A Critical Analysis of the Death Penalty: Controversies and Consequences

Understanding the Controversy Surrounding the Death Penalty

When someone attends the language Death, they feel empty, lost, and frightened at the same era. Or is it repugnant? Would they delight or fete? The Earth may never recognize. Most of everyone would as likely as not observe the first meaning, and only the crush would handle the second narrative, as the tale could be told by both sides. Death is assumed as the act or fact of fey or being killed by someone or something. Therefore, it is the limit of a hypostasis biography or an animal quickening on this world.

Associated with murder is the word Life; darling is venerable to all beings, especially humans, due to our intellect and skills, which other organisms Mr.’t have. Violence and subversion have taken over the Earth. Crime berate have been increasing roundly, and enmity has been discovered as humankind is tardy evanescent in front of our own observation. In an arrangement to discontinue this, the authority and states are coming up with a variety of solutions, and the most plain and disputable crisis is the Death Penalty.

According to Amnesty International, as of July 2015, 101 countries have abrogated the departure forfeiture for all crimes in justice, while 140 countries have annulled the murder handicap in justice or manner. In the same spring, 58 countries still connect the plot of the Death Penalty. Criminals have done grim crimes in their spirit, but it doesn’t indicate they sort have the perpendicular to existing, as everyone has a fortuity to alter. Allowing the necrosis fine in one’s region doesn’t exterminate or decrement the sin proportion that might be a natural event just now in someone’s region. Death Penalty should be fully taken out of our company accrued to the actuality that it doesn’t lower felony valuation, but expense a destiny of coinage and rustic guiltless living at jeopardy.

The Illusion of Deterrence: Death Penalty’s Effect on Crime Rates

The first and first consideration why some companions confirm demise handicap is to fall the robbery standard of their rude. Suppose it is put in by the direction, as the connection would observe anxious to do a vice thus stoppage them from o excessive Acts of the Apostles that can misfortune or issue someone’s spirit. There is no stamp that the necessity of the departure fine is a diminution in a felony. According to the NC Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, the mangle valuation for the possession of North Carolina positively declinate profession a lame in utilizing effect as a configuration of punition.

The confederation also details that most lede on necrosis rough attached their crimes in the flush of madness, while under the authority of physic or alcohol, or while in pain from the inward malady. Therefore, they example a body that is highly improbable to occasion mental decisions supported by the anxiety of tomorrow’s consequences for their actions. In accession, an abode without the mortification forfeiture has a diminished assassinate cost than a neat estate with the necrosis forfeiture put in. The US had a 2015 Thuggee charge of 6.3 victims per 100,000—an object that close to 65,000 folks were victims of manslayer that year. Capital beating does not appear to be deed its thrust. If it doesn’t cause them to turn, then it subserves no discourse. The denunciation of the person in a roundhouse without promise must justly fear criminals.

The Economic Costs of Capital Punishment

The second argument why the Death handicap must be repealed is that it side a hazard to the rhinos. The price of the demise fine as hostile to an animation decision without free is very great. The sundries metric taken in judicious proceedings, advocate pasture, lengthen attempt, and skillful observer, suffering close up being higher than a promise. According to the Oregonian, in 2000, the probative for three Washington County thuggism conjuncture sides was more than $1.5 million. One was axiom to gangrene at the same age.

In 2000 a treasurer slammed Brie from the Oregon Department of Administrative Services, given that the Oregon Judicial Department would deduct $2.3 million perennially if the decease fine were omitted, workmanship the sparing aggravate. It added prosecution and guard rib to the estate and counties just $9 million per year. It is an absolute desolate of struggle, delay, and rhino to ruin someone. This specie should have been donated or squandered to someone who earns it rather than to an incendiary who can be chastened by an energy maxim without a free.

The Irreversible Mistake: Innocents at Risk

And the last sense, it pits blameless alive at wager. Since they put in the release forfeiture in the United States in 1976, 148 guileless and ladies have been loose from extinction file, embodying some who came within the record of mechanism. Many of these in close were detect not alone of the original recourse narrative but rather as an event of unspent expert techniques, investigations by journalists, and the devoted toil of dexterous attorneys.

In Missouri, Texas, and Virginia, investigations have been open to regulate if height makers are inoffensive. To complete an unblamable parson is virtuously injurious; this is a wager we cannot take. This is the scariest principle why I contradict the departure handicap. Imagine if someone was already useless and it applied out posterior that he/she is fully guiltless; there will be no meander instant for them to come back to energy. A pure biography has already been taken, and the dupe’s genealogy would experience ten more upon audience their nothing one has a maker and was fully blameless.

We have all the rightful objects to abide for someone or something. It might be a burglar, a father, or an orderly and settled personified. Criminals, peculiarly murderers, have been agony and quell manifold set in our Society. They have delegated a dreadful felony, but it doesn’t import that we have to harm them or quell them. According to Mahatma Gandhi, an inspection for notice of mold around the globe is undiscerning. We are all intimate with this extract, and if someone guesses me, then I would guess them too. If we custom this system all the tense, then there dwelling be a strait for us to accomplish Law of Moses for we are already successive our own consciousness, it doesn’t substance if we are true or incorrect.

In this, nobody is blameless, which ignoble we all have our own break. The choice street to compel up to the community whom we have offended or may have injured us, we extremity first to understand our failing and absolve our own selves. If we are still being a difficult kerned personify, then we wouldn’t have our own interior again. We should also pardon others, do not continue any aversion and impediment. God determines the position for them. Death handicap is not a deliverance to limit crimes and for the other problems of our partnership. Death Penalty should be fully revoked in our companionship due to the reality that it doesn’t fall into robbery charges, detriment to the fate of specie, and produce unblamable alive at wager.


  1. Amnesty International. (2015). Death Penalty: Facts and Figures.
  2. NC Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. (n.d.). Death Penalty. Oregon Department of Administrative Services. (2000). The Cost of the Death Penalty.
  3. Death Penalty Information Center. (2023).
  4. Innocence: List of Those Freed from Death Row.
  5. Gandhi, M. K. (n.d.). Mahatma Gandhi Quotes.

The Innocent And The Death Penalty

The Death Penalty, another murder or simply revenge? Is it worth it , an eye for an eye?There is more than one side to this argumement, background information and several pros and cons on this topic to help you decide your opinion.

The death penalty is punishment by execution , it can also be referred to as death sentence, capital punishment. It is a government-sanctioned practice whereby a person is killed by the state as a punishment for a crime they have committed , although this isn’t always the case as innocent people have been sentenced to death for a crime they never committed. There are 53 countries that still have death penalty some of them being, Afghanistan, India ,Nigeria, US ,Iran ,Japan ,Taiwan.

An advantage of the death sentence is , that it sometimes can cost the government less money than keeping an inmate in prison for life, as their food, Heath care and other costs are paid for. Overcrowding is a big problem in prisons, there is data that shows the prisoner limit in prison exceeds in over 115 countries. Some may argue death penalty could help solve this.

Keeping an inmate on death row is also an expensive process, a big disadvantage , Cases without the death penalty cost around 700.000 while cases with the death costs around 1.000.000, there are many criminals out there which will result in the costs going up as more cases go through. As the cases for death row are lengthy and require a lot of work they may eventually become more expensive than keeping an inmate imprisoned for life.

It makes would-be criminals think twice about there actions, people who agree with the death penalty have brought up examples of how either having the death penalty or getting rid of it has affected the crime rates. When getting rid of capital punishment crimes increased by 7%, although when it was brought back fewer crimes were committed as more criminals on death row were sentenced to death.

Innocent people who have wrongly been accused of a crime could lose their life, a wrongful execution is when an innocent person has been sentenced to death ,an example of this is

Larry Griffin , this man was executed in 1995 for the drive-by murder of Quintin Moss in St. Louis. The government’s main witness, Robert Fitzgerald, later told people that he wasn’t sure if Griffin was even in the car at the time of the shooting. The carelessness in this case resulted in an innocent man being wrongly accused and executed.

Over 100 innocent people have been executed, while many may not have been discovered yet. This is a good example of why a lot of people may be against the death penalty.

It is a valid punishment for people who have no care or regard of other people’s rights to a harm free life, crimes like murders, assaults and rape are committed by people who don’t care for other people, it is only fair that the victim gets the justice they deserve, the person who has committed the crime is responsible for there own fate and whatever comes to them.

Some of the criminals may be suffering from mental illnesses and are not taking medication which can lead to them committing offences and crimes they have no control of. Mental illnesses are medical conditions that disrupt a person’s thoughts, feelings, mood, their ability to relate to others and functioning on a daily basis. Serious mental illnesses include major depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and borderline personality disorder.

It is quick and painless in almost most cases ,The methods of execution have become more humane over the years, so the argument that the death penalty is cruel is not valid in the recent years.

One wide-spread opinion that a lot of people share is that it is not fair and is unethical to execute a prisoner as they are also a human being and it is not a good solution. This opinion is supported by a popular statement, ‘why kill a criminal because he has killed somebody, what is the difference between us and them?’. Therefore it is slowly becoming unpopular in many communities , as a lot of people don’t support it. You are doing to one as they have done to another , a repeat cycle. It is seen as a form of revenge.

An advantage in favor of this practice is that it guarantees people’s safety. There have been instances of criminals in prison who are serving life, killing prison guards or inmates within the jail. There have been lots of cases of criminals that have been committing serious crimes when they are out on parole or let out eventually, resulting in the death of more innocent people. Only the death sentence can guarantee that the criminal will never repeat their horrible crime. Thus ensuring our safety from this person.

A con or one of the disadvantages of this is in reality some of the people involved in the execution of this individual may become severely depressed . According to a former executioner, there are many people who had participated in executions and their lives were later destroyed. Some turned to drugs and alcohol to feel better and lessen their thoughts.

A con is that it could be inhumane if it doesn’t work on the person being executed there was an incident where a man didn’t die straight after this lethal inject and suffered for 30 minutes trying to gasp for air and stand up in the room, to then having a heart attack , this was traumatic for not only this person being executed but the people who had to witnesses what was happening.

To conclude in my opinion the death penalty solves a lot of issues like murders, rapists, etc, but also can end innocents people’s life’s and there’s no coming back from that, there are many valid points from both sides of this topic. The death penalty is a divided issue currently, there are those who agreed it is for the greater of good , or those who are against it and simply think it is a form of revenge.

The Death Penalty in the 21st century: Archaism or Necessity

The existence of the death penalty has been existing throughout age of mankind as far as history can remember. It is not a new phenomenon that the 21st century scholars attempt to tackle and understand its place in a world of Human rights and the value of life; however, it has been existing throughout in different forms. In ancient cultures, most notably those from African tribes such as the Mandinka under Samoure Toure or the Zulu Kingdom under Shaka Zulu, acts of treason were punishable by executing the offender often by excruciating means. Similarly, it was the case in a lot other regions of the world even in the bible, people that were deemed to be in violation of the law governing the land at that which was mostly the law of God administered by the judges and prophets and sometimes rulers of the land, the perpetrator were often stoned to death, which qualifies it as a capital punishment. This essay seeks to examine initially the archaism of the death penalty and later the necessity of it as it unfolds.

Given the lengthy historical background of the death penalty, one cannot simply disagree that its continuation is 21st century archaism. This is not only in the sense of definition, meaning that it is archaic because it is something that started centuries ago, however also examining the changes in human behavior along the way and how the world has developed across time in terms of civilization and quality of life. In the past, the death penalty was issued against people who committed acts of treason. In the modern world, it would be a tool used against people who are the enemies of the state or rather a government of a country, allowing the government to viciously crush and silent any opposing actors to its regime and mandates. This became a more concerning world problem after Nazi Germany under the rule Adolph Hitler used the same mechanism to murder over 6 million people that it regarded as enemies of the state and German government. It is a result of such atrocities that showed the that the use of such a punishment can prove to be concerning world issue especially under a political actor such as a state and can mean that the subjects can suffer the consequences. As a result, the Universal declaration of Human rights was established after the International community had observed the use death penalty can be abused by the state, and in the case of totalitarian regimes it may lead to far reaching consequences.

Moreover, after the adoption of the Universal declaration of Human rights by the United Nations, most civilized countries agreed that people have the right to life, and as a result most countries have been abolishing the death penalty year by year. In its true sense, the death penalty has been regarded as a barbaric form of punishment in present and it is in contrast with the values set by the Universal declaration of Human rights to create and maintain sanity in the world especially in helping the inhabitants of states and countries to not fall victim to a ruthless law. Clearly in terms of civilization and the 21st century, capital punishment is archaism as one may understand the difference in the value of human life a few centuries back and in present day. After establishing that every individual has a right to life Irregardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation, it becomes a complexity when a state or a country still has the death penalty as a form of legal punishment or justice, as by so doing they would be taking away the right to life of an individual. Taking all this into cognizance, one can therefore say that the death penalty is 21st century archaism as it reverts to pre-existing conditions before the value of human life was appreciated and emancipated around the globe, thus death penalty in XXI century being archaism.

Furthermore, incases such as the United states, the death penalty has been used in cases where it undermined the lives of the minorities who either did not have enough financial sums of money for fair and justifiable legal proceedings. In most cases in the United States, this had been used on other races and the court outcomes favoring execution where always biased against minority races and carried out in arbitration. In the case of Furman vs Georgia in 1972, it was argued that most of the capital punishments where carried out in arbitration and were heavily influenced by racial undertones. As in the article Supreme court death penalty cases by Tom Head, Justice Potter Stewart argued that most people apprehended and picked up in terms or arrest for cases such as murder and rape were mostly arbitrary, and the case of racial biasness had not been proved.

Taking this statement into account, one can therefore see that mostly in America during the period of the progressive era when attempts were being made regarding a lot of touchy subjects such as slavery, issues of race amongst other things etc, the question of death penalty was discussed and disputed in courts as it had been previously used to under the minority groups. In the case of Duane Buck, which I still on going, during the trial, an expert psychologist argued that black people were more prone to crime than people of other races, and Duane Buck’s sentence was based on this testimony. Therefore, upon such an observation one can clearly see that racial bias has plagued the United States justice system centuries and decades, and in a world that is more progressive and encourages equality and fairness amongst races, is more multicultural and diverse, the continuation of such a decree that is tainted with a very dark history appears to be an archaic move, there the death penalty in 21st century being archaism.

Moreover, a comparison of the past and the present also helps to draw a division between an archaic tradition in terms of Justice. In the past were the church and the state were one and a unified entity, a change in religious beliefs was equated to a crime that suffices capital punishment. The story of the messiah was a trial that was based on violating the the Jewish church traditions, principles and God. As narrated in the bible, the Pharisees argued that Jesus of Nazareth had committed an unforgivable blasphemy and should receive the death penalty which was eventually issued out in the end. This is a classic case whereby questioning religious authority led or religious difference led to crime that had the end result as a capital punishment. In addition to this case, other notable religious figures have also supported death penalty in the past, such Thomas Aquinas who supported the death penalty as legal way to take a life. A good example is Islamic countries that are ruled under the Sharia law. It is stated that the Quran says that “taking a man’s life is the same as taking your own”, which results in a system that automatically tries all murder cases with the capital punishment based on religious beliefs. In a modernized world in terms of Western context, whereby democracy is encouraged, and the church is separated from the state or government. Continuing the death penalty echoes the archaic doings of the past as it especially in cases of Sharia law states where religion and the state are still one, this leads to no regard of human life based on the religious beliefs of a country, violating the basic right of an individual to a free and fair trial, and most importantly the right to life.

Moreover, contradictions in interpretation of the Sharia law may be found in this case as based on the religious mantra of the Quran that whoever takes one’s life has done the same as taking his own, however upon execution one wonders about the executioner how the executioner manages to be spared since in this case the executioner would have carried an execution and taken one’s life in the process. In terms of legal perspective, assessing the sentences carried out based on the Sharia law influenced or derived from the Quran, one can notes these fault lines where there is a clear violation of the rights of an individual since the followed mantra does not state an exception for the executioner, but the statement was only mentioned as a moral guidance for the people of the land. It is clear that the offender can barely be convinced to take his or her own life for the crime committed and therefore the capital punishment has to be administered to the offender. Taking all of this into account, one can therefore clearly note that maintaining the capital punishment in the 21st century is pure archaism as it reverts back to the era when the law was inter twined with religion and often was against the offenders and biased towards the religion and in this case, also eliminating basic rights of individuals such as a fair trial that is not biased because of religion and the right to human life, thus the death penalty being archaism in the 21st century.

Moreover, in the case of the United States, and other countries, the death penalty has been left as a qualifying sentence for very heinous crimes committed by individuals. This has been excused as acceptable, however there is no clear definition of a heinous crime. The definition of heinous crimes in this becomes an issue of emotions and feelings of the public or jury in the United States that happens to separate various murder cases granting some as capital punishments and some as not. This echoes back the same issues raised in the past although now different, the issues remain the same in the sense that there is a great possibility of biasness based on emotions rather than actual evidence and substantial arguments presented in court by defense attorneys. Indeed, one cannot deny the fact that this is like a situation whereby biasness is based on race; however, it still shows a very probable reason and argument to have the death penalty removed abolished as once a such a sentence has been issued out or carried out there is no going back because an individual’s life would have been lost already. Taking all this into it becomes clear that the possibility of biasness in this context reverts back to making the death penalty archaism.

Moreover, the methods used in carrying out the sentences are also questionable as one may wonder if they are humane or inhumane. Looking back at History, In Shaka Zulu of pre-colonial modern-day South Africa, the death penalty was carried out by carving large wooden tree logs, making them sharp at the tip and asking the offender to sit on top on log, forcing the log to enter the body from the rear end and kill the offender in the attempt to impale the individual. In the case of 18th century France, Louis XVI fell victim to the guillotine which was also another capital punishment issuing instrument that was gruesome. In the case of the Second world war, when Hitler was carrying out his exterminations of the Jews, he used methods that were later described as inhumane and degrading till this day, the use of gas chambers to kill the Jews and the making of soap was a very degrading method of the worst kind. However, looking at the 21st century in places where the death penalty still takes place, various methods are still being used till this day. Some of those methods include lethal injections, hanging the offender, firing squad and the electric chair amongst other things. Although these latter methods may appear to be less excruciating as compared to the former ones, they are still inhumane in the way they take the human life. The very fact that whilst executing a capital punishment, the human has to be reduced to lethal drugs is no less inhumane than the use of chemicals such zyklon B used by Hitler in his gas chambers. Neither is the use of a guillotine less inhumane than a firing squad just to mention a few. The manner in which these methods take out human life is still inhumane as the methods that were used in the past, therefore clearly showing the same pattern of behavior in carrying out the capital punishment throughout centuries, there clearly showing that the death penalty is still an ancient cruelty in the 21st century.

In addition, the death promotes a dark theme of revenge in a world of civilized societies and reform. As most countries in the progressed and embraced civilization and have established more progressive correctional institutions that seek to reform offenders instead of punishing or ruining their lives. Death penalty offers the victim’s loved one the quench for revenge, rather than a more legal and critical approach towards the matter that may help the individual reform, even if it may be reform with an institutionalized correctional facility. The does not help make the society better, as it creates a vicious cycle of vengeance whereby certain crimes committed qualify for revenge rather than reform. Indeed, it is without a doubt that a murderous individual will not be safe to be released into public space ever again, however that does not mean or qualify them to be deprived of human life. One may argue that since they took an individual life theirs should be also taken and as a result the death penalty is justifiable, but however if the society is civilized and the main purpose of the courts and the country’s legal system is to reform offender so that they may be better individuals.

Upon taking all this information into account, it therefore becomes clear that the death penalty does not seek to reform and offender in the form of punishment administered in a correctional facility such as solitary confinement, but only offers revenge, therefore becoming archaism as it supports revenge which is a theme of the past centuries compared to reform in the 21st century.

The Death Penalty: Outdated And Ineffective Punishment

The topic of the death penalty is one that is usually debated and heavily frowned upon. It is debated all over the world in numerous countries. Most Americans have a very strong stance about the death penalty no matter what side they are on. Supporters of this punishment argue that it serves as a deterrent to crime and that justice is being served. My personal stance on the death penalty is that it is an outdated and noneffective punishment, having no benefit to society and causing more harm than good to society as a whole.

We can observe that, in the United States, a lot of people still carry out these violations, knowing that the death penalty exists. When someone commits a crime they usually don’t think about the death penalty and cause them to adjust their conduct. The outcomes of their crimes are not at the front line of their minds while they’re committing those crimes. We can see this in the increasing number of committed crimes, a seemingly endless amount of time after a year in America.

There have also been wrongly sentenced people, who were either killed or were anticipating their punishment, even though they were innocent. In situations where capital punishment had just been done, it was past the point of no return for those innocent people. Furthermore, in situations where innocence was found, later on, we must be grateful that it didn’t get to the death penalty. There are instances of people being wrongly charged and for each case that is uncovered, we should remember that there is likely more that we’ve never find out about. Having even one guiltless individual killed wrongly is wrong by itself.

We should also look at the psychological skill of the people being committed and condemned to this discipline. On the off chance that a person isn’t mentally right for preparing and understanding the crimes they have committed, it is morally wrong to execute them for this. Looking at the morals of the death penalty, it’s additionally unfair and unjust discipline. There have been ways to establish capital punishment meant to punish the person. The main people who can witness their crimes being executed. We can’t say for certain whether somebody cruelly punished while they were being executed, hoping a guarantee of a fast and effortless demise. Also, there are people who will face death set apart by torment and making sure justice is being served in America. Yet, as we attempt to hold ourselves as a country to a better quality than our most dangerous criminals, allow our justice system to work like it was intended to, as said by the Supreme Court. And, at no point has the Supreme Court at any point agreed with the cruel and inhumane death penalty. We might want to imagine that we have more faith in humankind than those people committing the crimes. In a way, we are denying another person but also sinking down to their level.

Death Penalty As A Very Good Deterrence

One of the most lethal and last punishments in life is the Death Penalty. Death is the only thing that everyone fears. Death is a silent killer that waits for nobody. Every criminal fears this sentence. The Death Penalty is one of those laws that sits there and waits for its next victim. I believe that the penalty should not be allowed in any state across the country. Everyone has the right to live even if they must life 100 years inside of four walls.

The Death Penalty, also known as capital punishment, was very first introduced and brought over from Europe, specifically Great Britain. Hanging and executions became a usual method of death when someone committed a crime. You could get executed or hanged from stealing, all the way up to cutting a tree down. Since it was so popular and common, most people didn’t care what the crime was and just decided to hang anybody who did something wrong. This problem lead to many reforms and decisions to change this law and get rid of it. Around 1823 to 1837, capital punishment was disposed of, but just because it was eliminated they did not stop and they wanted to spread the idea of it.

When the European settlers arrived here at the new world, they drove the idea of the Death penalty in most areas. The first documented execution during the new colonies was George Kendall in Jamestown Virginia, 1608. He was executed for being an undercover agent for the Spaniards. During 1612, the overseer of Virginia, Sir Thomas Dale, added and compelled Moral and Martial Laws.

These laws gave capital punishment the ability to be implemented towards minor and very small crimes, just like how it was in early Europe. At this time the death penalty was diverse and different in each colony. The colony located in New York applied the death penalty for those who would hit their mother or father and for those who did not believe in “True God”.

Fast forwarding to 1972, a case involving the death penalty went to the supreme court. Everyone started to argue that it was cruel. The Furman v. Georgia case fortunately brought a brief end to the death penalty. The supreme court resolved the case by overturning Furman’s death sentence because it disagreed with the 8th amendment. Unfortunately, the death penalty was brought back for the execution of Gary Gillmore in 1977. After that it continued to be alive, but slowly began to die. It still remains in America even till this day.

Although the death penalty is allowed in over 30 states, it has its limitations. For instance, they cannot execute the mentally ill and they are not suppose the kill juveniles. The United States have evolved in ways to execute those on capital punishment. Many of them being lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas, and firing squads. In my opinion these are ridiculous and inhumane ways to kill somebody. Those whose who are pro capital punishment believe that the death penalty is a very good deterrence, which means that they believe it’s a very good scaring tactic for those who commit crime. I somewhat agree with this statement, but for the most part it is not. The reason why it’s not a good deterrence is because logically offenders will realize that all they have to do is not get caught. No one would commit any murders or anything like that. They would continue to do other extreme crimes are commit murder but on a low key level.

The Death Penalty: Outdated And Ineffective Punishment

The topic of the death penalty is one that is usually debated and heavily frowned upon. It is debated all over the world in numerous countries. Most Americans have a very strong stance about the death penalty no matter what side they are on. Supporters of this punishment argue that it serves as a deterrent to crime and that justice is being served. My personal stance on the death penalty is that it is an outdated and noneffective punishment, having no benefit to society and causing more harm than good to society as a whole.

We can observe that, in the United States, a lot of people still carry out these violations, knowing that the death penalty exists. When someone commits a crime they usually don’t think about the death penalty and cause them to adjust their conduct. The outcomes of their crimes are not at the front line of their minds while they’re committing those crimes. We can see this in the increasing number of committed crimes, a seemingly endless amount of time after a year in America.

There have also been wrongly sentenced people, who were either killed or were anticipating their punishment, even though they were innocent. In situations where capital punishment had just been done, it was past the point of no return for those innocent people. Furthermore, in situations where innocence was found, later on, we must be grateful that it didn’t get to the death penalty. There are instances of people being wrongly charged and for each case that is uncovered, we should remember that there is likely more that we’ve never find out about. Having even one guiltless individual killed wrongly is wrong by itself.

We should also look at the psychological skill of the people being committed and condemned to this discipline. On the off chance that a person isn’t mentally right for preparing and understanding the crimes they have committed, it is morally wrong to execute them for this. Looking at the morals of the death penalty, it’s additionally unfair and unjust discipline. There have been ways to establish capital punishment meant to punish the person. The main people who can witness their crimes being executed. We can’t say for certain whether somebody cruelly punished while they were being executed, hoping a guarantee of a fast and effortless demise. Also, there are people who will face death set apart by torment and making sure justice is being served in America. Yet, as we attempt to hold ourselves as a country to a better quality than our most dangerous criminals, allow our justice system to work like it was intended to, as said by the Supreme Court. And, at no point has the Supreme Court at any point agreed with the cruel and inhumane death penalty. We might want to imagine that we have more faith in humankind than those people committing the crimes. In a way, we are denying another person but also sinking down to their level.

Death Penalty As A Very Good Deterrence

One of the most lethal and last punishments in life is the Death Penalty. Death is the only thing that everyone fears. Death is a silent killer that waits for nobody. Every criminal fears this sentence. The Death Penalty is one of those laws that sits there and waits for its next victim. I believe that the penalty should not be allowed in any state across the country. Everyone has the right to live even if they must life 100 years inside of four walls.

The Death Penalty, also known as capital punishment, was very first introduced and brought over from Europe, specifically Great Britain. Hanging and executions became a usual method of death when someone committed a crime. You could get executed or hanged from stealing, all the way up to cutting a tree down. Since it was so popular and common, most people didn’t care what the crime was and just decided to hang anybody who did something wrong. This problem lead to many reforms and decisions to change this law and get rid of it. Around 1823 to 1837, capital punishment was disposed of, but just because it was eliminated they did not stop and they wanted to spread the idea of it.

When the European settlers arrived here at the new world, they drove the idea of the Death penalty in most areas. The first documented execution during the new colonies was George Kendall in Jamestown Virginia, 1608. He was executed for being an undercover agent for the Spaniards. During 1612, the overseer of Virginia, Sir Thomas Dale, added and compelled Moral and Martial Laws.

These laws gave capital punishment the ability to be implemented towards minor and very small crimes, just like how it was in early Europe. At this time the death penalty was diverse and different in each colony. The colony located in New York applied the death penalty for those who would hit their mother or father and for those who did not believe in “True God”.

Fast forwarding to 1972, a case involving the death penalty went to the supreme court. Everyone started to argue that it was cruel. The Furman v. Georgia case fortunately brought a brief end to the death penalty. The supreme court resolved the case by overturning Furman’s death sentence because it disagreed with the 8th amendment. Unfortunately, the death penalty was brought back for the execution of Gary Gillmore in 1977. After that it continued to be alive, but slowly began to die. It still remains in America even till this day.

Although the death penalty is allowed in over 30 states, it has its limitations. For instance, they cannot execute the mentally ill and they are not suppose the kill juveniles. The United States have evolved in ways to execute those on capital punishment. Many of them being lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas, and firing squads. In my opinion these are ridiculous and inhumane ways to kill somebody. Those whose who are pro capital punishment believe that the death penalty is a very good deterrence, which means that they believe it’s a very good scaring tactic for those who commit crime. I somewhat agree with this statement, but for the most part it is not. The reason why it’s not a good deterrence is because logically offenders will realize that all they have to do is not get caught. No one would commit any murders or anything like that. They would continue to do other extreme crimes are commit murder but on a low key level.

Does the Death Penalty Deter Crime Essay

The debate over whether the death penalty should be abolished or not is one of the top long-lasting and perfervid debated topics in the world. Some support the ‘ eye for an eye ‘ or ‘ life for life ‘ philosophy, while others believe that sanctioned death is wrong.

Humans are meant to live by following some rules and regulations. Breaking those rules is subject to punishment. The seriousness of the crime determines the degree of punishment. Since time immemorial, the concept of the death penalty has been used as a form of cruel punishment. Criminal acts and punishment have a profound impact on culture and civilization as they emerge from them. The death penalty, which is a form of capital punishment, has been used since the beginning of civilization on this globe. With the advancement of civilization, the methods of capital punishment have undergone tremendous humanized changes.

Many people believe that capital punishment is a violation of human rights. More than 70% of countries in the world have abolished the death penalty, either legally or in practice. But, the practice exists in various parts of the world, particularly in countries with larger populations and authoritarian governments. Because it is believed on the other side that the practice of the death penalty not only deters future crimes but also makes someone think twice about committing a fatal crime. However, the death penalty is a terrible reality that demonstrates that the world is filled with criminals and illegal activity.

Many ancient civilizations and tribal methods feature the death penalty as a part of their judicial systems. With tribal societies becoming social classes and the development of self-governed republics, the death penalty became a regular response to a range of crimes, including sexual assault, treason, and different military offenses. Written rules were developed to make people aware of the risks of indulging in any of these crimes and the first established death penalty rules can be found in King Hammurabi of Babylon’s Code, which codified the death sentence for 25 different crimes in the Eighteenth Century B.C.

During the 20th century, millions of people were killed in battles between nations or states. Military systems used execution punishment as a way of maintaining discipline during this turbulent period. In many religious beliefs, the death penalty was being used for crimes, and it was practiced with the support of religious leaders. Today, the morality of capital punishment is no longer associated with any particular faith. The punishment has been left up to the discretion of the judicial system.


  • 1929 – The 1929 Geneva Convention was the first international treaty to restrict the death penalty, limiting it to prisoners of war taken during armed conflict.
  • 1948 – The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which includes a ‘right to life,’ was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.
  • 1966 – Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which was adopted in 1966, is the most important treaty provision dealing with the death sentence at the international level. The ICCPR encourages nations to work towards the total elimination of the death sentence. However, it does not make the abolition of the death penalty mandatory.
  • 1984 – The UN Economic and Social Council adopted safeguards that ensure that persons facing the death penalty have their rights protected.
  • 1989 – The UN General Assembly adopted the Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR that giving abolition decisive new momentum.
  • 1999 – Resolution of the United Nations Human Rights Commission Supporting a Worldwide Moratorium on Executions.
  • 2007 – A resolution proposing a moratorium on capital punishment was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.

To date, the death penalty has been treated in accordance with international standards and rules safeguarding the right to life. Meanwhile, it has also been recognized as a legal sanction under international law under certain circumstances. Therefore it is to be noted that international law strongly advocates, but does not mandate or prohibit the abolition of the death sentence.

Statistical Analysis

1. The number of abolitionist countries of the death penalty (1945- 2020)

The graph demonstrates the number of abolitionist countries which have abolished the death penalty had been steadily increased from, 7 in 1945 to 108 in 2020. This trend clearly indicates that the world is at a tipping point to abolishing the death penalty. However, it is to be noted that there are a number 44 retentionist countries as of 2020.

2. Recorded global executions (2011- 2020)

The above graph demonstrates the globally recorded executions from 2011 to 2020. This implicates the death penalty is on its way out, as the number of executions has significantly fallen over the past decade. Concerns about human rights, discrimination, potential unjust convictions, and its effectiveness as a deterrent are some of the factors driving this significant decline.

Points For:

  • Deterrence – Various studies have shown that the death penalty has no influence on violent crime rates and does not work as an effective deterrent. For example, the states in the U.S with the most executions also have the highest murder rates, which is very ironic. As a result, the death penalty appears inefficient for the purpose for which it was introduced.
  • Retribution – The concept of retribution is ambiguous and it is merely a kind of the misguided belief that two wrongs can make a right. The most prevalent argument is that innocent people may be killed sooner or later by the death penalty as a result of the flaws or defects in the judicial system.
  • Rehabilitation – The death penalty simply takes away a criminal’s right to seek rehabilitation. It eliminates the possibility of a non-habitual offender seeking an opportunity to change his or her behaviors. It is assumed that there is nothing that can be done about an offender who is just violating his or her rights.

Points Against:

  • Deterrence – The death penalty acts as the most effective deterrent when it comes to deterring people from committing the most heinous acts. If offenders are sentenced to death and executed, it would prevent the would-be criminals from attempting the crime in fear of losing their own life. If for no other reason, at least as a deterrent for other potential criminals, we still need the death penalty.
  • Retribution – The death penalty provides retribution for offenders and ensures that they are held accountable for their actions. For example, if we take an act of murder, it would be difficult to make murderers pay properly for their crime without the death penalty, because no punishment other than death truly correlates to the crime of murder.
  • Rehabilitation – Some offenders are simply beyond help and will always pose a serious threat to society. The only choice left for these offenders who have lost all chance of forgiveness is to eliminate them from existence and not rehabilitation.

It is also suggested to research other perspectives such as cost-effectiveness, fail-safe justice system and historical recognition, etc.

The Death Penalty Is a Step Back: Persuasive Essay

The straps tighten against you as you draw your final breath. There is blood to pay for the price of the crime, but this fictitious murderer has been wrongfully accused. You are painfully innocent. The pressure of all the people holding you down is suffocating. The needle is injected; this is not justice neither is it mercy. This is cruelty. The death penalty is not the way to give redemption to those of lost loved ones, this is because it is killing hundreds of people left and right, the innocent dying leaving their blood on our hands, and piling expenses; it needs to be abolished.

Crazy as it is, the death penalty has been around since the 1630s in the U.S. Various people state if it served justness all the way in that era, it must at this time and age too. It has never failed to do its role; that is true. It has never failed to kill hundreds of people. A report about the history of this questionable punishment system by the Constitutional Right Foundation promotes, “…the death penalty was imposed for many crimes, even minor ones such as picking pockets or stealing a loaf of bread. (“History of Death Penalty”)” This supports how extensive the executions were with the cry for blood over morality. Our foundation wasn’t even built on the principle of “an eye for an eye!” If this continues we may not be able to foresee our thirst for vengeance getting to us. The official Death Penalty Information Center stated, “1,526 men and women have been executed in the United States since the 1970s…(“Executions Overview”)” This is only accounting from the 1970s to today, the numbers are more massive than the accounts. Multitudinous have died that could’ve had the chance to live. If you ponder about it, when we kill a murderer through this system we are doing the same action that was trying to be prevented. As a matter of fact, laws are here to provide safety and control; but there is inconsequential safety in allowing your neighbor to legally kill someone. Not surprisingly, violence isn’t always the solution; most of the time it’s never the ethical or moral solution. An article by Pamela Paul takes insight on this issue opinionating :

The Harris polls also asked whether capital punishment is a deterrent to murder. Americans’ belief that the death penalty serves as a disincentive is waning – falling to 42 percent in July 2001, from 59 percent in 1976. Surprisingly, the diminishing belief that capital punishment serves as a deterrent to crime is not accompanied by decreasing support for the death penalty. In fact, between 1976 and 1997, belief in capital punishment as a deterrent fell 10 percentage points, while support for the death penalty rose 8 points (uncertainty fell as well, from 8 percent to 3 percent of respondents). This indicates that lowering the murder rate may not be Americans’ primary motive in supporting executions. (Paul 22)

Deterrent means to discourage someone or an event from taking place; the polls showed how many felt that the homicide penalty no longer served as a system with its original purpose. Despite all odds, the numbers are rising, executions with dates set in place, we need to abolish it before it is too late to save them and our morality.

Unfortunately, there is not only worry about the number of executions but also the people being executed as well. Notably, several have contended that we are not only delivering their justice but that it also consoles the victim’s loved ones. The act of retribution has been highly debated and a crippling statement has been made by Samuel Gross from DPIC with the uncomfortable news to those who believe that; he testifies, “There is no real doubt that we have an innocent person. If we could go to trial on this case if there was a forum where we could take this to trial, we would win hands down” (“Innocence”). This was stated after the execution of Larry Griffin, the executed man was killed for crimes he did not commit; only to be discovered when the deed had done its damage. Another story of the innocent being wronged is of Walter McMillian. This man was once again falsely accused of murder and almost went to the grave to meet his maker. The book Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, by Byran Stevenson (DPIC “Books”), elaborates on this incident and the injustice that was served by those courts. Killing murderers is one step in the fallacious direction, but to still stand and permit innocent people to die after hearing about the wrongly accused is choosing to be ignorant. To highlight the innocents, the DPIC belabored after looking into multiple like those two scenarios :

It is now clear that innocent defendants will be convicted and sentenced to death with some regularity as long as the death penalty exists. It is unlikely that the appeals process—which is mainly focused on legal errors and not on factual determinations—will catch all the mistakes. Reforms have been begrudgingly implemented, increasing both the costs and the time that the death penalty consumes, but have not been sufficient to overcome human error. The popularity and use of capital punishment have rapidly declined as the innocence issue has gained attention. The remaining question is how many innocent lives are worth sacrificing to preserve this punishment. (“Innocence”)

That is the question. How long are we willing to let this continue until we add mercy to our laws? If this system hadn’t been here, innocent men and women could still be breathing. But now we have committed the crime.

Lastly, one of the major towering factors in abolishing the death penalty is the fact that hundreds of thousands of dollars are going down the drain for the accused. Too many people overlook this with a blind eye, struck with the thought of redemption. There is a simpler solution though, to this system that Feminism and Non-Violence have produced :

…life imprisonment with no parole. Capital trials are longer and more expensive at every step than other murder trials. Pre-trial motions, expert witness investigations, jury selection, and the necessity for two trials–one on guilt and one on sentencing–make capital cases extremely costly, even before the appeals process begins. Guilty pleas are almost unheard of when the punishment is death. In addition, many of these trials result in a life sentence rather than the death penalty, so the state pays the cost of life imprisonment on top of the expensive trial. (Dieter 11)

If you could not follow along, lots of these cases have a complex system to determine the innocent and guilty. This still takes thousands of dollars which is unnecessary. An account recorded and studied by the DPIC announced :

In a series of articles analyzing Pennsylvania’s death penalty, the Reading Eagle found that taxpayers have spent over $350 million on the death penalty over a period in which the state has carried out just three executions, all of the inmates who dropped their appeals. (“Costs”)

Wrap your head around that! Three people totaled over 350 million dollars! In New York, they did a study on the cities with the death penalty and cities without it in the state, and see what the FNSA published :

Significantly, no city in New York State, without the death penalty is among the nation’s top twenty-five cities in homicide rates. This is based on the statistics recently released by the FBI. In particular, New York City bucked the national trend and experienced a decline in every major category of crime in 1991. In the first four months of 1992, crime was again down across the board in New York, compared to the same period two years previous, with murders decreasing by over U percent. While direct causes for a decrease in crime are difficult to pinpoint, many experts have attributed New York’s success to an increasingly popular concept known as community policing. In 1990, New York had 750-foot officers on the street. In 1992, that number was 3,000. Community policing is a strategy for utilizing police officers not just as people who react to crime, but also as people who solve problems by becoming an integral part of the neighborhoods they serve. (Dieter 11)

As a solution to this extensive and expensive crisis, more security was enforced compared to endless executions. As we see in NY when we guide our efforts into securing the city through more police force, we can see significantly lower crime rates.

Wrapping all of this up, DPIC in its Gallup surveys discovered, “Record-Low Percentage of Americans Now Find Death Penalty Morally Acceptable” (“Public Opinion”), people are starting to realize that the death penalty is wrong. If they are starting to see veracity then you can as well. If there is anything that I yearn that you do not forget all of the people fighting for their lives. An inmate shares his divulgence while being on death row as an innocent :

I miss the stars. You know, I haven’t seen the stars in years and years and years. I miss the rain. I miss food. I miss all these things. But what it comes down to the most — and this is the thing that will scar me the most and that I’ll car­ry with me as a scar the longest — the thing I miss the most is being treat­ed like a human being. (DPIC “Conditions on the Death Row”)

I can’t express or force you to see the death penalty as I do. All I can urge is that we limit our deaths, those convicted, and expenses by getting rid of this system. I aspire that we all can show mercy and stay true to our humanity.

Works Cited

  1. CRF. “History of Death Penalty in America.” Constitutional Right Foundation. CRF, 2012.
  2. 30 Sept. 2020. Web.
  3. Dieter, Richard C. “What politicians don’t say about the high costs of the death penalty.”
  4. Studies in Prolife Feminism, vol. 1, no. 1, Winter 1995, p. 11+. Gale General OneFile. Accessed 30 Sept. 2020. Print.
  5. DPIC. “Death Penalty Information Center.” Death Penalty Information Center. DPIC, 15 Sept. 2020. 30 Sept. 2020. Web.
  6. Paul, Pamela. “The Death Penalty.” American Demographics, 1 Nov. 2001, p. 22. Gale General
  7. OneFile. Accessed 24 Sept. 2020. Print.

How The Death Penalty Saves Lives: Persuasive Essay

The dying penalty has been used for years as a way to punish the guilty. Over the years the loss of life penalty has valued our Justice device millions. Besides the cost, it violates our Human Rights Bill and punishes harmless people. The demise penalty is now not fantastic at decreasing crime. Our society is not any safer and does now not deter people from breaking the law. There are many one-of-a-kind alternatives in our machine to battle crime, however, the demise penalty is not one of them.

The loss of life penalty is supposed to prevent others from killing however it does not. According to the ‘Death Penalty Information Center the top tutorial criminological societies, 88% of these specialists rejected the thinking that the loss of life penalty acts as a deterrent to murder.’ Fear of the demise penalty has little effect on people committing murder. A murder usually starts, as an argument long past awful when the individual is angry. The common person does not stroll outdoors and says, ‘I assume I will kill today’. No one makes the dying penalty their first notion when they go away from the house. It by no means crosses people’s minds: if they kill a person, they will get the dying penalty. People are nevertheless killing and it has now not slowed down the number of homicide instances in the US. If the dying penalty is sending a message, unfortunately, no one is listening to the message.

Second, the dying penalty is valued more for execution versus existence in prison. Our use spends millions to execute prisoners versus leaving them in prison. Our USA is having a financial disaster however it looks like we have thousands and thousands of greenbacks for the demise penalty. According to ‘Death Penalty Information Center ‘California spends it cost $232.7 million per year. A prisoner can spend life barring parole price of $90,000 a yr per inmate.’ We spend a massive quantity on a machine that has little impact on crime.

Third, the dying penalty goes against our Human Rights Bill. On December 10, 1948, United Nations adopted the Human Rights Bill. Article 5 states that ‘No one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading therapy or punishment’. The death penalty is heartless to human beings and merciless punishment. We say do not kill, however, we are doing the identical thing. A structure in which human lifestyles are being taken by means of execution is merciless. Many prisoners reform while they are in prison. Criminals have dedicated some unspeakable crimes, however, they do now not deserve to have their lifestyles end. The US has modified the means of the Human Rights Bill to justify our system settling of ratings in opposition to another. In 1986, forty-eight international locations has abolish the dying penalty.

Fourth, the death penalty has completed humans who are now not guilty. If we proceed with the Death penalty, not responsible humans will die. According to the Dying Penalty Information Center ‘Since 1973, over one hundred thirty humans have been released from demise row with evidence of their innocence. From 2000-2007, there has been a common of 5 exonerations per year. The trouble with the dying penalty is that innocent human beings are killed. The device makes errors and does not usually have evidence when convicting people. Many prisoners spend years serving time for a crime they did now not do. There is no justice for them or their families. The Justice system no longer questions how many not responsible have died. We can punish them stop other ways barring the demise penalty.

They argue that the death penalty executes those that are guilty. Capital punishment takes many steps to assure that fewer errors are made. In support of their aspect criminals certainly get a truthful trial in the prison system. Our device assures that lives will be saved via execution, simply the opposite there is little evidence to show that the demise penalty saves lives.

Retribution for a crime potential the justice machine is going to get even for the crime you committed. Retribution is a cruel way for our justice machine to justify what they are doing. Taking the existence of the humans who have been killed, we are doing the same crime. Killing the criminal is no longer going to deliver back the victim. We justified it with the aid of pronouncing it will bring closer to the victims’ families. The victim’s household heals no faster than they did while the prisoner was once in jail. They will grieve the same way in the same amount of time. The device is adding homicide on top of homicide there is no stop to crime. The cycle goes on and does no longer give up and the complete purpose is the quit murder. At some point, the system has to face reality and find every other way that works. Criminals carry out murder it is the lowest form of crime and the system does the equal element however it receives a fancier name.

Despite the claim that capital punishment can serve as a way to cease criminals. Showing would-be criminals the consequences of their actions. There is a regulation and justice gadget and you have followed it. The death penalty makes humans think earlier than doing a crime but it is simply the opposite.

All matters consider the justice system is morally wrong when it comes to the loss of life penalty. The cost to execute a man or woman is greater steeply-priced than life in jail except for parole. Knowing that innocent humans will be executed is a heartless way of punishment. We ought to focal point more on how to give up and forestall crime.