1Open the Word document Student_Word_4F_Hiking_FAQ.docx
1Open the Word document Student_Word_4F_Hiking_FAQ.docx downloaded with this project.
2Format the first paragraph Costa Rican Treks with the Heading 1 style, and then change the Font Size to 18. Select the second paragraph, and then apply the Heading 2 style.
3Select the paragraph Costa Rica’s Climate and then apply the Subtitle style.
4Change the Paragraph Spacing style to Compact.
5Select all the numbered paragraphs, and then apply Bold. For each paragraph following a numbered paragraph, increase the indent one time.
6Customize the ribbon to display the Developer tab. Display the Templates and Add-ins dialog box. From the files you downloaded for this project, attach the file w04F_Hiking_Styles.dotx, and then select the option to Automatically update document styles. Remove the Developer tab from the ribbon.
7Move the insertion point to the end of the document, and then press ENTER. Insert a Clustered Column chart, and then in cells A2:A5, type the following months:
In cells B1:B5, type the following:
In cells C1:C5, type the following:
In cells D1:D5, type the following:
With the chart data range A1 through D5 selected, close the worksheet and display your Word document.
8Change the chart title to Average Rainfall and then display a Primary Vertical Axis Title with the title Inches.
9Change the Chart Style to Style 9, and then change the chart Color scheme—under Monochromatic, apply the second color scheme. Select the chart border, and then change the chart Shape Outline—in the sixth column, apply the first color.
10Display the Layout dialog box. Change the Absolute Height of the chart to 2.4 and then Center the chart horizontally on the page. Insert the File Name in the footer.
11Save and close the file, and then submit for grading.
1Open the Word document Student_Word_5F_Sale_Flyer.docx downloaded with this project.
2Insert the file name in the footer.
3Using Zoom as necessary, in the table cell that contains the text S = total sale price, position the insertion point to the left of the equal sign, and then delete the extra space.
4Display the Clipboard pane, if necessary click Clear All, and then save, but do not close, the current document. From the files you downloaded for this project, open the document w05F_Sale_List.docx. Click the outer edge of the graphic to select it, and then Copy the Chesterfield Creations graphic to the Clipboard.
Beginning with the text Available accessories, select the remaining text in the document, and then Copy the selection to the Clipboard. Close the w05F_Sale_List.docx file. Position the insertion point at the beginning of the document—in the blank paragraph—and then paste the Chesterfield Creations graphic.
(Mac users: The Mac clipboard holds only one item. To complete, navigate to the files downloaded with this project, open
w05_Sale_List.docx. On the File tab, point to Open Recent, select your Student_Word_5F_Sale_Flyer file. Using the instructions in Steps 4-5, copy and paste the graphic and text as instructed.)
5Position the insertion point in the blank paragraph following the paragraph that begins For the month. Paste the text that begins Available accessories. Below the pasted text, delete the blank paragraph. Clear the Clipboard, and then close the Clipboard pane.
6At the top of the document, select the text SALE. Translate the selected text to French (not French Canada), click Insert. Change lowercase v to uppercase V, if necessary. To the left of the word Vente, type Sale, and then press SPACEBAR one time. Close the Translator pane.
In the first cell of the table, insert an Equation placeholder. In the placeholder, type S= Insert a Stacked Fraction, type +, and then insert a second Stacked Fraction. In the first fraction, in the top placeholder, type P and then in the bottom placeholder, type 2 In the second fraction, in the top placeholder, type 4A and then in the bottom placeholder, type 5
7Position the insertion point at the beginning of the document. By using the Find and Replace dialog box, change the formatting of all occurrences of iPad to include bold emphasis and from the color gallery, in the eighth column, apply the fifth color. Click Replace All to make 2 replacements. Change the Replace with box to No Formatting, and then Close the Find and Replace dialog box.
(Mac users: Display the menu bar, click Edit, point to Find. Click Advanced Find and Replace. In the dialog box, click the Replace tab.)
8Display the document properties. Be sure your name displays in the Author box. As the Subject, type your course name and section number. As the Tags, type sale flyer
9Save and close the file, and then submit for grading.
1Open the Word document Student_Word_9F_Staffing_Needs.docx downloaded with this Project.
2Display the Word Options dialog box, and then on the left, click Customize Ribbon. On the right, be sure Main Tabs are displayed and that Home is selected. Create a New Tab, in the Main Tabs list select New Tab (Custom), and then Rename the tab as 9F Commands In the list, click New Group (Custom), and then Rename the group as Frequent Tasks
On the left, display All Commands, and then Add the following commands to the Frequent Tasks group: Edit Footer and Insert Picture. Click OK to close the Word Options dialog box. From the new 9F Commands tab, add the File Name to the footer.
3Select the paragraphs Staffing Requirements and New Positions, and then change the Font Color—in the fifth column, click the last color.
4Press CTRL+HOME to move to the top of the document, and then from the 9F Commands tab, insert the picture w09F_Logo_Photo.jpg from the files that accompany this Project. Set the height of the picture to 2″ and then from the Picture Format tab, in the Arrange group, set the Position to Position in Top Right with Square Text Wrapping— the third option under With Text Wrapping.
5Create a new font set using Cambria as the Heading font and Segoe UI as the Body font. Name the font set Laurales 9F Select Staffing Requirements and New Positions, and then apply the Heading 1 style.
6Create a new color set. Change Accent 1 to the first color in the last row of Standard colors. Change Accent 4 to the first color in the seventh (widest) row of the Standard colors. Name the color set Laurales 9F
7Convert the table to text by separating the text with paragraph marks. Apply Bullets to the four new paragraphs.
8In the blank paragraph at the end of the document, insert a Microsoft Office Signature Line with Anna Carter as the Suggested signer and her title President
9Display the document properties. As the Tags, type staffing needs In the Subject box, type your course name and section number. Be sure your name displays as the author.
Mark the document as final, and then in the Word Options dialog box, remove the custom ribbon tab 9F Commands.
10Save and close the file and then submit for grading.