Oil Drilling Project Monitoring and Control

The discovery of a large amount of underground oil in the UK was reported in 2015. To be more precise, the area near Gatwick airport is said to hold about 160 barrels per square mile (Moylan 2015). However, it is important to state that only a small part of this finding will be unearthed by UKOG (Oil find near Gatwick airport boosts UKs oil production hopes 2015). Moreover, just like all other oil drilling projects, this one is associated with a multitude of stakeholders and risks.

In particular, each project of this kind involves four main kinds of stakeholders  financial, business, internal, and social. However, usually, apart from these groups of participants, there are more stakeholders affected. For instance, the project may produce an impact on such agents as nongovernmental organizations, policymakers, regulators, or separate individuals and beings such as the species of animals and plants living in the area that will be covered by the project, climate, and human rights organizations.

In that way, one of the main risks the company needs to take into consideration is associated with the task of addressing the needs of multiple different stakeholders; also, it is important to notice that at times, the needs of two or more groups of stakeholders may clash or cross, and in such situations, the company may end up having to choose whose interests should be followed and whose  neglected risking to cause a conflict with the latter group (Suslick & Schiozer 2004).

One of the more recent reports of Moylan (2016) that was published in spring this year mentions that the project has already caused negative responses and criticism from some communities. One of them is called Friends of the Earth, whose campaigner made a statement that drilling multiple wells in the area is most likely going to cause a backlash among the local communities due to the harmful influence on their daily lives and the environment (Maylan 2016). That way, the potential contribution of the stakeholders to the development of the project is quite significant. The company must evaluate the needs of all the stakeholders because they present one of the major risks to the oil extraction plan of actions due to the projects dependency on the stakeholders opinions and support (Brouthers & Bamossy 1997).

One more critical risk is posed by the oil prices that are not particularly high and rather unstable at the moment. Due to this tendency, the financial stakeholders of the project may be reluctant to take part in it fully. To sum up, the primary risks of this project are very similar to those of any other oil extraction operation and are the following: issues of land ownership, environmental concerns, the backlash from the side of the local communities, protest of human rights and environmental protection organizations, the potential risk of oil spills, the difficulties of transportation, the presence of the fractured limestones in the oil, and the fluctuating oil prices (Nixon 2008). Due to the combination of all of these risks, the input of time, funds, and effort into the project may turn out to outweigh the output of the oil that can be sold for a significant profit. In other words, it is critical to assess the exact amount of oil that will be recovered and estimate its value compared to the effort and risks that will be faced during the extraction.


Brouthers, KD & Bamossy, GT 1997, The Role of Key Stakeholders in International Joint Venture Negotiations: Case Studies from Eastern Europe, Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 285-308.

Moylan, J 2015, . Web.

Moylan, J 2016, . Web.

Nixon, R 2008, . Web.

Oil find near Gatwick airport boosts UKs oil production hopes 2015. Web.

Suslick, SB & Schiozer, DJ 2004, Risk analysis applied to petroleum exploration and production: an overview, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 44, pp.1-9.

Planning for Emergencies: Hazard and Vulnerability Analysis


Building preparedness toward possible disasters is one of the key requirements for ensuring safety of a community. However, to compile an effective emergency response plan, (ERP), knowing the characteristics of the target community and its location is essential (Essential components of emergency management plans at community health centers: Crosswalk of plan elements, 2009). By considering the key geographical, economic, financial, sociocultural, and environmental properties of Philadelphia, PA, and the population inhabiting the specified area, one will be able to create a coherent ERP. Due to the presence of natural threats, such as tropical cyclones and ice storms, as well as anthropogenic hazards, such as unstable structures and pollution, it is advised to increase interagency coordination, as well as support for and communication with Philadelphia citizens.


Emergency Types

As a rule, two main emergency categories are typically identified for the risk analysis, namely, anthropogenic, human-made, and natural ones. According to Kolakowskis (2020a) report, Philadelphia is currently represented by both to a similar extent. Namely, the city is highly prone to cyclones and ice storms, which occur regularly due to the specifics of the local humid subtropical climate (Kolakowski, 2020a).

Specifically, among natural emergencies, Philadelphia is especially prone to floods that are common for the subtropical climate type (National Incident Management System, n.d.). These include the categories of flash floods such as riverine ones, street runoffs, groundwater, and basement backups (Kolakowski, 2020a). Due to immense storms and overflooded sewers, water trickles through walls and into basements of Philadelphia houses, thus causing a community crisis (Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management, 2020). Therefore, seasonal flush floods should be seen as one of the major risk categories.

In addition, Philadelphian residents are also prone to anthropogenic disasters. Namely, several instances of fire have been registered lately (Kolakowski, 2020b). Similarly, the city has been suffering from the dangerous waste produced by local manufacturing facilities; specifically, lead poisoning has been the source of concern for Philadelphia citizens for several decades (Dignam, 2019). Finally, instances of mass shootings, terrorism, and similar threats have become a common point of discussion in Philadelphia recently (Abe, 2020). The described issues raise a range of concerns, primarily, regarding the necessity to build preparedness toward a variety of possible scenarios, which suggests a complicated learning process.

Conduct a Hazard and Vulnerability Analysis

Analyzing the hazards mentioned above, one should admit that some of them take priority over others (see Fig. 1). For instance, among natural hazards, the problem of flooding as a seasonal concern needs to be addressed urgently (Hazard Identification Vulnerability Analysis (HIVA), n.d.). Likewise, the problem of dilapidated structures within the city infrastructure, such as old bridges and similar areas, must be managed within the shortest amount of time possible due to the threat that they pose to multiple peoples lives (Hazard mitigation plan, 2019). In turn, the manufacturers emitting hazardous substances, particularly, lead also need to change their production process accordingly (Foundation for the Standardized Emergency Management System SEMS California Emergency Management Agency, 2010).

However, the specified change is likely to take a significant amount of time due to the challenges associated with transforming the manufacturing process, the substitution of the hazardous materials with other options, and the search for new suppliers (Lead paint laws and regulations, 2020). Due to the presence of the pandemics, the outlined measures are going to be slackened down even further (Marron et al., 2020). Thus, while remaining a priority, the outlined problem needs a long-term solution.

Table 1. Hazard Analysis.

COVID-19 Pandemic Seasonal Floods Dilapidated Structures Lead Exposure Water Pollution
Magnitude 10 10 7 9 9
Frequency Highly Likely Highly Likely Highly Likely Highly Likely Highly Likely
Seasonal pattern Possibly yes (high probability of increased intensity in winter 2021) Yes (seasonal nature due to climate characteristics) No No Yes (caused by the floods))
Duration N/A From 12 hours to 2 weeks N/A Several years Several years
Speed of Onset Immediate 1-2 days Immediate From several weeks to a year Several days (depending on the intensity of the flood)
Priority 1 2 5 4 3

As Table 1 above shows, the focus on the pandemic and the flooding issue must remain a priority presently. Both must be tackled on the community level by promoting awareness and offering citizens a set of rigid, concise, and accurate guidelines. Thus, with due levels of compliance, the threat of an incident, let alone a disaster on a community scale, will be avoided successfully. However, in the long term, revisiting the problem of some of the dilapidated structures that pose a potential risk to the safety of citizens should also be considered an essential goal.

Community Analysis: Potential Impact

The hazards outlined above represent quite significant risks to the Philadelphia population, making it rather vulnerable. Namely, if mismanaged, the problem of the pandemic will entail multiple deaths, particularly, among the aging demographic (Integrating disaster planning into historic resource survey, 2020). Thus, compliance with the rules provided by the healthcare organizations, specifically, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), is crucial.

The flooding problem, while not being as fatal, also represents a major threat, potentially causing the deaths of residents, especially children, people with physical impairments, the aging population, and other vulnerable groups (Lester & Krejci, 2007). Moreover, once mismanaged, floods will cause massive property damage and, possibly, deprive a large number of people of homes due to the destructive nature of the disaster. Although insurance may help most Philadelphia residents to rebuild their homes, the loss of other property, including valuable possessions, will affect each individual and the community as a whole to a tremendous extent.

ERP Strengths and Weaknesses

It is recommended that the ERP for the Philadelphia residents should incorporate clear and accurate guidelines concerning the prevention and management of both natural and anthropogenic disasters. Namely, instructions concerning social distancing, the identification of key symptoms of coronavirus, and the directions for further testing and contacting the healthcare authorities must be made available to all Philadelphia citizens.

Likewise, an accurate and concise plan for handling the situation that involves flooding must be offered to the target population. Specifically, instructions concerning the reinforcement o basements to prevent water leakage, as well as the guidelines concerning the avoidance of threats, must be offered to Philadelphia citizens. A similar set of instructions must be issued for managing fire. Every building must have a clearly visible and accurate fire escape plan. Moreover, regular drills for using the said plan must be introduced into schools and other state institutions.

Furthermore, requirements concerning the management of the said disasters must also be offered to local authorities. Specifically, Philadelphia officials must be provided with detailed instructions concerning the types of resources that must be supplied to the local community, the vulnerability issues that must be addressed, and the communication channels to be used for conversing with the target audiences (Topic collection: Social media in emergency response, n.d.). Specifically, to reach citizens, Philadelphian authorities may consider using social media (Harper, 2018; Map: Social media monitoring by police departments, cities, and counties, n.d.). The suggested step will also help to prevent misinformation that may spread across the said social media by other users.

The suggested ERP has several weaknesses that are worth discussing. Specifically, the plan is rather loose, which offers certain flexibility, yet does not allow accounting for every possible scenario that may develop. However, there are multiple strengths worth noting as well. For example, the plan takes account of the key hazards to which the resident of Philadelphia may be exposed. In addition, the suggested course of action implies engaging with the community and promoting awareness and active communication between citizens and officials. Thus, vulnerable populations will remain informed and prepared for possible issues.

Overall, the proposed plan has a clear structure and a set of essential goals that make it relatively easy to implement. Thus, it will guarantee increased safety of Philadelphia residents. Moreover, placing the emphasis on communication between the target population and Philadelphian authorities allows increasing the extent of awareness and ensuring that the provided guidelines are easy to understand and implement.

Moreover, the dialogue between the state officials and the city residents will help to ensure that the resources required for promoting safety, including both tools for enhancing physical safety and the sources of information and education for vulnerable groups, are supplied in the required amount. Therefore, overall, the suggested ERP is quite viable and is likely to lead to improvements in the management of disasters faced by Philadelphia citizens.


Since the current Philadelphian environment is represented by a combination of anthropogenic sources of threat, such as collapsing structures and pollution, and the presence of natural issues, such as ice storms, collaboration across agencies is required to ensure safety. Moreover, active communication with citizens is vital for keeping the levels of awareness high and ensure that the target population knows the correct course of actions in case of a particular emergency. Thus, the damage and potential risks can be minimized even in the worst-case scenario. Maintaining preparedness for disasters is a crucial step toward keeping h community safe, which is why the proposed ERP is expected to lead to a significant improvement in security rates among Philadelphia citizens.


Abe, K. (2020). Mass shootings in the US  Why are they happening so often. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 8(2), 70-79.

Dignam, T., Pomales, A., Werner, L., Newbern, C., Hodge, J., Nielsen, J.,& Brown, M. J. (2019). Assessment of child lead exposure in a Philadelphia community, 2014. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: JPHMP, 25(1), 53. Web.

Essential components of emergency management plans at community health centers: Crosswalk of plan elements (2009). National Association of Community Health Centers. Web.

Foundation for the Standardized Emergency Management System SEMS California Emergency Management Agency (2010). State of California. Web.

Harper, T. (2018). . Federal News Network. Web.

Hazard Identification Vulnerability Analysis (HIVA). (n.d.). Web.

. (2019). Web.

. (2020). Web.

Kolakowski, J. (2020a). . Web.

Kolakowski, J. (2020b). . Web.

. (2020). Web.

Lester, W. and Krejci, D. (2007). Business not as usual: The National Incident Management System, federalism, and leadership. Public Administration Review. 67, p. 84. Available in the Trident Online Library.

. (n.d.). Web.

Marron, J. M., Joffe, S., Jagsi, R., Spence, R. A., & Hlubocky, F. J. (2020). Ethics and resource scarcity: ASCO recommendations for the oncology community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 38(19), 2201-2205. Web.

National Incident Management System (NIMS). (n.d.). Department of Homeland Security Resource Center. Web.

Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management. (2020). . Web.

Topic collection: Social media in emergency response. (n.d.). Web.

Emergency Plan for Wildfires in California


Wildfires have been a common phenomenon in the 21st century globally, and they have resulted in untold suffering, devastation, and unimaginable losses to the communities involved. Disaster management experts in the United States have instituted robust measures to contain the spread and destruction of wildfires in presumably high-risk areas in a bid to save lives and control the loss of properties (Abatzoglou et al., 2020).

The causation of wildfires globally may be ascribed to natural causes. Some of these phenomena include extreme heat acting on the dead and dry matter and consistent lightning strikes with high intensity, which, according to Abatzoglou et al. (2020), may trigger a spark in the vast and dense grasslands and forests. The State of California has been on the receiving end of the devastation and losses caused by the wildfires. To research, California has a unique arid (dry) climate and rich natural reserves of dry vegetation and bones that act as catalysts for wildfires (Cole et al., 2020). This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of Californias preparedness efforts for wildfires, an evaluation of the identified strategies applicability in other disaster types, and the recommendations if in a house with raging fires.

Wildfires Emergency Plan and Efforts of Preparedness in California

Developing an Evacuation Plan

The fire departments and emergency agencies in the State of California have been keen on guiding families to establish an action plan in the event of a wildfire emergency. These organizations recommend that all the family members sign up for the state or local warning and alert services used to disseminate information or send message alerts in case of emergencies, including fire outbreaks (Kramer et al., 2019).

This approach also allows individuals to receive real-time notifications from the National Weather Service. An evacuation plan is critical in response to a wildfire incidence since it guides individuals on the convenient exit routes while providing a fire-safety program, including the use of masks when the smoke is intense. According to Kramer et al. (2019), guardians should ensure that the entire household is knowledgeable of the actions to implement if there is an urgent need for evacuation. The above-mentioned approach helps the agile and highly active family members have a master plan for rescuing the elderly members, who may be slow to respond in a wildfire emergency.

Preparation of an Emergency Kit

California authorities advise that every family member, particularly adults, prepares a comprehensive emergency kit that contains all the essential elements such as medicine, food, masks, water, clothing, and cash. These crucial supplies should be sufficient to cater to a full three-day need. According to Abatzoglou et al. (2020), these emergency kits contribute significantly to the rescue efforts and the degree of survival for the victims caught up in the heat of the inferno raging in their dwellings. Most California families have pets in their homes: emergency agencies recommend that family members consider packing some essential items for the pets, including veterinary medicine and food.

Prepare a Personal-Valuables Bag

Reports from the California emergency authorities indicate that the evacuees often complain that they left behind personal valuables and irreplaceable documentation that may take long periods to register during the evacuation process. To counter this issue, these organizations recommend that family members have a special pack or bag containing all the valuables, such as expensive jewelry and travel documents. The special packs benefit is that it enables an evacuee to save valuable items from loss and damage that may be costly to replace (Cole et al., 2020). In operation, family members are recommended to have a clear plan of the things they feel are most valuable to them if a wildfire emergency was announced; thus, frustrations and devastations arising from losses of valuables are significantly eliminated.

Hardening the Home

Hardening the home is a highly recommended fire-safety approach, which helps mitigate against the spread of the raging inferno within the surroundings around ones residence. An example of these strategies is the use of fire-resistant material during the construction phase of the house (Kramer et al., 2019). Californias fire authorities provide a clear guideline of the fire-proof elements, which should be utilized in the building process. These materials include dual-plane (thick) windows, tile roof shingles, and composite-decking materials that are appropriate for home hardening. Other approaches include creating a defensible space, minimizing fuel within the landscape, and fire-safe landscaping.

Creating a Strong Fire-Buffer around the House

The key objective of the preparation strategy for wildfires is to create a fire-buffer within the houses surroundings to prevent the fire from reaching the dwellings. The process involves clearing any flammable material such as dry leaves, pines, firewood stacks, mulch, and plants that lie within a radius of five (5) feet from the main house (Abatzoglou et al., 2020). The landscaping model adopted within the compound should be in a manner that breaks any form of continuity to prevent the quick spreading of the wildfire towards the house; the fire-buffer is a preventive measure for wildfire disaster management.

Correlation of Wildfire Emergency Measures to Other Disaster Measures


The Californian authorities emergency measures are similar to other disaster management efforts related to natural calamities. Some natural disasters include; extreme floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and cyclones, and landslides (Zigner et al., 2020; Abatzoglou et al., 2020). The knowledge of the patterns of occurrence associated with natural disasters would help design emergency and response measures to mitigate against losses and devasting effects of the calamities.

Extreme Floods

When water from a heavy downpour, surging storms from tsunamis, cyclones, and melting of snow, overflow over the earths surface, flooding occurs. In the past decades, the United States has experienced disasters from floods, and they have resulted in massive deaths and loss of property (Yu et al., 2018). Emergency measures related to floodings such as evacuation plans, emergency kits, and strategies for construction techniques bear intense similarity to those associated with wildfires.


Earthquakes occur when tectonic plates that lay beneath the earth experience motion that further results in movements and the earths crust. The continent of Asia has been on the receiving end of the devastation that results from earthquakes. Governments in earthquake-prone areas take stringent emergency measures to prevent or control the loss of lives and valuable properties (Yu et al., 2018). These approaches have a high degree of similarity to wildfire preparedness recommendations. They include developing an evacuation plan, adopting earthquake-sensitive construction methods, and preparing emergency kits.

Volcanic Eruptions

Massive volcanic activities take place within the tectonic plates and the core of the earths crust. When the magma from the volcanic activities flows to the earths surface, it causes extreme devastation and damage to property and subsequent loss of lives (Yu et al., 2018). Some of the emergency measures include; preparing an evacuation strategy, hardening homes, assembling emergency kits, and creating magma-buffers. Indeed, the emergency measures are similar to those of wildfires.

Personal Emergency Response

If an individual is caught up in a deadly fire raging outside the house, particular recommendations should be considered for a safe escape. First, one should get set with a fire extinguisher at hand, call the emergency numbers immediately (9-1-1), and notify them of their location and the fires state (Kramer et al., 2019). Second, the victim should try and find an exit route with a lesser fire intensity and check if the door-knobs are suitable for handling. If the raging inferno blocks the first exit, one should consider an alternative exit.

Third, one should crawl stealthily on the floor as they look for an exit route; the move will help prevent the likelihood of choking from the heavy smoke rising to the ceiling. If an individual happens to escape, it is recommended that they close the door slowly to prevent the further spread of the fire (Cole et al., 2020). If you fail to access an exit route, close all the windows and block any visible opening within the house to prevent fire entry. The emergency plan would work effectively for me since it offers clear guidelines.


Fire authorities and emergency agencies in the State of California have been keen on guiding families to establish an action plan in the event of a wildfire emergency. The fire agencies have insisted that the emergency kits contribute significantly to the rescue efforts and the degree of survival for the victims caught up in the inferno ragings heat in their dwellings. The emergency agencies recommend that family members have a special pack or bag containing all the valuables, such as expensive jewelry and travel documents. Hardening the home is a highly recommended fire-safety strategy that helps mitigate against the spread of the raging inferno within their residence.

The key objective of the preparation strategy for wildfires is to create a fire-buffer within the houses surroundings to prevent the fire from reaching the dwellings. The Californian authorities emergency measures are similar to other disaster management efforts related to natural calamities.


Abatzoglou, J. T., Smith, C. M., Swain, D. L., Ptak, T., & Kolden, C. A. (2020). . Environmental Research Letters, 15(9), 19. Web.

Cole, R. P., Bladon, K. D., Wagenbrenner, J. W., & Coe, D. B. (2020). . Hydrological Processes, 1(1), 18. Web.

Kramer, H. A., Mockrin, M. H., Alexandre, P. M., & Radeloff, V. C. (2019). . International Journal of Wildland Fire, 28(9), 641-650. Web.

Yu, M., Yang, C., & Li, Y. (2018). . Geosciences, 8(5), 126. Web.

Zigner, K., Carvalho, L., Peterson, S., Fujioka. a, F., Duine, G. J., Jones, C., & Moritz, M. (2020). Evaluating the ability of FARSITE to simulate wildfires influenced by extreme, downslope winds in Santa Barbara, CaliforniFire, 3(3), 125. Web.

The Importance of Saving the Environment

Both man and animals affect the environment while at the same time depending on it for survival. Environmental care is a noble call that requires all and sundry to be involved. An environment that is not taken care of or preserved is bound to endanger its inhabitants.

To begin with, healthy living depends on a clean and well-kept environment. Toxins and contaminants pollute the environment and consequently interfere with the health of man and other animals. Our health is negatively impacted in a polluted environment. For instance, cancer-related ailments and respiratory diseases are either caused or aggravated by air pollution. Ill-health conditions activated by polluted water include cholera, diarrhoea and typhoid (Farmer, 2012).

As much as treatment and care for patients affected by such diseases exist, we may never be sure of the long-term or terminal effects caused by water and air pollution in our immediate environments. Water is a crucial necessity while we cannot do without supply of fresh air. Hence, pollution should be avoided as much as possible. Needless to say, human health may cease to exist with time if environmental pollution persists.

Second, scientists have laid down numerous research documentations regarding the rising atmospheric and global temperatures, best referred to as global warming. As a result, climatic patterns are also changing in an adverse manner. As human beings continue to burn fossil fuels in large quantities (incineration), the quantity of carbon dioxide is also rising within the atmosphere. This goes alongside the emission of other greenhouse gases that are largely responsible for blanket cover of the atmosphere thereby causing temperatures below to be warmer than usual (Munyaradzi, 2013). The latter scenario has exacerbated dangerous weather patterns or extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes, floods, heat stroke, desertification and so on. Of late, devastating storms have been witnessed in various parts of the world leading to mass destruction of property and loss of lives. Worse still, the rising global temperature is also rapidly melting ice caps and triggering a gradual rise in sea level. Atmospheric scientists project that as the sea level continue to rise, costal islands and settlements may eventually be swallowed by the growing ocean waters.

Third, the future generation will indeed enjoy and appreciate the environment conservation efforts of the present generation. In other words, the future is guaranteed if the environment can be safeguarded and preserved at the current time. Environmental preservation is a certain way of making sure that human, animal and plant life exist in the coming generations. Some plant and animal species are extinct due to the harmful environmental activities perpetuated by man (Battersby, 2013).

Biodiversity is important. Degradation and habitat loss can grossly interfere with the various species of living things found on earths surface. Climate change and other harmful human activities have negatively affected global biodiversity. At this point, it is vital to mention that biodiversity creates survival chain through interdependence between plants and animals. For instance, human beings require food generated by plants. The carbon dioxide we breathe out is used by plants for purpose of photosynthesis or self-production of food. Concurrently, we breathe in oxygen produced by plants. For such an interdependence to be effective, we need a complete biodiversity system. Even the water we drink is made available through biodiversity. Tiny and large animals in the jungle seek food and shelter under the available vegetation. If we lose biodiversity, other environmental challenges may set in.

What can individual countries do to save the environment?

It is possible for individual countries to institute measures for protecting the earth. A strategy may also be developed for a collaborative effort to save the environment among different nations. First, it is important to make laws that target environmental protection. Individual nations have a role of making sure that proper environmental legislations are in place. Environmental challenges caused by pollution, overfishing in high seas, and global warming can be swiftly curtailed by enacting necessary rules and regulations.

Governments should create awareness to their citizens on the dangers of environmental pollution. Unless the general populace is educated and made aware on the harmful effects of environmental degradation, they can hardly take proactive measures to protect it. Environmental conservation awareness campaigns should be rife and if possible, be included in education curriculums. Governments should take the front stage in spreading news about harmful effects of destroying the environment (Munyaradzi, 2013). For example, clear messages should be delivered to the citizens regarding the depletion of ozone layer and health impacts associated with it. Unless people are shown the magnitude of the problem, they can hardly be part of environment conservation.

Capacity building and training of personnel who can lead the campaign against environmental degradation should be a core consideration by governments across the world. There is need for expert teams on the ground to spearhead the process of saving the environment. Professionals who can advise and assist the government on matters related to environmental impact assessment are needed. Besides, long term planning on how the government can manage and sustain the environment require expert minds. On the same note, governments should put in place governance systems for enforcing all the enacted laws and regulations. Respective government organs should establish areas that require urgent attention by carrying out regular assessment of the environment.

What can individual people do?

At the individual level, environmental conservation calls for personal responsibility. Individual homes should have waste disposal systems that do not disrupt the immediate ecosystems. For instance, reckless littering of plastic and polythene bags should be discouraged at all costs. Developing care for the environment as an individual requires a positive attitude and love for the same environment. If we heed to measures that have been put in place by our governments, saving the environment will be possible. In addition, individuals should avoid human activities that accelerate pollution. Case examples include indiscriminate cutting down of tress and other vital vegetation, avoid using products that contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), exercise proper incineration of wastes (using chimneys), and plant trees and other types of friendly vegetations in our immediate surroundings (Clayton, 2012).

Reporting instances of environmental degradation is perhaps one area that the general members of the public need to improve. Individuals should play oversight role and make sure that cases of pollution, poor waste disposal and any other harmful acts to the environment should be reported to the authorities.

Individuals should be active enough in joining and supporting environmental awareness campaigns in order to sensitize the public. In fact, protection of the environment should not be seen as a sole government initiative, but a collective responsibility.

Proper and economical use of the available resources is also a right step that individuals can take towards saving the environment. For instance, light bulbs should be switched off when not in use. Apart from just saving the process of energy production, it also reduce environmental burden on resources required to generate heat and light energy. Proper use may also minimize accidents such as fire outbreaks and gas explosions that eventually harm both biodiversity and ecosystem.

What can the international community do?

International agreements and treaties on environmental protection and conservation are key. The international community has an opportunity to openly negotiate a comprehensive climate control regime based on deliberations of past summits. For instance, the Kyoto protocol began on a good note but some members of the international community failed to support certain proposals of the summit. Consequently, the protocols agreement was extended to 2020. If the international community can unanimously agree on core proposals regarding environmental protection, it can be a right step towards the right direction. Government efforts to save the environment may be rendered futile owing to lack of firm support from the international community.

Emission reduction based on quota system should also be a priority area for the international community. Even though each nation is competing for industrialization space in the global arena, an international team spirit to cut down on emission levels should be a major consideration (Battersby, 2013). The international community should unanimously agree to forge towards a common front in dealing with acts pollution and destruction of the global environment.

Moreover, the community ought to fast track funding for forestation in order to suppress carbon dioxide emitted from industrial plants. The latter is a major greenhouse gas. Forest sinks can indeed in sequestering excess carbon dioxide and consequently minimise the rate at which global temperatures continue to rise.


Battersby, S. (2013). Clays Handbook of Environmental Health. New York, NY: Span Press.

Clayton, D.S. (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Farmer, A. (2012). Handbook of Environmental Protection and Enforcement: Principles and Practice. London, UK: Earthscan.

Munyaradzi, M. (2013). Environmental Conservation through Ubuntu and Other Emerging Perspectives. Mancon: Langaa RPCIG

Gas Drilling Adverse Effects on the United States

From 2000 to 2010, the development of the gas drilling activities of Questar Corporation in the Pinedale Mesa was a matter of debate between environmentalists and representatives of the gas and oil industry in the United States. The problem was in the fact that the environmentalists accentuated the adverse effects of gas drilling on the wildlife in the area. The drilling of many wells in the Pinedale Mesa influenced the life of deer, antelopes, and grouses negatively, leading to the necessity of protecting animals and birds.

The authorities launched the limiting rules for drilling activities. On the other hand, the proponents of Questars operations focused on the necessity to support the companys activities because of the obvious economic advantages. The progress of gas drilling could lead to covering the demand for local energy resources and in new jobs for the population. Although the opponents of Questars operations pointed at their negative environmental effects, the economic benefits should also be taken into account while discussing the situation, and the detailed analysis of arguments is necessary.

Even though many wildlife species cannot be included in lists of endangered animals that need specific protection, they should be highly valued to preserve the ecological balance and biodiversity. Thus, wildlife should be protected to guarantee a balanced ecosystem. The risk of the deer and grouse extinction is high when the gas drilling activities in certain areas are not limited according to the environmental standards. While permitting winter drilling and improving the monitoring activities, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) should have imposed new limiting rules for controlling the winter operations to minimize threats to the wildlife.

However, the economic benefits of gas drilling are also significant for not only local communities but also for the states economy. The states economy needs to decrease the dependence on foreign suppliers of gas while developing the industry in the region. The other benefits include improved employment and increased taxes leading to overall economic growth. The cessation of the gas drilling activities in the Pinedale Mesa can result in dramatic financial consequences.

The economic benefits cannot be ignored in discussing the problem. Therefore, Questar should use such technologies and approaches that can contribute to the improvement of operations, increasing productivity, and decreasing the negative environmental effects.

To balance the environmental and economic interests, it is important to implement an action plan that could satisfy the needs and expectations of all stakeholders. Questar has significant economic interests in drilling more wells and continuing operations during the winter months. The reason is in decreased operations costs and possibilities to increase profitability.

Still, the activities of Questar during the discussed period were more oriented to satisfying their economic needs than following the BLM guidelines because the decline in the number of protected species was observed. In this context, Questar should invest more in the research and continue developing the technology able to decrease the negative environmental effects. Also, more limiting principles should be imposed by the BLM for drilling activities of energy sector companies.

The analysis of approaches proposed by the BLM to address the situation indicates that the implemented solution was the most balanced to meet the expectations of both companies and communities. The reason is that prohibiting winter drilling, the BLM could not satisfy the economic needs of the state. On the contrary, permitting winter drilling in special areas without environmental monitoring, the BLM could not respond to the ecological problem. Nevertheless, the implemented solution was also ineffective to prevent the decline in wildlife species. Therefore, Questar should contribute to further research to develop the most efficient technology to preserve the possibility of winter drilling and address environmental needs.

Airlines and Globalisation: Environmental Impact

The aviation industry is a critical component of the worlds economy. It assists in economic growth by enabling the fast movement of individuals and goods from one place to another. Since economic growth and rapid globalization has increased the number of people travelling using aircrafts, the emissions of some pollutants from the industry has increased at a rapid pace against a background of emissions reductions from other sources. For example in the European Union, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the aviation industry increased by eighty-seven percent between 1990 and 2006 (Stegich and McGinn). Therefore, despite efficiency improvements, there is a compelling and vital need to address the impacts that the aviation industry has on the environment.

Similar to all the activities that entails combustion; most types of air transportation emit carbon dioxide into our planets atmosphere. This has been one of the contributing factors to the rapid acceleration of global warming. The burning of fuels, for example, Jet-A (turbine aircraft) or Avgas (piston aircraft), during flights is the most predominant way that contributes to pollution. The sector of the economy also adds to GHG emissions from ground airport vehicles used to access airports on a daily basis, through emissions created by the release of energy during construction of airport buildings, and the construction of airplanes. The manufacture of airplanes uses a lot of plastic material. The plastic is derived from petroleum, which further reduces the oil reserves that are needed for future use.

The emissions, which principally include carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, fine particles, and hydrocarbons, disrupt the life of animals and plants. The poisonous emissions have serious side effects to the people who are living near airports. Those living near airports have been reported to be suffering from frequent headaches and heart problems. Moreover, emissions from aircraft-in-flight contribute to global warming in two main ways: first, the aircrafts that fly in high altitudes form thin ozone layers; secondly, the nitric oxide gas emitted lowers the levels of methane in the atmosphere. The ozone layer protects the human skin from the hazards of solar radiation; therefore, a thinner ozone layer contributes to more skin cancers and eye problems to people on this planet. Methane plays a significant role in cooling down the atmosphere; therefore, lowering its levels has an effect on the environment.

The construction of airports reduces the land available for farming and wildlife. Since airports have to be constructed on relatively flat land, the many kilometres needed to give aircrafts sufficient room to land and take off reduces the land available for other activities. The hundreds of acres of ground eaten away by the construction of every major airport are taken from the pool of agricultural land, which further limits food production for a long time. Moreover, the laying down of high grade landing surfaces takes away the animal habitat in the affected area and reduces the amount of food available for wildlife that may have previously lived in the area. Migration trails of birds are usually affected when aircrafts collide with birds. In theses circumstances, aircrafts usually come first and the wildlife second. Aircraft noise influences the quality of life of those living near major airports. For example, studies have shown that approximately half a million people living close to airports in the United Kingdom have been affected by noise pollution from aircrafts (The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, 2).

In order to mitigate the effects of air travel on the environment, the industry has developed various ways of dealing with this issue. These include adoption of operational efficiency, aircraft efficiency, alternative fuels, and the use of alternative modes of transport. Operational efficiency techniques involve optimizing flight paths and lowering the congestion that is always witnessed in airports. This is achieved by adopting advanced communication, navigation, and surveillance and air traffic management (CNS/ATM) systems (PEW Center, para.9). These measures are able to lower the time that an airplane spends idling on runways or circling airports before landing. These efforts result in less fuel use and less emission of pollutants into the atmosphere.

Aircraft efficiency measures are able to lower drastically the quantity of fuel that an airplane uses per unit of distance covered. Technological improvements have been done to improve aircraft aerodynamics and, as a result, flow consumption, for example, in the construction of a380 aircraft. These include applying laminar flow to an airplane to reduce drag, construction of blended wing body airplanes that are able to reduce drag and allow the whole airplane to generate lift, and the incorporation of super-lightweight materials, such as fibre-metal laminate, into the airframe. Alternative fuels, such as biofuels, Fischer-Tropsch fuels, and liquid hydrogen, have reduced overall green house gas emissions than the traditional petroleum-based aircraft fuels. Even though these fuels do not provide an immediate solution to the aviation pollution problem, their complete adoption presents feasible alternatives in the near future. In order to be regarded as a mitigation strategy for lowering carbon flight, alternative fuels should be in a position to lower significantly greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Additionally, they are also to be cost-competitive.

Finally, another mitigation strategy involves the use of alternative modes of transport. This has been achieved by switching from air transport to less carbon-intensive modes of transport, for example, high-speed rail has been used to replace short-distance passenger air travel in some situations. The energy used per passenger-mile for high-speed rail transport is reduced drastically by up to sixty-five to eighty percent. However, the overall reduction in greenhouse gas emissions depends on some other factors, such as construction design of the system as well as the passenger load factors. The European and the Japanese have successfully implemented this strategy. They have discovered that high-speed rail is able to compete favourably with air transport, especially in distances that are from 300-500 miles. This strategy has been essential in areas where there is an existing high demand for intercity travel.

The effects that the aviation industry has on the environment form one of the crucial issues that need to be addressed conclusively by the environmentalists. If this issue does not receive immediate attention, our planet would have to deal with serious consequences. Obstacles such as international jurisdiction, lack of price on carbon, high level of risk in research and development, and unfavourable government regulations, have to be trounced over in order to realize the success of aviation emissions mitigation strategies. Furthermore, as much as airports are being expanded and new ones are being constructed, measures should be put in place to ensure that the expansion has minimal environmental impacts.

Works cited

PEW Center. Aviation Emissions Mitigation Strategies. PEW center on Global Climate Change. N.d. Web.

Stegich, Stephen, and McGinn, Laura. The EU Emissions Trading Scheme and Aviation. Condon & Forsyth LLP. 2008. Web.

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. Aviation and the environment. Parliament.uk. 2003. Web.

Environment: Endangered Species

Globally, over 14,000 animal species face a risk of extinction. The reasons for the near extinction include poaching, habitat loss, human-wildlife conflict, pollution, diseases, climate change, and low birth rates (IUCN, 2021). Some of the most endangered species include the Javan rhino, African elephants, black rhino, snow leopards, orangutans, the vaquita, Amur leopards, and the eastern lowland gorillas. With the appropriate conservation measure, endangered animals may increase over time.

Captive breeding and reintroduction are among the most effective conservation approaches. They involve capturing, breeding, and rearing endangered animals in wildlife reserves, zoos, or aquariums to help increase their numbers. After a significant number is raised, the animals can then be released back to their natural habitats. For example, in 1982, only 22 California condors existed in the wild; however, captive breeding increased the number to 425 in 2014 (Association of Zoos & Aquarium, n.d). Thus, when threats are reduced, the rare species can improve in numbers.

Habitat protection is critical in ensuring the safety of endangered animals. Protected areas where endangered species can be placed include nature reserves, national parks, and wildlife refuges. There are various marine reserves and protected areas that prohibit fishing, thus safeguarding the marine species. In this case, New Zealand has several marine reserves that protect sea turtles, aquatic mammals, and some fish species such as manta rays and white pointer sharks (Ministry for Primary Industries, n.d). Additionally, some laws and regulations safeguard wildlife at state, national, and global levels to prevent animal extinction. In this case, CITES or the Washington convention significantly regulates the global trade of wild animals. This treaty restricts and controls any trade involving endangered species to ensure they do not become extinct

In conclusion, human activity and climate change continually threaten some wild animals survival. Nonetheless, appropriate conservation methods such as captive breeding and habitat protection can ensure the continuous reproduction of these species. The enactment of state, national and global laws that safeguard wild animals also promotes the survival of these species. Human beings have a responsibility to ensure the protection of wild animals and their habitats.

Global warming is one of the biggest threats to animal and plant survival. The accumulation of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, deforestation, and increased agricultural activities are major contributors to this phenomenon. The increased earth temperature associated with global warming has led to climate change resulting in several natural calamities. However, the threat of global warming can be reduced by using renewable energy, recycling, planting more trees, and lowering the emission of greenhouse gases.

Global warming has significant adverse impacts on human beings and the environment. The extreme heat associated with climate change increases complications from underlying respiratory and heart diseases such as renal failure and asthma and may cause other heat-related disorders. Global warming also increases the risk of storms and drought, affecting food supply, which may cause death to both humans and animals (Global Climate Change, 2021). It has also been linked to ocean acidification, increased ocean temperature, and rising sea levels. Such occurrences have led to the death of a significant number of marine life.

Rather than human actions, global warming may result from natural forces. Human activities such as deforestation, industrial processes, and agricultural activities have long been attributed to climate change. However, there are claims that complex gravitational interactions, particularly alterations in the earths orbit, torque, and axial tilt, may also influence climate change resulting in increased temperature (Neaves, 2017). Gradual shifts in the earths orbit combined with its axial tilt places the south and north poles more directly to the sun resulting in temperature extremes.

In conclusion, global warming has adverse effects on humans and nature. It exposes humans to heat-related diseases and increases complications of respiratory illnesses such as asthma. Climate change depletes vegetation causing food shortage and death to humans and animals. Similarly, it causes ocean warming and acidification, which destroys marine life. Although some natural forces such as shifts in the earths orbit and axis may trigger temperature changes, human activities are the greatest contributors to global warming.


Association of Zoos & Aquarium (n.d). Reintroduction programs. Web.

Ministry for Primary Industries. (n.d). Protecting marine life. Web.

Neaves, T., T. (2017). . NBC News. Web.

International Union for Conservation of Nature. (2021). . Web.

Global Climate Change. (2021). The effects of climate change. Web.

Great Cities Impact on Ecology and Environmental Health

There is no use denying the fact that nowadays the majority of people live in giant cities which cover great areas and shelter millions of their inhabitants. Blistering industrialization led to the development of cities as there was a great need in the workforce. People left rural areas in order to earn money and guarantee a good future for their children. That is why urbanization could be called one of the main peculiarities of the 20th and 21st century. However, it should be said that this significant process has its advantages and disadvantages. Satisfying the need of huge corporations in the workforce, big cities at the same time create a great number of problems such as environmental pollution, development of criminality and a great number of other phenomena which could be taken as a great drawback of the blistering development of cities. With this in mind, resting on these facts, it is possible to say that nowadays there is a tendency to reconsider the nature of cities and outline the main problems which influence their functioning, society and the state of the whole world. Under these conditions, environmental problems should be taken as one of the most important ones as nowadays humanity lives in the world which is polluted and the necessity of some actions to stop this process becomes obvious. That is why, the main aim of the suggested research paper will be to investigate the impact of great cities on ecology and their environmental health as these factors influence the life of people in cities greatly.

First of all, it should be said that the importance of the suggested urban problem is proved by the fact that hundreds of scientists all over the world investigate the given issue and come to the conclusion that state of the environment in giant cities is close to catastrophic. Being one of the main energy consumers, they also become the main pollutants, producing a negative impact on the atmosphere, water, soil and the health of people. Moreover, due to the fact that big cities constantly grow, consuming new lands and demanding more and more energy, it is possible to suggest that the chosen urban problem can become the most topical for the following decade.

It should also be said that like all urban problems, the problem of environmental pollution in cities is complicated by the fact that it results from the interaction of millions of people who had to communicate every day under various conditions. It is obvious that such a great flock could not but influence negatively the state of the environment. With this in mind, it is possible to suggest the usage of certain sociological theories in order to analyze the way in which people interact with each other and how this process promotes its influence on the state of the chosen urban problem.

Resting on these facts, having analyzed the main peculiarities of the process of urbanization and the main urban problems which appear due to the influence of this very process, it is possible to make a certain conclusion. It should be said that in terms of the modern state of the world, environmental pollution and the impact of cities on ecology and the health of people could be called the main urban problem which should be analyzed in order to find the most efficient solution.

Integrated Pest Management Strategies


Managing pests and unwanted competition in the natural cycle of life means using different strategies to achieve the desired outcome. Some approaches entail pesticides, among other risky chemical applications, which, while practical, present other complications for people, animals, and the environment. The introduction of integrated pest management (IPM) deters the use of such dangerous strategies in favor of more eco-friendly, preventive, and long-term ways. The decision on which strategy to apply depends on the political, economic, and social structures and policies facing the person or group. The goal herein is to analyze the theory of IPM and its application concerning how organizational, societal, and individual disparities and similarities affect decisions using science.

They Say

The theory of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has a foundation of environmental sensitivity while offering effectiveness in achieving the desired outcome. IPM relies on scientific information and pest control methods to ensure fewer costs and hazardous effects. The first step is to identify the pest, determine if it is harmful, and estimate how big of a problem it could become in the future. The second step is to target the harmful pest with the best approach, the least toxic, most economical, and environmentally friendly strategy that offers longevity and safety. The final step is to evaluate the outcome to identify unforeseen risks and confirm the effectiveness of the strategy chosen for the endeavor.

Disparities Create Challenges

The goal is to get more people and groups involved in controlling pests and unwanted organisms toward an IPM continuum. Organizations and individuals continue to conduct IPM as a form of sustainable agriculture, focusing on agrarian circles. Analyzing the social and behavioral science behind this trend shows reduced pesticide use and an improvement in environmental and human health issues of the past. Unfortunately, chemical control still forms a large part of pest control. Individual farmers in cultures and societies where agriculture is a significant economic activity offer some resistance to changes brought by IPM due to instances of ineffectiveness and unacceptable outcomes. The definition of unwanted competitors and pests depends on the individuals context. The failure of the responsible institutes to create more awareness of the ecological function of agroecosystems has led to misinformation about IPM strategies.

Similarities Offer Solutions

An IPM program must match the setting so it gets applied suitably. There needs to be more streamlining to ensure the standardization of IPM applications for more success. With more political goodwill comes formulation and implementation policies supporting further IPM innovations from organizational to individual settings. The economic factor of insufficient funds for research should become a thing of the past as government support means advancing IPM to meet the needs of modern-day challenges. More success on those fronts would yield better outcomes during trial periods, thus positively affecting social factors and individual perspectives. The result is the development of a social structure for IPM development and information dissemination to enforce good decision-making, resulting in more effectiveness.

I Say

Applying IPM strategies is not the solution to all issues affecting pest management in all settings. Variations lead to different results and ineffectiveness in some instances. Such setbacks manifesting in individual isolated setups are an excuse to abandon the practice and opt for more environmentally hazardous ways. As aforementioned, political goodwill promises better policies and mandates based on informed research is critical to countering these shortcomings. The funding of research institutes produces standardized information that reduces variations and increases the chances of acceptability for newer methodologies. Adopting natural methods means an eco-friendly response that keeps people, including myself, safe and risk-free against the adverse effects of hazardous chemicals.

The challenge mentioned above of most applications centrally relying on chemical control is that this approach emphasizes pests and other unwanted competitors, while ignoring organisms that offer value. Through the evolution of human needs, non-human organisms continue to bear the brunt of some approaches used. The result has been the extermination of some species and the adverse contribution of a less diverse planet than the one found.

Conservation of the environment for future societies and non-human organisms should be part of the information disseminated on why IPM is the best alternative. I would be more inclined to align with IPM changes because they offer holistic benefits to the environment, organisms in the environment, and the people. Social factors would also align with IPM changes since they promise balance in the ecosystem by eradicating harmful pests without affecting non-pest organisms.


The argument for IPM approaches offers more positives for humans, animals, and the environment. It requires identifying the problem, targeting the pest with the most suitable strategy, and evaluating the result. Unfortunately, the hindrances to applying this theory span social, political, and economic factors. Resistance due to failure and lack of context on the benefits led to the stagnation of IPM applications. Fortunately, it is possible to get things back on track with more standardization of policies, data, and information to guarantee organizations and individuals success. While the argument is pest management, there needs to be more thought towards conserving the organisms that offer value. It is the best way to ensure that the planet left behind for the next generation is not worse than it is today.

US Environmental Inequality After Disasters

The quality of the environment in the United States is subject to the socioeconomic status of the people. The events that followed Hurricane Katrina clearly reveal that the government has invested in disaster response infrastructure more intensely in regions occupied by the Whites (Frickel and Edwards 215). The disaster also revealed that the communities living near the industrial corridor had complained repetitively about the quality of the environment with limited positive response from the government. Studies have revealed that the affected communities continue facing elevated risks of cancer and respiratory diseases because of the poor quality of the air.

Additionally, the lack of adequate infrastructures like temporary homes and disaster response equipment saw many people losing their lives in this region, as opposed to other regions that were also hit by the hurricane. As the situation stands, the poor people in the minority groups still face higher rates of vulnerability to environment-related disasters than the Whites in the Southern States. The lack of financial power elevates the risks associated with the lack of the ability to respond quickly to disasters among the members of the community, but the Southern States highlights a situation where even the Blacks, Latinos, and Asians face inequality in environmental quality (Frickel and Edwards 217). The situation should compel the government to develop relevant plans to alleviate the situation.

Works Cited

Frickel, Scott, and Michelle Edwards. Untangling Ignorance in Environmental Risk Assessment. Powerless Science, vol. 1, no. 1, 2014, pp. 215-233.