positivity, and life seems beautiful and surprising with all the colors of the rainbow. Laughter is medicine, a weapon, and connecting thread.

Laughter helps a person to recognize and devalue what is alien and hostile to them in society because fun is salvation from troubles. Moreover, laughter helps to survive and support others in need. In addition, it also enables to expose the enemy, devalue and destroy problems since laughter tells false claims to power or significance; that is, it shows the genuine insignificance of the insignificant. Humorists and satirists are famous figures because they create a massive illusion of control, the ability of society to crush the enemy with laughter. Essentially, laughter is also a pill for conflicts and quarrels. If an angry person sees the funny side of the problem, they will simply laugh. Needless to say, humor is an excellent mediator, communicator, and negotiator. When we laugh together, we tune in to the same wavelength and understand each other better.

People who have a sense of humor always have a wider circle of surroundings and are more welcoming. People who laugh more often are friendly. To find a reason to laugh, you do not have to look for funny pictures or comics. One has only to remember funny episodes from our life because they remain in our life forever.

For instance, I like to laugh when watching a funny movie and listening to a funny story. I enjoy walking with friends, laughing heartily, fooling around! When you laugh, it means everything is fine, you are happy! People say laughter prolongs life; therefore, I laugh sincerely and almost to tears. It is impossible to describe this process. Suddenly you feel so good and clear, the joke seems very funny, just brilliant, and your shoulders twitch, your stomach hurts, there is not enough air, your cheeks are red as if they had been rubbed for a long time. It happens that in a quarrel, you laugh, and it becomes more manageable, the situation is discharged. It seems to me that it is good to be self-ironic and turn troubles into something funny. When I am sad, I try to remember the joke and smile. The main thing is that the laugh is real, and the trick is good-natured.

Laughter makes the sun shine brighter and the sky bluer. When we laugh, our brain releases endorphins or the hormone of happiness. This hormone is responsible for our good mood and allows us to experience the pleasure of life. My father says that with humor and a smile, you can solve any situation. My grandmother often says that laughter heals the soul. After all, he laughed  and thats it, all the problems have disappeared somewhere!

I have always believed that laughter unites people with a thin thread, creating a spiritual connection. I can describe this warmth of laughter with the word happiness. The truth is that all good things begin with laughter, even friendship and love, and the creation of a family.

Laughter is the thread that unites people that has connected my family too. Important to mention that my parents met each other at college. They became best friends because of laughter. My dad has always had a good sense of humor and found funny things in every situation. When he saw my mother, he fell in love with her at first sight and decided to win her heart with his jokes. She was tall, slender and he lovingly called her a cute flamingo because she had long legs. They laughed every day, shared moments from their lives, and were incredibly happy. Even now, after so many years, if they quarrel, dad tells a funny joke, and everything falls into place. Thanks to him, I realized how important laughter is in our life.

Consequently, the ability to laugh with other people is vital in establishing good and supportive relationships. The point is that the general idea of several people about what can be funny allows them to be more open-minded with each other. To raise the level of trust between you and another person, you need to laugh together. No matter what, the process itself is essential. Laughter breaks down the psychological barriers between you, and the atmosphere becomes much more friendly.

Once my parents and I went on a short trip by car to visit our relatives. We left late and were insanely late, so my mother asked us to go faster. The road was long and tiring, and the sun shone mercilessly through the windows. The car stopped accidentally; there was not a soul around, only wild nature. My mother was distraught and started crying because she did not want to be late. My father reassured her and told me that this was nonsense and we would fix the car quickly. My father is such a person who finds a way out of any situation and does not lose heart. It turned out that we had a punctured wheel, so the car could not go further. My father and I turned on music and, dancing and laughing, changed wheels. Necessary to add, as my mother watched us, her mood began to improve. As a result, my mother got out of the car and started dancing too. Laughter can fix the saddest situations, and I understand that. I still remember how we danced with the whole family around our car in the middle of nowhere with a smile.

Besides, I try never to be sad, and if it becomes impossible, I remember this situation, and my soul starts to sing. What tremendous power laughter possesses, it can heal the deepest wounds. When nothing can help a person, you need to make them laugh. Above all, I noticed that the most critical events in life are associated with laughter because we dare when we feel good.

I believe that every day of ours should be filled with laughter and joy. Our life is so short and unpredictable that it can end any day. That is why we need to fill our everyday life with laughter and share positive emotions with loved ones and relatives. Laughter is beautiful in all its manifestations because it shortens the distance between people and is the main component of relationships.