Effectiveness of Construction Safety Competency Assessment in Improving Overall Safety Aspects on Construction Site


The present study aimed to determine the relationship between competency assessment and the rate of fatalities in the construction industry. Using the construction assessment and some information provided by, the effectiveness of construction safety competency assessment in improving overall safety aspects on construction site can be determined.


1. Background

Construction work is known as one of the economy-leading sectors of the national economy but it also the most dangerous and high-risk industry in the world. According to the statistics based on construction workers in Malaysia, the rate of fatalities is increasing with alarming rate. In every 100,000 workers in 2014, the rate of fatalities was 7.26. It increases to 10.74 in 2015 and further increase to 12.78 in 2016. In 2017, the rate of fatalities has reach 14.94. (Lajiun, 18AD). From this statistic, it can prove that construction workers have the highest possibilities for accident occur compare to the other industry. To decrease the rate of fatalities in construction industry, a competency assessment must be applied.

Competency is one`s ability to achieve and complete a task successfully. In the construction industry, the parameter for competency of worker are the knowledge, skill and behaviour to manage safety, during the construction work. These competencies will affect their performance on construction site. If the workers are lack of the knowledge and skill of their current post, they will not be able to accomplish their task efficiency and might make mistake that will cause accident and fatalities. According to the star(2016), a senior lecturer in Building Technology, School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Dr Mohd Zailan Sulieman stated that some of the authorities demanded their construction worker without providing health and safety induction courses. He also stated that many of the accident investigation showed that the carelessness of incompetent handlers are the causes of the accident. Thus, to improve the construction safety and the efficiency in the construction, right person has to be assigned to a right task. The physically and mentally capable person that can use the right knowledge, experience and skills to complete the assigned tasks are defined as a right person. (Aksorn & Hadikusumo, 2008). Competence plays a main part to control the number of accidents on construction site. To check the competence of a worker, a competency assessment is provided for every worker by human resources before hiring them.

2. Problem statement

Safety performance for construction site can cause by many reason such as due to lack of knowledge or training, a lack of means to carry out the task safely, or due to an error of judgment, carelessness, apathy or downright reckless. (Mohammadi, Tavakolan, & Khosravi, 2018)

Low level of safety awareness in construction site for the unskilled workers is one of the main cause of the construction site accidents. According to (Mohammadi et al., 2018), they state that the main factor cause the accident is `unsafe behaviour’, which such as not responsible, not awareness and less of communication. (Mohammadi et al., 2018). We can found that most of the construction site accidents are mainly caused by the ignorance of the workers. They intent not to wear the required PPE for their safety purpose, when the accidents occur, yet the responsibilities being counted to the construction developer or contractor.

The certification being provided for the workers based on their attendance of the safety training is very important for anyone who working in the construction site. From the statics required inspection items (RII), Non-certified skill of worker ranked 6 in 25 elements, with a RII of 0.84. In construction, some of the activities needed high standard skill, such as tower crane and gantry operations, and framework and scaffold erection. (Tam, Zeng, & Deng, 2004). Form the statistical data, we can found that certified training is very important towards machinery operating in a high-risked construction site. Any single mistakes being made by the workers which do not know how to operate the machine such as tower crane, will eventually lead to a catastrophic disaster.

3. Objective of the Study

  • To identify the different types of construction safety competency assessments
  • To assess the current construction safety competency assessments
  • To propose strategies to effectively utilizing the construction safety competency assessments

4. Scope of Study

The methods that are going to be used to collect relevant data are designed questionnaire and interview. The series of questionnaire are design for the construction staff to answer, based on the understanding and experience about safety performance in construction site. The data collected will be further analysed to determine the effectiveness of competency assessment.

A portion of people accepted answering the questionnaire will be asked to have a detailed interviewing by answering a couple of questions, basically designed to determine current construction safety competency, and how they going to apply competency assessment in safety performance. As stated above, the area of study will be covering on the infrastructure construction site, Kuantan, Pahang.

The focus of this research is the effectiveness of construction safety competency assessments; hence no sample will be taken from the Building construction site in Kuantan area. This is because the type of construction in building and infrastructure have big differences, the activities under construction will come to a big contradiction if did not analysed separately.

5. Significance of Study

This study will offer a new analysis on the effectiveness of Construction Safety Competency Assessment. Other than analyse the construction safety framework, which focus on risk control of activities. For this research will more on competence of worker, which is education level, skill and behaviour.

Besides, this research will provide a platform for construction industry as a detailed report on the effectiveness of Construction Safety Competency Assessment. Action must be taken to improve Overall Safety Aspects on Construction Site


The act or regulation be established for safety important to employer and employee, which discuss the duty and protection of them.

1. Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 or Act 514

Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 or Act 514 important on ensure safe and healthful working conditions for worker. The law mention that employers should provide worker are good working conditions, which are mitigation of hazard and risk of activity. Before beginning the activity, employers should prepare and publish the document: 1. Safety and health policy, 2. Duties of the employer, employees and the safety and health officers, 3. The safety and health committee of companies, and 4. Occupational safety and health inspections and officers.(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 1994)

1. Health and safety at work Act 1974

Health and safety at work, etc Act 1974 is the main law of health and safety. This law discusses about the duty of employers and employee on how to ensure the health and safety standard.(Health and Safety 2008/09, 2008)

2. Occupational Safety and Health in Malaysia

There are few ministries help for ensure worker safety. Below is the ministry of human resource and act related to Occupational Safety and Health in Malaysia. (YUSOF, 2015)

Ministry of human resource


Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)

  • Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (FMA)
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 or Act 514

Labor Department

  • Employment Act 1955
  • Worker Compensation Act 1952

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

National Council for Occupational Safety and Health

Social Security Organization (SOSCO)

  • Employees’ Social security Act 1969

History construction safety

Late 1800s

Worker have awareness about construction place is no safe after Civil War. Insurance are being bought by workers to protect worker if in case of an accident happening on job. Worker got the insurance plan by company. While injured worker’s due to construction accident will got de suitable job from company. Company raised the salary worker to attract and retain the worker. This due to worker realize construction job is dangerous than other job which cause some of the workers.


During 1900, 0.3% workers killed on jobs every year in 100 000 workers. That mean every day will has 1 accident about died on job happened. Worker have action take in order for getting indemnify due to injuries happened on job site. However, that action does not gave big impart for guarantee worker safety.


A workers’ compensation law passed by New York in 1910, which law benefitted both workers and company. Company should provide better and more reliable benefits to workers. At the same time company not need worry about competency of worker and get more predictable cost. Workers’ compensation law abolished except six states on 1921

In 1913, an organisation, which named The National Safety Council(NSC), was founded in 1913. The aim of founding this organisation is to promote the health and safety of Americans. A Congressional chamber is granted to NSC by the U.S. Congress and President Dwight D. Eisenhower as awarded for appreciate NSC effort.

Another organisation, which have the same motivation as NSC, are also founded in 1913. The organisation is U.S. Department of Labour and their main focuses are on occupational safety .

In 1916, the workers who sustain injuries or contract illness during or on the job benefits from the Federal Compensation Act. By using this act, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs are also created.


After Golden Gate Bridge built, it comes out a safety mandatory which construction company realize the important of safety measure. There only 11 accident about fatalities in 4 year of construction Golden Gate Bridge.


Occupational Safety and Health Act found on 1970 which include National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health for analysing and improving safety. In 1971 established Occupational Safety and Health Administration. This organization take care about workplace safety and organize safety program to make sure safety and health worker.


National Occupational Research Agenda was created for decrease the accident fatalities on job site.

Nowadays, construction accident reduce to 7 construction only happen 1 accident case.

2.2 Construction safety


High risk industry

There are various different of industry all around the world. An industry is the production of goods or related services within an economy and it involves many sectors, which are manufacturing, agriculture and construction. These industries may include some of the accident and injuries during their operation.

Table 1: Fatal occupational injuries for all sectors in Malaysia

Table 1 shows DOSH report, which is the report of fatal occupational injuries for all sector in Malaysia for year 2013 to 2016. Based on DOSH report, construction industry obviously has the top number of cases of injuries compare to the other sector. In year 2013, construction has 69 cases, manufacturing has 58 cases, agriculture has 33 cases and others sector’s number of injuries are lower than 10 cases. These cases increase in each year from year 2013 to 2016. Construction increases from 69 to 72 in 2014, from 72 to 88 in 2015 and from 88 to 99 in 2016. Each year, construction sector dominates the fatal occupational injuries for all sectors in Malaysia as construction sector occupy over one third of the injuries which is 36% in 2013, 34% in 2014, 41% in 2015 and 41% in 2016. From this data set, a conclusion, which is construction industries have the most fatal occupational injuries and this situation increase for each year.

3. Type of construction

Construction is one of the major and primary industries for a country. Construction industries involve all the activity with the process of constructing a building or infrastructure, which can be separated by Residential Construction, Institutional and Commercial Construction, Specialized Industrial Construction and Infrastructure and Heavy Construction.

Residential Construction are mainly focus for the individual and multi-family dwelling. Residential building is designed for sleeping accommodation for residential. When a building has more than half of its floor area for dwelling purposes, it can be defined as Residential building. Residential Construction can be categories to build, repair, remodel and install utilities. The utilities that needed to be installed for residential building are electricity and water and sewer. These utilities are paving around the structure.

Institutional and Commercial Construction refers to the building of schools, medical facilities, sports arenas and stadiums, retail stores, shopping centres and skyscrapers. Institutional and Commercial Construction works are maintenance and upgrading of existing structures.

Specialized Industrial Construction can be categorized in chemical, medical or power generation, which are under industrial or for-profit corporations. Specialized Industrial Construction require a high degree of specialization and technological skill to design and build the building structures.

The purpose for Infrastructure and Heavy Construction is serving public interest, which are normally develop by large private corporations and government agencies. Infrastructure and Heavy Construction focus on constructing roads, railways or communications around an existing building.

4. Type of accidents in construction

Construction industry is the riskiest industry for fatal occupational injuries to occur. This means that the worker will be facing dangerous at any time during their construction work. These dangerous can be come from materials, tools and machinery at the construction site. There are various types of accident that can be found in the construction site. For example, falls, hit by objects or vehicles, machinery accident, fires or explosion, trench or building collapse and overexertion.

Falls are the most common cases among all type of accident. Some of the construction site need its worker to work in a high place. They are required to be work on a scaffolding, cranes, roofs and ladders. This situation made the worker has the high risk to be fall. Other than that, due to the height of the construction site, there might be some object that will be dropped from above, such as tools, building material, chunks or beams. If the object dropped and hit a worker, the worker will be having a serious injury and even death.

In the construction site, there has various truck with a heavy load that go in and out. If the driver does not focus when they are driving, construction worker might be hit by the truck. Heavy machine equipment is an essential element in a construction site to help in the construction work. Each machine equipment has their step to use and SOP. Before using the machine, worker need to be attending a training for that specific machine. Otherwise, a worker without any knowledge and experience that use the machine, it might cause injuries to that worker.

Fire and Explosion are less common compare to the other type of the accident. However, if it really happens in a construction site, it will cause a catastrophic situation to worker. The main reason for the fire and explosion in a construction site are unfinished piping, leaking gases and incomplete electrical systems.

If the design for a construction site are incorrect, Trench or Building Collapses will be occurred. This type of accident will cause a serious injury and even death to more than 1 worker. Incomplete structure for the building to be supported are the main reason for Trench or Building Collapses.

Another type of injuries is cause by the health of a construction worker. Construction work obviously is a work that require someone to work under the sun and a lot of stamina and strength. Worker will have injuries that related to overexertion and heat stroke. These health problems can lead to brain, heart, kidney damage or even death.

5. Cause of accident

The reason for a fatalities accident to be occurred can be classified into different sectors, which are working experiment, transport and lifting equipment, other equipment, machines and other.

Table 2: Details of facilities accidental agents cause in the construction sector from 2013 to 2015.

Table above shows Details of facilities accidental agents cause in the construction sector from 2013 to 2015. From the table, working environment is the main factor that cause the fatal accident. For the indoor working environment, working surface, floor, stairs and confined quarter are the causes of accident. For underground environment, roof, faces of mine and tunnel are the causes of accidents. In 2013 to 2015, working environment, which have 43 cases or 47.78% from the overall cases, is the main factors that affect the worker safety.

Accident cause by transport and lifting equipment have 24 cases or 26.67% from the overall cases. Under this sector, the dangerous factors are caused by vehicle such as crane, lift/elevator, and lorry. They are use to transport and lifting construction material from one place to another place. The communication between worker and driver also can cause fatal due to miscommunication.

Other equipment that use in construction site, such as scaffolding, and ladders also will cause accident such as fall and hit by an object. Machines are another cause of accident in construction. This is because the equipment is not well maintained, not properly guarded or not used correctly will cause the serious injuries. Worker that does not have experience and training might be injured if they using the machine.

For the others sector, the dangerous factor that causes accident is health problem of a worker. A worker might experience overexertion and heat stroke during their operation in construction site.

6. Safety plan

To ensure the safety of workers, construction safety should be strictly enforced by government and organism all around the world. There exists a law that ensure the safety of worker is Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1994 (OSHA 1994) by Department Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH). The OSHA is making sure the employer provides the safety working condition and keep the possible factor that cause accident away. The OSHA also provides information, training and assistance to both the employers and workers. ((OSHA), 2017) There are few factors that affect the safety performance in a construction site.

6.1 Safety program

A safety program is a definite plan of action designed to prevent accidents and occupational diseases. Safety program introduces the rules and regulation inside a construction site, which also known as safety measures. These measures are used to help employer to maintain construction site in a minimal safety standard. Each of the company or employer should organize a safety program for their construction worker. By attending this safety program, workers will have a more understanding to the safety rules. If they follow the compliance, the safety in the construction site will be increased. These programs should be organized regularly, for the workers to reminding of the safety rules. Shin, Gwak, & Lee stated that safety regulations and rules can increase the safety motivation but cannot make sure the safety awareness always be there. Thus, safety awareness has to build in construction worker by training course and risk management.

Health, safety and environment (HSE) competency training course should be provided for worker to rise their safety awareness. The training course are useful for the workers to gain protection skills, understand the real situation of construction and apply the safety regulation on construction. Employer should make sure their workers have attended the training course before starting construction work to ensure them have safety knowledge and strong awareness of safe practices around them. The way and step to control a machine or safety equipment will also be learned from that training courses. Through the training courses, construction worker are able to understand their aspect of work.

Moreover, company should contain a risk management in the construction site, which are used to identify and analyze risks. By using risk management, construction project management can be improved and resources can be used effectively. Before the beginning of the construction work, the hazard and risk should be identified. There are three steps of identification which are task analysis, hazards identification and causes identification. Task analysis is the first step of risk management. In this step, a list of activities that will be carrying out during the construction. All the possible hazard during the activities also need to be list out. Then, the next step is hazards identification. The hazard that are listed out in the previous step need to validate with other third-party files and reports. Finally, the cause identification has to be carried out. Each of the validated hazard need to find out their causes and list out. After identified the hazard, controlling hazard should be used as controlling hazard is used to take action to reduce or eliminate hazard. Hierarchy of control is one of the popular methods for risk controls which can determine how to implement feasible and effective control solutions.

6.2 Project condition

Each of the construction need to calculated their safety instrument and cost as in the project budget. Some of the company will cut down the costs for the protective equipment, so that they will save up the money. The shortage of protection equipment for the worker will increase the risk of an accident occur. Company should provide necessary protection equipment for their worker such as Personal protection equipment (PPE) and teach them the correct way to used it. Safety Officer are responsible to make sure the worker use PPE in construction site. The worker, who failed to apply PPE, will be fined by safety officer. There are 3 steps to reduce the accident by protection equipment. Firstly, get the protection equipment based on the worker task and activities. Secondly, enforce and make sure the worker uses the equipment. Lastly, make sure the equipment is always in good condition.

Furthermore, schedule delay is another reason of accident occur. Schedule delay, which is a common event that will occur in construction site, stressed out the manager as well as the worker. Manager will push worker to work harder as the manager wants to catch up the schedule without considering of the worker safety. For example, manager will ignore worker and other condition as manager only want their goal to achieve on time. Even if the worker didn’t wear PPE and don’t have any other protection, they still ask them to work. Manager will also force the worker to work day and night that cause fatigue and affect their physical condition. This situation increases the probabilities for an accident to be occur in a construction site.

  1. 6.3 Organization

Organization are a major role in making sure the safety of their workers. Thus, a good safety culture should be brought up in the organization. According to OSHA, a good safety culture means that every worker responsible on their own safety and apply it in daily. They make safety as a task, which change any unsafe conditions and behaviors, and intervene every working day. Management should create a safety culture that encourages workers to actively report any accident onsite and involve themselves in hazard identification. This can help and enhance workers’ skill and capability. A good safety culture is a great strategy to reduce the number of accidents as the workers have awareness on safety.

Attitude and behaviour of worker are the main factors that affect the working condition. The major root causes of construction accidents are because of the behaviour of worker in safety training, processes, and programs. The good emotional state is vital to keep employees to work more effectively, whereas negative attitudes, which are underestimate the risks and take shortcuts to get the job done, posed great threats to safety.

3. Competency

3.1 Labourer at construction

The job scope for construction labourer is providing the physical labour to perform all kind of tasks at construction sites no matter construction phases or production phases. The Labourer be a main person to conduct the activities on construction site such as hand tools, transferring materials, site cleaning, site preparation, digging and controlling basic equipment. (Labourer – Job Description Key Responsibilities :, 2014)

3.2 Competency

The competency related to skills, knowledge, attitudes and personal characteristics. The competency criteria important for measure potential and job performance when during selection, recruitment and hire employees. The requirement of job for recruitment employee is based on the competency criteria. Each of the job has its specific competency. Competency models will use by Human Resource Department to match needed and strategic objectives of a company. That help for increase the progress of task when placing the right people in the right job.(Seema Sanghi, 2016) According to (Shahhosseini & Sebt, 2011), the competency criteria hierarchy will divide into 3 part which are technical, behavioural and contextual competency

3.2.1 Technical Competency

Technical Competency is about the knowledge and skills needed for the specific role and task. The knowledge and skill are based on the training and education. When mastered the know-how and soft-skills together, the worker will performance well in specialized fields. Based on (Shahhosseini & Sebt, 2011), the table Labourer technical competency criteria analysis show the Instructing is the main of the technical competency which has the higher score with the mean is 4.34. Monitoring also one of the important the technical competency, which has mean is 4.o9. From both high score can make a conclusion, the technical competency focusses on how progress method.

Table: Labourer technical competency criteria analysis

3.2.2 Behavioural Competency

According to (Register, n.d.), behavioural Competency divide into 6 categories which are external focus, working together, professional expertise, setting direction, delivering results and improving and innovating. Firstly, external focus is about understanding the company need ensuring meet with the mission and vision of company. Secondly, working together discuss about team work, how motivate other people and how communication with colleagues. Thirdly, professional expertise is talk about the develop and maintain of own expertise. Setting direction is thinking about the strategies plan and setting goals for future planning. Furthermore, delivering results is the process achieve the goals which from problem solving to decision making, planning and managing performance. (Register, n.d.)

Quality Management of Construction in Nigeria in the Last 5 Years

1.0 Introduction

To improve quality management, this report examines the effect of quality management on building construction in Nigeria. Construction failures and, in extreme cases, building collapses have been blamed on a variety of factors, including poor quality management. Quality control measures employed in quality management by the Nigerian construction industry include physical checks and statistical reliance, indicating that quality management and effective quality evaluations (a measure of quality assurance in building production) are not generally implemented. Greed, bribery, and corruption are issues, as well as a lack of quality control. A lack of proper sanction by the standard assurance organization, inadequate communication of quality standards, and a lack of stakeholder understanding of the benefits of quality management have all been reported as obstacles influencing quality management practice in the Nigerian construction industry. This research will explore the subject and give insight into how construction companies may take a more performance approach, as well as the need to raise awareness about the importance of quality management concepts in the construction industry.

2.0 Background

In the construction sector, quality is defined as complying with the contractor’s, regulatory authorities, and owner’s criteria. Quality management has a huge impact on a construction firm’s reputation, and it may also have an impact on the organization’s growth and vision. Because construction facilities have such a large impact on a country’s economy, quality management ideas in construction projects cannot be fully dismissed. To some extent, a country’s growth is influenced by the quality of its infrastructure and construction projects (Wasiu and Modupe 2012). However, according to Sanni and Windapo (2008), the construction industry employs a sizable percentage of Nigeria’s workforce. As a result, the success or failure of any building project can have a favorable or negative influence on the economy of the country. ISO 8402 (1994) describes quality as the degree of excellence in a competitive sense. Quality management practices can assist reduce material waste, cost overruns, and delays and they can also be used to meet client needs (Hoonakker et al., 2010). Quality management is an important management method that construction firms should adopt to improve their level of performance; nevertheless, quality management is not used by most construction firms in Nigeria.

3.0 Literature Review

Most construction projects require large sums of money to be executed. As a result, time and resources are important factors in determining the cost-effectiveness of a project. Failures in built-in facilities could cause project delays. Cost increases are unavoidable, particularly when a structure must be reconstructed. In the worst-case situation, failures can result in serious injury or even death. To avoid large increases in capital expenses (due to reconstruction requirements) or the risk of fatalities caused by the occurrence of accidents on construction sites, extensive quality control research is required. These quality measures are essential for improving the construction process and ensuring on-time completion. If experts such as architects, builders, engineers, and contractors diligently adhere to traditional quality management systems, the chances of a building failure or site mishap are greatly reduced. Unfortunately, in most building settings, strong adherence to quality management has not been the case). In the Nigerian construction sector, quality management is critical to a project’s success. Quality management has been studied and confirmed to be effective at reducing total cost throughout the life cycle of a project by professionals all over the world.

3.1 Quality Management

Issues regarding the performance and quality of construction projects have grown in recent years. The requirement for organized and formal construction management systems to handle issues of performance, workmanship, and quality has increased as a direct result of inadequacies and constraints in design, construction, materials, and components. Many building problems manifest themselves as a variety of defects ranging from small technical and aesthetic issues to serious structural defects. Such issues are known to cost the construction industry a significant amount of money each year, regardless of their severity; however, many of these issues could be avoided by paying more attention to performance and quality standards during the briefing, design, and construction stages of the construction process (Griffith, 1990). More emphasis should be placed on applying quality management standards to design and site work, including project selection and specification, as well as site monitoring and protection if structures are to be trouble-free (Atkinson, 2005). All project participants should be able to comprehend and comply with the quality requirements, which should be transparent and verifiable.

3.2 Quality Improvement

According to the Health Foundation (2009), quality improvement has no one definition, and no single strategy appears to be more effective than the others. Quality improvement, on the other hand, is defined by several definitions as a systematic approach to quality improvement that employs specific procedures. How the change is introduced and implemented is the most significant factor in achieving long-term success. ‘A component of quality management focused on enhancing the ability to achieve quality standards,’ according to ISO 9000:2000. Builders and developers use several quality improvement measures, according to several studies on construction quality management. The majority of these methods have been put together under the successful management philosophy known as ‘Total Quality Management,’ or TQM. (Shofoluwe and colleagues, 2013)

Quality Management Systems in Construction

Total Quality Management, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Malcolm Baldridge (MB) standard, and BS 5750 of Standard Institute (BSI), European Construction Institute (ECI), which founded the Matrix in 1993, are all globally recognized quality management standards (Kado, 2011). According to the ASCE manual issued in 2012, the major purpose of codes and ethics is to protect the public’s safety, health, and environment, as well as to ensure that quality standards are met early in the construction process. Significant costs and delays may be incurred if acceptable norms and quality standards are not established before the start of construction projects. As a result, while beginning any construction project, professionals must follow strict rules and quality standards to ensure that the project is completed successfully.

As a result, in the Nigerian construction industry, quality management has become a key point. Quality management, according to ISO 8402, (1994), refers to all management roles that establish and implement quality policy, objectives, and responsibilities within any quality system through quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality implementation. Quality management creates a set of reference points to ensure that the same information, processes, skills, and controls are used and applied consistently each time a process is completed. Quality management, in essence, aids firms in standardizing operations, reducing waste and reworks, and increasing profit margins.

Essay on Advanced Pipe Welding


In the realm of welding, few skills require as much precision and expertise as advanced pipe welding. With the increasing demand for infrastructure development and industrial projects, the need for highly skilled pipe welders has become crucial. This essay aims to explore the intricacies of advanced pipe welding, highlighting its importance, techniques, equipment, and advancements in the field. Understanding the art and science of advanced pipe welding not only sheds light on the technical aspects but also recognizes the significance of these professionals in shaping our modern world.

Importance of Advanced Pipe Welding

Advanced pipe welding plays a vital role in various industries, including oil and gas, petrochemical, power generation, and construction. Pipes are the lifelines that transport fluids, gases, and other materials essential for these sectors. A flawlessly welded pipe ensures the integrity, safety, and efficiency of the entire system. Whether it is a pipeline network spanning hundreds of miles or a complex network within a plant, the quality of pipe welds directly impacts the overall performance and reliability of the infrastructure.

Techniques in Advanced Pipe Welding

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW): Commonly known as stick welding, SMAW is one of the oldest and most versatile welding techniques. It involves using a consumable electrode coated with flux, which provides a protective shield and helps in controlling the weld pool. SMAW is preferred for its versatility, as it can be used in various positions and is suitable for both thick and thin-walled pipes.

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW): GTAW, also known as TIG welding, utilizes a non-consumable tungsten electrode to produce a high-quality, precise weld. It requires a separate filler metal, and an inert gas, such as argon or helium, is used to shield the weld area. GTAW is commonly used for thin-walled pipes, as it allows for excellent control over the heat input, resulting in superior weld quality.

Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW): GMAW, or MIG welding, is a semi-automatic welding process that uses a continuous wire electrode and shielding gas to protect the weld zone. GMAW is known for its speed, efficiency, and ease of use, making it a popular choice for both shop and field applications. It is particularly useful for welding large-diameter pipes and achieving high productivity.

Advanced Equipment and Innovations

Advancements in technology have revolutionized the field of advanced pipe welding, making it more precise, efficient, and reliable. Some notable innovations include:

Automated Pipe Welding Systems: Automated systems, such as orbital welding machines, have significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of pipe welding. These systems use computer-controlled devices that rotate the pipe while a welding head moves along the joint, ensuring consistent and uniform welds. Automation reduces human error, enhances productivity, and allows for faster project completion.

Remote Welding Monitoring: Real-time monitoring systems equipped with cameras and sensors enable remote monitoring of welding parameters and the quality of the welds. This technology allows experts to oversee and provide guidance for complex welding operations, ensuring adherence to strict quality standards. Remote monitoring also enables prompt identification and rectification of any issues that may arise during the welding process.

Laser Welding: Laser welding has gained popularity in advanced pipe welding due to its high precision and ability to produce narrow, deep welds with minimal heat-affected zones. Laser welding offers superior control over the welding process and can be used with a wide range of materials, including stainless steel and exotic alloys. It is particularly beneficial for applications that require high-quality, defect-free welds.

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): NDT techniques, such as radiographic testing, ultrasonic testing, and magnetic particle inspection, play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity of pipe welds. These methods allow for the detection of any defects or flaws in the welds without causing damage to the pipe. NDT is essential in meeting industry standards and regulations, guaranteeing the safety and reliability of the welded pipes.


Advanced pipe welding is a specialized skill that requires a combination of technical knowledge, expertise, and precision. The importance of skilled pipe welders cannot be understated, as they contribute to the construction of critical infrastructure and ensure the safe and efficient transport of fluids and gases. With evolving techniques, advanced equipment, and innovative solutions, the field of advanced pipe welding continues to progress, enhancing the quality, reliability, and longevity of welded pipes. As we rely on these professionals for our industrial needs, it is essential to recognize their contributions and support their continuous development in this critical field.

Reasons for Increasing Demand for Drones in the Construction Industry

The far-reaching utilization of commercial drones across numerous industries is accounted for day by day, however, an ongoing report has discovered that UAV development in the construction segment is accelerating quick. This vast drone information storehouse covers rural utilizations, existing tall structures, and mining and removal regions, however, the most prominent clients of crewless ethereal vehicles to make a video, stills, and exact mapping is the construction segment.

The availability of drones in construction implies critical changes inside the business. Drones have just started changing how the construction business works, and those progressions will have proceeded and enduring impacts. Here’s a drake at a part of the manners in which Drones have just changed the industry and how these patterns will affect construction tasks later on.

Here are the few reasons behind the increasing demand for drones in the construction industry:

More Accurate Mapping Measurements

Among gathering and handling the information, conventional mapping (reviewing) techniques require significant investment, and they need human work. With high-resolution photographs and video catch, a drone can carry out the responsibility definitely more rapidly at a much low cost than traditional techniques. Be that as it may, outfitted with a LiDAR sensor, a drone can do likewise or better looking over a job in 60 to 70 percent less time. Also, if a building site is risky or hard to study, a drone can carry out the responsibility, dispensing with any hazard to people.

Reduce Safety Risks

The recurrence and level of cost overwhelm in the construction business are notable. The company has a complicated issue with determinedly low profitability, halfway because of the business’ moderate appropriation of innovation and absence of that innovation being applied overall projects.

At the point when managers are worried about security issues, the old method for doing things was to stroll around the plant and investigate. It appears to be reasonable because a human pair of eyes and ears on the floor will have the option to perceive any issues with security rapidly. In any case, with the utilization of a drone and checking device, security managers can recognize what’s going on progressively, and which areas or issues should be improved.

Construction supervisors are hoping to forestall mishaps and wounds with drones. It will help decrease the danger of laborer injury as the photos and recordings help everybody see what’s happening at the site. Preventable issues like shallow excavations, temperamental structures, hardware situations, or specialist wellbeing become that a lot simpler to envision. Looking for better approaches to review places of work and distinguish potential risks before they become risky, organizations are progressively going to drones to improve effectiveness and by extensive security for laborers. At long last, the outcome is a lot more secure building site and less budgetary exposure to the project and the company.

Surveying Land

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are quickly supplanting standard land-surveillance strategies. They are developing in popularity so rapidly that some have even relinquished the exemplary ‘bird’s-eye see’ articulation with ‘drones eye view’. Drones enormously diminish the work and time associated with delivering precise reviews. Drones wipe out a significant part of the human blunder related to the procedure and can catch vital information in considerably less time than standard techniques would take.

Prevent Costly Mistakes

Drones can be equipped with cameras, geo-area sensors, infrared sensors, and more to catch exact insights concerning the ecological and physical site before and during development. The high-resolution pictures captured by a drone are then transformed into exact 2D orthophotos and 3D models, making a rich computerized portrayal of your place of work. At that point, drone information stages like 3DR Site Scan make it simple to overlay configuration documents onto drone maps, empowering you to pinpoint constructability challenges in preconstruction, spot missteps, and measure progress during development.

Cost-Effective Construction Marketing

Photographs and recordings do the best employment of displaying projects, and numerous temporary workers opt on progress photographs or flying pictures shot from helicopters or planes to have the most impact. These have their own downsides, for example, quality, cost, adaptability, time, and security. Drone, in any case, are moderate imaging stages that address every one of those worries. Notwithstanding their utilization as studying devices, a drone can likewise do some fantastic things for construction marketing projects.

Improvements to Infrastructure

Drone gives predominant perseverance and knowledge on places of work. Their capacity to gather and report information permits them to finish work quicker. The requirement for physical labor is everything except expelled from the condition. Later on, the drone will take on considerably increasingly essential assignments associated with massive activities. They are ready to slice the time it takes to construct a high rise by an expansive edge, subsequently reducing expenses. Contractual workers who depend on the drone will have the option to make considerably more aspiring offers and complete work on scheduled time.

Communication and Management

Drone innovation has advanced to where instant availability and communication hands in the job are at an excess. A drone is being utilized increasingly more as a method for keeping in touch at worksites. A drone that element mounted cameras can give video film to encourage communication and observation. They permit organizations to monitor representatives and laborers and are viewed as necessarily significant invaluable for directors and financers.

Drones Offer Builders Flexibility

UAVs offer quite a lot more to building authorities. The awful climate would already defer security reviews, where defensive attire and bespoke climbing hardware were frequently required. The physical prosperity of the investigation group was additionally a significant thought. Commercial drone operators can, in any case, evaluate metal buildings project – securely – in any event, during unfriendly climate conditions. This decreases delays, keeps up timetables and guards personnel.

Drones help with site H&S, but at the same time are utilized to help with contract offering and the quotation processes, to finish quality reviews and produce continuous visual reports for customers. Coverdrone has additionally considered development to be the structure part of the same number of commercial operators; we guarantee to look for hardware and open risk protection in front of starting agreements for construction firms.

Transportation and Inspection

The utilization of drones in place of work investigation additionally implies an extraordinary increment in worksite wellbeing by killing various risks and security dangers. Utilizing drones to move products aeronautically permits organizations to execute troublesome inspections and monitor everything that enters and leaves the place of work. It sets aside cash and time and keeps the site secure.

Since drones are commonly little with elevated levels of mobility, they are being utilized increasingly more as an option in contrast to traditional vehicles. Far and away superior, the drone doesn’t need to cling to transit regulations, which permits them to make conveyances in a small amount of the time, utilizing half of the assets.

The Increasing of Role of Ethics in the Profession of Sri Lankan Quantity Surveying

The construction industry of Sri Lanka has become a key driver of economy and it is necessary to sustain this growth by facilitating sectoral development.(‘Construction industry, a key driver of the economy’ | Sunday Observer, no date). Sri Lankan Construction Industry continues to play an important role in the country’s economy.(Construction Expo | 2020, no date). Quantity surveying is one of the prominent professions in the construction industry. With the increasing complexity in construction projects, competencies of QSs have become utmost significant.(Yogeshwaran, Perera and Perera, 2018). Construction industry involved with large number of stakeholders. This industry has a complex contractual structure besides facing with several of psychological human behavior that exposed to the unethical conducts and practices among professionals.(Ibrahim, Hamzah and Khoiry, 2019).

Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues.(What is Ethics? – Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, no date) that ethics can be merely on personal opinion.(Butts and Rich, 2013). Ethical practice and behaviour is a means for improving inter-organisational relationships by providing a clear understanding of the rights and obligations of all parties, improving productivity, affecting long-term business dealings, and influencing quality, time and costs.(Participants, Ceo and Crc, 2006) Professional ethics is a set of standards adopted by a professional community.(Vee and Skitmore, 2003) Professional ethics are those that apply to a specific profession and will vary based on the specific knowledge, skills and duties of those in the role.(Types of Professional Ethics, no date).

Ethics is important to business, personal career and image of the industry.(Road, 2004). Good ethics is the only way to gain the trust and confidence of customers. (Mohamad et al., 2015). Professional institutions have a crucial role to play in minimizing ethical lapses in the construction industry.(Ameh and Odusami, 2010). Each professional body or organization has its own professional code of conducts and policies to guide the ethical behaviour among the members.(Hassim et al., 2010)

Common ethical issues highlighted were tendering practice, sub-standard quality of construction work, safety culture, payment woes, corruption, and most importantly, public accountability for money spent on public buildings and infrastructure.(Mohamad et al., 2015). In construction, we face many ethical dilemmas in contract procurement, cost estimating, project management, accounting/financial management, customer relations, subcontractor relations, and material vendor relations.(Anon, no date). unethical conduct by project managers, architects, contractors, client and other participants, to identify the ones most likely to be involved.(Vee and Skitmore, 2003). contractors to be the most unethical overall.(Vee and Skitmore, 2003). Ethical issues not only occur among the contractors and suppliers but also the client as well.(Hassim et al., 2010)

Unethical performance is an impediment for economic development and good governance.(OYEWOBI et al., 2011). unethical conducts can be the main cause of poor quality in construction industry.(Abdul-Rahman, Wang and Yap, 2010). Behaving ethically is at the heart of what it means to be a professional; it distinguishes professionals from others in the marketplace.(Ethics, no date). Construction parties should always be alert and try to avoid any unethical behaviour among the construction players.(Abdul-Rahman, Wang and Yap, 2010)

Effect of Modern Methods of Construction


Modern method of construction is a technology involving various forms supply chains, specification, prefabrication and off-site assembly. MMC includes;

  • Make use of more effective material
  • Speed up hiring delivery
  • Enable high standards of design quality
  • Can help to reduce resource consumption

It has often been regarded as a mean of improving quality, reducing time spend on site, improving on site safety and over coming sill shortages in the construction oh hose holds.

History of Construction in the United Kingdom

In total about one million houses were built during the 20th C many of which were designed to be temporary. However problem arose over the quality of building materials and poor workmanship leading to negative attitude towards prefabrication.

This has however continued to be used in the U.K especially in hospitals, hotels and schools as well as housing in other countries.

Emergency of modern methods of construction

This primarily involves the manufacturing of homes in factories with potent benefits such as faster construction, fewer housing defects and reduction in energy use and waste.

MMC is a new term intended to reflect technical improvement in fabricated, encompassing of on and off site construction methods.

What are the modern forms of construction?

It involves the manufacturing of house parts off site in a specially designed factory. The main two products of MMC are;

  • Panels; this include ready made walls, floors and floors. This are transported to the site and are assembled quickly often within 34 hours. Some panels have writing and plumbing already inside them making construction faster.
  • Modules; this include ready made rooms which can be pieced together to make s whole house of flat but are frequently used for bathrooms and kitchens where all the fittings are added in the factory and it is also known as ‘pods’.

MMC can also include innovative site methods an example being use of concrete moulds, a range of material is used for MMC and the most common one being wood, steel and concrete. Although most houses in the U.K. have adopted the MMC the have brick outer layer and it is not easy to notice them.

The main advantage of using MMC is that;

  • MMC houses have typically fewer defects and are built more quickly and are quite reliable.
  • MMC houses can be more efficient, may involve less transportation of materials and produce less waste.
  • Their may be fewer accidents and less impact on local resident during construction.

Current use of MMC

Majority of homes in the U.K are still under the old form of ‘bricks and blocks’ masonry. However within the last few years their has been increased use of MMC for housing driven by arrange of factories including demand for faster construction and skill shortage.

Many large private investors have recently invested in MMC thus although there is uncertainty about the amount the MMC housing production will increase.

In the U.K it has been estimated that the national house building council has built 10% are built with timber frames, and 5% using MMC this is equivalent to about 25000 MMC homes per year.

MMC internationally

In Japan about 40% of the new houses are MMC, in other European countries there is greater use of MMC houses especially in the Scandinavian countries and Germany. Some house building companies in Europe have started exporting their houses to the U.K. an example is one U.K housing association is exporting modules from Poland.

Although there are no certain reason for greater use of MMC houses suggestion may include;

  • In cold climates the building season is short due to the extreme bad weather but use of MMC allows quick construction.
  • MMC building materials like timber are more available than the brick and block.
  • There is a greater tradition of self built housing. MMC way of construction appeals because faster construction reduces disruption to neighbours and allow earlier occupancies.
  • There are certain preferences for certain house styles e.g. timber frame Scandinavian.

MMC Policies

The government has come to believe that MMC has social, economical and most importantly environmental benefits and thus has established initiative to encourage its use focusing on the social housing sector. From 2004 the housing corporation, the social housing regulatory for England and Wales embarked on building of new houses which were all built on the MMC equivalent.

The millennium communities overseen by the generation agency English partnerships are also using MMC. There is an agreement between the housing corporation and the English partnership to built 1300 key houses for workers using MMC.

Although the government has little influence on the private sector on construction, it has with industry sponsored rethinking construction programmes and encouraging use of MMC.


Despite the fact that the government is keen on encouraging the use of MMC for building, research is still on going to assess its benefit. Issues also arise on cost of MMC, industry capacity, its environmental benefit, the quality of such housing, public acceptance, planning and building regulations. I shall discuss each one of them individually;


Although most house builders argue that MMC is less expensive than the traditional methods, industry resource indicates increased cost of about 7-10%. The reason for higher cost may be difficult to discern because most project financial information is confidential, and traditional masonry building costs vary widely too.

It may be that the high cost can be attributed to some of the benefits of using MMC such as better quality houses and fewer accidents, which are not obviously reflected in the project account.

MMC housing is faster to build, which reduces on site construction time by 50% and thus reducing labour costs. Quicker construction is an extra benefit to the builders of apartments because viewing only starts once all flats are furnished and for housing associations who will start receiving rent earlier. This however is less important to private house builders as they rarely sell all the property on a new development at once.

Industry Capacity

Industry capacity can be a barrier to increasing the number of houses build using MMC. This can fall in two categories;

  • shortage of skills
  • the factory capacity to manufacture parts


When it comes to the U.K there is a shortage of skilled labour, to about 80% of house builders have reported difficulties with recruitment. When using MMC the build house parts in factories and faster on site thus fewer construction labourers are required.

Although there are uncertainty about the level of skills needed for MMC compared with masonry construction, MMC can require high skilled labour for precise on site assembly of factory made house parts. Some of the problems with pre-fabricated housed build during the 20th c stemmed form poor skills, rather than defects with the housing materials.

The construction industry training board , funded by the government is developing MMC training courses for the estimate 2000 workers erecting MMC housing with no formal qualification.


Currently in U.K there are over 30 houses building factories. Their capacity can estimate to produce about 30000 MMC houses per year. Production could be increased by implementing more factory shifts.

Environmental Benefits

The government is promoting the environmental benefits of MMC as are many of the manufacturers. Research conducted by the building research establishment found MMC homes to be more energy efficient, but their has been no sufficient evidence of waste and transport reductions. Evaluating environmental benefit of MMC housing development is complex because it is difficult to attribute outcome solely to the use of MMC.

Energy Saving

Houses build using MMC typically require less energy to heat because of increased level of insulation fitted in the walls and roofs and also less air leakage from the building.

Among the reasons house builders are interested in MMC is because they anticipate that the energy required of the U.K regulation will soon become more stringent.


In the U.K construction and demolition waste comprises of 25%. The amount of waste produced using MMC is likely to be reduced because factory materials can be ordered to the exact specifications, and there is a lower risk of on site spoilages during wet weather.


The total number of trips to building sites can be reduced. This is a growing importance because as more house building takes place on ‘brown field’ site in inner city area little detailed analysis has been conducted to date on transport benefits, but they are likely to vary considerably depending on the distance between the building site and the factory.

Public Attitude

A survey of MMC manufactures identified lack of market demand and public perception as the main two important limitations on expansion.

In the 2001 MORI poll, 69% of the respondent felt a brick built home would fetch a better piece. The negative attitude towards MMC may stem from the high publicised problem within historical use of pre fabricated housing. There are concerns that if more innovative MMC is used exclusively the distinction in design may mean residents are stigmatised.


The planning system has direct interest on the MMC market because of its role in determining the supply of land to house building. The government planning policy has laid down rules in planning policy guidance however the use of MMC is not currently mentioned and planning guidance would not generally cover such details about construction type.

Building Regulations

The U.K building regulations do not specify the building materials or the methods to be used but instead sets minimum performance standards. Proposed changes to the building regulations covering integrity are forthcoming. These changes may make it cheaper and easier for MMC to meet the regulation compared to the traditional masonry construction.

Health Safety

The construction industry has been considered the most dangerous for workers. In the U.K about 100 construction workers die a year. MMC would improve safety because there is a reduced risk of accidents in a controlled factory environment and less time spent on the construction site. The health and safety executive that regulate construction safety are encouraging the use of MMC.

Beco Wallform

This is a monolithic, insulated concrete system of building which is quick to construct yet offer level f performance significantly better than available form slower more traditional approach to building.

It is based on hollow light weight block components that lock together without intermediate bedding materials to provide a formwork system into which concrete is poured.

On set, the concrete becomes a high strength structure and the frame work remains in place as thermal insulation with U value ranging from0.30w/m2k to 0.12w/m2k.thus ideal for zero energy building. The building process is thus quick, tidy, and precise with low labour and equipment requirement than alternative methods.

Creative design is encouraged by the availability of a comprehensive range of components, which is enhanced by the build option to incorporate reinforcement for basement and multi story project.

Flexibility to the building due to the concrete makes it more practicable to coordinate other products and material system

It was developed in 1970s and it has been progressively improved and developed to satisfy the very best worldwide stranded of energy efficiency, and the recognised need for improved building techniques.

Forms Of MMC

Volumetric Construction

It involves three dimensional units produced in a factory, fully fitted out before being transported to site and stuck into prepared foundation to form the dwelling.

Volumetric construction is also known as modular construction. These units can be made from most materials including light gauge steel frame, timber frame, concrete and composites. The units are sometimes used alongside panels

Pods another type of volumetric unit usually asked for bathroom or similar high serviced areas. A volumetric construction is most efficient when used for large number of identical units an example would be in flats where a house is typically made up of four units plus roof.

Example of buildings with this mode of construction is the Summit house.

Panellised Construction

The flat panel units are build in a factory transported to the site for assembly into three dimensional structures or to fit within an existing structure. System includes wall, roof and floor and roof panels to create the complete structural shell. Factory made structure for and roof panels are known as cassettes.

The different types of panels include;

  • Open panel; panel delivered to site where insulation window and services and lining are fitted. All structural components are visible. Panels can be structural or non structural closed as non load bearing separating walls and partitions.
  • Closed panels; panel based on a structural framing system like the one used in open panel systems, it can have factory fitting windows, doors services, internal wall finishes and external cladding. The internal structure components can only be seen around the perimeter of the panel.
  • Concrete panel; structural wall panel which can include cladding , insulation materials, windows and doors.
  • Structural insulated panels; sand which construction comprising two year layers of sheet materials bounded to form insulation cover. They do not rely on internal studs for their structural performance. Used as wall and roof panels.
  • In fill panels; non load bearing panel inserted within a structural frame. Any type of panel can be used although framed panels are more common.
  • Curtain walling; vertical building enclosed system that support no load other than its own weight and the environmental load that acts upon it

Hybrid Construction

Volumetric units integrated with panelised system also referred to as semi volumetric construction. Highly serviced areas such as the kitchen and bathroom can be constructed as volumetric units with the rest of the dwelling constructed with panels.

Timber Frame Work

In timber frame construction of the internal frame work is wooden which has been designed to support the structure of the house. This frame is clad by facing materials such as brick or store to provide an alternative finish.

Concrete Forming

It is through the use of permanent insulated form work systems which provide a particular method of building insulated walls for houses.

Sub Assemblies And Components

These are large components that can be incorporated into either conventionally built or MMC dwelling.

These items are not full house system and are usually factory made or occasionally site assembled.

They include;

  1. Pre fabricated foundation; a series of pre fabricated ground beams and other components assembled to form foundation quickly and accurately.
  2. Floor cassettes; pre fabricated panel specifically designed for floor constructions. Fewer labour hours on site are needed per square metre of floor and reduce reduces work. It has health and safety benefits.
  3. Roof cassettes; pre fabricated panels designed specifically for pitched roofs. The panel are very stiff and are designed to leave the loft free of struts and props, allowing easy production of room in the roof construction. Using the cassettes allows the building to become water tight and more quickly than conventional trussed rafter or cut roof construction.
  4. Pre assembled roof structure; roof is assembled on ground level before constructing and shell off a dwelling. The roof can be craned into a place as soon as the rest of the super structure is in place, creating a weather tight structure more quickly.
  5. Pre fabricated dormers; factory made dormer can speed the process by making the roof water tight.
  6. Wining looms; cabling system manufactured so that they can be assemble quickly with relatively unskilled labourers. Cables are manufactured in various lengths and terminate with plug that simply plug into sockets and other electrical items.
  7. Timber/ beams; light weight joints stood or rafters manufactured with solid and composite timber flanges with timber sheet material web to form a beam.
  8. Metal web joint; light web joint comprising two timber flanges separated by light gauge steel lattice webs,

Energy Efficiency, Saving Money

The first step to taking a whole house energy efficient approach is to find out which part of the house uses the most energy. This will pinpoint those areas and suggest the most effective measures for cutting your energy costs;


  1. Check the insulation level in your attic exterior and basement walls, ceiling, floors, and crawl space.
  2. Check for holes or cracks around the walls, ceiling, windows, doors, lights, and plumbing fixtures, the switches, electricity outlets that can leak air in or out of the house.
  3. check for open fire place dumpers
  4. Make sure that the appliances, heating and cooling systems are properly maintained. Read the owner manual for the recommended maintenance.
  5. Study you families lighting need and use patterns paying special attention to high use areas such as the living room.

Formulating Your Plan

  1. How much money do you intend to use.
  2. where are your greatest energy loss
  3. How long will it take for the investment of energy efficiency to pay for itself in energy cost saving.
  4. Does your energy saving measure provide additional benefits that are important to you?
  5. how long do you plan to own your current home
  6. Can you do the job yourself or will you need to hire a contractor.

How To Use Less Fuel And Save Money

Light And Appliances

Energy saving bulbs is a good way of saving on energy because they can last up to ten times than the ordinary light bulbs. They work by using less electricity but give the same light output as other bulbs and their fore save on money.

When buying new appliances such as washing machines, tumble dryer of fridge ensure you find information on their energy efficiency by checking the energy level. ‘A’ related appliances are the most energy efficient and although these appliances may cost more will give in saving in both energy and cash.

Always wait until you have a full load before operating the washing machine and use a 40 degree most of the time to make a considerable savings.


If your house is centrally heated, you can make the heating efficient and less expensive by upgrading your heating controls. At times switch or programme allows you to set, heating and hot water to come on only at a time when needed. Use room thermostat which allows you to control each room temperature separately.

Avoid old boilers, which is one of the biggest causes of high fuel. All modern boiler systems are energy efficient and use less fuel to run. The most efficient boilers in terms of savings money are called considering boilers which use 30-40 less fuel.


Insulation of the home can be away of reducing the amount of fuel used. Good insulation will keep the heat in the building and the cold out.

There are a number of cheap and measurers that can make your home dryer and wormer.

Example; if you home has wooden floors, you can fill gaps in floor boards and skirting with newspaper, beading or sealant and you can brush or seal to your outer doors.

The most effective way to insulate the house is to insulate the loft. Most houses have loft insulations but the energy saving will depend on how thick the insulation is. The recommended level of thickness for loft insulation is now a minimum of 100mm deep, but ideally should be between 150 and 200 mm. loft insulation should be allowed to retain its natural thickness and not be compressed this shall reduce the insulation level.

If the outside walls of the house are cavity walls, insulation can be added in the cavity. If your interior walls are solid, you can protect the exterior with render or cladding which is also weather proof. This work for purpose of safety should be carried out by a specialist.


Double glazing stops heat form escaping and can reduce condensation on your window. A lot of heat is lost through the window so double glazing can be an effective way to make savings on fuel in the long term. It can reduce outside noise considerably. Glazing is quit expensive so it is important to consult before using it.

Secondary glazing is cheaper that replacement. Glazing can be bought from DIY shops. Savings are similar to those made by double glazing.

Getting The Best Price Fuel

Apart from general energy savings, fuel costs may be reduced by changing fuel providers. Many fuel companies know operate dual fuel schemes which can save your money if you buy both gas and electricity from their suppliers.

Sealing Air Leaks

Warm air leaking into the house during the summer and out during winter can cause a lot of money. One of the quickest saving tasks you can do is caulk and seal all cracks and opening of the outside.

Tips Of Sealing Air Leaks

  1. Test your house for air tightness on a windy day, hold a little licences stick next to your window, door, electrical outlets, ceiling fixtures and other locations where there is a possible air path to the outside.
  2. Caulk and weather strip door and windows that leak air.
  3. Caulk and seal air leaks where plumbing, ducting, or electricity wiring penetrates through exterior walls, floors and ceiling.


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Houben, H., and H. Guillaud, Earth Construction: A Comprehensive Guide, Intermediate Technology Publications, London, 1994.

Fathy, Hassan, Architecture for The Poor, University of Chicago, 1986.

Janssen, Jules J.A., Building with Bamboo: A Handbook – Second Edition, Intermediate Technologies Publications, London, 1995.

Khalili, Nader, Ceramic Houses and Earth Architecture, Burning Gate Press, 1991.

Klein, Kirsten and Inger Klingenberg, Recollection and Change: Examples of Ecological Architecture in Northern Europe 1975-95, Blaa Gaard, Denmark, 1995.

Lanning, Bob, Straw Bale Portfolio: A Collection of Sixteen Designs for Straw Bale Houses, 1996.6.

McClintock, Mike, Alternative Housebuilding, Popular Science, New York, 1984.

MacDonald, S.O. and Matts Myhrman, Build It With Bales – A Step-by-Step Guide to Straw Bale Construction, Out on Bale, Tucson, Arizona, 1995.

McHenry, Paul G., Adobe: Build it Yourself, University of Arizona Press, 1985.

Merrill, Robert, Hybrid Construction: The Art of Building with Recycled and Indigenous Materials, Lost Valley Publishing Company, Dexter, Oregon, 1994.

Nabokov, Peter and Robert Easton, Native American Architecture, Oxford University Press, 1989.

Oliver, Paul, Dwellings: The House Across the World, University of Texas, Austin, 1987.

Pearson, David, Earth To Spirit: In Search of Natural Architecture, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1994.

Schaeffer, John and staff, The Solar Living Sourcebook: A Complete Guide to Renewable Energy Technologies and Sustainable Living, 1996.

Shelter, Shelter Publications, 1973.

Steen, Bill and Athena, and David Bainbridge, The Straw Bale House, Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Junction, VT, 1994.

Stulz, Roland and Kiran Mukerji, Appropriate Building Materials, Intermediate Technology Publications, London, 1993.

Contingency in Construction Projects

In construction industry, contingency planning requires a special attention because it influenced overall success of the project and its outcomes for the organization. The budget can be controversial in administration circles, in terms of whether it is well conceived and whether it would have lasting and beneficial effects. Both should assess their relative contributions to the total project management task and view each other as alternative and supporting resources. As alternatives project managers present management with different means of budgets. The problem at this level is one of deciding what proportion of the total budget should be allocated to each. Conceptually, the decision of the relative amounts to be spent on each is straightforward. Economic theory furnishes the marginal approach (Clough et al, 2000).

Following Donaldson (2001) contingency budgets can reach 30% of the total cost of the project influenced by unstable economic situation, political risk and high inflation rates. But this optimal amount is impossible to determine because manages cannot get such data, and also because it assumes an adequate budget. Even if data are not available, it behooves management to think of the total project task that match resources with market potential. For example, with a relatively small budget many alternatives are not feasible. Once a total budget is set, project management should think in terms of the possible impact of different combinations: the extremes of spending the total budget, and the results expected from different combinations of each. Here again, although it is impossible to get precise data, management estimates can be made. There is at least an advantage to thinking in terms of inputs of alternative mixtures and resulting outputs (Clough et al, 2000).

In construction industry, the contingency perspective on organizational structure rejected the quest for one common set of principles to guide organizational design. What remains for examination once this foundation has been accepted and understood is the peculiar distortion of both decision making and worker participation created by long-term accumulation of decision-making power in the hands of narrow technical and functional specialists (Clough et al, 2000). Thus, this situation prevents the organization from effective contingency planning which covers all aspects of organizational performance. The main problems of contingency budgets is that as organization and technology became increasingly complex, structure remain, but decision making begins to fragment into a variety of specialized technical domains..Aside from the unsupportable assumption that experts have all the answers, the error of this role design resides in assuming that all or even most decisions are best made by a functional expert and that experts from different functions with conflicting purposes will consistently resolve their differences productively. Neither assumption is fully tenable. Messy, unstructured problems are best handled by a team composed around diverse perspectives, as suggested by the contingency model. In the construction industry, the insular independence of technical specialists makes no provision for problems outside their technical domain nor the teamwork they demand (Clough et al, 2000).

Team collaboration among technical experts who neither understand nor respect one another’s functional perspectives is difficult at best. It can become impossible where each feels accountable for full execution of his or her functional objectives. This is not the formula for effective contingency budgets. Managers are often left only with the most trivial decisions. They spend the largest part of their time mediating the political battles of subordinates and dissenting experts. Political skill and experience now more often shape cross-functional policy decisions and operational effectiveness than do organizational objectives.


  1. Clough, E.H., Sears, G.A., sears, S. K. (2000). Construction Project Management. Wiley; 4 edition.
  2. Donaldson, L. (2001). The Contingency Theory of Organizations. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage.

Fall Accidents in Construction Industry


Construction workers are often exposed to a great number of hazards, and according to statistical data, approximately 100 of them die every year in the United States (Stromme, 2011, p. 28). Furthermore, many of these professionals are seriously injured during their work (Mirizzi & Miller 2011, unpaged). This trend is rather alarming because it indicates that the rules and standards set by government agencies are not met by many companies.

Researchers believe that in many cases, such accidents can be prevented if employers implement adequate fall protection programs that can minimize a great number of risks affecting the lives of many people (Stromme, 2011). This paper is aimed at discussing a particular fall accident that took place in Atlanta in 2011 and the factors that contributed to this tragic event.

Furthermore, it is necessary to examine a fall protection program that can reduce possible threats to the life and health of many workers. On the whole, many deaths and injuries of people working in construction industry can be averted if necessary safety precautions are taken by businesses.

More importantly, the majority of these cases can be explained by carelessness, rather than unpredictable and unmanageable forces. This is one of the main points that can be made. This issues discussed in this paper can be relevant to many employees and businesses that operate in the construction market.

Review and analysis of a fall accident

Fall accidents are frequently reported and discussed by journalists who raise people’s awareness about this problem. For example, in his article, Robert Katz (2011) writes about one of such tragedies that took place in Atlanta. The victim was working at a construction site on the territory of a high school that was redeveloped (Katz, 2011, unpaged).

He fell from a hydraulic lift that was located at the height of 20 feet (Katz, 2011, unpaged). It should be noted that a piece of pipe fell from the ceiling and it jerked the lift; as a result, the worker collapsed on the pavement and the injuries that he sustained proved to be fatal. These are the results of the investigation conducted by the official authorities (Katz, 2011, unpaged). To a great extent, this event demonstrates that construction sites are among the most dangerous workplaces.

Nevertheless, one cannot say that this event can be explained by some uncontrolled forces that cannot be mitigated by construction companies. In this case, one can speak about the absence of safety procedures and equipment that could have protected the life of this employee. This is the main problems that should be addressed by construction companies; otherwise the tragedy that occurred in Atlanta can easily repeat itself.

Causative factors associated with the event

It is necessary to look at the causative factors that contributed to this accident. First of all, one can say that that the victim was not protected by guardrails, gears, and railings that can significantly reduce the risks of falls. As a matter of fact, these tools are mandated by the regulations of Occupational Safety & Health Administration (Stromme, 2001).

They are not very expensive, but they can resolve many potential problems. The absence of personal fall arrest systems can be viewed as the main cause of the tragedy discussed in the previous section. Apart from that, the security of the construction site was not ensured, since no one monitored the place in which the deceased person had to work.

Furthermore, the pipe that crashed into the hydraulic lift could have easily injured a worker, and he was not protected in any way. This is another aspect that should not be disregarded. On the whole, one can argue that the companies that work on construction projects often do not make sure that employees comply with the safety standards.

In his article, Mark Stromme (2011) points out that sometimes, the managers of construction projects can just think that a certain task does not pose a threat to the life of a worker. In their opinion, protective equipment is not necessary since it will take only a few minutes to complete the task (Stromme, 2011, p. 29).

This negligence is the underlying cause of many fall accidents that take place in the United States; this is why such decisions are not unacceptable. Furthermore, many businesses that represent construction industry do not provide any training to employees. As a result, they people do know how to act in those cases when their life or health is under threat.

This circumstance should not be disregarded by modern businesses that earn their revenues at the expense of workers’ life or health. Furthermore, it should be taken into account that these incidents are usually very costly for companies because they have to pay compensation to injured workers or the families of those people who died in the course of such accidents (Katz, 2011).

Moreover, these organizations can sometimes face criminal charges. This is why it is so vital to introduce a set of safeguard that can make construction sites less dangerous. It should be noted that these initiatives are not very expensive, but they are very beneficial for many stakeholders.

A sample fall protection program

At this point, it is necessary to examine at a fall protection program that is supposed to reduce the risk of such events. For example, one can look at the set of initiatives proposed by researchers from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. First of all, they pay close attention to personal fall arrest systems because these safeguards are critical for the safety of employees (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009, p. 8).

The death of a construction worker in Atlanta can be mostly attributed to the absence of these systems. Overall, they comprise such components as body belts, lanyards, dee-rings, anchorage points, snaphooks lifelines, and other tools that prevent people from falling (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009, p. 8). Each of these devices can be critical for the safety of workers.

The importance of these safeguards is emphasized in this program. Its authors believe that personal fall arrest systems should be continuously supervised by managers (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009, p. 8). So, this is one of the main recommendations that experts make, and these suggestions can quite justified.

Additionally, according to this program, managers should focus on the safety monitoring systems that are also instrumental for the prevention of fall accidents in the workplace (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009, p. 8). It is important to examine construction sites and ensure that every piece of equipment is properly fixed and that nothing can lead to the fall of a person (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2009, p. 9).

Moreover, the worksites should be free from debris that can pose a threat to the life and health of a worker. It should be kept in mind that the incident in Atlanta was caused by the fall of a pipe that jerked the hydraulic lift. Such events are very widespread at modern construction sites.

Apart from that, supervisors should make sure that every worker wears the equipment can arrest his fall (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2009, p. 9). It is possible say that the implementation of safety monitoring systems is extremely relevant for such activities as plumbing, roofing, heating, or masonry work.

Overall, these recommendations should be considered by construction companies. It seems that the precautions advocated in this program are sufficient for preventing a great number of incidents in the workplace. Provided that every company follows these rules, the lives of many people can be saved in the future.


On the whole, one can argue that the majority of fall accidents should not be regarded as something inevitable. Certainly, such falls can be triggered by various events that are not always predictable. However, construction companies can minimize the impact of such events by adopting several strategies. First of all, they should provide workers with necessary fall protection gear.

Secondly, they should develop a set of rules that workers should always adhere. Finally, managers should focus on the safety of worksites. The fall protection program that has been discussed in this report can be sufficient for reducing the number of fall incidents at construction sites.

Reference List

Katz, R. (2011). . Web.

Mirizzi, S. & Miller, N. (2011). . Web.

Stromme, M. (2011). 5 fall protection myths. Industrial Safety & Hygiene News, 45(10), 28-30.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (2011) Fall Protection Program Manual. Web.

Quality Performance Monitoring in Construction

Quality performance monitoring and control is an extremely significant element of any large-scale project that demands diverse resources for its successful completion. Therefore, the current construction project presupposes the creation of a two-storied building with a hundred-seat auditorium and numerous additional rooms needed to meet the diverse requirements of potential customers. For this reason, the use of the most efficient monitoring and control tools becomes critical to attain enhanced results and guarantee project success. Moreover, the complexity of the suggested issue and numerous disputable concerns that might appear in the course of the project stipulated the appearance of a significant need for tools to track alterations in crucial aspects and note both negative and positive tendencies. That is why quality performance monitoring and control becomes vital for the overall success and the further evolution of the discussed project.

Thus, the nature of the construction project presupposes several tasks that should be added to the existing project plan to guarantee the efficient monitoring of quality and overall success. The first point is the careful monitoring of financial aspects as one of an integral part of the whole affair and the guarantee of its successful ending. Second, it is critical to evaluate the efficiency of construction workers provided with different tasks and responsibilities for the quality of the building and its parts. One of the key indicators of construction workmanship is the final result and the buildings readiness for further use by a client or customers.

For this reason, it is critical to monitor the quality of construction works and workers performance. Finally, another task presupposes the comprehensive assessment of materials consumption and their use during the project. Usually, they comprise the bigger part of the whole financing, which means that the monitoring of this aspect is critical to the overall success of the issue.

Nevertheless, speaking about diverse quality monitoring tools and approaches that could be used to attain enhanced results and guarantee appropriate outcomes, one should also keep in mind the duration of the selected intervention or method chosen to ensure that the project will remain successful. Regarding the given construction affair, the term of quality monitoring should not be limited. In other words, it is critical to ensure that the selected tools, like inspections or flowcharts, will be used during the whole construction period (Kendrick, 2015). This duration will guarantee that relevant data about the most important processes will be acquired at every stage of the project, and managers will be able to choose appropriate responses if some problems or complex situations emerge.

At the same time, it is critical to remember that the efficient monitoring of the level of performance and quality might demand specific resources that should be devoted to this aspect to attain positive results. First, a special manager responsible for the collection of data related to the issue and implementation of suggested monitoring tools should be appointed. This post is needed to ensure that all critical alterations in the planned showings are noted on time and reported. Second, quality and performance monitoring demand specific financing to implement diverse tools and support their functioning effectively. For this reason, additional sums might be needed. In this regard, these resources should be used to ensure an appropriate quality monitoring and attain improved final results

The above-mentioned sum required to cover all spending associated with the implementation of quality and performance control tool could be obtained using a contingency budget, a fund that is set if some unexpected cost-demanding problems appear during the construction process. Traditionally, the majority of projects establish a rate of 5%-10% from the total budget to cover different spending and determine contingency (Kendrick, 2015). Thus, the amount of money and percentage should be calculated regarding the scale of the project. Speaking about the mentioned construction plan, it is recommended to introduce a rate of 10% from the total budget with the idea that a significant part of the sum could be devoted to the implementation of the quality and performance monitoring tools mentioned above (Kendrick, 2015). The percentage could also be altered if some additional risks have been discovered in the course of the project.

Nevertheless, flowcharting is one of the tools used to ensure the enhanced quality of the majority of operations performed within any project by describing its every phase and introducing a particular succession of actions that should be accomplished to avoid mistakes and minimize a pernicious impact of human factor (Eckerson, 2010). For instance, a flowchart describing the reception and the further use of materials delivered by suppliers could be created by a manager responsible for the quality and performance monitoring. This flowchart should include all critical stages:

Quality Performance Monitoring in Construction.

The given flowchart could be used to improve the quality of materials used in all operations during the construction and guarantee outstanding final results. It describes all procedures needed to analyze the delivered goods and decide whether to use them in the project or not. Flowcharts of this sort are considered efficient performance monitoring tools as they help to avoid mistaken decisions and always act in an appropriate way.

Another efficient monitoring tool is an inspection. It provides a manager responsible for this sphere with an opportunity to assess particular processes within the project to determine their overall state and whether they meet the existing requirements. Usually, inspection demands the introduction of specific points and characteristics that should be applied to every activity to analyze the performance. The method demonstrates the enhanced efficiency especially if it is supported by well-thought-out check-lists or other tools the application of which might help to discover potential problems and introduce efficient solutions to eliminate them (Kendrick, 2015). Instructions are used at every stage of the construction project to ensure that workers and managers coupe with their responsibilities and contribute to improved outcomes. In such a way, inspection tool could be applied to the construction affair with the central aim to improve the quality of operations and attain better results.

Altogether, quality and performance monitoring should be an integral part of the suggested construction process as it will help to attain the enhanced quality of all operations and stipulate positive results. The implementation of the tools mentioned above might demand some additional funds to ensure that the appropriate setting will be created. However, positive outcomes will help to compensate losses by attracting numerous customers and guaranteeing the positive impact on the company and on the whole project. In such a way, the performance monitoring is one of the central parts of the project needed to guarantee its success.


Eckerson, W. (2010). Performance dashboards: Measuring, monitoring, and managing your business. New York, NY: Wiley.

Kendrick, T. (2015). Identifying and managing project risk: Essential tools for failure-proofing your project. New York, NY: AMACOM.

Quebec Bridge Construction

When the federal authorities in Canada decided to expand the railway network in the country, the Quebec Bridge was a part of the plan. The initial plan for the bridge was drawn in the early 1900s. The bridge was built to provide a reliable passage across the Saint Lawrence River.

Prior the construction of the bridge, the only way to cross the river was by the use of a ferry. The river was a major barrier to transport due to its breadth. While there were no major flaws in the initial design of the bridge, changes to the initial plan resulted to the eventual collapse of the bridge (Manitoba 2).

The engineer who designed the bridge added some to length to it, and failed to account for the extra dimensions in the calculation of the stress limit for the bridge. The person in charge of the bridge construction ignored several warnings of faults developing in the bridge since the construction had gone too far to stop without dire financial consequences (Wilson 52).

When it became apparent that the bridge would be lost, the engineer in charge tried to contact his senior, and both engineers issued a warning message to stop the construction (Manitoba 4). However, the message from the engineers arrived at the construction site a while after the collapse of the bridge.

Problems Affecting Construction

Construction of the bridge went on for three years from 1904 to 1907, when the engineers noticed that flaws were appearing in the girders supporting the bridge. At first, it did not occur to the chief engineer that the bridge structure was failing (Wilson 24). Consequently, he took action on the new development after the bridge’s situation had deteriorated beyond salvation.

Eventually, the bridge claimed the lives seventy-five of the eighty-six workers working on the bridge when it collapsed. An attempt to reconstruct the bridge was successful, but at a cost of another 13 lives of workers who were killed when the middle span fell into the river below while being hoisted into position.

Analysis of the Bridge Construction

The construction of the bridge cost more that it had been planned due to the initial failures. By the time the bridge was commissioned, the total cost stood at 25 million Canadian dollars. In addition, the bridge cost 88 lives of the workers killed during the ill-fated construction missions.

Finally, the bridge was fully constructed at more than twice the initial budget projection. Since engineering flaws were the cause of the collapse and the delayed completion of the bridge, little could have been done to ensure that the cost of the bridge fell within the budget.

The only thing that could have checked the cost of the construction was application of flawless engineering design and assessment. However, at the time of the construction of Quebec Bridge, architectural technology was not advanced to such a level to monitor the construction properly (Åkesson 54).

Apart from the inflated cost of the bridge, time was another setback for the construction of the bridge. The bridge, which was scheduled to be completed in 1907, was finally completed in 1917, ten years behind schedule. The collapse of the bridge in 1907 caused the major delay, while the second failure in1916 caused a minor delay.

In the overall assessment of the engineering project, it can be concluded that the performance of the engineers was poor (Holgate 12). While they were knowledgeable enough to steer the project in the right direction, they neglected clues and indications that the project was slowly developing into a major catastrophe.

This led to the first collapse of the bridge while it was almost complete. The initial plan for the construction of the bridge was changed and the engineers did not account for the additional weight and length of the bridge.

One of the major problems that affected this project was the lack of proper calculations to determine the final dead weight of the bridge (Holgate et al 18). The tension and compression forces on each of the girders had to be determined to assess whether the structure could hold its weight, and that of the people and vehicles using it.

The engineer overseeing the project did not review the new plan and design for the project carefully (Nava 3). This resulted in the oversight that saw the construction of a flawed bridge turn into a disaster.

The Role of Systems Engineering

Systems engineering can be used to assess the physical viability of such a project. Using systems engineering, the construction can be analyzed to determine its ability to meet the requirements. The theoretical estimates of the capabilities and the limits of the bridge can be determined by a systems engineer (Sheard 40).

If the project had employed a systems engineer to design the bridge and determine the requirements that were necessary for construction of a robust and flawless structure, the disasters that followed could have been avoided. A systems engineer could have determined the fine mathematical details of the whole structure and made proper estimates for the construction of the bridge (Sheard 31).


This project was one of the few of its kind at the time. The failure of the project proved that inadequate theoretical analysis of any engineering work of a significant scale could brew disaster. The importance of observing procedures and giving prompt response to emerging issues is also highlighted by the account of the Quebec Bridge construction.

Works Cited

Åkesson, B.. Understanding bridge collapses. London: Taylor & Francis, 2008. Print.

Holgate, Henry, and C. C. Schneider. Quebec Bridge inquiry report. Ottawa: S.E. Dawson, 1908. Print.

Manitoba, Free. “An Engineer’s Aspect: The Quebec Bridge Collapse of August 29, 1907.” An Engineer’s Aspect. Version 1. Factual TV, 5 Apr. 2011. Web.

Nava, Ahalika. “Mcmaster.” The Collapse of Quebec Bridge. Version 1. Mcmaster, 8 May 2011. Web.

Sheard, Sarah. “Twelve System Engineering Roles.” Annual International Symposium 45.5 (2008): 21-45. Print.

Wilson, Allan R.. Collapse of the first Quebec Bridge. Manchester: University of Manchester, 2007. Print.