Influence of Social Media on the Interpersonal Communication

Introduction to Social Media’s Impact on Interpersonal Communication

In this paper, we discuss the impacts of social media on the interpersonal communication of the individuals in any society. The people who are using these newer connecting platforms tend to lose their actual relationship as it takes a toll on how people interact with others. We would also discuss what different theories tell us about the impacts of use of social media.

Social media nowadays has quite a huge impact on modern life which includes interpersonal communication. In this research paper, we are going to raise some points which would form the basis for our issue, which is finding the relation between the social media and its effects on the interpersonal communication of individuals in the daily life. There is this lack of time for individuals as well as the families and people are very much focused on using the social media for the purpose of commination rather than building an actual relationship with people which would be based upon interpersonal communication. With the digitalization happening at a very fast pace, people have started to ignore the face to face meetings which helps in avoiding people and just communicating over their phones and other devices. The life itself has become very fast-paced and people don’t seem to have time to greet others out of their busy schedules.

Social media has been defined as the forms of electronic communication which can be social networking websites or blogging using which the users start their online communications in which information is shared, ideas, personal messages and other content which is shareable.

Something in excessive amount can be bad, in this situation we are talking about the use of social media, which has created a rift between people. Ever since the man came to this world, he has the thirst to interact with the world. It started from simple languages to an advanced level where we use computers and mobile phones for that purpose. The communication stays there but the source changes from time to time. It feels like that with the advent of social media, has sacrificed the actual socialization which is person to person with something which is based on the screens (Keller, 2019).

The Shift from Face-to-Face Interaction to Digital Communication

Interpersonal communication can be characterized by saying the communication which takes between people face to face, or in a situation which involves the person being present physically and communicating with others. This communication is a very important need of people and even from the beginning, humans have been communicating with others and thirst for the socializing never ends. Talking to people is quite important as we dint ignore people and feel less lonely in this world. Interpersonal relation is a string and deeper relationship, it marks close association with people. This association can be based upon the love, inference, solidarity or any other social commitment. It also holds importance very much in the business world as well, face to face communication seems very necessary to deal in businesses.

Instead of bringing people together social media has been playing a role which is contrary to the task which is required of it. Although it would be right to say that people have been inclined towards becoming more social using these social media services but this has started this inevitable shift in the ways we communicate , people tend to prefer these social media more than going to people and talking to them as it seems more convenient as well as easier to establish. Much and more online communication has certainly reduced our interaction based upon face to face communication.

Theories Analyzing Social Media’s Influence on Communication

We can use three different theories using which we can study and understand the problem at hand. These would tell us about the changes which are faced with interpersonal communications after social media. These are Technology Determinism, Theory of used and gratification as well as social penetration theory.

This says that technology is the determining factor or medium which has the ability to shape and scale the human actions and their associations. Social media would provide us with newer experiences and able to provide us with the opportunity to be anywhere in the world without actually going there. These would be an invaluable gift if the technology which we tend to enjoy.

This theory gives out four basics requirements which are Social interaction, personal identity, entertainment, personal relationship. All of these requirements are met by the social media entirely. People use these sort of services for the creation of social networks which basically enables them to socialize with other individuals and connecting with the people who are far away. They can vent their opinions using these portals and can get feedback which is necessary. This is used as a means to communicate their point to the world.

The process is very slow for the development interpersonal relationships according to this theory. It is noted in the research that social media does seem to have some sorts of effects over interpersonal interaction skills. The communication based on the use of computers has certainly sped up the whole process very much and people tend to disclose their personal information over these media services rather than talking face to face. The reason is that amount of control we get is much higher in the social media which cannot be the case of live discussion, as people do have time to think and reply to other people than to just say away which is done in live. This is how we talk about control in this situation.

The Negative Consequences of Excessive Social Media Use

One of the most negative impacts of the excessive use of social media would be the issue of alienation which is very destructive in nature. The social media tends to rewire the whole relationships and contributes to the alienation process very much. Alienation of humans socially is considered as a high level of isolation a human would endure and creation of distance among the individuals who would not be that much drifted apart as they are now. As people have started to spend most of their time in a life which is artificial and based on our computers, which they have created on these social media and spend very little energy to their current situations. The weakening of social ties becomes a reality. This is believed that behind liking, commenting and posting, sharing, there is strong hint of jealousy and anxiety, there are also hints of depression in some cases. It is argued by the scholars that there can certainty be some negative impacts on the quality of interaction. The underlying major reason can be thought of as the lack of verbal communication and this has left people to interact using social media. The nonverbal communication is a huge part of the conversation which we miss out through the social media, the voice tone, posture of our bodies, facial expression and gestures. Thus, nonverbal communication seems to be key to the type of communication which is considered to be rich. In absence of these things, message interpretation becomes a very difficult task to be performed and the actual meaning of the messages does not seem to be that much clear which is required by the reader to know the actual meaning. This is how the quality of the communication is depleted which leads to further animosity among the individuals. In social media the relations are depicted only through mere images. The characters of individuals are also affected by the use of social media communication. Social media has an effect on us and makes us impatient and anxious. Many teenagers, as well as adults, tend to wake up at night only to check their phone and tier notifications and fear of missing out on anything that would be happening around on the social media platforms, as that information might not be available the next day. We are losing our abilities of face to face interactions due to social media and that’s has become a huge issue for this generation.

Any tool would be a weapon if you hold it right. Social media should also be treated as a tool for people rather than man becoming a tool for social media. Furthermore, it should be used to the extent that it does not impact our lives in a negative way and should be advantageous to us. The time which is spent on using social media should be limited.

The Dilemma of Online Relationships and Cyberbullying

The impact of social media on our ability to communicate and interact can be seen throughout all the areas of any society. Social media certainly affects the interpersonal communications of the individuals who divulge in these platforms. The shift from actual interaction which is face to face to using screens is pretty fast and visible. People are becoming more social but only through the social; media ad the style has changed drastically. The interaction which is based on social media tends to have ties which are quite weak. We don’t actually feel that much connected with the people on the other end as much as it can happen in the face to face talk. Communicating more does not necessarily mean that the relations and ties are stronger. On social media, tend to trust the other party and we become quite open with them using only social media. They need to deepen the relationship is not realized in social media and people start to prefer avoiding the face to face interaction. These relations tend to exist in the status quo. We tend to connect with the people who have the same kind of point of view and we don’t get any diversity in the relationships which can be achieved in actual communication. The bugger the change in the technology, the bigger changes would be encountered in the style of communication. The influence is so much far stretched that bad online encounter would be equivalent to the same kind of feeling we get when we have a bad relationship in our real life, the only thing changed is the mode. Cyberbullying is an example of that which has same kind of effect which can be seen in actual bullying. There are cases where online bullying becomes more extreme than in real life bullying, Due to the fact of things getting viral and people are forced into isolation due to some small things they might have said.

There is an overload of information on the social media which stimulates the users to use to more and more so they can know what is going around them in the world. There is also the issue of lack of privacy in using social media. The information which we might have shared privately back then in face to face conversation is shared publicly or to a bigger circle than usual, this creates subtle issue for the privacy. So, it becomes very easy to get personal information of individuals o these social media platforms which might not be intended to be used by the publishing individual. The social media is likely to grow on unprecedented speeds, it is up to ourselves that how much of that we would need to consume, and we have to work towards making actual relations. The good and bad ways, both exist in using social media, it would be up to us how we choose to use it and how much we depend on it for socializing. It should be used as a tool to enhance the ties, not make the ties completely on them by forgetting the importance of the actual interpersonal interactions.

Conclusion: Balancing Social Media Use and Interpersonal Communication

We can conclude in the end that social media do tend to have a severe impact on the social interpersonal interactions of a person. The impact hinders the actual communication and social media platform is used only which creates the feeling of alienation among the users. There is huge importance of interpersonal communication which is important for human psychology and should be preferred. The use of social media should be limited by us, we should not become addicted to using such services and should just use them as tools.

Essay on the Negative Effects of Technology on Teenagers

Introduction to Technology’s Double-Edged Sword

Christian Lous Lange stated: “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master”. Because technology has declined social interaction and caused major addictions, it has changed the way people live out their day to day lives. Technology is a growing addiction for teens and can have many negative effects on society as a whole. The use of social media can cause a rapid decline in mental and physical health. Technology is one of the main causes of lack of face-to-face interactions in today’s society. Addictions to technology can lead to distracted driving and death.

Social Media’s Impact on Teen Mental Health

The use of social media by teenagers has shown to have many negative effects in a teen’s mental health and may further lead to physical harm. Websites that place a heavy value on self-image, such as Instagram or Snapchat, can often make teens feel like they have a lack of quality and negative self-image. In ‘Remaining Aware and Responsible in the Social Media Age’, Cecelia Tamburro reports the research of Ph.D Paula Durlofsky, a licensed clinical psychologist at the Psychoanalytic Center of PA. Her studies show that social media can increase anxiety, depression, and feelings of loneliness and isolation. Her studies also proved that significant time spent on social media can lead to lack of sleep, which can strongly increase your risk for developing a mental health disorder. Therefore, at this time in the development of teens, heavy social media usage poses a threat to their mental health.

The Dark Side of Social Media: Cyberbullying and Privacy Concerns

Furthermore, social media has increased cyberbullying which can cause depression and physical harm. Maggie Guninta and Rita John wrote, ‘Social Media and Adolescent Health’. They work together as pediatric nurses and have done an extensive amount of research on the positive and negative effects of social media on adolescents. Their research, along with that of their colleagues, shows that cyberbullying is significantly associated with an increased likelihood of depression. They also determined that 73.5% of people are or have been bullied on social media. Thus, social media can negatively affect a teens life by opening up the opportunity to cyberbullying. Because of the high usage of social media, teenagers share more personal data which can lead to unwelcomed predators and threats. In their study, Guninta and John also noted research from ‘Teens, Social Media, and Privacy’ by Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Duggan, M., Smith, A., & Beaton, M. and colleagues determined the percentages of the top ten personal information that is given out online. Their research concluded 92% of people on social media state their real name, 91% share a personal photo of themselves online, 84% post their interests, 82% share their birth date, 71% share their school’s name, 71% share the city or town where they live, 62% share their relationship status, 53% post their email address, 24% post videos of themselves, and 20% post their cellphone number. Although there are efforts by many social media platforms to protect user privacy, violations of privacy and un-welcomed content sharing are constant risks such as sexual harassment, abduction, and sex trafficking. Because social media is open to everybody, it increases the risk for physical and mental harm when personal information is released. The complications that come with social media aren’t only physically and mentally taking a toll on teenagers’ bodies, technology is taking away the face-to-face interaction that our society once had.

Erosion of Face-to-Face Communication Among Teens

Teens’ addiction to technology has made our society lose the face-to-face interaction our society once had. Life online is creating an addiction that is similar to taking a drug. In ‘Falling into the Electronic Rabbit Hole: How Our Addiction to Technology Is Changing Our Brains and Relationships and Why ‘E-Vacations’ or Tech Cleanses Help Us Unplug and Tune in’, Anneli Rufus an award-winning journalist reports the research by ADHD expert Kevin Roberts. His work showed that gray matter in the brain alters white-matter fatty acids and produces prefrontal cortex abnormalities. The same dopamine reward system and the same parts of the brain that are involved with any addiction – food, alcohol, drugs, or shopping. His studies concluded that this has caused 82% of teens to look at their phone without having an actual reason. Thus, use of technology rewires teens to be physically present in a space but mentally detached from their surroundings.

Technology’s Impact on Teen Communication and Attention Span

Furthermore, technology has created an easy way to instantly communicate, causing lack of interactions in person. In the article, ‘How Having Smartphones (or Not) Shapes the Way Teens Communicate’, Monica Anderson, a senior researcher at the Pew Research Center who specializes in the Internet and technology, has done extensive research on online communication. She confirmed that texting is the number one way all teens get in touch with their closest friends. Concluding with the fact that 78% of teens with smartphones cite texting as the main way they communicate with their closest friend online or by phone, compared with 22% of teens without smartphone access. Therefore, technology has changed the way teens communicate today. Because technology has made it easy for people to communicate instantly, it has decreased the attention span of students, which is having an effect on school interactions. In Anneli Rufus’ article she also noted research from, ‘Surviving the Technological Alteration of the Modern Mind’ by UCLA psychiatrist Garry Small. His recent studies link the prolonged use of high-tech devices to insomnia, attention problems, memory problems, and lower test scores. His recent tests have concluded that the average human attention span had shown to have dropped below the level attributed to goldfish. He went on to further state: “Human brains take way too much time to come down from the over-stimulation brought about by technology. Causing communication to be difficult due to lack of sleep”. Therefore, the use of technology can negatively affect the quality of a teen’s life by causing less sleep and a shorter attention span, causing lack of communication and willingness to interact. Not only has technology chipped away the face-to-face interactions society once had, technology has also created the urge to drive while distracted.

Distracted Driving: A Lethal Consequence of Technology Addiction

The addiction to technology in teens has grown to be so huge that texting and driving has become a leading cause of death. On the average, teen drivers who are multitasking by looking at their phones don’t realize how completely impaired their driving becomes. In ‘Driving Safety’, J.J. Keller and Associates, Inc. work together to inform others about important precautions to take while in a vehicle with the help of the University of Utah’s psychologists. The psychologists research indicates that talking on a cell phone while driving may even be likened to driving while intoxicated. Their reasoning for this conclusion was discovered when they tested how the brain responds when one is texting and driving. They discovered three main types of distraction that are impaired while texting and driving: visual – taking your eyes off the road; manual – taking your hands off the wheel and cognitive – taking your mind off what you’re doing. Thus, texting while driving is dangerous, as it causes all three of the types of driver distractions: visual, manual, and cognitive. Furthermore, crash rates increase with teen drivers on their phones. In ‘Nearly 2 in 5 Teen Drivers Text While Driving’, NewsRx Health recorded the study led by the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital examined individual- and state-level factors associated with texting while driving among teens. Their studies concluded that nearly 2 in 5 teen drivers age 14 years and older had texted while driving at least once in the month this study was taken, leading to show an increase in crash risk by 2-9 times. Texting while driving prevalence doubled between ages 15 and 16 years, and it continued to increase substantially for ages 17 years and up. Therefore, technology can negatively impact a teen’s life by putting the temptation of texting while driving on teens’ shoulders. Because teens want to stay connected with one another, they are more susceptible to text and drive. University of Kansas researchers partnered with Ph.D Paul Atchley and wrote in their article, ‘Why Can’t I Stop Texting While Driving?’ about why teen drivers reply to texts in order to stress the importance of how dangerous it is to text while driving. It was concluded: “Texting is a social behavior; that desire to stay connected while driving is extremely powerful because it taps directly into your brain’s reward system”. Because teens don’t want to feel excluded while driving, it causes a barrier between the teens focus on the road and the desire to communicate.

Technology is a growing addiction not just for teens and has many negative effects on society as a whole. The use of social media can cause a rapid decline in mental and physical health. Technology is one of the main causes of lack of face-to-face interactions in today’s society. Addictions to technology can lead to distracted driving and death.

Works Cited

  1. Anderson, Monica. “How Having Smartphones (or Not) Shapes the Way Teens Communicate”. Pew Research Center, Aug. 2015, Accessed 19 Jan. 2019,
  2. ‘Driving safety’. LivingRight: Your Health and Wellness Awareness Bulletin, Aug. 2011.
  3. Nursing and Allied Health Collection, Accessed 19 Jan. 2019,
  4. Guinta, Maggie R., and Rita M. John. ‘Social Media and Adolescent Hea’. Pediatric Nursing, July-Aug. 2018, p. 196+. Nursing and Allied Health Collection, Accessed 13 Jan. 2019,
  5. Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Duggan, M., Smith, A., & Beaton, M. (2013). Teens, Social Media, and Privacy. Accessed 15 Jan. 2019,
  6. ‘Nearly 2 in 5 Teen Drivers Text While Driving’. NewsRx Health, 9 Sept. 2018, p. 70.
  7. Nursing and Allied Health Collection, Accessed 21 Jan. 2019,
  8. Rufus, Anneli. ‘Falling into the Electronic Rabbit Hole: How Our Addiction to Technology Is Changing Our Brains and Relationships and Why ‘E-Vacations’ or Tech Cleanses Help Us Inplug and Tune in’. Spirituality & Health Magazine, Mar.-Apr. 2013, p. S8+. Nursing and Allied Health Collection, Accessed 16 Jan. 2019,
  9. Tamburro, Cecelia. ‘Teens & Tech: REMAINING AWARE & RESPONSIBLE IN THE SOCIAL MEDIA AGE’. The Exceptional Parent, Sept. 2017, p. 23+. Nursing and Allied Health Collection, Accessed 12 Jan. 2019,
  10. ‘Why can’t I stop texting while driving?’ Men’s Health, Dec. 2011, p. 026. Nursing and Allied Health Collection, Accessed 21 Jan. 2019,

Social Media as a Tool for Social Movements

In this article, the authors offer convincing arguments regarding the use of social media to influence social movements. Such technological innovations provide the best environment for participation and encourage people to focus on issues that affect them directly. Individuals who rely on social media platforms will have higher chances of pursuing a wide range of initiatives, thus becoming an important social capital. The authors explain why those who want to record identifiable gains should be ready to analyze some of the emerging trends and develop the relevant networks (Hwang & Kim, 2015). They can focus on most of the existing challenges and consider some of the best initiatives to transform the recorded situation. The article goes further to identify some of the possible gaps and barriers that might affect the level of interest and participation in social movement activities. Those who want to address them engage in lifelong learning and expand their networks. They should also maximize their competencies in the use of social media to maximize the recorded benefits.

The presented information explains how different social media platforms could become appropriate avenues or tools for pursuing social change. The authors are experienced in the field since they have been working in reputable institutions of higher learning. The researchers have also identified some of the issues that might affect the willingness of different people to be involved in social movements (Hwang & Kim, 2015). The outlined challenges in the current study form the basis for completing additional research and presenting additional insights that can help more people use social media platforms efficiently. The presented evidence can support the completion of a high-quality paper focusing on the power of social media in promoting social movements or agenda-setting.

The author of this article relies on his vast knowledge and understanding of social change. The description of the Tahrir Square events of 2011 makes it possible for the researcher to explain how social media could have led to some of the positive outcomes recorded in Egypt (Lim, 2012). Specifically, the work tries to identify the role of media and how it helped transform the nature and process of activism. The proliferation of handheld devices and the emergence of social media platforms throughout the first decade of the 21st century allowed more people to access information and share ideas. The emergence and the subsequent success of several movements in Egypt could explain the emerging role of social media and how it could support social change. The leaders were able to rely on such platforms to learn more about the people’s grievances and consider better ways to empower them.

From this analysis, it is agreeable that the article is informative and provides additional concepts for learning more about the power of social media. This global resource is available to all leaders and followers who want to pursue social change. The work is capable of guiding future agenda setters and policymakers to identify new ways of involving all citizens and focusing on the right outcomes. The insights could also empower more people to identify better ways of merging online activism with offline protests (Lim, 2012). According to this article, the ultimate aim should be to meet the demands of the greatest majority, solve some of the recorded societal challenges, and introduce better practices that can change societies much faster.

In the article “Social Media and the Social Movements in the Middle East and North Africa”, the author offers a detailed analysis of social media and its role in helping support the communication of discourse. The author uses the case of Islamic Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries to describe how most of the recent waves succeeded or achieved some of the initial goals. The use of these platforms makes it possible for citizens to remain involved, share their ideas, and mobilize each other (Shirazi, 2013). The availability of such resources and their proliferation could also make it possible for minorities and oppressed groups to engage in successful actions and eventually achieve their potential. This high-quality information is appropriate and capable of guiding more people to pursue their social and economic goals.

The article goes further to explain how the reactions and interference of state agencies and governments could dictate the role or the effectiveness of social media in influencing social movements. When the rationales put in place fail, chances are high that the affected individuals might choose to increase their protests while at the same time relying on the use of various social media platforms (Shirazi, 2013). The author’s expertise and knowledge in issues to do with social media explain why the presented information is accurate and capable of predicting the future role of such platforms. Those who rely on them will find it easier to influence social change positively and take more people closer to their goals. The success recorded in the region under study explains how the Internet will continue to guide and empower more people to have their voices heard and eventually transform their life experiences.

Social Media Addiction Essay

Introduction to Social Media Addiction

The selected topic for this report is ‘Should social media/smartphones be classified as an addiction and considered as a drug?’. This topic is important because social media addiction is a developing marvel in Canada and in other parts of the world. It is observed that an individual almost spends 120 – 180 minutes daily on social media at different time intervals. As per this calculation, it can be analyzed that an individual spends around 5 – 7 years of his life span on social media (Brevers & Turel, 2019). On the other hand, if that individual spends that time in the educational context then it will make him/her capable to accomplish their goals rapidly. This essay will present pro arguments regarding this topic because of overuse of social media, chemical changes in the human brain, and psychological problems and disorders associated with it. Apart from this, social media should be considered a highly addictive drug or addiction as it influences the human psychology and behavioral pattern of the human being in a similar way to cocaine, heroin, weed, etc.

The Psychological Impact of Social Media Use

Yes, social media should be considered a highly addictive drug because youngsters who continuously utilize social media have slowly become addicted to it (Donnelly, 2019). People on social media become addicted to watching fascinating posts and pictures of their friends, models, celebrities, etc (Brevers & Turel, 2019). While using social media, the human brain releases the chemical name ‘dopamine’, this chemical release gives a happy and relaxed feeling to the people (Mcsweeney, 2019). This chemical is responsible for relaxing and a happy mood in the human being. If in case, people do not get a chance to spend time on their social networking accounts then it is noted that their mood becomes dull and they started feeling abnormal. Youngsters appear active on their social media accounts by the time they wake up in the morning (Al-Menayes, 2016).

Comparing Social Media Addiction to Drug Dependence

Notwithstanding, apparently social addictions, which can incorporate impulsive cell phone checking, work in a way that is like that of addictive drugs (Brooks, 2017). Julie Albright, a psychology lecturer at USC Dornsife said that swiping on applications is naturally exciting because dopamine hit the cerebrum each time another message is gotten and the influenced region is the equivalent ‘pleasure center’ enacted by cocaine and other addictive medications (Vuong, 2017). Time spent messaging companions on Snapchat and Instagram can be similarly as perilously addictive for young people as cocaine and liquor, and ought not to be treated, all things considered, school pioneers and educators were told at a training gathering in London (Reddy, 2019).

Despite this, the utilization of medications like liquor, and cocaine among the scholars of grades 8th, 10th, and 12th has been diminished when contrasted with the previous 40 years due to an increase in the new technology, measured by an annual government-funded report (Richtel, 2017). In 2015, 4.2% of young people ages 12 to 17 announced smoking a cigarette in the most recent month, down from 10.8% in 2005, as per the government Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Richtel, 2017). Silvia Martins, an associate professor at Columbia University said that utilizing web-based social networking satisfies the need for sensation chasing, their need to look for novel action (Forster, 2017).

With regards to social media life, one of the methods for strengthening this conduct is to check and recheck a cell phone to see whether a newly included Facebook post has gotten any sort of commitment (Kannan, 2018). This virtual feeling of support feels more compensating than doing a real-life discussion (Kannan, 2018). Additionally, numerous individuals who have fewer companions in real life are particularly the guys in general use of SNS, for example, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat (Kannan, 2018). In order to ensure social relations, they had and make new social contacts like accomplices or companions to mingling, as demonstrated by an examination of 25 online networking-dependent understudies (Aksoy, 2018). The investigation additionally presumed that male members are more ready to warm up to the utilization of SNS instead of speaking with individuals in the real-world (Aksoy, 2018).

Even, medical science also names this addiction ‘Internet Addiction Disorder’ and ‘Problematic Internet Use (PIU)’ (Gregory, 2019). This addition is getting serious attention from many doctors and researchers because it disturbs the thinking pattern and decision-making capacity of the people (Gregory, 2019). All in all, Internet Addiction Disorder is subdivided into varying arrangements. The most generally distinguished classes of Internet Addiction incorporate gaming, long-range informal communication, email, blogging, online-based shopping, and improper Internet erotic entertainment use (Van Rooij, Ferguson, Van de Mheen & Schoenmakers, 2017). Different specialists propose that it isn’t the measure of time spent on the Internet that is especially inconvenient rather, it is the manner by which the Internet is being utilized. That is, the peril of Internet use can be similarly as significant as the measure of time spent (Balakrishnan & Griffiths, 2017).

Studies show that social media-based life is highly addictive. Prior, examines have shown that people who spend most of their time on social media applications such as Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter are more likely to encounter problems such as depression, sleep disorder, anxiety, and insomnia (Turel, Brevers & Bechara, 2018). Presently, an investigation by scientists at Michigan State University shows that social media influences the way individuals take their life decisions, however, it isn’t yet clear that their decisions are influenced because of the time they spend on social media or other online sites (Bilgin & Taş, 2018).

Social media addicts are like those who depend on drugs like cocaine and heroin (Donnelly, 2019). This research concluded that social media addiction is like giving away our life to highly addictive drugs. Published in the Journal of Behaviour Addictions, the examination included 71 members who needed to rate their Facebook daily usage as a mental measure called Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS). Created by Dr. Cecilie Andraessen at the University of Bergen, BFAS with six things inspects the components of dependence identified with Facebook (Blackwell, Leaman, Tramposch, Osborne & Liss, 2017). Scoring at least four ‘regularly’ or ‘frequently’ of the things show Facebook habits (Blackwell, Leaman, Tramposch, Osborne & Liss, 2017).

Social Media’s Influence on Decision Making and Behavior

Social media addiction is changing the psychological pattern of youngsters. Young people are now more focused on utilizing things that give them short-term pleasures such as drugs, smoking, drinks, social media, etc (Tang, Chen, Yang, Chung & Lee, 2016). Social media is the main cause that is changing the psychology of people. When an individual sees the profile of top models (male/female) of their region then they also desire to live their life the way that model or public figure is living (Brevers & Turel, 2019). People also continuously watch their profiles for new post updates which makes them more addicted to social media (Brevers & Turel, 2019).

One research has proved the psychological dependence on social media and its effects. Dr. Meshi’s group initially requested that 71 members participate in an overview intended to gauge their mental reliance on Facebook (Donnelly, 2019). Participants were then approached to partake in the Iowa Gambling Task, a technique for surveying basic leadership and hazardous conduct broadly utilized by psychologists (Donnelly, 2019). The task includes distinguishing result designs in decks of cards to pick the most ideal deck (Donnelly, 2019). The scientists found that the more regrettable individuals performed by browsing terrible decks, the more too much they were probably going to utilize social media (Donnelly, 2019). The results reflected those from different investigations indicating that individuals who misuse heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine produce comparative results in the betting task (Donnelly, 2019). Dr. Meshi concluded that Decision making is frequently undermined in people with substance use issues (Donnelly, 2019).

The Role of Internet Addiction Disorder in Social Media Use

The reason behind becoming an internet addict is that people get multiple layers of rewards by using the internet and in their surroundings, other people are using the internet. By observing the attitude of such people, other people also try to indulge in the world of social media (Savci & Aysan, 2017). This indulging in social media rapidly makes them addicted to social networking (Savci & Aysan, 2017). Social media also gives them multiple layers of rewards, for example, every time individual switches to their Facebook account they get repeated and unexpected news (good or bad). People also find out through social media who are getting engaged in their circle, upcoming events in their region, dosages of entertainment, social media also offers the medium of chatting with random or unknown people, etc (Hawi & Samaha, 2017). Thus, these are the major issues through which people become social media addicts in many ways.

Spending 30-40 minutes in a day on social media networking accounts is expectable. The major concern here is everyone starts with spending only 30-40 minutes in the day on social media sites but after weeks or months their daily dosages of social media increase which cause various physical and physiological challenge for them. After weeks or months, people become addicted to the online web-based life and they start their morning by checking their smartphone for the new update (Savci & Aysan, 2017). Regular usages of social media make people physical lazy and dumb. Thus, it is guided that people should limit their time on social media because spending 3-4 hours daily on social networking sites simply makes people lazy at the psychological and physiological levels (Kuss & Griffiths, 2017).

Here is another factor that Tech organizations, such as Facebook, Google, and Snapchat, make their cash dependent on individuals utilizing their items (Brooks, 2017). Fundamentally, they need eyes on their application or program since that is the way they profit. Much the same as Big Tobacco needs individuals to get snared on cigarettes, the tech business needs people snared on their items. They need individuals to build up a cell phone fixation (Brooks, 2017). That incorporates a portion of the very architects and specialists who made the most addictive highlights of online life, among them a portion of the creators of Facebook’s universal ‘like’ button (Morris, 2017).

I observed that some people say that they use social media to get an instant update about the news and ongoing issues, some says they use social media to get familiar with the ongoing fashion trend, and some says after spending a few times a day on their social media account they feel relax and joyful. In my observation, everyone has their own specific reason for spending huge time on their social media accounts. No one is ready to admit that they are addicted to social media although every one of us is aware of the adverse and harmful impacts of social media. Thus, people should analyze their daily schedule, if they spend more than 3-4 hours watching social media then they need to take serious action. If people faced difficulty in analyzing their schedule, then there are many applications available on the ‘play store’ and ‘app store’ that can monitor their smartphone usage. Apart from this, I do not think that people should completely be discouraging the use of social media instead they should limit their time on social media. If people get completely discouraged from the use of social media, then they will not get an update about the ongoing issues at the national or global level. As it is a fact that social media is a great tool that keeps us updated with the current issues, but people should need to limit their time on social media to reduce or minimize its harmful impact of social media.

Conclusion: Addressing the Challenges of Social Media Addiction

It is learned from this research that social media is making people dumb at the psychological and physiological levels. When an individual becomes addicted to social media then he/she is examined with similar effects as the people who are addicted to cocaine, heroin, or other drugs. Social media symptoms are manifested at both physical and psychological level which includes symptoms like it makes people dishonest, feeling of euphoria when using a smartphone, isolation, no sense of time, avoidance of work, etc. Thus, social media should be marked as a highly addictive drug, and legal administration should take corrective actions so that they can put control the usage of social media in society. Apart from this, it is also marked in this essay that social media is a great tool only if a person knows the way to utilize it effectively and efficiently.

Social Media and Mental Health Essay


Social media is a revolutionary platform on internet which drastically changed overall view of the world and has become an integral part of our society. Due to evolution and expansion of technology social media is becoming a vital tool for daily social interaction. The significance of social media in our world can be realized by the fact that nearly 2.65 Billion people on internet use this platform and this number is estimated to grow in upcoming years (Clement, 2019). Social media has brought a lot of benefits to our society however, social media has a considerable amount of negative impact on the youth. Social media has adversely affected the mental health of the teenagers and is turning them into antisocial generation.

How Social Media Affects Mental Health?

Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat have become immensely popular among teenagers. Frequent use of these sites causes an adverse effect on the mental health of the young adults and due to this mental disorder have become more common among this age group. A study shows that 14 -17 years old who use social media more than 7 hours were more than twice likely to suffer from depression (Twenge & Campbell, 2018). As teens use most of their time on social networking sites observing images and content posted by their peers which give rise to social comparison (“The Effect of Social Media on Teenagers”, 2019). Therefore, it enables youngsters to over analyze themselves and have negative impact on their self-esteem and body image which can lead to depression and anxiety. However, nearly 43 percent teenagers feel pressure while posting content on social media that makes them look good (Anderson and Jiang, 2018).

Nowadays, teens have become addictive to social media to such an extent that they sacrifice their valuable sleep. Sleep deprivation is linked to major mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. A study on high school students shows that each hour of lost sleep was associated with 38 percent in risk of feeling sad and 58 percent increase in suicidal event (“How technology and Sleep Deprivation Affects Teens”, 2018). Due to lack of sleep teens become more aggressive, irritable and suffer from lack of concentration which leads to poor academic performance. Moreover, social media has become an addiction. Like other addiction behaviour brain responds to social media with release of dopamine which gives them a sense of reward (“How technology and Sleep Deprivation Affects Teens”, 2018). Teens become overly concerned about their social media accounts and tend to log on uncontrollably leaving behind important tasks (Hillard,2019). Hence, this addiction of social networking sites can not only damage mental wellbeing of teens but can also affect their future. The addiction of social networking also has great impact on teens physical health, as teens spend most of their time on various social platforms, they don’t do any kind of physical activities such as playing outdoor games, running and exercise. Due of lack of physical activity youngsters are vulnerable to various heart diseases, several cancers and most common obesity.

Effects of Social Media on Communication

Social media has enabled communication to be effective and efficient, but it also has negative implications associated with social communication and social skills of youth. It is affecting relationship and degrades the quality of interpersonal communication. Youngsters are spending much time on social media which cause physical isolation and a lack of face-to-face communication. There is a drastic shift in the way teens communicate today than 6 years back, most teens now prefer texting friends rather than talking to them face-to-face (Stenmetz, 2018). As most of the interaction takes place online teens feel less nervous while talking and sharing ideas online. Also, they tend to spend time less time with their friends in person, due to which they lack social and communication skills. For teens communication skills are not only important for daily interactions but also plays a significant role for success in their future careers. Besides decreasing the amount of face to face interaction, social networking usages also reduce the quality of their social interaction. As teens prefer to stay online most of the time, they are not able to spend quality time with their friends and family. This leads to poor communication between their loved ones which not only damage the essence of their relationship but may also destroy it.

Nowadays social media has become most common platform for social interaction. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat allow people to stay connected to each other by sharing events of their lives by posting photos and status updates. Regardless of the location around the globe these sites allow users to directly communicate with their family members and loved ones online via video calls or voice calls. According to a survey 67% feel closer to friends and family because of social media (Heimlich, 2011). Moreover, social media is a great tool for connecting students living abroad with families. Social networking sites have helped international students to deal with common psychological challenges such as homesickness and loneliness. Nearly 78.9% international students believe that social media has helped them adjust to living abroad (Straumsheim, 2014). So., social media platform helps people to connect with share information with each other.

Effects of Social Media on Cyberbullying

In the past few years social networking has taken bullying to the extreme. Prior to social media teens were agitated by school bullies, but today they are targeted by bullies via internet. Generally, a cyber bully is referred as the use of social media platforms for communicating false, embarrassing and hostile information of specific user (Prajapati, 2019). Cyberbullying has become very common in teens. According to a survey nearly 59% US teens have been bullied and harassed online (Anderson, 2018). The act of cyberbullying consists of spreading rumours and lies, posting private photos and sensitive information of a student without consent. One thing that makes cyberbullying more harmful than the traditional bullying is the anonymity. Cyberbullies use fake identities to humiliate and threaten others, which helps them protect their true identity and motivates them to continue bullying other people. Just like other victims of bullying, cyberbullying can be traumatic. Cyberbullied teens experience fear, depression, anxiety and low self-esteem (Gordon, 2019). In addition to this, students may lose interest in the activities they use to enjoy, stop spending time with their friend and in the extreme cases they may commit suicide. As internet is present everywhere cyberbullying feels permanent and victims of cyberbullying often find it difficult to feel safe even at their homes. The effects of cyberbullying give a clear indication of direct relationship between cyberbullying and depression.


As technology is growing social media has become an imperative part of our society. Social media has proved to have both positive and negative impact on youth. However, social networking sites have a negative effect on teens mental health as frequent use of these sites causes mental disorders such depression, anxiety and sleep deprivation. Although social media has enhanced our connectivity, it is also causing a decline in social and communication skills. Due to excess use of social networking sites the quality of relationships has dramatically declined. Further, cyberbullying has also emerged as negative effect on social media which has increased rapidly in the past few years causing mental distress among teens.

Effects Of Social Media On Daily Life

Effects of Social Media

Social media are computer-based applications enhancing the creation and sharing of content via virtual societies and networks. Slightly over a decade, social media have evolved from a mere entertainment platform to the sophisticated integrator of what daily life demands. Social media has quickly integrated itself into politics, religion, offices, family life, and elsewhere. It continues to evolve at whirlwind speed, making it complicated to plan for the next decade.

Since social media is ever-evolving and becoming new to us in every minute, conclusive findings on its effects on the current age are limited. A narrow focus has flawed studies on the impact in a singular aspect type above and beyond many platforms. Being a grey area of education, and interests are beginning to gather. Here are the findings of my research.

Continued technological innovations have rapidly increased use of integrated platforms. One area which has been widely impacted by these milestones is relationships. It has impacted undeniably on relationships.

Traditional family setups in years have benefited a lot on social developments. Facebook, for example, is an excellent platform for interaction. Individuals link up easily, share insights and ideologies touching on a different area of life and matters human interests. Introduction of social podia has brought people faraway geographical locations closer than ever. One cannot overlook impact of such podiums in bridging this gap. Distance relationships continue thriving. Friend once stated,’ It is not only cheaper and convenient to get in touch consistently with friends and family members but also eliminates travel hustle.”

Nevertheless, social developments have negatively impacted family morals. Infidelity creeps in, destroying trust in couples. A study showed that in most marriages, cheating spouses mainly use these platforms. Dating sites are flooded by married people with their profiles, with intentions of meeting ‘new love.’ Such destroys household affairs further.

It is, therefore, sensible filtering what gets into the public through amid current developments in technology. A family as a basic societal unit, accordingly, should be guided against any negative influence.

Marketing. Consumer preferences and behaviors have increasingly become the most influential marketing tool, replacing traditional mainstream broadcasting. More than two-thirds users want to set their eyes on them for as long as possible. Also, the nature of work and engagements have put the consumers on toes, leaving them with no or limited time to catch up with messages from the traditional means of advertising like newspapers and television pieces. For efficient marketing, marketers have re-structured their approaches and are adopting an all-inclusive and resourceful marketing.

Sleeping Patterns. Users involuntarily cut their sleeping time due to increased use of social media. Mainly during the night where the user plans to spend the next five minutes checking on notifications and replying to some three messages and end up scrolling up and down for more than an hour and consequently sleeping on the couch for the few available hours. Both the quality and quantity of much-needed sleep is adversely affected and has led to low productivity in other aspects of life.

Impractical Life Goals. Lack of proper authenticity of the online content and its users have created the world of unrealistic plans and expectations. Celebrities and influencers share their unending exciting lifestyles with filtered photos, making the users always question their typical ways of doing things and, in some common cases copying them. Such influence has led to depressions due to recurring debts together with integrity issues among users of the current networks.

Social media has become an ultimate news breaker and a tool of communication. Billions of people get information about what is happening around the world within seconds of occurrence. Both formal and informal sectors have shifted their attention to the present-day media for getting crucial information. United States of America presidency has increasingly used his twitter handle as a communication tool between the government agencies. The current trend is fast changing communication landscape by political class, administrations agencies across the global.

In over a decade, documentation is insufficient to draw any definite conclusions on the effects of the whirlwind evolving social podiums. However, all indicators are pointing in one direction: social media is an excellent disruptive to community behavior is successfully affecting individuals differently, depending on their environments and personal characters.

As with other social happenings like eating, gambling, drinking, and many other, excessive use of social media by some individuals, especially the young age and persons with unstable personality are possibly inappropriate. On the other, it would not be right to demonize social media when it has influenced daily lives.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Social Media Essay


First and foremost, I have been asked to discuss social media its advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, I have been asked to discuss social media in businesses and how it helps the growth of the business. Social media allows to carry a good reputation of the brand as well as give support to customers who are either unhappy or displeased by the service. I am going to research my information on how social media was created and how it affects businesses. My research will focus on businesses as well as the history of social media


The purpose of my work is to carry out an investigation into social media. The main uses of social media such as not just texting others instead using it for business purposes.

To carry out the research I used several websites that listed the history of social media along with its purposes. The websites I used listed several techniques businesses used to become successful and have a high reputation.

The main conclusion I had come to was that social media has a huge impact as well as the brand of the company can reflect a lot of stuff such as quality of products as well as the price therefore, they carry out a good reputation.

My work had led to making recommendations for future actions for planning what social media I will use Twitter and Facebook. These social media have a huge effect on business society. Any complaints or such will be directed to the Twitter account and responses will be given as soon as possible to make the company positive and caring for their customers.

The purpose of my work is to prove that social media can be used for several benefits not just texting. It allows creating an audience that will be interested in new products that are released as long as you keep a good view of your brand such as having good quality products as well as having a good support team.

The methods I used for my research were several sites that listed the history of social media and provided advantages and disadvantages as well as the gain of using it in a business.

The main conclusion was that social media has made a huge impact on businesses.

The ways it has changed businesses.

  1. Better customer service
  2. More transparency
  3. Flexible content creation
  4. Organic marketing
  5. Advertising targeted

Social media is an application or website that joins together which enables users to share content or do participation. Social media is not only to communicate with others and look at others’ feeds its also used for business purposes such as promotion Social media allows you to gather your audience and make a brand for yourself which leads you to become successful. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the main social media used to gather feedback for a business. These businesses make a large amount of money if social media is used correctly. Marketing and advertising through social media are easy and gather the purpose of the business

Some may say what’s the point of using social media? Well, social media allows spreading awareness about you as well social media is growing every day with currently 3 billion users allowing brands to be successful. Customers use social media to provide positive and negative feedback allowing to view the reputation of the company to remain at a high standard. The company will usually respond to the complaint quickly because there are other customers who are connected to the profile. Responding quickly allows the company to prove its loyalty and care for the consumers.

  1. What are the advantages of using social media?
  2. What is the point of using social media in business?
  3. How can a “brand” affect your business?
  4. How do organizations use social media?

What are the advantages of using social media?

It is cost-effective and improves brand loyalty, Healthier customer satisfaction as well as marketplace awareness.

The history of social media

The original purpose of social media was not only to attract users to talk with instead it was effective for business as well as providing support to users.

In 1971, the first email had been sent by “Ray”. He sent the email to himself as a test to see if it worked. This took place in Cambridge he had two computers to do this

As time passed in 1986 “Eric Thomas” developed a theory for emails. This theory was an automatic mailing list manager. The owner could add and remove subscribers. Moreover, it allowed editing templates.

In 1988 text messages could be sent through the internet in real-time. This was one of the first chat systems which allowed messages to be easily spread and instantly sent and received. It also allowed more than 2people to talk at a time. This meant group chats were created to make talking easier.

Moreover, in 2002 Google wanted to buy Friendster for$30 million. This was seen as one of the biggest social media. In 2003 social media emerged as one. This was one of the biggest social media sites ever in the world.; This allowed people to connect together and promote business easier with the knowledge there had been over 500milion users using LinkedIn. In 2004 Facebook was announced. No social media website had gained as many people as Facebook did. It has over a 2.4billion users allowing all these users to interact post pictures and use it for promotions for businesses to bring an audience. By 2005 the online service YouTube was released. This allowed online videos to be published and shared and watched. This was a good way to bring recognition to your channel or even a business. YouTube allowed people to unite together and watch videos they love over the internet which was quick and easy to use. When 2006 arrived, which had brought Twitter. Twitter was unique in its own ways it allowed contact each other on social media websites because you can easily interact with your favorite people such as celebrities or even companies. So, if you have a complaint you can tweet at the company and they’ll fix the issue to carry on their reputation to be high. The max characters had been 140 so you were limited to express yourself publicly however you could always private message. By 2009 WhatsApp was finally released this was one of the few platforms that didn’t include ads in it. It was a messaging app to allow you to contact each other easily. It is a user-friendly app. Also, WhatsApp allowed you to call and video calls the users as time processed.

Overall social media has had a huge impact on businesses and several other people. It allows people to make connections and talk about their brands as well as get support for products or even provide feedback about the company. It’s also used to discuss huge events. But the main message is social media has changed our society so much.

Most popular social media used by businesses:

  1. Facebook
  2. YouTube
  3. WhatsApp
  4. Messenger
  5. Instagram

What is the point of using social media in business?

  • It increases brand awareness
  • Establishes your brand
  • Increase website population
  • Gathers partners
  • Allows you to promote content

Customer and audience engagement[image: Image result for Currys and pc world]How can a “brand” affect your business?

Branding helps a company stand out. If you are running a business you may understand that there are a lot of companies using the same methods to promote their company. A good brand like Curry’s and PC World has a specific purpose. They provide all sorts of technology-related stuff and they make sure it is high quality. Branding gives you credibility. Having a brand allows you to look more unique as well as more presentable. A clear brand, it allows customers to feel trusted by the company. The company is responsible to provide support as well as carrying on a good reputation by having a good logo and brand.

Branding allows more customers to be interested. For example, all brands charge a lot of money because it has amazing reputation and trust on the quality of the products like Curry’s and PC World.

Branding also will give you huge confidence in your business because you will be proud and happy with what you have done with your work. More people will trust you and your brand.

Another reason why branding is important is that it gives clear strategies. The brand allows the quality of the services that you are offering to be well done and up to high standards.

How do organizations use social media?

First of all, organizations use social media to directly interact with customers and likewise give them support. Some accounts have support accounts like Curry’s and PC World. The support accounts allow presenting a high representation of the company as well as show it’s trustworthy and cares for the customers. They use social media to gather exposure traffic and gain for themselves. It allows you to be presented in a unique way. Some businesses have amazing logos and banners on Twitter this is a way to interact, with new people, they like to see bright colors and not dull so they are interested in buying. As well as having a support account they usually post all sort of deals that might interact new customers to buy the amazing products with knowledge of it being reliable.

Moreover, companies will have to understand how to make their advertising as effective as possible. This means deciding the target audience as well as how you will advertise the company.

Overall brand is a huge factor in businesses as well as having a good logo to present yourself. Creating a brand is a great factor to improve a business. This is because a brand can clearly explain and direct a message to who they are trying to appeal.

Social media allows branding to go everywhere this means it will allow everyone to see it therefore making a successful business. Social media is a really powerful factor in business and it is a very unique method to create marketing.

However, there are some downsides to social media such as if anything happens to the company anyone who is associated like partners will also have an impact. Companies are usually careful when doing marketing to make sure they remain at high standards.

This meant that companies usually have a backup plan when things like this happen therefore monitoring everything even the little things like support team as well as customer service.

Evaluate the business use of social media to interact with customers and promote products or services to a target audience

First and foremost, businesses use social media to interact with customers and promote products or services to an audience. Social media allows this to be easy to communicate with customers. The benefit of having social media is to interact which allows customers to get the necessary help when needed. An example of this can be when an item has not arrived or the item is damaged. The business has a high reputation therefore they will reply as soon as possible to have a high reputation and look professional to the audience.

Some customers may say that calling up the company is less efficient. This is because they believe all they have to do is go on their mobile phones and just send a tweet on how terrible the products are using Twitter and due to carrying out a high standard they will approach your complaint within hours. Therefore, this means social media for customer support in business is becoming more popular. Recent studies show that 90% of businesses are on Twitter. These customers say they follow the brand to keep up to date on the latest promotions and discounts. The benefit of using social media instead of giving leaflets and putting up posters you can just put up a post with an image. This will have no printing cost that would be required. Moreover, posting promotions and such do not require ink which is an advantage. When posting a picture of a promotion or a sale it will interact with more viewers as the tweet can be seen by thousands, unlike a paper advertisement which is limited to a certain amount of people. This also means that there are more people researching sales and promotions and they would come across your post which will interact with a newer audience to further look at your products.

Furthermore, another benefit that businesses achieve when using social media is that they gain the most profit from advertising the product for example financially, and the number of views on that single post. This allows different companies to highlight their products and present the advantages of that single product for example what stands out. This also means that their sales numbers will increase giving them a higher profit rate for the company. Moreover, this also means that it is easy to promote new products quickly. People can witness the product and highlight the dislikes and likes towards the product and tweet customer support to improve the product. Due to business allowing recommendations and advice highlight their care and love towards the products and the customers themselves. It is easy to contact support. For example, in “Curry’s and PC world” several customers reported that the products are faulty or just not working properly. Within a few hours, they reply and are more than happy to repair or replace the product immediately to highlight a high reputation. The ultimate goal of social media in businesses is to get feedback and promote products. There are several types of social media being used to promote products such as Facebook. Facebook has over a 500million users using it which is a good source for customers to view items and reach out to the customer team.

Another benefit of using social media is that there are over 500million tweets that are generated and every minute there are 500 comments posted on Facebook which highlights the number of views each post can get. The amazing advantage overall is that your post can go viral no matter what. Billions of social media users have the ability to share a post by just clicking a button.

Furthermore, when businesses create websites, they typically oversee social media to see what type of layout they have gone for and what features. Therefore, the Live Chat feature is an extraordinary feature that attracts customers immediately. Rather than waiting on the phone for a while or tweeting on social media for a delayed response, you can use the Live Chat feature which interacts you with staff almost immediately. The Live Chat feature is designed to have an automated bot to get your details and describe your problem. Once you tell the problem the bot will check its database to find a similar problem causing it and tell you how to fix it. If you require further assistance, it will connect you to a support member. The Live Chat feature shows excellent customer support and also can highlight your dedication to listening to customers.

Moreover, there are several disadvantages of social media as well in a business. One of the disadvantages of using social media within a business is that you are exposed to trolls. This means these people will try to make your business look really bad however, within Twitter you have a block feature and report feature to remove their account. Due to these trolls a lot of time is required to use social media. In most cases, you will need a dedicated support team who will answer tweets about the company. If you do not take care of your social media it can ruin your business reputation highlighting a lack of care towards customers and being unreliable. Having a dedicated support team will allow engagement with customers more efficiently as well as effectively respond to all social media feedback or questions. Another disadvantage of using social media in a business is that your content is repetitive and not interesting. To attract more customers on social media there should be two different accounts one called “Support” then the other one should not have the word “support”. The one without the word support should post promotions and sales. Not just a standard text it should be with a picture to engage more people. All businesses should value customers having interesting sales alongside answering questions from customers.

Moreover, social media does require some investment usually. The support team should understand that social media is not completely free you have to pay for some of their services they offer to stand out as a business. If you want to reach out to more people you will pay for social media advertising and some businesses use the hashtag feature to attract more customers. Furthermore, social media has another negative which is bad publicity. Social networking offers good advertising however it can also spread bad things about your company. To make sure you do not get any issues or hate you will always give the best service and manage your customer’s complaints well by giving them the utmost support until they get a resolution. Therefore, this links to another negative which is where the support team may have extortion problems. Once you get trolls coming to your page it can be frustrating to deal with them. These trolls usually ask for free gift cards and money and if you do not provide them, they will spread negative comments on social media. Therefore, the support team should always remain calm in these situations.

Overall, there are several advantages and disadvantages of social media that allow your business to grow and gain more profit. Social media is a great way to interact with customers and get feedback on each product. Social media has allowed businesses to proceed in creating bigger products and create a support team that is well managed to answer questions from the public.

A website I have used


Youtube Plays A Vital Role In Learning Experience

YouTube has become a learning experience for me. It is one of the most admired and accepted video-sharing websites where it consists of varieties of functions to empower a cybernetic world to activate. YouTube has been recognized as one of the topmost visited websites on the entire World Wide Web among other websites too; Google and Facebook. It’s basically like broadcasting yourself and providing the world; your ideas, thinking, knowledge and entertainment. This website has been unbelievably trendy in today’s generation and has taken all over the smallest to the largest area of the world. We can easily find out the videos that we want to watch and know their information. Not only the recent videos but also one from back in years. It has an incredible storing power where all the important information is stored in YouTube’s database.

Anywhere from any part of the world, if we are connected to the internet, we can undoubtedly access YouTube. Not just being a video storage website, it has been a rescue to human lives. It is the fastest-growing society of videos, information, and blogs. But there is nothing in the world where there is no advantage and disadvantages side. Likewise, YouTube has also a mixture of positivity and negativity from non-harmful to harmful videos and blogs. I would say, YouTube has played a vital role as a learning experience, getting to know information and knowledge from. Not only just for me but as overall thinking, our life would be so dull and monotonous without it. It has helped me expand my knowledge from household to personal work. For example, If I have to install a Bluetooth connection inside my car and have no idea where to start from, I would literally go to YouTube and try to find a process and solution about how to install it. It has definitely made my life more convenient.

For the last 3 months, I have been addicted to watching a Tv series named “Crime Patrol” on YouTube. It is a show where stories of crime scenes happen around the country “India”. It shows the interest in fictional drama presentation with thrilling and suspension movement. Besides, that I had also watched “DIY” beauty videos like “How to remove acne overnight” where I realize that I have learned nothing at the end because it is not possible to get rid of acne in just one night. Lastly, for those who are willing to go on YouTube to learn something new, I would say that every part of the videos you watch has two different sides, pros, and cons. You are the one who has to be careful about what you watch and analyze which one would be educational and helpful for you.

Types And Effects Of Social Media On Health

Social media is a pool of all virtual communication platforms that are focused to public based contribution, sharing of content, and association. Applications, social bookmarking, micro blogging, websites, YouTube, Facebook, Telegram, LinkedIn, Snap chat, Skype and Twitter.

All these media platforms are internet based and ends up giving quick and reliable message to the users. These social platforms have continued to favor the universe in many ways depending with the interest of the users thus leading to many effects in the globe. The effects can be classified either as positive effects or adverse effects.

Firstly, let us look at the positive influences and effects of social media in the universe.

Social media plays vital critical role when it comes to business as it helps lower the business marketing costs to huge levels. Traditional marketing platforms such as television adverts, prints and even radio advertisement have always demanded for huge payments to run them so as to capture the attention of business potential clients unlike with social platforms where businesses can automatically connect to their anticipated customers freely as far as they have access to internet, dedicate their time and energy.

Social networking sites have provided a platform where all bloggers and free lancers can connect with their clients and for them to be able to share their content and articles in their respective social platforms which continue to enhance the followers network of the freelancers as well as the bloggers.

These social networks have continuously continued to eradicate all interactions and communication obstacles and as a result one can openly expresses their perception, thoughts over a wide perspective of issues occurring around us for instance experts and students are able to interact ,share and communicate with ease.

Social media has continues to play a unifying role as it gets to unite masses on a huge platform so as to enhance the achievement of some laid down common goal. This is very crucial especially in enhancing that there is positive change in the society. The increased exposure and popularity of some social sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook networks have continuously continued to gain dominance as the most viable and reliable communication choice for content creators, bloggers and article writers.

On the contrary social media has come along with some negative effects alongside with it and the effects are as follows:

One of the major negative effects associated with social media is addiction in such a case where teenagers and students tend to spend most of their time on social media thus diverting their attention and attention from a certain allocated task or responsibility thus lowering their motivational levels. These teenagers and students tend to mostly rely on technology and internet instead of getting to learn and understand the practical knowledge and expertise of the everyday life.

Kids tend to be hugely affected by these s social sites especially if in a situation whereby if at times people get to share videos and pictures that have huge contents of sex and violence. These can lead to affecting the kids behavior in a negative manner thus putting a negative impact on on overall society as these kids can get to involve themselves in criminal acts and such related activities.

Social media users tend to share too much of their personal information which puts them at a risk whereby the information may threats to them. Even with adverse security settings the personal information may leak out on the sites thus downloading the pictures, videos and copying one’s status in an easy simplified way.

Cyber bullying unlike in the past where bullying could only occur on a face to face interaction basis these days people can easily bully others online. Social media enables new people to easily make friends but as well it enables cruel and mean people to as well to tear into other personnel with little effort ending up terrorizing them in front of their friends and followers thus betraying and embarrassing them online. All these happenings tend to leave people with deep mental worries and in extreme cases leading others to end up committing suicide.

Social media has caused an effect of people tending to fear to miss out. This is a form of anxiety that one gets when they are scared of missing out on a great exposure that others are experiencing and you may end up losing the experience especially if you are not socially connected with others.

Another great negative effect that is associated with social media is unrealistic expectation as it gets to form unrealistic expectations of friendships and life that get to exist in the users mind due to lack of online authenticity. Users in many cases tend to share their most enticing experiences, their un ending love stories accompanied by highly stage managed photos but in real life situation it is very difficult to distinguish the reality of the situation as this person could be in huge financial crisis or in bad terms with their opposed significant and are only interested in attracting social media likes, views and comments as a form of validation.

Unhealthy sleep patterns are another effect of social media especially for the individuals whom tend to spend most of their time on online social platforms. These unhealthy patterns mostly affect people who tend to even use their mobile phones in bed at night causing irregular sleep patterns thus leading to a drop in their productivity.

Youtube As A Social Media For Promoting Private Companies

Promoting a private company with YouTube publicizing may result in the greatest value for the money of any advertising strategy you use to fabricate your image, to impact the voices that will impact your potential clients, and to show your item or administration data to a wide group of spectators. Be that as it may, there is a gigantic measure of promotion available for use about the esteem and prominence of the different web-based social networking, including YouTube.

Promoting an independent venture with YouTube publicizing bodes well for private ventures for a few reasons.

To begin with, not at all like TV publicizing, you don’t have to pay for a scheduled vacancy or depend on just the general population who are watching when your advertisement runs. Posting a video on YouTube is free. Also, when posted, it is constantly accessible for individuals to see. At whatever point somebody executes a quest for one of the watchwords you connect to your video, it is available. Consider YouTube promoting as the advertisement that never rests.

Second, in contrast to most publicizing settings, YouTube promoting is dependably on and can circulate around the web at any minute. Recall for a minute what YouTube accomplished for Susan Boyle a year ago! A video that turns into a web sensation could be seen by 800 million individuals around the globe!

Third, it doesn’t need to cost a fortune to put a promotion on YouTube. You don’t have to lease a studio, contract proficient entertainers, have expertly composed content, and utilize the business’ best hardware. A large number of the most prominent recordings utilized in YouTube publicizing were shot utilizing a webcam or an individual camcorder.

Fourth, your video for YouTube promoting really ought not to be a run-of-the-mill business. Individuals don’t go to YouTube to see television advertisements. On the off chance that they leave the room, block them out or alter them out when staring at the television, for what reason would they be keen on them on the Web? The more innovative, engaging, amazing, useful, and additionally applicable the video the more noteworthy will be its enthusiasm for YouTube promoting. For instance, consider using video summarizer to create a short, attention-grabbing teaser for your longer video content. This way, you can quickly showcase the key points and entice viewers to watch the full video for more details.

A standout amongst the most well-known YouTube promotions was a video of a man attempting to blend weird things in a blender (with an obviously unmistakable brand name). Subsequent to snickering at the insane mixes endeavored and the funny outcomes, watchers saw the man at long last blend the correct fixings to make an ideal beverage. This was trailed by a declaration that the video was exhibited by the producer of the blender.

You can make recordings at an extremely minimal effort and post them to the site at no extra expense. What you should contribute are time and inventiveness. Your innovativeness should be close to home and pertinent the video should be significant, and it will be ideal if your video demonstrates how individuals can connect with your image.