In the Week 1 Learning Activity, Inclusive Special Education, you had the oppor

In the Week 1 Learning Activity, Inclusive Special Education, you had the oppor

In the Week 1 Learning Activity, Inclusive Special Education, you had the opportunity to examine what special education looks like in different countries. While we must abide by the laws and legislation of the country in which we live, we must be aware of what things look like globally so that we can draw on other ideas to help inform our practice. In this forum draw on the information you learned in the Inclusive Special Education learning activity, along with your weekly readings, to solidify your knowledge of current practices in special education.
To prepare,
Read Chapter 1: What Is Special Education?
Watch The History of Special EducationLinks to an external site..
Watch Special Education LawLinks to an external site..
Review the Writing Open-Ended QuestionsLinks to an external site. resource.
In your initial post,
Compare and contrast special education legislation in the United States with countries around the world. Highlight at least two similarities and one difference.
Discuss one thing you found surprising about special education laws around the world.
Propose an open-ended question about historical influences on current special education and inclusion practices for your peers to answer.

  Le coloriage, souvent perçu comme une simple activité récréative, revêt en ré

Le coloriage, souvent perçu comme une simple activité récréative, revêt en ré

Le coloriage, souvent perçu comme une simple activité récréative, revêt en réalité une importance capitale dans le développement des enfants. Cette pratique, trop souvent sous-estimée, joue un rôle crucial non seulement dans l’épanouissement créatif, mais aussi dans le développement cognitif et émotionnel. Le coloriage n’est pas seulement une activité ludique; c’est une porte ouverte vers un univers de possibilités infinies où chaque enfant peut explorer, expérimenter et exprimer sa créativité.
Nouveaux dessins à colorier ajoutés régulièrement:
Les Bienfaits Cognitifs du Coloriage
Le coloriage stimule diverses fonctions cérébrales essentielles. En tenant un crayon et en choisissant des couleurs, les enfants améliorent leur motricité fine, ce qui est indispensable pour des tâches plus complexes comme l’écriture. En coloriant à l’intérieur des lignes, ils développent également leur coordination œil-main, une compétence clé qui a des répercussions dans de nombreux domaines de la vie quotidienne.
De plus, le coloriage demande de la concentration et de la patience. Les enfants apprennent à se focaliser sur une tâche, à suivre des instructions et à gérer leur temps pour compléter un dessin. Ces compétences sont transférables à d’autres domaines académiques et personnels, favorisant une attitude plus disciplinée et structurée envers l’apprentissage.
La Créativité en Éveil
Au-delà des bénéfices cognitifs, le coloriage est un puissant catalyseur de créativité. En offrant un espace où les enfants peuvent librement choisir des couleurs et créer des motifs, il encourage l’expression individuelle et l’originalité. Chaque choix de couleur et chaque coup de crayon deviennent une manifestation unique de leur imagination.
Le coloriage permet également aux enfants de développer leur sens artistique. Ils apprennent à associer des couleurs, à comprendre les nuances et à expérimenter avec des combinaisons inhabituelles. Ces compétences visuelles sont fondamentales pour la créativité, leur permettant de voir le monde sous un angle différent et d’apprécier la beauté des détails.
Un Épanouissement Émotionnel
Le coloriage offre également un espace de relaxation et de réduction du stress. En se concentrant sur cette activité, les enfants peuvent se détacher des préoccupations quotidiennes et se plonger dans un état de détente. Ce moment de calme est essentiel pour leur bien-être émotionnel, leur permettant de gérer leurs émotions de manière plus constructive.
De plus, le coloriage peut être une forme de communication non verbale, particulièrement bénéfique pour les enfants qui ont du mal à exprimer leurs sentiments par des mots. À travers leurs dessins, ils peuvent partager leurs émotions, leurs pensées et leurs expériences, offrant aux parents et aux éducateurs un aperçu précieux de leur monde intérieur.
Le coloriage, bien plus qu’une simple distraction, est un outil éducatif puissant qui mérite d’être intégré dans les pratiques pédagogiques. En stimulant les capacités cognitives, en nourrissant la créativité et en favorisant l’épanouissement émotionnel, il ouvre la voie à un développement équilibré et harmonieux des enfants. Encourager le coloriage, c’est investir dans le potentiel illimité de chaque enfant, en leur offrant les moyens de s’exprimer, de grandir et de s’épanouir pleinement.
Compagnie:  GBcoloriage
État complet: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Ville: Ain
Rue: 6 Rte des Marlis
Code postal: 01280
Téléphoner: +33 655517960
Adresse: 6 Rte des Marlis, 01280 Prévessin-Moëns, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Ain, France

Because you are certifying or hoping to certify in a content area that includes

Because you are certifying or hoping to certify in a content area that includes

Because you are certifying or hoping to certify in a content area that includes the Science of Teaching Reading standards, you must provide evidence through your lesson planning projects that you know and are able to apply the STR standards. Therefore, you must do the following:
Lesson Plan 1 MUST be a lesson plan that uses an English/Reading/Language Arts TEKS that addresses one of the following literacy domains: Phonics; Phonemic Awareness; Comprehension; or Fluency. Vocabulary instruction must be embedded in the plan as well. You must use this lesson plan format (Literacy plan attached) to ensure you are meeting the instructional planning requirements that include the STR.  
2. Lesson Plan 2 may also be literacy, or you may choose any other standard in any other content area you wish. Vocabulary instruction must also be embedded in the plan, regardless of the content area and standard you choose. You may use the traditional Texas Teachers’ Lesson Plan document (Template plan attached) for this plan.
You may download the 700.4PBP Rubric Download 700.4PBP Rubric here to understand the expectations of the project. 

Your Research Design After reviewing the Module 4 Assignment, discuss the follo

Your Research Design
After reviewing the Module 4 Assignment, discuss the follo

Your Research Design
After reviewing the Module 4 Assignment, discuss the following:
Indicate your research design (i.e., correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental, or causal-comparative, etc.)
State the descriptive (i.e., mean, median, mode, standard deviation, range, percentages, etc.)
State the inferential statistics you will be using to analyze your data given your variables and design.

 Based on your readings of the Legal Rights of Persons with Developmental Disabi

 Based on your readings of the Legal Rights of Persons with Developmental Disabi

 Based on your readings of the Legal Rights of Persons with Developmental Disabilities, identify the three most important concepts, laws, or information that you have learned.  Indicate why you found these to be the most important. You must reference the reference within the narrative response as well as at the bottom of the response.  

– How would the professional development session fit in with the overall traini

How would the professional development session fit in with the overall traini

How would the professional development session fit in with the overall training plan for the school?
Can this session be expanded to meet school training goals over an extended period of time?
Do the provided materials and resources fit with the school’s needs?
Do the strategies and techniques used in this session fit with the school or district’s policies and procedures?
Does this session follow the required state/federal laws and policies?
Following your field experience, write a 250-500 word reflection summarizing the interview and how you will use this information to develop your year-long plan.
Yes, this session can be expanded because you can never talk about communication enough, nor can there ever be too many practices that exhibit how to effectively communicate. 
Yes, the provided materials and resources fit the school’s needs. I especially think the reflective practices will give all participants the chance to think of ways they can become better communicators. They can then bring their ideas back to their peers to help them. 
My district supports these people policies and procedures. 
Yes, this session follows the required state/federal laws/policies.

Questions must be be 2 solid paragraphs each. APA style citations 1. What is a

Questions must be be 2 solid paragraphs each. APA style citations
1. What is a

Questions must be be 2 solid paragraphs each. APA style citations
1. What is a developmental disability? List 3 examples. Note their symptoms and behaviors. Cite at least one peer-reviewed article that supports your ideas. Citations MUST be in APA Style.  
2. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM 5), in addition to deficits in intellectual functions, what other limitations are required to have a diagnosis of Intellectual Disability? Please explain. Also, describe the assessment and diagnostic process when assessing for an intellectual disability. Citations MUST be in APA Style.  
3. Compare and contrast Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Discuss their etiologies, course, challenges, diagnostic criteria, assessment procedures, interventions, etc. Cite at least two peer-reviewed journal articles in APA style 
4. Reframing and normalizing are important strategies in helping families cope. Define these terms and describe how these strategies benefit families of children with disabilities. 

Why do you think single-sex schools became popular? Do you think this trend t

Why do you think single-sex schools became popular? Do you think this trend t

Why do you think single-sex schools became popular? Do you think this trend toward single-sex schooling should be stopped, supported, or tolerated?

Support your position with at least one piece of scholarly research.

Create a post that is thoughtful, professional, and provokes further discussion.