Loneliness and Solitude Essay

Humans are social animals. Having a relationship with others is one of the most important and enjoyable aspects of the lives of people. Relationships and social interactions have a big role and impact on our psychological well-being and happiness. On the other hand, isolation from other people is sometimes exercised by parents, teachers, and prison officials as a form of punishment to give someone a lesson.

Withdrawing oneself around people to have alone time is not a bad thing. Perhaps, it may have positive effects depending on how people utilize it, and this is called solitude. As eloquently stated by the Oxford English Dictionary, solitude predominately is “The state of being or living alone; loneliness; seclusion; solitariness (of persons)”. The conception of solitude used in this article is compatible with “being or living alone,” “seclusion,” and “solitariness”; be that as it may, to keep the research within limits and to avoid confusion, we make a distinction between “solitude” and “loneliness” and restrict discussion to the former. This restriction is in keeping with the way many people visualize solitude, emphasizing the benefits of time alone. Contrary to solitude, loneliness is generally seen as a negative emotional state that most people seek to avoid; it indicates deficiencies in the number or extent of one’s social relationships (e.g., Marcoen & Goossens, 1993; Peplau & Perlman, 1982; cf., Wood, 1986). The excruciating nature of loneliness, as well as the relationship between loneliness and psychological disorders, such as schizophrenia and depression, may account for the relative prevalence of psychological research devoted to loneliness as opposed to solitude.

Coplan & Bowker, (2014) analyzed that, solitude does not just happen as a stand-alone experience. Rather, solitude is often conflated with other psychological experiences that occur along with the act of being alone, such as social rejection, social withdrawal, social isolation, shyness, or loneliness. As argued by Long, Seburn, Averill, and More, (2003) they found more positive experiences when people used solitude for privacy, relaxation, self-reflection, creative pursuits, and emotional regulation. Thus, it is clear that solitude has some varied effects on affective experiences. Additionally, solitude is often used to be a sign of a type of privacy. To dig deeper, privacy usually refers to an ability to control the degree to which other people and institutions intrude upon one’s life (e.g., Pedersen, 1999; Westin, 1967). As a subtype of privacy, solitude refers to a condition in which a person is alone and unobserved but not necessarily separated by intimidating barriers or great distance from others (e.g., Marshall, 1972; Westin, 1967). People’s reaction to solitude has been studied under a variety of labels. Most commonly, researchers have referred to time spent away from others as privacy, although this term has been used in many different ways by researchers and theorists from a large number of disciplines. (Altman, 1975; Margulis, 1977; Westin 1967).

To summarize, the paradigm experience of solitude is a state characterized by disengagement from the immediate demands of other people—a state of reduced social inhibition and increased freedom to select one’s mental or physical activities. Such a state is typically experienced when a person is alone. However, aloneness is not a necessary condition for solitude: A person can experience solitude while in the presence of others, as when “alone” in the company of strangers or when an intimate couple seeks solitude for togetherness. These latter are peripheral cases of solitude, but not less important because of that. In this article, for clarity’s sake, we use solitude primarily in its paradigmatic sense of being alone. Where relevant, we also include a discussion of more peripheral instances of solitude.

Individuals utilize solitude because it produces opportunities not offered by our usual social environment to engage in activities or thoughts that we find innately interesting. The experience of solitude is found everywhere across life and researchers have examined the causes, consequences, and costs/benefits of spending time alone. As studied by Coplan, Ooi, and Nocita (2015) one area of focus for developmental psychologists has been social withdrawal, the process whereby some individuals spend more time in solitude than their age mates because they tend to remove themselves from opportunities to interact with peers (in contrast with being actively excluded by peers). Given that the peer group is an important and unique context for a person’s social, emotional, cognitive, and moral development, individuals who spend more time alone may lack interactions with peers that are appropriate for their age. However, social withdrawal itself can be experienced out of nowhere. In short, every individual has different reasons for choosing solitude—and these in turn yield different implications for a person’s well-being.

The most widely used theoretical model identifies three subtypes of social withdrawal, distinguished by distinct combinations of a person’s social approach and social avoidance motivations: (a) shyness (high approach, high avoidance); (b) unsociability (low approach, low avoidance); and (c) social avoidance (low approach, high avoidance).

Solitude usually denotes aloneness, many people experience feelings of intimacy while in solitude. The poet Lord Byron (1812/1996) described solitude as the place “where we are least alone” (p. 445); similarly, during his stay at Walden, Thoreau (1854/1981) wrote, “I have a great deal of company in the house, especially in the morning when nobody calls” (p. 206); and in Paradise Lost, Milton (1667/1991) observed that “solitude sometimes is best society” (p. 529). Observations such as these are more common than might be expected. Based on interviews, examples from novels and popular songs, and analysis of dictionary definitions, Nisenbaum (1984) found that solitude often involves feelings of connection with another person.

Although empirical research on the phenomenon is sparse, several theorists have attempted to explain the association between solitude and intimacy. As will be described more fully in a subsequent section on life-span development, Winnicott (1958) contended that, as an infant, one must learn to be alone in the presence of a caregiver to develop the capacity to be alone as an adolescent or adult. To avoid later loneliness and anxiety, one must take the supportive environment provided by the caregiver and introduce it, or build it into one’s personality structure. For this reason, Winnicott argued that the person who has developed the capacity to be alone is never truly alone. Rather, a presence unconsciously equated with a parental, caregiving context is always available. (One can view many children’s use of such transitional objects as teddy bears and blankets as an attempt to physically render such a caregiving presence.)

Among the potential benefits of solitude, it also provides relief from the pressures involved in interacting with other people. This is a “negative” benefit, that is, a retreat from an unpleasant situation. If the retreat is motivated by social anxiety or depression, as it sometimes is, there is an obvious danger of exacerbating a preexisting maladaptive condition. (Recall that Burger’s, 1995, Preference for Solitude Scale is moderately correlated with the trait of neuroticism.) Our concern in this review, however, has been with the “positive” benefits of solitude that even the most well-adjusted individual might seek. These positive benefits, too, are not without danger. Solitude can be addictive.

Regardless of the motivation for solitude, a decrease in immediate social interaction may lead to disengagement from the concerns of others. Therefore, one may assume that spending much time alone could develop ever-increasing disengagement and eventual chronic social withdrawal.

Turning to more mundane experiences of solitude, studies indicate that the types of solitude encountered in everyday life can be associated with negative states of affairs, even when experienced positively at the moment. For instance, Larson et al. (1982) found that adults who felt in a more positive mood while alone than while with others tended to experience more negative moods across all situations. Likewise, feeling greater ease of concentration while alone was related to feeling more negative moods overall. Stated differently, when affect and attention improve markedly while alone, it may be a sign that a person’s interactions with others are suffering. Contrariwise, Larson, et al. (1982) found that the people who had the most positive average moods were those who reported feeling the worst while alone.

Findings like these make intuitive sense: Whereas decreased social demands may facilitate creativity and other positive benefits, many theorists argue that social contact helps us maintain our sense of reality and protect our consciousness from descending into chaos (e.g., Csikszentmihalyi, 1997; see Baumeister & Leary, 1995, for a brief review of other consequences of social disconnectedness.) However, other research reviewed by Larson (1990) failed to find any conclusive relation between the amount of time adults spent alone and psychological well-being.

To summarize, although the data are often conflicting, solitude is not without its dangers, even when—or particularly when—the immediate benefits are experienced positively. That is, solitude can serve as an attractive contrast to distraction and anxiety for those finding it difficult to thrive in their particular social environments. However, for people suffering from social anxiety, solitude does not appear to be habit-forming; for most individuals, its potential benefits far outweigh its dangers.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to generate knowledge and create understanding about the Tarlac State University (TSU) students in the College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) regarding their Preference of Solitude in connection to their Social Interaction. This study will provide better insights into how students can cultivate and optimize positive solitude experiences in human life. College students are targeted because they are in a transition period from adolescence to adulthood.

Essay on Pros and Cons of Mandatory Volunteering in High School

Some may say we live in a hard-to-get-by world. Hardships come in many different shapes and sizes and more when they are forced upon you. Mandatory volunteer work is another hassle in a teenager’s life, which doesn’t have to be placed over a student as a requirement for high school graduation. Although some people may think it is a good idea, mandatory volunteer work should not be a requirement in teen life, it causes stress and excessive problems defeating the purpose of volunteering as well.

Though some oppose this, saying it may be considered beneficial for teens, the precious time put into volunteering could lead a person to forget or even be too distracted to enjoy family time. Some may even say, it creates a more disciplined and responsible environment to work in. While good behavior may be a good thing, it is safe to say that most who will be put under volunteering would do it without getting the joy of volunteering out of it. Rather than volunteering to come as an experience, it would come as a job to most.

Stress is one key factor for forced volunteering Evidence from Studysync explains, “Teens who are too busy feel, tired, anxious, or depressed.” (Studysync) Forcing stress and uncomfortable situations on a teen could be damaging to them. The pressure causes unnecessary and unfavorable outlooks on how teens think and even on how their future thoughts of volunteering will be. Additionally, volunteering could be piling, “Volunteering only adds more things for a teen to juggle in their daily life” (Lily Lou). This quote is scary for some, even, a struggling teen who already has too much to handle. These points are given, to make it clear that giving this type of obligation to teens is very difficult to handle.

The dictionary meaning of volunteering is “freely offer to do something.” Which would entirely change the actual meaning of it with mandatory volunteering. As communicated by a Pro/con article “the logic of forcing people to volunteer falls short one compared to the benefits students gain from the act of offering to perform community service” (Claire Koenig) Even so teens would benefit more if they give their time willingly. Other than being forced a student who is willing to volunteer would capture more and learn more when doing so. After that Studysync says” It defeats the purpose of volunteering” It is supposed to be a great pastime when one doesn’t have things to do. This means it would not be of that much value to volunteer when it is mandatory.

Hidden Figures’ Gender Inequality Essay

The benefits that Hidden Figures presents in terms of portraying gender is that at the end of the film they accepted that women can do the same some a male can. By watching this film people will learn that racial bias and typical stereotypes still are happening in our society today. This film was a great way of showing gender performances and so many other aspects of our lives, are governed by social norms.

The second wave is a period of feminist activity to increase equality for women by gaining more than just empowerment. This issue includes the rights regarding domestic issues such as dress codes and employment. Second-wave feminism is the failure to ratify equal rights and where white women are being more focused on by everyone else.

Throughout the movie Hidden Figures, I noticed that a Wave of feminism was happening in certain clips. However, the type of wave that I saw the most was the second wave where Dorothy was a hard worker and didn’t stop working until she got the promotion that she deserved as the supervisor. Dorothy was just asking for the supervisor position because she was doing the work as a supervisor but wasn’t getting paid as one. The IBM program threatened to take over the jobs of the black women or the “colored computers” which was what they called them. Another example could be when Katherine raised her voice against the injustices she’d faced as a black woman at her workplace. She confronted her boss Harrison that she had to run across the streets just to access the bathroom as they were segregated for white women and women of color. Lastly, in one of the clips Mary wanted to be an engineer but had to face many obstacles on the way for instance, being a woman and wanting to be an engineer, and fighting for the right to be the first black person and woman to attend her all-white grad school where she has to face also constant marginalization.

What we need to do is instead of fighting the system of oppression, women should be allowed to be empowered by choosing how they would fit into these existing power structures. I feel like everyone needs to have the same equality and not be treated differently because of their skin color or because their gender. Everyone is the same in different ways and we’re all humans and can do all the same thing. What we shouldn’t do is treat certain people differently and we shouldn’t have a certain rubric to follow to fit into a certain category, everyone should have the same freedom and power.

Watching this movie people may learn that discrimination still tends to happen around the world and it isn’t being fixed by anyone. Hidden Figures is a good movie by shows minority women fighting and making their mark in this world. This was a nice reminder of how much is wrong with our country and how still women are sometimes discriminated against and overlooked because of their gender and reflects the potential dangers of discrimination. This movie should motivate us to start making a change in our society. To make a difference and to push for equal rights for all such as working in unity and to disregard bias against women and all disregarded groups.

Profeminist Movements support battles for equitable treatment for women and increase women’s rights. It focuses more on equal pay for equal work. What this means is being aware of women’s experiences and bringing them to the center of being noticed, not to displace men but to be known as what they are.

In the movie Hidden Figures, some Profeminists happened in the clip when the man that they were going to help out get to the moon wanted Katherine to double check the calculations because they sent him off, he told Harrison “I want the smart girl”. This shows that he was one of the people who believed in her and her intelligence and didn’t look at her race. Also, he didn’t treat the African American women differently when he was shaking everyone’s hand and greeting them. At the end of the movie, she helped Nasa make everything happen smoothly. She was eventually recognized now by everyone when she became the first African-American woman to head up a department at NASA.

The intersectionality of race and gender makes the struggle of these women even more praiseworthy. What we need to do is learn to see women the same way we do with men. No man should treat a woman differently because they think they can do the same amount of work they’re capable of doing. A real man will respect a woman and be well aware of what women go through because of their gender and stereotypes.

When you’re watching this movie, will help the audience learn that the three black female mathematicians fought against segregation, discrimination, and sexism to work and get paid what they deserved and excel at NASA during the Space Race. It will also show that not all white males treat people of color differently because of their skin color some of them do have dignity and treat them the same way they will treat their race. For example, A male colleague recognized Mary’s skill and encouraged her to train so that she could progress from mathematician to engineer.

Future of Internet Essay

It’s difficult to keep track of how much technology has changed. It occurs gradually, usually in improvements or adaptations so small we don’t notice them. Wifi accessibility becomes more frequent and it gets more convenient to communicate with others from all over the world. In just a few decades, the internet has progressed significantly. It now serves as a platform for businesses, communication, entertainment, and education. We are now able to connect to this enormous network through dozens of different devices from just about anywhere in the world. So what’s going to happen in the next few years? The answer is simple: The internet will be more efficient than ever before. It will be faster than ever before. It will have more speed and accuracy than any other technology in history. It will be more reliable than ever before. It will become much easier to access information and services online in ways that were not possible even a generation ago.

We can expect to see a lot of changes in the way we use our computers, smartphones, and other digital devices. We will also see a lot of new technologies being developed that are far more advanced than those invented by our ancestors. These include artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and the Internet of Things. Firstly, one of the ways the internet will change is through the advancement of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to learn from experience. The ability to think like humans. This means that we will need a lot of human-computer interaction to make sense of complex data. Artificial intelligence is going to change how we interact with each other and the world around us. It’s going to be a big step forward for humanity and society as it relates to technology.

I believe that there will be many ways in which artificial intelligence can help us in the future. It will be very helpful in the areas of medicine, education, and even entertainment. The next generation of artificial intelligence will be able to do things that humans can’t even imagine. They will be able to create new kinds of robots, smart homes, and more intelligent homes than ever before. This will be a huge leap forward for mankind and the world around us. Artificial intelligence is already being used in some of the most advanced medical systems. It has been used in the field of cancer research and other fields. This is just one example of how artificial intelligence can help us in the future. Secondly, another way the internet will change is through the development of virtual reality.

Augmented and virtual reality is another area where artificial intelligence is being used. It is an emerging technology that allows users to interact with their virtual worlds through computer programs. This is a great way to enhance our lives by allowing us to experience different aspects of life. This is also a great way to learn about new things, such as music or art. This is a very interesting topic because it will allow us to explore new ideas and technologies. In addition, we can use these technologies to improve our lives. For example, the quality of learning will improve a lot if we use virtual reality. Practical learning is always better than academic knowledge and students will be able to get actual exposure when virtual reality is used. Surgeons can hone their skills through practice by performing virtual surgeries. This is a great way to improve the quality of education.

Lastly, another way the Internet will change is through the evolution of the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things is defined as the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. As each day passes, more objects are connected to a network. From simple, everyday things like coffee makers and security cameras to cars, there will not be a single object untouched by IoT devices in the future. Lighting systems and coffee makers will collect data on habits and patterns of usage. In addition, smartwatches will be able to track your sleeping patterns and wake-up times. Smart home technology will also help people with chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease by monitoring their blood sugar levels. These devices will also help people with cancer or other diseases stay healthy longer. The Internet of Things is going to help people with cancer or other illnesses in the future. This is just one example of how IoT can change our lives for the better and improve our quality of life. In conclusion, the internet is opening new doorways of opportunity for humankind. We can do incredible things on the internet now, who knows what we will be able to do just 10 years from now?

Essay on Why Do Girls Face More Peer Pressure Than Boys

Is the beauty of a female determined by her weight? How much is self-worth, worth? How much is shared on social media? Is it too much? Young women today can not handle peer pressure in the right ways, which leads to making bad decisions. Females are more likely to be addicted to, and also negatively affected by, social media than males. Females, especially young teens, will question their looks and self-worth, they will put a lot of information on social media for validation, and say things to other females to make themselves feel better and less insecure. Ladies sometimes can not deal with stress, pressure, or anything that causes negative energy in their lives. They will go to social media for support. Younger females will take social media very serious they will have arguments with others, they will post explicit pictures, and spend a lot of their time on social media apps such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. Social media negatively impacts teen girls causing mental health issues, self-identity problems, and destruction on their reputation and relationships.

Cyberbullying can impact teen females mentally causing them to have mental issues. Females can be bullied and feel insecure because of how they look. In a survey conducted by “ ‘The Royal Society for Public Health, results reveal that many social platforms produced feelings of depression and many other mental health issues” (qtd. Ehmke 2). Depression can come from many things such as insecurity, Cyberbullying, and relationships. Cyberbullying is an enormous reason for depression. Cyberbullying, a leading cause of depression, can take many forms such as making insults, making others feel insecure, and making threats.“ A teenager’s reputation can be ruined swiftly, which can cause depression and also suicide” (Halin 4). Females blocking and ignoring hatred and ignorance to discern that no one is perfect will help plenty.

Young females are addicted to social media, which is interfering with a sufficient amount of things in their lives from school, work, and free time. Females can be addicted to multiple things dealing with social media, from appearance to what young ladies think or post on social media. Females can be so addicted to social media that they will forget who they are, females will also come up with a fake personality and try to live up to it. “Young Females will feel pressure to do countless actions because of social media, such as make new statuses, post and check socials, and other social media interactions” ( qtd. Shepherd’s Hill Academy 3 ). When females are addicted to social media, they are constantly using their cell phones during class and throughout a lot of free time, they have. Having a social media addiction can have a prodigious effect on the attention span of someone. A female could be doing homework and get a notification on their technology, which creates a loss of focus. Her attention would then pivot for the next hour instead of doing the homework she was assigned. Social media addiction does not have a positive effect on females lives and the things they may need to complete and accomplish.

Memory can also suffer a significant decline as a result of overstimulation due to social media addictions. Young ladies can be so focused on social media that they forget to do things they are supposed to. Also, they will get trapped into posting, updating, texting, and many other things because of social media, they will forget what they were told to do and what they had to do before being on social media. This will cause lower grades and a strain on her education. “‘Distractive multitasking’ on social media sites leads to a lower grade-point average and poorer overall academic performance.’’ ( Marone 1). Social media causes females to try to remember and process more than she can. She will end up forgetting the more important things she has to do. “And when you try to store many things in your working memory, you get less good at processing information” ( brainstorm 10 ).

Social media can cause ladies to question their self-esteem. Females feel that they have to go to social media for validation and to be accepted. If all females see the “perfect” girl which goes along with the beauty standards, that will make them feel low and they will try to compare themselves to other females. They may even try to change themselves to how social media perceives beauty or to “beauty standards” set by social media. Self-esteem will often decline because of how they feel regarding their looks and their life. Girls go to other girl’s pages to compare how someone else is doing in life and then they feel like they are not doing well. Ladies tend to feel discouraged like they are not good enough or as good as the next person. “ Proven in a study women had an increase in anxiety, depression, body dissatisfaction and other strains in their mental health after shown a picture of the ideal body depicted by the media” (Gaffney 16). Females feeling that they are not good enough or not beautiful enough, because of something they see on the internet can feel bad and cause even more issues for themselves. Self-esteem can make or break a person, social media is slowly breaking females, especially if they do not fit into “standards” or if their life is not as great as they want it to be.

Self-identity can be a complicated thing when dealing with social media. Females who are trying their best to find their identity can have a huge struggle with this due to social media. They try to get validation and social media itself will even change their identity. Some females who are supporters or included in LGBTQ are sometimes afraid to be themselves because of social media, having to live a lie behind a screen or account. Having to feel like she has to be someone that she is not can cause an enormous amount of mental and emotional pain. Females that are trying to figure out what they want to become in life or who they are meant to be, can be changed just because of one simple post or message. Also, social media is a way to show a different person than who you are, they try to act “cooler”, like a rebel, someone everyone would want to hang out with and be friends with. Social media can take an enormous toll on a female who is going through puberty or high school, maybe even college, and females who are trying to figure themselves out or even come to what they are and want to be. Seeing people bash others on social media for not being perfect, which no one is, will affect how a female perceives herself. Everyone makes mistakes or has flaws. Beyonce, Rihanna, Katy Perry, and Lady Gaga all have flaws, but seeing how everyone will talk down on someone because they think they are less will make females feel like they can not be who they want. They will not be able to embrace what they believe and will not be open about their life.

Social media has an impact on identity. Young girls who do not know exactly who they are at the time will go to social media to figure it out. Girls may reconstruct themselves into something that everyone likes instead of what they want to be themselves. “Individuals develop a sense of self from creating an impression they wish to give to others” (Manago 2008). Social media can trick young minds into unnecessary habits, women will start to feel like changing because they are not good enough how they are. Self-identity issues can have an enormous influence on how someone feels, sees, and thinks about themselves and also what they ultimately see in the mirror. What a girl identifies as can change, what she likes can change. Not all females will, but most will start to question what they like and who they are as a person.

Peer pressure on females will cause a lot of damage in a girl’s life. Females feel pressured to do many things they do not want to do. Yes, they should know right from wrong and that they do not have to do what others want, but some want to be accepted. They want to have friends or to get some type of attention. Peer pressure from others can make a lot of negative things happen from social media such as bullying, explicit pictures, drama, drugs, etc.

Females may feel pressured to have drama that they do not want or need. When someone is friends with another person he or she might try to tell them negative accusations about that person. They will feel the need to stick up for them or just tag along with the problems. Rumors and jealousy mostly start drama because a lot of girls are insecure and instead of bringing another female up they want to pull them down. Lies will change a lot of ladies lives and relationships. Being bullied, brought down, talked about, and lied to could hurt someone. They will feel like the only way to escape pain is drugs. When girls feel worthless or less than themselves, they will try anyway to get attention and positive things said about them, which would also lead to negative comments said about them.

Pictures, especially explicit pictures, can follow someone throughout their life. Girls might feel like that is the only way to get a positive statement said about them, but do not think about the consequences. Yes, some do post or send explicit pictures because they are low and do not care but it will still affect their future. Being exposed and getting bullied about these types of pictures will tear a person apart more than they already were. Even if they posted the pictures themselves, everyone seeing their body and knowing that they posted it, will not have positive effects. Boys will start to think the female is easy, try to harass her, and give her insults. Females will also say insults or pick on someone about their body.

Females will honestly do anything for acceptance from other people. They will post, bully, fight, anything that will get them the attention they want. They will not care who they hurt or whose life it is affecting. If a female wants to be friends with a certain friend group and she knows they do not like a certain person or they do things she does not, she will start to dislike the person and do everything they do because she wants to fit in.

In the visual above you can see that bullying and rumors are the biggest problems with social media. Next is a Lack of relationships, unrealistic views, and addiction. Last is Peer pressure, other mental health issues, and drama. A lack of relationships will have a gigantic impact on a girl’s life, friendships, and relationships with her parents and friends. This will be strained, especially if all they are focused on is social media instead of the bond with people and having actual conversations in person. Rumors and bullying are the biggest problems with social media because everyone gets bullied somehow and has rumors said about them even celebrities (such as Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Chris Brown, etc). In other words, everything a female deals with is affected by social media. Social media overall has negative outcomes. There are positive effects but the negative effects out way these and are not beneficial to females. They should limit themselves to social media and find healthy relationships and habits.

Work Cited

    1. Though distracted by social media, students are still listening. Social Sciences. American Psychological Society. https://phys.org/news/2018-04-distracted-social-media-students.html. Published April 13, 2018. Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
    2. Anderson, Monica and Jiang, JingJing. “Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018”. Pew Research Center Internet & Technology. http://www.pewinternet.org/2018/05/31/teens-social-media-technology-2018/. 31 May 2018. Washington, Dc. Accessed Nov 12, 2018.
    3. How the internet affects personal identity. Applied Social Psychology. https://sites.psu.edu/aspsy/2018/03/16/how-the-internet-effects-personal-identity/ . Pennsylvania. Accessed Nov 12, 2018.
    4. Ehmke, Rachel. “How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers.” Child Mind Institute, Child Mind Institute, 23 Oct. 2018, childmind.org/article/how-using-social-media-affects-teenagers/. New York, NY. Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
    5. “Teen Social Media Addiction – Shepherds Hill Academy.” Shepherds Hill Academy, Shepherds Hill Academy, www.shepherdshillacademy.org/resources/teens-social-media-addiction/. Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
    6. Gaffney, Katelyn J., ‘Negative affects that Social Media causes on Body Imaging’ (2017). Undergraduate Honors College Theses. 13. https://digitalcommons.liu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1017&context=post_honors_theses . Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
    7. Jeff Nalin. Social Media and Teen Depression: The Two Go Hand-In-Hand. Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Nov 2017. https://adaa.org/learn-from-us/from-the-experts/blog-posts/consumer/social-media-and-teen-depression-two-go-hand. Accessed 12 Nov 2018.
    8. Spending More Time on Social Media May Affect Short-Term Memory. Brain Storm. http://brainstrom.org/spending-more-time-on-social-media-may-effect-short-term-memory/ 22 Sep 2018. Accessed 12 Nov 2018.

Maus’ Symbolism Essay

In 1992, an American writer and cartoonist, Art Spiegelman won the special Pulitzer Prize for ‘Maus,’ which was the first time a Pulitzer had been awarded to a graphic novel. Because the author abandons the traditional text and adopts the form of comics to present the holocaust which is narrated by his father with the animal image as the protagonist, it shows outstanding artistic expression and writing skills. The author uses the cats, mice, and pigs, as images to represent Nazi Germany, by the cruel persecution of the Jews, and the Nazi accomplices-polish people. This is not just an accident of artistic creation. Through these images, the author reflects the positions of all parties in this holocaust, their identities, and human nature. This paper analyzes the identities and symbolic expression in “Maus” to discuss the author’s understanding and reflection of different identities, to reveal the unique literary value of the work, and to demonstrate the significance of the work to the literature of the holocaust.

Identity, as an important literary theoretical concept, combines the research results of sociology, psychology, and other fields and has been further developed. Identity research is not only an important tool to understand literary works, but also a theoretical basis for in-depth study of Maus. The main idea of identity theory is that identity consists of a series of self-views that are formed through self-categorization or based on identity within a particular group or role (Stets, 224). Identity is a characteristic of the self’s point of view, as well as its dependence on society or a particular group of people. When individuals share basic internal factors with other members, that is, a specific group of people has common characteristics, we think it forms a Shared identity. And the nation is such a community with a wide range of identity sharing. (Stets, 224).

When Spiegelman wrote “Maus”, he abandoned real characters and chose animal images as his subjects. While avoiding the negative impact of the identity associated with the Holocaust, it has successfully constructed a new identity. This makes descriptions and accounts of the holocaust less irresistible, less distant, and more sympathetic. But when people read deeply, it is not hard to find traces of Nazi Germany and Jews everywhere, which makes people feel the cruelty of the holocaust more deeply.

In ‘Maus’, the author represents different races through the images of different animals, for example, the cat represents the German Nazi, the rat represents the Jew, and the pig represents the Polish. These animals are chosen as representatives because these animals themselves have the different characteristics of people from different races or nationalities during the Second World War.

There are no mice in Maus. Likewise, there are no cats or dogs or pigs or frogs. Of course, virtually every page of Art Spiegelman’s Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel about the Holocaust is covered with drawings of animals… The entire metaphorical foundation on which Maus is based relies on the ability of the reader to see past the mice and cat heads on the bodies of the main characters and mentally translate them into the faces of Jews and Germans. (De Angelis, 230)

Traditionally, cats are gentle, kind, and well-behaved, but when they face mice, their instinct makes them vicious and dangerous. This is very similar to the cruelty the German Nazis treats Jews. In ‘Maus’, both German soldiers and German civilians are depicted as evil cats, who are ready to pounce on their prey. The cats represent the German Nazis as ‘torturers’. The author paints cats rounding up mice in the street and the execution in the novel, which reflects the persecution of Jews by German soldiers in the city where the author’s father lived. In the natural world, cats hunt and devour mice. When this is mapped to the relationship between the German Nazis and Jews, it more clearly proves the brutal tyranny and dehumanization of the German fascist.

Meanwhile, corresponding to the image of the cat of German fascists, Siegelman uses mice to represent all the Jews who were brutally persecuted. Jewish groups live like mice under the claws of fascists and are slaughtered. In the novel, the mice have to risk being hanged in the street by Nazi Germany to get some food in the black market. To avoid being captured by the German Nazis, they hide in the cellar and live a life of anonymity and survival. The image of the mice is not only a symbol of the ‘victim’ status but also a reflection of the living conditions of the Jews during World War II. They meet ferocious Nazis like mice and cats to be teased, be beat and be killed. Jews are suffering from persecution, helpless and miserable.

By dehumanizing Jews, Spiegelman indirectly alluded to Hitler’s advocacy of the idea that ‘The Jews are undoubtedly a race, but they are not human’ (Spiegelman, 4). If someone is supporting Hitler’s idea of the dehumanization of the Jewish nation, the extermination of all the Jews made the holocaust possible. It also reflects the fact that the real non-humans are the devilish Nazis who turned themselves into ‘evil cats’ and innocent Jews into ‘mice’.

The image of the pigs constructs the identity of another important group, the ‘accomplice’ —— the Polish people. Although there are some good Polish people, most of them are selfish, cold, and greedy. For example, the Polish governess who once bonded with the Vladek Family refuses to help them when the Vladek Family is in danger. On the one hand, the Pigs are oppressed and persecuted by the powerful German Nazis. However, objectively, they become the accomplices of the German Nazis. They inflict merciless blows on their former Jewish friends and Jewish neighbors. Therefore, The Polish existence caused the suffering of Jews to become more miserable and helpless.

“His use of animals enriches the story to make the audience perceive the message more realistically. It makes the audience understand that if the novel is gory and tragic, then the reality must have been unbearable. In a way, using animals makes the story more human”. (Ma, 115) Spiegelman uses animal images to construct new identities and define their characteristics, making the group images vivid and the history of the holocaust even more shocking.

Spiegelman tells the story of his father’s half-life, from a mediocre life before World War II to a life of prosperity and fortune, and then losing everything in the war. Although he finally survived the Holocaust like mice, he lost his original human feelings and good lifestyle. From the perspective of individuals, it reflects the disasters, brought by the war to people, not only causing blood and tears but also constantly corroding people, slowly erasing humanity, making people seem to be still living in the war after the war.

When the father first time appears in the novel, he is already a sickly, perverse old man. He takes a lot of vitamins every day, forces the 30-year-old ‘son’ to finish his meal, repairs the roof drain by himself to save money, quarrels endlessly with his wife, Myra, and laughs at the relationship between the author and his friends. For holocaust survivors, represented by their father, Vladek, the holocaust became a lifelong nightmare. Although their bodies escaped the concentration camp, their mind and souls never left it. This kind of lingering pain is inflicted on the descendants of survivors represented by the author, which also causes serious indirect trauma to their psychology and life.

For the author, the distress of being the offspring of holocaust survivors is initially reflected in his estranged relationship with his parents. His father’s experience of the holocaust had made him demanding, realistic, extremely frugal, and even money-obsessed. As age grows, Spiegelman is confused with his identity as a ‘descendant of holocaust survivors’.

The idea that the face is a primary visual focus of personal and social identity was central to the realist project. A description of each character’s appearance generally accompanies his or her introduction in realist novels; consequently, such descriptions are numerous. We have not sufficiently questioned the centrality of the face or the role it plays in the ascription of social identity. (Goldstein, 66)

Therefore, like the self-portrait of the author in “Maus”, Spiegelman’s face is no longer a mouse, but a man in a mouse mask. This image is a symbol of Spigelman’s aversion to his old identity, but he is still confused about what his new identity should be and what it should look like.

In the author’s opinion, the destruction of the holocaust still exists, and it will have a profound impact on people’s psychology for quite a long time, and then affect their lives, leaving those survivors and more people to continue to live in misery.

In conclusion, Spiegelman uses symbolism in “Maus” to give different animal imagery to German Nazis, Jews, and Polish in the holocaust. The author constructs a new identity for them and endows them with new characteristics, that make the graphic novel have unique artistic expression and strong appeal. The novel leads the personal story to a national level, which makes the reader more clearly realize that the Jewish holocaust, which is involved in a wide range, damage depth, and the non-human nature. The author’s vigorous prosecution of the atrocity also helps readers at all levels to better understand the work. In the history of holocaust literature, the “Maus” has exerted a lasting influence on the comic world and the literary world.


    1. De Angelis, Richard. ‘Of Mice and Vermin: Animals as Absent Referent in Art Spiegelman’s Maus.’ International Journal of Comic Art 7.1 (2005): 230-49. ProQuest. Web. 20 Mar. 2018.
    2. Goldstein, Judith L. ‘Realism without a Human Face.’ Spectacles of Realism: Body, Gender, Genre. Eds. Margaret Cohen and Christopher Prendergast. U of Minnesota P, 1995. 66-89. Cultural Politics~~Cultural Politics~~10 ProQuest. Web. 20 Mar. 2018.
    3. Ma, Sheng-Mei. ‘Mourning with the (as a) Jew: Metaphor, Ethnicity, and the Holocaust in Art Spiegelman’s Maus.’ Studies in American Jewish Literature 16 (1997): 115-29. ProQuest. Web. 21 Mar. 2018.
    4. Spiegelman, Art. “Maus: A Survivor’s Tale”. New York: Pantheon Books, 1992.
    5. Stets, J. E. and Buike, P. J. “Identity Theory and Social Identity Theory.” Social Psychology Quarterly 63.3(2000): 224-37.

Maus’ Themes Essay

The text that my group chose was Maus by Art Spiegelman, which is a graphic novel about the experiences that the author’s parents lived through and after the war and Holocaust during World War II. Art Spiegelman interviews his father Vladek and gets his experience and own perspective of being part of the war and living through it and The Holocaust. Art being an influential player in the world of graphic arts and underground comics, created a graphic novel of these life experiences and memories with Jews being mice, Germans being cats, and Polish and other nationalities being pigs or other animals. I believe that this text would fit into this course because this piece of text is from a different period and challenges your critical thinking by seeing the story through the perspective of a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust and how they first hand experienced World War II and the aftermath that came with war, affecting generations to come.

A few themes in the book that Spiegelman shows that relate to many of the books we have read in this course are family, morality, the impact of war, and the relationship between the author and his father. Family is the most important theme in this text because no matter what the situation is or the circumstances the characters are in, they always try to stick together as much as they can before they are eventually separated. We see morality throughout the story by seeing neighbors and friends turn their backs on the helpless or the ones in need because of either fear of death by the Gestapo or either will help but for money. We see this when they say, “Friends? Your friends? If you lock them together in a room with no food for a week… Then you could see what it is, friends!” We can tell from this that the scene that the author is trying to create that if you were to stick all your friends in a near-death situation, or would see who your true friends are. We see the impact of war being a huge theme because the story takes place during World War II, and after the Holocaust and the war ends, we see how the remaining Jews and the rest of Europe suffer the effects of it and how it’s going to affect future generaríamos to come. Lastly, the relationship between the author and his father; in the story, Art and his father never got along and were never the same person, we see how once Art starts interviewing his father about his own experiences in the war and Holocaust, that he truly understand why his father is the way he is. It’s a bit ironic how his father’s miseries and horrible memories are what brings them truly together.

I also believe this text goes along with this course because of the historical context behind it. This story takes place during World War II in Poland. The Nazi army took over Poland conquering the Polish, and then forcing Jews into these ghettos. Lastly, transport them to concentration/ extermination camps where they’ll meet their doom. Using the historical context can relate to this class by giving us a critical thinking perspective of how first hand these people survived or tried to survive in the horrible conditions they were put in. We see the true definition of survival and what it takes to survive while trying to stick together. Finally, the story is told through the perspective of his father giving it credibility giving us a glance at what he experienced, and giving us as the readers a better perspective we would have never known.

I believe this text can fit into the course because its themes presented in the story are similar to other themes from books we have read like family, morality, and a relationship with a parent or guardian. Also, the historical context from the text takes place in World War II like other books being read like “The Buddha in the Attic” and some stories from “A Thousand Years of Good Prayers.” Although, many stories talk about The Holocaust or experiences of it; this text is given credibility as a graphic novel because the main character is the author’s father and gives his first-hand experience and turns it into a story. Maus is a tragic story that ends up bringing Art and his father closer when nothing else does and brings out the true meaning of family.

Essay about the Morality of Advertising

About six months ago, the audience of my channel in The Digital Cyborg exceeded one and a half million people a month, and they started ordering native advertising from me. True, not so active. For all these months there were about 7-8 attempts. As a result, 5 native integrations came out. It is understandable. Advertisers are still wary of Zen. No one has successful cases on the “native”, and no one wants to be a pioneer. But now at work, I ran into typical mistakes of advertising customers. It seems to me that they can be found on other sites, whether it’s YouTube or Instagram. And if you allow them, then even the powerful authority of a blogger in the eyes of his audience will not help to “pull out” failed advertising. They just won’t believe her. Why? Everything is simple.

    • Your product is too flawless

Nothing is perfect. And even your product has flaws. But when I did surveys on registrars and alarms, advertisers always returned me an article for corrections if there was the slightest criticism of their products.

And this is the biggest mistake. Let the blogger reveal at least some disadvantages of the cosmetics, car, or teapot that you give for the test. Even subjective.

Otherwise, laudatory odes always look cheap and do not inspire confidence at all. The user does not expect honesty from advertising. So surprise him by truthfully putting the pros and cons of your product on the shelves.

Afraid that your flaws will outweigh your strengths? So something is wrong with the product. Is it generally well-sold? And what is the feedback from those who already use it?

Morality. If you are an advertiser, do not cut all the disadvantages that the blogger found in your product. No one expects it to be perfect. This is unconvincing. And I will advise bloggers themselves not to give in to the customer, who insists on praising his product.

Everyone will lose from this. Nobody will believe such advertising.

    • Too little information about the product

Bloggers are very annoyed when the advertiser gives some grains of information about their product. Only a dry list of five technical specifications. They don’t give it to hands, you can’t use it.

How to make good and high-quality native advertising in such conditions? It will turn out some kind of water with a blogger’s gag that you don’t like and you will make it rewrite.

The test should not only be detailed but also original. Let’s say your microwave is so powerful and fast that it can melt a squad of plastic soldiers in 9 seconds. An example is strange and stupid, but you understand me.

Morality. Bloggers need not hesitate to ask the advertiser for more product information. Brand representatives should prepare a manual on product features for a blogger in advance so that their feedback is as interesting and rich as possible.

    • The blogger has a strict framework of themes and design

The author of a Yandex. Zen channel or Instagram page knows his audience best. Over the years, he thoroughly studied it. He knows better how to formulate a headline or where to put a link to your site.

But I was twice faced with the ‘stubbornness’ of advertisers when they started massive advertising campaigns. And buying posts from several bloggers at once, they send them the same texts.

It even looks comical. Several opinion leaders in the same niche publish the same materials with a difference of one day. Of course, the audience immediately feels a lie, and the whole campaign goes down the drain.

Therefore, I do not advise just giving the blogger a piece of paper from which he will read a pre-prepared article. Let him write his own opinion. In his style. If you want to buy ads on his channel, you will have to trust him.

Morality. The meaning of native advertising is its dissimilarity to ordinary advertising. In a bad sense of the word. Therefore, you need to find an interesting angle for presenting the topic and be cool to arrange it.

    • No analytics

But I encountered this error in each of those cases when they bought a “native” from me. After the article was posted, the advertiser disappeared. In the best case, a month later a couple of customers asked for the number of times an article was viewed. One returned to buy a new post.

But everyone ignored my questions about the effectiveness of advertising on my channel. How many conversions to the site? How many leads? All remained unanswered.

I doubt that they simply hid a couple of numbers from me, which are easy to see in Yandex.Metrica. Most likely, no one kept accurate statistics. And how then to track the effectiveness?

Most often, they simply asked for coverage, not even viewing the material. But in Yandex. Zen, coverage is just the number of times an article or narrative was shown in the feed. If the reader did not open the material, then he did not meet your brand.

Morality. For advertisers, keep track of the conversion of your ads, not just request coverage. Especially in Yandex.Zen.

    • You give the audience fictional stories

In my subjective opinion, one of the best “native” formats is a test or review. It looks as honest as possible. The advertiser gives the product, and the blogger uses it and expresses his opinion.

Subscribers may suspect that this is an advertisement, but they are ready to watch it to the end to find out the opinion of the person they trust about a new smartphone, car, or lipstick.

However, some customers ask or even set the condition to come up with a story, such as I accidentally stumbled upon this smartphone in the store, bought it spontaneously, and was amazed at the power, speed, and design for only 3,999 rubles.

And here we again come to the first paragraph on the product without flaws and stupid reviews.

Morality. Considering how much advertising ‘pours’ on us daily, people have learned to feel it well and do not like it when they are asked to buy something on the forehead or come up with inconclusive stories.

Why Is Perseverance Important Essay

It is the year 1534, An explorer named Jaques Cartier has found new land. What was it called? Nouvelle-France or New France. In this new land, there are rumors of gold, fur, wood, and even people. When a captain named Pierre de Gua de Monts sailed over from France no one knew that he’d come with a man that would change the course of history. The name of this man? Samuel de Champlain.


In this paper, I will argue why Champlain should be considered a good leader and attempt to disprove the people who believe that he is not a good leader. According to this essay, leadership should be defined as “the trait that some people have that allows them to lead a group. Leadership is a trait that captivates the people around you and makes them follow you and believe in you. Leadership is being brave in times of need. Leadership is putting yourself in front of whom you are leading. Leadership is leading your crew members in times of need and sacrificing yourself for your crew. Leadership is understanding and helping everyone that you are leading during the toughest situations and the hardest challenges. Leadership is persevering through the toughest of times and never giving up.” When Champlain is measured against this definition of leadership, Champlain matches all of the most important traits that make a leader. The definition of leadership proves that Samuel de Champlain is a great leader. Champlain matches up with almost all of these characteristics but the most important ones I’ll prove why he does and how it makes him a leader. In this essay, I’ll prove why Champlain shows the top three traits of leadership and how he does it. I will write about how he cares for each one of his crew members and is empathetic with everyone, his selflessness, and how Champlain perseveres through tough times.

Main Body Paragraph #1

One of the ways that Champlain is a good leader is because of his perseverance through tough times. The trait of perseverance is important in a leader for many reasons. To answer why perseverance is important, we have to ask; “What is perseverance?” The Oxford Dictionary defines perseverance as “The quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties”. The way I interpret this definition is that perseverance is pushing yourself to your limits and pushing through challenges no matter how difficult they are. A historical example of perseverance is when Ernest Shackleton (15 February 1874 – 5 January 1922) trekked the harsh conditions that define the Arctic when his ship The Endurance (December 12th, 1912 – 21 November 1915) was crushed. The temperature in the Arctic often dropped below -20 C. Instead of giving up when his ship crashed, Shackleton kept going. He constantly motivated his crew to keep on pushing and never give up. After 3 years during May of 1917, he was rescued.

Having a leader who will give up easily will be difficult for the crew. A leader can’t lead a crew if the leader gives up at the slightest problem. Champlain showed perseverance throughout the main periods of his life but this story is one of the best demonstrations of his perseverance.

During the year 1627, David Kirke’s father and several other London investors set up a company named the Company of Adventurers to Canada (Henceforth referred to as the C.A.C). Later in 1627, when the Anglo-French war broke out (1627-1629) the C.A.C funded an expedition whose primary goal was to remove the French from what is now known as Canada. With his brothers, Sir Lewis (1599-1683), Thomas (1603-1641), John, and James, David Kirke set out with three armed ships to disrupt Canada. While the Kirke brothers were sailing, another vessel that was under the sailor and adventurer Émery de Caen was as well. This ship was set to provide aid to the struggling settlers of Canada. Expecting to meet Caen, Champlain sent a group of settlers to meet him at the gulf. On the way backriver, the group was captured by the Kirke brothers. Now aware of the conditions of the Quebec settlements, David Kirke sent his brothers Lewis and Thomas to demand a French surrender. With no other option, the leader of the settlements, Samual de Champlain (August 13th, 1567 – December 25th, 1635) was forced to surrender to the English forces. What truly showcases Champlain’s perseverance in this story is what he did after he surrendered the French land in Quebec. After he surrendered the land, Champlain argued tirelessly that the land seized in the English attack was unlawfully taken from him and had the Kirke brothers sail him to England so he could talk to the king himself. Around three years later and after much effort from Champlain, the land was given back to the French. Despite the Peace Treaty Of Suza (Signed 1629), The King of England, Charles I (19 November 1600 – 30 January 1649) would only restore the land if the King of France Louis XIII (27 September 1601 – 14 May 1643) agreed to pay his wife, Anne of Austria’s Downey or wedding payment. Anne of Austria (22 September 1601-January 20th 1666) was betrothed to King Louis XIII at the age of 11.

This is one of the best showcases of Champlain’s perseverance. When he and his fellow settlers lost the French land, Champlain worked tirelessly to get it back so he and his fellow settlers could thrive together. This point is proven by my definition of Leadership (Henceforth referred to as D.o.L). Part of my D.o.L states “Leadership is persevering through the toughest of times and never giving up”. This proves my point because this is exactly what Champlain did. When the French land was taken by the English, he didn’t give up the land but instead traveled into the English territory to get his land back. Samuel de Champlain showed the character trait of perseverance because of his constant efforts to always better his country during times of hardship. He fought for 3 years to get the land back to his people and never once did he back down or waiver.

Main Body Paragraph #2

The next trait that proves that Champlain is a great leader is how he puts himself in front of his crew in difficult situations and is extremely selfless. Putting yourself in front of others is a way to show leadership and character. The best leaders in history are the leaders who lead their groups on the front lines. Ernest Shackleton (15 February 1874 – 5 January 1922) was an example of why this character trait is extremely important in leadership. When Shackleton and his crew had to brave the deadly weather of the Arctic, Ernest Shackleton was leading his crew through the cold and that achieved him respect from everyone. When Ernest Shackleton traveled 1300 KM throughout the icey Arctic he always led the group with him at the helm. Shackleton was almost always at the forefront of the danger.

The story that proves that Champlain possesses this character trait is when he fought in the attack on the Haudenosaunee tribe. When the French landed in what is now known as Canada, They had to join an alliance with the tribes of the Wendat, Huron, Algonquins, and Montagnais to trade. One of the conditions that came with joining the alliance was that some of the French had to fight against the Haudenosaunee tribe. Instead of sending a few of his men to fight on his behalf, Samuel de Champlain and a few men went to fight with the Algonquin. They sailed towards the Iroquois land and on the trip many people backed out and turned back. Their numbers went down from 300 to 60. Champlain comes across a 14-year-old Iroquois boy and wants to set him free but an Algonquin man kills him instantly. After arriving at Ticonderoga which is near the current day Lake Champlain, Champlain and the Algonquin fight against the Iroquois alliance. Champlain is at the front of the battle and manages to kill two Haudenosaunee chiefs with his arquebus (rifle). Even though he killed the chiefs of the Iroquois, Champlain was injured by an arrow shot by a Haudenosaunee soldier.

This is a true showcase of Champlain’s selflessness for many reasons. The first reason is that instead of sending soldiers to deal with it Champlain went with the group and fought. Even though he knew the risks that were involved he still fought. The second reason why this is a true showcase of selflessness is because of my D.O.L. My D.O.L states “Leadership is putting yourself in front of whom you are leading. Leadership is leading your crew members in times of need and sacrificing yourself for your crew.” This proves my point because Champlain did exactly what the D.O.L. said. When the Algonquin fought the Haudenosaunee, Champlain was at the front lines in front of his fellow alliance and crew members. He put his body on the line for his friends and comrades. Champlain shows selflessness because of how he understood various risks involved during his fight but didn’t let it phase him and fought on the frontlines.

Main Body Paragraph #3

The last trait that will prove why Champlain is a great leader is the trait of empathy. The trait of empathy is important for many reasons. To answer this question we have to ask “What is empathy?” The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines empathy as “the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner”. What does this mean?

Empathy is the ability to understand and sympathize with other people and their emotions. Why is this important in a leader? A leader must be aware of his crew and their feelings. Empathy allows leaders to distinguish the problem behind an action. A historical example that proves why empathy is important is the travels of Ernest Shackleton. Shackleton cared for his crew’s mental health just as much as their physical health. During the cold-ridden Arctic venture, Shackleton was always observant about his crew’s health and made sure to talk to everyone whenever he could. I think that this demonstrates his leadership by showing how much he cared about everyone and treated them as his equals. An example of a leader who didn’t possess the trait of empathy was the sailor and adventurer Christopher Columbus (August 26 – October 31, 1451- May 20, 1506). Christopher Columbus didn’t possess the trait of empathy because of the actions he partook in during the discovery of the new world. When Columbus discovered the new world of what is now referred to as North America, he participated in heinous acts such as the rape and killing of indigenous girls and women and the enslavement of First Nations peoples of varying ages. He didn’t show empathy because he didn’t take into consideration the feelings of the First Nations people when he committed several crimes against them and the tribes. The first story that proves that Champlain possesses the trait of empathy is the story about The Order of Good Cheer (Henceforth referred to as the O.G.C). After the scurvy-filled winter at Ste. Croix Island, the settlers moved to Port Royale When the settlers in Port Royal’s morale was low, The O.G.C was created by Samuel de Champlain to help uplift the settlers of New France (see above). The O.G.C. was what several sources called “an organized way of promoting fun”. Every two weeks a different member of the order had to plan and cook a great feast. Several days were set aside for planning, hunting, and cooking the feast. The feast contained many different foods and delicacies that helped uplift the settlers and bring them together. This shows how Champlain can empathize with the feelings of the settlers of Port Royal when they need help. He can read the feelings of the people and react accordingly. The second story that proves that Champlain possesses the trait of empathy is when Champlain first encountered the tribes of the northern Americas. Before Champlain had docked in New France, He sailed through the Caribbean and witnessed the horrible crimes the Spanish performed on the First Nations there. Learning from what he saw, Samuel de Champlain decided to change how he was going to approach the First Nations people. At Tadoussac, when he found himself before a large group of First Nations Peoples, including Innu, Algonquin, and Maliseet, he chose to engage them as equals in diplomatic discussions. This shows how Champlain learned from what he saw and used the trait of empathy to sympathize with the First Nations people and to create a decades-long alliance.

These examples show that Champlain possesses the trait of empathy because of two reasons. The first reason is that the stories show how Champlain used empathy to learn and build off different situations. The second reason why it shows the trait of empathy is because it agrees with the D.O.L. The D.O.L states that “Leadership is understanding and helping everyone that you are leading during the toughest situations and the hardest challenges.” These stories show how Champlain has the defining trait of empathy. During the second story, when Champlain sees the horrific actions against the indigenous people of the Caribbean, he empathizes with them and decides to change his approach to the indigenous tribes in New France. He understood the pain and suffering the Caribbean went through and didn’t want to inflict that on the New French people. Champlain shows empathy as a leader because of how he saw horrific things and changed his view constantly.

Essay on Literary Devices in ‘The Outsiders’

Main Characters:

Ponyboy Curtis: The novel’s narrator who is fourteen years old and a greaser. He has ‘light-brown, almost-red hair, and greenish-gray eyes,’ and wears his hair ‘longer than a lot of boys wear theirs, squared off in the back and long at the front and sides.’

Darry Curtis: A muscular, tall man who has broad shoulders and dark brown that sticks out in the front of his head with a cowlick in the back. His eyes ‘are like two pieces of pale blue-green ice.’. He serves as a parent figure and friend to his two younger brothers as well as his friend group.

Sodapop Curtis: A happy-go-lucky person who is the middle child in the Curtis family. He is described as handsome and charming. He plans to marry Sandy, a greaser girl and often serves as the family’s mediator.

Dally Winston (Dallas): The toughest in Ponyboy’s group of greasers and used to run with gangs in New York. He has a small, delicate face, icy blue eyes, and white-blond hair. Dally feels protective of Johnny Cade and is the most violent out of the Greasers.

Johnny Cade: Sixteen-year-old greaser with black hair and large, fearful eyes. is nervous and sensitive and sees the greasers as his true family. In turn, the older boys, particularly Dally, are protective of him. He is unselfish and loving, he risked his life for many people

Minor characters:

Mr. Syme: Ponyboy’s English teacher. He gives Ponyboy a second chance when his grades are slipping. An essay he assigns to Ponyboy and his gang turns into the novel itself.

Jerry Wood: A teacher who accompanies Ponyboy to the hospital after Ponyboy saves the children from the fire. He judges the greasers on their merits instead of automatically branding them juvenile delinquents.

Favorite Character: My favorite character is Johnny Cade because I like his soft, sensitive nature. He has such a good heart, his innocent character made me feel connected to him and what happened to him in the novel broke my heart.


The story is set in an unnamed city most likely Tulsa, in Oklahoma in the 1960s. There are many settings throughout the novel, as they go from place to place. They are located in a small town, at the beginning of the novel, they are at a drive-in movie theater. Other settings include a home, hospital, school, park, and courtroom.


In the 1960s, in Tulsa, Oklahoma we are introduced to a boy with long, light-brown, almost-red hair, and greenish-gray eyes named Ponyboy Curtis. He is a member of a lower-class group from the Eastside known as the Greasers. Walking home alone from the movies, Ponyboy is mobbed and jumped by a huge gang of Socs, the greasers’ wealthy upper-class rivals from the West Side of town. They threaten him with a knife to his throat when his two brothers Darry and Sodapop come to rescue him, little after, his whole gang then comes, chasing all the socs away. Ponyboy states that walking alone is unsafe for greasers because it attracts the socs. His gang includes Johnny Cade, an innocent, sensitive sixteen-year-old; Dally, the toughest in the group with a long criminal record; Steve, a cocky and intelligent person; and Two-Bit, the oldest and funniest group member. The next day Ponyboy, Jonny, and Dally Sneak into a drive-in movie theater where they meet two girls from the socs named Cherry and Marica. As the movie plays, Dally harassingly flirts with the girls making nasty comments. Johnny tells him to stop and after a bit, he walks away. Ponyboy and Johnny start talking with the girls, and Ponyboy and Cherry realize they have a lot in common. After the movie, Two-Bit comes and they head to Two-Bit’s house so that he can drive them home.

Rising Action:

On the walk to his house, they bump into Cherry and Marica’s drunk boyfriends, they get into a little argument and the two girls end up going with their boyfriends to prevent any further fighting. As a result, Ponyboy arrives home late where he finds Darry, his older brother is furious with him and they begin to fight. Ponyboy storms out of the house, sick of his brother’s constant torment, on the way he finds Jonny and they both head to the park it’s 2:30 in the morning. At the park, They see a blue Mustang pull up and Bob and Randy show up with their gang. They attack the two and start drowning Ponyboy in the cold park fountain. As he’s splashing and fighting to breathe, he passes out and wakes up on the ground next to Johnny holding a bloody switchblade and Bob’s dead body. Johnny had killed Bob in fear that they would have drowned Ponyboy and kill him next. They start running to Dally, someone they can trust to help them. They get to Dally and he gives them a gun and some money then takes a train to Windrixville and finds an abandoned church to stay at. They had a long day so as soon as they arrived, they collapsed to sleep. The next day Johnny goes out to buy supplies and comes back with food and other supplies. For a week they hid out there, they cut and dyed their hair so they could change their appearances to disguise themselves. After several days, Dally goes to check up on them and they are happy to see each other again. He takes Johnny and Ponyboy to the Dairy Queen and mentions that since the murder of Bob, tensions between the greasers and the socs have escalated and there is said to be a fight the next night to settle this matter. He says that Cherry is working as a spy for the greasers. Johnny tells Dally that he is feeling guilty and wants to turn himself in and Dally tries to convince him otherwise, he doesn’t want to see Johnny be corrupted in prison. Dally drives the two boys home and on the way, they see the church where they had been hiding on fire. Ponyboy and Johnny jump out of the car and run toward it seeing a group of schoolchildren inside. The boys rush into the flames saving all the children they can. As they lift the last child out the window, the roof starts caving in. Johnny pushes Ponyboy out the window, saving him and getting crushed by the roof. Ponyboy blacks out and awake in the ambulance accompanied by one of the teachers, Jerry Wood from the incident. Jerry tells Ponyboy that Dally got scorched, but he will be fine. But Johnny, on the other hand, is in critical condition, and he may have fractured his back. The man praises them, asking if he and Johnny are professional heroes. Ponyboy informs him that they are just greasers. Ponyboy himself is fine and has just suffered mild burns. He confides in the teacher and tells him about Bob’s death and Jerry agrees that Johnny killed Bob in self-defense and that he is not in the wrong. Jerry stays with him at the hospital. Darry and Sodapop arrive to pick up Ponyboy. Darry cries embracing his brother, making Ponyboy realize that Darry does care about him, at this moment he feels everything will be fine. In the hospital waiting room, the police interview Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry. The Doctors come out and say that Dally will be fine, but Johnny’s back was broken and even if he survives, he will be crippled permanently. The following morning, they read in the newspaper announcing what Ponyboy, Dally, and Johnny did calling them heroes. According to the papers, the state plans to prosecute Johnny with manslaughter and send both Ponyboy and Johnny to juvenile court, where Ponyboy might be sent to a boys’ home. When going home, Cherry is seen by Ponyboy and Two-Bit, she claims the socs have decided to fight without using weapons.


Ponyboy feels sick before the big fight, his instincts are telling him to skip the fight, but he instead takes five aspirins, the rest of the greaser boys get ready, making themselves look tuff before they leave for the rumble and leave. There were twenty-two socs and twenty greasers ready to fight. Darry steps up and one of the socs challenges him, they circle each other and Dally joins in, initiating the fight to break out fully. After a long, hard fight, the greasers come out victorious. But the fight leaves the greasers depressed, winning the fight didn’t excite them as they thought it would. When the fight ends Ponyboy and Dally visit Johnny in the hospital, on the way a police officer stops them so Ponyboy fakes an injury to get out of this situation. The officer gets them to the hospital and there the two boys find Johnny dying. Johnny tells them He doesn’t want to fight anymore and that fighting is useless, he tells Ponyboy to “stay gold.” and then passes away with Dally and Ponyboy beside him. Dally feels overwhelmed with emotions and runs out of the room. Ponyboy feels depressed and wanders out alone, with his head bleeding from the rumble. He goes home and tells the greasers that Johnny is dead. Johnnys’ death caused Dally to break down and rob a grocery store. He calls the greasers telling them what he did and that he is running from the police. The greasers run out to find Dally and see him get shot by the cops after he pulls out the unloaded gun he always carries.

Falling Action:

Shortly after Ponyboy passes out from exhaustion and dizziness, he speculates Dally wanted to die and did that on purpose. Ponyboy wakes up after three days of being delirious and learns from Darry that he got a concussion when he was kicked in the head. After he recovers from his concussion, Ponyboy is restricted to bed rest for a week, throughout this time he did a lot of reading and drawing. While on bed rest, he went through one of Soda’s yearbooks and found a picture that seemed familiar. It was Bob, he wondered about him and what he was like. He is interrupted by Darry saying there is someone to see him. He is visited by Randy who behaves insensitively not at all considering what Ponyboy has been through. Randy expresses concern about being linked to the violence and mentions the hearing that will take place the next day. Ponyboy is bewildered and tells Randy that he killed Bob and that Johnny is still alive. After hearing this commotion, Darry asks Randy to leave. Darry told Randy to never say anything about Johnny to Ponyboy because he’s still pretty racked up mentally and emotionally.


The next day at the hearing, Ponyboy doesn’t have to speak that much because his doctor had a long talk with the judge about Ponyboy’s current state. The socs all told the same story and told mainly the truth, they said Johnny had killed Bob. Cherry testified what had happened before and after Johnny and Ponyboy had been jumped. When the judge finally got around to questioning Ponyboy, he asked if he liked living with Darry, if he liked school, what kind of grades he got, and things like that. He did this because he saw him looking anxious, so he could calm him down. After that, he said Ponyboy was acquitted, and just like that the whole case was closed. The judge acquitted Ponyboy of all wrongdoing and allowed him to return home with his brothers, He decided that they were innocent and that what happened was the result of self-defense.

But things do not go back to normal after this, Ponyboy becomes very absent-minded and depressed. His grades have plummeted and he’s lost his appetite, memory, and coordination, and he has started fighting with Darry again. Since he’s failing, his English teacher makes a deal with him. The deal was if Ponyboy could write an outstanding autobiographical theme, then he could raise his grade to a C. Sodapop tells Ponyboy that he feels frustrated and upset because of all the fighting, in tears, he pleads with Ponyboy and Darry to stop the fighting. The two promise to try their best. At home, Ponyboy realizes he wants to share the story of him and his friends, so he begins to work on his English theme which is revealed to be the novel the audience is reading.

Overall Opinion

I chose this book because I wanted a book that would be fun and captivating, something I didn’t want to put down. As I began reading, I became completely sucked into the storyline and the characters. This novel had me feeling a strong connection to the characters and made me elicited a wide range of emotions. I was completely immersed in the story and felt a connection to the characters. They formed close friendships with one another and each had their unique strengths. They were uneasy and worried about life and their future just like most teenagers. I would without a doubt recommend this book to my classmates, especially to anyone interested in young adult fiction, I believe this book would especially help relate to those who might have similar problems such as depression and drama in their lives. I would rate this novel a 4 out of 5 and believe it would be best suited for people ages 12 and up.

What I liked about this book was that it was told from Ponyboy’s perspective, it gave me an insight into his thoughts and feelings. This was an extremely captivating book that made me go through many ups and downs, keeping me at the edge of my seat after every page I turned to the end. For example, I never would’ve guessed a sweet, innocent kid like Johnny would end up killing Bob and that Dally would ever do what he did to himself. The one thing I disliked about the book was that there were too many characters and some I believe were unnecessary. This book has many valuable lessons that can be learned especially toward the end. One thing that the main character begins to realize is that violence does not solve problems and simply adds to them. He learns the importance of tolerance and realizes that he has more in common with the socs than he previously assumed. Throughout the novel, there are shown to be many themes, the most important being the themes of empathy, self-sacrifice, honor, family, and not judging a book by its cover. My favorite among these themes had to be family. This book shows that family doesn’t have to be blood, what makes up a family is the strong bonds you make with others. I loved this book and I hope others will read it and enjoy it as much as I did.