Neurons Communication and the Action Potential

The neuron thrives in a fluid environment, extracellular fluid around it and intracellular fluid, cytoplasm, within it. Neuronal membranes play a crucial function in separating the two fluids as the signal that travels through the neuron requires them to be electrically distinct. The differential powers and movement in energy across the membrane, are known as the membrane potential. Neurons are the primary cell populations in the brain that process information, learn, remember, and make decisions. The synapse is when two neurons communicate with one another. The neurons communicate as follows; the presynaptic neuron discharges neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft in a chemical synapse. Zareh et al. (2019) add that chemical synapses, as opposed to electrical synapses, are the most prevalent synapses in the brain, offering gain control and directionality. Subsequently, Zareh et al. (2019) emphasize that the neurotransmitters attach themselves to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron. As a result, they prompt the ion channels to open and stimulate the postsynaptic neuron.

Within a neuron specifically in the axon to the dendrite end, a wave is transmitted via a transient recurrence of the relatively static membrane potential known as action potential (Zareh et al., 2019). As such, nerve impulses or spikes must move through the axon to arrive at the synaptic terminal. Once at the synaptic terminal, the neurotransmitter starts to relay information to other neurons. The thickness of a synaptic terminal and its resilience to divulge determines the rate with which an action potential is transmitted.

The processes of the development of an action potential can be summarized as follows: First, the target cell depolarizes toward the threshold potential in response to a spur from a nerve cell together with other neurons. Second, when the stimulation threshold is exceeded, all sodium ion channels are free, depolarizing the membrane. Furthermore, the potassium ion channels continue to open during the maximum nerve spikes, and the potassium ions commence to escape the cell. Thus, the sodium ion channels shut at the exact moment. The membrane gets hyperpolarized as the potassium ions continue to leave the cell. As K+ ions continue to exit the cell, the membrane becomes hyperpolarized. The membrane is hyperpolarized and is therefore unable to fire a signal. Finally, the transporter of sodium and potassium ions restores the resting voltage potential by closing the potassium channels.

The activation of neurotransmitters is required for connection at chemical synapses. Wang et al. (2016) further elaborate that chemical synaptic transmissions carry nerve impulses in a manner that is dependent on chemical messengers generated by activating presynaptic neurons that spread across the synaptic cleft. Neurotransmitters are discharged into the synaptic gap, the extracellular area engulfed by the postsynaptic and presynaptic membranes when the presynaptic membranes fuse with a vesicle. When neurotransmitters reach the membrane of the postsynaptic cells and engage with certain receptors, the firing activity of a postsynaptic neuron is altered (Wang et al., 2016). As a result of their molecular architectures and the physical placements of the tree branches, also known as dendrites, upon which they dwell, chemical synaptic transmissions can modify and convey neural information more efficiently.

The calcium ions channel, which allows or prevents the passage of the electrical stimulus in and out of a cell membrane, opens whenever the presynaptic membrane is depolarized. The calcium ions are allowed entry into the cell for the postsynaptic neuron to receive the chemical synapse obtained from the action potential. Calcium entry causes synaptic vesicles to bind to the membrane and discharges chemical transmitter particles into the synapse gap. The chemical messenger spreads across the synapse gap and attaches the ionotropic receptors to the postsynaptic membrane. As a result, the postsynaptic neuron depolarizes or hyperpolarizes locally.


Wang, R., Li, J., Du, M., Lei, J., & Wu, Y. (2016). Transition of spatiotemporal patterns in neuronal networks with chemical synapses. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 40, 80-88. Web.

Zareh, M., Manshaei, M. H., Adibi, M., & Montazeri, M. A. (2019). Neurons and astrocytes interaction in neuronal network: A game-theoretic approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 470, 76-89. Web.

Assessment of Professional Communications Skill

The ability to express oneself adequately, considering the main components of a communicative situation such as the type of rapport between communicators, their cultural backgrounds, individual peculiarities, and setting, is of immense significance. Nowadays, with the expansion of social media, the net of relationships that an average person is engaged in is extending. Thus, the problems of mutual understanding and managing interactions grow accordingly. Even though communicative skills to a certain degree are formed during childhood and depend on factors that may be out of a persons control, assessing oneself and putting conscious effort into enhancing this competence is a rewarding task.

Soft skills training is a part of the general curriculum for all types of professionals, especially those whose line of work includes the need to transmit information with enhanced efficiency. Nevertheless, the employers complaints about underdeveloped communication skills from recently graduated employees are seemingly common (Sri Mulyani & Supartono, 2017). As estimating a problem is the first step in solving it, choosing the right instrument to assess students competence is a part of the improvement process. As Vleutena et al. notice (2019), the most authentic assessment is direct observation in real clinical practice (p. 2112). Even though precise and comprehensive assessment of communicative skills requires monitoring, less laborious, and thus less exact methods also exist. MindTools provides a quick quiz that consists of fifteen questions with five possible answers that reflect gradation of the frequency of a specific approach used in communicative situations (Mind Tools Content Team, n. d.). The score varies from fifteen to seventy-five, where the higher score correlates with a higher level of competence. The quiz allows one to be provided with estimation swiftly and acquire basic comprehension of ones strengths and weaknesses.

The results of the quiz showed a certain level of communicative competence with the need to focus on receiving and sending messages more effectively. MindTools revealed that in my case, the crux of the problem was planning and crafting the content delivery. Allocating time to the estimation of what, when, and how the content of a communicative act is to be conveyed is helpful to construct a more efficient dialogue. Talking more is not the best way to cover a specific topic, and this strategy only results in confusion on the part of the audience or interlocutor. Choosing the right channel is another component with which I may sometimes struggle. Considering that the medium may be as important as its message, deciding on a channel is a crucial point that may establish effective communication or hinder it (Baack, 2012). Moreover, for effective communication, it is essential not only to be able to transmit thoughts and ideas accordingly but also to be able to listen, hear, and understand what the interlocutor is talking about.

Various areas of communication require specific training strategies in order to improve them. The training in the field of written communication, seemingly, is one of the higher value for those who want to pursue a career in media and communication. According to Moore and Morton (2015), written communication is typically identified as a highly requisite skill area in the professional workplace, but one that graduates are often thought to be lacking in (p. 4). Building written communication skill is a process that requires extensive training, which mainly lies in the process of writing itself. Additionally, acquiring new writing strategies, discovering editing tools, and practicing may be a part of additional training. Visual communication is another area that seems to be slightly neglected and necessitate complementary efforts. Presentations and emphasizing further the visual aspect of work could be a supplementary training component.

Communication skills and employability appear to correlate directly  the compulsory mentioning of great listening and negotiating skills in a large portion of resumes may serve as confirmation. In this way, improving my current competencies in this area is a necessary step in order to be able to advance in my profession. Developing an effective communication skill set is a continuous enterprise, a search for perfection that takes time  viewing the gaps in ones knowledge is the beginning of this undertaking. The quiz provided by MindTools allows seeing the issue more clearly, and it provides feedback on what and how can be improved. Understanding the reason for the specific communicative act, the audiences of interlocutors mood, setting, reaction that followed, and constructing the message accordingly is one of the first steps. Seeking feedback, reflecting, reviewing, and taking detailed notes on what could have been done better with emphasis on positive outcomes after communication is over is another great way to develop communicative competencies.

The success of a professional largely depends on their ability to network, establish contacts, and present ideas and knowledge appropriately  all of which constitute an effective communication skill set. The inability to interact constructively with customers, employees, and colleagues may eclipse ones hard skills and possibilities of promotion. Thus, the focus on this skill set that invites one to assume a number of varying roles may be viewed as a career investment.


Baack, D. (2012). Management Communication (10th ed.). Bridgepoint Education.

Mind Tools Content Team. (n.d.). How good are your communication skills?. MindTools.

Moore, T., & Morton, J. (2015). The myth of job readiness? Written communication, employability, and the skills gap in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 121.

Sri Mulyani, S., & Supartono, H. (2017). Enhancing students communication skills through problem posing and presentation. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 6(1), 1722.

Vleutena, C. V. D., Eertweghb, V. V. D, & Giroldia, E. (2019). Assessment of communication skills. Patient Education and Counseling, 102(11), 2110-2113.

Five Elements of Communication Process

The five elements of the communication process are (1) a sender; (2) a message; (3) a channel; (4) a receiver; and (5) the outcome of the receiver (Kitson, Marshall, Bassett, & Zeitz, 2013). A sender is a person who is willing to convey a message. A message is a very idea that the sender wants to convey. A channel implicates the method of message conveying. A receiver is a person who is intended to be the audience for the message. The outcome or effect of the receiver is the impact that the message has on the receiver identifying whether he or she has received and was able to comprehend the message. Effective communication occurs when the effect of the receiver has met the expectations of the sender (Kitson et al., 2013).

Addressing the measures that one can implement to improve his or her communication, it is significant to note that the speaker should focus on the impact of the conveyed messages on the receiver. To ensure the ultimate result, one needs to study the needs of the audience and adapt the speaking style and communicational approach to the needs of the recipient (Kitson et al., 2013). To illustrate, if a nursing professional aims to educate a patient suffering from acute bronchitis about the measures that would help him improve his condition, this specialist will need to reflect on the patients educational background. For instance, if the patient is a high school graduate and has no background in medicine, the nurse will strive to use only the general terms and simple language without the specific concepts implemented in health care.

Health care professionals should be concerned about the communicational process because the patients outcomes depend on education to a large extent (Kitson et al., 2013). Ultimately, health care is an integrative process including medication and lifestyle modification.


Kitson, A., Marshall, A., Bassett, K., & Zeitz, K. (2013). What are the core elements of patientcentred care? A narrative review and synthesis of the literature from health policy, medicine and nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(1), 4-15.

Comparison of Gender Differences in Communication

Considering a number of biological, evolutionary, social, and historical aspects, men and women tend to prove different psychological and behavioral patterns. Therefore, such a distinction reflects in the way men and women communicate and interact with one another led to the emergence of gender stereotypes. To begin with, the primary difference in the communication of both sexes implies that they consider conversational goals in different manners.

It is commonly believed that women use communication as an opportunity to improve their social networks, as well as build relationships. Men, on the other hand, use it as a way to demonstrate dominance and fulfill the targeted objectives. To be more specific, gender disparity in communicating involves key elements, such as vocabulary, volume, quantity, and body language. Females are perceived as good listeners that predominantly apply polite words in their language while discussing specific female topics, including kids, feelings, and clothes. However, women are also more inclined to gossip compared to male communicators.

It is generally accepted that males have assertive conversations on various topics, such as sports, politics, drinks, cars, careers, and world events. However, they are also more prone to use swear words in conversations. As described by Eklund et al., the stereotyped masculine features in communication, such as assertiveness and self-reliance, are commonly defined as components of effective leadership (142).

Thus, females capacity for leadership is usually underestimated due to their communication style, as well as gender-related stereotypes. Furthermore, women can be seen as arrogant or aggressive when they implement a masculine manner of speaking. Similarly, men might be perceived as weak or insecure when using a more feminine style of communicating. To conclude, it is crucial to examine the gender differences in communication and interaction according to the given context and culture in more complex ways.

Work Cited

Eklund, Kathryn E., et al. Gender and Leadership. Gender Differences in Different Contexts, edited by Aida Alvinius, InTech, 2017, pp. 129147.

Sociology of Communications and Media

There is a vast number of divisions of academic knowledge related to the exploration of specific significant areas. The sociology of communications and media is a rather essential and insightful branch of knowledge that provides people with the information necessary for their everyday lives. According to the University of South Carolina Beaufort (n.d.), the discipline of communication focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media (para. 1). Thanks to the sociology of communications and media discipline, it is possible for people to explore and increase the ethical and effective practice of human intercommunication using various channels. Generally, the focus of this division of academic knowledge may be on how a message is transmitted from one point to another via different channels like television, social networks, or face-to-face interaction (University of South Carolina Beaufort, n.d.). What is more, this study explores how information is updated, maintained, or restored in various institutions, such as research bases or libraries. Further, it is necessary to mention the connection between the sociology of communications and many other fields, including psychology, sociology, history, linguistics, and others. Without the communication and media field, the mentioned areas of knowledge would not receive some relevant information, while the former would lack some valuable theories and methods (the University of South Carolina Beaufort, n.d.). Overall, it is evident that the sociology of communications and media is related to the divisions of academic knowledge.

Child Development

Further, child development is another extremely valuable field that refers to the divisions of academic knowledge. According to the Board on Children, Youth, and Families (n.d.), research during the past decade has revealed much about how children learn and develop (p. 1). It is not enough to allow an infant to grow up and develop on their own because there may be many issues, deviations, and threats. Therefore, the specific academic field of child development allows professionals to gather and exchange valuable information regarding the growth of kids (Board on Children, Youth, and Families, n.d.). The academic field of child development is connected with other fields, including biology, psychology, linguistics, and others. Without the knowledge gathered by professionals in child development, the mentioned areas would lack important information about the internal processes in peoples bodies and brains. Further, research has also shown that much more is going on cognitively, socially, and emotionally in young children  including infants  than scientists or care and education professionals previously knew (Board on Children, Youth, and Families, n.d., p. 1). Therefore, the new findings in this field also impact the information available to psychologists, biologists, educators, and other specialists. Thus, it is evident that the field of child development is related to the divisions of academic knowledge, and it is recommended for specialists from other relevant fields consider this connection.

Family & Society

Finally, the third field that refers to the divisions of academic knowledge is family and society. Indeed, it is difficult to overestimate the impact of community and family on various spheres of peoples lives. When a child is born, he or she is first and foremost surrounded by close relatives who affect the development of the kid and the acquisition of necessary communication skills and abilities. It generally depends on the childs parents whether he or she develops properly, becomes ready to communicate with the world, adopts the necessary belief system and ethical qualities, and finds their place and role in the world. Further, there is also the impact of society  when a child is older, he or she becomes a member of the community, and this childs views and moral principles are affected again. It is essential for biologists, psychologists, educators, linguists, and some other professionals to consider the findings in the family and community field to properly develop their theories and knowledge. At the same time, the information provided by the mentioned specialists is also insightful for the field under discussion. It may be interesting to explore how the genetics and psychological state of parents affect the development of their child or what role educators as members of the community play in the lives of children. Thus, the connection between the family and society field with the divisions of academic knowledge is apparent.

The Issue of Overpopulation

First of all, it is necessary to assess the importance of demographic parameters in the states socioeconomic development. According to this approach, with the growth of the population increasing rapidly, there is a tendency for economic stagnation because population growth leads to an increase in budget expenditures. Moreover, it leads to the fast growth of the labor force and the inability to use it at the same rapid pace, thereby reducing its productivity (Heintz & Folbre, 2021). Thus, fewer resources per individual reduce the growth rate of GDP and its volumes per capita. This approach is based on comparing the number of people and the volume of natural resources. Since they are limited, population growth leads to a decrease in the resource provision of citizens. It leads to deficiencies in providing food products, raw materials, territory for housing construction, and other problems.

The Problem of Low Birth Rate

The situation of reproduction of the population of any country is inextricably linked with the economic component of the country. It is worth noting the fact that the more consumers are born in it, the higher the demand. The decrease in the birth rate parameter serves as a negative signal for external investors. Foreign companies do not see benefits in investments and product development in a state with an unpromising consumer market (Heintz & Folbre, 2021). The fact that experienced specialists retire likewise has a significant influence. The difference in the reproduction deficit of the population is becoming more noticeable (Kearney, 2022). In the future, tax payments from the working population for the provision of citizens of retirement age will not be enough (Sánchez-Romero et al., 2018). The predominance of the older generation in the country reflects its natural aging process, which affects the growing number of pensioners. All this leads to an economic burden, as the state is forced to support them.

What Problem is More Dangerous?

Both of these problems have a severe impact on the economy. It is necessary to point out the positive impact of demographic parameters on the states socioeconomic development (Peterson, 2018). This approach assumes that population growth leads to an increase in economic development. This is achieved because the number of laborers is increasing, and the intellectual potential of society is growing (Peterson, 2018). On the other hand, the lack of population growth in the country does impact its economic growth, but if we consider the environmental aspect, it is positive. Thus, summing up, it should be said that from an economic point of view, both phenomena are undesirable for any country. In general, to improve demographic indicators, it is essential to increase the proportion of the most productive age groups and reduce the proportion of the population unable to work (Peterson, 2018). To mitigate the effects of population aging and prolong healthy years of peoples lives, it is necessary to develop medicine, extend healthy years of peoples lives, and create new models of medical care at home.


Board on Children, Youth, and Families. (n.d.). Child development and early learning: A foundation for professional knowledge and competencies [PDF document]. Web.

Heintz, J., & Folbre, N. (2021). Endogenous growth, population dynamics, and economic structure: Long-Run macroeconomics when demography matters. Feminist Economics, 119. Web.

Kearney, M. (2022). The mystery of the declining U.S. birth rate. Econofact. Web.

Peterson, E. W. F. (2018). The role of population in economic growth. SAGE Open, 7(4), 215824401773609. Web.

Sánchez-Romero, M., Abio, G., Patxot, C., & Souto, G. (2018). Contribution of demography to economic growth. SERIEs, 9(1), 2764. Web.

University of South Carolina Beaufort. (n.d.). What is communication studies? USCB. Web.

Intercultural Communication in Real Life Situations


Respect and empathy are paramount for society to function and progress. Intercultural communication has helped me to realize how differences in cultural backgrounds can affect human interactions in both negative and positive ways. Now I know that proper cultural etiquette does not only allow people to be integrated into communities but also increases equality, encourages knowledge acquisition and transfer, and promotes ethical behavior (Rings & Rasinger, 2020). In this paper, I would like to reflect on how this course has helped me to expand my knowledge of intercultural communication.

Intercultural Communication Knowledge

After learning about cultural influences on ones perception of others, I will be more mindful of others backgrounds. I have friends from different parts of the world, and on the Internet, it is easy to forget about some aspects of their identity, yet I will keep that in mind now. My family and our community as a whole could use some insights from this course, and I will be sharing this knowledge with them. As for my career, I believe that intercultural communication can help me to connect with both clients and co-workers with ease once I understand what differences we have.

While I had a hard time with the levels of cultural awareness, I understood that this hierarchy stems from ones depth of emotional intelligence. The transition between levels does not always have an apparent path toward mutual understanding, and these levels include a straightforward progression. However, now I understand how this process occurs in ones personality. To understand this concept, I applied it to my personal observations and reflected on my past interactions with people from different cultures.


In conclusion, intercultural communication is essential in the era of globalization, as it strengthens society and ensures acceptance for each individual. I will apply the concepts learned during this course whenever I meet a person whose culture differs from mine. I will ensure that our interactions will not be hampered by my inability to understand their personality and roots. By keeping the four levels of cultural awareness in mind, I can stay focused on expanding my worldview.


Rings, G., & Rasinger, S. (2020). The Cambridge handbook of intercultural communication. Cambridge University Press.

The Culture of Communication and Interaction

Communication is an essential component of any culture. Every day people engage in interpersonal and group interactions either locally or internationally. Businesses are continually establishing strong relationships with new partners, students find common ground with their teachers and classmates, and individuals build global friendships. However, millions of contemporary world citizens indicate that, throughout life, they have experienced misunderstandings when communicating with people from foreign countries. This issue is primarily caused by the differences in nations values, preferences, characteristics, and traditions. For this reason, it is crucial to understand the topic of intercultural communication better and prevent the emergence of issues in the future. This paper will discuss the importance of culture in interactions and will describe its relationship with two other themes.

It is vital to be aware of culture when engaging in communication because its comprehension helps people build connections and avoid confusion. Bevan (2020) mentioned that humans depend on other people because they help them understand life and its meaning. Often there is a need to cooperate with other nations to gain more knowledge about the world. Therefore, when individuals have enough proficiency in intercultural communication, it is easier for them to be informed. Moreover, since culture influences many spheres of life, communities are distinct. Bevan (2020) stated that people are usually not aware of the differences, and this lack of education leads to bias and negative perceptions of others. Hence, it is critical to be aware of cultural norms during communication.

Two concepts that indicate the differences between communities are verbal and nonverbal communication. It should be noted that verbal language is a means of sustaining culture and transmitting its essential elements to others (Bevan, 2020). Traditions and customs are passed down from generation to generation with the use of stories and fairytales which are shaped according to the different histories of countries (Bevan, 2020). Therefore, every culture shapes its verbal communication individually and creates distinct meanings out of particular narratives and words. Similarly, nonverbal communication is defined by culture and serves as a vital tool in conversations. For instance, every nation has its perception of an appropriate physical appearance and body movements that are critical factors in creating first impressions (Bevan, 2020). It is vital to consider these differences and learn that what is acceptable for one group can be strange for another.

A specific feature that makes it easy to compare cultures is their context. Bevan (2020) indicated that low-context civilizations tend to be transparent in their expressions and derive meaning from words. Much significance is placed on written language, messages, and agendas that have to provide detailed information (Bevan, 2020). At the same time, high-context cultures value indirect and implicit meanings (Bevan, 2020). For them, words are not that important since they have an opportunity to share their emotions with the use of nonverbal techniques (Bevan, 2020). Therefore, when communicating with people from different countries, attention should be paid to their context.

Another basic way in which cultures differ is whether they are considered to be individualistic or collectivistic. Individualistic ones value the self, have a strong sense of identity, and encourage the promotion of personal goals, rights, decisions, and freedoms (Bevan, 2020). For instance, in the US, people are motivated to achieve individual objectives without being dependent on other humans or asking for support from their family members or friends (Bevan, 2020). However, collectivistic cultures value cooperation, relationships, and family. The representatives of these communities prioritize others and make choices while considering the opinions of close individuals (Bevan, 2020). Consequently, cultures not only have different ways of communication but also put significance on divergent concepts.

As it can be seen, culture determines the way people see the world, make meaning out of it, and interact with other people; thus, paying attention to various norms can help individuals become better communicators. Bevan (2020) claimed that the purpose of human interaction is to generate thoughts, experiences, and views and create collective meaning. For this reason, gaining more knowledge about cultures can help people prevent the appearance of misunderstandings, establish strong personal and professional relationships globally, and receive satisfaction from interactions.

Overall, culture plays a vital role in determining how people communicate with other individuals. While it can make the conversations more interesting, it can also bring specific complications. That is why it is crucial to gain more understanding about the relationship between communication and culture. The presented essay talked about the importance of paying close attention to various norms and values of nations and discussed two specific themes as examples.


Bevan, J. L. (2020). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication (3rd ed.). Zovio Inc.

Communication: Response Styles and Their Effects


How a person organizes his interpersonal connections can be determined by the way they communicate. According to Urea (2013), communication styles are made up of individual traits that are visible in the communication act. This includes particular methods of message reception and decrypting, individual traits for message analysis and processing, and particular methods of answer and feedback expression. In addition to defining and differentiating between assertive, passive, and aggressive communication styles, this essay looks at how each affects people and relationships. The use of a specific communication style has a significant impact on both people and their relationships. While being assertive is viewed as a successful communication style that fosters respect and wholesome relationships, aggressive behavior typically has the opposite impact. Reduced self-esteem and a relative absence of happiness in marriages have been connected to submissive communication patterns.

Communication Styles

The collection of speech traits used by a person while communicating is known as their communication style. Style refers to particular methods of understanding, unique means of perceiving a message, and specific means of responding to and providing feedback (Pâni_oar et al., 2015). The three styles that are often distinguished are aggressive, passive, and assertive. An individuals communication style is a good predictor of how they organize their social network. Additionally, communication style is a sign of how information is interpreted and turned into proactive action in social evaluations.


A tendency to not express ones ideas or sentiments, defend ones rights, and recognize and attend to ones needs is known as passive communication. Consequently, sedentary people dont express their displeasure or disappointment at things directly (Bocar, 2017). Alternatively, they permit irritations and complaints to grow, frequently unaware of the accumulation. However, after they have exceeded their high bar for inappropriate behavior, they are subject to anger, which is often excessive compared to the incident that set them off. Nevertheless, after the outburst, they could experience uncertainty, remorse, or humiliation and return to an inactive state.


Aggressive communication styles can be characterized by multiple intertwined concepts. Spoken aggressiveness, which targets the other persons self-concept in addition to their ideas, and rudeness or cursing, which concentrates on the use of explicit words or even swearing in conversation, are some central concepts (Chu et al., 2021). Talking in a loud and demanding manner, keeping direct eye contact, and overpowering or influencing people by accusing, frightening, condemning, pressuring, or assaulting them are all characteristics of aggressive communication. Therefore, a communication pattern that integrates strong messages with disrespect and an assault on an individual or group can be classified as an aggressive communication style (Yuan et al., 2016, as cited in Chu et al., 2021). As a result, verbal and/or physical abuse is frequently used by aggressive communicators.


In addition to being an indication of communication skills, assertiveness is more likely to be displayed by those who are secure in their personal beliefs and abilities to engage with others. Speaking up for and protecting oneself in favor of ones own beliefs, interests, and/or objectives while remaining respectful of other peoples freedoms is a key component of being competent in assertive communication. This distinguishes it from aggression, which is declaring ones wants without taking into account others. Demanding respect, expressing ones emotions, and rejecting unjust proposals are just a few examples of how to be assertive. Social anxiety is linked to poor assertiveness, and nonassertive persons are typically regretful, hesitant, and insecure.

Effects on Individuals and Their Relationships

Being proficient in interpersonal interactions has several advantages in a variety of social sectors. Strong personal connections, meaningful educational observations, professional achievements, and proper leadership impacts such as information exchange and team devotion is examples of such sectors (Sims, 2016). People employ all three communication styles in a dialogue regularly, and when the circumstances demand, one particular style can be addressed. Every individual has a favored style of communication, and attempting to adopt it can assist determine if one is effectively conveying a message or is utilizing a style poorly. Therefore, implementing a certain communication style can have a wide range of varied consequences and impacts on both individuals and the evolution of interpersonal relationships.


People who deal with aggressive communication styles may not feel psychologically safe, which may deter them from expressing their feelings or sharing difficult thoughts. As an outcome, attitude, social appeal, openness, attention, and ability to respond are all negatively viewed in aggressive people. It can be challenging to build a good relationship since those who are speaking with aggressive communicators are likely to feel the need to defend themselves or disengage from the conversation. Such behavior frequently incites others to strike back and act aggressively themselves. A challenge from the aggressive communicator could result in hostility from the other person. The aggressive communicator could become isolated, and other people may feel insulted or resentful as a result (Bocar, 2019). When engaging with an aggressive communicator, people experience hurt, humiliation, and even exploitation, which leads to feelings of anger and vindictiveness.

Others prefer to avoid interacting with aggressive communicators because they are often scared to disclose errors and issues for fear of being held responsible for them. Establishing respect in a relationship while behaving aggressively is challenging. However, certain studies indicate that aggressive communication can occasionally have a good impact on communication operations. According to research, when discussing important societal and political topics, respondents preferred an aggressive communicator over a courteous one in the context of scientific communication (Chu et al., 2021). Nevertheless, such instances are only observed in certain issues and spheres, while generally speaking aggressive communication is perceived negatively.


At home, at work, and in society, we frequently have to interact with individuals who do not comprehend what we are saying and do not communicate in the way that we would like. This lack of communication causes dissatisfaction, disappointment, and perhaps a sense of helplessness. The most appropriate and effective course of action in those circumstances is communication assertively. The best method for successfully resolving issues is assertiveness. To sustain relationships with people, direct engagement, transparency, and sincerity enable one to receive information without misinterpretation.

Assertiveness is a productive and polite communication style since it is built on respect for one another. Because one is prepared to defend their rights and speak out for their opinions, being assertive demonstrates that such people value themselves. Additionally, it shows that they respect others rights and are prepared to cooperate in settling disputes. Gaining self-confidence, a sense of fulfillment, earning respect, improving communication, and even work satisfaction are just a few of the consequences of an assertive style on an individual. As a result, assertiveness is typically seen as a better way to communicate.

Relationships with others are strengthened, balanced, and courteous when communication is used in this way. For instance, in a corporate setting, managers who are viewed as assertive fulfill personnels latent need to be acknowledged and appreciated for their opinions, boosting their self-confidence and assisting them in adjusting to their professional environment (Agarwal, 2019). According to a recent study, attentiveness and an assertive communication style have an impact on the happiness of both spouses in their marriage (Hally Weliangan., 2022). These findings show that to build a peaceful and healthy family, the couples interpersonal happiness has to be developed and pursued. An assertive interaction while forming relationships is a significant component that determines marital satisfaction.


People who are passive or nonassertive may express concerns, but they seldom take action to influence their contentious circumstances because of fear of losing in future conflicts. For instance, the course of action of a passive communicator could be observed in a situation when a person made an order online and did not receive the right item. A passive individual would want to avoid any confrontation by keeping an item rather than requesting a refund or returning it. As a result, that person is in a losing situation since they only suffer a loss and receive no benefits. The passive individual does not want to take the chance of starting a fight by complaining or expressing their opinion. Such people might blame themselves for making the incorrect order or website selection.

Although one might be accustomed to communicating in a subservient manner and think they are being kind and respectful of the other persons desires, their seeming unobtrusiveness is leading to a breakdown in communication. A submissive communication style raises serious concerns about the impact on self-esteem. According to Bocar (2019), passive communicator gradually loses confidence because they are unsure of where they stand. People speaking with submissive communicators may become irritated since theyve only been given the information they want to hear as opposed to the truth. Those who are speaking with a submissive person no longer desire to assist that communicator in improving their interaction because their assistance is oftentimes subtly rejected. The feeling of guilt of not knowing what the submissive communicator wants is also likely to happen. Due to their incapacity to establish personal boundaries, passive communicators may frequently find themselves being exploited or taken advantage of in relationships.


Being completely aware of the communication decisions others make certainly gives one a better grasp of how to communicate more effectively as well as the prerequisites and outcomes associated with each style. Having reviewed the three major types, the most beneficial style of communication in both corporate and personal settings is the assertive style, as it relies on a courteous and productive approach to communicating. From the other perspective, an aggressive communication style hinders the development of a relationship since it encourages antagonism, defensive mechanisms, and response hostility. However, it was discovered that aggressive styles may be effectively used in some specific contexts, such as political or social debates. As passivity elicits emotions of guilt, aggravation, and exploitation, it is intimately linked to a persons declining self-confidence and unsuccessful attempts to forge personal connections.


Agarwal, U. A. (2019). Impact of supervisors perceived communication style on subordinates psychological capital and cyberloafing. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 23.

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Chu, H., Yuan, S., & Liu, S. (2021). Call them COVIDiots: Exploring the effects of aggressive communication style and psychological distance in the communication of COVID-19. Public Understanding of Science, 30(3), 240257.

Hally Weliangan., D. (2022). Mindfulness and assertive communication effect towards husbands and wives marital satisfaction. International Journal of Research Publications, 104(1).

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Yuan, S., Besley, J. C., & Lou, C. (2016). Does being a jerk work? Examining the effect of aggressive risk communication in the context of science blogs. Journal of Risk Research, 21(4), 502520.

Aspects of Monologic Communication

Monologic communication is a mode of communication where one person speaks while the other listens. However, because communication is just one-way, there is no interaction between individuals. The monologic communicator is only concerned with achieving his or her objectives and shows no genuine interest in or care for the attitudes and sentiments of the audience. The speaker may also appear reluctant to discuss or hear other peoples viewpoints. He or she may frequently pass judgment negatively on the listener on a personal level.

Dialogic communication is a mode of communication where each participant assumes the roles of both speaker and audience. This communication enables the expression of all ideas; empathy and mutual understanding are essential components of dialogic communication. In this kind of communication, there is genuine care and concern for the other individual and their relationship with them. The speakers and listeners in this contact are free to decide for themselves without being forced, under duress, or in danger of punishment.

Resistant background conversation is characterized by peoples aversion to novel situations or methods of operation. It can occur in people, relationships, or workplace settings. Even though there are numerous roots for resistance, the key one is dismay at the unknown. Individuals are physically set to seek inclinations and predictability. Thus, even expected or good uncertainty can cause nervousness.

Netflixs organizational and cultural changes, implemented in 2011 by the companys CEO Reed Hastings, illustrate a change situation. Netflix is a firm that gives subscription amenities for streaming cinemas and TV shows online and for sending DVDs (Fagerjord, 2019). The business has struggled to modify its organizational design and pricing strategies. The corporation faced major crises as a result of the imposed modifications in 2011, which was the year that saw the most significant attempts to introduce such changes. However, it changed its business strategy to meet client demand, giving it a competitive advantage.

The CEO used monologic communication to share his ideas on change with the managers. This mode of communication was successful because the CEO was diligent in building a solid coalition by involving his co-founders in the decision-making process. With the aid of his coalition partners, he developed a compelling vision. One of the executives, however, publicly objected to the choice after employing monologic communication in 2011. Since this ineffective mode of communication, the CEO embraced dialogic communication and engaged his co-founders in his decisions.

Dialogic communication was used in the companys change management as the managers interacted with the employees. The workers are honest and open with one another and freely exchange information. The organization values dialogic communication and personnel consider the circumstances before acting. Netflix frequently provides staff with frank and quick feedback. This further guarantees that the team collaborates and continually strives for improvement. Through dialogic communication, Netflix has made several improvements to its philosophy of being completely honest with its staff. Due to this, they now have more faith in one another and the management. They have effectively promoted ownership through flexibility by choosing employees who value and do not misuse the benefits offered. Independent judgment fueled by open information exchange has been credited with success.

When the CEO indicated in January 2014 that they intended to change the prices, there was a sense of resistance to communication. The clients voiced concern and worry that the plan would result in an event similar to what happened in 2011. Additionally, investors argued against the move since they do not seem to have much faith in Reed Hastings capacity to implement it successfully. Resistant communication was effective in this change situation since Hasting addressed the issue. However, he successfully persuaded the clients of the necessity of altering the price structure. Customers were interested in this argument because it demonstrated the companys dedication to their well-being.

A change agent is an individual or group given the role of leading and guiding revolution within an organization. Internal change agents may include managers or staff selected to oversee the change course. Supervisors and staff receive training to get the essential skills to bring about a transition in many innovative firms. External change agents, such as advisors from outside the company, are another possibility (Ouedraogo et al., 2022). Change agents come in various forms, including Outside Pressure Type, People-Change-Technology Type, Analysis-for-the-Top Type, and Organization-Development Type.

Outside Pressure Type employs various forms of pressure, such as large-scale protests. Even though they are not employees of the corporation, they seek to alter. The People-Change-Technology Type can be worried about employee motivation and morale, turnover, absenteeism, and the caliber of work produced. Operations research, system design, policy analysis, and other analytical methods are used by Analysis-for-the-Top Type to alter the organizational structure or technology. Lastly, the organization-development type concentrates on internal processes, including intercultural communication, communication, and decision-making.

Reed Hastings is the change agent, an analysis-for-the-top type, in Netflix change management. Change can be successfully implemented if the sponsors actively participate in the process (Lin et al., 2017). The process of putting the suggested plans into action has involved CEO and pricing change backer Reed Hastings. He has been accountable for making important decisions in this respect, explaining those decisions to the public, and protecting the business against criticisms concerning the suggested adjustments. The implementation of the new payment plans has been significantly influenced by active participation.

Practically, not all of the steps outlined in the change models can be fully realized in real-world circumstances. The majority of the conceptual frameworks of change visible on Netflix, as a result, are not always comprehensive, following the academic requirements (Allegretti et al., 2021). In other cases, the change agents skip some processes or complete many stages at once, making it challenging to distinguish the different phases.

When reflecting on how Netflix intended to roll out the new price plans, the corporation was looking for a breakthrough, not a gradual transformation. Incremental change is a term used to describe situations where success is attained gradually due to initiatives that expand on the abilities and dedication of the members. In contrast, a breakthrough is a significant accomplishment that takes place quickly (Vito & Sethi, 2020). A corporation achieves a breakthrough when it shifts the organizations paradigms. On the other hand, if it requires slight modifications, attention must be paid to the actions and attitudes of the many stakeholders. In the Netflix scenario, the CEO was primarily focused on altering the management structure by dividing the business and creating two new price levels. This suggests that the organization was aiming for a breakthrough instead of a slow, gradual adjustment that might not show benefits for a while.

According to Blake and Moutons Behavioral Approach to Management and Leadership, the CEO of the Netflix Corporation has concerns for both production and people. Netflix has evolved into a business that pays attention to its staff and clients. Numerous changes have been made to the critical competencies, collaborations, and work expectations for people. Consistency is something that the whole Netflix organization, including the leadership, continually strives to avoid. Each member of the Netflix leadership is in charge of setting an example for others. It is an ongoing aspirational process for Netflix. These principles aid Netflix in assembling its ideal workforce, enabling them to constantly learn, perform, and advance while providing its customers with the best content and experiences.

It is clear from Netflixs management that the corporation attempted to implement two significant improvements to its organization and pricing strategy. Pricing and management structures were delicate areas that, if changed carelessly or poorly, could result in insolvency. In essence, the companys decision to split its services into streaming and DVD-by-mail meant that most customers had to discontinue one service while maintaining the other. Practically, separating the business meant that clients would have to visit two websites to look for movies. Throughout the transition, Netflix has made numerous errors. It decided to make long-term investments based on the idea that adding entertainment space would increase shareholder and client value. The solution to every problem was to practice effective product management and leadership. Netflix is now investigating consumer science, which involves analyzing recent data, research, and surveys to create ideas that can help them improve their products.

To surge productivity and adjust to the shifting environment, the company made small or large adjustments. In an organization, there are two different factors triggering change: internal and external forces. Technological change, urbanization, political and cultural change, and upholding moral performance are external forces. Urbanization and technological progression are the central outside weights that pushed Netflix to modify the feature.

The structures, tools, and habits of a firms product are altered due to new technologys impact on peoples outlooks and habits to effectively steer the change forces and deliver victory and wealth to the company. Internal causes such as altering executive people, workplace subtleties, productivity, employee prospects, and calamities can also make a firm alter its organizational style. For example, Netflix approved that the price of entertainment, as well as the conveyance crisis, would be condensed by watching cinemas at home. Netflix consequently settled into the structural shift.

Lewin presented a paradigm in which a change is introduced in three stages; unfreezing, moving, and freezing. After experiencing difficulties attempting to create pricing structures that reflected the price of the internet and the licensing fee, Netflix adopted techniques based on Lewins Three-Step Model. This change management paradigm is demonstrated in practice through the organizational shift at Netflix. Every organizational change goes through a few stages before being finished. Technology, culture, and surroundings are the essential variables that encourage an organization to embrace change.

Unfreeze and change are elements seen in this change situation. The CEO initially voiced his consumers displeasure with the single-price plan. Given that each consumer has a particular requirement, he claimed that not all customers are pleased with a single-price plan (Allegretti et al., 2021). This strategy was to unfreeze the current pricing structure and get clients ready for change. Second, the business has stated that it plans to launch the suggested model. This suggests that the business is ready to implement the transition. Regarding its goods and services, Netflix was not in a difficult situation. They chose to concentrate solely on organizational culture because, at the time, they were setting the bar for innovation in the entertainment sector. Nevertheless, this was wholly dependent on intrapreneurship to remain viable. They plan to modify three things as a result: they will appreciate cultural differences, they will communicate honestly, be flexible with hierarchy, and will not have a holiday policy. They have not, however, finished the process of reverting to normality.

Although Netflix has implemented Lewins three-stage Force-Field model, there are some areas they need to improve. Managers must take a proactive approach to introduce and manage change by controlling the approach. In this sense, they must anticipate and identify issues and dangers that can call for a transition (Goswami, 2019). This suggests that the business may be prepared to slowly start the process of transformation to prevent illnesses that could cause the organization to become paralyzed. The element that organizational revolution is a methodical and detail-focused exercise instead of an incident where management positions that the adjustments it must undertake in the business to survive are something that executives at Netflix Blockbuster do not understand. Change administration affects the organizations values and basic standards and operational procedures.

They also need to undergo the last stage, identified as Refreezing. In this stage, individuals can adopt new ways of undertaking things or altering them, embrace them as an aspect of their lives, and generate novel connections. Workers need to be pleased, rewarded, and given encouraging support for their new manners and transitions in their work. Helpful guidelines or frameworks may also help in inspiring the adapted means of operation.


Allegretti, S., Fischer, H., & Seidenstricker, S. (2021). Executing a business model change: identifying key characteristics to succeed in volatile markets. Springer Link.

Fagerjord, A. (2019). Spotify and Netflix as innovations: Streaming media history in the light of innovation theory. Air Selected Papers of Internet Research.

Goswami, M. (2019). Developing social intelligence among employees for effectively managing organizational change. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 34(4), 13-15.

Lin, H., Chen, M., & Su, J. (2017). How are management innovations successfully implemented? An organizational routines perspective. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 30(4), 456-486.

Ouedraogo, N., Ouakouak, M., & Hewapathirana, G. (2022). The role of leadership political skills in the context of organizational change. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1).

Vito, R., & Sethi, B. (2020). Managing change: Role of leadership and diversity management. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 33(7), 1471-1483.

Non-Verbal Communication and Customer Satisfaction


For companies that are responsible for offering services to customers, employees come into direct contact with clients. Consequently, the manner in which they articulate their verbal and non-verbal communication greatly contributes to customer satisfaction. In every transaction made between a service provider and a customer, their communication is split into verbal and non-verbal.

Elements of Non-verbal communication include kinesics, paralanguage, physical appearance, and proxemics. All these rudiments contribute to the way in which buyers evaluate a business. For instance, eye contact and smile lead to customers feeling appreciated (Gabbott & Hogg, 2001).

They also give the impression that the service provider is confident of the service he or she is offering and thus helps in winning customers trust. Paralanguage such as tone variation may lead to customers doubting ones confidence in his or her work.

Some proxemics helps in changing customers attitude towards a company and its staffs. For instance, a restaurant attendant that is used to touching customers leads to them having positive regard for him. The customers always wish to be served by the attendant and are willing to return to the restaurant. Furthermore, such an attendant can easily convince the customers in case they have complaints against the restaurant.

Apart from proxemics, kinesics, and paralanguage, physical appearance also contributes to customer satisfaction in an organization. Employees that are physically attractive are considered to be friendly by customers, thus trusting them. The following are some of the non-verbal signals and how they add to purchaser contentment.


Kinesics refers to body movements and is an inevitable phenomenon in every communication. Some of the body movements that make up kinesics include eye contact, smile, handshaking, orientation, and nodding. Different kinesics conveys different messages based on the context in which they are used.

In business institutions and especially those that offer services, kinesics plays a vital role in improving customer satisfaction, meditation, and allegiance. For instance, if a member of staff dealing with a consumer maintains regular eye contact, it proves that he or she is candid with whatever he is saying (Jung & Yoon, 2010). This boosts confidence in the service provider.

These body movements are also associated with courtesy, and thus customers feel to be valued and acknowledged. According to research conducted in the banking industry, it was identified that employees who regularly maintain eye contact end up building a strong relationship with their customers. The customers perceive such employees, to be honest, thus trusting them.

Generally, a smile is considered to be one of the non-verbal communications that best shows interpersonal warmth. Workers who smile at their patrons build a satisfying relationship with them. Customers feel to be appreciated, thus willing to relate with the service providers. Staff who smile at their patrons are alleged to be affable and obliging.

This makes customers trust in them and always feel to be well attended whenever they do any transaction with them. Giving a smile when receiving and seeing off customers leads to them having a perception that the organization is customer friendly.

Combining different non-verbal cues leads to the effect of becoming even greater (Tsai & Huang, 2002). For instance, when an employee accompanies a smile with eye contact, the customers being attended not only feel to be warmly received, but they also believe that the employee is earnest with his or her service delivery.

When a customer gets into a business premise and is received with a smile, he or she responds by smiling and immediately develops the perception that he or she is cared for by the person attending to him. Such a customer feels to be treated with a high degree of respect and is always willing to come back to the business.

There are situations where nodding notably contributes to customer satisfaction. This is especially in businesses offering professional services such as legal institutions. Services offered in these institutions call for intensive interpersonal communication and consultations (Jung & Yoon, 2010).

Hence, the involved parties ought to show that they are attentive, considerate, and that they understand what is going on. In such a situation, nodding and maintaining eye contact show that the lawyer does not only understand what the customer is saying but is also compassionate (Gabbott & Hogg, 2001). This leads to the customer cooperating and willingly giving all the required information.


Paralanguage refers to aspects of non-verbal communication, such as the vocal tone, amplitude, fluency, and tone variation. In the business world, customers closely follow employees paralanguage to determine the level of his or her confidence in whatever he is saying.

For instance, when relating to patrons in restaurants, it is crucial that a worker uses paralanguage cues that are considered to be in relaxed mode. This would lead to customers perceiving the restaurant as customer-centered rather than work-oriented (Jung & Yoon, 2010).

Conversely, in a business institution that is considered by customers to be task-oriented, such as the banking industry and legal field, staff ought to use paralanguage that is linked to public speaking mode. This would help in portraying ones proficiency in the field as well as vigor. Eventually, customers would end up trusting in him or her, thus willing to seek his or her assistance.

There comes a time when customers are reluctant to engage in a conversation. At such a time, a service provider may use quicker and louder tonal styles to encourage the customer to participate in the conversation. These non-verbal cues are seen to greatly facilitate in persuading customers that the verbal cues (Gabbott & Hogg, 2001).


This stands for posture and relative distance maintained by employees when attending to their customers. One of the proxemics elements that are most valued, especially in the services industry, is touch. By using this element when attending to customers, employees draw their attention as well as make them actively participate in the transaction, thus affecting the customers perception towards them and the organization.

Mostly, customers who get touched by employees tend to submit to all that the employees tell them. For instance, when a beauty therapist touches his or her customers, they are found to have positive attitudes towards the therapists business (Sundaram & Webster, 2000).

On the other hand, customers who come into contact with restaurant attendants tend to submit to all the requests made by the attendants. Besides, such customers show affirmative regard for the restaurant attendants.

When dealing with customers, one is expected to maintain a favorable distance: not too close to the customer and also not too far. This helps the customer to communicate with the employee effectively. In the process, the customer is able to evaluate the company and get its clear image. Maintaining a distance when dealing with customers leads to them evaluating the organization favorably.

Physical appearance

Physical appearance is one of the non-verbal cues that speak a lot about the organization as well as the employees. However, this cue is, in most cases, overlooked in informal organizations. One of the features of physical appearance that helps in enhancing buyer satisfaction is physical attractiveness. Generally, employees that are physically attractive find it easy to convince and win customer trust (Jung & Yoon, 2010).

They are also able to sway their clients in making resolutions that favor the organization. Basically, physical attractiveness leads to customers taking one to be friendly and accommodative. Furthermore, physically attractive human resources are considered to be hospitable, clever, and better poised compared with those that are less physically attractive.

Different attires lead to customers having varied perceptions towards the employees and the organization. For instance, people working in legal and banking institutions ought to wear suits and ties for men and gray or black suits for ladies. This leads to customers seeing them be competent and credible in their fields hence willing to work with them.

The color of the attires worn by service providers, to a great extent, sways customers discernments (Tsai & Huang, 2002). For example, if employees wear clothes with dark colors, they are considered to be authoritative and superior. On the other hand, staff in lighter attires are perceived to be sociable.


For a long time, organizations have overlooked the role played by non-verbal communication in enhancing customer satisfaction. Non-verbal cues such as kinesics determine the perceptions that customers get once they visit a company. For instance, if a customer is welcomed with a smile on visiting a company for the first time, he or she feels to be acknowledged, thus developing the perception that the company cares for its employees.

Besides, the attires worn by organizational staffs contribute to how the customers evaluate the organization. For companies whose employees wear suits and are smartly dressed, they are taken to be intelligent and competent in their works.

As a result, customers relate well with these companies as they believe that they will get quality services. Paralanguage such as touch helps in convincing customers. This leads to customers having positive regard for the organization and its employees, thus always returning to the company for services or products.

Reference List

Gabbott, M. & Hogg, G. (2001). The role of non-verbal communication in service encounters: a conceptual framework. Journal of Marketing Management, 17(1/2), pp. 5-26.

Jung, H. S. & Yoon, H. H. (2010).The effects of nonverbal communication of employees in the family restaurant upon customers emotional responses and customer satisfaction. International journal of hospitality management, pp.1-9.

Sundaram, D. S. & Webster, C. (2000). The role of nonverbal communication in service encounters. Journal of Services marketing, 14(5), pp. 378-391.

Tsai, W. C. & Huang, Y. M. (2002). Mechanisms linking employee affective delivery and customer behavioral intentions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, pp. 1001-1008.