Global Environmental Changes: Population Growth

The global environment refers to the things that surround living organisms and their change causes an impact on them either negatively or positively. The components of the global environment include; water, air, soil, climate, plants, and animals. Living things greatly depend on this component of the environment in one way or another. Research studies have confirmed that the major determinant of environmental change is human beings. The day-to-day activities of human beings have got a great impact on the general appearance and importance of the global environment.

Population growth generally refers to the rate in which the number of people increases and is found by subtracting the death rate from the birthrate. The term birthrate refers to the ratio of the total number of live births to the total population in a region that is specified. On the other hand, the death rate refers to the ratio of the total number of deaths presently existing to that of the total population in a region that is specified. The death rate is also referred to as the mortality rate. The mathematical equation below is used to give the rate of population in a specified region in a given time;

The mathematical equation


  • r  Is the rate of population increase in a specified region at a given period and is always (birth rate  death rates) expressed as a percentage.
  • t  Is the given time interval
  • N  Is the number of people that are found in the specified region at a given period.

Population growth is caused by factors such as; high level of illiteracy, high fertility rate, early marriage, and low living standards. High population growth leads to a drastic increase in the worlds population. An increase in the general population leads to over-dependence on the available resources. These resources include; water, food, soil, minerals, air, and other resources.

Over-dependence on the available resources caused by a high level of population growth leads to the following impacts on the environment;

  • Depletion of minerals in mines.
  • Exhaustion of the agricultural production farms.
  • Pollution of water.
  • Pollution of air.
  • Extinction of some animals and plants used as human food.
  • Urban congestion.
  • Poverty.
  • Social problems.

The effects can make the global environment unfavorable for the survival of human lives. Based on this reason, countries which are highly populated like China should encourage the application of different techniques that are aimed at reducing the rate of population growth. This is the only way that can be used to avoid the stated effects on the global environment.


This essay is going to give a thorough description of the effects which a very high population can have on the global environment. The essay will start by giving a broader understanding of the phrase population growth. Secondly, the paper will give an exhaustive analysis regarding the different causes of population growth in the globe.

This part would look at causes such as; early marriage, high level of illiteracy, high life expectancy, low level of death rate and high birth rate, improved and more advanced healthcare facilities among other causes. Thirdly, the paper will give a brief description of the different components of the global environment which include; plants, animals, air, soil, water, and the atmospheric temperature among others.

The essay will then look at the impact that a very high population is likely to cause on the global environment; this will be a major section in the essay. This paper will also focus on the impact of a high population on the different components of the global environment. Lastly, the paper will then provide a conclusion which will be a summary of the important points covered in the essay. Based on the conclusion, a recommendation will be provided to countries with a large population on what ought to be done.

Population Growth

Population growth generally refers to the rate at which the number of people increases and is found by subtracting the death rate from the birthrate. Whereby, the term birthrate refers to the ratio of the total number of live births to the total population in a region that is specified (Satterthwaite; 2007). On the other hand, the death rate refers to the ratio of the total number of deaths presently existing to that of the total population in a region that is specified. The death rate is also referred to as the mortality rate.

Causes of Population Growth

Population growth is caused by many factors in which most of them are under human control. These factors include:


Improved and advanced means used in agricultural production have led to a high level of production. Feeding children is a major reason for peoples fear to give birth to too many children but with a high level of agricultural production, people find it easy to feed large families. Therefore, high agricultural production encourages population growth as many people tend to give birth to too many children.

Improved Healthcare Facilities

Advancement in the medical field has supported inventions and innovation that have enabled researchers to find cures for deadly diseases that have been causing high death rates (Chamon; 2006). The diseases that used to kill a large number of people in a short period such as leprosy, cancers, polio, Tuberculosis, and others are now curable and this has greatly reduced the number of deaths caused by diseases. In addition to that, research and advancement in the medical field have led to the introduction of vaccinations and immunizations that are aimed at protecting people from dangerous diseases such as polio and others. Advancement in medical technology has been one of the major causes of population growth in the whole world.


Improved and better sanitation has also led to an increase in the general population of the region. This is because the major killer diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid are caused by poor sanitation levels. These diseases contribute a lot toward population reduction (Chiras; 2004). Therefore, improved sanitation would mean that there will be fewer sanitation-related diseases or even no sanitation diseases.

High Illiteracy Level

High illiteracy level has been a major cause of population growth in most states. This is because illiterate people are not aware of the impact that a high population has on the environment and particularly on the available resources. In addition to that, uneducated people are barely busy and the first thing they think of in their lives is to have children instead of preparing a better future for their children like literate people would do.

Low level of Living standard

In most cases, people in low class do not strive to live a comfortable life. Striving for comfort in life has been the nature of people with a high standard of living because they wish to lead a comfortable life they are used to. Whereas people in the low class mainly think about taking care of their children and this may lead to having very many children sometimes ten children per family (Okamoto; 2001). It has been proven that regions with people living a low standard life have very high population growth compared to regions with people living a high standard life. Therefore, the level of the living standard also contributes significantly to population growth.

High Level of Fertility

Fertility refers to the number of women out of one thousand that can give birth in the birth age bracket in a given region. Advancement in the medication field has led to the introduction of injections and vaccines that aim at improving the fertility rate of people. In addition to the improved medication, it was discovered by researchers that there are food types that contribute to a high fertility level. These include foods such as yams, potatoes, cassava, and other root tuber crops.

Components of the Global Environment


The largest part of the universe constitutes water which according to researchers occupy above 90% of the whole universe. This means that the landmass on which human being inhabits occupy less than 10%. Therefore, the landmass is surrounded by the water mass which is in different places. Water on the earth is in three main groups i.e.

Surface water

Surface water refers to water found on the surface of the universe. This water includes; ocean water, water in the river, lake water, water in ponds, wells, spring water, oasis water, stream water, and water in tributaries. Surface water is very important as it is used for domestic purposes, farming purposes, transportation purposes, and industrial purposes and also for wildlife use.

Underground water

Underground water refers to water that is stationary or mobile under the earths crust. This includes water that is extracted through deep drilling of pore holes. This water is as a result of water infiltration into the earths crust. Therefore, surface water and rainwater infiltrates into the soil through the earths crust to form underground water (Farrell; 2011).


Rainwater refers to the condensed water vapor and moisture that fall on the earths surface as pellets of water. Surface water and underground water is heated by the sun to evaporate and rise due to the low density. When it rises beyond the condensation layer, it condenses into water pellets. When the water pellets become heavier, they fall on the earths surface as rain forming rainwater. This water is useful as it is used for domestic purposes and industrial purposes.


Air is the major component of the earths atmosphere. It constitutes gases such as;

  • Nitrogen  This gas constitutes 78% of the whole atmospheric air. It is useful in plant production.
  • Oxygen  used by human beings, animals, and plants for the energy production process referred to as respiration.
  • Carbon (iv) oxide occupies a small part of the atmospheric air but is very important in plants as it is used during photosynthesis.
  • Other gases include xenon, krypton, argon, and others and each of them is useful in one way or another in human life.


Soil is the environmental component that is made up of small particles broken from the rocks and forms the upper layer of the earths crust. This is the part of the environment that supports plants life.

Other components of the global environment include;

  • Plants;
  • Animas;
  • Climate.

The impact of the very high population on the global environment

An extremely high population refers to a population that has grown immensely and can hardly be managed using basic resources. Such a population is caused by a high rate of population growth without the application of population control measures. A very high population can have the following negative impact on the global environment;


Poverty refers to a state where a person, family, or community is unable to gather enough resources for its entire populations needs and enable them to lead a comfortable life. A high population is the major cause of poverty in the world (Anon; 1999). This is because; a high population would mean that the number of unemployed people would be high in society. Unemployment would mean that many unemployed people would have to fully depend on the small number of working-class people.

Secondly, a high population is caused by a high level of population growth rate, and therefore, the largest part of this population might constitute of older or very young people. A population constituting mainly of people under the age of 18 years and older than 65 years which are grouped under the dependent age can be stressful to the working class (Goklany; 2007). This type of population hurts the nations economic growth and the improvement of peoples living standards.

The state of poverty makes the lives of both working and dependant individuals very uncomfortable. This is because the working class people sometimes feel like they are being over-burdened by the dependant age people and this denies them a chance to have a comfortable life. On the other hand, the dependant age people particularly older people feel like they are overburdening the people in the working class. This is a globally unwanted situation.

Depletion of the fertile and agriculturally productive land

A very high population would mean that there will be a need for more food to feed the highly growing population (Anon; 1997). Over-dependence on agricultural production for food can lead to depletion in the productiveness of the available agricultural farms. This implies that the future generation would have to look for another way of survival other than depending on agricultural food. This will be a very hard situation but the world would have to adapt which is likely to be impossible because all animals and plants that human beings depend on for their daily survival would deplete.

Depletion of Minerals in Mines

People highly depend on minerals of different types for their daily survival in different ways. The over-dependence of people on minerals is likely to lead to the depletion of this mineral. If the population rises uncontrollably and over-rely on the available mineral until they are all depleted, many industries would stop functioning. This is because over 75% of the industries in the World depend on the mineral. This means that the depletion of all the available or part of the minerals would cause three-quarters of the industries to stop their operations (Newbold; 2007). This act would cause the world to be a very uncomfortable place for peoples survival.

Pollution of Air

Air is the major component of the earths atmosphere and it is a very important component of the global environment. A globally high population has a very great negative impact on the air through pollution. A pollution is an act through which a component of the environment is made unfit and unsafe for living things consumption. The high population would mean that there are many machines such as cars, milling machines, planes, trains and other machines being used and therefore, the air pollutant gases such as carbon (ii) oxide, sulfur, and nitric acid gases will be emitted into the atmosphere thus polluting the atmospheric air (Luifyson; 2011).

Polluted air is unsafe for human, plant, and animal consumption since they are likely to poison the living things in one way or another. At the same time, polluted air might also combine with water vapor and condense at the condensation layer causing acidic rain which hurts plants, animals, and aquatic lives. Therefore, this type of pollution makes the earth a harmful place to live in (Jim, 2003).

Urban Congestion

The likely result of the very high population is to cause urban congestion. Urban congestion means that many people migrate to town centers and cities where they settle (Gilbert; 2005). Urban centers that are congested are very busy and have a high level of carbon (iv) oxide being emitted from moving cars and small sub-industries through which people strive to earn a living. Such places emit a lot of carbon in the atmosphere and this gas ends up weakening the ozone layer. The ozone layer acts as a protective blanket that protects living things on the earths surface from the hush and harmful ultraviolet (UV) ray (Eager; 2004).

Social problems

A large population would mean that very many people would be unemployed and as a result, there will be a high rate of drug cases, robbery, and sexual abuse-related cases. This is because idle minds will always be the devils workshop and therefore, they would only be thinking about negative things. These large populations have to eat, dress, and survive despite their circumstances. Therefore, even if they are not unemployed, they will come up with false ways of getting food, shelter, clothing, and other basic needs (Carl; 2002).

Thus this makes them engage in unlawful ways of acquiring properties. Also, very many idle people would be forced by their circumstances to engage in prohibited activities such as alcohol abuse and taking drugs. Such behaviors make people engage in arguments and quarrels leading to the community, tribal, and national violence. Such situations make the global environment a very unfavorable place for people to live peacefully (Bacci; 2001).

Water pollution

A large population would mean that there are available facilities such as toilets, and waste disposal sites would be less thus causing people to dispose of wastes into water sources. This would contaminate water sources making water harmful for human, animal, and plant consumption. This would pose a great threat to living things in general. This is because all living things depend on water for their survival.

Another way through which a high population can lead to water pollution is through poor farming methods. As the population increases, people will always use simple methods of farming without considering academic knowledge about safe farming techniques (Ashford; 2002). As a result, they will end up using such means as slope cultivation, and unsafe means of disease control that would eventually lead to the pollution of water sources nearby. When contaminated water is used by human beings for their domestic or farming purposes, it can cause detrimental effects. In addition to that, the polluted water would also be unsafe for wild animals, plants, and aquatic lives. Therefore, this pollution makes water which constitutes a large part of the global environment unsafe for any living thing (Buckley; 2005).


Based on this essays analysis, it can be seen that a high level of population growth rate is likely to cause negative impacts on the global environment. Therefore, countries that are highly populated such as China should encourage the application of different means that help reduce the rate of population growth. This is the only way that can be used to avoid the discussed effects on the global environment.


Ashford, B. (2002). Women of Our World. New York, NY: DC: PRB.

Bacci, M. (2001). A concise history of world population. New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell.

Buckley, R. (2005). World population: still the biggest problem? New York, NY: Understanding Global Issues.

Chiras, D. (2004). Environmental Science: Creating a Sustainable Future. New York, NY: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Chamon, M. (2006). Economic Transformation, Population Growth, and the Long-Run World Income Distribution. New York, NY: International Monetary Fund.

Carl, V. (2002) World Population Data Sheet. New York, NY: Justine Sass and Lori.

Eager, P. (2004). Global population policy: from population control to reproductive right. New York, NY: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.

Farrell, C. (2011). World Population. New York, NY: Abdo Group.

Gilbert, G. (2005). World population: a reference handbook. New York, NY: ABC-CLIO.

Goklany, I. (2007). The improving state of the world: why were living longer, healthier, more comfortable lives on a cleaner planet. New York, NY: Cato Institute.

Jim, J. (2003). Rapid Population Growth Fuels Conflict, Says New Report, New York, NY:

Luifyson, N. (2011). World Population. New York, NY: Watts.

Newbold, B. (2007). Six billion plus: world population in the twenty-first century. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield.

Okamoto, K. (2001). Global Environment Remote Sensing, Wave Summit Course Wave Summit Course: Global Environment Remote Sensing, Ken¼ichi Okamoto Global Environment Remote Sensing, Kenichi Okamoto. New York, NY: IOS Press.

Satterthwaite, D. (2007). The Transition to a Predominantly Urban World and its Underpinnings. New York, NY: PublisherIIED.

Bacterial Growth Requirements in Different Environments


Bacteria are minute single celled organisms that live around and inside our bodies.They are so small that scientists often use microscopes to view and study them and each bacterium is estimated to be a micrometer long in size (Bauman & Tizard, 2004). Bacteria just like any other living organism have some nutritional and environmental requirements to facilitate their growth. This paper shall therefore set out to explore and analyze the different requirements that facilitate the growth of bacteria on different environments.

Bacteria overview

According to Pommerville (2009), the term growth in bacteria does not mean in physical size but in population size of these organisms. In addition to this, he affirms that a bacterium reproduces asexually through a process called binary fission. This process involves cytokinesis which refers to the inward pinching of the cell wall that separates it in two after it has grown large enough to divide (Alcamo, 2001). Hugo & Denyer (2004) claim that in the optimum environment, bacteria can reproduce every 15-20 minutes and consequently, after 6hours a single bacterium can reproduce to a minimum of 131,000 bacteria.

Nutritional requirements for bacterial growth

Energy source

According to Winn & Koneman (2006), a prototroph bacterium use light as their primary source of energy during growth on the other hand, chemotropic bacteria derive their primary source of energy from the process of oxidation and reduction of chemical compounds.

Carbon source

Carter & Wise (2004) reiterates that carbon constitutes to most of the structural makeup of bacteria. As regarding to their carbon requirements, bacteria have been further classified into two categories; autotrophs and heterotrophs. He further states that the difference between these two bacteria is that unlike heterotrophs, autotrophs have the ability to synthesize organic molecules from inorganic nutrients (Carter & Wise 2004).

Nitrogen source

In the growth process, the synthesis of most amino acids required by bacteria depends largely on the nitrogen presence within the environment. In addition to this, bacteria also require minerals such as sulfur to synthesize certain vitamins, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium and trace elements to further aid in the process of growth. Water plays a pivotal role in the growth of these organisms because their molecular structure is 90% water. It is therefore among the most important nutritional requirement for the growth of any form of bacteria.

Environmental requirements


Each bacteria species have very specific environmental needs for growth. Among these, temperature has been considered as one of the most important factors. The ideal temperature requirement for all bacteria is approximated to be between 30 and 40 degrees. The thermophiles tend to reproduce best at a temperature of 60 degrees while other species thrive at lower temperatures (Alcamo, 2001). Therefore for rapid bacterial growth to be realized, they have to be in the most optimum temperature. A deficiency of this may inhibit their growth or even kill the organisms.


Bacteria just like other living organisms rely highly on oxygen for cell function and growth. However unlike aerobic cells, anaerobic cell bacteria do not require oxygen for growth and as such, they have other sources of energy.

PH levels

This refers to the levels of acidity or alkalinity within the growth environment (Pommerville, 2009). According to Rudnick (2003) majority of the bacterial species do not do well in highly acidic environments. He further claims that this is because the cytoplasms of most bacteria have a pH level of 7.0 which is in the neutral range. As a result, it is important that these cells be in a very conducive environment in regards to the pH level if growth is to be realized.


Byrd & Powledge (2006) defines osmosis as the diffusion of water across a membrane from an area of higher water concentration (lower solute concentration) to lower water concentration (higher solute concentration). As mentioned earlier, bacteria are 80-90% water and they obtain the necessary nutrients for growth from their aqueous environment. As such, depending on the species, they require optimum osmotic pressure to facilitate their growth.

Theoretic background

The cell theory is among the cornerstones of modern day biology. It assumes that cells are the core structure of every living thing. According to Pommerville (2009), the theory states that; all living things and organisms are made up of cells, new cells are created by older cells dividing into two and that cells are the basic building units for life. From the discussion above, it is a fact that bacteria reproduces through binary fission and from their definition, they are singe celled organisms. This theory therefore justifies the existence of bacteria as well as their growth methodology.

In addition to this, the growth of bacteria is further supported by the fission theory. According to Phelan (2006) the fission theory assumes that parent cells of bacteria separate when they are large enough and consequently reproduce through the process of binary fission. The theory was formulated by Charles Darwin and was quickly assimilated into the world of microbiology. This was because it stood true when it came to the growth study as regarding to bacterial reproduction.

Another yet important theory that facilitated further understanding to bacterial growth requirements was the univocal generation theory which assumed that all reproduction originated from parent cells. Towarzystwo (2006) acclaims in his journal that all bacterial cells reproduce from parent cells through the process of binary fission. He further states that this theory has been used over the years to discard the claims brought forward by the spontaneous generation theory which assumes that living organisms can be developed from non living. According to the univocal theory, there must be a parent cell if reproduction is to occur.

Another theory that shed more insight into the growth of bacteria is the chromosome theory of inheritance. According to Gupta (2005), this theory assumed that all genes have chromosomes and that these chromosomes are the main carriers of the genetic materials. In relation to bacterial growth requirements, each species of bacteria has a different genetic makeup and as a result, they may require different nutritional and environmental needs to facilitate their growth. This theory has over the years aided microbiologists classify the bacteria through their chromosomes and as a result, they have been able to give specific information on the different species and their various growth requirements.


The different growth requirements for bacteria have been discussed in terms of the environmental and nutritional needs. Also, a theoretic background pertaining to this study has been offered. Arguably, bacteria play an important role in all living things and more research should be done to further understand their structure, mutative tendencies and functions. This will in the future help in establishing new ways through which bacteria can be used to further help humanity.


Bauman, R, W & Tizard, I, R. (2004). Microbiology. USA: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings.

Byrd, J, J & Powledge, T, M. (2006). The complete idiots guide to microbiology. NY: Alpha Books

Carter, G, R & Wise, D, J. (2004). Essentials of veterinary bacteriology and mycology. USA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Gupta, J. (2005). Cell and Molecular Biology. USA: Rastogi Publications.

Hugo, W, B & Denyer, S, P. (2004). Hugo and Russells pharmaceutical microbiology. Chicago: Wiley-Blackwell.

Phelan, J. (2009). What Is Life?: A Guide to Biology W/Prep-U. W. H. USA: Freeman.

Pommerville, J, C. (2009). Alcamos Fundamentals of Microbiology: Body Systems. L.A: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Rudnick, L, R. (2003). Lubricant additives: chemistry and applications. Chicago: CRC Press.

Towarzystwo, P. (2006). Polish journal of microbiology. Polskie Towarzystwo.

Winn, W, C & Koneman, E, W. (2006). Konemans color atlas and textbook of diagnostic microbiology. USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Stem Cell: Environmental Science

Research on the stem cells is a more advancing knowledge concerning how an organism forms from a solitary cell and how strong cells restore the injured cells in adult organisms. Stem cells are the mainly mesmerizing areas of environmental science at the moment. Nevertheless, study on stem cells tends to raise so many technical questions as quickly as it improvises new discoveries.

Stem cells are the type of cells that are really able to distinguish into specialized types of cells but they as well maintain the ability of renewing themselves all the way through the cell division. To start with, they were recognized in embryos. In an embryonic blastocyst, stem cells of the internal cell mass continue purposely to develop into the entire tissues together with the organs of the body. Multipotent adult together with progenitor adult stem cells maintains the structures for this body. These cells are therefore replenished and equally scientifically controversial (Gail, 2007).

At the same time these particular cells have outstanding potential to build up into so many different types of cells within the body. Consequently, they serve as a repairs system for the body hence they can theoretically split without limit to refill additional cells so long as the individual or the animal is still living. When the cell splits, each new cell impends to stay a stem cell also differentiate specialized function in type of cell (Michel, 2004).

In view of the fact of that stem cells have the potential to be distinguished into principally any kind of the cell; they tend to offer the guarantee in development of therapeutic treatments in several conditions. The proposed treatments follow physical disturbance, degenerative situation and genetic diseases in conjunction with genetic material therapy. Further treatments use the cells stem potentially to develop repairing ability in extensive tissue damage.

A lot of potential and success have been verified from the research through the use of the adult stem cells. On the other hand, there are no permitted treatments or human trials from the use of sprouting stem cells. However, some of them are of the idea that the differentiation possibility of embryonic stem cell tends to be broader as compared to several adult stem cells. Embryonic stem create the development of cells and occasionally results to be the category of the body cell.

These cells normally appear to be limited to their original tissue unlike types of cells. As a result, a lot of evidence is suggesting that adult stem cell might continue living and it will go on raising the number of types of cells. Additionally, embryonic stem cells are known to be of vital importance for the nervous system therapies. All the same, stem cells in embryonic can be left by the immune system incase the similar case but the patient could still have received single stem cells (James, 2004, p. 24).

The main argument is that the good stem cells come from the growing embryos. Some of the adult stem cells come from the fillet marrow transplants however these particular stems might assist in curing diseases like leukemia. At the same time they are not very effective to sure diseases like diabetes. As a matter of fact, some of the researchers are still working hard in developing the techniques of separating the potent stem cells as embryonic stem cells which do not need a human embryo. Some of the researchers are attempting to transport the nucleus of somatic cells into an accessible embryonic stem cell and finally create a new stem cell row.

The human embryo status as well as the research on the individual embryonic stem tends to be a very controversial issue. With the current state of technology, the formation of an individual embryonic stem cell row needs the demolition of human embryo. Debates on stem cells have really aggravated and reinvigorated the pro-life movement and its members are greatly concerned with the status as well as the rights of the embryo being the earliest aged human existence. They trust that research on embryonic stem cell violates the inviolability of existence and it is practically the same as murdering.

The primary assertion of those people who try to be in opposition to embryonic stem cell investigation believing that human life is more unbreakable. They believe in this despite the fact that human existence starts when a sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell when forming a single cell (Joseph, 2004).

A section of some researchers on stem cell normally use embryos that are formed hence not used within the vitro productiveness treatments in deriving stem cell lines. These numerous embryos are damaged to maintain a period of time possible for storage life. However, these leads to so many opponents of abortion in supporting the human developing stem cell research. Therapeutic researchers extensively propose that investigation has the impending to vividly alter some approaches as well as treating the diseases because they mostly alleviate the suffering.

In the near future, several therapeutic researchers look forward to use technologies that are derived from stem cell study in treating a number of diseases together with the impairments. Injuries together with anticipated medical reimbursements of the stem cell study add necessity to the debates which is appealed to by proponents of budding stem cell study.

Therefore, the research regards to individual pluripotent stems cells that in fact ensures the best cure and treatments of debilitating diseases and also Parkinsons diseases, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, burns, heart diseases and spinal cord injuries. Some researchers believe that the potential therapeutic benefits of the human pluripotent stem cell technology are so much compelling hence they are admirable of pursuits in agreement with the required ethical standards.

The reliabilitation is enhanced and this obtains the stem cells from the mouse embryos and not destroying them up.. Some researchers have equally improvised a very simple and less expensive technique of reprogramming the human skin cells to function similar to embryonic stem cells through the introduction of the artificial viruses. At the same time as they are cloning and extracting the stem cells it becomes more difficult and very expensive, the latest discovered way of reprogramming cells is somehow not expensive. Conversely, the technique might interrupt the DNA within the latest stem cells consequential in the damaged as well as cancerous tissue (Gail, 2007).

The importance of the stem cells study is more vital than the rate in terms of emergent life. The economic, social and individuals expenses of the diseases that embryonic stem cells have the capability to cure are far better than the expenses associated with the demolition of embryos. On the other hand, embryonic stem cells normally have the possibility of growing indefinitely in a laboratory environment hence it can differentiate into nearly all the types of bodily tissues. This actually makes the embryonic cells become a very gorgeous prospect for cellular therapies in treating quite a number of diseases.

After conception, around 19% of these zygotes are unable to implant there fore some of these embryos disappears completely since the chances are theoretically to be used on embryonic stem cell study or treatments. Some individuals challenge that embryos are basically not humans since they trust that the Homo-sapiens life starts when the heart beat develops. These occur during the fifty week of pregnancy or when the brain starts developing which has been noticed 54 days after conception. Blastocysts are however a group of human cells that have not distinguished into separate organ tissue; producing the cells of the internal cell mass no more human than a skin cell (Jennifer, 2003).

As much as the demolition of individual embryos is really needed to set up a stem cell line, there are no new embryos that are going to be damaged to work with the existing stem cell lines.

Some critics argue reasonably that whenever those embryos are damaged they are supposed to be given so that they use them in doing stem cell research or treatment. For instance, embryonic stem cells are further considered to be of more use therapeutically as compared to the adult stem cells. The aforementioned statement is normally presented as a counter-argument towards the use of adult stem cells as one of the alternative that does not include embryonic demolition.

On the other hand, embryonic stem cells create an important percentage of a developing embryo, whereas adult stem cells survive as minor populations in a grown-up. Therefore, embryonic stem cells are most likely become very easy to separate and develop ex vivo compared to the adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells split extensively than adult stem cells which makes it easier to produce huge numbers of cells for restorative means. In one way or the other adult stem cells may not split quickly enough to give instantaneous treatment. These particular cells have better smoothness, potentially allowing them to treat quite a number of diseases.

Adult stem cells right from the body of the patient may not be important in treatment of inherited disorders. Allergenic emergent stem cell transplantation might be very realistic than gene therapy of the cell of the patient. Abnormalities in DNA are so far found in the adult stem cells therefore resulting to toxins in concert with sunlight which leads them to be very poor suited for treatment. Embryonic stem cells have proved to be more effective when treating heart injuries in mice (Suzanne, 2001).

Before the prehistoric streak is created as soon as the embryo attaches to the uterus at around 14-15 days after fertilization, the only fertilized egg might split into two in order to form indistinguishable twins. It can equally form a pair of embryos which might have resulted in fraternal twins may combine together and form into single person. In view of the fact that a fertilized egg has full potential of becoming two persons or half of one, several think it can merely be considered as a potential human being and not a genuine one. Individuals who donate to this belief subsequently hold that damaging a blastocyst meant for embryonic stem cells is ethical.

The intentional destruction of a human embryo is unable to get along with the principles of the Roman Catholicism. To think so much about this reasoning, the succeeding argument in favor of embryonic stem cell study is merely that the human fetuses are intrinsically very valuable and they are not supposed to be destroyed willingly. However, the so called an embryo that line together with the life of a human being and remains as arbitrary as normal.

This Viability is always typical and mostly has even acknowledgement as human being lives under which its embryos plus fetuses. In some instances viability determined the permissibility of various abortions that are performed due to some reasons apart from the defense of health of a woman. Viability is thus the point whereby a fetus is potentially capable in staying in the outer surface the mothers womb. Viability was about 25-29 weeks by the time this case was resulted. However, approximate of twenty two weeks due to progressive medical technology. If additional technological advances permit an egg and a spam to be joined together hence completely developed outside the womb then an embryo might be feasible the moment they are conceived, under the viability standard and life will start at conception.

Embryonic stem cells must be neglected in favor of alternatives for instance those ones that are relating adult stem cells. Researchers specializing however came about this argument that is used by the opponents of embryonic devastation in the study of adult stem cell. The use of adult stem cells from the sources for example umbilical cord blood gives the suggestions given by some of the pro-life supporters approved that consistently produces a lot of hopeful outcome than the use of the embryonic stem cells. In addition, adult stem cell study might be at the situation of making greater advances even if fewer amounts of money and capital were channeled into it.

In development finally proves that adult stem cells therapies has great rate compared to embryonic stem cells therapies. Furthermore, the advanced study and even recent study in which pluripotent adult stem cells were formed from distinguished fibroblast by the addition of exact transcription factors. Recent formed stem cells are into an embryo and they were as well integrated into mouse tissues that born newly, however, this debate is highly discussed on all the sides. (Jenifer, 2003).

Stem cell in therapy development might be basically flawed. For example, suggested study was that autologous embryonic stem cells generated for therapeutic cloning might equally suffer from immune negative response. It was urged that argue that even the genetically corresponding cells resulting from therapeutic cloning might face barriers to effective transplantation for disorders by others researchers. In some instances, therapeutic cloning might not produce the tissues immune into refusal. A number of stem cells are extremely triumphant reintegrated into an animal (Suzane, 2001).

Human embryonic cells and Adult stem cells are equally having disadvantages and advantages regarding to potential usage of cells based regenerative therapies. Nevertheless, these cells would results to be among the categories of cells that are found in the body. Adult cells are usually restricted to differentiating into different types of cells of their tissue and origin. Stem cells and Embryonic refers to pluripotent that why they are among the categories in the body. Adult cells are normally limited do distinguishing into so many types of cells of their tissue of foundation. On the other hand, the suggestion proof that adult stem cell flexibility might survive by rising the number of cell types as specified by adult stem cell to develop (Gail, 2007)

Large numbers of stem embryonic cells appear to comparatively grown easily in culture while stem cells are occasional within the mature tissues and with other methods for rising their numbers in cultural cell which have not clearly worked out. An important advantage when using the stem cells right from an adult is that the possible cells of the patient possibly will be prolonged in background and then introduced again into the patient. When the adult stem cells of a patient mean that the cells are not going to be discarded by the resistant system. This stands for an important advantage since negative response of immune is a very complex problem that may only be circumvented with immunosuppressive drug. As much as this is discussed the stem is introduced by the support that the patient causes transplant rejection. Nevertheless, whether the beneficiary rejects the contributor embryonic stem cells have not been determined in human experiments (Suzanne, 2001).

Stem cell therapy with stem cell research has always been passionately debated subject matter over the recent years. Although most people have a very general understanding as far as this controversy is concerned, stem cell therapy and research has got both advantages and disadvantages. However, to many the research on stem cell is a matter of science invented story movies hence it has some advantages and it provides a new opportunity at life. Likewise, the cell found in the stem is capable of generating different cells by like kidney, liver cells and heart cells (James, 2003, p. 19).

Cells stem move and purpose of restoring dysfunctional cells that retains optimal health. The research is focused mainly on the two forms of stem cells specifically adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Lastly, stem cells provide medical remuneration within the field of curative cloning as well as regenerative medicine.


Michel, G. (2004). Field of curative cloning. New York: Benjamin Cummings Publishers.

Gail, P. (2007). The Pledge and Political Views of Stem Cell Study. North Carolina: Greenwood Publishing Company.

Jenifer, V. (2004). Stem Cell Study. California: Pacific Printing Press.

James, M. (2003). Cell exploration Stem. New York: Rosen Publishing Ltd.

Joseph, P. (2004). Stem Cell Study: Medicinal Applications plus Principled Controversy. New York: Facts on File.

Ruth, K. (2004). Stem Cells: Logical Development and Prospect Research Guidelines. Virginia: Pacific Printing Press.

Suzane, H. (2001). Emergent Human Stem Cell. New York: MIT Press.

Environmental Justice as Social Movement


Today, people continue making multiple attempts to create a fair and equal society and improve the conditions under which they live and develop relationships. Sometimes, it does not take much time or effort to implement a policy and consider the interests and needs of communities. In some situations, many organizations, individuals, and resources have to be involved in achieving the desired results. The concept of environmental social justice is commonly used in modern philosophies and programs. Still, its main ideas, developments, and impacts remain poorly investigated. On the one hand, environmental justice is defined as a part of social justice, focusing on environmental and economic benefits. On the other hand, it is correct to reflect on environmental social justice as a specific field where people cooperate to protect the environment using available resources and knowledge. This paper aims at analyzing this type of justice to conclude if it is valuable for American society and from the global perspective. Equitable treatment of all people without biases and judgments turns out to be a significant element of environmental social justice leading to understanding the issues of climate change, pollution, and resource distribution.

The Essence of the Concept

When people need to examine the existing attitudes toward environmental social justice, there are three concepts that should be taken separately, meaning the environment, society, and justice. In his book, David Pellow introduces critical environmental justice to determine the level of commitment to experimentation that occurs at multidisciplinary levels (Armiero, 2019). White-Newsome et al. (2018) investigate climate and health work equity through the prism of social and environmental justice. There is no clear definition of environmental social justice, but professional agencies and organizations offer their visions of how to combine these two types of justices. The US Environmental Protection Agency explains environmental justice as a meaningful involvement of individuals of all races, colors, and national origins to demonstrate their contributions to the enforcement of environmental policies and regulations (McLean, 2021). Social justice is a general concept that is not focused on environmental issues only but all problems that affect the quality of life. Therefore, it is correct to state that environmental social justice is a critical view of wealth and health distribution within the environmental frames.

Examples of Environmental Social Justice

There are many reasons for people to be seriously involved in the promotion of environmental justice movements and programs. This idea means that it is possible to remove demographic differences like age, color, race, and even the level of income in order to create a strong community. Belina (2021) informs that struggles for the planets condition and racial justice are always intertwined because as soon as people learn how to respect nature, they will be ready to respect each other. Taking such a statement into consideration, it is important to admit that environmental and social issues are closely related. Americans need more data to learn how to create and protect the environment and gain benefits as equal members of society. There are three main aspects for analysis, including climate change, pollution challenge, and resource distribution.

One of the main environmental social justice issues is the necessity of fighting climate change. Some people mistakenly believe climate conditions have to be discussed by environmentalists only. In fact, the climate is also a serious social question that has to be answered. Social inequalities and the existing institutional powers are the drivers of climate injustice (White-Newsome et al., 2018). Governmental leaders and healthcare providers have to remember their responsibility to work in the sphere of climate change, education populations, and support specialized organizations. Michael Snyder is one of the social activists who uses his regular sphere of work, which is photography and documentary film-making, to illustrate the connection between media, environmental sustainability, and social justice (Merging media, environmental sustainability and social justice, 2020). He concludes that if there is a chance to look closely at some environmental issues, it should be used to understand how to consume natural resources and achieve sustainability (Merging media, environmental sustainability and social justice, 2020). At this moment, there is a big gap between what society wants to see and what is actually seen. People know that their activities provoke negative climate changes and cannot find a way to stop themselves.

Social and environmental justice also depends on the quality of air and other natural resources, and pollution remains a serious problem. Environmental agencies and governments introduce air and water pollution regulations to solve respiratory problems in underserved communities. The people of color and low-income communities have to deal with health and pollution risks (McLean, 2021). Many American families cannot afford to buy houses or live in environmentally friendly areas. Their households are mostly located in urban areas with heavy traffic or regions where industrial waste is regular. Some small towns do not have access to clean water and fresh air, provoking health problems and infections that require proper assessment, specific diagnosis, and not cheap treatment. At the same time, people need factories, plants, and cars to earn a living, which means all these sources of environmental pollution have to be used and enhanced. The dilemma of pollution in the environmental social justice discourse is impossible to solve, and Americans, as well as societies across the world, have enough arguments for taking different sides.

Finally, talking about just relationships and opportunities, it is important to find out how to distribute resources and avoid racial or other social differences. Environmental justice is never easy to achieve, which makes it a significant social problem. People point out various reasons why they cannot live in an environmentally sustainable world and use the overconsumption of natural resources as one of the common problems (Merging media, environmental sustainability and social justice, 2020). Social injustice because of racial or ethnic diversity undermines economic stability that provokes health issues and more serious challenges. In other words, it is expected to create a system according to which all members of society may use the necessary number of resources to meet their needs. However, it sounds crazy for all people to get what they want, which also proves that environmental social justice is impossible to establish in modern populations.

Justice Foundation

It becomes clear that environmental sustainability is a goal for many organizations and individuals who promote social and environmental justice in todays world. Millions of people around the globe are interested in developing new policies and plan to contribute to the formulation of a just society. Students and researchers demonstrate their level of knowledge and readiness to eradicate racial injustice and solve at least some sustainability problems (Opinion, 2021). Three major beliefs have to be specified: equity as a background, collaboration as a method of action, and positive change as an outcome (Opinion, 2021). Social and environmental justice is always complex, but people should never lose hope to make some transformation and achieve success. For example, research and teaching should be supported to build well-informed communities. Strong links between histories of oppression and environmental degradation must be detected (Opinion, 2021). There were many positive and negative experiences in the past, and it is necessary to mention all achievements to stabilize the present and improve the future. Regardless of their ethnic, gender, or racial characteristics, all people need the same degree of protection against environmental threats and equal access to information.


Environmental justice is a social movement that promotes fair treatment and equal opportunities for all populations. It is a step that should be taken to understand how to create and maintain a safe environment for all regions. Many burdens exist in American society and worldwide, including climate change, air and water pollution, and the inability to properly distribute resources. As a result, communities have to investigate the existing benefits of their participation in environmentally friendly programs and notice that some challenges just cannot be successfully solved. Environmental justice should never be treated as a goal to achieve but a style of life that cultivates certain knowledge and enhance knowledge. People need to make many environmental and social decisions, demonstrate their readiness for change, and investigate new opportunities. It is impossible to impose justice either on people or the environment. Therefore, it has to be a contribution of every person to creating a safe environment and equal society.


Armiero, M. (2019). What is critical environmental justice? By David N. Pellow. Ethics & the Environment, 24(1), 109-119. Web.

Belina, M. (2021). No environmental justice without social justice. The Advance-Titan. Web.

McLean, M. (2021). Environmental justice. Rock Products. Web.

Merging media, environmental sustainability and social justice. (2020). The Dickinsonian. Web.

Opinion: Environmental justice must be foundational to the new school of sustainability. (2021). The Stanford Daily. Web.

White-Newsome, J. L., Meadows, P., & Kabel, C. (2018). Bridging climate, health, and equity: A growing imperative. American Journal of Public Health, 108(S2), S72-S73. Web.

Environmental Drivers of Sexual Dimorphism& by Chelini

Article Review

Chelini, M. C., Brock, K., Yeager, J., & Edwards, D. L. (2021). Environmental drivers of sexual dimorphism in a lizard with alternative mating strategies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34(8), 1241-1255. Web.


Papers Content

Most of the various evolutionary mechanisms discussed as the causes leading to sexual differentiation of males and females in the lizard population are reduced to the habitat in the paper. The research conducted by scientists is aimed at identifying the dependence between the sexual dimorphism of lizards on environmental conditions. The difference between the average values of the frequency and severity of the trait in males and females in warm and cold climates is established. Signs such as the size of the limbs, tail, head, the number of scales and shields, coloring, and pattern are considered.

Major Points

The main points of the article were the accumulation and analysis of data on morphological divergence between males and females in populations under different environmental conditions. The paper provides a detailed description and discussion of the morphology of the lizard Uta stansburiana, which lives in different climatic conditions (Chelini et al., 2021). After that, the adaptive value of certain characteristics for a particular sex is revealed, as well as the directions and patterns in the formation of sexual dimorphism.

Main Question

The main questions that the researchers were interested in was to determine the environmental conditions in which lizard populations would have more pronounced sexual dimorphism. In addition, scientists were faced with the task of finding out whether only the degree of morphological differentiation would change, or whether its structure would also differ (Chelini et al., 2021). In addition, the paper should have answered the question of the relevance of existing data and new experimental studies.

Sampling And Methods

Both empirical and theoretical research methods are used in the work; each of the methods has a special section in the paper. First of all, observation is applied: purposeful and attentive perception of the studied signs in lizards with subsequent fixation of the data obtained. Next, the analysis of data recorded in specimens living in different climatic conditions is applied. At the final stage of the study, the synthesis of information obtained by other researchers with the results of this work is used.

The sample of species is rather narrow, since only one specimen of lizard  Uta stansburiana  is taken into account. However, its entire habitat has been studied in great detail, so the sample of climatic conditions is wide, which is very appropriate for the study (Chelini et al., 2021). Quantitative research methods were very competently selected, which made it possible to qualitatively collect and analyze the necessary data. However, the method of analogy raises some doubts: the conclusions obtained are proposed to be used as a universal model in relation to other lizard species.


During the observation and analysis of the literature, it was revealed that sexual dimorphism is more pronounced in a population of lizards living in a cold temperature regime. It was found that in individuals who are in unfavorable environmental conditions, sexual characteristics are more pronounced. At the same time, the sexual characteristics of lizards living in warm climatic zones are less noticeable in both males and females. The results are well explained: the conclusion summarizes statistical data from the current and other studies. In addition, each section of the article ends with a summary of the results of the considered stage of the study. Thus, the work is well structured and ideas presented in it are easy to follow.


Based on the data of the fluctuating asymmetry analysis, it was shown that the optimal natural zone for the lizard is a warmer climate. Consequently, the cold climate turns out to be more extreme conditions for the lizard population. Scientists note the tendency of populations to increase sexual dimorphism in terms of increasing the size and proportions of the body in males living there. Cold climate populations are characterized by high density and limited habitat area. This is true for many populations in unfavorable environmental conditions, because in such populations the pressure of sexual selection is stronger. Thus, the severity of sexual dimorphism becomes clearer in unfavorable environmental conditions at the border of the range, where higher evolutionary plasticity of the population is required.

Conclusions clearly follow from the results, they briefly outline the main points of the data obtained, and an explanation to them. They summarize the authors position on the problem posed, and confirm the hypotheses given at the beginning of the study. Summing up the results is quite logical and reasoned, cause-and-effect relationships can be easily traced there.

Evaluation of Evidence and Reasoning

Strongly Evidence-Supported Statements

The strengths of the study are a detailed illustrated list of sexual dimorphisms in the features of coloring, and pattern, as well as sexual dimorphism by metric and meristic signs. The data of the analysis are in general agreement with those from the literature, and no significant differences were found. In addition, a strong argument is presented when determining the reasons for the more pronounced expression of signs of sexual dimorphism in individuals of cold climates. The proof by contradiction is used very competently: arguments are given in favor of the insolvency of the socio-behavioral causes of sexual dimorphism.

More Weakly Supported Statements

Weaker arguments are presented in favor of the fact that the conclusions obtained in the article are universal and applicable to other lizard species. According to the Lofeu, all models of ecological niches have a limited and probabilistic nature (Lofeu et al., 2020). When studying rare species and isolated populations of lizards inhabiting areas with difficult terrain, it is impossible to visit their habitat areas to collect information. Thus, it is possible that the dependence of the severity of sexual characteristics established in the article depending on the habitat climate is only applicable to Uta stansburiana.

Providing Background on the Investigated Question

The introduction, with which the article begins, provides a scientific background regarding the known causes of sexual dimorphism in various populations. However, it is mentioned that mainly the biological origins of sexual dimorphism in animals have been investigated, while environmental influences are less common as the main causes studied (Siliceo-Cantero et al., 2020). The results of previous studies on the signs of sexual dimorphism in lizards are also summarized.

Ignored Aspects

The work ignores the habitat features of some lizard species, for which the findings may not be suitable. For example, there are populations of lizards living exclusively in warm climates, but there is also a division among them regarding the severity of sexual characteristics. This may be due to the size of the territory they inhabit (Naretto et al., 2020). Thus, island lizards are in conditions of more strictly natural selection than mainland ones, so their environment leads to the need for more active development of sexual characteristics.

Conflicting Results

Many specific mechanisms for the formation of sexual dimorphism on one or another trait remain controversial or have not been identified at all. Thus, the connection between sexual dimorphism and the nature of sociosexual relationships among lizards is denied, but other reasons remain unknown. Despite the fact that the article focuses on the relationship of this phenomenon with the environment, scientists recognize the existence of other potential causes.


Chelini, M. C., Brock, K., Yeager, J., & Edwards, D. L. (2021). Environmental drivers of sexual dimorphism in a lizard with alternative mating strategies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34(8), 1241-1255. Web.

Lofeu, L., Brandt, R., & Kohlsdorf, T. (2020). Digit identity matters: origin and evolution of sexual dimorphism in the digit lengths of tropidurid lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 131(1), 109-121. Web.

Naretto, S., & Chiaraviglio, M. (2020). Factors driving sexual dimorphism and colour variability in Achala Copper Lizard (Pristidactylus achalensis), an endemic species to the highland mountains in Central Argentina. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 29(3), 1-46. Web.

Siliceo-Cantero, H. H., Benítez-Malvido, J., & Suazo-Ortuño, I. (2020). Insularity effects on the morphological space and sexual dimorphism of a tropical tree lizard in western Mexico. Journal of Zoology, 311(4), 277-285. Web.

Class and Environmental History by Karl Jacoby: Summary and Arguments


Class and Environmental History by Karl Jacoby critically examines class relations between conservationists and the backwoodsmen of the Adirondacks through the framework of class division. The author investigates the early conservation movement, recognizing the controversy that erupted around the dramatic expansion of state control of the environment, also known as The War in the Adirondacks (Jacoby 1997). In this essay, the author states that analyzing the class relations embedded in conservation allows illuminating ways in which ecological and social relations intertwine.


For the state officials, protecting New Yorks forests often meant keeping them from lower-class rural folk, whose practices were judged as harmful and sloppy. In calling for the creation of a park, the commissioners argued that the residents mistreatment of the forest necessitated the state intervention and the introduction of rational, scientific management of the landscape (Jacoby 1997). To encourage the breeding of fish and game on private lands out of their control, the state allowed owners who maintained wildlife habitat to levy increased fines on their propertys trespassers (Jacoby 1997). The enclosure of state lands in a forest preserve curbed most self-sustaining practices such as hunting, foraging, and logging (Jacoby 1997). Jacoby (1997) describes how the impact of these regulations on the people already living in the Adirondack Mountains was often overlooked. In return, the loathing of the locals carried over onto New Yorks conservation efforts in the region, seeding the conflict.

However, the author asserts that many of the residents of the Adirondacks did not advocate wide open exploitation of the environment. Rather, most area residents found the new state regulations inadequate to meet local needs (Jacoby 1997). The inhabitants of Adirondacks believed that the state should not equate their hunting done with that of wealthy sports hunters, whose conduct locals found barbarous. Finally, Jacoby (1997) describes how an open-armed conflict erupted in the woods of New York between members of different classes. Thus, after tracing the underlying tensions between classes and providing ample historic context, class inequality becomes an apparent part of the conservation movements history.


The overall tone of the essay presents a clear dichotomy of opinions. Jacoby (1997, 325) reverberates the image of upper-class sports hunters as self-righteous visionaries that distinguish themselves from other Americans exploiting resources in the traditionally wasteful manner. While Jacoby (1997) refers to the early 1900s, similar sentiments are found in modern literature. According to Arora-Jonsson and Ågren (2019), Western environmentalism is driven by the urban middle class. Jacoby (1997) maintains that underlying the locals widespread resistance to gaming laws was the belief that these laws reflected a clear class bias. Kashwan (2017) observes a similar pattern: environmental protection is repeatedly accompanied by shifting problems of resource use and management strategies to more vulnerable classes. Overall, Jacobys sentiment of portraying class inequality as an emotionally charged issue is pertinent today.

Conservation practices worldwide are still exclusionary for the marginalized proportion of the population. Jacoby (1997) argues that the historic conflict ultimately represented the larger issue of the lower-class relinquished control over their daily lifes structures. Scheffer et al. (2017) support that, noting a larger pattern of inequality in nature and societies, both either dominated by a small elite or a fraction of all species. Furthermore, Ma et al. (2019) show that communities living within nature reserves have higher poverty levels than the national average, with income inequality exacerbated for the within communities. Overall, the authors analysis of the Adirondacks community losing their ways of life agrees with modern discrimination and class inequality research.

However, the mere existence of inherent inequality does not support maintaining and encouraging class disparity. On the contrary, promoting more inclusive conservation is imperative and requires addressing the underlying class division issues (Musavengane and Leonard 2019). Jacoby (1997) shows that despite authorities attempts to achieve a singular style to conservation implementation, it may not be effective. Essen (2017) supports this conclusion, showing that homogenizing the conservation debate compromises the very legitimacy of policy. Moreover, Tozer et al. (2020) argue that it is important to consider inclusive conservation management, which addresses access inequalities and perpetuation of dominant views on nature use and protection. Overall, both Jacobys and current research support including marginalized groups in conservation leadership and changing the perception of which individuals should dominate conservation.


Through adhering to more storytelling than academic style, the author portrays a dramatic picture of the human dimension underlying the history of the War in the Adirondacks. By vividly depicting the personalities and occupations, Jacoby (1997) creates a fuller understanding of the class conflict between the arrogant, high-class, state conservationists and self-sustaining, angered by oppressive regulations, forest residents. However, it can be argued that Jacoby gives up a degree of objectiveness by focusing on the emotional component of the story. The article could be improved by incorporating and analyzing some of the regulations specifics: for instance, a more detailed explanation of which parts of implemented rules benefited sports-hunters over Adirondacks locals.

Chronologically organizing the work allows for an accurate recap of the events. However, given the absence of topical sentences, theme headings, or concise conclusions, it is challenging to decipher the authors key points carefully. Nonetheless, this historic essay is a comprehensive and insightful addition to the extant knowledge, given that it analyses the topic previously seldom discussed.


To conclude, the author uses a historic case study of the ever-present debate on nature conservation class dynamics. The essay discusses how the privileged population takes the moral high ground to justify making sweeping laws and the consequences for marginalized groups. By describing the slowly brewing Adirondacks conflict that erupts in an open confrontation, Jacoby paints a larger picture of the uneven and unfair benefits and consequences distribution.


Arora-Jonsson, Seema, and Mia Ågren. 2019. Bringing Diversity to Nature: Politicizing Gender, Race and Class in Environmental Organizations? Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 2 (4): 87498. Web.

Essen, Erica von. 2017. Whose Discourse Is It Anyway? Understanding Resistance through the Rise of Barstool Biology in Nature Conservation. Environmental Communication 11 (4): 47089. Web.

Jacoby, Karl. 1997. Class and Environmental History: Lessons from The War in the Adirondacks. Environmental History 2 (3): 32442. Web.

Kashwan, Prakash. 2017. Inequality, Democracy, and the Environment: A Cross-National Analysis. Ecological Economics 131 (January): 13951. Web.

Ma, Ben, Zhen Cai, Jie Zheng, and Yali Wen. 2019. Conservation, Ecotourism, Poverty, and Income Inequality  A Case Study of Nature Reserves in Qinling, China. World Development 115 (March): 23644. Web.

Musavengane, Regis, and Llewellyn Leonard. 2019. When Race and Social Equity Matters in Nature Conservation in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Conservation & Society 17 (2): 13546.

Scheffer, Marten, Bas van Bavel, Ingrid A. van de Leemput, and Egbert H. van Nes. 2017. Inequality in Nature and Society. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (50): 1315457. Web.

Tozer, Laura, Kathrin Hörschelmann, Isabelle Anguelovski, Harriet Bulkeley, and Yuliana Lazova. 2020. Whose City? Whose Nature? Towards Inclusive Nature-Based Solution Governance. Cities 107 (December): 102892. Web.

Natural Sciences: Development vs. Environment

Studies show that human development activities, which occur in different sectors including agriculture, scientific research, oil drilling and mining, building and construction projects, transportation, industrial manufacturing, fishing, and energy are the major causes of environmental degradation.

The activities have led to extreme weather conditions, indoor and outdoor air pollution, and water contamination, extinction of rare species, and land and resource degradation.

The rapid growth of development has led to several global environmental issues because of the intensification of development activities (Brandon & Lombardi, 2010), which have made it necessary for governments to develop policies for sustainable development to protect the environment.

Effects on the environment

The anthropogenic impact on the environment results from the human activities of development in both minor and major areas of development. Most of the effects are unavoidable because of the perceived benefits such as creating order and better lives, which according to the first and second laws of thermodynamics increases the entropy of the environment leading greater disorder on the environment.

The effects of development increase the emission of air pollutants, which include Ammonia (NH3) from agricultural processes, Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which deplete the ozone layer, atmospheric particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, Volatile organic compounds, and carbon dioxide. In addition, the activities increase the level of chemical in the soil, leading to the contamination of agricultural soils and underground water.

The chemicals lead to adverse health effects, which include lung diseases, cancer, and poor air quality. The gases are the major causes of the increase in global temperatures, which result into the negative effects on the environment and the adverse effects on human health.

The cumulative effects of global warming on the environment are the leading causes of the high frequency of severe weather conditions, damages to infrastructure, and increase in the frequency of severe floods, which has resulted into huge economic losses.

Current mitigation strategies

Many suggestions have been made on the best approach to balance the environment with development. Because energy is the main driver of the activities, many suggestions point to the use of renewable energy as a measure to reduce the effects of burning fuel for energy.

Renewable and green sources of energy provide clean and reliable sources of energy from natural sources without using the chemical processes of burning raw materials to convert them into fuels.

In addition, renewable forms of energy are easily replenished by human beings in their lifetimes, which make the sources reliable and sustainable. Some of the examples of renewable green sources of energy include geothermal power, sea waves, rain, sunlight, and wind energy. Renewable sources are cheaper because they are distributed over large geographic areas and are suitable for rural and urban development.

Other approaches include better and higher quality product designs, resource optimisation, use of better process control mechanisms, use of government sponsored waste management systems, use of efficient production practices, practicing environmental responsibility, and use of better waste management systems for health facilities.


In conclusion, development activities in different areas are the major sources of the adverse effects on the environment.

To address the problems, some suggestions include using clean energy technology, renewable sources of energy, slowing population growth, using efficient production methods, implementing policies on environmental protection, changing the lifestyle of people, increasing the quality of products, investing in waste exchanges, and shipping products directly to the specific point of use.


Brandon, P., & Lombardi, P. (2010). Evaluating sustainable development in the built environment. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Global Environmental Change Concepts


The increase in human population and economic activities has directly or indirectly affected the environment. Global environmental change refers to the transformation in the physical and biochemical features of the environment such as soil, water and biodiversity. The change may have occurred naturally, or, in many cases, influenced by man-made activities.

The man-made activities include urbanization, deforestation, and waste production among others. The manifestation of the impairment is felt both locally and internationally. Consequently, the world now faces issues like global warming, loss of biodiversity, famine, exhaustion of nonrenewable resources and poor health. According to Ghosh and Mark in their book Energy Resources and Systems, affordable environmental-friendly energy is important for the economic development of any nation (1).

There is a vast range of energy resources in the earth. Energy exists in gaseous liquid and solid state. Nevertheless, energy has to be transformed for it to be beneficial. Energy sources can be categorized into renewable and nonrenewable energy. Renewable energy refers to the resources that are constantly produced over a short duration. On the other hand, nonrenewable energy describes sources that are replenished slowly by natural processes such as fossil fuel and nuclear power.

What are the implications of finite mineral supplies? How should we address impending shortages?

The environment contains an abundant reserve of nonrenewable minerals. These minerals are distributed unevenly in different parts of the world. Some countries are greatly endowed with minerals while others have none. It is difficult for the minerals to be depleted. However, minerals can be economically depleted. This occurs when the cost of extraction is more than its market price. When a mineral is economically depleted, the users have a few options.

They can use substitutes, recycle the minerals or work without it. These options can ensure that resources are conserved. Miller and Scott assert that there is a sustainable way in which mineral resources can be used (362). One of the ways is the use of minerals to make affordable solar cells.

These cells can then be used to produce electricity. Another method is biomining. Biomining refers to the use of microbes in mining. This prevents the use of machinery which requires fuel. The third method is recycling. Recycling ensures that there is minimal wastage of mineral resources. These methods can reduce environmental degradation and enhance sustainability.

Economically, the theory of demand and supply can also be used to conserve minerals (Miller and Scott 361). Nonetheless, this theory has its limitation. In a perfect market, the price of a mineral will determine its supply. A cheap mineral will be highly demanded. If demand exceeds supply, the price of the mineral will increase.

Although this will reduce its demand, an increase in price can promote discovery of new mineral reserves, mining of low quality ores, and development of technological expertise. If this option is not promising, users can search for substitutes (Bhattacharyya 407). These measures promote environmental conservation. In countries where price control is not effective, other measures used by the government to encourage conservation include subsidies, levies, import duty and policies.

What is your opinion regarding the use of nuclear power as a source of energy? Describe the process involved in nuclear reaction and justify your position, citing the advantages and disadvantages of the use of nuclear power

Another source of nonrenewable energy is nuclear power. This resource has a lower environmental impact compared to fossil fuel. Apart from leakages that produce hazardous fumes, when nuclear accidents occur, they result in severe fires that are hard to put off. It is pertinent to note that some nuclear accidents can result from weather elements and well as natural disasters such as seismic events.

Nuclear power is harnessed in a nuclear power plant. Such a plant contains a reactor used to generate electricity. This is done through a process known as fission. Fission is a heat generating procedure which divides uranium atom in order to produce fuel rods (Johanson13). When these fuel rods are placed together, the rods stimulate reactions that produce heat. Nuclear production plants use up a relatively small space as opposed to the space required for mining coal or drilling oil.

Furthermore, the plants are designed to reduce radioactive leakage. The building material used and machinery safeguard all forms of radioactive escape. Thus, the threat of radioactivity contact is highly minimized. This means that nuclear energy as a low potential of air, water or soil pollution.

However, nuclear energy is expensive; the cost of building such plants and harnessing the energy is quite costly (Miller and Scott 391). Moreover, disposing radioactive waste produced in nuclear plants poses an intricate predicament. These wastes contain toxic substances capable of emitting harmful radioactive gases.

The damaging potential of radioactive material also makes it attractive to terrorist. Because nuclear energy poses a low environmental risk its advantage far outweighs its disadvantages. Similarly, Nuclear energy is used to power submarines through nuclear reaction. The nuclear reactors in submarines have detrimental effects in the eco-system and health. This is through the radiations they emit (Higgins 142).

If we continue to use fossil fuels at the rate we are currently using them we will need to open area like ANWR and additional sites in the Gulf of Mexico. Do you think this is desirable? If not, what effects might the failure to find such supplies have on our life and on the lives of our children or grandchildren?

In the past, people assumed that non-renewable energy sources were inexhaustible (Smith 11). Therefore, these resources have been abused. Although oil is beneficial it leads to environmental degradation in terms of water and air pollution. Moreover, oil releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases which cause global warming.

Currently, Oil is the largest supplier of energy (Miller and Scott 370). This is because oil is affordable and available. It is used to fuel machinery, transport products and people. However, geologists have estimated that over 75% of oil reserves will be depleted by 2100 (Miller and Scott 370).

The United States is already facing an oil predicament (Smith12). Since the country is limited in oil reserves, it obtains most of the oil it uses from other countries. As a result, its dependence on oil makes it politically and economically vulnerable. One of the solutions imposed by the US House of Representatives to reduce oil dependence is the drilling of oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska.

Nevertheless, this solution poses more problems for the United States because the area is ecologically unstable. Drilling would threaten the biodiversity that exists in the region. Using the oil in ANWR will also deny the future generation the opportunity to use it. Since the United States currently has a source of oil, I think it should hold these deposits for the future generation.

In order to prevent the looming crisis, there are three alternatives. These decisions include: the search for other oil reserves or substitutes, recycling used oil, avoid spills or waste and reduce the amount and the rate at which oil is used.

Which of the alternative /renewable energy sources do you think is the most viable for a country like the United States? How about a country like India? Identify the type of resource and provide a detailed explanation to support your position

Renewable energy sources like solar and geothermal power, offer better environmental opportunities compared to nonrenewable energy sources. In addition, these sources will never be depleted. The best alternative for a country like the United States would be wind energy (Brown 177).

This is because the country is endowed with finances and technology to build wind turbines to harness wind energy. So far, the United States have installed wind turbines to benefit more people. Wind energy is clean and environmentally friendly. Compared to the other renewable energy sources, wind energy is the least expensive (Miller and Scott 410). In fact, the country can use wind energy to break out of the cycle of fossil fuel dependency.

Solar energy is not a viable option considering the weather patterns. India experiences a hot climate throughout the year. Therefore, the best alternative for renewable energy is solar. Besides, India is a developing country with limited resources. Tapping solar energy is relatively cheap since each household would only require a silicon panel on the roofs of their houses. Solar energy is also available for everyone.

Using the three principles of sustainability, describe how Icelands pursuit of a renewable energy economy applies.

The first principle of sustainability states that the environment is supported by energy from the sun. In the absence of solar energy, the universe would collapse. The sun is the most important source of energy. Iceland is as a small Island with several hot springs, glaciers and volcanoes (Miller and Scott 399).

The molten rock beneath the surface of the earth generates heat to feed the volcano. In addition, water from the surrounding lakes is captured to generate electricity. Therefore Iceland obtains its energy from geothermal power. Geothermal power is generated from vapor and hot water found beneath the surface. The power obtained supplies more than three-quarters of their need.

The second principle of sustainability acknowledges that man-made activities contribute to environmental degradation. This occurs when human activities use up renewable energy faster than the rate at which it can be naturally replenished. The natural system fails to replenish resources because it is overloaded with waste substance and pollution. Because of the geographical local of Iceland, the country is deficient in fossil fuel deposits.

All the oil it requires to fuel industrial activities and the transport system is imported from other countries. However, Iceland is implementing policies that will see the country depend solely on renewable energy sources. The aim of the policy promoted by Dr. Hydrogen is to use the electricity generated by geothermal energy to break down water into hydrogen and oxygen. The use of hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity will produce water vapor, a gas which is environmental-friendly.

The third principle of sustainability points out the need to provide a solution and implementing the solution. The first solution for Iceland is to use hydrogen instead of depending on fossil fuels which degrade the environment. Hydrogen is found in plenty on the earth surface.

Works Cited

Bhattacharyya, Subhes C. Energy Economics: Concepts, Issues, Markets, and Governance. London: Springer. 2011. Print.

Brown, Charles E. World Energy Resources: International Geohydroscience and Energy Research Institute; with 44 Tables. Berlin: Springer. 2002. Print.

Ghosh, Tushar and Mark Prelas A. Energy Resources and Systems. Dordrecht: Springer. 2009. Print.

Higgins, Chris. Nuclear Submarine Disaster. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. 2002. Print

Johanson, Paula. Making Good Choices about Nonrenewable Resources. New York: Rosen Central, 2010. Print.

Miller, Tyler G and Scott Spoolman. Living in the Environment: Concepts, Connections, and Solutions. Connecticut: Cengage Learning. 2009. Print.

Smith, Kimberly K. Powering Our Future: An Energy Sourcebook for Sustainable Living. New York: Universe.2005. Print.

Water Scarcity Issue and Environment

The concept of the hydrologic cycle is, perhaps, known by everyone over the age of eight. The fact that the three states of H2O, i.e., the solid (an ice cube), the liquid (water) and the gaseous ones (vapor) can be observed daily in the everyday environment makes the hydrologic cycle concept even more intelligible. However, a misunderstanding of the nature of the hydrogen cycle may lead to major misconceptions. The inability to understand the importance of preserving drinking water is one of these misconceptions.

True, the surface of the Earth is about 70% water, which is, in fact, a renewable resource  it does not disappear, but shift from one state of aggregation to another. Nevertheless, the amount of drinking water is shrinking slowly due to the excessive use of tap water. According to recent research, even a dripping tap may lead to wasting around 20,000 liters of water annually (Lutgens and Tarbuck Geologic Time 288).

The key to understanding the problem is learning that the amount of water will remain the same, yet drinking water will shrink. In other words, the percentage of drinking water will be reduced. With the current rates of drinking water consumption, the moment when the entire amount of water will become unsuitable for drinking. Though this prognosis is rather sad, it can be averted with more careful and reasonable use of water. As soon as the rates of drinking water usage are brought down, the solution for the problem will be found (Lutgens and Tarbuck Geologic Time 291).

Works Cited

Lutgens, Frederick K. and Edward J.Tarbuck. Geologic Time. Foundations of Earth Science (7th Edition). Prentice Hall. 2014. 285310. Print.

. Volcanoes and Other Igneous Activity. Foundations of Earth Science (7th Edition). Prentice Hall. 2014. 243284. Print.

Environmental Studies: Water Recycling


Water shortage is a situation where the available water cannot meet the demands of the population sufficiently. With the continued rise of the population and industrialization, there is much pressure on water sources to serve the growing needs of the people. The rise in demand for water has led to water scarcity due to high usage rates of this natural resource. But because water is a basic commodity for all organisms, the current water scarcity is at the moment one of the potential sources of conflict in the world today (Pereira et al., 20).


So far, humans have exhausted all the natural water sources available, including aquifers, yet most countries have not been able to develop methods of recycling water.

Effects of global warming have also led to a change in climate change leading to drought and hunger. Due to change in weather patterns, rivers and lakes have dried up leading to the water crisis, which has eventually created other problems since human depend on water for economic and domestic uses. Today, people are forced to move long distances in search of water, which is a basic commodity.

Water shortage has led to regional and community conflicts when people fight over control of the water sources leading to deaths and displacement of people from their areas of settlement. Ethnic fights, political interference, and conflicts in many parts of the world have led to the emergence of economic, social, psychological, and structural issues. Ethnic and religious tensions over depleting resources have been accompanied by competition and political conflicts between different communities (Filho, 14).

As such, governments have obligations to protect its population against any emerging issues that arise due to water shortage (Marsalek, 8).

It has been observed that water shortage contributes more problems than just drought and hunger; the government should, therefore, undertake strategies to address the same considering the great implication that water shortage can have in an economy (Weaver, 8). The government can help solve the issue of water shortage by creating awareness on water recycling, protecting existing water bodies, and doing desalination to have more clean water.

There is a need to solve the water shortage problem as a matter of urgency because of the following reasons. Firstly, water recycling will prevent the outbreak of water-related conflicts and deaths, which is usually caused by the struggle of water shortage (Weaver, 23). Secondly, constant food supply that is largely dependent on the water will be sustained, thereby eliminating hunger and starvation that leads to deaths and stagnation of economic progress of a country.

Thirdly, social problems associated with lack of water as well as psychological impacts can be solved by giving people access to potable water (Pereira et al., 43). It is the role of the government to make the economy of a country stable by making its population self-sufficient; water recycling ensures that the existing water sources are well protected. Finally, the government has a responsibility of protecting human rights that include access to clean and safe water as espoused in the MDG goals (Filho, 20).


Different countries face varying challenges in as far as the provision of clean water to its population is concerned depending on its economic development level and geographic location.

Notwithstanding this, any government must provide access to clean water to its citizens, and this is best achieved when awareness of water recycling is emphasized. It is thus the recommendation of this paper that water recycling is every government priority to ensure safe and clean water. Once access to clean water is achievable economic, social, and political stability will also be guaranteed.

Works Cited

Filho, Leah. The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change. Berlin: Springer, 2010. Print.

Marsalek, Jiri. Urban water cycle processes and interactions. New York: Taylor and Francis, 2008. Print.

Pereira, Santos., Cordery, Ian., & Lacovides, Lacovos. Coping with Water Scarcity: Addressing the Challenges. Berlin: Springer, 2009. Print.

Weaver, Alex. Exploring sustainability science: a southern African perspective.Johanesburg: African Sun Media, 2008. Print.