Read and follow the directions for writing Preschool Observation Paper – Part 3

Read and follow the directions for writing Preschool Observation Paper – Part 3

Read and follow the directions for writing Preschool Observation Paper – Part 3 – which includes sections (E), (F) & (G).
Directions: Preschool Observation Paper – PART “3” FALL 2023
Written Paper: Part “3” DUE: SATURDAY, December 16th
Students must have submitted Preschool Observation Part I and Part II prior to submitting Preschool Observation Part III.
SUBMITTING THE Preschool Observation Paper
I will ONLY accept papers submitted in CANVAS
Be sure it is in one of these formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, .pdf (FYI: DO NOT SUBMIT in .pages or .gdoc)
Direction Reminders:
Writing the Paper:
PLAGIARISM: “0” on your paper!
Copying the exact words from the text, or other source, is plagiarism. TO AVOID PLAGIARISM: ALWAYS use quotations marks around the words/sentences that you copy from the text. Quotation marks indicate the words are not yours. ALWAYS use a citation to indicate the source of the words in quotation marks. The citation MUST include the source (Berger,12th ed.) and the page number. (FYI: I do check!)
Example: The definition of theory of mind is: “A person’s theory of what other people might be thinking. In order to have a theory of mind, children must realize that other people are not necessarily thinking the same thoughts that they themselves are.” (Berger, 12thed, p.000 )
CHEATING: This assignment is required in many CD 125 sections at Grossmont College. I have included this assignment for many years. However, I have CHANGED the assignment. If you include sections that were required previous years, or in other instructor’s assignments, this is an indication that you have copied another student’s paper and you will receive a “0.” If you include topics that were previous required, but are not longer required, this indicates you have copied another students paper and you will receive a “0.”
Writing the paper:
1.Have your textbook available open to the section on “Early Childhood”while writing the paper. I will ONLY accept citations from Berger, 12th Edition,(E-book citations are acceptable).
Format for citations: (Berger,12th ed, p.000) or for the E-book: (Berger, E-Book, 12th ed, p.000)
NO CITATIONS FROM THE WEB will be accepted. If you have an earlier text, you can go to the Portal and use the 12th Edition of the e-book.
2.Review the directions for the full assignment.
3.REQUIRED to use the labels of the sections in your paper. For Preschool Observation Paper Part III you will be writing about (E) Psychosocial Development, (F) Play and (G) responding to questions.
ALL definitions and norms MUST be from the textbook. Definitions may be found in the Chapters or in the Glossary in the back of the book.The citation is the location in the text that you located the information.The observation example is from you notes on the child you observed.If information is not included in your paper for each of the topics listed in each section, you will loose points.If you did not observe a specific behavior, in order to receive points: you MUST include the definition, norm, and citation and the statement that you did not observe this specific behavior.
Format for Citations: (Berger, 12th ed, p. 000)
You MUST follow the format below in the same order. Write in a paragraph format. Information must be included in your paper for each of the sections below. Papers written using bullet points will receive a “0” Points are given on the completeness and thoroughness of your work. Points are taken away for information not included.
For ALL of the Remaining Sections YOU MUST INCLUDE:
The definition of the topic/theory and your source for the definition. You MUST use quotation marks when you copy the definition.
and a citation identifying the source.
An example from your observation. If the child did not engage in the type of behavior needed to illustration the topic or theory, you MUST include the statement that you did not observe this specific behavior. A student should have very few “I didn’t see” examples in the paper.
The norm. A statement of what is typical from a research based source, generally your textbook. You will not receive points for broad, general statements such as “From what I saw, most children three are able to do this.” .” ALL NORMS must include the age or age-range that children may develop the behavior or skill.
Citation : source of your definition and the norm.
WRITING NORMS — IMPORTANT:When giving the norm, it is not enough to say “he seems to be doing fine” or “he is at the norm”. You need to be specific. I suggest you quote the text. Sometimes the text will state “Between the ages of 2 and 4….” —-copy this and cite the page. Sometimes the text is not as specific, “In the preschool years most children are ….” This is also a norm, but you need to copy the words from the text (quoting) and then cite the page. If you are using a chart, then copy the part of the chart that is your specific reference, and site the page. Norms MUST be from the textbook
ALL NORMS must include the age or age-range
that children may develop the behavior or skill.
Directions for WRITING Preschool Observation Paper – Part 3
(E) Psychosocial Development: Have Chapter 10 of your textbook open. (15 points)
Emotional Regulation: For this section write about one example of emotional regulation.
Write an example from your Observation Notes from your observation
Write the definition of this topic you selected
and the citation for the definition
Write the norm for emotional regulation
And the citation for the norm.
Moral Development: Select one topic from the topics related to the moral development from the text: empathy, antipathy, prosocial or antisocial behaviors.
Write an example from your Observation Notes from your observation
Write the definition of this topic you selected
and the citation for the definition
Write the norm for the topic you selected.
And the citation for the norm.
Aggression: Select one of the topics related to the development of aggression listed in the textbook: instrumental, reactive, relational, bullying.
Write an example from your Observation Notes from your observation
Write the definition of this topic you selected
and the citation for the definition
Write the norm for the topic you selected.
And the citation for the norm.
(F) PLAY! Have Chapter 10 of your textbook open. (15 points)
Include information about:
Parten’s Stages of Play: Select one of the types of play described by Parten.
Write an example from your Observation Notes from your observation
Write the definition of one of Parten’s stages of play that you selected
and the citation for the definition
Write the norm for the for topic you selected.
And the citation for the norm.
Sociodramatic Play
Write an example from your Observation Notes from your observation
Write the definition of sociodramatic play.
and the citation for the definition
Write the norm for sociodramatic play
And the citation for the norm.
(G) REFLECTION: Significance and Application(15 points)
This is the section that allows you to state your opinions based on the information you have learned in the course. Be sure to explain your perspective and refer to information learned in this course. Points are given on the completeness and thoroughness of your work.You must include responses to all three questions.
PLEASE NUMBER YOUR RESPONES. Write your responses in sentences and paragraphs.
G1. Give three examples of how the teacher supported the learning and development of the children from the videos.
G2. Give three examples of how this observation expanded your understanding of how children develop and learn.
G3. From your perspective, how can you apply what you have learned from this assignment?
Some of you are parents, some of you have younger brothers and sisters, and all of you have a voice through your vote to influence how monies go to schools, health care for children, food for families, etc
Upload your Preschool Observation Part 3
SAVE a copy

For this exam, I would like you to choose four passages of your choice (or howev

For this exam, I would like you to choose four passages of your choice (or howev

For this exam, I would like you to choose four passages of your choice (or however many people are in your group, as some groups have more people in them) from The Martian novel that spoke to you in some way. Each passage should address one of the themes/topics expressed above. For each passage, I would like you to do the following five tasks:
Quote and cite the passage.
Provide explanatory context so I can understand where this passage is in the story, what happens before it and afterward.
Explain how this passage spoke to you. That is, why did you choose it and what does it mean to you?
Explain how the passage expresses the particular theme you’ve chosen. Why is this passage a good support for the theme you believe it conveys?
Explain why the theme you’ve chosen is significant to the story and, preferably, in general (our lives) — that is, how does it relate to us the readers?
Now, the idea here is that you and your group will choose four themes of interest and pick a passage that corresponds to it. Additionally, you’ll be able to use this passage and explanation later on when we work on a literary analysis paper — so, “killing two birds with one stone” as they say!
Also, please don’t use any passages mentioned in any of those “cheat” sites like LitCharts or Shmoop or SparkNotes. I’ve seen them already and don’t want to read anything regurgitated from them (besides, that stuff won’t earn any points). Certainly, using artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT will be considered cheating and you will earn a zero.
I hope you enjoy this!

Iiimoej Learning Goal: I’m working on a creative writing writing question and ne

Learning Goal: I’m working on a creative writing writing question and ne

Learning Goal: I’m working on a creative writing writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
Each discussion board submission must be in APA format and substantive, with a minimum of 300-400 wordsin length, excluding references, and follow the discussion board grading rubric.
Answer each question by reviewing the Module Reading Assignment and apply concepts/topics learned in your previous aviation classes to the articles.
For example, the types of airline management, airline marketing strategies, fleet management, and airline mergers from the Air Transportation Textbook to the article. Include analysis or synthesis of course materials and your experience pertinent to the assigned module topic. The textbook provides a primary reference source for your discussion and relates additional sourced information that demonstrates your understanding of the assigned reading. Examples of additional sources include but are not limited to peer-reviewed studies, aviation articles, and Aviation Organization websites such as that demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered in the module.
Flight Schools:
In the Post-Pandemic World, General Aviation is Taking Off
In the Post-Pandemic World, General Aviation-1.pdf
Castagna, C. (2022, 08). In the Post-Pandemic World, General Aviation is Taking Off. Ground Support Worldwide, 30, 18-19.
Discussion 1 :
What are the basic differences between FAR Part 61 and Part 141 flight training rules? Review the FAA Part 141 link. Explain some of the requirements for becoming a Part 141 flight school. What requirement did you not know that Part 141 flight schools needed to maintain the certificate?
2. In the article by Castagna, explain the key takeaways regarding flight training and Aviation Investment. Does the article support a decision to become a professional pilot?
(Make sure to use facts and figures to demonstrate your application of the text to the article and regs.)
Discussion 2 :
1. Explain three things that you learned from the Commercial Spaceflight Operations videos.
2. Describe the FARs that are applicable to Commercial Spaceflight Operations.
3. Describe three Licesed Launches. Who are the companies, the vehicle, payload, and dates?
(Make sure to use facts and figures to demonstrate your application of the text to the article and regs.)
Be familiar with the FAA regulations and processes:
FAR Part 450:
Dec 2, 2021
RELEASE 21-164
NASA Selects Companies to Develop Commercial Destinations in Space
BE FAMILIAR WITH SPACE LAW:Practical_Aviation_&_Aerospace_Law_—-_(PART_VI_-_Evolving_Law).pdf

Case study topic : Aviation Maintenance and general aviation operations Revie

Case study topic :
Aviation Maintenance and general aviation operations

Case study topic :
Aviation Maintenance and general aviation operations
Review Important FARs:Part 1:
Part 21:
Part 23:
Part 39:
Part 43:
Part 65:
Part 91:
Part 145:
Be familiar with the process to become an Aviation Mechanic:
You should be familiar with Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 65, subpart D, Mechanics.
You must pass the knowledge (written), oral, and practical tests. Additional information on knowledge testing.There are three knowledge tests required to receive the Aviation Mechanic certificate with Airframe and/or Powerplant ratings. You must take the General knowledge test first, followed by the Airframe and/or Powerplant knowledge test(s).
Many of the AMT knowledge test questions are based on content from the AMT Handbooks:AMT-General Handbook (Handbook) (PDF)
AMT-Airframe Handbook (Volume 1) (PDF), (Volume 2) (PDF)
MT-Powerplant Handbook (Volume 1) (PDF), (Volume 2) (PDF)
Details on AMT knowledge test subject areas may be found in 14 CFR part 147, appendix B, C, and D.You will be administered an oral test by a Designated Mechanic Examiner (DME) based on the Testing Standards.
Mechanic Certificates & Records:
Regulations link:
Review links and videos:

Aircraft Maintenance Technician

The Case Study is a written research assignment that applies to each Module’s Topic.
The textbooks in your previous aviation courses validate your analysis. However, the student researches and finds sources for substantive information applicable to the Specific Module Topics from US Regional Airlines to Commercial Spaceflight Operations.
The Case Study is at least 2 – 3 pagessubmitted as an APA formatted Word Document File.
Apply a real-world/current event to the Module Topic Refrain from including the same information from your discussion post, and this should be new research and information. Research magazine news articles, aviation organizations, business magazines regarding the aviation industry, and aviation industry magazines, too. See below for Aviation research sources. The research and application will provide current events and issues that each part of the industry faces.
All written work must be submitted via Canvas as a Word document and is held to the strictest academic and professional standards. See the Rubric included with the Assignment for additional grading details.
The case study must be in your own words. The answers must be paraphrased and/or summarize the information and applicable real-world examples to demonstrate an understanding of the assigned reading. Each case study will be submitted in APA style with APA in-text citations and references.
No ChatGPT or forms of AI are accepted. The first submission with AI will receive a Zero and be asked to resubmit following the instructions. The next assignment will receive a Zero.
Use proper English and grammar. NOabbreviation-type writing such as used in Social Media or texting. Remember, the sole form of communication in this course is through the written word, so proper English and grammar are crucial and mandatory. You must begin to get into the habit of citing sources in whatever you write. Include the reference information at the end of the submission.
Wikipedia is not a scholarly source or accepted in this course.
Use proper English and grammar. NOabbreviation-type writing such as used in Social Media or texting. Remember, the sole form of communication in this course is through the written word, so proper English and grammar are not only crucial but mandatory. You must begin to get into the habit of citing sources in whatever you write.

Discuss each organizational element and your experiences with the application of

Discuss each organizational element and your experiences with the application of

Discuss each organizational element and your experiences with the application of the organizational element in an organization, preferably a bureaucracy, with which you’ve been involved. Depending on the element, your may have experienced efficient and effective use of the element, administrative breakdown because of ineffective or inappropriate use of the element, or something in between. If you have no personal experiences related to the organizational element, you can supplement the authors discussion with research which may include interviewing someone who has had such experiences

Solar electricity is becoming an increasingly popular and sustainable source of

Solar electricity is becoming an increasingly popular and sustainable source of

Solar electricity is becoming an increasingly popular and sustainable source of energy in today’s world. The concept of harnessing the power of the sun to generate electricity has gained immense traction due to its several advantages over traditional fossil fuel-based electricity generation. Solar electricity utilizes photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight directly into electrical energy. These cells are made up of semiconductor materials, such as silicon, that absorb photons from the sun and release electrons, resulting in the flow of electricity. This environmentally friendly source of energy has the potential to transform the way we power our homes, businesses, and industries.
One of the foremost benefits of solar electricity is its renewable nature. Unlike fossil fuels, which are exhaustible resources that contribute to environmental pollution, sunlight is an infinite source of energy. As long as the sun continues to shine, solar electricity can be generated, making it a reliable and sustainable solution to our energy needs. Additionally, solar power does not produce any harmful emissions, such as carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases, during generation. This clean attribute helps in mitigating climate change and reducing the overall carbon footprint.
Moreover, solar electricity can save a significant amount of money in the long run. Although the initial installation costs can be relatively high, the investment pays off in terms of reduced energy bills. Solar panels have a lifespan of 25-30 years and require minimal maintenance, making them a cost-effective alternative to conventional electricity sources. In some cases, excess energy generated by solar systems can even be sold back to the grid, enabling individuals to earn money by producing clean power. This financial incentive and the possibility of energy independence make solar electricity an attractive option for both individuals and businesses.
Furthermore, solar electricity has the potential to create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth. The growing demand for solar panels and related technologies has spurred the development of a thriving industry. Installers, technicians, and engineers are essential for the smooth operation and maintenance of solar systems, creating employment opportunities in these fields. Additionally, the shift towards solar energy can reduce dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels, leading to energy security and economic stability.
In conclusion, solar electricity is a viable solution to our energy needs, with its sustainable nature, cost-effectiveness, and job-creation potential. As we seek to transition towards cleaner and greener sources of power, solar energy is emerging as a frontrunner in the race towards sustainability. Investing in solar electricity not only reduces our environmental impact but also offers long-term financial benefits. As advancements in solar technologies continue, there is immense potential for this renewable energy source to power a brighter and more sustainable future.

Quarantine Art Challenge Since the COVID-19 pandemic closed museums around the w

Quarantine Art Challenge
Since the COVID-19 pandemic closed museums around the w

Quarantine Art Challenge
Since the COVID-19 pandemic closed museums around the world, many responded by encouraging people to recreate works of art in their own homes. Many of these artworks were shared using the tag #betweenartandquarantine on Instagram early this spring and it was quite a hit. Let’s have some fun and explore photography with this Quarantine Art Challenge Discussion assignment!
Task 1: Find great art that you like
The only tools you need for this activity are your imagination and a picture of a work of art you like or find interesting. Browse the online collections of some museums and search the keyword field for ideas (for example, “portrait” or “dog”). If you have a certain unusual item that you think would work well—like a globe, an easel, or a special outfit, hat, or activity—you can start by searching for that, too.
Many museums have great online collections with images available to download and use for free: Here are some museums to try:
LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art)
The Met (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Cleveland Museum of Art
Indianapolis Museum of Art
Art Institute of Chicago
The Walters (Baltimore)
The National Gallery (Washington DC)
And of course, you could try a Google Image search for “painting [keyword],” “sculpture [keyword],” or whatever else you like. You must use art from a major museum. If you need help choosing an image, look at the #betweenartandquarantine for inspiration on Instagram.
Here are some examples from last semester’s class. opens in new window
Now that you’ve found your image, pick the objects you’d like to use. Any objects are fine: from a blank piece of paper to your most elaborate hat. You must use at least 3 household items, but you’re welcome to use as many as you like.
Task 2: Strike the Pose and Photograph
Enlist a pet. Get your dogs, cats, bunnies, and even ferrets into the mix.
Make a face, strike a pose. If you’re interested in re-creating a portrait or group scene, pay attention to the facial expressions—they really make it. If you’re reenacting a scene with multiple figures, pay attention to the poses. For a family activity, look for a domestic or dinner scene.
Pay attention to lighting. Try to imagine where the light in the artwork is coming from and orient your composition so a window or lamp is casting similar light onto the scene. Also, you can consider using filters on your camera to recreate the lighting. In bright daylight, windows offer a blue-tinged light, while most lamps cast a warmer glow.
Think abstractly. If you’re having trouble re-creating an artwork’s appearance, try focusing on shapes over colors.
Make it snack-able. Edible art counts too.
Use a smartphone camera or a digital camera to take a photo (if you’re posing, have a member of the household do it for you; if you live alone, use the front-facing camera on your smartphone, or the camera on your computer). You may want to do several and pick the best one. If you want to unite the two photos—the original and the re-creation—into a single image, you can use photo-editing software like Photoshop or use a phone app like PicCollage. Or you can insert each image into a word doc and take a screenshot (that’s what I did, and it’s easy!)
Task 3: Upload your work (inspiration image & your staged recreation image) and answers to the questions below.
Now insert your original artwork and your recreation image into a word or pdf formatted document and upload via the Quarantine Art Challenge submission link.
Tell us three things.
The title of the original artwork and the artist
Why you chose this image
What was the hardest part of recreating this piece
Be sure to make your responses meaningful and use art vocabulary!

Persuasive Speech Outline Remember: Your speech outline must be written out in

Persuasive Speech Outline
Remember: Your speech outline must be written out in

Persuasive Speech Outline
Remember: Your speech outline must be written out in full sentences. So, although it is in outline format, each point, sub-point, transition, etc. is a full sentence. When we read your outlines they should sound like your actual speeches…word-for-word. The speech will use Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Outline described in this overview.
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Outline Form
I. Opening Statement of Interest
A. Get Attention
B. Reason (s) to Listen
C. Speaker Credibility
D. Thesis Statement/Orienting Material
E.Preview of Main Points

Transition (between intro and body): Again remember this is a full sentence outline, therefore; your transition should be a full sentence.


II. Statement of Need
A. Illustration
B. Ramifications
C. Pointing

Transition: Between Need and Satisfaction

III. Statement of Solution
A. Explanation of Solution
B. Theoretical Demonstration
C. Practical Experience
D. Meeting Objections

Transition: Between Satisfaction and Visualization
IV. Restatement of Proposed Solution
A. Negative Visualization
B. Positive Visualization
Transition: Between Visualization and Call to Action


V. Restatement and Summary
A. Call to Action / Statement of Specific Action or Attitude Change
B. Statement of Personal Intent/Action Taken
C. Clincher / Reason to Remember

If you sourced information it must be cited.


BPSY 331: History of Psychology

BPSY 331: History of Psychology
Reflecting over the course material, how has psychology evolved into the discipline it is today? What do you predict will be a future trend in the advancement of psychology?
1) Upload your initial response by Friday evening (three days before the Monday deadline; this allows your peers to respond to your initial post in a timely manner).
2) The initial post must contain at least 250 words. Also, you should follow the American Psychological Association’s (APA) academic writing standards (see Sample Discussion Response and Replies).
3) Reply to at least two (2) of your peers’ initial posts (50 words minimum) by the Monday night deadline to maximize your engagement points (make up 30% of the overall grade for this discussion activity).
4) Make sure that your peer responses are substantial enough to evoke scholastic dialogue or demonstrate your understanding of the content presented in the activity’s instructions. Points will be deducted if you state “I agree…” without clarifying why you agreed, or if your response is less than three sentences (a complete paragraph).

Self-Authorship Paper:(50 points) One part of MFT 150 Personal Growth is to refl

Self-Authorship Paper:(50 points) One part of MFT 150 Personal Growth is to refl

Self-Authorship Paper:(50 points) One part of MFT 150 Personal Growth is to reflect on your development in the course overall. You will do so by writing a 3-4 page paper; typed, double spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12 with 1 inch margins surrounding each page and follow APA style. You should have a minimum of 3 scholarly references that are cited throughout the paper, and included in an APA style reference list at the end of the paper.
For information about APA style see:…
The purpose of this paper is to develop a sense of your journey towards Self-Authorship, outline your personal self-development plan, and to incorporate what you have learned in the course into your life in a meaningful and productive way. In your paper you will attend to the following questions:
a. What is your definition of self-authorship?
b. How would you know when you had reached a point of self-authorship? Where do you think you are now (i.e., on a scale of 1-10, how self-authored are you)? PROVIDE EXAMPLES.
c. What are the three most important concepts in self-authorship? (hint hint! From PowerPoint!!!) How do you plan to achieve those in your own life? GIVE EXAMPLES. What concepts did you learn in this course that will assist you with this? GIVE EXAMPLES.
d. What resources will you need to achieve self-authorship? Are those resources in place now? Why or why not? How do you plan to get them if they are not in place now? GIVE EXAMPLES!
e. What are some barriers (systemic barriers, meaning barriers across many systems, such as personal barriers, family barriers, societal barriers) to you achieving self-authorship? What is your plan for removing or disposing of those barriers? Provide as much detail as possible in your plan.
Measurement Procedure: Students will be evaluated on the completeness of their reflection with regard to the topic area identified as well as the professionalism of the paper. This fulfills SLO 1, 2, 3, & 4. As a professional in any field, it is your responsibility to manage your time. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED.