Does the Media Have a Liberal Bias: Essay

Does the Media Have a Liberal Bias: Essay

How is the media, biased, more towards progressive-liberal values, conservative values, or in both directions depending on the specific media outlets you may access? Media is essential to our democratic process. It is our main source of information about the world. The way we understand issues, the way we vote, and how we feel about politicians, it’s all based on the information given to us by our media sources. When we try to sit and think of which way the media favors, there are legitimate points on both sides. The media seem to only pick one side and give limited, negative recognition to the other side. Respectfully, the media is biased towards more liberal points of view.

The problem with the media being biased is they are not able to acknowledge its failings. To adequately cover America, you have to be a part of the conversations. To fairly cover both sides of the problem there needs to be more attendance in our town halls, and churches. When stories are being told we often think how much of this information being provided is true. Our society should not be worrying if their coverage is fake news. The mainstream media is the reason we have such a growing divide within our country. Media outlets cannot recognize their own bias which is an increasing problem in our democracy.

When you turn on your local news station do you turn it to a station that is liberal or conservative? This is a big factor in how you perceive unfairness in our media. For me, I tend to gravitate to more of a conservative outlet which in turn is bias toward republicans and tends to be a negative channel for liberals. I also lie somewhere in between in the social chaos. Neither side in my opinion is unbiased because both try to persuade you to believe what they want you to. Media picks stories that reflect their interests and beliefs. When everyone around you has a certain interest such as liberal or conservative it is easy to think like them regarding which stories are important and legitimate.

For example, the media is biased toward more aggressive liberal values when discussing gun control. Our second amendment is set in place but yet the democratic party wants to take it away. They use gun violence victims as propaganda pawns and use accusations towards the NRA to try and relay their message. When misleading information hits the outlets it’s easy to persuade the viewers to your beliefs. The media bashes gun owners as being mass murderers with only the intent to kill rather than the many other reasons citizens own firearms.

The most compared news outlets are CNN and FOX News. CNN has a loyalty to the liberal approach while Fox is more associated with conservative ideologies. Neither of these outlets verbally announces which party they are aligned with but it is obvious to us Americans. Americans are drawn to headlines that have a powerful meaning. But can be misleading if you aren’t careful. We rely so much on anonymous sources rather than doing our research on a given subject. We should not be relying on opinions of reporters, we should be focused on facts.

When presidential campaigning begins the news stations tend to get on their high horses and start bashing both sides of the political party. CNN, ABC, NBC, all of these media outlets have negative opinions when speaking about our president. Reporters have slammed supporters of Donald Trump for being racists just for simply voting for him. If you want a more conservative mainstream media then watching, and listening to FOX News is the media source for you.

Another example of media bias is immigration. Liberal media describes Republicans as “anti-immigrants” rather than “anti-illegal immigrants”. In this case, they are leaving out the most important word, illegal. Most conservatives don’t disagree with immigration, relatively they disagree with illegal immigrants but liberal-biased media will misconstrue this information to the public to make the liberal media seem fairer.

When we rely on media we tend to get caught up in personal bias as well as media bias. If we have liberal values and the media’s message is something we believe in then we think they’re being fair. Personal bias can cloud your judgment on the real message that is being conveyed. For example, as previously stated I am a conservative but not to the point where I can’t understand both sides of their message. Regardless of the truth, it is easy to become divided if we get distracted by the media source.

Reporters are so eager to attack politicians and expose their past rather than praise and commend their work. Reporters within the media are liberal but are they too liberal? Are some of their values and beliefs dominant and others excluded? This is considered selective reporting. The media focuses on precise subjects while downplaying others. The division within the political aspect of the media has been going on for many decades.

The most important thing to remember when watching your preferred news source is money talks. Media will say anything is a representation of themselves when money is involved. Since the media industry is a very wealthy business, politics has also become wealthy, which is not something America should be proud of. We should be relaying information that is needed, factual, and represents values and morals. We should not be giving out the message that money can surpass anything.

Overall, the media has a lot of power and influence on our Nation. Both sides have to some extent become untrustworthy. With the upcoming generations and independence that comes with their political approach, liberals will have a better chance of success unless an independent Party steps in and takes over.


    1. “Thread: How Is the Media, Biased, More towards Progressive-Liberal Values, c.” Debate Politics Forums RSS,
    2. (2019). Both liberals and conservatives claim the mainstream media is biased. Who is right? Why or why not? – Quora. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Mar. 2019].

Essay about Making Right and Wrong Decision

Essay about Making Right and Wrong Decision

Executive summary

BP: The Deepwater Horizon Scandal is an issue that people call the worst environmental disaster in America. The start of this issue is on 20 April 2010. On that day, one situation that we can call a disaster for all communities living around the Gulf of Mexico. The disaster is known as the largest oil spill that happened in the ocean and the largest that occurred in the history of the petroleum industry. The oil spill has caused an explosion that involved eleven deaths. Besides that, too many barrels of crude oil had to be released or dumped in the Mexico Bay area. The dumping of the object was in the ocean for 87 days. This is not a short time and indirectly it has affected the whole marine life.

This disaster has been a big issue in America. To find the solution to this issue, many ethical issues happen. It involves the whole company, community, government, and other parties. This report will explain more about this organization. In addition, this report will make our team focus more on the research of BP: Deepwater Horizon Scandal and will analyze and identify the ethical issues that arose in this project. This report will discuss more ethical awareness, awareness of stakeholders, ethical reasoning, ethical suggestions, and lastly, ethical decision-making.

The first phase of this research refers to ethical awareness. In this part, the ethical problem that happened in this disaster will be identified and will be listed. Besides that, through the ethics issue, we will identify and decide whether the action from the parties involved is something that follows good ethics or it more refers to unethical action. This stage is important to make sure that the company operation follows the rules that are set up or not.

The second point in this report is about the awareness of stakeholders. Awareness can be defined as a perception or knowledge of a situation or a fact. It also concerns more about development in particular situations. An explanation in this section will let us know who the important stakeholders involved with the oil spills issue and ethical issues. This also will answer the question of why this issue is happening and why the parties need to be involved with unethical issues. Besides that, the challenges or barriers that happen to the stakeholders until they need to take those actions will be mentioned in the awareness of the stakeholders.

Next is about ethical reasoning. This section refers to ethical positions that can look from the affordability to access, identify, and develop an ethical argument. But, undeniably, not many people have this skill and do not know real ethics. The views and opinions about the ethical issues that happen in the cases of oil spills from all parties whether they are involved directly or not with this organization will recorded in this phase. From all the views, we will focus more on individuals or parties who have a strong argument and statement on the issue. This part will show which view is more ethical and which opinion supports the unethical action.

The solution, option, or alternatives for all the ethical and unethical issues will be stated in the part of the ethical suggestion. The ethical theories will apply in this stage. All the ethical suggestions will give an idea to people on how to solve the issue. At the same time, this will make them wake up and avoid doing unethical things. Think properly before deciding to take any action. That is why, people need to understand the real meaning of ethics management.

The last part of this report is, it mentions ethical decision-making. Decision-making refers to a mental process of choosing the best solution for an issue. In BP: Deepwater Horizon Scandal issue, this decision-making will explain the best decision of solution that they can apply in their organization. Besides the decision-making, the justification for applying the moral principle in an organization that is faced with ethical issues will be discussed in this part.

This report is about the research of ethical issues that happen in BP: Deepwater Horizon Scandal. This issue had a great impact on all communities around Mexico. All the studies of ethics management will be applied in this report. The appropriate theories of ethics will be relate to this issue.


Ethical reasoning

Ethical reasoning can be described as one process for an individual to view an ethical position. It is more about identifying, accessing, and developing those ethics. The aim of ethical reasoning is sometimes can unite an organization or people based on the view of stakeholders. Ethical reasoning also is the ability to examine moral issues and look back at the ethical history that once existed in an organization. From this, we can see many views and opinions about BP: Deepwater Horizon Scandal. There is no denying that the views given are in favor of good ethics and some are in favor of bad ethics. Below is an explanation that will answer the question about the view of stakeholders about the ethical issue that happens in BP: Deepwater Horizon Scandal.

· The view from the Federal Board

Once the issue of oil spills happens in the ocean around the Gulf of Mexico, the federal quickly takes action to investigate why this disaster happened. The federal also has given an opinion on this issue. From their investigation, they have found a few unethical issues happening in BP: Deepwater Horizon Scandal. The federal reported that this organization has something not good in their management. Federal research, mentions that the project does not have good safety. Investigation from the federal board on oil spill disasters concludes that one of the safety ditch devices under the ocean is not functioning well and has many failures of using it. The devices also are not tested well by the responsible parties. Because of this unethical problem, it show that they are not using utilitarianism in their management. Because of this problem, the explosion happened.

· The views from the US Chemical Safety Board

In the views who stakeholders that need to take full responsibility in this issue is Deepwater Horizon management and operation. The US Chemical Safety Board mentioned that there was nothing wrong with the main device that caused this disaster. The checking found that two problems were happening on the device. First, the battery of the device was dead and it could not continue the operation. Second is, the bent pipe was found on the device. This is because the board argues that, if the management takes action by doing well on the device or another system at the oil rig, this disaster can be avoided. About 172 million gallons of oil was dumped around the ocean. They also mention that this is the worst disaster about oil that happened in the history petroleum industry.

· Robert Bea, Prof of Engineering & Expert in Oil Pipelines, California University

A statement from Robert Bea is more to education view of engineering and expert in oil pipelines. DR Bea has been an experience in engineering for about 57 years. He has done so much research and investigation about the oil field. From the research that is made by DR Bea, preliminary findings of the investigation show that the accidents of oil spills and explosions is involved the wrong decision-making that will affect the safety of the community around the Gulf of Mexico. After the interview with workers from the oil industry and witnesses at the Deepwater Horizon, DR Bea said, actually this worst disaster could have been avoided from happen. He believes that the explosion happened because of seven failures. Among them are, improper well and cement design, they did not detect the warning signs, the water pressure barriers were not good, and the imperfect design and maintenance of the final line. In the report by DR Bea, he also states the operation of drilling and well completion of operations do not follow the right procedures that are set by the oil industry.

· National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Oil spills and explosions also have a big impact the marine life. NOAA said this disaster has caused thousands of marine life to be killed. Among them are mammalian and turtle sea. All of them may be infected or exposed to the oil dumping for 87 days. They state the, that unethical things, unethical actions, and wrong decision-making have changed marine life, and their habit also changed. The management of BP: Deepwater Horizon must take full responsibility for the harm made by their unethical decision.

Persuasive Essay on Self Esteem

Persuasive Essay on Self Esteem

The negatives of social media are constantly emphasized, we have parents, articles, and media focusing on the adverse impacts on the development of children and one’s self-perception, yet solutions aren’t extensively spoken of, yet solutions are what we are desperately in need of. Young girls in particular are prone to the negative influence of social media as they are exposed to images of perfect appearance they then crave to achieve, they are given a new platform to employ their subtle aggression, and therefore there is the creation of distinct groups holding different places in the popularity ladder, with those lower on the ladder having their self-esteems diminished. A simple way to counter this could be to eliminate these distinctions between groups in adolescents, and this can be done in school by enforcing the intergroup contact theory, which is when different groups have to have sustained meaningful contact with each other.

We live in a world where we are surrounded by technology, where we are so intrinsically connected to technology as it becomes such a crucial aspect of life as we constantly reach for our phones, and scroll through social media almost instinctually as we go about our days. As technology and social media have risen to this place of significance, our devices and the access they give us to the world are now major influencers of our identities. Social media not only gives us information about various events, lifestyles, but it has the power to determine our social standing and it has the power to psychologically influence our thinking and self-perception, and this paper will assess how social media negatively affects the self-esteem of adolescent girls through its influence on popularity. But should we continue to allow these devices to govern the self-esteem and sense of place in society of our youth?

In today’s modern world children grow up in a highly digital setting with technology being incorporated into all aspects of life “88% of adolescents in the United States now own or have access to a mobile phone and 91% of adolescents report going online from these devices at least occasionally, with 24% of adolescents reporting that they go online persistently” (George & Odgers, 2015). This exposure to a vast amount of social information about the lives and popularity of others, at almost every waking moment, results in adolescents constantly comparing themselves to what they are exposed to online (Nesi & Prinstein, 2015). This is harming self-esteem, as there are consistent standards to be met, and this is seen doing the most harm to adolescent girls. Literature speaks of these harmful effects of social media on our youth, but solutions are rarely posed, thus the paper will suggest a solution based on Allports Contact theory.

The significance of popularity in one’s life peaks in adolescence, and studies by Ferguson and Ryans show “that popularity during adolescence is a psychosocial stressor which acts much like a weight, drawing down youths” (2019). This coincides with the time of increasing preoccupation with social and thus, they are in a constant process of wanting to climb the ladder of popularity where one’s standing is determined through similarity to the ideals presented online and through “comments, replies, and virtual “likes” or approval of their content” (Vogel, Rose, Roberts & Eckles, 2014). This position occupied contributes to one’s sense of self-esteem and self-worth (Nesi and Prinstein, 2015).

This constant preoccupation who popularity is undeniably harmful if one gains the status of ‘popular’, the efforts required to maintain that is stressful, and ‘not being “popular”, specifically at a developmental stage where it matters most to youth, may also bring down perceptions of social contentment” (Ferguson & Ryan, 2019). Social media brings this into an increasingly competitive arena as the presence of likes, subscribers, and followers quantifies this supposed popularity.

Furthermore, “girls are known to effectively employ gossip, rumor spreading, interpersonal betrayal, and social exclusion as means to harm the social standing of peers” (Hrdy, 1981, as cited by Hawley & Card, 2008). Social media exacerbates this as there is online competition and social pressure, in addition to the self-evaluation and comparison that takes place based on images and videos they see online, and the negative effects are greater in females (Nesi and Prinstein, 2015). This indicates that the psychological impact of popularity perceived through social media is a significant and perhaps detrimental part of the formation of a girl’s self-esteem.

Allport’s contact theory states that prejudice between groups can be reduced by regular contact between them, provided that there is “equal status between the groups in the situation; common goals; intergroup cooperation; and the support of authorities, law, or custom.” (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006) Studies show that this theory can be used in many contexts to reduce prejudice and this paper will examine how integration can be employed in the school setting to prevent the formation of distinct groups of “popular” and “unpopular”, reducing the sense of otherness and competitive inclinations of girls.

Social media is generally first introduced into one’s life during adolescence when popularity becomes of increased importance, and through its effect on popularity, it contributes to self-esteem formation. Social media presents adolescents with ideals, and images of celebrities, and peers in their best moments, and these images become the standards to reach. This causes adolescents to feel that they must reach these standards and maintain popularity, and this harms self-esteem. Social media has thus taken popularity to a new competitive arena where it is not just the tensions to be popular at school but in this ever-present virtual world. Studies by Nesi & Prinstein (2015) show that frequency of technology use is correlated with depressive symptoms as there are greater “social comparison and feedback-seeking behaviors, and these behaviors are shown more in females”, indicating the significance of social media in the formation of a young girl’s self-esteem. This competitive and evaluative behavior among girls could be reduced through intergroup contact in school which would reduce this distinction, and thus protect self-esteem, as intergroup contact is most effective when it begins in childhood (Ellison & Powers, 1994).

One’s social standing and popularity among peers is of great importance to an adolescent (Lafontana & Cillessen, 2002) and thus greatly contributes to self-esteem. Popularity contributes to one’s “social self-concept” which is “a self-assessment of social well-being by comparing one’s social skill and opportunities to those of others” (Ferguson & Ryans, 2019). Trying to achieve a positive self-concept thus includes gaining a satisfactory popularity level, and as their studies show, achieving a level of popularity is a stressful process and so is maintaining it (Ferguson & Ryans, 2019). This desire for popularity is driven by the fact that “being on top makes one feel good” (De Bruyn & Van Den Boom, 2005), and on the other hand, low levels of popularity leave one feeling unworthy. This hierarchical system present among adolescents is harmful and segregating as it creates different groups, however, the intergroup contact theory has been tested in many circumstances, “on target groups as diverse as elderly, physically disabled, and mentally ill participants.” (Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006), and thus could be employed in the school setting, forcing these different groups to mingle meaningfully can thus reduce this otherness and competition.

Social media has a great influence on popularity, and this in turn largely contributes to one’s self-esteem. “Self-esteem refers to a person’s positive or negative evaluation of the self; that is, the extent to which an individual views the self as worthwhile and competent” (Coopersmith, 1967 as cited by Vogel, Rose, Roberts & Eckles, 2014), and this is highly determined by social comparison. This is an intrinsic characteristic of humans that’s facilitated by social media that constantly presents one with the lives of others. Studies show that higher use of Facebook correlates with higher social comparison, particularly upward comparisons, which are “comparing oneself with superior others who have positive characteristics” and this leads to self-critique as you perceive yourself as inferior (Vogel, Rose, Roberts & Eckles, 2014). These comparisons are critical in the formative adolescent years as they internalize social comparisons through which they assess their self-worth, and this can resonate throughout their lives (Rosenberg, 1986 as cited by Pelham & Swann, 1989). Therefore, we see the significance of self-esteem formation and the influence social media has on it, in a technology-driven world. These social comparisons are so powerful due to the great distinctions one creates between groups. The social contract theory is useful here as the study by Consiglio, Guarnera & Magnano (2015), where they tested the effectiveness of ‘contact’ in reducing discriminative attitudes in children towards disabled peers, demonstrated that there was a significant increase in positive attitudes towards these peers, with increased contact, and so surely this can be used in the school setting between children of different levels of popularity.

These negative social media effects predominate in females as they show lower self-esteem, possibly due to societal pressure girls receive to possess a particular physical appearance (Kling, Shibley Hyde, Showers &Buswell, 1999). As self-esteem becomes increasingly connected with the self-perceived appearance of one’s body, young girls grow up desiring a particular appearance, and this is highly influenced by the standards for beauty set online. Social media sets standards for what is beautiful via popularity as it is those who possess ideal characteristics that often rise to popularity. This leads to self-evaluation as girls want to reach these standards, and females are more prone to these negative influences on self-esteem as they are more susceptible and highly targeted in this world where photographs of ideal body types, and facial features are constantly circulated (Nesi & Prinstein, 2015). Further, studies by Dollinger show that more attractive people are likely to be more socially connected (2002), and this is often highly illustrated through social media it quantifies the social connectedness through several followers, likes, and comments, which translates into popularity. Therefore, this distinction between the popular and unpopular groups can be reduced through enforced contact between the two groups in school to reduce the sense of rivalry.

To achieve this popularity that is so deeply intertwined with adolescent self-esteem, they employ social aggression- “actions designed to inflict interpersonal damage using non-confrontational means” (Dawes & Xie, 2014). Rodkin, Ryan, Jamison &Wilson identify popularity goals in adolescents and describe the “social demonstration- approach goal” to be “garnering positive feedback and gaining social status”, and their studies show a correlation between high levels of motivation towards this goal and aggression (2013). This makes it evident that adolescents resort to violent aggressive behavior to gain social status. As opposed to the common belief that males are more aggressive, “indirect aggression” is most thoroughly employed by girls as they attempt to gain a position of dominance (Hawley, Little & Card, 2008). Social media allows adolescent girls to take their aggression and competition for popularity to an online platform, as they fight for social dominance and popularity, and this aggression leads to the reduction of the self-esteem of their victims. Increased contact between these different groups who compete for popularity could reduce this aggressive behavior. Studies on racial attitudes show that with increased contact between Black Americans and whites, there are increased feelings of friendliness and improved relationships between the two, especially when this contact begins in childhood (Ellison & Powers, 1994). Therefore, we see that enforcing this contact at school could eliminate the bridge between different groups, eliminating the hostility between them, and attacks on each other can hurt self-esteem.

In conclusion, we see social media has become a critical aspect of our lives, not just a source of information or form of entertainment but something that significantly contributes to our psychological development. Social media effectively draws in adolescents, captivates them with images of ideals, and takes their social lives into a vast platform. It makes the notion of popularity among young females more complex as it provides a new place for them to employ their subtle forms of indirect aggression and they fight for social dominance this fight, now taking place in the virtual world, which is not confined to school or to face to face to interactions, is exacerbated and has greater power to harm self-esteem. The contact theory may be one way in which this gap between different groups, and this aggressive fight for popularity can be reduced, thus lessening the negative impact social media-driven popularity has on adolescent girls.

Essay Why Was the Revival of Trade So Important

Essay Why Was the Revival of Trade So Important


The revival of trade during various historical periods has played a pivotal role in shaping economies, societies, and civilizations. This essay will argue that the revival of trade was of paramount importance due to its profound impact on economic growth, cultural exchange, and political power.

Economic Growth

The revival of trade has consistently been a catalyst for economic growth and development. Trade allows for the exchange of goods and services across regions, fostering specialization, and increasing productivity. It opens up new markets, encourages competition, and stimulates innovation. Historical examples, such as the Silk Road in ancient times or the European Age of Exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries, demonstrate how trade routes facilitated the exchange of valuable commodities and led to economic prosperity. The infusion of wealth from trade also provided resources for infrastructure development, technological advancements, and the funding of artistic and intellectual pursuits.

Cultural Exchange

Trade has been a powerful force in promoting cultural exchange and fostering interconnectedness between different societies. As goods and ideas are exchanged, cultures intertwine, leading to the diffusion of customs, languages, technologies, and knowledge. The Silk Road, for instance, not only facilitated trade but also served as a conduit for the exchange of ideas, religions, and philosophies between East and West. The revival of trade during the Renaissance era brought about the dissemination of art, literature, and scientific discoveries across Europe. These cultural exchanges enriched societies, broadened perspectives, and laid the foundation for intellectual and artistic movements.

Political Power

The revival of trade has often been closely tied to political power and influence. Access to valuable trade routes and control over key ports and markets has historically been sought after by empires and nations. The control of trade allowed states to amass wealth, build formidable navies, and establish dominance over rival powers. For example, during the Age of Exploration, European nations competed fiercely for control of trade routes to the East, leading to the colonization and expansion of their empires. The economic benefits derived from trade also provided governments with the means to finance their military endeavors, consolidate power, and exert influence on the global stage.

Interdependence and Cooperation

The revival of trade fosters interdependence among nations, encouraging cooperation and diplomatic relations. The exchange of goods and services creates mutual economic interests, leading to the formation of trade alliances, treaties, and agreements. These cooperative efforts aim to facilitate trade, protect investments, and establish regulations that promote fair and equitable commerce. International organizations like the World Trade Organization (WTO) and regional trade blocs such as the European Union (EU) exemplify the cooperative nature of trade and the desire to foster economic stability and prosperity through shared agreements.


The revival of trade has played a critical role throughout history, driving economic growth, facilitating cultural exchange, shaping political power dynamics, and fostering interdependence and cooperation among nations. It has been a catalyst for innovation, cultural diffusion, and the accumulation of wealth. The importance of trade in global affairs cannot be overstated, as it continues to shape the economic, social, and political landscape of nations today. As globalization intensifies, trade will remain a fundamental pillar of interconnectedness, promoting prosperity and collaboration among diverse societies.

Essay on Walmart Vs Macy’s

Essay on Walmart Vs Macy’s

Introduction to Walmart and Macy’s

Financial analysis is crucial in understanding the performance and health of companies in different industries. In this essay, we will compare and contrast two retail giants: Walmart and Macy’s. Walmart, one of the largest retail corporations globally, is renowned for its low prices and extensive range of products. On the other hand, Macy’s, a prominent department store chain, is known for its upscale offerings and focus on fashion and lifestyle products. Both companies play significant roles in the retail industry, but their approaches, strategies, and financial performances differ.

Liquidity Analysis

In terms of liquidity, Walmart generally maintains a favorable position due to its high sales volume and efficient cash management systems. Walmart’s liquidity ratios, such as the current ratio and acid ratio, often outperform Macy’s, indicating the former’s ability to cover short-term obligations more effectively. Additionally, Walmart’s robust inventory turnover and efficient accounts receivable turnover contribute to its liquidity strength. In contrast, Macy’s, with its focus on higher-end products, may have lower liquidity ratios compared to Walmart, reflecting its different customer base and sales strategy.

Leverage Analysis

When it comes to leverage, Walmart and Macy’s have different debt management strategies. Walmart, with its large scale and extensive resources, may have a higher debt capacity and may utilize leverage more effectively to finance its operations and expansion projects. However, Macy’s, as a department store chain with a more focused market segment, may employ a more conservative approach to debt management to mitigate financial risks. Comparing leverage ratios such as debt-to-equity and debt ratio can provide insights into how each company balances debt with equity in its capital structure.

Profitability Analysis

In terms of profitability, both Walmart and Macy’s exhibit strengths and weaknesses. Walmart, with its emphasis on cost leadership and operational efficiency, may achieve higher profit margins and returns on assets compared to Macy’s. However, Macy’s, with its focus on premium products and brand image, may command higher gross profit margins and return on equity due to its ability to charge higher prices and maintain customer loyalty. Analyzing profitability ratios such as net profit margin and return on investment can shed light on each company’s ability to generate profits from its operations and investments.

Investor Analysis

Investor analysis involves examining factors such as earnings per share, dividend payout, and price-to-earnings ratio to evaluate the attractiveness of investing in Walmart or Macy’s stocks. While Walmart may offer stable and consistent returns to investors, Macy’s may appeal to those seeking growth opportunities and potential capital appreciation. Understanding investor sentiments and market expectations can help assess the performance and outlook of each company’s stock in the financial markets.


In conclusion, the comparison between Walmart and Macy’s highlights their distinct characteristics, strategies, and financial performances in the retail industry. While Walmart excels in operational efficiency and cost leadership, Macy’s focuses on brand image and product differentiation. Both companies have their strengths and weaknesses, making them unique investment opportunities for different types of investors. By analyzing their liquidity, leverage, profitability, and investor metrics, stakeholders can make informed decisions regarding their investments in either Walmart or Macy’s, considering their individual financial goals and risk tolerances.

Informative Essay about Fake News

Informative Essay about Fake News


In recent years, the term “fake news” has become increasingly prevalent in public discourse. It refers to deliberately false or misleading information presented as factual news. With the advent of digital media and the rapid spread of information through social platforms, the proliferation of fake news has raised concerns about its impact on society. This essay aims to provide an informative exploration of fake news, including its definition, causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

Definition and Characteristics of Fake News

Fake news encompasses various forms of false information deliberately created to deceive or mislead readers. It often mimics the appearance of legitimate news articles, using attention-grabbing headlines, fabricated facts, or manipulated images. While misinformation and unintentional errors exist in journalism, what sets fake news apart is its intention to mislead and deceive.

Causes and Origins of Fake News

The rise of fake news can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the accessibility and affordability of digital publishing tools have lowered the barriers to entry, allowing anyone with an internet connection to create and disseminate news-like content. This democratization of information has both positive and negative consequences, as it enables diverse perspectives but also allows malicious actors to exploit the system.

Secondly, social media platforms have played a significant role in the spread of fake news. The algorithms used by these platforms prioritize engagement and user satisfaction, often leading to the amplification of sensational or controversial content. This incentivizes the creation and sharing of fake news, as it tends to generate high levels of engagement, clicks, and ad revenue.

Consequences of Fake News

The consequences of fake news can be far-reaching and impactful. At an individual level, it can lead to misinformation, influencing personal beliefs, decisions, and behaviors. In some cases, it can even harm people’s health and safety. For example, false information about unproven cures or misleading health advice can jeopardize public health efforts during pandemics.

Fake news also has broader societal implications. It can undermine trust in traditional news media, erode confidence in democratic institutions, and exacerbate social and political polarization. When false information is widely believed, it can distort public discourse, hinder informed decision-making, and contribute to social divisions.

Addressing the Issue of Fake News

Combatting fake news requires a multifaceted approach involving individuals, technology companies, and society as a whole. Media literacy plays a crucial role in empowering individuals to critically evaluate information, fact-check sources, and discern reliable news from fake news. Educational institutions, alongside media organizations, should prioritize media literacy programs to equip people with the skills necessary to navigate the digital landscape effectively.

Technology companies also bear a responsibility to curb the spread of fake news. They can improve algorithms to reduce the prominence of false information, introduce fact-checking mechanisms, and provide clearer indicators of content credibility. Collaborative efforts between tech platforms, media organizations, and fact-checking agencies can help identify and flag fake news more efficiently.

Regulation and policy interventions may also be necessary. Governments can enact legislation that promotes transparency in online platforms, encourages responsible journalism, and imposes consequences for spreading deliberate misinformation. However, striking the right balance between safeguarding free speech and combating fake news remains a challenge.


Fake news poses significant challenges in today’s digital age, threatening the credibility of information and the fabric of societies. Understanding its definition, causes, consequences, and potential solutions is essential in addressing this issue. By promoting media literacy, fostering collaboration between technology companies and media organizations, and implementing appropriate regulations, we can strive to mitigate the impact of fake news and foster a more informed and resilient society.

College Essay about Starting a Business

College Essay about Starting a Business

How can I start a new business? This is a question that most would-be entrepreneurs ask frequently, and it continues to come up every day. Many people, including myself, intend to start a business but do not have the basic knowledge of how to do it. Business is a beautiful thing when you know the right way to do it. So, what steps should I, like everyone else, take on the way to this?

Every business tends to solve a certain problem, therefore, money shouldn’t be the aim of venturing into a business. This should be the very first stage of every business because the business you want to start depends on the problem you intend to solve. For instance, the person selling car spare parts sees the need to bring it closer to the people around him which will prevent them from going too far to access it. I have seen circumstances where people abandoned a guitar because there is no nearby shop that sells a guitar string. So, to start a business, first of all, I should be able to identify a problem in the environment and then work towards solving it.

The second step is writing the business plan. A business plan is a set of intended actions through which one expects to achieve a business goal. A popular adage says, “If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail”. Planning is essential in business because it is the stage to decide how you want your business to be. Though the business is prone to growth, a good business plan will be a guide through each stage of starting and managing a business. So, to start my business, I should create my business plan and use it as a roadmap for how to structure, run, and grow my new business. It will be a good way to think through the key elements of my business.

After drawing a business plan, I should be able to choose a location best for my business. In choosing a business location, it’s important to consider the needs of the potential location and how the business can address the problem there. Besides their needs, it’s important to consider their culture as well. Culture is the total way of life of the people in a particular area, therefore my business will suffer growth if my goods or services are against the people’s culture. What is the future of a brewery in Mecca?

Potential customers are the ones who may need your goods or services. Such people need to be considered first before starting a business for the aim of every business is to serve the needs of certain individuals. At this stage, I should be able to research those in need of my service or goods, where they are, and how I can reach them.

It’s also important to pay attention to a good business name. A business name is very vital in every business for such will serve as the number one business identity. Even the CEO should see the business as a living organism and give it a name for it will be required in my proposal, ordering, application, advertisement, etc. The name should be a catchy one for easy pronunciation.

Another step will be budgeting. I should be able to itemize the summary of my intended expenditure. The amount of money needed for my intended business will be captured in my budget, besides, budgeting will guide me in my spending, especially at the building stage of the business. The aim of every business is growing, but in case the yield doesn’t come as expected, the budget reserve should be able to keep.

Funding is an unavoidable stage of every business, irrespective of the source of funds. There are many ways to fund a business, it can either come from personal savings, contributions from a group you belong to, a loan from friends, lending institutions, banks, etc. All these are ways I can generate funds for my business. The size of my business at the point of starting will depend on the available funds (capital).

It will also be very important to me to register my business with the business union, agencies, government (federal, state, or local), etc. Without registration, I may miss out on the legal, security, tax, and financial benefits that may attach. Besides, registration is another form of insurance.

And finally, starting a business should be done with full dedication and diligence. As we all expect growth, it should be kept in mind that most businesses hardly yield a reasonable profit at the initial stage, therefore patience is very vital.

In conclusion, taking into account the previously highlighted steps, I believe that I, like everyone who wants to, will be able to start a business and be successful in it.

Shopping Online vs. in Store: Essay

Shopping Online vs. in Store: Essay

Is in-store shopping better or is online shopping actually more beneficial? Personally, I believe that in-store shopping is overall a lot more beneficial for various reasons.

Online shopping leads to economic collapse and job losses, leading to poverty, distress, and struggle. How can I prove this fact? It has been quoted on, “The high street has been one of the worst-hit sectors of the economy with nearly 125,000 jobs lost”. If online shopping was not created, we wouldn’t have some of the issues that many people face today. In no way am I saying that online shopping should not have been created whatsoever, as it can be helpful in some ways, but the number of those picking up their phones to order a new pair of shoes or a new jacket is only going to keep increasing. One reason for this is the lockdown. The coronavirus resulted in a peak of sales online, as you would expect, although I don’t think we realize how much this change has an impact.

I realize that you may be thinking, surely online shopping isn’t all that bad? There must be positives, somewhere right? You’re right, there is. Online shopping can be great in many ways, for example, some may like browsing and shopping from the comfort of their homes without having to spend time getting ready just to buy a couple of things. You see, this IS great, but the more ways you think that online shopping is good, the more ways it’s clear to see that in-person shopping can prove to overcome these positives. This gives you even more reason to question if staying clammed up inside all day on your computer really is the best idea, or if going out for a refreshing walk-down to your local shop or taking a bus to your favorite clothing store is a better idea. So, how can in-store shopping compete against staying in bed and ordering your wants as you please? I’m sure almost everyone has ordered a clothing item online, whether this be for a party or just something that you’ve had your eye on for a while. I can say from personal experience, this does not always go well. As you cannot physically see the item you’re buying in front of you, this creates the risk of the clothing item being delivered and then not fitting right, or maybe it’s see-through and the pattern doesn’t look quite as modest as it did on the photo. However, when shopping in a store, this issue is almost impossible.

The elderly. Your dearest family members are trying to order food so that they don’t have to leave the house, in order to protect themselves from coronavirus. They find it highly challenging, with all the buttons and bright lights, they have no help. It is all just so confusing. We as young people who grew up glued to our phone screens don’t tend to realize that older people may struggle with technology and how it works. Now think, if in-store shopping was no longer an option, stress would be caused. Shopping online is no longer an option though. It wouldn’t be as much of a struggle.

Do you remember the issue of not seeing what you’re buying and it coming and not being what you expected? This links into returns. Say you’re in the situation of having a pair of trousers that look a completely different color as to the picture, they are way too short, showing your ankles and making you look like a complete fool. Now you must return this item – frustrating isn’t it? Now you must go through the return process, which can be long and bothersome. But here’s the truth, if you had decided to buy some new trousers in person, the probability of needing to return them would’ve been a lot less, especially since there are things like changing rooms and such. If by chance you did have to return an item, however, this is simple: bring the item back to the shop and get your money back straight away, easy and stress-free. This just proves even more how in-store shopping is so simple and straightforward.

You could say many positives outweigh the negatives of online shopping. The introduction of ‘pre-owned’ goods on sites such as eBay has encouraged people to reuse items and has discouraged a throw-away culture which ultimately benefits the environment. With this positive there is also a negative impact: although reusing items helps feed the health of the environment, the carbon footprint of your item is not. You may think you are doing your part in saving the environment, but ultimately the helpful part that you think you are playing ends up being revoked and pointless.

To sum it up, I have concluded that compared to in-store shopping, there are a lot of issues with online shopping. The negatives always end up outweighing the positives. I would discourage people from ordering online and encourage people to shop in person as an alternative. Although there is a general idea society has created wherein ordering online is convenient, there are a huge amount of negative impacts that come with this suitability: losing jobs, the social aspect of in-person buying, the item arriving and not being as described online, the older generations relationship with technology, and the brutal impact caused on the environment that comes with each individual item being delivered.

Fake News Argumentative Essay

Fake News Argumentative Essay

I will be taking up and discussing the topic of “ Fake news”. Fake News is any information that does not meet the term of the definition of news. As talking about what is news in the first weeks of Blake Lambert’s class news is “Received or noteworthy information, especially about new or recent events. Unknown or undiscovered facts or information”.

In today’s world, a lot of people, or even everyone use social media whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, etc. Everyone consumes news in a different way than other people. We use all the platforms to access information but how do we know it’s the true content? That’s why I will discuss how people consume news that they think is serious news, but they are fake.

According to the most recent study, nearly 80 percent of Canadians get their news online, and nearly 50 percent get news on social media, a platform that greatly contributed to the spread of misinformation in the United States. Taken together, the conditions are ripe for fake news to take off in Canada. ( 1 )

People truly do not know whether what they are reading or listening to is real news or not. Fake news can be unreliable information that is published for society to see going as far as the organizations making money off of fake news being promoted and viewed by users. There are different kinds of fake news that a person should be careful of. There are fake news that has to do with the president let’s say or other politicians or political figures. Some of the events may not matter to others whether it’s fake or not, but the events or information about political stuff in the country can make society worry. The problems that happen with “ fake news” is that it leads to wrong information getting out about leaders who could have control over the nation. It’s up to us to believe what is right and what is not.

Fake news is making money for some people who publish events that aren’t trustworthy just because of how society is attracted by certain websites or stories online.

How much money can you bring in by making stuff up and putting it on the Internet? “I make like $10,000 a month from AdSense,” Paul Horner, a prolific, Facebook-focused fake-news writer told us this week. And among a growing group of Macedonian teenagers who see fake-news sites as a way to make easy money from American gullibility, the most successful can make about $5,000 a month, BuzzFeed reported. (2) The money comes from ads, provided by the self-service ad technology of companies like Google and Facebook.

Carroll estimated that a fake news share from within the Trump campaign could earn the lucky hoaxer as much as $10,000 in extra revenue, provided they have taken full advantage of the ad services available to them. That’s a “huge economic incentive to create stories that they want to distribute.”(2 a)

“Google has more of an incentive to make information reliable,” Carroll noted. (2b)

I went on Google and saw a link to an article and the red flag said false (fact-checked by it was published that “FAKE NEWS: Belgian Singer Stromae NOT DEAD in Paris Road Accident” (2018 October) Did Belgian singer Stromae die in a road accident in Paris today, aged only 33? No, that’s not true: a death hoax about the singer was launched by a website that is linked to several other celebrity death hoaxes. It is not real. (3)

So to make some points humans are used to everything they hear or the things that they are told, to be reliable information because they appear real. With the influence of social media load on society, it can be hard to depict real news. People just see an article on Facebook for example and immediately share it without knowing whether it is true or not so that is how “fake news” could spread.

Fake news is a bigger problem in today’s world than it has ever been because of how much we use our mobile devices, and social media is always within our “hand” reach.

To conclude, a reader should not be automatically impacted by what they first read or see. Some things that were not a problem back then, are problems right now. Information is so easily accessed just by opening social media that it has caused “fake news” to appear and become a huge concern. What will help to eliminate this problem is to be cautious of what you read and what you consider to share with your friends, family, etc.

Cited works

    1. “ Canadians polarized too” The real consequences of fake news July 26, 2017 Author Dominik Stecula PhD candidate in political science
    2. “ This is how Facebook’s fake-news writers make money” Author Abby Ohleiser November 18, 2016
    3.—le-celebre-chanteur-stromae-est-decede-aujourdhui-a-lage-de-33-an.html By Maarten Schenk 14 October, 2018

Importance of Customer Service in Hospitality Industry Essay

Importance of Customer Service in Hospitality Industry Essay

1. Introduction

Airbnb is the world’s largest lodging-sharing service platform, which started in August 2008. Airbnb, which pays the owner for the rent of the room and brokers it, is a system that takes away the commission. Officially, the person who lent the room at Airbnb is called the host and the person who enters is called the guest. The host rents all the space that a person can afford, such as his room, house, and villa, to the guest. There are many conflicts between hosts and guests due to the system of transactions between people who have not met each other. Host’s unpleasant behavior (e.g. last-minute cancellation, discrimination, sexual violence, prostitution, theft, etc) has led to increasing complaints from guests and decreasing reservations.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the problems and conflicts between hosts and guests that have occurred so far using management control and to investigate how these events have been solved in Airbnb management and customer service and how to fix them in the future.

This article focuses on the case of the guest who was damaged by the host and the Airbnb customer service, therefore the case where the guest damaged the host is not included. The management problems are divided into three categories. First, the events that are happening between the host and the guest and the solution for this, Second, review the problems and solutions of Airbnb customer service, Third, review of the solution plan of the host, guest, and customer service through the management control function called Balanced Scorecards.

2. Analysis of Management Problem

2.1 Trustworthiness

Airbnb is one of the world’s sharing economies and is a peer-to-peer (P2P) business model, therefore without hosts and guests, Airbnb does not exist.

The mission and vision of Airbnb is ‘the unique experience of staying in a local’s home’. Hosts use Airbnb to get personal social interactions with other guests, and guests are looking for Airbnb rather than hotels for various reasons, such as different experiences in a foreign country, living in a different lodging, and budget prices. However, the time for hosts to rent rooms and houses to meet those who like to travel has passed. Now, the hosts’ lodging business for income was started within Airbnb. As a result, many hosts who want to pursue profits have no careful review and knowledge of Airbnb’s specific role and do not know what to provide the guests with services, which results in expectations and distrust of the guests. As the most representative example of Airbnb, it is common to cancel reservations on the day or a day before the trip (last-minute cancellation). This may be an overbooking due to receiving a lot of accommodation reservations, and sometimes the host cancels the accommodation due to personal circumstances or reasons of the host. But if the accommodations are instantly removed from the guest, the travel plan will be ruined from the beginning, especially the guests’ overseas trips.

Failure to believe that promised services will be provided occurs when the host acts dishonestly or deceives the guest. These hosts’ unpleasant behaviors are linked to the guests’ Airbnb and the distrust of hosts. Airbnb needs to recognize the importance of sufficient communication between the two as an effective approach before travel to eliminate the suspicions of guests, thus promoting trust from the host. The growth of Airbnb can build trust between host and guest and minimize uncertainty through customers’ desire for active social interaction with the host.

Management uses measurement tools to determine whether the organizational goals are being met or to compare data to measure results. A manager can use several controls to influence the organization to reduce distrust between guests and hosts and complaints from guests. There are Feedforward control, Concurrent control, and Feedback control. Feedback control is not a reasonable way to resolve the complaints of the guest, so it is excluded from the three controls. Feedforward control involves reaffirming and preventing problems before they occur; managers can regulate employees in advance for effective work. To reduce complaints that may arise from guests, Airbnb’s management must regularly inspect and test the best-skilled staff properly and manage them to resolve the various complaints of the guests. Concurrent control is the task of identifying and preventing employees’ problems. Therefore, all employee activities are checked in real-time to provide the best service to guests and hosts using Airbnb as the standard of service management. Managers monitor employees’ work activities and see if their actions and services were provided to their customers correctly. Employees are evaluated by providing services to customers through concurrent control.

2.2 Customer service

While active interaction and communication between hosts and guests are important, customer service that reviews and modifies this relationship should play a key role in Airbnb. The majority of complaints are negative customer service experiences: Airbnb, which is to be mediated in the middle of a problem between the host and the guest, is not helping. There is no way to protest by phone, so you have to contact me by e-mail. The reply usually comes a day later. Most of the answers are ‘I’m sorry, but we can not help.’ After experiencing service failures, guests rely on Airbnb to protect themselves, but due to Airbnb’s inappropriate response and lack of cooperation, they have caused confusion and awareness.

The low level of occupational spirit of the customer service workers leads to insufficient interaction and response to the customer. Airbnb needs to improve its ability to perform customer service workers using frequent internal control and remuneration and benefits, and also to change the important management system that affects individual motivation. As a result, customer service will be able to show the guest the willingness to share information and act honestly and ethically.

Internal control is a system that makes it efficient and effective to achieve the company’s goal through motivation due to the self-reflection of individuals or members of the organization. In addition, successful internal control improves accountability and individual behavior among the members of the organization to stabilize the operation and function of the company. The manager must provide clear guidelines and reasonable assurances to minimize the risk and greatly improve the expectations of achieving the goal. Managers should also be constantly motivated to remind customers of their work behavior and self-practice.

The remuneration strategy is designed for the members of the organization to improve the success and productivity of strategic goals. It motivates employees to achieve high performance through remuneration and encourages the company to take the right action actively in the company. Therefore, it will be possible to solve complaints from guests as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Quality control processes are essential for customer service operations and interconnect customer satisfaction and company sales growth. If the customer does not have a proper solution to the complaint about the service provided, it can cause negative feelings and evaluations of the customer. Airbnb should provide high-quality customer service in general and provide expectations for information accuracy, respect, and courtesy to improve customer satisfaction. If the customer service does not meet the customer’s expectations, the customer will use another accommodation website. Therefore, it is necessary to actively support employees to evaluate their performance and improve their skills. Negative complaints from customers spread rapidly through various social media and can prevent the inflow of potential guests, so managers need steady supervision of quality control.

2.3 Balanced Scorecards

Balanced Score Card is a tool for managing performance, a structured tool for managers to measure the results of employees’ performance, customer satisfaction, or effective service provision. To use the balanced scorecard effectively, there should be a measurement standard that can be measured. For example, customer satisfaction can be measured by measuring the number of good evaluations in the total number of customer evaluations, the number of sales of services, or the number of newly registered members, and the performance of employees can be measured by using the Key Performance Indicator (KPI).

Airbnb should judge customer satisfaction as the best value and set the measurement standard for it. Customer satisfaction correlates with increasing company profits, and economic income for small changes in satisfaction is enormous. If word of mouth spreads out due to customer satisfaction, it has a significant effect on revenue. One of the most important factors is proper and steady interaction with customers. It is not a proper response to customer complaints, but a change in goal for customer satisfaction.

3. Conclusion

Airbnb is one of the fastest growing companies in the world through the peer-to-peer system in the long-term form of a professional hotel. Airbnb initially focused on guests and hosts, but now it is focusing on new research. Complaints have been increasing worldwide from the basic factors (guests) that have the most important impact on Airbnb. Guests were dissatisfied with personal experiences from unconventional hosts, and the behavior in resolving complaints caused distrust of trust due to poor customer service from Airbnb. This proves that Airbnb’s value for guests has declined and that its ability to customer service to resolve complaints is not sufficient.

Control systems are systems that collect and use information to evaluate performance related to human, financial, and physical performance in consideration of existing strategies and goals. However, current Airbnb customer service does not properly control communication or interaction with guests. This means that Airbnb’s executives are losing control of customer service workers. Remuneration strategy and quality control should be used to improve the attitude of customer service workers by providing respect and trust to customers, and customer satisfaction should be determined as the best value and measured regularly through a balanced scorecard.

4. Recommendations

    • Airbnb executives should regularly review and test their employees’ capabilities and manage them to resolve various complaints from customers. (by using feedforward control)
    • Airbnb managers should monitor employees’ work activities and regularly check the service and attitude that employees have provided to customers. (by using concurrent control)
    • Managers should provide clear guidelines to customer service workers to improve expectations for achieving their goals. (by using Internal control)
    • Managers should constantly motivate employees to remind them of their work behavior and self-practice for their customers
    • Airbnb should provide high-quality customer service and provide accurate information, respect, and courtesy to improve customer satisfaction (by using a quality control process)
    • Airbnb executives should motivate them to achieve high performance through remuneration and benefits and encourage them to act actively and properly (by using The remuneration strategy)
    • Managers need to consistently evaluate employees’ performance and actively support them to improve their skills and abilities. (by using a Quality control process)
    • Customer satisfaction has a powerful impact on business profits. Airbnb executives should judge customer satisfaction as the best value and set standards for measuring results. In addition, it encourages the goal of steady interaction with customers. (by using Balanced Scorecards)

5. Reference List

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    3. Qui, M.Y (2018). Perceiving Airbnb as sharing economy: Guests’ expectations of Airbnb. Newcastle, NSW: Newcastle Business School, The University of Newcastle
    4. Voon Chin, P (2017). Perceiving Airbnb as sharing economy: The issue of trust in using Airbnb, 22(17), pp.2051-2055, 10.1080/13683500.2018.1440539
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    6. Sthapit, E & Bjork, P (July 2019). Sources of distrust: Airbnb guests’ perspectives, 31, pp.245-253, 10.1016/j.tmp.2019.05.009
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