Nutrition Influence On Vietnamese Health


It is generally believed that the Vietnamese has always been considered slow developed in physical strength and appearance. The community supposes that the main reason for this problem is genetic factors. However, many scientific researches have proved that it is not true. According to Mueller (1982), people’s height is basically defined by heredity, but if the nutritional and environmental conditions did not satisfy basic requirements, height development would not be adequate to the rate which was defined back then by hereditary potential. Among the surrounding elements, nutrition and disease are the two most important factors. Only 20% of height development is affected by gene, and 80% depends on nutrition. Nutrition is dependent on eating habit, diet, and nutritious knowledge.

According to a survey of a group of Foreign Trade University students in 2011, 44% of 133 students who were surveyed never or rarely have breakfast. So that, there is 56% of them have breakfast regularly. Among these number of students, only 23 students pay attention to hygiene and food safety, 25 students take interest in nutritional value of food they eat, and 75% of them attach much importance to price, which means the lower the price of food, the more attractive of them to students. However, to decrease the price, the sellers must ignore food safety factor, such as using bad ingredients: stale meat and fish, chemicals, etc. In addition, based on a survey of Vina-research company about habit of eating fast-food of Vietnamese youngsters, within 563 people, 90% of them eat fast-food at least once per week. Among them, 151 people eat fast-food every day and 127 of them consume fast-food 4 to 5 times per week. Overview, almost more than 60% Vietnamese youngsters are having bad eating habit. This research paper will attempt to provide nutritious knowledge and suggest some diet solutions for Vietnamese youngsters.

Breakfast – The most important meal of day

Breakfast has long been considered the most important meal in a day. As nutritionist Adelle Davis affirmed:” Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” However, not many Vietnamese youngsters pay much attention to it. The first thing we need to concentrate on is that how serious health risks you would face if you did not eat something at the beginning of the day. Cahill et al (2013) authenticated: “a 27% increase in coronary heart disease amongst those North American men who regularly failed to eat breakfast.” In addition, according to the research “Consumption of a high-fat breakfast on consecutive days alters preclinical biomarkers for atherosclerosis” of McFarlin et al, eating high-fat breakfasts too often has recently been accused of increasing the risk of atherosclerosis.

Breakfast relates to diseases

It has long been known that eating breakfast will provide you with alertness and fuel for the body to perform over a day. Therefore, many people have been drinking coffee at the beginning of the day in order to be in full possession of their faculties. Intriguingly, there are several researches documented that this fact is true. According to Lucas et al (2014):” consuming a couple of cups of caffeinated coffee a day literally halved the suicide rate”. Moreover, a research done by (Rahmani J, 2017 ) exposed that consumption of a healthy diet, including high intakes of fish, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, may improve psychological – disorder problem. In addition to dietary intakes, some dietary habits including breakfast consumption have been related to mental disoders (Quirk SE, 2013). It has been reported that breakfast consumption has the advantages to provide better association between fat, obesity and depression. (Luppino FS, 2010). Furthermore, it has been affirmed that breakfast skipping increases hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity, which subsequently elevates production of stress (Alexa, Louise, & Clare, 2009). So, taken together, food and drink which we consumed first in the morning not only supplies energy for the body but also have positive effect on anti-depressing attitude and preventing diseases, such as obesity.

Skipping breakfast was also recorded to cause some serious diseases. First of all, it is type 2 diabetes. According to the research over 935 cases with type 2 diabetes among 96,175 participants, the meta – analysis displayed that higher possibility of diabetes was higher among youngsters who skip 4-5 days breakfast per week. This inquiry provides evidence that breakfast skipping is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, and the association were still significant after adjustment for adiposity. Healthy daily breakfast eating may help lower risk of type 2 diabetes (Schlesinger, 2018).

Meanwhile, another research further showed that skipping breakfast leads to greater lipid absorption rate and consequently provokes to obesity. “Overweight/obesity was significantly more common in those used to skipping breakfast than those who had breakfast” (Mohsen Maddah, 2008). Eating breakfast also has effect on losing weight and prevent obesity. At least 58 observational studies (with 88 independent groups) spanning the globe have been published on the relationship between breakfast consumption and obesity, with evidence from over 30 countries and 5 continents. A cumulative meta-analysis of these data supports public health guidelines that regular breakfast consumption is associated with a lower risk of obesity. (Brown AW, 2013). It is commonly reported by laypersons that skipping breakfast will result in increasing intake of food for the rest of the day. For this to reduce body mass then energy intake compensation must surpass the energy contained in breakfast and also be sustained over time. Moreover, the potential for breakfast to modulate components of energy expenditure should also be considered alongside energy intake, because increased energy intake could be surpassed by larger increases in expenditure. (Gonzalez, 2018) Importantly, the increase in energy intake is almost always insufficient to account for the energy intake that is missed with breakfast skipping. (Clayton DJ, 2016). One study has advanced the idea of a more positive energy balance with breakfast consumption. The second-meal effect is also present in obese (or overweight) individuals, whereby consumption of a carbohydrate-rich breakfast results in a lower plasma glucose response to lunch. Post-lunch plasma insulin concentrations are also sometimes, but not always, lower when a breakfast has previously been consumed, suggesting that insulin sensitivity may be acutely improved with breakfast consumption. The exaggerated triglyceride response to lunch when breakfast has been consumed is also seen in overweight individuals. (Thomas EA, 2015) (Chowdhury EA, 2016).

The important role of Omega-3

Omega- 3 has been one of the most important substances which are vital to human beings. Omega-3 is essential fatty acids, which means human’s body cannot synthesize itself, and human can be dead if omega- 3 is not absorbed from food (Clandinin MT, 1990). Omega-3 has an important role in preventing cancer. One study of Gabriel Fernandes (1993) indicated: “The alterations in the pattern of dietary lipid consumption over the years has gradually led to increase or imbalances in polyunsaturated to saturated fat ratio (P/S ratios) which could be one of the possible causes for increase in certain cancers.” Gabriel also proved that Omega-3 help human body to increase number of IL-2 and NK-Cell, which are essential in destroying abnormal cell and cancer cell. Moreover, many more researchers (Barber, 1999) (van der Meij, 2010) (Wigmore, 1997) (Yeh, 2013) appointed that EPA and DHA (Omega-3) supplementation provided several potential benefits in the treatment of the cachectic syndrome in subjects with different types of cancer.

Omega-3 furthermore enhance acne problem. The results from the researches of (UJ Jung, 2009) and (Janice K. Kiecolt-Glaser, 2012) pointed out that consuming Omega-3 will significantly reduce acne in 5 to 10 weeks, because Omega-3 has benefits in inflammatory and anti – inflammatory. “N-3 PUFAs can reduce inflammation in overweight, sedentary middle-aged and older adults, and thus could have broad health benefits.” – (Janice K. Kiecolt-Glaser, 2012).

Biological value of protein and the significance of protein

Biological value of protein is a measure of the proportion of absorbed protein from a food. It also affects digestion time of a protein source. The higher the biological value, the larger ratio of protein human can absorb (Daniel R. Moore, 2015). For example, in 1 whole chicken egg contains 3.47 gram of protein, and its biological value is 94. (Cespedes, 2019). It means the maximum amount of protein a normal person can absorb from a whole chicken egg is 3.26 gram.

Here is a list of biological values of food:

  1. Whey protein: 106-159 (Hoffman & Falvo, 2014)
  2. Egg: 94 (Cespedes, 2019)
  3. Cow’s Milk: 91 (Singhal, 2017)
  4. Cheese: 84 (Jolliet, 1998)
  5. Rice: 83 (Jolliet, 1998)
  6. Chicken: 79 (Ricciuto, 2018)
  7. Beef: 74 (Volkova LD, 1998)

Based on the list above, it is clear that Whey protein has the highest biological value, which means it is the fastest and purest protein source that human can absorb.

Protein is one of the 3 most vital substances to maintain human’s life, which is protein, carbohydrate and fat. Moreover, adding protein to diet is the simplest, most effective and most delicious way to lose weight with minimal effort. Studies showed that protein both increase human’s metabolic rate and curb appetite (MS, 2008). Because protein requires energy to metabolize, a high-protein diet can increase calories burned by 80–100 calories per day (Veldhorst MA W. K.-P., 2010) (Veldhorst MA W.-P. M., 2009) (Johnston CS, 2002). Protein is also by far the most filling nutrient. One study showed that people who ate 30% of calories as protein automatically ate 441 fewer calories per day. (Weigle DS, 2005).

Not only will protein help to lose weight, it also takes advantage in prevent or at least significantly reduce weight regain (Larsen TM & Diet, 2010) (Westerterp-Plantenga MS, 2004) .

Vietnamese dish and necessary nutrition to maintain life

Regarding a normal Vietnamese dish, it has satisfied the common requirement of energy, but it is lack of protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. 70% ingredient of a normal Vietnamese dish is starch (typically white rice) and 20% is meat. Therefore, there is only 10% of vegetable. This problem has resulted in 27.8% of under 5 years old – kids experienced anemia, 13% got avitaminosis and even 49.7% suffer from parakeratosis. (Truong, 2018) . According to Tran K.V. , malnutrition has disadvantage effects on health, intelligence among teens and reproductive ability when they grow up. Malnutrition is also the most serious factor that leads to undeveloped of height growth. Furthermore, it has been known that most of Vietnamese do not frequently eat fish. It is extremely disadvantage for health, because fish is the main resource to provide Omega-3(EPA/DHA), and the benefits of Omega-3 have been shown above.

For a normal person from 19 years old above, the average indispensable amount of protein intake is 60 gram a day for man and 46 grams for woman. (FAO/WHO/UNU, 1985). If the protein intake is below this required value, a person may suffer from diseases included undeveloped muscle mass and bone structure, etc (Ricciuto, 2018) . The average calories needed to maintain life for man between 19-30 years old is 2500 kcal per day, and this amount for woman is 1900 kcal. (Nordqvist, 2018). Therefore, in order to obtain good health, the Vietnamese in particular and everyone in general should eat at least the amount of nutrition above.

Nutrition is the most vital and important aspect which people need to consider, especially teenagers because during this period, human body has the highest developing rate. This research has demonstrated some nutritional knowledge based on proved evidences and revealed Vietnamese youngsters’ bad eating habit. Overall, Vietnamese youngsters in particular need to adjust amount of nutrition intake and diet in order to have good health.


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The Nutrition Diet And The Lifestyle As Main Factors On Human Health


This century is a century of medical improvement. all over the world, understanding of the pathology of many diseases has extremely increased, as a result, more effective treatments have been developed. It was a sight near the end of the twentieth century that was at the end, we can develop a drug for any disease in order to completely eliminate the disease from the population. However, this generation began to realize that a drug might not be what we should rely on. Medicine, while it is able to treat symptoms or even cure many diseases, it also often presents bad side effects to patients, as well as extreme financial concerns. One aspect of health care that is slowly attracting more attention is nutrition and lifestyle. Many researchers have researched the relationship between diet and both chronic and acute diseases. The main chronic diseases examined include type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. For these chronic diseases, the diet has consistently been shown to be a major factor in their incidence and prevalence. Another concern that has recently gained much attention is cancer, which has also been strongly associated with dietary behaviours. After knowing the high relationship between dietary patterns and chronic diseases such as these, it is important to study how nutrition can affect the development and development of other types of diseases. Specifically, the effect of nutrition on neurological diseases should be particularly important. However, many diseases have a significant impact on the nutrition and nutritional status of infected patients. In addition to paralysis, immobility, abnormal motor function and various neuropsychiatric disorders, it is dysphagia swallowing and swallowing vessels and the deepest effect on dietary intake.

Brain’s health and nutrition:

there are links between nutrition and lifestyle and the brain’s health in general. The efficiency of the brain tends to decrease with age as part of the natural process of aging, which can lead to a decline in cognitive functioning, development of dementia or Alzheimer’s, or other neurological disorders. However, diet and lifestyle factors have been shown to prevent or reduce this neurodegeneration that occurs with age. This correlation can be explained by what is known about how the vascular system is affected by diet, which is important in the functioning of the brain because the brain consumes over twenty percent of the body’s oxygen and nutrients even though it only makes up approximately two percent of the body’s weight (Kalaria, 2010). This relationship between thevascular system’s health and neurological health can be explained because pathological changes in the smooth muscle of the walls of the cerebral resistance arteries change the brain’s autoregulatory responses. For example, changes in circulation due to dilation or constriction of cerebral resistance arteries often results in hypertensive encephalopathy or cerebral hypoperfusion. Many links such as these exist between the cardiovascular system and the brain’s functioning. For example, hypertension is correlated with an increased risk of dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease, and adult onset type 2 diabetes mellitus leads to a 2 to 2.5 fold increased risk of dementia with aging (Kalaria, 2010). Further, the nutritional interventions that prevent neuronal degeneration are very similar to those that improve cardiovascular functioning.

Multiple sclerosis and saturated fat:

Multiple sclerosis is one of the neurological diseases that can be greatly affected by nutrition. This interaction has suggested epidemiological studies indicating that the prevalence of multiple sclerosis is higher in areas where saturated fat intake is higher than trans fats (Payne, 2001). In the case of the united states of the World Health Council, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS is estimated at 100 million. The type of fat that is consumed is also something that has been investigated. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are currently recommended for patients with multiple sclerosis. The effect of a low fat diet on multiple sclerosis can be enhanced, while wonderful, by an antioxidant supplement. Mores and others conducted a 42-day randomized randomized trial of long-term residents with multiple sclerosis to investigate the effect of this supplementation on cell metabolism and multi-sclerosis inflammatory processes (2013). In this study, five participants were assigned to the experimental group, which was given a low-fat diet and antioxidant supplements, while four participants were placed in the control group, receiving only a low-fat diet and placebo instead of antioxidant supplements. Biomarkers were measured at the baseline, then after 42 days of experimentation. In the end, participants in the intervention group reduced the reactive proteins C and inflammatory markers isoprostane 8-iso-PGF2α and interleukine IL-6 compared to the controlled group (Mauriz et al., 2013). Therefore, when treating multiple sclerosis through dietary interventions for a low-fat diet, it will be useful to include antioxidant supplements.

One of the nutritional interventions that has been used as a primary treatment is details to reduce the prevalence of seizures in epilepsy patients. Unlike the recommended diet for MS, the recommended diets for the treatment of epilepsy have promoted high-fat diets, particularly the importance of medium-chain triglycerides. Ketone is the first of these suggested diets, indicating that epileptic patients consume a diet consisting of 90% fat and 10% protein and carbohydrates combined. This led to the development of the average diet of the modified triglyceride series, which recommended a slightly lower fat content, in a total of 71-75% of the diet consisting of fat, 10% protein, and 15-19% carbohydrates. Furthermore, this diet explained that 30-60% of the diet should be specifically from medium-chain triglycerides, while 11-45% should come from long-chain triglycerides, regardless of anything, this breakdown should add to at least 71% of the fat diet. Newer, less

Diets often used include low blood sugar treatment, which breaks the composition of a healthy diet down to 60% fat, 20-30% protein, and only 10-20% of carbohydrates, and the modified Atkins diet, which strongly encourages eating high-fat and high-protein foods with a reduction in carbohydrate intake to 10 to 15 grams per day (Neil and Cross, 2010).

Neil and Cross (2010) conducted a literary review of several studies examining the effectiveness of these diets. The ketone diet and the medium-ketone tri-chain diet have shown to be the most effective. The government’s ability to provide as much as a large number of staff is also needed to provide a clear and comprehensive account of the financial and financial needs of the public and the public. Furthermore, 30% to 100% of the participants, based on a specific study, experienced a 50% or more reduction in the frequency of seizures. While these diets may be effective in reducing the prevalence of seizures, other health aspects should be considered in such a severe diet. These diets revealed negative effects on children’s biomarkers. One study examined children’s biomarkers after six months of dietary adherence. These effects included a significant increase in blood plasma in LDL, VLDL, and non-HDL cholesterol as well as a significant decrease in HDL cholesterol. In addition, levels of triglycerides and polypoprotein B have increased dramatically in the blood plasma of these children (Kwiterovich et al., 2003). In response, Johns Hopkins stated that children should adhere to the diet for only two years, after which their seizures may not return and their biological markers should return to normal (Lawson, 2003).

Whole of Diet Approaches and Alzheimer`s Disease:

There is some evidence that adherence to diets based on health policy guidelines may be associated with improved cognitive function through population studies that have examined regiments from several countries including the United States, the Netherlands, Finland, Italy, Canada and France. Literature has begun to reinforce the importance of studying dietary patterns or the entire diet approach rather than individual foods or nutrients because of the likely synergistic effects of nutrient compositions. For example, a diet that is high in saturated fatty acids and also high in monounsaturated fatty acids may have conflicting effects on the risk of creation and there is an overall null effect. Thus, the study of dietary patterns and the evaluation of food compositions may provide insights into the synergistic effects of some nutrient formulations in relation to delaying the onset of a thousand. Food/clinical trials with multi-nutrition interventions (treatment of neurological protection, cardiovascular and inflammatory responses should be over a sufficient period of time (minimum 12 months, 18 months or more, better), which control the confusion of food and lifestyle factors, and with study designs that allow for the identification of synergistic or multifactor effects of nutritional interventions being evaluated, to demonstrate the clinically relevant effects of dietary interventions on delaying the onset of control.

Western diet and impaired hippocampal-dependent learning and memory:

Western diet:

The Western diet is a diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish, low-fat dairy products, excessive amounts of refined and processed foods, alcohol, salt, red meat, sugary drinks, snacks, eggs and butter. The Western diet, which suffers from low potassium, high sodium, fat scinfected and simple carbohydrates, has been implicated in many diseases, including atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. However, this diet negatively affects memory and learning:

  • The Western diet is associated with learning deficits that depend on hippopotamus and memory over age.
  • Hippothal dysfunction is associated with increased BBB permeability
  • Western diets disrupt nerve signals that affect the formation of hippopotamus nerves and plasticity.
  • Eating the Western diet may lead to a vicious cycle of obesity and cognitive decline.
  • Gontism and cognitive dementia may have common nutritional origins.

Vitamin E in neurological health:

The critical needs of vitamin E have been recognized in the NHS for more than 50 years, when ‘prominent ataxia” and neuromuscular disability were first described in vitamin E vitamin e-deficient mice. Similarly, humans who have mutations in the TTPA gene are primarily present with ataxia with vitamin E deficiency, characterized by ataxia and extremely low vitamin E levels (3 micrometers). Improving AVED patients with vitamin E supplementation emphasizes an indispensable condition of vitamin E for optimal neuromuscular health. Due to the vital need to maintain the optimal status of vitamin E, CNS has developed unique mechanisms to maintain vitamin E balance. The turnover rate of vitamin E in the brain is up to 10 times slower than that in other tissues. In addition to progressive ataxia, other neurological manifestations of vitamin E deficiency include the loss of proprep, areflexia, the removal of the sensory myela in the spine, and purkinje neuron degeneration, accompanied by atrophy of neurons and axis spheroids. Neuromodifications that accelerate the atxphenic phenotype are the atrophy and decrease of the dural arboretise of purkinje neurons, which are responsible for the only motor output of the cerebellum cortex.


  1. Yuan, F., Yang, F., Zhang, W., Jia, Y., Ma, Y., Qu, Y., & Song, C. (2019). Optimizing early enteral nutrition in severe stroke (OPENS): protocol for a multicentre randomized controlled trial. BMC neurology, 19(1), 24
  2. Burgos, R., Bretón, I., Cereda, E., Desport, J. C., Dziewas, R., Genton, L., & Poulia, K. A. (2018). ESPEN guideline clinical nutrition in neurology. Clinical nutrition, 37(1), 354-396.‏

Combining Dieting and Drugs to Control Obesity

Many medical substances have been developed over the past years and many have been out there such as pills, rubs, lotions, powders, and creams that have been reported to reduce weight. But only a few have been proved to be of a good result. But most of it seems to work well only with fitness exercises and a good diet combination. This will work and produce long-lasting outcomes.

Though many kept cautioning that they don’t trust those drugs, it might be a kind of chemical that we are introducing into our body that may be of harm in the future. One of these known drugs is Alli, but this drug does not produce any result unless the dieter adapts a good feeding and fitness plan and engage them.

There are some adverse effects that may arise due to the intake of Alli without eating foods of low fats. So the dieter must be careful if not it might cause things like flatulence, loose stools, and bowel incontinence. Just know that Alli is not a medication that is made completely for those who want to lose weight.

Though this drug is not a strong stand to solve weight issues, it can facilitate your efforts to reach your desired goals and obtain a result from your fitness plan. When one uses Alli efficiently by engaging in the right diet and workouts, he will reduce significantly in weight, in fact, statistics have shown that he will reduce 50% more than just if he had engaged in dieting and exercise only. This is seen in the diet industry at large as huge progress.

This approach does not happen like magic. It’s not that kind that will melt down calories of weight when you fold your hands and balance snoring throughout the night. You must be on your toes and stick to plan, so as to get the desired result. You can decide to check out if incorporating this in your plan is the best, perhaps it might solve your poor approach to keeping up to dieting plans and fitness goals. But I say it, you won’t regret it.

Though good things like this don’t come easy it is always at a cost but might cause you a few hundred dollars. But if you are one that is so troubled about your weight you got to do something without minding the cost as long as you will receive your result. But please you can ask your doctor to look into that weather you can adapt it to your health plan or not.

Obesity Epidemic in the UK: Causes, Effects and Complications


This report is designed to provide information on health and social care in UK. The study is specifically focused on obesity epidemic in UK. The study will also be backed up with statistical evidence and the findings from previous studies which will be reported at the end of the report.

This report will explore the obesity epidemic, especially in the UK. The concept of obesity and the different definition of obesity by different studies will also be reviewed. The causes of obesity and who is affected by the disease, illnesses caused by obesity and how to overcome this endemic disease will also be looked into.


Based on the research conducted for this study, the following major findings were made.

  • According to statistical reports by Higgins (2019), 50% of UK citizens could be obese by 2030 if the current trend continues.
  • Ramsay (2020) predicted that obesity could affect 60% of male adults, 50% of female adults and 25% of children by 2050 if more effort is not made towards interventions.
  • Childhood obesity has become a critical epidemic with almost 1 in 5 children leaving primary school obese (RSPH, 2015)
  • The obesity rate in adults for both genders in England and Scotland is 29%. Meanwhile, 27% of the population in Northern Ireland is obese (News Sky, 2020).
  • According to (News Sky, 2020), women tend to have a slightly higher obesity rate than men.
  • According to News Sky (2020), the West Midlands has the highest rate of obesity at 33%, while London records the lowest at 24%.
  • Households with the lowest incomes have higher obesity rates. 34% of adults in households with the lowest incomes are obese, compared with 21% of the highest incomes (News Sky, 2020).

WHO (2020) defined obesity as an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk of health. Obesity is a complex disease that can increase the risk of other health challenges like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, etc. (Bubnis, 2020).

There have several views on the concept of obesity. John (2019) argues that obesity is a sickness caused by the consumption of more calories than the body can use. In a similar study, (NCBI, 2020) reported that obesity arises as a result of an energy surplus condition, which occurs when there is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and the calories expended, that results in excess body weight. This energy imbalance is partly as a result of deep social and economic changes at levels past the control of any individual (NIH, 2010).

In order to determine the difference between a normal weighted person and an obese person, the Body Mass Index (BMI) was established. The BMI standard of determining whether someone is obese or not, is a widely used standard, even in the UK (NHS, 2020). The body weight of a person according to BMI is determined by dividing the body weight of a person by the total height. The weight is measured in kilograms while the height of the person is measured in square meters. So, the procedure to determine if someone is obese is by measuring their weight and their height, dividing the weight by the height and obtaining the BMI index value (NHS, 2020). One might be quick to ask how a person is confirmed to be obese after the Body Mass Index is obtained. Well, for most adults, a BMI value between 18.5 and 24.9 only means that the person is healthy. Meanwhile, a person with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is categorized to b over-weighted (NHS, 2020). Being overweight does not really translate to obesity, but people that are in this category have a higher chance of graduating to be obese. More so, people with a BMI between 30 and 39.9 are categorized to be obese. According to (MedicineNet, 2020), these persons are 20 percent weightier than their ideal weight after considering their height, age, sex and body build. Furthermore, persons that have BMI of 40 or above are considered to be severely obese. These sets of people are in danger of some chronic illnesses like stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure, etc. (NHS, 2020).

Obesity Epidemic in the UK

The obesity epidemic in the UK has put the NHS under increasing pressure. The rate of admissions with diagnosis of obesity is increasing year by year ((Higgins, 2019)). According to News Sky (2020), obesity has nearly tripled in the last 40 years. However, there have been several interventions attempts by the Department of Health to tackle obesity in UK. One of these intervention programmes is the “fitter future for all” framework which was launched on the 9th of March, 2012 (DoH, 2020). The programme was targeted towards empowering citizens and sensitizing them in making healthy choices that could reduce the risk of overweight and obesity related diseases (DoH, 2020). Another obesity intervention is the “start active, stay active” programme which was recommended by UK chief medical officers on the physical activities that could help individuals maintain fitness in order to prevent obesity (Gov.UK, 2019). UK medical chiefs also designed guidance for children and young people with infographs and illustrations that is directed towards healthy everyday activities that could help in fighting obesity (DoH, 2020). The food in school’s policy which was launched in 2013 by the Department of Health was also directed towards alleviating children obesity (DoE, 2013. The childhood obesity campaigns and the general intervention of obesity in UK are pure indications that the medical industry understands the dangers of obesity and allots it the attention it deserves.

There are several factors that could lead to obesity. These factors differ based on individual differences. Some of the factors that are explained below:


According to Mayoclinic (2020), obesity can be inherited from parental genes. The accumulation and distribution of body fat is could be inherited from parents. How food is converted to energy after eating and how the appetite is regulated is also affected by the genes. More so, the amount of fat that is burnt during exercise was reported to be influenced by the gene (NHS, 2020).

Lack of Exercise

One of the major causes of obesity is the choice of lifestyle and general behaviour (Balentine, 2020). Exercise is one obvious method of burning calories and staying in shape (Nunez, 2019). Failing to work out the muscles as little as possible causes the body to accumulate more calories than it burns off (Nunez, 2019). Reports have it that individuals that run in the morning are on a lesser risk of becoming obese. Exercise not only burns helps in burning calories, it also relaxes the mind and promotes good mood which helps in making other lifestyle choices (Nunez, 2019).

Poor Dieting

The easiest route to obesity, according to Gunnars (2020), is through poor dieting. Poor dieting is simply the failure to offer good and appropriate amount of nutrition to the body. Excess or insufficient nutrition has a wide range of negative effects on the body. Consuming high calories without burning them is one of the leading causes of obesity. According to (Pirgon, et al. 2015), most obese patients suffer depression and low self-esteem which pushes them to eat even more as a way to feel better. This method is destructive and only worsens the medical situation.

Other Causes of Obesity

Some medical conditions like arthritis can reduce the ability for individuals to work out which could lead to weight gain. Medications like antidepressants, anti-seizure, steroids, diabetes medications, etc. could also cause weight gain if not controlled through proper dieting (Mayoclinic, 2020). Furthermore, psychological factors, like boredom, sadness, anger could lead to excessive eating which could result to weight gain (MedicineNet, 2020).

Who is affected by Obesity?

Obesity is a general illness. It affects both the old and the young; male and female. The disease does not discriminate. However, according to NCHS (2020) data brief which was released in February, 2020, between 2017 and 2018, prevalence of obesity was 40.0% among young adults aged 20 to 39 years, 44.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40 to 59 years, and 42.8% among older adults aged 60 and older (News Sky, 2020). This only implies that obesity also tends to increase with age. In other words, a child that is not trained with a good dieting habit has a higher tendency of becoming overweight and a child that is overweight has a high likelihood of being obese as he climbs the age ladder (Davey, 2019).

Obesity exposes patients to diverse illnesses. Obese patients have a high-risk factor of developing life-threatening diseases like type 2 diabetes hypertension, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, some type of cancer, etc. (Lloyd, et al. 2018).

Apart from physical illnesses, obesity also causes emotional and psychological breakdown. The disease attacks the self-esteem of the patients which in most cases result in depression (Science Daily, 2019). Patients of obesity are found to feel depressed about their physical state which pushes some into alcohol and more diet abuse, worsening the case (WHO, 2017).

Overcoming Obesity

Overcoming obesity requires the right attitude towards overall behaviour. Lifestyle change is one of the most effective strategies for overcoming obesity. Consciously adopting a healthy dieting plan and being disciplined enough to follow it through. According to (NHS, 2020), eating more fruits and vegetables, substituting fried junks with wholegrain varieties like bread, rice, pasta or other starchy food, taking more milk and dry foods and reducing the amount of high in fat & sugar food intake can go a long way in putting an obese patient back in shape.

The importance of exercise in overcoming obesity cannot be overemphasised. Regular exercise helps in burning accumulated calories and helps to maintain a healthy weight. This reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and increases the health of the heart (NHS, 2020). Registering in a gym and following up a proper routine could go a long way in putting back an obese patient to shape. This not only reduces the risk of obesity, but prevents other life-threatening diseases like heart disease, stroke, etc.


Obesity is a complex disease. The best way to manage obesity is by maintaining a good diet, physical activity, and lifestyle changes. Managing obesity involves improving the overall health, not just about losing weight. The key to effective weight loss is consistency. It is important to draw out a diet plan that is realistic and easy to stick to in the long term. Achieving that perfect body is possible; it only requires consistency and self-discipline.

My 3-Day Diet: Analysis, Summary and Recommendations

For me to achieve my goal this new year of starting living a healthy lifestyle, such as consuming a healthy diet and being physically active, I need to be aware of all the pros and cons of all the food and its ingredients that I am eating, as well as how am I able to spend all the kcals and energies that I have by being active. To begin with that, through the help of Diet and Wellness Plus (DWP), I am able to analyze my diet and see what went wrong and what needs improvements. As a result, I selected five items consisting of both micronutrients and macronutrients that need to be modified by following certain meal recommendations that I have created for myself based on my 3-day diet analysis. This would help me properly manage my diet and intake, as well as to have a healthy body inside and out.

Carbohydrates Intake

Based on the DWP analysis, my daily recommended intake (DRI) for carbohydrates is between 285.75-412.75 g, so far, I am still within the DRI range having 310.13 g of carbohydrates intake per day, which means that I just need to maintain it. However, when it comes to specific carbohydrates, especially dietary fibers, the result showed me that my intake is below my DRI of 25.0 g/day for dietary fibers, only meeting 92.33 % of it by only having 23.08g per day. This means that while I am able to reach my DRI for my carbohydrate intake, I still have to focus on increasing my dietary fiber intake to be able to balance it with my DRI.

Meal Recommendations

According to Makki et al. (2018), low intake of dietary fibers can lead to a higher risk of chronic inflammatory diseases such as colorectal cancer, intestinal bowel diseases (IBD), and also obesity due to the depletion of bacterial taxa and disruption of our microbial system. With that being said, all the adjustments that I have to make reflect on the MyPlate result, which helps me reach my DRIs like increasing my dietary fiber intake. This includes switching to whole grains for at least 4.5 oz, I also need to include at least 2.5 cups per week of some dry beans and peas in my diet. I can also include other food that is a good source of dietary fibers that are not included in the MyPlate result, such as broccoli, almonds, avocados, and apples, which I really love to be included in my diet. I am going to look for easy steps on how to cook or prepare healthy food in just a few minutes that will include some of the food mentioned above, as I have a tight schedule, cooking meals are really hard for me, but having guidance and meal planned ahead of the day, I am going to make it work to be a healthy person.

Vitamin D Intake

Vitamin D is very important for mineral and bone metabolism. It is associated with the homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus in our body, which helps maintain our overall bone health, including our skin. Based on the result of my DWP, I am surprised that I am not able to meet my DRI for vitamin D. My vitamin D is the lowest of all the vitamins that I obtain for only having 23.24% of it, falling below my DRI of 15.00 µg by only obtaining 3.486 µg a day. I assumed that I can obtain an adequate vitamin D by just being exposed outside as the climate here in California is always sunny which is a naturally good source of vitamin D, however, that’s not the case, I still need to have support from my diets to meet my DRI for this vitamin.

Meal Recommendations

According to Hollick (2017), vitamin D deficiency is a common health concern globally. Obtaining inadequate vitamin D can lead to higher risks of chronic and acute illnesses such as periodontitis, preeclampsia, and some infections and autoimmune diseases. Low vitamin D in our body can also lead to low bone density and eventually can cause osteoporosis. Although being exposed to the sun still provide you with vitamin D, it’s still not enough source of vitamin D, and you still need to acquire a huge portion of it from your diet. With that being said, MyPlate recommended that I include 10 oz per week of seafood in my diet, along with some poultry eggs for at least 31 oz per week. I am also planning to start having smart food choices by buying some foods like juices, yogurts, and cereals that are fortified with high vitamin D. Other than that, I am also going to start jogging early in the morning, which will be beneficial for me for being exposed in the sun, acquiring vitamin D and engaging in an exercise.

Potassium Intake

On the other side, the analysis also showed me that I am not able to satisfy my body’s needs when it comes to my potassium intake. Although, as you can see, I had bananas on my diet, which are good sources of potassium, but still not enough to meet my DRI. Based on the analysis, my potassium intake of 2,555.39 mg is still lower than the DRI of 4,700 mg/day. It only provides me with 54.37% of potassium a day. According to Falkner (2017), a diet that includes high-potassium food can help individuals regulate their blood pressure, and having a potassium deficit in our body can lead to hypertension, that’s why it is very important to encourage children to have a diet pattern of potassium-rich food.

Meal Recommendations

To be able to meet my DRI for my potassium intake, I am still going to have bananas as part of my diet. I can eat it as it is, and if I have enough time, I can actually make some shakes or smoothies out of it, especially since the climate here in California is hot, this will help me keep myself hydrated too. Other than that, drinking orange juice is also a good source of vitamin K. I am also planning to consume fat-free milk over low-fat milk because it contains higher potassium. Either drink it or mix it with my fortified cereals. And because I love tomatoes, I am going to toss fresh tomatoes into my salad, which can contain more than 1,000 mg of potassium per cup. To add more flavors, I can include baby spinach, bok choy, potatoes, or avocados in that salad; they are all good sources of potassium.

Saturated Fat Intake

I am not surprised anymore that my saturated fat intake is above my DRI. I am a little bit guilty because I am fully aware of the food that is high in saturated fat but still decided to eat them. This includes the pizza, French fries, hamburger, and mac n’ cheese that I ate during the 3-day diet analysis, and as you can see, all of this is fast food. Based on the reported data under the fat breakdown section, saturated fat is the highest source of fat that I consumed with over 11.74% followed by monounsaturated fat. My recommended DRI for saturated fat is only 28.2 g a day, however, my intake is ranging at 31.56 g a day, which is 111.92% of the DRI. According to Ruiz-Nunez et al. (2016), a high saturated fat diet can contribute to the increase of low blood density lipoprotein cholesterol, which can lead to a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. According to McGuire and Beerman (2016), the Dietary Guidelines recommend that saturated fat should only be within the limit of 10% of the overall individual caloric intake to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Meal Recommendations

The best way to control my high saturated fat intake is to first stay away from eating fast food like pizza, hamburgers, and French fries as much as I can. As eating out is not healthy, I am going to do my best to do simple and easy meal prep that can be accommodated by my tight schedule as long as I am sure that I am putting healthy food in my body. I will focus more on eating vegetables and fruits. I am also going to avoid frying and would rather bake or broil. There are also wide choices of milk that are tagged as fat-free or reduced-fat instead of buying whole milk. I am also going to avoid creams in my recipes and choose low-fat cheeses. Having more chicken and fish in my diet is also one way to reduce my high saturated fat intake, but of course, I should also consider my protein source that’s coming from meat. The best way is to choose leaner cuts of beef or pork, this would help me limit and meet the recommended DRI for saturated fat.

Sodium Intake

All I can say is that my sodium intake is very disappointing. Having 213.59% of the recommended DRI of my sodium intake is unbelievable. I felt like I am not taking good care of myself by just seeing these numbers. The DRI for my sodium intake has a limit of 1,500 mg per day, and my intake is tripled the suggested DRI, which is 3,203.80 mg a day. Going back to my 3-day diet analysis, the pizza, smoked sausage, and mac n’ cheese contributed highly to my sodium intake, ranging over 1,000 mg each. According to Lopez-Jaramillo et al. (2015), high sodium intake increases the risk of hypertension, leading to congestive heart failure, kidney failure, and stroke. It is proposed to reduce sodium intake while increasing the potassium intake in our diet to reduce the chances of developing hypertension and other chronic diseases.

Meal Recommendations

For me to reduce my sodium intake, I really have to monitor my food intake, its quality, and of course, have smart choices of food. There are different ways how to do it, first is that I need to check the nutrition facts label of all the food/ingredients that I am going to buy for my meal pre. I am going to stay out with instant food and also eat out. I am going to start choosing healthy and fresh food rather than buying canned goods. My preference when it comes to choosing food will be low sodium or no sodium at all. Instead of cooking a whole egg, I could just cook an egg white, spices could be garlic or onion powder, pepper, and lemon for a healthier choice than salt. Fresh fruits like pineapples, watermelons, and peaches will be part of my diet too and they are also low or no sodium at all. Vegetables like eggplants, broccoli, and carrots are perfect for any healthy meal prep that is low in sodium.

Conclusion Statement

After analyzing my DWP result and the recommended food suggested by MyPlate, I became more conscious about the food that I eat, especially when it comes to the quality and its nutrient label. I remember before, when I try to lose weight and wanted to become healthy, all I do is minimize the quantity of the food that I eat, but I am still consuming the same food all over again with lesser quantity. However, it doesn’t work that way, I really need to see the nutrients or dive deeper into the qualities followed by the quantities of the food that I consume. With my result, I really need to take the necessary steps and changes in my diet as soon as possible. Having an elevated sodium and saturated fat intake will really put me at risk of having chronic diseases in the future, and at this time not having any signs of it means that I need to work on my diet pattern as well as my physical activities as early as I can. I don’t want to make a change when I know that it’s already too late, starting from now on, I would focus on monitoring my food intake and having a balanced diet together with proper exercise to live long and healthy.


  1. Falkner, B. (2017). Does Potassium Deficiency Contribute to Hypertension in Children and Adolescents? Current Hypertension Reports. doi: 10.1007/s11906-017-0733-2.
  2. Holick, M. (2017). The Vitamin D Deficiency Pandemic: Approaches for Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention. Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, 18, 153-165. doi: 10.1007/s11154-017-9424-1.
  3. Lopez-Jaramillo, P., Lopez-Lopez, J. & Lopez-Lopez, C. (2015). Sodium Intake Recommendations: A Subject That Needs to Be Reconsidered. Current Hypertension Reviews, 11(1). doi: 10.2174/1573402111666150530204311.
  4. Makki, K., Deehan, E., Walter, J. & Backhead, F. (2018). The Impact of Dietary Fiber on Gut Microbiota in Host Health and Disease. Cell Host & Microbe, 23 (6), 705-715. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2018.05.012.
  5. McGuire, M. K., & Beerman, K. A. (2017). NUTR2. Boston: Cengage Learning.
  6. Pils, S., Verheyen, N., Grubler, M., Tomaschitz, A. & Winfried, M. (2016). Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention. Nature Reviews Cardiology, 13, 404-417. doi: 10.1038/nrcardio.2016.73.
  7. Ruiz-Nunez, B., Dijick-Brouwer, J. & Muskiet, F. (2016). The Relation of Saturated Fatty Acids with Low-Grade Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 36, 1-20. doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2015.12.007.

Evaluation Essay on Food

Junk food

All fast foods are not junk foods. Junk foods are classified as hamburgers, pizzas, french fries & tacos. Whereas fast foods can be high or low in nutritional value. For example – Salads are considered to be high in nutritional value. Junk Food does not provide any nutrients that are required by the body for a healthy lifestyle. Processed foods are mostly junk food, as they have high sugar content present in them.

The UK Advertising Standards Authority uses nutrient profiles to classify it as junk food. Foods are scored from A to C, depending upon their nutritious value. The difference between A & C defines whether it is junk food or not.

The junk food label is described as nutritionally meaningless: food is food, and if there is zero nutritional value, then it isn’t food. Co-editor Vincent Marks explains, ‘To label a food as ‘junk’ is just another way of saying, ‘I disapprove of it.’ There are bad diets – that is, bad mixtures and quantities of food – but there are no ‘bad foods’ except those that have become bad through contamination or deterioration.

Why is junk food bad for you?

According to Dr. Sharma, the red flags that you should look out for and avoid bringing home include trans-fats, refined grains, salt, and high fructose corn syrup. Avoid foods that say corn sweetener, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, partially hydrogenated, fractionated, or hydrogenated on their label.

So next time you want to know if what’s on your plate is junk or not, ask yourself these 3 crucial questions:

    1. How many calories am I consuming in this one serving?
    2. What are the nutrients that I should be taking with every meal that will fulfill my nutrition requirements?
    3. How fresh are the food items that I am intaking in my meal?

Calories from snack foods

Popular snack foods are usually commercially prepared and packaged, like chips, cheese puffs, candy bars, snack cakes, and cookies.

Snack foods have a high amount of unwanted calories that one must avoid or at least keep in check. Between the years 1977 and 1996, snack food contributed a 3o% increase in the total calorie intake in children aged 2 to 5.

Why junk food is so popular?

Junk food is very popular because it is cheaper, convenient, tastes good, takes less time to prepare & is served quickly. Nowadays you can find numerous restaurants serving burgers, pizzas, french fries, ice-creams, waffles, cakes, etc. They have become very popular nowadays. Every other person is seen consuming this food. Junk food is made from cheaper quality ingredients like high-fat meat, refined grains, sugar & trans-fat. They have high amounts of salt, oil, and calories present in them.

Is fast food bad?

An individual cannot say whether food is good or bad. But there are some foods that you should consume on a daily basis. Fast foods are one of them, which should not be consumed on a daily basis. Fast foods contain high amounts of salt, sugar, trans-fat, cholesterol, etc. which are not healthy for the human body. You can consume fast food, but once a week or month depending upon the individual. Consuming excessive amounts of fast food over a longer period of time can lead to health-related problems which are not good for your body. Eating these foods affects your body a lot & can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney failure, obesity, etc.

Reasons junk food is bad for your health

    • Eating junk food makes your stomach full & satisfied, but it lacks in providing various health nutrients like protein, carbs, fats, fiber, etc.
    • Junk food affects your hormones a lot. Sudden mood swings, anxiety, etc. are the common side effects of hormonal changes seen in youngsters.
    • Junk foods affect an individual’s digestive system a lot. Those who are addicted to junk food are bound to have digestive problems like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Due to this, there is irritation in the stomach as the food was too oily, and spicy to digest due to which they feel acidity in their stomach.
    • Junk food is high in sugar. Due to consuming such a large amount of sugar in a meal your metabolism comes under stress. These foods lack proper nutrients, which are required by the body.
    • Recent research has shown that consuming bad fats present in junk foods replaces the healthy fats present in the body which results in improper brain signaling mechanisms.
    • Junk food increases the risk of diseases in the human body. These foods have high cholesterol & triglyceride levels present in them which are the main causes of heart diseases.
    • Fats present in junk food get stored in your body which makes you obese. As we all know obesity is very harmful to your body.
    • Junk food affects your kidney a lot as they have a high salt presence in them. Eating too much salt increases blood pressure & kidney function.
    • The high amount of fast present in junk food affects your liver & results in liver dysfunction.
    • When an individual consumes a healthy balanced diet his or her body performs normally. But when he or she consumes junk foods his or her body reacts in a different way causing improper metabolism & this results in insulin drop.

Advantages of junk food

    • Junk food is cheaper than healthy foods & is easily available in the market.
    • They are made quickly & save preparation time.
    • These are easy to carry & can be eaten anywhere & anytime.
    • These satisfy your cravings.
    • When an individual’s cravings are fulfilled he or she likes that food a lot.

The disadvantage of junk food

    • Junk food increases your weight rapidly.
    • Increase in weight lead to obesity.
    • High presence of fats results in health-related problems.
    • High amounts of sugar in junk food (ice creams, chocolates, etc.) lead to diabetes.
    • The high amount of salt in fries leads to kidney problems.
    • Junk foods have additives, preservatives & trans-fat in them which are very harmful to the human body.

Fast food and overeating

of course, junk food is also readily available at restaurant chains across the country in the form of French fries, chicken nuggets, shakes, soda, etc. Not only are most fast foods not terribly healthy, one study indicates that there may be something about fast food that actually encourages gorging.

In the study, from the Children’s Hospital in Boston, teens Aged 17 were given three types of fast food meals (all including chicken nuggets, French fries, and cola). In one meal, the teens were served a lot of food at once. In another, a lot of fast food was served at the same time, but in smaller portions. And in the third test meal, a lot of food was served, but in smaller portions over 15-minute intervals.

Health effect

When junk food is consumed very often, the excess fat, simple carbohydrates, and processed sugar found in junk food contribute to an increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and many other chronic health conditions. A case study on the consumption of fast foods in Ghana suggested a direct correlation between the consumption of junk food and obesity rates. The report asserts that obesity resulted in related complex health concerns such upsurge in heart attack rates. Studies reveal that as early as the age of 3o, arteries could begin clogging and lay the groundwork for future heart attacks. Consumers also tend to eat too much in one sitting, and those who have satisfied their appetite with junk food are less likely to eat healthy foods like fruit or vegetables.

Testing on rats has indicated negative effects of junk food that may manifest likewise in people. A Scripps Research Institute study in 2008 suggested that junk food consumption alters brain activity in a manner similar to addictive drugs like cocaine and heroin.

Eating junk food multiple times creates pleasure centers in rats’ brains which make them desensitized to the enjoyment associated with junk food, which makes them want more food to satisfy the craving. When junk food is replaced in the rat’s diet with nutritious food, the rats chose to starve themselves rather than take in any food.

Anti- junk food

Since junk food consumption is a major concern globally, most governments encourage a healthy lifestyle and are adopting various forms of legislative actions, some minor and some major to make sure its citizens are healthier. A 2o14 UN report by Anand Grover talked about various effects of unhealthy eating. It called on governments to take strict action in order to develop nutritional habits. It called for rigorous advertising of nutrition and the ill effects of junk food.


So, I would like to conclude that fast food or junk food is mouth-watering & cravings for them don’t stop for an individual. Consuming junk food once in a week or month is fine but consuming regularly is very harmful to your body as it brings you a lot of health problems. The amount of sugar, salt, trans-fat, and cholesterol present in the food is not fit for the body & the body can’t handle that much pressure.

Don’t eat fast food, but if you want to eat make them at your home. Making them at home is better than eating from outside.

Exemplification Essay on Foods


We all process foods every day when preparing a meal for ourselves or our family and virtually all foods undergo some form of processing before they are ready to eat. Some foods are even dangerous if eaten without proper processing. The most basic definition of food processing is ‘a variety of operations by which raw foodstuffs are made suitable for consumption, cooking, or storage'(Robertson, 2004). Any activity that changes or converts raw plant or animal materials into healthy, nutritious, and more pleasant, palatable foodstuffs is referred to as food processing. Processing in large-scale food production requires using scientific and technical concepts to maintain foods by slowing or halting natural decay processes. It also allows for improvements to be made to the eating standard of foods in a timely manner. Food processing also uses the creative potential of the processor to change basic raw materials into a range of tasty attractive foods that provide interesting variety in the diets of consumers. Without food processing, it would not be possible to sustain the needs of modern urban populations, and the choice of foods would be limited by seasonality.

Definitions of key terms.

Food processing refers to the methods and techniques used to convert raw materials into food or food into other forms. They are suitable for human or animal consumption in both domestic and industrial settings (Senauer and Kinsey, 1999). It usually makes attractive, marketable, and often long-lasting food products from clean, harvested crops or slaughtered animal products, among other things.

Methods of food processing.

The following are common methods of food processing methods (Fellows, 2000).


One of the oldest methods that humans have been and still are using. The only change has come in the way(equipment) food products are dried. Drying is basically reducing the water or moisture content in the product. Hence reducing the favorable conditions for the bacteria to grow and spoil the food product. It is mainly performed to extend the shelf life. Food products can be dried with the application of heat (vacuum dried, tray dried, heat pump dried, etc.) or cold temperatures (freeze-dried).


Dried foods if stored properly can keep indefinitely

Dried foods are extremely lightweight and can be moved easily. Drying foods can weigh as little as 10% of that of what the fresh food weighed before the drying process.

Drying foods can be a great way to save foods that are bought in excess. For instance, when we buy a stalk of celery, we use just so much of it. The rest we can dry to use in soups at a later time.

Dried fruits are a sweet alternative to sugary treats, and dried herbs and vegetables add flavor to otherwise boring foods.


Dried food does not taste the same as fresh food does.

Moisture can cause dried foods left in the food in the drying process or allowed in during storage can cause mold on food.

Overly dried fruits, vegetables, and meats can be exceptionally hard, often to the point where they do not soften. The texture is often noticeably changed. Jerky for instance will never be made into a regular piece of meat. Fruit leathers will never become fruit or fruit sauce again. The dried product would rot before it softened.

Dehydrated foods have had all the water removed, so be sure to increase fluid intake if consuming large quantities of dried foods.


Usually, the food is cooked or soaked in chemicals that play a role in the destruction of microorganisms. These include brine (salt and water solution), vinegar, ethanol vegetable oil, etc. It’s generally practiced for vegetables like cabbage, pepper, or raw mangoes. The factors that control the pickling process are temperature, moisture, pH, etc.


Pickling rivals freezing, canning, and drying for preventing foods from spoiling.

It also adds unique flavors to meals that might otherwise be boring.

Many fermented foods are also good sources of nutrients, including vitamins, amino acids, and healthy bacteria.

Pickle juice can be used to facilitate hydration and can be used to decrease muscle cramps caused by heat.

Allows food, such as cucumbers and zucchini, and summer squash, can be preserved longer than the food could be eaten fresh.


Pickling alters the taste of foods permanently, therefore the pickled item might not be a possible consideration as a substitute for a fresh ingredient in a recipe.

High-sodium products like pickles can cause higher blood pressure so moderate your pickle consumption.

Like canning, it requires the expense of jars, lids, and other canning equipment. However, unlike canning, pickling does not require the use of a pressure canner.


Frozen foods are currently in great demand. With this food processing technique now you can enjoy fries, paranthas, chicken nuggets, etc in just a few minutes. The freezing process increases the shelf life of food products and inhibits the growth of most bacterial species. It is carried out via two processes: mechanical and cryogenic or flash freezing (using liquid nitrogen at -196 to -320 degrees Fahrenheit).


This type of preservation is a relatively quick process. A hundred pounds of meat can be packaged into meal-size packages within an hour. You can blanch a large amount of vegetables in just a few minutes.

You can preserve food and keep it longer and always have things available to cook with or eat. You can buy items in bulk when on sale and save money. Blanching prior to freezing stops enzyme activity and helps maintain nutritional value in the foods.

You can double recipes and create convenience foods that do not contain chemicals, preservatives, excess salt, or sugar. Some families create convenience meals to last a whole month thus saving time and money.

It has several advantages over canning. Freezer containers are cheaper than canning jars and lids. The simple blanching process emits less heat into the living space and requires less initial energy usage than canning does. It also preserves vitamins better than canning does as well.


Vitamins B and C are lost in the freezing process. Antioxidants, which protect you from cell damage, are also lower in frozen fruits than they are in fresh fruits. Vitamins A, E, carotenoids, fiber, minerals, and proteins, however, retain their values in frozen fruits and vegetables.

Freezer burn can affect texture and flavor. Foods frozen in containers that are not designed for freezer use can be exposed to air. Because of this exposure to air, damaging ice crystals form on the food. The cells in the frozen food rupture, resulting in moisture, texture, and flavor loss. Freezer burn is the dried out, gray-brown edges or sections of meat, dried sections of baked goods, and the dulled coloring in vegetables and fruit. Eating freezer-burned foods is safe, but it is unappetizing.

Vegetables and most fruits lose their crispness when frozen, even if when you blanch them for a short time. Cooked frozen corn on the cob, zucchini, potatoes, and broccoli result in mushy vegetables that taste waterlogged. Other vegetables, such as peas, however, taste better than many of the fresh varieties. Corn removed from the cob, some varieties of green beans, and chopped leafy vegetables such as spinach or kale work well in soups or stews where a crisp quality is not necessary. Some items also change texture when frozen and do not tasteful the same when thawed out and eaten.

Frozen foods that are not properly packaged can pick up the smells of other items around them in the freezer.

You have to know which items must be thawed before using, and which ones should be allowed to thaw while cooking.

Freezers are expensive. Not only does it require an initial high-priced investment into the freezer, but also there is a continued expense involved in keeping electricity to it.

An electrical outage can mean disaster for a frozen food plan. When electricity goes out for extended periods, you could lose hundreds of dollars of food. Electrical outages are not the only problem. Freezers can and do have mechanical malfunctions. A couple of years ago my own deep freezer’s compressor went out. First, I placed as much of my more expensive meat into my refrigerator freezer as possible. I then canned and dried as much of the produce and meat left in the freezer as I could before they went bad. Fortunately, I was able to save much of it before any of it went bad.


Many foods such as meat, fish, and others are processed, preserved, and flavored by the use of smoke mostly in big smokehouses. This process is very simple as the combination of smoke to preserved food without actually cooking it and the aroma of hydro-carbons generated from the smoke processes the food and makes it even tastier to eat.


Smoking kills certain bacteria and slows down the growth of others. It prevents fats from becoming rancid and prevents mold from forming on fermented sausages. It extends the shelf life of the product.

The smell and flavor of smoked meat are appetizing. Smoking changes the color of the meat and makes meats shine and appear redder and more appealing.


The process requires constant attention and equipment that can be costly. It is difficult to keep the food moist due to the low moisture content in the smoker, and it is also difficult not to contaminate meat flavor. Problems can occur if the fire is too hot (cooking the meat before it is properly smoked) or if there is not enough smoke or heat (the meat goes bad before it can be smoked).

Statistical correlations exist that indicate that smoked foods may contain carcinogens. The smoking process contaminates food with Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contaminate food when food is smoked. Some experts believe that when smoked foods are consumed, it increases gastrointestinal cancer risks. Not everyone, however, agrees that the evidence is definitive.


Fermentation is a food processing and value-addition process for food products. It is the action of microorganisms on food in a controlled and suitable environment. The fermentation process preserves the food with the production of acid or alkali with the introduction of characteristic flavor, hence increasing its shelf life as well as marketability. Various factors such as temperature, type of microbe, oxygen, pH, etc affect this process.


It helps restore proper bacteria balance in the intestines.

Probiotics are bacteria that produce lactic acid, and they can be found in fermented milk, yogurt, and other foods that have gone through the fermentation process. The health of intestinal tracts can be improved by eating foods containing lactic acid bacteria, according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology in June 2006. (Nestle,2002). Not only that but consuming such foods can also improve the bioavailability of nutrients, minimize the symptoms of lactose intolerance and reduce the prevalence of allergy in those who are susceptible.

It improves heart health.

The consumption of dairy is associated with the risk of coronary heart disease. However, there are certain milk products that have undergone fermentation considered good for the heart. There is evidence to prove that fermented milk products can mildly decrease really high blood pressure (also known as hypertension), according to the February 2006 issue of Current Opinion in Lipidology (Rickman, 2000).


It is linked with the development of gastric cancer.

A study was published in Cancer Science in January 2011 showing a connection between the consumption of fermented foods and the risk of developing gastric cancer. The study was a meta-analysis of reports showing the effects of fermented and non-fermented soy food consumption on the risk of gastric cancer development (Nestle,2002). The study indicated that a high intake of fermented soy foods increased the risk of gastric cancer while a diet that was high in non-fermented soy foods reduced the risk of gastric cancer.

Store-bought items lose beneficial bacteria.

Fermented foods sold in many stores are processed differently than those that are traditionally fermented. They have too much acid and have been pasteurized so they don’t spoil right away. Research has also shown that fermented cheese products contain way too much salt than water.


Processing foods has been a part of our culture for a little over a century and doesn’t have to stop now. Processed foods contain numerous chemicals, and diseases linked to them occur on a daily basis. They’ve been a staple of our American diet for decades, and it’s time to put an end to it! Our obesity rate has risen dramatically, and the risk of cancer has increased dramatically. Fixing our eating habits could be one solution. We can all improve our habits by eating processed foods only once or twice a month, rather than every day. We can eat whole, healthy foods that will not cause disease but will aid in the prevention of it. We can also help spread the word to the youth about how to change their eating habits and set a good example for their parents by doing so.


    1. Robertson GL (2004). Food processing methods.Principles and Practice. CRC Press.
    2. Rickman JC, (2000) Nutritional comparison of fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. J Sci Food Agric. 2007;87:930-944.
    3. Fellows P. Food Processing Methods: Principles and Practice. Second. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2000.
    4. Senauer B, and Kinsey J. Food Trends and the Changing Consumer. St. Paul, Minnesota: Eagan Press; 1999.
    5. Nestle M. Food processing methods: How the Industry Influences Nutrition and Health. Berkeley: University of California Press; 2002.

Essay on Dieting: Causes of Eating Disorders

One reason that fad diets should not be followed is because they are restrictive which raises many concerns. Take the ketogenic diet, for example. The ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet in which people are supposed to cut out nearly all carbohydrates and up their fat intake to around seventy percent of their daily food. According to Metagenics in their Ketogenic Program Guide, on this diet, the individual will intake about ten percent carbohydrates, seventy percent fat, and twenty percent protein (Metagenics, 1). Compared to the recommended average American diet containing fifteen percent protein, fifty percent carbohydrate, and thirty-five percent fat (Metagenics, 1) – this is a very low number of carbs. Being restrictive like this is unhealthy for many reasons.

For one, in many cases when an individual puts strict restrictions on their diet they tend to not obtain the proper amount of nutrients that are vital to living a healthy life. The Cleveland Clinic states in its article on fad diets that “Many of these diets may lack major nutrients, such as dietary fiber and carbohydrates, as well as selected vitamins, minerals, and protective phytochemicals. By not receiving the proper amounts of these nutrients, you can develop serious health problems later in life” (Cleveland Clinic). To be honest is pretty sad because people usually join these diets because they are desperate to be healthy and yet the very same thing promising them health is possibly ruining it. In conclusion, as shown above, lack of proper nutrients can be very serious, and this is only one of the few different issues that come with the restriction that many fad diets inhabit.

Another issue with fad diets being so restrictive is the yoyo diet effect. Due to the lack of proper nutrients, the body tends to slow down its metabolic rate or “the rate at which it burns energy” (Disordered Eating…). When this happens people tend to binge eat or fall off the wagon in a way that then puts them in this cycle of feeling bad, going on a diet to feel better, binge eating, gaining all the weight back, feeling terrible, and then going on a diet again. This type of cycle is commonly referred to as yoyo dieting and is partnered with fad diets quite often. In the words of Patsy Brannon, a scientist with many different works in the dietary field, “The yo-yo effect is a frustrating, self-defeating, and unhealthy pattern” (Brannon, 3). Dieting in a manner like this causes great emotional grief in individuals. It also can impact physical health significantly. In the article “kNOw Dieting: Risks and Reasons to Stop” by the National Eating Disorders Association, it is stated that “it has been shown to have negative health effects, including increased risk of heart disease, long-lasting negative impacts on metabolism, etc.” (kNow Dieting).

Studies on fad diets and those who partake in them have also shown that they can significantly impact an individual emotional and psychological well-being. The Journal of Food Research states that “Chronic dieters also tend to overeat, have low self-esteem as well as suffer from some eating disorders and depression” (Journal of Food, 87). All of these are terrible for someone to go through but a major concern is the relationship between dieting and eating disorders.

Through various studies, many scholars have concluded that there is a definite relationship between fad dieting and eating disorders. Many believe it mostly is connected to the strictness of the diets. Restricting food intake is commonly found in eating disorder diagnoses. According to the National Eating Disorder Collaboration in their disordered eating & dieting fact sheet, “Disordered eating behaviors, and in particular dieting are the most common indicators of the development of an eating disorder” (NEDC Fact Sheet). This is a huge concern. Eating disorders are horrifying mental illnesses with severe repercussions.

One popular eating disorder is anorexia nervosa. Individuals with anorexia nervosa tend to severely restrict food intake by either avoiding eating altogether or eating very little of specific foods. This type of anorexia is commonly known as restrictive anorexia (About more than food). There is also binge and purge anorexia in which an individual may binge on food and then purge it through activities such as vomiting or using laxatives (about more than food). The idea of someone feeling so badly that they would be willing to do this to themselves is excruciating. Especially since dieting is so normalized to kids which then puts them at higher risk of developing eating disorders. A study done in the article “Onset of adolescent eating disorders: population based cohort study over 3 years” it was found that “Female subjects who dieted at a severe level were 18 times more likely to develop an eating disorder than those who did not diet, and female subjects who dieted at a moderate level were five times more likely to develop an eating disorder than those who did not diet” (Onset of adolescent eating). Behavior like this has many crucial short-term and long-term effects. According to the pamphlet “The Journalist’s Guide to Eating Disorders”, it “has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness” (Journal – Eating Recovery, 2) and it just so happens that “Dieting is one of the most common forms of disordered eating” (NEDC, 1). Other symptoms include avoidance of usual activities and people around them, changes in brain chemistry, weak muscles, a higher risk for miscarriage, and bad memory (Journal – Eating Recovery, 5).

Continuing on, fad diets are really just not needed and only further confuse people during an already troubling and confusing time. For one, there are many fad diets that are just inconsistent. There will be one diet that will instruct people to cut a certain food group out completely while another diet will be completely based on that very food group. For instance, right now low carb diets like the ketogenic diet talked about above are quite popular amongst individuals. However, other people suggest partaking in a high-carb – low-fat diet. Both of these diets have people who swear by them and say that they are the best thing someone can do to lose weight and be healthy. However, it is actually suggested to use a well-balanced diet because according to Health Line it “gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly” (Health Line). Therefore, these diets overall are just not needed. The reason that this is such a big deal is that it spreads misinformation and causes even more stress on people who are truly trying to better themselves. It also makes it really hard for people to pick a truly healthy way of eating because of all the different information thrown at them at once. Having such inconsistencies from diet to diet also seems very unprofessional and unorganized.

It has been found that fad diets also further impact the physical body. Topics such as yoyo dieting, eating disorders, and low nutrients were previously discussed. However, there are even further physiological issues due to fad diets. For one, a lot of times fad diets promise fast weight loss. This promise is one of the biggest indicators that something is a fad diet. However, losing weight in a quick manner is not always the best thing. The Journal of Food Research claims that when weight is lost quickly, a lot of times the individual is losing water and muscle, and no fat tissue (Journal of Food Research, 86). Also, due to the imbalance of nutrients in many of the fad diets available, it has also been found to cause “menstrual irregularity or amenorrhea” (Journal of Food Research, 86) which could then go on to impact other matters that connected to the menstrual cycle including fertility and hormone in the body.

Problem Solution Essay on Eating Disorders

In most adolescent’s life, their self-perception is essential to them. Most high school young ladies will look in the mirror and discover one blemish about them, they either believe they’re excessively thin or over-weight typically the last mentioned. With those musings in their minds, it will lead down to a hazardous road. Anorexia nervosa, while it might be a psychological well-being circumstance, the problem can go much deeper. However, there are some people who believe that there is not a problem with being anorexic. To them being healthy is not important the only thing they care about is body image. “People with a poor body image feel dissatisfied with their bodies, regardless of whether they are objectively healthy”(Kathiann M. Kowalski). By that definition, a young lady or even a person can feel unreliable about their mental self-portrait. They skip suppers or simply quit eating altogether since they couldn’t care less about medical issues by any means. At the point when an individual experiences anorexia, they consider nourishment to be an enemy regularly setting off to the washroom to after supper. They will result in taking intestinal medicines or diet pills. If left untreated, anorexia can be a lifelong condition, those who have the disorder are unable to recognize it. Finding a solution can be a problem, It’s not that a solution is not easy to find it’s just that the person is too stubborn to admit they have a problem and seek out help. So, they continue with what they’re doing. People with eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes. Numerous times, the media and other open talks about eating disorders center exclusively on people with a conclusion of anorexia who are seriously skinny. If a doctor suspects that a person has anorexia nervosa, he or she will typically do a few tests and exams to assist in pinpointing a determination, run the show out restorative causes for the weight misfortune, and check for any related complications. This will resolve in many tests such as physical exams, which may incorporate measuring your stature and weight; checking your imperative signs, such as heart rate, blood weight, and temperature; and checking your skin and nails for issues. “X-rays may be taken to check your bone density, check for stress fractures or broken bones, or check for pneumonia or heart problems”(Mayo Clinic). Anorexia can cause enthusiastic and behavioral side effects seriously confining nourishment admissions through slimming down or fasting. Emotional and behavioral signs and indications incorporate distractions with nourishment, which some of the time incorporates cooking expound suppers or others but not eating them. In some cases, an individual with anorexia will deny eating in the open perplexed that they are being judged by society when in truth no one is looking their way. Debbie Stanley states, “Our society may say that it’s great to be yourself and people will love you just the way you are” (45). Be that as it may, that’s simpler said than done meaning an individual with eating disorders can have a troublesome time tolerating that they that they see fine fair the way they are. Moreover, a person with anorexia will refuse to listen to anyone who tells them something else. He or she will see things from a diverse point of view. This will lead to starvation to the point where indeed in spite of the fact that they’re as of now skin and bones all they see is themselves overweight. In spite of all that, there’s the treatment for somebody with eating disorders, Treatment for anorexia is generally done employing a group approach, which incorporates specialists, mental wellbeing experts, and dietitians all with encounter eating disorders. “Ongoing therapy and nutrition education are highly important to continued recovery.”

Therapists and different kinds of emotional well-being experts can enable an individual to relinquish pointless musings and practices and receive a progressively inspirational viewpoint. Care groups of other recuperating anorexics – when appropriately directed by a psychological well-being proficient – can likewise be useful. The principle objective of treatment is to reestablish your body to a typical weight and build up ordinary dietary patterns. A dietitian will enable you to figure out how to eat appropriately. It may likewise be suggested that your family participate in treatment with you. For some individuals, anorexia nervosa is a deep-rooted test. While there is no medicine as of now that is demonstrated to treat anorexia nervosa, antidepressants might be recommended to manage the uneasiness and discouragement normal in those with anorexia. (Healthline) These may make a person feel much improved. In any case, antidepressants don’t reduce the longing to shed pounds. Depending on how much weight a person loses, due to the effects of anorexia may be put in the hospital. sometimes anorexics who are plainly in critical need of treatment will not look for assistance. At the point when that anorexic is a minor, it is the obligation of the guardians or gatekeepers to look for and give treatment to her or him. Some patients with anorexia believe that treatment can cause more harm There are other situations where treatment can create more harm than good. There are different circumstances where treatment can cause more damage than anything else. In a medical clinic or outpatient setting where staff individuals don’t comprehend the situation of the seriously sick anorexic or don’t have the foggiest idea how to function with the person, staff may lose control about the manner in which she is manipulative or making an effort not to show signs of improvement. An anorexic who feels blamed for her condition is likely to experience further psychological distress, which can make her more resistant to making use of the available help.

Averting anorexia can be a continuous procedure for an individual who is in danger of building up this dietary issue. Those in danger may have a nearby relative, for example, a mother or a sibling who additionally had the disorder. It is additionally basic in individuals with perfectionist tendencies. Increasing a more advantageous point of view on your body and a more advantageous association with nourishment may assist him or her with avoiding this issue. Regularly society puts a lot of accentuation on outward appearances to the point sitting above other brilliant highlights about an individual. For instance, one path for an individual to build up superior confidence is to consider their qualities. The person ought to likewise feature the positives about their body. This technique isn’t recommending pointing out explicit parts of an individual’s appearance, rather they should concentrate on how astounding the human body is regardless of appearance. A ladies’ or a man’s body might be poor in the event that they are continually directing attention on what they believe is deficient. Another way for someone to prevent eating disorders is to remind themselves that a certain body weight cannot bring happiness.

Competition in the Fast Food Industry

Threat of Entrance

The growing demand for fast food over the past years has caused quite an attraction for possible new entries into the industry. However, competing with the already well known and profitable businesses such as McDonalds and KFC would require an enormous initial sum of money, or possibly an already branded foreign multinational corporation could obtain a strong position in the industry as the brand image, product differentiation and attractive outlets have already been established.

Threat of Substitute

The threat of substitution is high in this industry, there is a high quantity of restaurants, shops and other eateries that do sell the same types of products sold by a fast food business. The crucial factor that would add probability to the substitution of fast food would be the lack of variety in the products sold (again perhaps excluding the likes of McDonald’s and KFC as their products are viewed as unique). The attraction lies in the name, fast food; you order, and you receive your food quickly. However, this in turn creates a limitation in the variety of products that they can provide (unlike a conventional restaurant where the waiting times are longer, but the menu is vaster).

Power of Buyers:

The buyers will have high bargaining powers in an industry as substantial as the fast food industry, the buyer is in a position of strength as he/she can choose from a multitude of different fast food outlets. For example, if you walk into a McDonald’s and the queue is too long, then generally you can just cross the road and go to the next shop. However, it does not minimize the profit and revenue of the firm, but also increases the pressure on players to offer wide variety with low cost. Furthermore, due to multiple well known and successful brands all available to the average customer, consumers generally have little brand loyalty within this industry.

Power of Suppliers

The preeminent suppliers in the fast food industry are, meat, dairy and dough vendors. The more suppliers available, the more chance to find a cheaper price, which in return makes your negotiating position one of strength as you have many options which is key in bargaining and negotiation power. Due to the high number of potential suppliers for fast food businesses, the bargaining power is substantially low for the suppliers. Ease of flexibility in supply chain, backwards integration, etc. minimizes the power of suppliers to operate in this industry, which reduces competitive pressure over players.

Competitive Rivalry

The fast food industry is saturated with competitors- from big brands such as previously mentioned McDonald’s, KFC and Burger King, to medium and smaller brands, including small bakeries and local restaurants selling a variety of snacks and quick eats. The competition is therefore intensified as the big players are equally balanced, and the medium to small businesses compete with an array of quality products being sold throughout the industry. This situation is extremely disadvantageous for an up and coming business without an already established brand and/or capital.