The Main Advantages of Renewable Energy

Biomass is any waste, wood or crops that can be used as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels. Examples of biomass are bacterial decay, burning, fermentation and conversion. Burning is the earliest form of biomass, it was used up until the 1800’s and was used to heat up houses. Bacterial decay is when bacteria feed on dead organisms and create a gas called methane, this gas can be very bad for our environment by producing excess carbon dioxide or it can contaminate water sources if waste isn’t stored properly. Fermentation has almost perfected the ways of producing this energy thus being almost harmless to the environment, fermentation creates a gas called ethanol when yeast is added to biomass creating alcohol such as wine. Conversion contains a chemical called methanol methanol is very toxic to animal and human bodies which is produced by chemicals or heat. The four types of biomass are solid waste, landfill gas, alcohol fuels, wood and agricultural biomass. Landfill gas is when bacteria eats the garbage and creates a methane gas which is not very human or animal safe as well as creating potential fire hazards. If the methane gas is handled properly then this could be very promising. Solid waste is when waste in a landfill is burned and used to generate heat energy which gets rid of about 60% of landfill waste, but this isn’t very efficient. Alcohol fuels are all about converting crops to either ethanol or methanol. But this product is extremely expensive so is usually mixed with gasoline to power cars.

Pollution can either increase or decrease with the use of biomass. Burning wood can create an excess of greenhouse gasses just like we are already doing and it can raise temperatures. Trees are a nonrenewable source because trees are used faster than they can be reproduced, which is a problem because trees play the most vital role in life on Earth, so we don’t have the resources to burn coal or wood for energy. Landfill gas actually in fact reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air because methane is a stronger greenhouse gas. Now that most biodiesel uses about 10% ethanol in the oil, is it started to become considered more carbon-neutral and leave a better carbon footprint.

What is geothermal power? Geothermal power is when humans use hot springs or volcanoes to heat up their homes. The ways this resource is produced is by flash steam, binary steam and dry steam, Flash steam is made by power plants let steaming hot water flow up to surface and as it is flowing up the water comes to a boil and creates steam then the water is put back where it came from, thus making it renewable. Dry steam is made by geysers or hot springs is brought up into a generator and is turned into heat for a home. Binary steam is when freezing cold waters are heated with another fluid with a lower boiling point then it vapors the generators.

There are so many pros and cons to this energy source. You can operate this energy without using fuel, it leaves the smallest footprint out of all the energy sources because the reductions of fuel use, causing about 97% less acid rain. Although this is a renewable resource because the water gets put back where it came from, this could be very problematic and it could even be more wasteful. The price to build a geothermal plant is very costly and has to be located in areas that are available for this energy source which could make transportation of this energy even more costly. But thankfully the research is making this energy source more readily more available.

Next let’s talk about hydroelectric power, hydroelectric power is an energy source made by water being moved towards an electric generator. A simpler example of this extremely powerful energy source is a watermill. Basically, what happens is the current of the water moves the watermill and stimulates a magnet and the faster the water moves, the better the energy production. But a more modern example can be a man made dam being built and the power of the water going forward is powering turbines, creating kinetic energy and powering a giant magnet in a generator, thus making what we call hydropower.

This power source is amazing because it does not produce any greenhouse gasses and on top of that the hydroelectric plants don’t produce any toxic gasses. But this tampers with the natural flow of the river which doesn’t protect against fish migration which could create a snowball effect of environmental problems. Plus the existence of the dams can create a drought for higher elevations and floods for lower elevations. Ultimately builders should be careful about what states and cities would benefit off of hydropower being used energy source.

Wind power is when the wind blows the turbines in a circular motion, this is connected to a generator and this generates electricity. There are many different kinds of wind turbine sizes, residential-scales are usually 10 kilowatts and can power about one house, small commercial-scales uses about 10 to 50 kilowatts and can be well used for schools, commercial onsite energy use which produces about 50 to 250 kilowatts of power, a large commercial uses about 500 kilowatts to 1.5 megawatts and is used for machines that require a lot of power and lastly a utility-scale energy uses about 1.5 to 7.5 megawatts and these produce energy to sell. The prices for each turbine can get extremely costly, a utility scale turbine can get up to $2.2 million per megawatt of energy and a commercial turbine can get as expensive as $4 million. This is important because it shows what different turbine sizes does for society. But there are often taxes that can help reduce the cost of installing the turbines.

The number of bird and bat deaths are uncanny but research is being done on their behavior to help combat against the rising number of bird and bat deaths. Wind turbines create a magnetic field and can interfere with telecommunication facilities. Complaints about the loud noises of wind energy are being assessed, in the past couple years, lubricants and reconstruction of the turbines have created a quieter turbine.

Lastly is solar power, which is energy made from the sun’s rays. Solar power uses photovoltaics, solar panels on top of peoples houses. They generate energy by the light being absorbed and loosens the electrons, then these electrons flow thus creating a current, the current is transferred to the wires. Solar panels are made of a glass sheet adding durability, metal frame and wiring helping activate the silicon solar cells, plexiglas, bus wire and silicon solar cells which has the power as a non-metal to abilitate it to convert sunlight into energy. Silicon has 3 different cell structures being monocrystalline, the solar energy being produced from one silicon block, polycrystalline basically does the same duty but cuts the silicon into smaller parts and amorphous forms makes the solar panels more flexible.

The ways of storing solar energy is extremely inefficient, if you put the solar energy into a battery then it becomes highly toxic to the environment. But we need a way to do this, luckily there are some new ways for people to do this like converting sun rays to hydrogen instead of electricity. This is a very cheap, appealing step in the right direction and has minimal effects on the wild life around us.

Essay on Renewable Energy

The world has been powered by carbon-based energy since the industrial revolution. It is what humans know as convenient, reliable, and cheap. However, the environment is slowly paying the price for the use of these fossil fuels. A change needs to occur, and a willingness to switch to renewable energy is the only way to ensure the planet will remain intact. Humans are at fault here, deciding to burn limited resources when there is an alternative way to produce clean energy. The world should be powered by renewable energy.

There are several reasons why renewable energy is proven to be a better power source than carbon-based energy. Not only will it boost the global economy, but it will also save consumers money in the long run. According to the American Wind Energy Association, wind farms in the U.S. source around $222 million a year to landowners who have wind farms. (Folk, 2019). This source of income can be very beneficial to farmers and landowners because it can help them with their main business, whether that be agriculture, herding, etc. Renewable energy is a step in the right direction for employment wise as well. Not only will it provide thousands of labor-intensive, technical jobs, but it will also generate a source of business accessible to all. “In 2016, the wind energy industry directly employed over 100,000 full-time-equivalent employees.” (UCS, 2017). Just like people need to run gas stations, there will be a direct need for manufacturing and maintaining wind farms, solar panels, and any other form of renewable energy. These jobs may even pay more than the national average, being engineering related. There is a direct relationship between the implementation of renewable energy and the increased benefit each business gets from the income it will receive. As renewable energy becomes more familiar, the price will go down, unlike the fuel we use now. Renewable energy will have a steady value as time progresses. For example, solar installation prices decreased by up to 70% from 2010 to 2017. (SEIA, 2017). The inevitable transition from carbon-based energy to renewable energy will provide far more benefits for the people than anything else. Not only will the global economy increase but working civilians will save money or even make money from new work or investments.

One of the most obvious and inevitable threats of using carbon-based energy is the pollution of the Earth. The switch to renewable energy will fix this indefinitely. As carbon burns, carbon dioxide is released, which is the most well-known greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases are what are causing the global climate to rising, due to pollution. These emissions are released every single day on the planet, whether it be a car, a factory, or a college, air pollutants are constantly being released. The same could not be said if renewable energy was being used. Renewable energy releases no harmful emissions. Cars would not run on gas, heat would not be produced by the burning of oil, etc. Air and water pollution not only kills the Earth, but it also kills humans too. Fossil fuel use, most prominently, the extraction of coal, releases toxic chemicals. These chemicals are released into the air during extraction, then left for nature to dispose of it. But it just gets buried in the ground, in water, with no one cleaning it up. “Exposure to coal dust and particulates has long been linked to high rates of risk of respiratory diseases and lung cancer amongst miners and in mountaintop-mining regions.” (Climate Nexus, 2019). People who live near these sites are exposed to this toxic dust every day, it’s in the air they breathe, and the water they drink, and they are none the wiser. The fact that manufacturers and distributors are aware of the risk they are taking and the harm they are causing, and the world continues to be dominated by carbon-based energy industries, is ridiculous. Renewable energy uses nature to provide a source of power, but in a way that doesn’t destroy it.

As global fossil fuel consumption increases, the less we have of it. Just because the Earth is bigger than we can picture, doesn’t mean that we can’t run it dry. The truth is, we are progressively using up all of the natural oil and gas that Earth has been holding for 4.5 billion years. If the global use of carbon-based energy continues, the Earth’s known oil deposits could run out in just 53 years. (Ecotricity). People seem to not care until it actually happens, and this mindset needs to be put to an end. People believe that the Earth was made to inhabit humans and we are here for the long haul, but the truth is that the Earth will thrive without us. Its oil would remain undisturbed, ecosystems will prosper, and the natural ocean life would not suffer from the creations of mankind. We are draining the Earth of all of its life and once it’s all gone it may never come back. The uncertainty should be unsettling enough. Clean energy is guaranteed to save the Earth, to save human life as we know it. In a world full of electronics and factories, it is obvious that we need a source of energy, and that energy has to be renewable in order for us to save this planet. Sustainable energy will not run out, and it will fight climate change by reducing carbon emissions. “Despite more than two decades of climate policymaking, fossil fuel production levels are higher than ever.” (Nilsson, SEI, 2019). This proves that humans will be the cause of their own demise. Without Earth, we have nothing, yet we are still treating it like it is expendable. Instead of drilling for oil, there should be teams building wind farms, installing solar panels, and figuring out new ways to create and store sustainable energy.

While renewable energy is known among the world’s population as a clean energy option, some people still argue that fossil fuels will never run out. As energy researchers continue to search for and find new oil reserves, the estimate of the amount of oil we have left keeps increasing, leading people to believe that we will not run out any time soon. ( Rissman, 2013). While that may be true, we will eventually run out. Whether it be in 2050 or 3050, there will be a time when the reserves are empty. People also argue that the oil industry is a trillion-dollar industry and that the economy will tank if we eliminate its use of it. However, this is not true. Climate change is costing the world trillions of dollars by trying to stop it. Using renewable energy would save the U.S. over $700 billion a year in the 2040s. Around 1 million additional jobs would also be created due to this transition. (Alexander, 2018).

Building the future with the use of carbon-based energy will not be sufficient at all. In order to ensure the success of future generations, now is the time to introduce the worldwide use of renewable energy. Otherwise, the future will be very grim. We have all the technology and resources right now to make it happen, so the desire to wait does not make sense. If the problem can be solved, then why not solve it? Yes, it will take time and money, but instead of funding fossil fuel extraction, why not put the money towards something that will last forever? Making the switch now will allow future generations to live on a plant that was not destroyed by humans, and it will allow them to grow and learn from our developments, to suit their needs. It is not certain how much energy will be needed in the future, but if we start storing sustainable energy now, it could potentially help future generations tremendously. If the world is set up in a way that is not harmful and keeps the global economy up, future generations will have no choice but to follow in our footsteps, instead of them being responsible for cleaning up our mess. All in all, there is no way of knowing what the technology will be like in the future, but if there is a good foundation for them to start off with, then the rest will all fall together. No one wants to destroy the Earth, and hopefully, it’s not too late.

The world should be powered by renewable energy. Not only is it the only logical approach to saving the Earth from us destroying it, but there are also many benefits from doing so. It will boost the economy by creating millions of jobs around the world and creating numerous potential investments and businesses. In the world today, pollution is normal. It comes from cars, it comes from buildings, it comes from machines, and almost everything we do leaves a carbon footprint. This is slowly killing the Earth. The air and water are contaminated with toxic emissions that are fatal to humans and animals. Trying to clean up is not enough, in order to fix the problem we need to address the root of the problem, which is fossil fuels. There is no limit when it comes to renewable energy. We don’t have to go searching for it, unlike oil, gas, and coal. The known reserves around the world are becoming empty and we are just bystanders watching as it happens. Big companies and manufacturers need to take responsibility. They are the ones with all the money and power. Without them, there is very little chance of global reform. Even if just one multi-billion dollar company transitioned to renewable energy as their main source of energy, that would make a massive difference in the carbon emissions released. Any argument made against this topic should be immediately dismissed because this is the only solution. Not only for us but for the future of the Earth. We only have one chance and if we lose it now then there is no future. I believe that we should be taking this very seriously. The fact that there are no laws put in place yet to enforce the use of renewable energy is sad, to think that we have people that hold such power and they are not doing anything about it, it’s truly sad. There is no debate between renewable vs carbon-based energy. The world absolutely needs to transition to renewable energy sooner rather than later, so that there is a later.

Conservation of Natural Resources: Argumentative Essay

Can you imagine living without enough air to breathe? Is it even possible to survive without water in today`s blistering world? How can we survive in our daily life if we don`t have fertile land, forest, plants, and animals that provide us with food? What are we going to do if our natural resources are the main source of needs of the people in the entire world? Hence, it is no wonder that all people, poor or rich, have used these resources. Everyone needs this not because of other reasons but to survive. Even those other countries that are not abundant in some natural resources, tend to buy or make a machine and devices that may help them to process their own source of foods and essential materials.

It is clear that the conservation of natural resources is important as there is no gender, age, life, or educational background is considered for us to waste it because this is the fundamental source of our life. Most of us sometimes forget to replace and replant the trees that we have cut in some mountains and forests. We have no time to segregate our waste so that it won`t flow together with the freshwater that we drink, use to make soup, and even used to take a bath. And yet, we feel stressed and depressed when we encounter landslides and floods. Thus, wasting and not conserving our natural resources can make our lives miserable, and all the bad things we gave and made to our nature will also return to us.

Worse still, those countries that have the most dangerous places, the places that are common and known for having floods, landslides, and other dangerous events are often the main culprit that can ruin an individual`s life and vanish homes. People frequently use materials that are going to destroy our nature and make our natural resources dangerous and this can become a very serious problem, whether in health or in our environment. The place we once loved can make our life into misery if we will not going to give our best to take care of it. In some cases, bad attitudes and being mean to our nature and natural resources can make our environment and favorite place vanish and can be destroyed forever. What then is the point of using these natural resources and our nature if we are just going to exploit, abuse, and treat them unfairly?

However, from a different perspective, using natural resources in a proper and good way by not abusing them can make them more blessed. For some, drinking fresh water for them to have a non-replaceable pure and clean drink can make them contented and happy. For others, conserving natural resources like forests and minerals is the best for them to have fresh air to breathe and a healthy and not abusive environment. Being abundant natural resources in a safe and wonderful world instead of purchasing goods outside the country because we destroy ours nor make extraordinary machines brought by high technology to change non-food into eatable foods, why don`t we conserve it and make our place a better place to live? After all, it is a little bit difficult to conserve our natural resources alone, and that`s why all people must do it. It is our duty to take good care of our nature and make it a good source of our essential needs and we`re not going to abuse it. Hence, a healthy and beautiful nature and environment can make us sleep comfortably and soundly so that tomorrow is a day of hope and still an abundant life for us.

Mr. M. S. Swaminathan once said, If the conservation of natural resources goes wrong, nothing else will go right. I agree with him as no one can survive if our world returns us to the mean things that we`ve done and still doing to our nature. Like it or not, we should have to be responsible enough because one wrong move can kill life and destroy the environment. It is very important to be responsible for small things for you to be more responsible for big things. Misusing natural resources often rear its ugly side and can ruin billions of lives. We also have to make sacrifices such as taking good care and being more responsible in our everyday journeys and activities that may not affect the environment. Therefore, to be happy and live healthily, one must realize that we have a very huge home to take care of before our small homes that love began.

Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources


Earth provides a diverse source of life to all the organisms for their survival which are mentioned as natural resources. Natural resources encompass air, water, soil, metals, energy, and other essential components of life. All the resources are directly or indirectly associated with each other to form a suitable environment for the organisms. Over the last few decades, different types of crises have arisen on the earth, specifically population growth, climatic changes, and biodiversity losses. All these crises are responsible for the depletion of natural resources and the lack of these resources poses serious threats to the entire ecosystem. Numerous biological processes adequately require these resources to run smoothly. Therefore, the protection of these resources is the major requirement of recent times. The term ‘Conservation’ refers to the protection of natural resources in a diverse manner. Conservation is a process in which a particular organism or object is protected without causing any kind of harm. Conservation of living organisms incorporates two methods which are known as in-situ and ex-situ conservation. In situ conservation is adopted to protect the endangered species of a particular organism in their natural habitat whereas ex-situ conservation is used for the protection of organisms that occur on the verge of extinction. The major objective of this review paper is to analyze the importance of natural resources as well as their conservation criteria for a healthy environment and future generations.

1. Introduction

Natural resources are the essential components of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere that are utilized by humans. These resources often reside in the form of reserve materials in nature. Natural resources are associated with soil, land, minerals, water, and its producers including vegetation, and wildlife, which is beneficial for humans and maintains modern achievements (Andersen and Lorch, 1998). These resources play a crucial role in the economic progress of the country additionally contributing to maintaining the ecological balance (Barbier E.B., 2003). The environment incorporates two types of natural resources namely inorganic and organic sources. Inorganic sources consist of water, air, minerals, metal ores, and stones, whereas living organisms such as microbes, plants, animals, and their products particularly natural gases, coal, food, forest, and wood are affiliated with organic sources. Humans constantly utilize these resources. Certain resources which are not likely to end after consumption are called renewal sources. Furthermore, such sources which are not possible to be renewed or replaced after use, are mentioned as nonrenewal. They include fossils, coal, oil, natural gas, and many metal ores. Conservation of these resources through ecological rules has become essential for obtaining food and other things from plants and animals (Agrawal and Redford 2009). During the last few decades, some natural and man-made calamities like mining, deforestation, hunting as well as flood, drought, climatic changes, etc. are reducing the quantity of these resources and may take them to the brink of extinction. The deficiency of these resources may negatively affect animals, plants as well as mankind also. Moreover, it can also interrupt the chain of ecosystems. Conservation of soil, water, and mineral resources is needed for the day to ensure their sustainable availability for future generations. The primary goals of conservation involve the protection of natural habitats, prohibiting the harvesting of forests, and preventing species extinction. Government laws and prohibitions are not sufficient to conserve all these resources, rather society itself will also have to be aware and contribute significantly in this direction.

2. Types of Natural Resources

Natural resources fall into the following categories:-

  • Mineral resources
  • Soil
  • Water
  • Forest
  • Wildlife

2.1 Mineral resources

Earth is typically formed with the help of different rocks and materials. These rocks encompass several mineral substances such as gold, iron, silver, copper, aluminum, etc. Since ancient times, frequent states of India including Bihar, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Karnataka, Assam, and Gujarat have continuously used these sources to meet their economic needs and mineral requirements (Hlavova I., 2015). After the utilization of resources, they are naturally recycled by various organisms to complete the mineral cycle. In the last few decades, the utilization of minerals has increased due to the continuous enlargement of the population. Therefore, man has now started paying more attention to the conservation of mineral resources. It has been found that a cycle takes thousands of years to complete. Consequently, natural minerals need to be managed periodically by prohibiting indiscriminate mining of minerals.

2.1.1 Conservation of mineral resources

The above-mentioned substances can be eliminated prematurely due to the increasing population as well as the amount of exploitation. To save these substances from extinction, various measures need to be adopted such as petroleum can be used as an alternative to an energy, hydropower, wind energy, nuclear energy, and solar energy. Presently in India gobar gas plants are being used for cooking, electric lighting, and also in industries. Similarly, natural energy sources can be saved by using solar energy in cooking, industries, and other centers.

2.2 Soil

Soil is an important terrestrial factor. The main substances of soil are minerals disintegrated from rocks, substances made from living organisms, water, and air. Soil porousness depends on the size and composition of the mineral particles and water storage capacity is based on the ratio of dissolved organic matter. Soil comprises three major categories namely clay, loam, and sandy soil. All these categories of soil pose benefits for the environment in different manners. The physical and chemical composition of soils has directly or indirectly affected the distribution of various plants and animals as well as many biological functions. The soil above the earth provides a place for plants for their growth. It holds some nutrients that are essential for the development of plants (Kimmins J.P., 1996; Nortcliff S., 2000 ). Therefore, the land should be utilized with proper care. On the contrary, due to improper use of land, the cost of restoration is not only increased but because of this, there is a permanent loss of communities.

2.2.1 Methods of soil conservation

Of the lack of suitable planning for soil conservation, most of the land that should be productive has been converted over to unproductive land (Govers et al., 2017). The successive harvesting of plants resulted in soil erosion and led to several losses so its prevention is highly needed. There are many methods of soil conservation which are as follows –

  • (a) Reforestation – Reforestation means an easy method to plant early-growing plants to prevent soil erosion. Planting of such plants should be done in dry soil areas that can bind the soil such as Saccharum munja, Saccharum spontaneum, Cynodon dactylon, etc. In India, the Van Mahotsav is celebrated every year by planting suitable plants to prevent the loss of natural vegetation.
  • (b) Contour planting. It is more profitable to walk with a vertical plow or contour planting on the slopes of the hill. Right-angle plowing on the slope does not lead to tillage and soil erosion. Rainwater lasts longer and water is absorbed by the soil (Gachene et al., 2020).
  • (c) Contour strip cropping – It is recommended to farm on more steep slopes. Crops should be sown in pellets like legume plants or Legumes which prevents soil erosion. Such land should be left from time to time without sowing and periodic pasture should be planted on it. This prevents soil erosion.
  • (d) Terracing – This is also a way to prevent soil erosion. Slope prevents the flow of water and soil. At the same time, it is possible to create a drain on the side of the small field to provide higher water absorption and prevent erosion ((Mekonnen et al., 2015).
  • (e) Controlled grazing – Excess grazing on the ground does not make the land fertile. The soil particles get organized due to the hours of animals. The rainwater is not exploited. This causes the soil or ground to dry up. Plants growing below ground become loose due to which the grip of these plants on the soil is ended. Soil erosion is caused by air and water. Therefore, uncontrolled grazing should not be done on the pasture.
  • (f) Soil fertility – Fertile soil is helpful for the crop because it provides inorganic and organic substances to the soil. Soil that does not contain minerals and humus is sterile. Manure and chemical fertilizers should be added to increase soil fertility. An easy method for this is crop rotation which maintains the balance of nutrients.

2.3 Water

Water is an essential resource for household, agricultural as well as industrial sectors. There are several fresh aquatic sources found worldwide. The abundance of freshwater is also placed in India. India incorporates a number of rivers originating from the Himalayas namely Brahmaputra, Ganga, Yamuna, Indus, China, Jhelum, Ravi, etc. Apart from rivers, there are many lakes, ponds, and dams associated with aquaculture resources in India, which have an area of about 96 lakh hectares. The requirement for water has increased enormously due to excessive industrialization (Aksungur and Firidin 2008). Shortage of water may directly affect the survival of the entire civilization. Therefore, the conservation of water should be done in a controlled manner and it is necessary to increase water resources in order to avoid drought.

2.3.1 Conservation of water

Water is a quite necessary resource for life and its conservation must be required in recent times as well as for the subsequent period. Certain methods of water conservation are as follows –

  • (a) Dams:- Dams are indeed artificial constructions that form a barrier between the source and route of flowing water. It usually generates small reservoirs or lakes that store the overflow of water.
  • (b) Rainwater harvesting:- It is a prominent and effective method of water conservation. It acts like the recycling of natural water. Water harvesting is the process of accumulating rainwater directly from the environment, which may be collected for direct use or can be converted into groundwater (Julius et al., 2013).
  • (c) Protection of groundwater resources: It is a significant step towards water protection. Groundwater is a huge source and its conservation evolves the prohibition of toxic chemicals that contaminates the water resources including rainwater.

2.4 Forest

Forests cover 31% of the terrestrial area (FAO, 2020). They are found on about 750 lakh hectares of land in India. Forests provide natural habitats for wild animals. Moreover, they also supply fuel, coal, and other useful materials for mankind (Nasi et al., 2011; Akinnifesi et al., 2004). Forest wealth prevents erosion. Clusters of trees do not allow the rapid pace of rainfall to come into direct contact with the soil of the earth, so the soil particles do not crumble. In the absence of forests, the danger of irregular cycles of water, air, and rainfall arises (Bradshaw et al., 2007). The lack of environmental awareness among people has led to indiscriminate deforestation, which has resulted in a shortage of economically important resources (Wajim J., 2020). The risk of soil erosion, landslides, floods, and rain cycles arises from deforestation (Levis et al., 2017). Therefore, the conservation of forests is necessary at the global level.

2.4.1 Methods of Forest Conservation

After realizing the importance of forests, the program of reforestation was created by many countries. Along with the conservation of forests, it is necessary to follow the principles of ecology. Some conservation methods for forests are given below –

  1. House-building schemes should be completely banned in forest areas.
  2. Indiscriminate cutting and economic exploitation of forests should be prohibited by effective rules and legislation.
  3. The plantation of industries in natural forest areas should be banned.
  4. In schools and colleges, forest protection and development should be made compulsory and necessary studies as a fixed curriculum.
  5. Forest conservation and development programs should be given priority.

2.5 Wildlife Conservation

Animals that cannot be domesticated are mentioned as ‘wild animals’. Wildlife is more important for human society including forests. It maintains the ecological balance of the ecosystem. Wildlife conservation is related to hunting productive land and hunting crops. Wildlife also plays a vital role to maintain the economic development of the country along with providing livelihood to thousands of people (Adams et al., 2004). Modernization activities have resulted in excessive loss of Forests as well as wildlife, due to which many species are moving towards or have become extinct. Conservation of forests, nutrition, and maintaining the breeding grounds of wildlife is very important. Some essential steps toward wildlife conservation are as follows –

  1. A complete prohibition on the hunting of reproductive and milking animals.
  2. The development of sanctuaries for wildlife and the provision of complete livelihood in them.
  3. More suitable and necessary improvements and better arrangements in the natural habitats of wildlife.
  4. Biosphere reserves should also be marked which preserve the gene pool sources of flora and fauna.

3. Conclusion

All the members of the ecosystem are related to each other in such a way that the earth is considered to be an ecological system whereby all organisms are associated with each other through a large food network. If some sort of pressure is felt to adapt to the natural system, then some relationships which were once damaged or destroyed cannot be restored. Therefore, to maintain the continuity of all natural resources on the basis of ecological rules for human welfare, it is necessary to provide conservation using prudential and prioritize rules in development works. The basic principle of conservation is the optimal use of natural resources. They should not be wasted for the purpose of preserving for future generations.

Essay about Conservation of Natural Resources

The exhaustion of natural resources has gradually been one of the greatest crises for the whole planet and human beings since the latter half of the 20th century. It is known that the earth, like our mother, is the home for survival, which provides us with abundant resources. We, human beings, are the master of the earth, so we should protect it as we treat ourselves. No one wishes his home to become worse. However, the environment on which human beings depend for survival and development has been severely challenged, the ecological environment has been severely damaged and various pollution accidents occur frequently since the start of industrialization. The rapid exhaustion of resources, especially non-renewable resources in a short period, like coal, iron, or oil, has been a huge concern of human beings. Thus, the conservation of natural resources has become a consensus of human beings for sustainable development. Pinchot also states that “the conservation of natural resources is the basis, and the only permanent basis, of national success.” (1) Here we could analyze the values of two naturalists to expound on the issue.

Gifford Pinchot and John Muir are American naturalists. According to their essays, we can find that they share some similar fundamental environmental values. The first one is that all-natural resources need to be protected, and waste is a huge issue to protect the resources. According to Pinchot’s description, natural resource protection should include both renewable resources and non-renewable resources. He points out that “As a people, we have been in the habit of declaring certain of our resources to be inexhaustible.”(2) The received information is stupidly wrong. Just as coal, it is far from being inexhaustible because the data show that anthracite coal only could last fifty years and bituminous coal would last less than two hundred years. But we “continue to treat our coal as though there could never be an end of it” (Pinchot, 2) because now only 5 percent of the potential power residing in the coal is mined and used now. Meanwhile, waste is another big problem. The waste problem is not only in coal mining but also in other minerals. “Mention should be made of the annual loss of millions of dollars worth of by-products from coke, blast, and other furnaces have now thrown into the air, often not merely without benefit but to the serious injury of the community.” (Pinchot, 2) Meanwhile, Muir writes that in the mills near forests of King’s River, the “waste far exceeds use.”(4) Therefore, the conservation of natural resources should not only include those exhaustible resources, like coal, iron, oil, and gas, but also the soil, water, forage plants and animals, and so on. Muir also gives an example that “king trees, all that there are of their kind in the world, are surely worth saving, whether for beauty, science, or bald use.” (Muir 4) He realizes that it is generally recognized that the forest is important whether it is from the economic view. He thinks that government should pay more attention to forest protection because it is good for people and nature. In short, conservation should include all natural resources, no matter what is used now.

The second similar point is that conservation should benefit the public. As Pinchot concludes that “The conservation idea covers a wider range than the field of natural resources alone. Conservation means the greatest good to the greatest number for the longest time.”(9) He points out that conservation addresses public matters with people’s foresight, prudence, thrift, and intelligence. The value orientation is the public good, rather than the private interests. Conservation aims at protecting the earth from pollution and abuse to “make the country the best possible place to live in both for us and for our descendants.” (Pinchot 10) It is in the public interest for the future. People want to live in a better condition, and they are willing to create a better condition by themselves. Also, they want to leave something to descendants, rather than various problems. Muir finds that only the “isolated Mariposa Grove has been reserved as a park for public use and pleasure.” (4) Yosemite is a wild land that is far from prosperous cities, and many of the parts in it have not been developed. But the natural resources are plentiful, and their value of it is vital. It would be a place for people to travel and explore, and its abundant resources would be helpful for people. Some of the development actions destroy Yosemite. So conservation is called for to protect the common good.

There are differences between the ideas of the two naturalists. Pinchot values more on the protection of resources like water, soil, and forest. In his perspective, he approves the suitable law and governmental regulation to do the conservation with the strict policy. At the same time, he also encouraged every citizen to try their best to contribute to the protection work in daily life. He combined the development and preserving together on natural resources. He considers that “The natural resources must be developed and preserved for the benefit of the many, and not merely for the profit of a few.” (Pinchot 9) Developing the resources reasonably would generate profit, while the profit would drive people to change their attitudes toward conservation. Conservation must benefit most people, not the interest of some people who possess the resources. He concluded the principles of conservation: “development, preservation, and the common good.” (Pinchot 10) What we should do is the “development of resources and the prevention of waste and loss, the protection of the public interests by foresight, prudence, and the ordinary business and home-making virtues.” (Pinchot 10) Interest is the base to carry out the policy and measures for conservation.

The important tip of Pinchot’s value is that conservation is a moral issue. As he says that conservation is a moral issue, because it “involves the rights and the duties of our people—their rights to prosperity and happiness, and their duties to themselves, to their descendants, and to the whole future progress and welfare of this Nation.” (Pinchot 13) There is one example of it in his essay—water power. The development of water power is always the private ownership. At this time, the private interest comes first, though it was under public control. The conservation actions would not be strictly completed, because the common good is not the first thing that the private would care about. So he insists that “congress must decide also whether immensely valuable rights to the use of water power shall be given away to special interests in perpetuity and without compensation instead of being held and controlled by the public.” (Pinchot 11) It is vital to prevent our water powers from passing into private ownership because only the public good could make the resources sustainably and develop. Even some people who get the water power would pay for it because the surrendered profits are the public good and could help the development of conservation when the power is developed. All these are good for our future.

Muir values more on the development of the wildland. In his essay, we find that it detailed introduces the scenery of Yosemite. Yosemite is a wild place that has not been fully developed. The author considers the development, but he also believes that protection and conservation should carry out at the same time. He replies that natural resources in Yosemite are mainly the flora and fauna, which is the most valuable treasure that calls for protection.

Currently, the conservation of natural resources is prominent. It is known that natural resources are vulnerable, and can easily be destroyed. In order to keep sustainable development, the conservation of natural resources is pressing and urgent. Also, t is the base of national development. All kinds of natural resources, including renewable and nonrenewable, need to be protected, and the waste of resources is a fundamental problem, which demands governmental regulation. The conservation must benefit the public, or it would fail.

Essay on Land and Wildlife Conservation

Land management is essential to preserving the ecosystem and all of the resources that come from it. Sources like food, shelter, and economic development are part of the land and must be managed for future generations to come. Land management reduces air and water pollution, and soil quality, and preserves wildlife habitats. Land management provides environmental, economic, and social opportunities for future generations. Land use is critical for agriculture which provides food for the world. Proper land management is important to maintain as it enhances productivity and preserves all species in the ecosystem. Some of the challenges that are presented with land management are human intervention, land degradation, and social injustice. There are many approaches to address these concerns and biodiversity conservation offers the best solution to land management.

As mentioned, biodiversity conservation is favored by biologists and that is because it embodies a variety of species that are living on the land. The diversity of this land management offers more to an already complex ecosystem than the opportunity to save endangered species. ‘Biodiversity includes allelic diversity within populations, structural differences between populations, diversity of species, and diversity at higher levels of phylogenetic and ecological organization (e.g., ecosystems) (Sahotra Sarkar 1996). Other methods of land management tend to focus on large species and overlook the biodiversity of smaller organisms, when in fact they are just as vital to the land as the larger ones. Every species in the ecosystem carries an important role in the cohesion of the land, and using other methods besides biodiversity conservation, puts stress on the environment and the species that reside in them. Other methods will only focus on the more ‘popular’ species or those that are labeled endangered without no to the rest of the ecosystem.

Unlike other lands, biodiversity conservation doesn’t conflict with social interests and does the opposite by including local people. ‘Because of the political problems caused by the creation of national parks and reserves, social ecologists (i.e., those who see ecological health as a social justice issue) have routinely criticized the creation of national parks and reserves, especially when these are created by decree of distant national governments acting in concert with international agencies and ignoring local needs’. Biodiversity conservation is inclusive of the indigenous people of the land and continues to be the preferred method for land management so long as humans are living on the land. This method supersedes all others because it is a requirement for good human health and productive livelihoods. People that live on these lands depend on biodiversity conservation every day and land management such as wilderness preservation, national parks, and similar projects directly affect the locals. Indigenous people are not in conflict with biodiversity conservation because it allows them to reap the benefits of the land just as any other species does. ‘Humans are sometimes admitted as being part of a wilderness, especially if they are members of indigenous groups already resident in that wilderness’ (Sahotra Sarkar 1996). There is a misconception about words like ‘nature’ and what it includes, but the reality is that humans are part of the ecosystem and that is where biodiversity conservation solves this dilemma.

Land-use change is arguably the most pervasive socioeconomic force driving changes and degradation of ecosystems. Deforestation, urban development, agriculture, and other human activities have substantially altered the Earth’s landscape. Such disturbance of the land affects important ecosystem processes and services, which can have wide-ranging and long-term consequences.

Farmland provides open space and valuable habitat for many wildlife species. However, intensive agriculture has potentially severe ecosystem consequences. For example, it has long been recognized that agricultural land use and practices can cause water pollution and the effect is influenced by government policies. Runoff from agricultural lands is a leading source of water pollution both in inland and coastal waters. Conversions of wetlands to crop production and irrigation water diversions have brought many wildlife species to the verge of extinction.

Forests provide many ecosystem services. They support biodiversity, provide critical habitat for wildlife, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, intercept precipitation, slow down surface runoff, and reduce soil erosion and flooding. These important ecosystem services will be reduced or destroyed when forests are converted to agriculture or urban development. For example, deforestation, along with urban sprawl, agriculture, and other human activities, has substantially altered and fragmented the Earth’s vegetative cover. Such disturbance can change the global atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, the principal heat-trapping gas, as well as affect local, regional, and global climate by changing the energy balance on Earth’s surface.

Urban development has been linked to many environmental problems, including air pollution, water pollution, and loss of wildlife habitat. Urban runoff often contains nutrients, sediment, and toxic contaminants, and can cause not only water pollution but also a large variation in streamflow and temperatures. Habitat destruction, fragmentation, and alteration associated with urban development have been identified as the leading causes of biodiversity decline and species extinctions (Czech, Krausman, and Devers 2000; Soul 1991). Urban development and intensive agriculture in coastal areas and further inland are major threats to the health, productivity, and biodiversity of the marine environment throughout the world.

On the other hand, biodiversity conservation does have minor conflicts that some attention. There are no studies that support this land management which raises many questions as to how long resources will be available. ‘Wilderness and biodiversity advocates generally agree that current patterns of natural resource use, if accompanied by current rates of population increase, cannot be sustained in the long run. Overconsumption arises from excessive per capita consumption in most industrialized countries and high population densities in many developing countries (Cohen 1995). Regardless of the lack of data, there is an opportunity for biologists to work together and provide the necessary information through research. Biodiversity conservation makes it possible to collect data and make any necessary adjustments to preserve the land. Wilderness preservation and other land management methods are protected by lawmakers and policies that would not allow for this to be possible.

Wildlife areas are decreasing due to the overconsumption of resources. Such an instance of wilderness, which is on the way to extinction, is Yaak Valley, northwestern Montana. The importance of preserving Yaak lies in the fact that it is a site for artists, ecological habitats, aesthetic beauty, and natural fragrance. The tanagers, ravens’ calls, and different elements of biodiversity produce an ecologically rich site. The significance of land management, therefore, lies in protecting extinct natural preserves like Yaak. The protection of Yaak is required to control floods, as the bushes, trees, shrubs, pebbles, and rocks provide resistance at the time of the huge flood occurrence. ‘The Yaak is significant as when giant floods come washing through, they scrub all rock’. Therefore, it is high time to protect those conservative natural preserves with suitable land management tools.

Most biologists have prioritized the conservation of biodiversity over the preservation of wilderness. The cause behind this priority is that wilderness preservation leads to the preservation of only wildlife species. However, biodiversity conservation keeps balance in the entire globe by balancing between human establishment and the existence of all kinds of wildlife species, including the endangered ones. The land management strategies are thus meant for the conservation of the species and ensuring a land such that the wildlife species live safely. Species conservation, in the long run, will only be beneficial for both the species as well as humans thus conserving the overall ecosystem.

On the planet Earth, there is a limited space upon which life may settle. This is one of many factors that is regarded by scientists as a factor in the carrying capacity of a habit, specifically the Earth. This world has much land that is available for human settlement. However, because of the exponential rate at which the human population has gone, and because of the excessive needs of some people who live excessively, we have quickly reached the point at which the Earth will no longer be able to support humans. However, regardless of this shortage of land in the United States of America, there is an excess of land that remains unsettled completely by man. This land is referred to often as the frontier and remains for the most part empty in comparison to the remainder of the country. However, with all of this land in the country, it is necessary to manage it and ensure that it remains kept and watched over.

This idea of land management is known mostly in the United States. It is not known to many other places in the world mostly because most other places do not have any land that can be managed. However, in the United States, we have excess lands that have been designated as public lands. These lands are preserved and kept as natural as possible for the sake of nature and its processes. Some of these land designations are national parks, nature preserves, and other national and state preservations. These lands are managed by both federal and state agencies and programs that are to the benefit and continuation of natural lands, and unlike other countries, these places do not interfere with the habitats and lives of people.

Human encroachment leads to the destruction of habitat, where the life of wildlife species get endangered. Even people are also involved in the obliteration of nonrenewable properties for short period returns. ‘Human encroachment can, although it need not also deplete biodiversity, for instance, by destroying biotically fragile habitats .’ Overconsumption appears as a major issue of such encroachment activities, as it increases the danger to the species. As a result of which, biodiversity conservation also gets weakened.

Again, there are causes for concerns with biodiversity conservation like as human encroachment or intervention. There are claims that any human intervention is detrimental to the land, but that is not necessarily true all the time. ‘Wilderness as a category of positive concern’ as opposed to wastelands to be tamed and used efficiently by humans is of recent and highly localized vintage. As Nash (1973) put it: ’Friends of wilderness should remember that in terms of the entire history of man’s relationships to nature, they are riding the crest of a very, very recent wave’ (Oelschlaeger 1991). Indigenous groups have lived on some of these lands for generations and have caused little to no harm to the land. What is destructive to the land is invasive technology like motor vehicles that travel through these ecosystems like the roads created for national parks. Biodiversity conservation is not implicated in these same methods as wilderness preservation that create these parks.

In brief, many paths lead to the same road of preserving the ecosystem, but biodiversity conversation provides the best solution. Land management like wilderness preservation and many others conflicts too much with social interests and justice, whereas biodiversity conservation does not. When governments and their lawmakers begin to incorporate themselves into programs or methods that create national parks, they do not consider the locals who have already lived on the land for generations. Biodiversity conservation is inclusive, all of the land, plants, and animals are collectively part of the ecosystem with no exceptions. Human interventions like national parks for tourism are not acceptable and not part of the natural order of the ecosystem. There are many benefactors behind these parks and although they are in the business to preserve them, they are moved by economic incentives, whereas biodiversity conservation allows for nature to roam free. The restoration ecology is a suitable land management technique for restoring the

Damaged ecosystems with human intervention. The process is effective and beneficial, as it links humans with ecosystems. The fair relationship that the restoration ecology approach brings between humans and the environment also appears helpful in the future management of biodiversity. Again, as restoration ecology is implemented through human intervention, it has the risk of getting wrongly implemented due to a lack of knowledge about nature management among humans.

Membership in the Discourse Community of Conservation Biologists

I am composing this report to deliver the information needed to become a member of the discourse community of conservation biologists. It takes legitimate hard work, preparation time and money. I will provide a solid foundation about this network of biologist, and analyze how they are a discourse community and recommendations on how to successfully and effectively enter this vocation field.

The community of conservation biologists consists of scientists and teachers. Their primarily goal is to study the climate around them. They look at environmental trends, population density, types of flora and fauna growth rates in an area. It can also range from all levels of life from microscopic to macroscopic.They also ensures that the characteristic of the natural resources stay at a normal level. At the end of the day their ultimate goal is to figure out practical ways to restore the ecosystem and maintain its healthy habitat.

The activity of a conservation biologist requires speaking with various sorts of individuals. That would include researchers who are utilized by the government, private owned organizations and landowners. There’s also one more thing, conservation biologist educate the public on ecological threats on the ecosystems and the proper use of land. This job is expected to grow 4% for conservation scientists over the next decide.

To become a conservation biologist you are required to have a bachelor’s degree in biology or related field. As a matter of fact, most jobs require a four year college education. One who wishes to be a conservation biologist ought to acquire a bachelor’s degree.

If you want to become a conservation biologist you must be flexible to work outside and inside. Even when it’s pouring rain. You must also have a strong understanding of the environmental trends and good communication skills with other ecological experts. A conservation biologist will need to build a strong relationship with the public, advise the public on safety issues and have public speaking skills. Fleming College offers lots of courses which could help push your name above other applicants who apply for the same job.

Conservation biologist is a diverse group. We may speak differently, our actions can be questing but we all have the same goal, maintaining the planets ecosystem and spread the word all around the world.

Major threats to the ecosystem are caused by directly or indirectly effects. People keep increasing the usage of the world’s resources. Researchers have argued that controlling human numbers is the way to ensuring biological diversity. They say we must lessen the unreasonable utilization of common assets by wealthy countries.

The significant risk to ecosystems is misfortunes of living spaces, eighty-one percent of the species are compromised by natural surroundings devastation. Rain forests, wetlands and coral reefs are being disposed of by human movement. In any event, if living space still remains, it is progressively divided by fragments, electrical cables, walls, ranches, farms, habitations, and other human exercises that limit untamed life development.

Yesterday I interviewed a friend who has been in the field for almost two years now. She has been a part of the community for four years. She’s more of a protester scientist. She’s a really bright and smart person but has that crazy side. She first took a public speaking course then moved onto conversation biology. She follows a script by convincing people in a civil way.

The discourse community of conservation biologists is a wonderful and thriving community to be in. If you have a love the outdoors and really want to save this dying planet, then conservation biology is right for you. For beginners I suggest looking into school programs such as Fish and WIldlife or Conservation Biology that is offered at Fleming College in Lindsay. If you lack in money, try applying for volunteering to provincial parks and build connections.

Being a conservation biologist is quite rewarding. You get paid and you know that you are saving the planet while doing it. Remember, words are cheap, actions are everything. Now go out there and do your part!

Essay on Techniques for Conservation of Fish Genetical Resources

Among all vertebrate taxa, fishes have the highest diversity in species. Fishes have huge diversity in shape, size, and biology in their aquatic environment. According to the NATIONAL BUREAU OF FISH GENETIC RESOURCES, 32,042 finfish species were recorded globally and India is home to 9.2% of this global finfish diversity . According to NBFGR India accounts for 5070 Mollusca species, 2934 crustaceans species, and 765 echinoderms species.

Fishes are considered as cheapest and high protein source food source worldwide. Fishes are very important from commercial and economic viewpoints. India holds the second rank in fish production in the world and China ranks first. The fisheries sector issue work to 14 million individuals and the fisheries sector alone offers a GDP of around 1%. Major of these fishes come from the wild and the main reason for this is low training or domestication. The fisheries sector is so important and is getting exploited day by day due to rising population and demands and may become a problem for future use.

Due to regular anthropogenic actions like overfishing, pollution load, the introduction of exotic species, dam construction which alters the path of water including fishes, unendurable fishing, and global climatic variations our whole aquatic biodiversity is at a stage of serious threat. These threats may lead to biodiversity loss. Biodiversity loss is of serious concern. It is well known that in an ecosystem there is the interdependency of species on other species. Extinction of one species may affect directly or indirectly to other species. We are now at a stage of taking the preservation process for endangered species as a serious concern.

For the conservation of fish genetic resources, we are a step back despite having such a high economic value. In the fisheries sector, there is a scarcity of resources and scientific management practices. Therefore, the significance of conservation in the fisheries sector is considered seriously by fishery scientists. As per International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1,275 species of fish are threatened around the world. In Asia out of 6,106 threatened species, 688 species are finfish. According to the current scenario conservation of fish, and resources are quite important. It is important to maintain species diversity for long-term maintenance and for future use also. The government of India and the Ministry of Environments, Forest, and climate change have enlisted many marine finfish and shellfish such as Pristis microdon, Rhincodon typus, Glyphius glypius, Sea horses, Gaint Grouper and some other threatened species under Wildlife Protection Act,1972. According to NBFGR (2010), there were 120 threatened freshwater fishes and 36 marine fishes.

Techniques for Conservation

There are two main ways to the conservation of resources that is In-situ conservation- conservation in their natural environment and Ex-situ conservation-conservation outside of their natural environment.

1. In-Situ Conservation

It is a way of protecting genetic resources in their own natural environment. It leads to the protection of the whole habitat. It includes Wildlife Sanctuaries, National parks, Conservation reserves, Community reserves, etc. The main benefits of In-situ conservation are that it proceeds with co-evolution where in the wild species may keep on co-advancement with different forms, giving vital resistance to breeders which lost in ex-situ protection. It is also low-cost protection than ex-situ protection.

According to the Ministry of Forest, Environment and Government of India (As of 2019) there is a total of 903 protected areas in India which include 101 National Parks, 553 Wildlife Sanctuaries, 86 Conservation Reserves, and 163 Community reserves. Out of these 903 protected areas, there are only 25 Marine protected areas which are very less as compared to terrestrial areas. These 25 marine protected areas include 4 National parks, 20 sanctuaries, and 1 community reserve.

These 4 important National Parks are

  1. Gulf of Kachchh- It was founded in 1980 and is located in Gujarat. Major life supported here is corals, pearl, oysters, lobsters, octopus, seahorse, etc.
  2. Gulf of Mannar- It was set up in 1983 and is located in Tamil Nadu. Major life forms supported here are Dugong Turtles, Dolphins Balanoglossus, etc.
  3. Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, Wandoor- It was set up in 1983 and is located in Andaman. Major life forms are corals and turtles.
  4. Rani Jhansi Marine National parks- It was founded in 1996. Mangrove forests are mainly supported here.

There are 3 chief Marine Sanctuaries

  1. Gahirmatha Sanctuary – It was set up in 1998 and is located in Odisha. It is famous for Olive ridley sea turtles. It is a nesting beach for these turtles.
  2. Malvan Marine Sanctuary – It was set up in 1987 in Maharashtra. Fishes inhabiting this area are Mystus seenghala.Tor putitora , Labeo dero etc.
  3. Gulf of Kachchh Sanctuary – It was set up in 1980 and is located in Gujarat. It is famous for flamingos and Wild ass.

An International settlement for the protection and viable use of wetlands has signed on 2 February 1971 at Ramsar, Iran known as Ramsar Convection. Wetlands are considered as most productive habitat. Wetlands are home to many plant and animal species. In India 37 sites are comes under Ramsar convection sites are Chilka Lake (Orissa), Wular Lake (J&K), Rudrasagar Lake (Tripura), Sambhar Lake (Rajasthan), Sunderban Wetlands(West Bengal), Deepor Beel (Assam), Ashtamudi Wetland (Kerela),Beas Conservation Reserve (Punjab), East Kolkata Wetlands (West Bengal), Bhitarkanika Mangrooves (Odisha), Chandertal Wetland ( Himachal Pradesh), Bhoj Wetland (Madhya Pradesh ), Kanjli Lake (Punjab), Hokera Wetland ( J&K), Harike Wetland(Punjab), Roopar Lake (Punjab), Kolleru Lake (Andhra Pradesh), Loktak Lake (Manipur), Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary (Gujarat), Pong Dam Lake (Himachal Pradesh), Renuka Wetland (Himachal Pradesh), Nandur Madhameshwar (Maharashtra), Parvati Agra Bird Sanctuary(Uttar Pradesh ), Sarsai Nawar Jheel (Uttar Pradesh), Upper Ganga River (Brijghat to Narora Stretch )(UP), Nangal Wildlife Sanctuary (Punjab), Keshopur Community Reserve(Punjab), Keolado Ghana NP (Rajasthan), Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary(UP), Vembanad Kol Wetland (Kerela), Point Calimere Wildlife Sanctuary(Tamil Nadu), Samaspur Bird Sanctuary (UP), Sasthamkotta Lake(Kerela), Sandi Bird Sanctuary(UP), Surinsar –Mansar Lakes(J&K), Saman Bird Sanctuary(UP), Tsomoriri Lake(J&K).

Some Streams and rivers located nearby temples or divine places are protected due to spiritual value. Human Actions are strictly prohibited here. These areas are known as sacred areas. Examples of some sacred areas are Haridwar, Rishikesh, and Sri Sardamath – located in Sringeri and situated at the bank of Tunga river where mahseer such as Tor khudree, Tor musullah, and barbs such as Hypselobarbus jerdoni, Hypselobarbus dobsoni, Hypselobarbus kolus are present and protected. Kulathupuzha Temple in Kerela presents on the bank of the Kallada river where fishes such as Tor khudree, and Tor malabaricus were present.

Improvement of stock through a captive breeding program

It is a breeding program in which juveniles are taken away from their natural environment and kept in the lab or any safe confinement until they attain sexual maturity to breed in that lab or safe confinement to make a healthy population after that offspring are reared for sometimes and then get released back to their natural environment. It was first started by Norway and US in 1980. Anadromous species like Sturgeon, Herring, cod, Stripped bass, and haddock were ranched through this breeding program. These methods require knowledge of the breeding season of species and give chance to study the life pattern, adaptability, and survival of that species. Information on genes and genetic constituents is required in this breeding program so that before releasing the species back to their natural environment alleles of species in the lab and in wild should be matched. For successful ranching alleles of artificially bred species and species in wild should be the same. NBFGR, Lucknow has to begin ranching of golden mahseer in the Sharda and Ladhiya rivers and ranching of Labeo dussumieri and Horabagrus brachysoma in Kerela which result in a good increment after 2 years in their landing center like Labeo dussumeiri from 0.68% to 3.9% and Horabagrus brachysoma from 1.8% to 11%.

The idea of State Fish

The ICAR- NBFGR gives a conception of the protection of fish biodiversity by adopting a state fish by each state. This includes the incorporation of key shareholders in the protection proposal in which 16 states of our country have selected their state fish.

Live Gene Bank

It is set up for the preservation of the germplasm of threatened species with the help of captive breeding. NBFGR has set up a live gene bank at Lucknow holding 12 working pond with high protection which include the collection of threatened fish species. It includes the study of genetic constituents and genes of that species which can become an important tool for in-situ and ex-situ protection methods.

2. Ex-Situ Conservation

It is a way of conservation of endangered species that are protected from their natural environment in an artificial environment. Technique involved in ex-situ protection is Zoological Garden, Botanical Garden, Cryopreservation of gametes and embryos of fishes, Tissue banks, etc. Cryopreservation is one of the most important methods of ex-situ preservation. Ex-situ is more expensive to process than in-situ conservation because the techniques involved in it are costly.

Cryopreservation of gametes and embryos of fish

Cryopreservation is a low temperature (below freezing point) preservation of cells or organelle, tissues, etc without losing its feasibility. Chemicals used for cooling in cryopreservation is mainly liquid nitrogen (-196 degree Celsius). In this preservation, all reactions in the cell remain suspended because at very low-temperature water in the cell gets converted into crystals. It leads to the long-term preservation of cells. In Aquaculture cryopreservation of fish gametes and embryos are very significant . Cryopreservation leads to the preservation of fish eggs and sperm for a long time without losing their capacity for fertilization. In India, NBFGR is the essential association to convey cryopreservation. It is species-specific preservation.

Fish sperm cryopreservation

It is a low-temperature preservation of fish sperm for a long duration without losing its capacity for fertilization. Such preservation of sperm of fishes is created through test normalization of different parameters after the captive breeding program. Due to the drawing out of the breeding season and the low training of the majority of fish species particularly marine species cryopreservation has become congestion. In many cases experiments, studies and various research programs depend on the breeding time of fish and this breeding time is short. Due to these limitations, it is very important to preserve the gametes of fish. These gametes are available when natural milt is not present which is helpful in artificial breeding and producing seeds. As we know marine areas are very vast so the preservation of marine fish is very important.

Process of cryopreservation of sperm- This process mainly follows five steps

  1. Collection of sperm: Milts are collected in spawning season. Inducers like hormones are used to increase the volume the milt and it is collected in tubes or syringes. It is mainly done by two ways as milt can be collected by pressing the abdomen of fish or by removing the testis of fish and collecting the sperm. Collection by removing testis is done for that fishes which not allow to release sperm by pressing the abdomen of fishes like Clarius batrachus.
  2. Quality assessment of milt: This is an important method where efficiency of sperm is evaluated before preservation like motility of sperm, sperm count, volume of sperm to volume of milt and activeness of sperm.
  3. Use of extenders: It is a solution of salts or some organic compounds used to dilute the milt and making the sperm work easy. It is use to maintain feasibility of cells and osmotic balance of cell. It keeps sperm alive in dormant condition and increases the storage time of sperms.
  4. Cryoprotectant addition: It is used prevent damage and death of tissues or cells during the process of freezing. Some examples of commonly used cryoprotectant are glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide.
  5. Preservation of spermatozoa: It can be non cryogenic and cryogenic. Non cryogenic includes storage for short duration and at 4 degree Celsius. Cryogenic preservation includes preservation for a long time at (-196 degree Celsius ) using liquid nitrogen.

Cryopreservation has been successful for 200 fish species such as Cyprinus carpio, Catla catla, Clarius batrachus, Labeo rohita, Labeo dero, Labeo dussumieri, Labeo dyocheilus, Salmo truta fario, Oncorhyncus mykiss, Schizothorax richardsoni, Tenualosa ilisha, Tor putitora, Tor tor khudree, Ompok malabaricus, Labeo calbasu, Barbodes carnaticus, Heteropneustes fossilis, Garra surendranathanii, Horabagrus nigricollaris, Etroplus suratenesis, Osteochilichthys longidorsalis, Puntius sarana, Horabagrus brachysoma, Pangasius pangasius and Puntius chalakkudiensis. Sperms under cryopreservation have been used for the production of rohu seed when natural milt is not present and it has shown a positive impact.

Cryopreservation of egg and embryo

Cryopreservation of gametes of fishes is still facing many difficulties in the case of egg and embryo preservation. It has not succeeded in the world so far due to tough Zona radiata, a high amount of yolk, and the big size of the embryo and egg. The tough layer of zona radiata does not allow cryoprotectant to pierce and does not allow deep cooling. After cooling high amount of yolk become hard and break the cell. These are the limitations in the cryopreservation of eggs and embryos.

Tissue Bank

It is a process of collecting and storing tissues of long duration to recover genetic details. This tissue bank is also used for education, research, and transplantation processes. It is not a species-specific preservation.


The conservation of fish genetic diversity as a term looks straightforward forward but its enforcement is not an easy job. In the fisheries sector, there is a scarcity of resources and management practices. Methods used in the conservation process are not developed in the case of fishes there are very less marine protected areas in comparison to terrestrial areas despite the diversity of fishes declining very fast. Preservation processes like cryopreservation, tissue bank, and live gene bank are less developed for fishes. The main reasons for such decline are continuous human actions are as fishing without any mesh size regulation, aquatic pollution, the introduction of exotic species, illegal fishing, habitat alteration, construction of dams, etc. In a developing country like India where the fisheries sector gives job to 14 million individual conservation of fish resources are very significant for future plans. Extinction of any species leads to the permanent loss of genes of that species and regaining those genes is impossible. In a developing country like India implementation of the law are more difficult than making a law so there is a need for strict in-laws. Species diversity is important to maintain a stable ecosystem and for future use also. It is important to create awareness about the importance of conservation and to decrease regular anthropogenic actions for the conduction of responsible fisheries. According to Food and Agriculture Organization, it is essential to maintain and conserve genetic resources for the present and future fulfillment of human use.


  1. Dr W.S. Lakra, Dr P. Das, Dr U.K. Sarkar, 2019. Fish Genetic Resources and their Conservation. Handbook of Fisheries and Aquaculture. New Delhi. Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
  2. A D DIWAN et al. “Cryopreservation of fish gametes and embryos”, Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 80 (4) (Suppl. 1.): 109-124, April 2010.
  3. ENVIS Centre on Wildlife & Protected Areas, Hosted by Wildlife Institute Of India, Dehradun.
  4. FAO/UNEP, Conservation of the Genetic Resources of Fish: Problems and recommendations. Report of the Expert Consultation on the genetic resources of fish. Rome, 9-13 June 1980.

Essay of Trees our Best Friends

It is correctly said that “when you plant a tree, you plant a life”. Trees are one of the greatest blessings for humans from mother earth. The most important thing one must remember is that trees do not need us, rather we need them. Apart from the countless benefits they have, trees our certainly our best friends. They are the friends who always give us everything without expecting a single thing in return. Trees have inherited this earth longer than humans; however, humans tend to forget this fact. They fail to recognize their significance and continue to exploit them endlessly for short-term benefits.

Significance of Trees

Just like our friends, trees also come in our use in various ways. We usually share everything with our friends, similarly, trees do the same. They give us their fruits, seeds, flowers, herbs and more. It is impossible for human life to function without trees as they belong to the category of principal sources of oxygen on earth.

They are responsible for protecting us under their shade. Further, they even help in preventing natural calamities like droughts and floods. In addition to being useful for humans, trees are also a home for several birds and animals.

They provide shelter to them which ultimately benefits humans as well. In other words, trees fulfill the role of a best friend in every human being’s life irrespective of anything.

Over-exploitation of Trees

Despite holding such a great significance in our lives, humans have been overexploiting trees for the longest time. This constant practice can prove to be extremely devastating for the earth and human life, both.

For instance, the industrial sector is cutting down trees rapidly for attaining raw materials in bulk. Subsequently, even governments are contributing to deforestation by clear-cutting in order to build huge buildings.

The world is turning into a concrete jungle with paying little or no heed to its dire consequences. Therefore, one must realize these facts and act on them before it gets too late.

To sum it up, as life gets hard without our best friend, the same will happen with the lack of trees too. The least we can do for trees is save them from being cut down. Without trees, this planet will turn into a desert.

While various governments of different countries are taking measures to conserve them, we must do it too individually. Encourage planting of trees and join campaigns that do the same. Make the world a greener place and protect our best friends.

Importance of Trees Essay

Trees are very important, valuable and necessary to our existence as they have furnished us with two important life essentials; food and oxygen. Apart from basically keeping us alive, there are many other little and big benefits we get from trees. So, trees are vital resources for the survival of all living beings. Therefore, Governments world over and many Organizations are taking steps to prevent deforestation and to tell the benefits of planting trees. Let us go through some important points about the Importance of trees for the existence of human life.

Oxygen and Global Warming

Trees intakes Carbon dioxide from air and breathe out fresh oxygen for our life support. This cycle is made by nature to sustain other living beings. Further, the Carbon dioxide breathed in by the trees is one of the greenhouse gases. This and other greenhouse gases, when released into the atmosphere form a layer and trap the heat from the sun. They result in an increase in the atmospheric temperature. This causes global warming. So planting more trees will clean the air will reduce the global warming effect.


Trees contribute to a rich healthy ecosystem. Animals, insects, birds, and fungi make their home in the trees and make a diverse ecosystem. This balanced environment, in turn, contributes to the betterment of human beings. Trees produce their own food and are found at the bottom of the food chain. They produce their own food through a process called photosynthesis and contribute significantly to the whole ecosystem. Further, trees are a rich source of medicines that are used to heal our diseases in a natural way as done Ayurveda.

Water Balance

Trees receive the rainwater and hold them in the land. This prevents clean water from flowing and getting wasted in drains. Along with it they also act as watersheds and hold the floodwaters for some time before slowly releasing them into the earth and atmosphere. So, they maintain the water base of an area and provides us with a water bed. The root system of the trees is so well made by nature that it holds the soil underground from getting washed away during rain and floods thus prevents landslides and soil erosion.

Healthy Life

Trees provide clean air, water, and food to us. Its greenery and freshness also act as a stress reliever for us. It gives a positive vibration in the atmoshphere. Trees also provide cool sheds during summers and during rains. Children also develop good memory when surrounded by green trees.Patients recover easily when comes in contact with greenery. There are a lot more things that tree provides us for ou better life.

Economy and Environment

Trees produce fruits, medicine which are exported in many countries thus helping in economic growth. Cultivating trees and selling their product helps people earn their living. Trees provide wood and paper. It also acts as a natural cooler in summer thus reducing Ac bills and keeping the environment natural.


Trees have a lot of importance in our lives, and it provides seamless service for the environment. we have somehow not protected them and perhaps that is why as on today we are being affected by global warming, severe pollution and other ill effects of deforestation. Trees should be treated and nurtured nicely so that human beings can survive on this planet. We should encourage others to plant more and more trees. It is for our own betterment and the sooner we understand this the better it is for us.