Pros and Cons of Wildlife Conservation

Conservation scientists receive far less recognition than they deserve. From studying natural disasters to managing the land quality of national parks, forests, and other natural resources, they play a very important role in balancing human relations with nature. They work with national and state governments to propose solutions to many problems like pollution, climate change, and countering natural disasters.

The education required for this field is typically a bachelor’s degree in forestry, environmental science, or agricultural science. One can also become a conservation scientist by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in rangeland management. The scientists much know a lot about biology, ecology, and computer modeling. They must have certain skills, including critical thinking, management skills, decision-making skills, and clear speaking abilities. Some states require a licensing credential to practice, but it is not federally required to be licensed. This will allow these scientists to work in certain settings that might be hazardous to common folk who are uneducated on toxins in nature.

The main goal for conservation scientists is to improve natural resources and solve problems in nature. On a day-to-day basis, conservation scientists will supervise activities of foresters or other scientists to make sure they are meeting government standards. They communicate with the government to tackle problems in nature and identify if they are caused by humans or occurring naturally. They also work with non-public owners of land, agricultural workers, and state/federal governments and agree to “work to improve land for forestry purposes and to protect the environment” (What Conservation Scientists and Foresters Do). They design contracts and manage local parks or forests to ensure a clean, safe environment for humans, animals, and plants.

Conservation scientists have made many knowledge advances in their fields. They have designed many plans to combat climate change and tested them to see how wildlife adapts to solutions humans offer. A few decades ago, we did not know how harmful plastic would eventually be to our ecosystem; we only desired the quick and inexpensive product material. With the help of environmental and conservation scientists, we know that humans must make a change before climate change brings world disorder. We have learned that humans cause many forms of climate change and that in order for us and other wildlife to flourish, we must change our ways. Creating biodegradable models for common one-use items is a big change that scientists have offered for us to make.

I decided to research this occupation because I am passionate about climate change and how to combat it. I read that this is a main focus of this field, which interested me. This profession is not necessarily my personal life calling, but I am very supportive of it. Climate change is a very big issue and they work to solve it or slow the rate of global warming. They offer solutions and ways to help those in natural disasters, which is very meaningful. Personally, I would not go to school for this degree and/or career, but I understand its importance. It is not my career choice, but there are people who fancy nature more than I do and spots will be filled. All I can do is continue to learn and then educate my friends and family on the importance of conservation science and how it affects us directly so they can make a change.

In the United States of America, the median annual salary was around $60,000 in 2018. I think that is a fair wage for a bachelor’s degree. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field is projected to grow around three percent for the next ten years, which is below average for most careers. Those numbers are a bit disappointing because conservation scientists are crucial to our survival; we need more people in this field readily available to attack climate change matters. Many conservation scientists continue up the ladder to management positions, which increase the yearly wages by thousands.

Conservation of Water Resources in the Local Municipality Essay

Water makes up 70% of the earth as well as the human body. There are millions of marine species present in today’s world that reside in water. Similarly, humankind also depends on water. All the major industries require water in some form or the other. However, this precious resource is depleting day by day. The majority of the reasons behind it are man-made only. Thus, the need for water conservation is more than ever now. Through this water conservation essay, you will realize how important it is to conserve water and how scarce it has become.

Water Scarcity- A Dangerous Issue

Out of all the water available, only three per cent is freshwater. Therefore, it is essential to use this water wisely and carefully. However, we have been doing the opposite of this till now.

Every day, we keep exploiting water for a variety of purposes. In addition to that, we also keep polluting it day in and day out. The effluents from industries and sewage discharges are dispersed into our water bodies directly.

Moreover, there are little or no facilities left for storing rainwater. Thus, floods have become a common phenomenon. Similarly, there is careless use of fertile soil from riverbeds. It results in flooding as well.

Therefore, you see how humans play a big role in water scarcity. Living in concrete jungles have anyway diminished the green cover. On top of that, we keep on cutting down forests that are a great source of conserving water.

Nowadays, a lot of countries even lack access to clean water. Therefore, water scarcity is a real thing. We must deal with it right away to change the world for our future generations. Water conservation essay will teach you how.

Life without water is not possible. We need it for many things including cleaning, cooking, using the washroom, and more. Moreover, we need clean water to lead a healthy life.

We can take many steps to conserve water on a national level as well as an individual level. Firstly, our governments must implement efficient strategies to conserve water. The scientific community must work on advanced agricultural reforms to save water.

Similarly, proper planning of cities and promotion of water conservation through advertisements must be done. On an individual level, we can start by opting for buckets instead of showers or tubs.

Also, we must not use too much electricity. We must start planting more trees and plants. Rainwater harvesting must be made compulsory so we can benefit from the rain as well.

Further, we can also save water by turning off the tap when we brush our teeth or wash our utensils. Use a washing machine when it is fully loaded. Do not waste the water when you wash vegetables or fruit, instead, use it to water plants.


All in all, we must identify water scarcity as a real issue as it is very dangerous. Further, after identifying it, we must make sure to take steps to conserve it. There are many things that we can do on a national level as well as an individual level. So, we must come together now and conserve water.

The Main Facts About Olive Trees

Olea European is the major cultivated species among all monophyletic oleaceae family. Olea genus include 30 species and extensively spread in Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania. There is an assumption that cultivars startred in wild Mediterranean olive and then carried with human through their migration to all Mediterranean neighboring countries. And the common features between the wild and cultivated forms reach to new cultivars in the Mediterranean surrounding countries.

Right-now more than 2000 cultivars show huge variety depend on fruit shape and pit size. Cultivar is identified based on morphology and agricultural characters, but it is hard in the plant development early stages. In old times the variety between olive tree cultivars is identified by estimating the differences regarding leaf shape, color, and fruit shape. This identification is easy and applicable, not complicated and don’t need special equipment, and the easiest way for recognition of olive tree is phenotype.

Olea Europe L. is considered one of the most crucial trees in the Mediterranean basin and the most ancient tree to be caltivated. Olive also is the sixth most important oil crop in the world and spread from the Mediterranean area to new areas, due to the plant high economic and nutritional value. The Mediterranean area is the oldest cultivation area of olive and have 95% of olive plants of the world. From the Mediterranean basin it extend to other regions of Australia, south and north America, south Africa and other foreign places. Due to the wide range of spreading, there is a need to clear identification of plants to avoid mislabeling and resembling of different plant species, so a correct characterization and taxonomy is accomplished without doubt. So it means that any information regarding morphogy and use of morpgological markers and molecular markers. The olive tree is one of the most ancient tree to be cultivated on earth. The cultivation began in very old time 7000 years ago. To make olives edible fermentation, salt treatment or drying to remove the bitterness due to polyphenolic compounds and in particular “oleuropein” modify the fruit flesh. Olive fruits are rich in oil and therefore high in energy. They are a good source of protein and b-carotene and contain other useful nutrients such as sugars, vitamins B, C and E, iron and other minerals (calcium and potassium).

The annual development cycle of the olive tree is closely linked to the climatic conditions of the growing area, which is normally a Mediterranean type climate. In the Northern Hemisphere, vegetative growth starts in the spring. Both apical buds and a limited number of lateral buds, which developed in the previous seasons, will start to grow. Temperatures above 12°C are needed to re-induce growth in the spring. The time of flowering is influenced by photoperiod and temperature, but it typically takes place in spring on branch segments formed during the previous season, with 50-80% of leaf axils developing inflorescences (van der Vossen et al., 2007). Most cultivars of O. Europa subsp. Europe need a period of vernalisation for 6-11 weeks below 9°C which ends 40-60 days before anthesis. The initial elongation growth is rapid, particularly in the warmer growing regions. At temperatures above 30°C in mid-summer (mid-July), the vegetative growth rate drops. When there is enough moisture in the soil or under irrigated conditions, a short second period of growth could occur in the autumn with the reduction in daily temperatures. Thus, different types of growth curves of olive trees have been recorded in accordance with the thermal conditions in the summer. In most regions the bearing olive tree has a double peak growth curve. Europe subsp. Europe is strong biennial bearer and a heavy fruit load in one year inhibits adequate shoot extension necessary for the following year’s bearing wood and vice versa. In non-bearing trees a continuous but uneven flush of growth takes place along the whole March-October period.

The reproductive process leading to spring flowering starts in the preceding summers. The young buds present in the axial of each leaf on sprouts born in spring are undifferentiated. In summer, environmental factors interact with the tree physiology to start the floral induction process. Once induction is under way, floral initiation only occurs by the end of autumn, after which flower parts form. Eventually, these can be seen with a microscope. The buds not induced become vegetative buds. Unlike deciduous fruits with a short induction-to-initiation cycle, induction in olive may occur as early as July or about 6 weeks after full bloom, whereas initiation is not easily seen until 8 months later in February. Floral differentiation takes place between late December and bloom in May-June when the formation of each flower part occurs in the inflorescence.

The pollination of the olive is carried out mainly by wind. Growth and fruit development in olive also depends on climate, beginning in September and normally ending in November. Olives are picked late in autumn or winter, as the oil content and fruit characteristics change with ripening. Environmental variability may be more important than genetic variability for several traits, including oil content and quality. The chemical components (for example, polyphenols, aliphatic alcohols, triterpenic alcohols, sterols and fatty acids) that determine oil quality vary according to cultivar and year of cultivation. Rainfall is one of the predominant factors affecting oil quality. Irrigation may also affect the variability in oil quality. According to Van der Vossen et al. (2007) the commercial lifespan of an olive tree is 50 years, but individual trees can become very old (hundreds of years).

Essay on Trees and Environment

Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil and give life to the world’s wildlife. They also provide us with the materials for tools and shelter.

Not only are trees essential for life, but as the longest living species on earth, they give us a link between the past, present and future.

It’s critical that woodlands, rainforests and trees in urban settings, such as parks, are preserved and sustainably managed across the world.

Play your part and donate to The Royal Parks today to help us manage these vital trees in London’s Royal Parks.

Trees benefit health

The canopies of trees act as a physical filter, trapping dust and absorbing pollutants from the air. Each individual tree removes up to 1.7 kilos every year. They also provide shade from solar radiation and reduce noise.

Over 20 species of British trees and shrubs are known to have medicinal properties. The oil from birch bark, for example, has antiseptic properties.

Research shows that within minutes of being surrounded by trees and green space, your blood pressure drops, your heart rate slows and your stress levels come down.

Trees benefit the environment

Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow and the carbon that they store in their wood helps slow the rate of global warming.

They reduce wind speeds and cool the air as they lose moisture and reflect heat upwards from their leaves. It’s estimated that trees can reduce the temperature in a city by up to 7°C.

Trees also help prevent flooding and soil erosion, absorbing thousands of litres of stormwater.

Trees boost wildlife

Trees host complex microhabitats. When young, they offer habitation and food to amazing communities of birds, insects, lichen and fungi. When ancient, their trunks also provide the hollow cover needed by species such as bats, woodboring beetles, tawny owls and woodpeckers.

One mature oak can be home to as many as 500 different species. Richmond Park is full of such trees, which is one of the reasons it has been designated a National Nature Reserve and Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Trees strengthen communities

Trees strengthen the distinctive character of a place and encourage local pride. Urban woodland can be used as an educational resource and to bring groups together for activities like walking and bird-watching. Trees are also invaluable for children to play in and discover their sense of adventure.

Trees grow the economy

People are attracted to live, work and invest in green surroundings. Research shows that average house prices are 5-18% higher when properties are close to mature trees. Companies benefit from a healthier, happier workforce if there are parks and trees nearby.

Trees protect the future

Soon, for the first time in history, the number of people with homes in cities will outstrip those living in the countryside. Parks and trees will become an even more vital component of urban life. We must respect them and protect them for the future.

Essay on Importance of Wildlife Conservation

Animals are very much important in our lives. The word “wildlife conservation” means to keep plants and animals safe. Indian people save this animal with their hundred percent. The people of our country think that animals are the future of our country. Besides all things, wildlife is the central part.

We can live a good and happy life if all the animals are safe. Animals are one of the parts of our life. In our country, some people harm animals. Still, on this earth, animals are not safe. People are harming them because of their personal needs. We must all take steps to stop this. There are many rules. But still, some people do not care about that.

Both animals and human beings are equally crucial for our life. In our day-to-day life, trees are cutting from the earth. That harms the animals as well as the human beings. In India, animals are injured due to a significant population. We have rules or laws in our country to stop this evil thing. We should understand the importance of wildlife.

Importance of wildlife

The wildlife mainly means birds, plants, animals, etc., which are living in a forest. Wildlife also balances our earth. So, It also helps in the economy of our country as well as the world. Wildlife also plays a significant role for tourists. In our country, wildlife is not safe. For many years, people started harming animals.

In the year 1972, our Indian government did an act to save wildlife. This act is very much helpful for nature. This act stopped harming animals. There are many reasons which harm animals very much. The main reason is that many people live in our country. Because humans are getting into the jungle. So, animals are going from the woods as well as from the government.

Wildlife is a significant gift to human beings. This wildlife helps the earth in many ways. But still, in our day-to-day life, humans are killing animals for their teeth, bones, skin, etc. That helps people to earn money. Our government must take steps about hunting wildlife animals. They should make a law to succeed in wildlife conservation.

God has made many creatures on this earth. Creatures like animals, plants, birds, etc. They play a significant role in our ecosystem on the planet. Trees are one of the parts of wildlife. We can understand that nature is very much essential by looking at trees. Trees play a vital role in human life. Trees give us oxygen. From this oxygen, we can live.

How to save wildlife?

At first, every human being should feel the importance of wildlife. And should stop killing animals for personal reasons. Secondly, our Indian government must make many laws to save animals from human beings. For animals, many parks and forests are made. Some of them are reserve forests, national parks, etc.

We should save wildlife. Wildlife plays a significant role on the earth. So, they are the future of the planet. Every country should take steps to stop killing animals. Every human being must know the importance of wildlife.

The Definition of Conservation

Humans need this wondrous plant Earth we call home, to survive, grow and prosper as a living organism. The Cambridge Dictionary defines conservation as, “carefully using valuable natural substances that exist in limited amounts in order to make certain that they will be available for as long a time as possible” (“Conservation”). The Cambridge Dictionary also goes on to state that conservation is also, “the protection of plants and animals, natural areas, and interesting and important structures and buildings, especially from the damaging effects of human activity” (“Conservation”). Conservation in a literal sense is important because without it, we as humans will abuse and overuse the very resources we need to survive on this planet. Take the native buffalo (Bos bison) of North America for example, in the early 16th century there were millions of buffalo across the Great Plains, and by the late 19th century there were only hundreds remaining, who were almost slaughtered to extinction. This is unfortunately not endemic to just one species, there has been a number of species pushed to the brink of extinction due to that of humans. Therefore, conservation is required due to the disastrous effects of the rising human population and is needed to viably preserve clean water, living organisms and important natural areas.

Every spring, many people yearn for that voluminous chirp high in the trees of that bird species they so dearly love. Although a yearly reminder that spring is here, the very humans that cherish that melodic tune may be the driving factor that is pushing such organisms to extinction. With the conversion of viable habitat for organisms to thrive and survive being changed into agriculture to feed the masses or housing complexes to house the masses, species from around the globe are being dramatically affected. “In other words, the density of people is a key factor in species threats, depending upon the ecological nature of a nation and the number of species ‘available’ for the threat of extinction” (McKee). With that being said, the thought of having such species alive and well for future generations of humans to see and enjoy is one that needs to be addressed. At a young age children are shown photos and video footage of different animals and plants from around the globe and many get inspired to see such organisms in the future, but what if they were told they no longer existed? This unfortunate statement, unless the idea of conservation as a concept grows and develops into a guiding principle that everyone follows, may become the reality for such succeeding generations.

Pollution of all kinds throughout time have made it into waterways around the globe. Things like large plastic, chemicals and even trash could be floating around that favorite swimming hole or fishing spot. Unfortunately enough, a large amount of human waste ends up in the waterway systems that humans and every other living organism on this planet count on to survive. It is baffling, that “a lack of access to safe water or sanitation contributes to the spread of infections and water borne disease, killing nearly 1 million people each year. Further, every 2 minutes a child dies from a water-borne disease” (“Water Crisis”). These numbers put into perspective why the conservation of water is so important and this is not even taking into consideration the effects polluted water has on wildlife. The billions of pounds of trash that litter the ocean, fertilizers and pesticides that runoff into lakes and streams from nearby fields, and those pillow like clouds of black that pour from factory smokestacks that contribute to acid rain, are all prime examples of how humans contaminate water. The population growth of humans has a lot to do with the quantity of water needed and the quality of that water, so it becomes imperative for humans as a whole to conserve the water that is present to avoid a crisis. Already “globally, 844 million people lack access to safe water and 2.3 billion people don’t have a toilet” and in the foreseeable future those numbers are said to rise (“Water Crisis”).

Recreation and tourism of natural areas are major economic contributors to the GDP of many countries from around the globe. With that being said, individuals that may only see the monetary gain from such sites and not just the aesthetic of keeping a natural area natural, may have a reason to conserve and preserve such an area. With the rising human population, such forests and natural areas are being converted into agriculture and infrastructure. “As the population grows, more and more forests are cleared. The two most common reasons for deforestation are to make houses for increased number of people to live in, and to use wood as a fuel in the industries” (Mittal). This has drastic effects on not only wildlife, but the planet as a whole. Wildlife lose their habit that is essential for their survival and the photosyntheic plants can no long sequester the carbon from the air to produce the oxygen that is needed for any organism to survive if such natural areas are deforested or destroyed.

To sustain life at all here on Earth conservation of the natural world be it plants, aniamls or the many resources utilized for daily life, need to be pushed to the forefront of world issues and protected. Idealy if humans did not exist would the concept of conservation even be needed? The ever so growing population of humans is catastrophically contaminating water, exploiting plants and animals and destroying natural areas, so intuitive conservation will be needed to slow the inevitable destruction if change does not occur. Humans will contiue to survive and thrive on Earth, but at a cost that is unprecedntaly irreconcilable to the biodiversity, health and future of the planet.

Soil and Water Conservation Essay

Drought is a intermittent natural hazard having a critical socio-economic and environmental effect (Asadi Zarch et al., 2015). The United Nations declared this menacing creeping phenomenon as one of the deadliest natural disasters. It affects almost every climatic zone, however, the adverse effects on the ecology and human society may vary spatially (Haroon et al., 2016). It is estimated that nearly more than 50% of the terrestrial earth is susceptible to drought each year. The productive lands of all continents lose millions of tones of agricultural production annually because of this recurring phenomenon.

The ruthlessness of drought depends upon the extent of the affected area, and related impacts of human activities, agriculture, and the environment (Caparrini and Manzella, 2009). Contrasted with other natural hazards, drought is more difficult to scrutinize as the commencement and conclusion of a specific dry spell is hard to resolve. The impacts can be underestimated until they reach peak intensities. The social, physical, and economic impacts of droughts can be staggering especially in developing countries; its immediate consequences include shortages in water supply, destruction of ecological resources and damage to agricultural production, resulting in famine, human suffering, casualties and regional abandonments (Kogan, 1997). Therefore, assessing drought is of great importance as it is viewed as the most severe problem in most countries in terms of food security and socio-economic stability (Fang et al., 2019; Hazaymeh and Hassan, 2017). Damage mitigation caused by drought demands an adequate water resource planning that can be effectively accomplished only if routine monitoring of drought has been carried on. Thus, the term drought monitoring refers to the simultaneous evaluation of all possible causes and consequences on the soil-vegetation system (Caparrini and Manzella, 2009).

The traditional methods of assessing and monitoring drought rely upon rainfall data from meteorological observation stations. However, these data are limited in a region, often inaccurate and difficult to gather in near-real-time (Thenkabail et al., 2004). On the other hand, satellite data are consistently available and can be used to detect the onset, duration, and severity of the drought. Initially, synoptic monitoring of drought started with NOAA AVHRR (Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer) data (Kogan, 2000). However, because of its coarse resolution (10 Km), it can be hardly used in monitoring drought at large scales (a district or village). Subsequently, it has been successfully replaced by MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) data. The time-series MODIS image provides near-real-time, continuous and relatively high-resolution data. This helps to assess the development of drought and its severity in regions with limited and inaccurate ground meteorological observations especially in South-East Asia including India (Thenkabail et al., 2004). The Vegetation Health Index (VHI) approach is proved to be one of the most widely accepted remote sensing-based drought assessment approaches. The index successfully captures the onset, duration, cessation, frequency, and severity of drought (Gidey et al., 2018). However, if high-resolution images are available at a regular interval, then Normalized Multiband Drought Index (NMDI) (Wang and Qu, 2007) and Normalized Difference Drought Index (NDDI) (Gu et al., 2007) may yield interesting results.

Soil erosion is the cornerstone in the sedimentation process, a combined process of erosion, transportation, and deposition of sediments. Soil erosion is the result of complex processes controlled by climate, terrain and land-use / landcover characteristics of that area. It is regarded as the major and most widespread kind of soil degradation, which significantly affects the sustainable agricultural land-use (Kouli et al., 2009). Soil erosion is directly related to the soil surface and the volume of disturbed soil. Its spatial distribution pattern is related to the soil and water conservation measures and plays a crucial role in studying erosion and sinks (Shinde et al., 2011). Intensive agricultural practices govern soil characteristics, specifically in steep-slope areas (Quine and Zhang, 2002).

However, it is a gradual process of detachment and removal of soil particles by water causing soil degradation (Shao-Xiang et al., 2004). Soil erosion causes manifold problems such as loss of soil nutrients, reduction of crop yields and productivity (Renard et al., 1997). Eroded soils carry valuable nutrients and harmful pesticides and chemicals into rivers, streams and groundwater resources. The erodibility is accelerated rapidly due to direct and indirect anthropogenic activities like mining, querying, expansion of settlements and other civil constructions and agricultural practices (Islam et al., 2018). It is reported that the erosion is typically higher in cultivated land than that of the uncultivated land (Brown, 1984).

The Mandatory Urban Water Conservation Rules in California

In California today, drought levels are at the highest they have ever been. On Tuesday, May 4, 2015 Governor Jerry Brown imposed the first mandatory urban water conservation rules in state history. These new rules will start June 1 and will remain until February. The new rules include limits on lawn watering, bans on washing cars and filling swimming pools (in some areas), and the use of water cops to give out tickets for people using to much water or watering their lawns on the wrong day. Different conservation targets were placed on different cities from a range of 8 percent to 36 percent based off their per capita use of last year. Fines of up to 10,000 dollars a day can be fined to cities who do not make the percent. Despite the new mandates given by Jerry Brown, California continues to waste water. Brown was hoping for an overall decrease of 25 percent in water use, however, this goal was not reached. The largest 410 cities and water districts reduced water use by only 3.6 percent in March, compared to the baseline year of 2013. As President Ruvalcaba, I believe that shower heads need to replaced, promote healthy eating habits, and mandatory leak checks.

In order to decrease the amount of water usage, I think it is necessary to make sure every household has water efficient shower heads. Showers alone account for 17 percent of daily indoor water usage. If every American installed an efficient shower head, enough water would be saved to supply more than 2.5 million homes with their water needs for one year. As president, I will make it mandatory for every home in California to have these shower heads. The shower heads will be supplied to every house in California depending on the needs of their specific home (including the size and quantity needed). These will be provided to each person directly to their home for convenience sake. If any house does not comply to this new rule, they will be fined 1,000 dollars per efficient shower head not used. 260 billion gallons of water and nearly $5.1 billion in water and energy costs across the country annually if every home uses the new shower heads. Along with other things, I believe this will help reduce the harsh affects of the drought.

Another way I will help control the usage of water is by promoting healthy eating habits. By healthy eating habits, I specifically mean eating more fruit and vegetables and less animal products. I am not going to the extreme and saying everyone needs to become vegan or vegetarian; however, by reducing animal product intake dramatically we will be able to save millions of gallons of water. For every pound of beef a person does not eat, anywhere from 2,500 to 5,000 gallons of water would be saved. This is such a significant amount that by simply reducing meat intake, a substantial amount of water can be saved. Now, my plan to lower the intake of meat across California is to send speakers to every elementary school to inform children the importance of eating healthy and saving water at the same time. Children and parents will be encouraged to eat meat only once to twice a week and practice healthier eating habits. Also, schools will offer meat fewer times per week in school lunches. Overall, the most important task is to save water and prevent falling into a deeper hole than we are already dug into. Therefore, eating healthy and saving water by eating less meat will be beneficial to the environment and ourselves.

My third method of water waste prevention is to make sure every home is leak free. Household leaks can waste more than 1 trillion gallons annually nationwide. In order to prevent 1 trillion gallons of water from being wasted, it is important for every home to be inspected for leaks semiannually. A leaky faucet that drips at the rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons per year. That’s the amount of water needed to take more than 180 showers. I will require that every home be inspected otherwise they will be issued a fine for every leak they have. Fines will be determined on how much water is being wasted, but the minimum fine shall be started at $100. These inspections shall be conducted by plumbers appointed by government officials. This is will allow for the highest degree of quality inspection as well as creating more jobs for people. Inspections will be all around the home; inside and out. Price of inspections shall be determined depending on the size of the house, but will not be a excessive amount.

In conclusion, these ratifications need to be made in order to boost our economy and our future living. With lower pressured shower heads in everyones household we will save enough water to supply 2.5 million other homes with the amount of water they need, and still able to take our normal showers. Healthy eating is key to a good future and health as well as saving water. For every pound of beef a person does not eat, anywhere from 2,500 to 5,000 gallons of water would be saved. House shall be inspected to have the most update housing system and make sure everything runs smoothly. With no leaks in ones house added together accounts for 1 trillions of galloons wasted which could go to much better uses. Such as our crops, our homes, our future water supply. Once these requirements our met, our nation shall succeed.

Water Conservation Practice in Olympia


Olympia city has a comprehensive water conservation program which involves many projects. The city puts much effort in the conservation of water. To achieve this end, various organizations and agencies have invoked various procedures so as to meet the target. From educational programs to technological inventions the planners seize every opportunity to achieve the consumption of water. The programs have therefore been of great success.

Population, Temperature and Annual Precipitation Depth


Being the largest city in the county of Thurston Olympia has a population of 4, 2514 according to the 2006 estimates. The city’s population is much higher compared to the adjacent regions which have registered low population counts. Other demographic indications of the city include the marital status of the population. For instance those who have never been married account for 30.9% of the population, those married account for 47.3%, 1.6% have separated, 6.2 are widows and widowers and 14.1% are currently divorced (Municipal Council of Olympia, 2009)


Olympia has a rich history in almost all aspects. The temperature of the city is approximately 48°F / 8°C. It experiences cloudy climatically patterns and sometimes the temperature rises to 52°F / 11°C, which has been documented as the highest.

Annual Precipitation Depth

Having been ranked as 13th in the US, the city has an area of 18.52 square miles and an elevation of 221 feet above sea level. The city has an average annual precipitation of 59.59 inches.

Conservation in Olympia

The city which seems not to have a conservation plan indeed has a comprehensive plan of the reduction of the use of water. The main driving forces of the city’s conservation efforts are its trend of growth coupled with its prospects as well as the persistent drought in part of the city (Sipes 2010). Increase in population and the lack of rain during peak season also drive the program to develop a water conservation program. This program includes the following:

  • Rain barrel sale at subsidized price
  • Low water use washing machine rebates
  • Free irrigation check ups

The program has so far been a great success, according to local reports the use of water has declined even as the population rises. More and more people are letting their lawns to be brown during summer so as to save the amount of water utilized on the irrigation of the same. Apart fro m the fining system to discourage careless use of water the city has innovative strategies of ensuring compliance. For instance it uses night-time drive and water billing records to identify high water users and assist them to lower consumption of water. By following advice from conservation specialists most customers reduce their consumption levels by 20%. The program also applies to the commercial and government sector (Municipal Code Corporation, 2009).

What Olympia Has Done

Mandatory Practices

System Water Audit and Water Loss: The city gas enhanced the practice of implementing conservation measures by instituting the water audit system. Through this program the conservation officials conduct periodical analysis of the use of water (Lindenmayer, 2010). The misuse of water is recorded and remedial action taken. Mostly this program is executed with the aim of curbing the rampant misuse of water (Sipes 2010). The audit is conducted to enhance discipline in water use.

Water Conservation Pricing: Water pricing has two dimensions in its applicability as a water conservation gimmick. Firs and foremost the amount raised through the practice is used to fund the various processes and technologies used in water conservation (Government of Olympia, 2010). Secondly rain water is sold at a subsidized rate to encourage the use of rainwater. This in turn leads to the increase in the alternative sources of water for the city (Lawrence 2009). It is against this background that the harvesting of rain water is encouraged.

Prohibition on Wasting Water: The prohibition of wasting water was incepted to institutionalize the wise use of water program. Under this regulation is a punishable offense to indulge in activities that bring about a misuse of water resources.

Showerhead, Aerator and Toilet Flapper Retrofit: The installation of water conserving technology gadgets has been a major plank in the city’s water conservation program (Baker, 2009). Under this process, gadgets like showerheads, toilet flapper and aerators are conformed to meet the water conserving requirements.

Residential Toilet Replacement Programs: The replacement of toilets in the residential settlements has picked up with increasing intensity. The idea is meant to install new toilet systems that are in line with the city’s water conservation endeavors.

Water Survey for Single-Family and Multi-Family Customers: Water surveys are commonly performed by the authorities to ascertain the progress of the water conservation programs (Lawrence 2009). However the survey for single and multi user customers is unique in a way. This is specifically done to the company’s water customers to monitor the city’s water use status.

Water Wise Landscape Design and Conversion Programs: Water wise landscape design and conversion programs endeavor to develop means and methodologies that aid the conservation endeavors of the entire city (Sipes 2010). Parameters are installed bearing in mind the city water conservation efforts.

Voluntary Practices

Residential Clothes Washer Incentive Program: The clothe washer incentive program endeavors to spur the introduction and use of water saving washing machines. This is a technology machine based program which seeks to replace existing washers with water conserving ones. Various incentives are offered to those who opt to make the necessary changes (Municipal Code Corporation, 2009) Athletic Field Conservation. This is a conservation module that focuses on the use of water for external purposes. Wise use of water is encouraged under the program in quite a number of means and methodologies (David 2010).

Golf Course Conservation: Golf course conservation complements the field conservation endeavor in providing assistance for the conservation efforts based on exterior programs. The success of this aspect has been measured using various parameters.

Metering of All New Connections and Retrofit of Existing Connections: In order to practically bring all water connections under the conservation program, the city embarked on the process of metering all new connections so as to succeed in the endeavor (Lawrence 2009). This goes along way in monitoring the progress of the water conservation techniques.

Wholesale Agency Assistance Program: The program aims at offering general assistance to wholesale customers in a bid to effect conservation. The program works in diverse ways so as to achieve the goal and bring about wise water use.

Conservation Coordinator: In order to have an administration for the entire water program, the city came up with the concept of conservation administrator (Lawrence 2009). The roles played under this umbrella include the administration and supervision of water conservation projects and plans.

Water Reuse: The recycling of water is considered critical to the availability and conservation of water in the city. The reuse of water has always accompanied other vital programs in the city’s conservation efforts.

Rainwater Harvesting and Condensate Reuse: To affect the search for alternative water sources the harvesting of rain water and its subsequent reuse was incepted (David 2010). Under this program citizens are advised to tap rain water and make full use of the same. Incentives of various natures are given including the provision of free rain gauges.

Educational Practices

Public information: Through education seminars and information the city of Olympia has perfected the art of spreading awareness about its conservation efforts (Lawrence 2009). The program is run so as to educate the public on the importance of the city’s water conservation programs.

School Education: The formal curriculum and extra curricular activity acquaints about the wise use of water and its implications availed to the students (David 2010). This is where the city has wisely invested in the future of its conservation prospects.

Youth Program: The youth program mostly focuses on the youth to spread the awareness on the water conservation program (Government of Olympia, 2010).

Online Water-Saving Information: Water conservation campaign has been extended to online. The information is relayed on the internet.

Other Forms of Conservation

Water Conservation Offers and Rebates

Ever since LOTT started its water conservation program a lot of progress has been made. Water flows have reduced drastically. This is an indication of the city’s commitment to its water conservation program (LOTT Alliance, 2010)

Residential Toilet Program

The LOTT organization has been giving free efficiency toilet to take the place of the ordinary versions. The new ones save a lot of water in one flush thus affecting the wise use of water technique. The organization offers a variety of technologies for the customers to choose those that fit them.

Commercial Toilet Program

For the commercial sewer customers LOTT has high efficiency toilets. This has been a good way of saving water and reducing water bills. The customers consequently get to chose between the varieties of styles available.

Free Residential Water Saving Kits

Water saving kits has been in distribution for a long time now. Olympia city has therefore joined other cities in this practice. Funded by the LOTT the kit contains many facilities and instructions for water conservation.

Wash Wise Residential Washing Machine Rebates

The city has been forefront in encouraging its citizens to switch to water saving washing machines. The target is to save up to 8 000 gallons each day. To motivate customers the city offers rebates of up to $100.

The city of Olympia works with customers of all kinds to assist in the saving of water. This goes along way into saving money for the customers through reduced water bills (Olympia 2010). The government and other institutions also play a crucial role in the whole process. The whole project involves quite a number of programs. These range from rebates, to technology and irrigation check ups. However the city has very few industrial customers. Majority of its customers include commercial residential and institutional.

Water Smart Technology

On the installation of approved water efficient fixtures customers get rebates. The project has seen the replacement of many machines with water saving versions (City of Olympia 2010).

Water Efficient Irrigation

In order to bring an end to the overuse of water during the summer for irrigation purposes, Institutions and commercial customers subscribe to irrigation system check ups. This involves an inspection of the systems of irrigation so as to conform them to acceptable standards.

High Efficiency Toilet Program

Commercial sewer customers get support from the LOTT in the installation of the high efficiency toilets. The customers have an opportunity to choose between the many versions available.

Regulations and ordinances

Olympia has many rules regulations and ordinances in place to enhance its water conservation programs. However most information on the same cannot be accessed online thus making it difficult to state the in this paper. However the city has a number of ordinances to bring about strict observance of wise use of water and conservation.


The water conservation programs of the Olympia city are both comprehensive as well as involving. As a result the city has achieved great conservation as far as the flow and conservation of water is concerned. This is primarily due the fact that the move involves a range of projects whose implementation has carefully been selected. As a result the water and environmental future of the city lies in safe hands. The efforts of various agencies organizations and city leadership can therefore be said to be highly successful in meeting this end.

How Can We Protect our Earth? Essay

Here is the report you requested on how to protect the earth by going green, along with recommendations on how to increase profits and implement strategies in our corporation to protect the earth. The research included secondary research using professional and scholarly journals and primary research using a survey conducted on survey monkey.

The environment has received damaged caused by humans throughout the years. With factories and business contributing to global warming we must take action to protect the earth. Many people don’t know the effect that global warming has had on the earth, sea levels are started to increase, air pollution has increased, wildfires are becoming more often, and the oceans are being filled with garbage. With these problems increasing we might see a big change in the earth’s environment. If we continue in this path, the earth’s environment will change drastically leading to natural disasters. Researchers predict that we have less than 20 years to reverse this problem before we can’t no more. In response to that many companies have started the initiative to become eco-friendly to protect the earth. With more people starting to become aware of the problem they are starting to be more and more motivated to buy more eco-friendly products. Protecting the earth can be a win-win for both suppliers and consumers. Becoming an eco-friendly business can help us protect the earth and increase the company profit.

The purpose of this report is to understand why protecting the earth by going green is important. If global warming continuous to increase natural disasters such as droughts, wildfires and hurricanes will be more often. In order to avoid this and to protect the earth we must as a business become eco-friendly. In addition to helping our planet by going we green, the company can also increase it’s profit by entering the green market and recycling used materials. Consumers these days are becoming more and more aware of the damage caused by global warming and are starting make changes in their shopping habits. With us entering the green market we can help save the earth and increase the our profit.

The goals of this report are to (1) explain the danger of climate change, (2) show the consequences of climate change if it continues to increase, (3) identify strategies and solutions that the company can use to help protect the earth and increase profits at the same time (4) show how other similar companies are going green. A Survey conducted on survey monkey, provides significant information to achieve the report goal. Finally, the report will draw conclusions from the collected information and suggest recommendations based on those conclusions.

In Harvard’s 2018 report on climate change they stated that the earth’s temperature has been increasing since the Industrial Revolution. Studies conducted at Harvard show that between the year 1880 and 2017, the average global surface increased by 0.9 degrees. In 2016 the earth experienced its third consecutive hottest year according to records on climate change. Since the Industrial revolution began in the 1880, we have seen an increase in Greenhouse Gas (GHG), according to studies conducted by Harvard the GHG rose 60 percent between 1880 and 2014. Higher levels of GHG in the atmosphere are causing temperatures to rise by increasing radiative forces. The effects of GHG increasing, will be devastating with sea levels rising, and ice melting.

According to Harvard’s report, about 200 nations have acknowledged the danger of climate change in joint statements and international agreement that humans activity is responsible for climate change. In the report about 97 percent of climate scientist claim that human activity is causing climate change.

In 2018 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a report which left many people in shock. In the report, 90 climate scientists from 40 different countries, stated that if people don’t take action to maintain and limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the year 2040. The results will indeed damage the earth’s environment to a point where it can not be reversed.

The IPCC stated in the report that if the heat trapped in the earth’s atmosphere increases, there will be no turning back. The results of climate change will be devastating with natural disasters increasing for example, extreme droughts, devastating wildfires, deadly hurricanes, massive floods, and widespread shortages that will affect both the earth and humans.

In the report conducted by the IPCC it states that we must maintain the Celsius level at 1.5 and if we increase the Celsius level by half degree we will see drastically changes in the earth’s environment.

According to NASA the earth’s temperature has began to rise at an alarming rate. NASA has stated that the Global Temperatures in 2018 where higher than those between 1951 to 1980. According to scientist at NASA the years between 2016 through 2018 has been the warmest years in modern record, meaning that global warming has been increasing drastically.

The Environmental Defense Fund (EFD) stated that climate change can increase air pollution, which can cause an increase in smog that could harm many people who suffer from asthma, increasing the chance of them having an asthma attack.

According to the Environmental Defense Fund (EFD) the earth’s temperature has increased to a point where frozen water on the earth has started to melt. The earth’s snow, glaciers, sea and fresh water ice has begun to melt at a alarming rate leading to the sea level to rise. The melting sea ice will expose darker sea waters, which will absorb more sunlight than ice leading to the ocean heating at a alarming rate and speeding the cycle of melting and heating.

Having the temperature increase has led to sea levels to rise. The EFD stated that oceans are getting hotter, expanding and becoming more acidic. The consequences of this shift causes the oceans to expand, which as a result contributes to higher sea levels. On the other hand, around a third of carbon dioxide emissions end up in the oceans which leads to the ocean becoming more acidic. In a report conducted by the EFD in 2018 the ocean is now 40 percent more acidic than it use to be.

According to NASA droughts in the Southwest and heat waves will become more intense, and cold waves less intense everywhere. In NASA’S climate change report they stated that summer temperatures will keep rising, leading to reduction of soil moisture, which causes heat waves. It is predicted that heat waves that would bee seen once every 20 years will become more occur every 2 or 3 years.

The EFD (2018) reports that the weather is getting more extreme with heatwaves becoming more frequent worldwide. The evaporation of the ocean becomes like fuel for storms which causes hurricanes to become bigger and more devastating.

The EDF report conducted in 2018 states that a warmer atmosphere will increase the formation of smog. Smog can be dangerous to humans causing lungs to irritate and triggering asthma attacks. In addition extreme summer heat will cause more deaths during heat waves. With fresh water getting warmer it will be easier for diseases to grow and contaminate drinking water.

According to the Ocean Health Index marine trash has become a big problem for sea creatures. With marine trash pilling up and creating small islands sea creatures sometimes eat plastic causing them, to get sick and at times causing them to die. In a study conducted by Jenna Jambeck, an assistant professor at the university of Georgia, she discovered that an estimate of 8 million metric tons of plastic trash enter the ocean every year.

In Harvard’s report on climate change, they stated that by the year 2030, the supply of water may outstrip supply by 40 percent. And if GHG emission continue to rise the global land surface will be affected by extreme drought and we could see a increase by 30 percent by the year 2040. According to Harvard food production is being affected by the warmers weathers with CO2 levels rising and affecting the growth of food production. In recent studies it has been shown that with the weather getting warmer it will reduce crops growth by 20 percent by 2030. In addition, warm weathers allows pests, and parasite to thrive leading to crops destruction.

In Harvard’s climate report they stated that climate change might affect human’s health in many ways. With temperatures raising the possibility of heart related problems and deaths will be more often. In 2010 50,000 people died in Russia caused by heat waves, and many are being affected by the smog caused by increase in temperature, smog can cause lung problems.

The impact that climate change has had on the environment has been devastating. According to the report extinction rate are 100 times the normal rate, and scientist estimate that the Earth is headed to sixth mass extinction event in it’s history. In addition scientist estimate that by 2100, 30 percent to 50 percent of animal life will be extinct.

According to Hannah Jones, Nike’s sustainability officer in order for a business to help the environment the business must reduce the footprint it leaves on the earth’s environment. In order to protect the earth, we must create products that deliver maximum performance with minimum impact in the environment, seeking a 10 percent reduction in the average environment footprint and an increase of more sustainable materials.

Recent studies conducted by Henley Business school, shows the relationship between carbon disclosures and financial performance. According to the research conducted they found that just act of disclosures can result in improved share price performance and that there’s s “a significant positive relation between corporate carbon disclosure and corporate financial performance”. (pg. 1)

Improvements to energy efficiency can help protect the earth. In a report conducted by Harvard it shows that reducing energy demand will help reduce GHG emissions. Having a better energy efficiency method can help us reduce the cost on energy. Hendry and Vesilind (2005) state how lowering energy expenses increases profitability and how this leaves opportunity for improved customer relations and reputation. Some examples on how we can increase energy efficiencies are, installing solar panels on our facilities, installing eco-friendly light bulbs, by installing these products we can reduce the energy we spend and increase the business profit.

Becoming a green company can increase our customer base by making them feel that we are a trustworthy company. In a Survey conducted by, Nielson, 30,000 consumers around the world where asked if they would pay more for a product from sustainable sources, 66 percent answered yes. The same survey showed that among millennials that number jumped to 77 percent. Showing that people are willing to pay more for products if that means protecting the earth.

Nike is a company that is being successful in protecting the earth by reducing it’s footprint on the earth’s environment. Some of the things that they are doing are creating products that are made from recycled material for example, NIKE Free RN Flyknit shoe reduces waste by 60 percent compared to a traditional running shoe.

In Nike’s recent report they stated that they are aiming to have 100 percent renewable energy in North America in 2019. With Nike hoping to reach complete renewable energy in all of their facilities by the year 2025. Following Nikes foot step in renewable energy we can help the earth by reducing GHG and also reducing the cost on energy.

Following Nike’s foot step into becoming a green company could benefit us in many ways. NIKE was recognized as using the most recycled polyester in the industry. Hannah Jones, Nike’s sustainability officer stated that “ Nike has diverted over 12.5 pounds of factory and revenues from the sale of Nike Grind sports and play surfaces funded sustainable innovations.” (pg. 21) By doing something similar to Nike we could reduce our waste and also increase revenue profits.

Reducing water usage is a big concern, with water being limited we should find away to recycle our water. In Nike’s recent report they showed the benefits of recycling waste water. Some of the benefits of doing so are saving and reducing water usage and reducing cost on water. By recycling water our company can help reduce water usage and save money.

By going green our Business can benefit, by increasing consumers and profits, while also reducing our footprint on the environment. Going green is a win-win for both the company and the environment, that is why the company should go green.

For this report I did a survey on 20 people on survey monkey. My goal was to discover if the environment was a big concern for these individuals and if they would purchase products made from recycled materials. The survey consisted of 3 questions: (1) Would you buy a product that is made from recycled materials? (2) Is the environment a big concern for? ( 3) How likely are you to buy a more expensive product if its packaging is more environmentally friendly than its competitor’s product?

The survey conducted in survey monkey reveals 3 things (1) a vast majority of people are willing to buy products made from recycled materials, (2) people are concerned for the environment, ( 3) people are willing to spend more money on eco-friendly products. The results of this survey show that people are willing to spend more money on products if that means protecting the earth.

With the results from the survey we can conclude that by going Green we can increase our consumers and profits while also protecting the earth. By using recycled materials, we can help protect the earth by reducing our footprint in the environment. With these findings it is safe to say that going green will be a good decision.

Based on the findings of my secondary research using the internet and my primary research using survey monkey, the following conclusions are made.

  1. Climate change is a big issue that will affect all of us if we don’t help reduce Greenhouse emission.
  2. By recycling materials, we can reduce the amount waste sent to landfills, prevent pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials, and save energy.
  3. Using renewable energy such as solar panels can help us power our facilities and reduce electricity bills saving the company money.
  4. Going green can increase our customer base by making them feel that we are a trustworthy company, while also protecting the earth.
  5. Going green will help protect the earth.


With the findings and conclusions of this report, the following recommendations are offered, to help protect our planet.

  1. Turn into a Green business.
  2. Recycle materials.
  3. Use energy efficiency sources.
  4. Reduce raw material used.
  5. Enter the greenmarket.
  6. Reduce waste created from factories.
  7. Promote green products.