Intercultural Communication: Autoethnographic Reflection

By definition, intercultural communication reflects the communication behaviors and patterns that manifest between two cultures or more. Lustig and Koester (2018) show that one comprehends that the way multi-cultural communication is viewed majorly relies on how the communication unfolds in the form of symbols used within the intercultural domain. Therefore, the most significant component that enables communication to be effective between two cultures is understanding. Chen (2018) argues that intercultural competence plays a substantial role in understanding each other despite cultural differences. Further, Chen (2018) brings out the opinion that through competence, it also becomes possible to respect the individuals engaged in intercultural communication by embracing the differences in cultural affiliations. Response forms an integral part of communication, not only in intercultural communication but also in establishing an effective, appropriate, and respectful response is essential to achieving constructive and positive relationships.

The basic tenets of intercultural communication competence constitute attitudes, knowledge, and skills and are complemented by personal values held as part of a social group. Therefore, personal values are equally important in how the social identities of different people are represented in an intercultural communication setting (Lustig, & Koester, 2018). With the world becoming one big community, intercultural communication has become a critical aspect of communication since, on a personal encounter, I have, several times, had to communicate with various people from different cultural backgrounds. The relevance attached to competence and understanding in an intercultural communication setting, as Chen (2018) shows, has made it possible to communicate with various people from various cultural backgrounds with ease. When communication was challenging, comprehending that distinct cultural backgrounds have different communication patterns helped ensure familiar environments.

The way individuals perceive things is never the same between people of two different cultures. The distinctions in thought patterns and cultural values have played a significant role in how a similar picture can be interpreted in various ways by various people with distinct cultural perspectives (Fitzpatrick, 2020). The world is hyper-connected, and the view of others is crucial in how two people with unique cultural backgrounds can accommodate each other to offer the proper support for communication. Noticing the relevant subtleties in conversations among group members can change simple communication styles into effective conflict resolution processes (Takeshita, 2016). The various distinct tones, context, words, and thought processes, to some degree, vary in every level of intercultural communication.

What I have learned and has changed my perspective of others in that intercultural communication requires a holistic understanding. Communication contexts make it possible to factor in the various characteristics of interpersonal relationships. As Takeshita (2016) argues, I have embraced the notion that in contact, it is not guaranteed that the way I interpret things will be the same as how the people I conversate with interpret them. Therefore, by assuming the responsibility of listening, I am better able to fathom the conveyed message based on the context of the person with whom the interaction I participate is found.

When an individual realizes that socialization is vital in intercultural communication, it becomes possible to emphasize the use of encouragement towards promoting self-efficacy and esteem. I have learned of myself and those I communicate with that in every conversation, peoples self-images rely on how directly they express their desires (Fitzpatrick, 2020). Intercultural communication can be achieved when both parties are direct and open to talking about their accomplishments and abilities (Chen, 2018). Through this, I have realized that socialization is equally essential in emphasizing self-criticism, which brings about knowledge on how an individual uses hesitations, restraints, and self-depreciation. Further, Shaked (2017) argues that socialization in intercultural communication is central in how people involved in such interactions can respond to others praises. When viewed in terms of group harmony, I have learned that socialization plays a significant role by allowing individuals to avoid offending others.

True collaboration among group members is vital in ensuring self-effacement since it allows no group member feels offended or threatened. To Shaked (2017), group harmony comes when persons within multi-cultured groups play down their performance and emphasize the contributions made by others towards the achievement of the groups goal. Detecting a speakers intention and modesty allows the listener to credit the speakers self-effacement.

My perception of self and others, in an intercultural interaction dimension, as someone who has experienced otherness, has changed in that I better comprehend my everyday conversation. Realizing that animation or exaggeration, through expressive language, my experience of otherness in daily interactions with people from different cultural backgrounds has enabled me to value different communication styles (Lustig & Koester, 2018). Exchanges, from a multi-cultural, also require that people from different backgrounds practice pauses, silence, and understatements as ways through which people can diplomatically understand conversations. Lustig and Koester (2018) show that with various cultures using various communication styles, my otherness experience has improved since I know that speaking little means control. A silent control strategy that allows others to gain social acceptance while avoiding a social penalty is associated with being socially discreet.

Learning about intercultural communication has been significant in the way I think and act concerning others. Possible ways of thinking and acting have been contributed to by acknowledging that understanding how others communicate is central in saving others from becoming embarrassed in the way they interact with others. Different cultures have different ways that make them significant in making their people relate and observe their ways of life. However, when globalization comes in, and people have to embrace other ways of communicating to open up to others and improve their means of interacting, minimizing conflict becomes critical. Chen (2018) illustrates that by exhibiting emotional maturity and taking time to identify ways to manage potential conflict, an individual gains knowledge that silence allows for calming down.

In a multi-cultural facet, one comes to relate with various people who bring to conversations different distinct approaches through which they best perceive what has to be said and done to achieve effective communication. With the realization, what strikes me as annoying is the challenge that language has in hindering intercultural communication. Communication in an international outlook is fundamental to achieving growth. With it comes an unprecedented cause of miscommunication associated with disorder and conflict. Based on Shaked (2017), the three leading causes of miscommunication are ethnocentrism, cultural diversity, and language barrier. When language becomes a barrier to effective communication, it turns annoying because what is supposed to bring people together is the one thing that sets them apart. With the world having more than 6,500 languages, having a familiar language that brings various people from various ethnic backgrounds is vital (Shaked, 2017). However, not all people have the same apprehension about what it takes to have effective communication.

In the future, several things have to be reflected concerning intercultural associations between multi-cultured people. Acknowledging that different languages are rooted in different dialects is critical in how people in such interactions will be able to establish a guiding principle in how future communications can be achieved (Chen, 2018). Same as non-verbal communication, verbal communication has several rules that govern the general discourse through which communication between different cultures becomes effective. Fitzpatrick (2020) shows communication elements like time sense, facial expressions, and emotional distance between distinct cultures help improve how people interact. However, understanding the elements has to be perceived by comprehending the infinite number of cultural diversities that often dictate miscommunications in multi-cultured associations. Future multicultural interactions should always ensure that diversities in social relationships, values, religion, politics, and economy, among others, are all considered to counter the challenges associated with ethnocentric differences (Takeshita, 2016).

Change is never an easy thing but has to be embraced when trying to meet communication effectiveness. People must ensure they properly comprehend grammar, structure, and expressions when engaged in multi-cultured conversations. With the world becoming one large community, every individuals mandate to acknowledge the distinct dialects associated with every culture is significant, one way or another, in communication. While people might not have all the knowledge, the different cultures offer a basic understanding of the essential pointers to improve communication between people from various cultures is necessary. Differences do not necessarily mean that what others have to offer is inadequate; instead, it means an opportunity to engage others to uncover what their distinct culture can provide to the world towards realizing effectiveness.


Chen, L. (2018). Intercultural communication. Berlin de Gruyter Mouton.

Fitzpatrick, F. (2020). Understanding intercultural interaction: An analysis of key concepts. Emerald Publishing.

Lustig, M. W., & Koester, J. (2018). Intercultural competence: Interpersonal communication across cultures. Pearson.

Shaked, H. (2017). The literacy myth: Cultural integration and social structure in the nineteenth century. Routledge.

Takeshita, Y. (2016). The significance of intercultural communication management (ICM) as viewed by Japanese university students. Intercultural Communication Studies, 25(1), 78-93.

Types of Communication: Verbal and Non-Verbal


Communication is the most important aspect of human life. Without communication, there would be literally no activity that can take place. Choosing an effective means of communication is very important, and this should be done consideration of the parties concerned and the degree of formality of the message. To be able to choose the best means of communication, requires emotional, technical and interpersonal skills&these skills may require changing of rules every now and again depending on the nature of the information to be passed (Severin et al, pp.14-15). Good communication requires that the two parties are in some kind of communicative commonality. This paper contains highlights of some forms of communication that are used to pass information in order to achieve a shared understanding.

Types of Communication

Communication types fall into two main branches types of communication; that is Verbal and Non-Verbal. Under verbal communication, there are three subdivisions namely Oral, Written and E-mail. Nonverbal type of communication can either be through expression, Expressive behaviors and through body language (Wark, p.22). In a broader sense, communication has been classified into verbal and non-verbal, intentional and unintentional, oral and written, and finally intrapersonal and interpersonal. Intrapersonal communication is that communication between oneself, i.e. during a deep thinking, daydreaming, feeling of hunger, pain and pleasure. All those actions that depict an individuals reflection of contemplation and meditation are classified under intrapersonal communication.

Interpersonal communication on the other side is the interaction between two parties (the giver and the receiver of the information). Conversations, interviews and conferences and other face-to-face forums fall under this category. It involves the application of all the five human senses combining to form an interplay of words and gestures as the message is conveyed; with an idea of getting an instantaneous feedback. Then there is the group Communication which shares all the above qualities but with relatively less measure. As the group grows bigger and bigger, the communication becomes more of a monologue and in the process active participation tends to be difficult (Severin et al, p.29). Then finally there is the mass communication which is employed when the information is targeted to meet many people. Mediums used in this concept can be Television, Radios or the electronic mediums with wider coverage. All the above types of communication make part of human social self, making communication be a very important pillar in human relations&it bondsman to man relationship, not machine to man (Wark, p.25).


This essay paper has illustrated different types of communication, and from the facts presented here, it can be concluded that all the types are equally important in the society. What matters is only finding the right skills to use them. The primary skills required in this context are the expressive and listening skills between the parties to give and get the right interpretation of the information. Following the communication rules, as one passes information will go a long way to break any ensuing communication barriers (Montana et al, p333).

Work Cited

Montana, Patrick J. & Charnov, Bruce H. (2008). Management. 4th Ed. New York. Barrons Educational Series, Inc. Pg 333.

Severin, Werner J., Tankard, James W., Jr., (1979). Communication Theories: Origins, Methods, Uses. New York: Hastings House. Pp.14-31.

Wark, McKenzie. (1997). The Virtual Republic.Allen and Unwin St. Leonards pp. 22-29.

Dramatism Theory in Communication


Drama theory is a communication theory for analyzing human relationships and exploring the nature of motivation. The theory proposes to look at relationships as part of the non-materialistic nature and to use the sensual aspects of the personality as the primary tools for studying communication mechanisms. According to the theory, each act of communication has specific characteristics that allow assessing motives and reasons for speech. As people interact, they identify their reasons for doing things and evaluate behavior in terms of emotional disclosure of needs.

The Dramatism Theory

The dramatism theory was chosen for study because it takes the value of the emotional aspect of relationships to a new level. Dramatism theory also delves into the cause-and-effect relationships between actions taken and the reasons or factors behind them that influenced the behavior. The theory allows looking for answers to what explanations people use to interpret their behavior and its meaning in communication (Burke, 2018). In addition, dramatism allows viewing the act as a way of getting rid of guilt and cleansing previously committed harmful acts. The possibilities of the theory are wide enough, so I want to go deeper into understanding the connections between the features of human behavior and the factors and causes of the external and internal communication environment.

The study of drama theory is vital for understanding the emotional relationship between relationships in communication and interpreting motivational agents. The difference in cultural perception and the presence of previous background justifies the specifics of communication. The study of dramatism theory will identify the difference between motivations that arise from biological assumptions and motivations that arise from experience, symbolic perception, and desires grounded in other reasons. Taken together, dramatism theory will expand understanding of the preconditions that lead to communication.

Within the study of the direction of dramatism theory, it is possible to examine the parameters that influence what different cells of society want to interact. Any audience (cell) seeks cognition only if the influencing agents influence their worldview. Drama theory examines the rhetoric from which assumptions and assertions about human interactions are made (Burke, 2018). This theory is a must-study if sociologists and psychologists want to understand the nature of close contact in collectives. This direction is also necessary to study to overcome the barrier of what one believes to be ones true motives and reality. From the perspective of dramatism, it is possible to study all the complex mechanisms of motive formation and to ground them as part of human experience, culture, and the desire for societal change.

Among studies of the theory of dramatism, the most significant response can be found in works devoted to the perception of information if it is modulated according to the founder of the theory, Kenneth Burke. For example, Eren & Can (2022) found that using dramatic (emotional and creative) elements for learning leads to positive knowledge-building dynamics. In terms of my personal experience, this is a valuable result, which indicates that the effectiveness of my communication increases if I can competently present the desired information I want to share. It indicates to me that I can move in a more emotional statement and not seek to seek gain. Burke (2018) determined that rhetoric in daily practice allows one to develop a critical perspective on the mystery of relationships, increasing communication effectiveness. In my personal experience, this is reflected in the development of my communication skills, which gradually become more multifaceted through reflection and reflection on the experience.


In my research, I noticed several works that allow me to draw unequivocal conclusions regarding drama theory and its validation of communication. Son (2021) points to message formation in social media as prompting others to dialogue. The rhetorical turns and message language influence what motivates others to engage in the discussion and form already new assumptions (Burke, 2018). According to Burkes theory, social media carries a particular purpose and set of actions, but the consequences are already the result of a different approach to cognition. Consequently, dramatization should be based on the purpose of communication and the desired action on the part of others.

Another important work that helps to form the main points of the theory of dramatism is the study of the role of rhetorical disposition in the discourse on societys motivation. Wahyurini (2020) points out that cultural context is dominant in decision-making and, therefore, the emotional accompaniment of all messages and actions. Collective and local situations shape prejudicial attitudes toward communication, so there may be problems disseminating false or incomplete information. Nevertheless, it must be recognized that cultural awareness as a tool is much more powerful than environmental influences. Consequently, dramatism is characterized by using background to assess the preconditions arising before the communication takes place.


Finally, it is worth identifying the key reasons why dramatism theory is crucial to studying communication. First, the theory will allow analyzing and relating motives and actions to make communication happen. Second, dramatism draws attention to why different segments of society interact and how they affect each other. Third, dramatism theory points to the value of rhetoric, which is the primary driver of communication behavior.


Burke, K. (2018). The war of words (A. Burke, K. Jensen, & J. Selzer, Eds.; 1st ed.). University of California Press.

Eren, H., & Can, S. (2022). The impact of creative drama on nursing students knowledge of nursing processes and case analysis skills. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 9(23), 3240. Web.

Son, J. (2021). Setting the scene for racism: A Burkean analysis of twitter in the time of Covid-19. [Masters Thesis; Nova Southeastern University]. Web.

Wahyurini, O. D. (2020). Dramatistic user experience design: The usability testing of an e-government system in a non-western setting [Masters Thesis; Clemson University]. Web.

How Culture Shapes Communication

When it comes to communication, one of the serious hindrances that can stand in the way of people connecting in their different cultural backgrounds the cultural background is one of the major factors contributing to defining a persons world-view and shaping their values and beliefs. For example, the country I was born in, its customs and traditions, the language I speak, and my religious views have all made me the person I am today. There have been instances in my life where I have interpreted other cultures representatives behavior through the lens of my own culture  and it resulted in misunderstandings. However, these misunderstandings taught me not to take things at face value and always make certain that I am correct in my interpretations.

In my opinion, the biggest barrier to competent communication between representatives of different cultures is individuals lack of desire to be tolerant. Kirschbaum et al. (2017) have defined culture as a historically shared system of symbolic resources through which we make our world meaningful (p. 4). In other words, this system is shared historically  that is, passed from generation to generation  and consists of symbolic resources  that is, things are not always evident and easily explained. Therefore, it is only reasonable that people might be unable to understand someone whose culture differs from theirs. However, the actual problem is the unwillingness to accept these differences. I feel like if one shows that they are respectful towards others and are open to learning more about them, any difficulty can be surmounted.

Consequently, the suggestion that I find to be the most beneficial is the suggestion to be respectfully inquisitive. It is the easiest to apply  no time or energy must be spent beforehand in order to ask someone something at the moment. Granted, one has to be careful and polite  but if they master this skill, in addition to making a good impression, they will be able to actually learn something every time they pose a question.


Kirschbaum, K. A., Hall, B. J., Covarrubias, P. O. (2017). Among cultures: The challenge of communication (3rd ed.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Nonverbal Communication Norms and Chronemics

Chronemics is the study of time in combination with communication. The way people view and handle time creates nonverbal cues in both verbal and nonverbal communication and affects the communication itself. There are several circumstances requiring one to be on time during some occasions. The first momentous occasion where one is expected to be early is meetings. Ideally, one should be at least five minutes early for meetings, especially official work-related meetings. Another ideal circumstance where one is expected to be early is appointments (Gerpott et al., 2019). You have to be early for appointments, or they will have to be rescheduled since professionals work strictly on time.

There is no time when arriving late for anything is good. However, casual times when minutes late will be reasonable since those occasions are not very strict on time (Gerpott et al., 2019). A night out with friends is one of the times when one can be five to fifteen minutes late, although one is expected to call or text their colleagues when they are extra late. Parties and major gatherings are other times one can be approximately twenty and forty minutes late, respectively.

Finally, five to fifteen minutes is the standard time to wait if the other person is late. This time varies from occasion to occasion since not all meetings are the same. In an official meeting like an interview, five minutes is the maximum time to wait. This is because most official events operate on tight schedules. Another occasion that one can be late is a class group project meeting. In this case, a student can wait for others for much longer, up to fifteen minutes, since they are not that professional. A date is an informal occasion where people try to impress another person. Keeping time, in this case, may show punctuality to the person you intend to spend most of your time with, whereas waiting for them when they are late may show your patience. In this case, people may not be late or stay for as long as possible to show their patience. The difference in how long one can wait for the other in case they are late is brought about by the purpose and intentions of the meeting, as shown in the different scenarios above.


Gerpott, F. H., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., Voelpel, S. C., & Van Vugt, M. (2019). Its not just what is said, but when its said: A temporal account of verbal behaviors and emergent leadership in self-managed teams. Academy of Management Journal, 62(3), 717-738. Web.

Creating a Communication Strategy


In any field, failures and emergencies are possible, the consequences of which are catastrophic and need to be corrected. If the tragedy concerns peoples lives, then it should be treated in a particular way. This is because, in addition to trivial losses in the form of damage to company property, reputational losses, and any fines and compensation, we are talking about victims. This is a very tricky and sensitive topic that requires detailed consideration. We can analyze the communication theory applicable in such a situation by examining the scenario of World Wide Airlines Flight 979.

Companys Biggest Responsibility

It is about missing planes filled with passengers, which already emphasizes the main problem of this catastrophe  the potential human casualties. In such a situation, it is necessary to allocate and designate the companys areas of responsibility to third parties, as this will help build a plan of action next (Maiorescu-Murphy, 2019). The following problems have arisen in the wake of the disaster: the companys reputation has suffered in connection with the tragedy, aircraft have been lost and, most likely, destroyed, the total value of which is several million, the companys liability to the families of the passengers of the aircraft, as well as its responsibility to the states whose representatives the passengers were (Bobocel, 2020). Lets consider each problem one by one. The reputation of the company, the third-largest in the world in quantity and quality of flights, is not so dramatically damaged by a single disaster, even a serious one. The fact of the matter is that seniority serves as the basis here, which holds back the confidence of customers and shareholders (Bobocel, 2020). The total amount of revenues and financing will cover the cost of the aircraft in a reasonably short period, especially if firm considers the availability of reserve aircraft or the budget line provided in advance for such situations by the Finance Department.

An analysis of all the consequences reveals that the tremendous responsibility will lie with the families of the passengers of the missing flight. There are several reasons for this, the main ones being moral and humane. Any company that provides services to humans is responsible for the service and its consequences. This is a fundamental principle of the service industry and extends to the airline (Maiorescu-Murphy, 2019). But these are not the only reasons, and enterprises need to delve into the long-term perspective of this problem. Suppose the company ignores or improperly fulfills its responsibilities to the families of the victims and makes amends (Bobocel, 2020). In that case, it could face public condemnation, which in turn would lead to the termination of contracts with shareholders and a drop in revenues. In other words, all the problems are interconnected with the families in question.

While analyzing the actions towards the families, however, industry must be careful here. The companys legal department must study the laws of each of the countries whose inhabitants were victims of the disaster, as well as understand the culture and social patterns of these states (Bobocel, 2020). For example, the worldview in India is different from that of conventional France. In certain countries, religion and religious attitudes to the institution of the family will prevail. These factors must be taken into account when apologizing. In the opposite case, it is possible to insult, which will lead to unpleasant consequences (Maiorescu-Murphy, 2019). Thus, monetary compensation and an official public apology are likely in a European country, but other methods must be used in a religious country.

Dialogue with Global Audience

The target audience of an airline is the general public, and this is very important. Apologizing only to influential persons, such as diplomats or Interpol representatives, will not be fruitful but will only damage the companys reputation. This will happen because the company will appear in the eyes of the target customer as an indifferent organization that only cares about profits and the preservation of contracts (Maiorescu-Murphy, 2019). Thus, a dialogue with society is necessary. It is essential to understand that it should not consist of promises or excuses, as it will not help those affected, and those who are not will have doubts about the sincerity of the speakers. In such a situation, it is necessary to interact with the society in the form of, for example, listening to their suggestions and ideas for improving the service, opening a fund to help the victims, releasing a film or a program about what happened (Maiorescu-Murphy, 2019). This kind of approach will be effective because a person likes to feel important and appreciated psychologically. This will help reduce the level of potential aggression and resentment and close the issue of proper attention to the victims.

Types of Social Groups

Nevertheless, it should be considered that the audience with whom the dialogue should take place will be divided into three groups. The first group will have a direct financial interest in the situation, namely shareholders and investors. To communicate with this audience, they should prepare a detailed plan for compensation for economic losses and share a different method of action to restore the reputation and optimize the companys operations after the accident. As for the second group, these are the suffering and grieving audiences (Johnson, 2020). The detailed interaction strategy with this audience has already been described above, but it is worth clarifying one factor (Johnson, 2020). Passengers are citizens of different strata of society and the degree of importance to the states. But the company cannot allow further treatment of tragedies in the families based on their financial or status positions. Therefore, the quality of dialogue and moral and material compensation must be at the same high level to not offend either the family of politicians and diplomats or the family of an ordinary person. Ignoring this approach will lead to condemnation from society and increase the level of aggression towards the company. Finally, the third group is the political field. It is essential to understand that the tragedy involves thirteen or more countries, and the very sight of the accident is above water, i.e., in neutral territories (Johnson, 2020). Dialogue with states must be structured in such a way as to make it clear that there is no hidden meaning, terrorist act, or manifestation of hostility in this situation. In other words, that the tragedy is not someones deliberate fault for provoking countries into specific actions.

Way to Create and Maintain Credibility

To build trust through a companys actions and maintain credibility, several conditions must be met:

  1. Actions must accompany any words. The company has enough resources to carry out all the necessary public works, which will contribute to societys adaptation after what has happened.
  2. Consider the emotional intelligence of the public. This means that speakers on behalf of the company, for example, should carefully select the words and facts they will operate during the dialogue (Maiorescu-Murphy, 2019). Careless actions can cause an explosion of emotions, which will lead to severe consequences.
  3. As noted above, to interact with people. It should be a dialogue, not a monologue, i.e., listening to people and carrying out their will is vital.

Types of Channels to Contact People

Open conferences, personal letters to families, and the Internet are ways to make this dialogue as effective as possible. Available conferences will help people express their wishes and thoughts in a guaranteed way to be heard, all in public, so everyone understands how the problem-solving process is progressing (Ruler & Körver, 2019). The Internet is the primary source of news and information for the vast majority of society, surpassing television, so it would make sense to take advantage of cyberspace for greater awareness and speed of information dissemination. In addition, the Internet provides opportunities for comment and discussion, which, again, makes people complicit in the coverage and resolution of this mishap. Finally, personal letters would keep any data and aspects of the disaster confidential, only on the companys and the victims agenda (Ruler & Körver, 2019). In addition, personal notes will show a particular indifferent attitude towards citizens and help build a more constructive dialogue.


In conclusion, it must be said that communicative theory must necessarily be detailed and compelling. It is essential to understand that the human factor complicates many aspects of possible difficulties and tragedies when it comes to people, but no one is immune from them. Consequently, companies whose activities involve risks must be prepared to deal with actual problems with society, no matter how difficult these situations may be. It is building such a theory that helps a company stay on the right track, controlling all aspects of the issue that has arisen, and being competently responsible to all parties to a disaster.


Bobocel, S. (2020). Key success and competitive factors of digital communication strategies. Analyzed through the lens of strategic choice and determinism. CRIN Verlag.

Johnson, E. (2020). Finding comfort during hard times. A guide to healing after disaster, violence, and other community trauma. Rowman & Littefield Publishers.

Maiorescu-Murphy, R. D., (2019). Corporate diversity communication strategy. An insight into American MNCs online communities and social media engagement. Springer International Publishing.

Ruler, B., Körver, F. (2019). The Communication Strategy Handbook. Peter Lang.

The Communication Styles of Men and Women

There is no doubt that distinctions between men and women exist on different levels. They root back to human nature and physiology and can result in a dramatic difference in behavior and perception of the world. In particular, some research indicates the dissimilarity in the communication strategies of men and women. Even though every persons communication style is not defined by their gender but is influenced by numerous factors, some differences in patterns and approaches to talk can be found in men and women.

One of the aspects where male and female behavior often differs during a conversation is body language and physical position. According to Tannen, men tend to sit at angles instead of placing themselves opposite each other. They also often face away from the person they talk to, which might create an impression of being unengaged. Besides, men use gesturing less frequently and do not usually accompany their speech with gestures. Conversely, women are more likely to sit in front of each other to see the person they talk to. For women, eye contact is often crucial to feel engaged in the conversation and heard, so they prefer to face each other to appear open to talk (Tannen). Women are more expressive and can naturally use more gestures than men. In general, understanding the difference in body language is crucial for the overall perception of a persons communication style.

Another aspect to consider is the manner of speech of men and women and its interactivity. In this regard, males tend to speak less but more rapidly, while paying less attention to pronunciation (Sumipo 450). Besides, for men of different ages, it is natural to switch between subjects quickly and move from topic to topic, without focusing on one for long (Tannen). Men are more inclined to interrupt the person they talk to. As for women, their speech tends to be faster, more active and more clearly pronounced (Suimpo 447). Females often prefer to discuss one subject at length before switching to another (Tannen). Besides, women appear more polite and less likely to interrupt their partners in conversation. Overall, even though the speech strategies of males and females largely depend on personality traits, some tendencies can be noted for each gender.

Finally, different expectations from being involved in a conversation cause different attitudes in men and women. For instance, men often consider arguments opposite to their or their partners point of view. They also do not feel the need for engaged listening, which involves the listeners explicit attention, follow-up questions, and interjections (Tannen). When discussing problems, men often tend to dismiss each others issues and are satisfied when they are convinced that they have nothing to be concerned about. When women talk, they are aware of other points of view, but often want to discuss and focus on their own. They feel the need to demonstrate engagement in communication and expect verbal or non-verbal encouragement to keep talking. Women expect agreement and support from their conversation partners and are satisfied when they are shown understanding. Therefore, the difference in expectations from being involved in the talk can result in different behaviors in males and females.

To sum up, it is no doubt that disparities in communication styles of men and women exist. Not only psychosocial, but also physical characteristics can cause different behaviors, reactions, and the perception of others. When talking to the person of the opposite gender, such dissimilar perspectives might cause misunderstanding and miscommunication. Therefore, one should remember to take a cross-cultural approach and show understanding instead of dividing concepts into right and wrong.

Works Cited

Sumipo, Jasmin M. Hes a Man and Shes a Woman: A Conversation Analysis on Linguistic Gender Differences. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, vol. 5, no. 2, 2020, pp. 446-450. IJELS. 

Tannen, Deborah. Sex, Lies and Conversation. The Washington Post, 1990, Web.

Effective Presentation Skills in Medical Communication


A presentation is a type of communication in which an individual conveys information using slides that could contain text or visual messages. It is worth noting that a presenters appearance and language determine how well the message is received (Mehta, 2020). Therefore, it is crucial to establish rapport by starting off the presentation with attention-getters. To maintain the audiences concentration, there should be a good flow of information from one slide to the other, and the presentation should be terminated appropriately.

Topic Overview

Generally, the topic of effective presentation skills covers all aspects of in-person and virtual presentations. In many education forums, in-person presentation is used to communicate ideas and receive constructive feedback. Understanding the elements of a good presentation and the types of presentation is vital for flawless communication. This topic also involves a thorough understanding of the presentation techniques and how they can be applied in different contexts. Lastly, the barriers to an excellent presentation and the best ways to end a presentation are outlined.


The way a presentation starts determines whether the audience will be interested in it or not. Therefore, catching the audiences attention is a vital skill. By asking a question, the presenter may get the audience thinking and motivated to learn (Curran-Everett, 2019). Other attention-getters include stories and quotes from famous personalities. In addition, one may start by applying emotional appeals and citing the audiences profession to attract their attention. Through these methods, people would be motivated to listen or watch the presentation.

Audience Overview

The audience characteristics are the most important elements in a presentation because they determine the presentation style and thereby influence the relationship between the presenter and the audience. Luciana (2021) notes that the audiences culture defines their level of perception and influences the choice of presentation techniques. For a presenter communicating with students, the most appropriate language would be formal, while a non-formal tone would be used when addressing older adults. In essence, the opening, transition, and concluding techniques should be appealing to the audience.

Effective Presentation Techniques

Connect with the Audience

The thought of standing before a large group can be frightening at times, creating anxiety and nervousness, which could hamper the audiences ability to connect with the speaker. According to Mehta (2020), presenters should always be honest with themselves and project their confidence through an organized presentation. Essentially, they should be led by their passion for the subject at hand. However, the speaker should also identify with the current events and situations, increasing the relevance of their presentation.

Focus on the Audiences Needs

In essence, a speaker is guided by the current needs of their audience. Therefore, the presentation should be focused on giving solutions. Notably, culture determines the listeners needs (Luciana, 2021). For instance, students would be interested in scholarly information, while professionals would be focused on data-driven or evidence-based information. This gives direction to the presentation, enabling the speaker to offer solutions to the problems at hand (Curran-Everett, 2019). In summary, a presenter should only focus on what the audience needs to know and avoid irrelevant details.

Keep it simple

In many cases, a speaker may be tempted to use complex words hoping to appear more knowledgeable. However, a presentation should be guided by the main goal of communicating useful information. Therefore, presenters should ensure that every individual listening to them comprehends the topic presented. Mehta (2020) asserts that simple words create coherence and minimize the probability of error. Long and complicated presentations would lower the audiences concentration span. Lastly, simplicity saves time by reducing the need for lengthy explanations.

Start Strong

Although the audience may be so interested in a topic, the starting point determines how the rest of the presentation is perceived. Setting the momentum is, therefore, an essential step in presentations. Notably, listeners judge the value of a presentation at the beginning and set their minds accordingly. Curran-Everett (2019) points out that presenters should start off by introducing themselves to create audience rapport. Through stories, quotes and questions, a speaker may keep the audience focused from the beginning.

Maintain Eye Contact

Eye contact is one of the features that distinguish in-person presentations from virtual seminars. The connection between an audience and the presenter is so vital that a speaker has to establish it through all available means. Eye contact entails the speakers focus on the audience. This aspect shows that the presenter is confident and eliminates doubt (Mehta, 2020). Essentially, the audience is made to concentrate, reducing the probability of dozing off. It may also motivate the listeners to participate through questions.

Visual Communication

In many cases, especially in educational presentations, the speakers are required to use visual representations. Notably, some technical data can best be understood through graphical representations. Therefore, a presenter should check the topic of the presentation and the audience and prepare accompanying visuals to enhance communication. Mehta (2020) notes that visuals are beneficial as they reduce the time required for explanations. In social studies, visuals may help the listeners to connect with the information and relate it to contemporary issues.

Involve the Audience in the Presentation

Although a presenter may be the main speaker, presentations are not supposed to be monologues. They are supposed to be interactive as both the audience and the speaker are involved in raising points for each others understanding. It is important to note that a speaker may gain from audience participation through constructive feedback and questions that motivate them to conduct further research. According to Mehta (2020), every presentation is a performance that should be well-planned and executed to everyones satisfaction.

Use Appropriate Language

In-person and virtual presentations are both dependent on the language chosen. In many cases, the audience may be comprised of individuals from different age groups and ethnical backgrounds. Therefore, the speaker should focus on language that allows all listeners to follow the topic and ask for clarification where necessary. It is essential to avoid gender-sensitive communication and remain neutral (Curran-Everett, 2019). Lastly, the written part of communication should be grammatically correct because any grammatical errors may imply that the speaker is incompetent.

Master the Content

Apart from having good verbal and non-verbal communication skills, a presenter should demonstrate a good mastery of presented topics. Notably, speakers are thought to be teachers who should fully understand their topics (Mehta, 2020). Therefore, rehearsing the presentation beforehand may help the presenter to familiarize themself with the content and note areas of improvement. Although no individual can have a complete understanding of any topic, it would be important to have sufficient knowledge of all aspects of the topic presented.


In conclusion, an excellent presentation requires a strong start, appropriate language and transitions, and a good ending. Creating a rapport with the listeners is an important skill that determines audience perception and influences their levels of participation. The appearance and language are important aspects that may hinder audience concentration. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that relevant visuals are used to simplify communication and save time. Lastly, presenters should maintain eye contact throughout the presentation and conclude with a note of thanks.


Curran-Everett, D. (2019). Every presentation is a performance. Advances In Physiology Education, 43(4), 519-521.

Luciana, O. (2021). The Show and Tell or Deliver the Presentation strategies: which is effective more? Jurnal Pendidikan: Riset dan Konseptual, 5(3), 358-362. Web.

Mehta, N. (2020). Effective Podium Presentation is More Than Showing Power Point Slides. Effective Medical Communication, 91-98.

Non-Verbal Communication Through Clothing


Non-verbal communication is the major player in the human behavior and it is always important to realize that major communication taking place is usually non-verbal communication. Hence, for effective communication we must understand the role non-verbal communication plays as one of the measurement for competence of communication. Non-verbal communication has been subject of research in the communications disciplines and the major theme that keeps arising is its meaning and the myths behind its research which have been constantly under question. It is worth noting that considerable amount of communication taking place among various people is non-verbal. However, verbal communication is most common form of communication but many people do not appreciate that they constantly use their bodies to send communication to one another. Clothing is a very important factor that suggests a persons personality through non-verbal communication. Therefore, effective communication can be facilitated by not only understanding ones body language but correctly reading other peoples body language as well.

We are usually in communication with those around us and we do so verbally by vocalizing our feelings and thoughts. However, verbal communication makes only half of all the communication. We can also convey messages true the body language and appearance. Non-verbal communication in many instances has quick and lasting impressions more than spoken words.

Non-verbal communication through clothing

Variably non-verbal communication can be defined as the entire process conveying and receiving, messages that are not spoken at all i.e. wordless communication. These messages are effectively communicated through body language, object communication for example clothing, hairstyles and symbols, communication through speech features for instance intonation, speaking style and emotion (Andersen, 2007)

Clothing always makes a statement about us, that is, it is differently interpreted by people. For example in funeral people would tend to choose black or dark colored clothes over clashing colors to signify mourning or sadness. Another example would be the preference of white colored garments during the wedding. This will signify the purity in the ceremony and how it is rooted in cultural traditions. People would wear uniform clothes to signify their role in the society for example the army, policemen and the school children (Blatner, 1985)

Clothing is dependent on the environment. People would wear official wear if they are in an office setting but they would prefer casual wear if they are outside the office environment. Why is this so? People usually judge you from the moment they see you, therefore well-groomed persons suggest that they have self-confidence (Morris, 1995)

Clothing as a medium of communication and one of the everyday incidents calls for our attention at least daily as well as calling for our decisions and cultural experience. Clothing is similar to speech and it can be a comparison to a society at large.

Clothing as a medium of communication is a very good example of what is termed as an object communication. The type of clothing a person wears can precisely determine his/her personality traits although at times the assessment is inaccurate. For example, clothing can set apart different and distinct social groups from each other. Object communication goes beyond the clothing to include adornments for example jewelries and tattoos.

The bodys sensory organs of sound, smell, taste, sight and touch in many ways determine the channels of non-verbal communication. This can be through purposeful action or unconscious decisions. In addition non-verbal communication usually takes place through many forms for example clothing or persons dressing is a contribution to some communication taking place in a certain situation. This type of communication can be useful or cynical in facilitating communication (Andersen, 2007)

Clothing often communicates and it is a pointer towards enormous information about a person. Non-verbal communication through clothing is usually responsible for identifying sex, status, age, persons character, mood or a time in history. Furthermore, attitudes most related to clothing are; prestige, desire for self-expression, physical comfort, aesthetic satisfaction, need for conformity, need for social participation and the economy.

In practice, well dressed people are most likely to be accepted by people who dont know them than those people who are not dressed well hence it increases interpersonal effectiveness. Some researches have revealed that certain relationships exist between the dress code and the successfulness of a student. Self confidence or lack of it is affected by clothing. Well dressed persons are more self-confident than their counterparts who are not well dressed. An impressive first impression determines how people will likely want to relate with you. Self styling is much more like fragrance. When you get well dressed you are full of happiness and self-confidence. Non-verbal communication is conceded in the form of graphics, fashion or messages on T-shirts or bags. In many business functions well-dressed persons are readily accepted and acknowledged. One of the best reason behind this ready acceptance is the persons dressing conveys competence, credibility and above all self confidence.

Silent messages are normally conveyed also through the textures of the clothing a person has. For instance, clothes that are smooth textured are more welcoming and exhibit warmth while crisp textured clothing suggests efficiency. On the other hand the lines of clothing may indicate how the personality of a person may be rigid. Different dressing code may also reveal anger, depression, and aggressiveness (Knapp, 1980)

Clothing is meant to communicate through the shape, ornamentation applied and also the sewing technique which is an indication of diverse levels of identity including their status, sex and age. Some clothing may be used to communicate some sense of belonging to a given ethnic background. Clothing also is a symbol of cultural identity for instance in the political field where various ethnic disagreements are witnessed.

Clothing carries within its context quite some messages. Non-verbal communication it carries is more closely related to the verbal language in view with informative power. Furthermore, closing has statement about the identity and the culture. Clothing will be symbolic for both social and cultural differences (Andersen, 2007)

Clothing can communicate membership in a given cultural background. The choice of clothes therefore reveal the kind of person one is. This calls for leaders and those who are aspiring to be leaders to dress appropriately for their positions. For instance, if you would wish to be promoted into the director position, be at the same level the other directors are. That is, if they are wearing golf shirts and khaki shorts; be at the level they are. It has now become a norm that the workplace is no longer what used to be in the past few years, everything has now been loosened (Morris, 1995).

With the knowledge that clothing carries non-verbal communication it would help understand people as well as interact with them.The best way to relate to others is through your skills of interpreting what clothing say about non-verbal communication

Does the clothing I wear make me?

In reality, the clothes we wear make a statement about us. In the era where what we wear has become a subject of self-consciousness and where everything is now under the mirror. Why then the physical appearance makes us who we are? The answer can be found in the clothing we wear and the environment that surrounds us. Everyone around us depends heavily on the visual communication via clothing. It is very important to portray yourself well when you go out there (Joseph, 1986)

In many job interviews, the majority of the human resources managers rely heavily on nonverbal cues that enable them make vital decisions in regards to certain candidates supposed to fill up critical positions in an organization.

According to Pete Drucker, The most important thing in communication is hearing what isnt said. (Andersen 2007). Therefore managers heavily depend on how candidates are clothed to make initial judgments regarding their performance. Given this it is always recommended for a candidate in a professional job position regardless of the work environment to wear a suit in the first job interview. The managers especially in the hospitality industry are on the look out for the selected outfits which reveal the candidates ability to interact, relate and perceive customers. The clothing accessories that a candidate chooses many times telegraph professionalism or the lack of it. The professional outlook is greatly enhanced by an immaculate tie, well shone shoes, a leather portfolio or a nice pen.

On the other hand a shabby appearance depicts the lack of professionalism; for example scuffed shoes or unkempt hair and dirty fingernails etc display a careless and hurried outlook.

Myths on non-verbal communication

First myth

The first myth is that 93% of all communication is non-verbal. The myth has been quoted nearly everywhere from advertising journals to psychology articles. The findings presented have been questioned because it only derived its findings from experiments carried out to communicating attitudes and feelings. Universally this has ceased being applied at all. The argument that non-verbal communication is more important than verbal communication is extensively accepted and it has been linked to counseling, therapy and education. For instance clothing depicts the kind of person one is. Also in education, typical experiments are presented through series of graphs, charts to depict something in reality (Joseph, 1986)

Going by the figures, surely it can never be true. It can never be true that 93% of all communication can be possible without words. For instance, if watching a foreign film which one among body language and the vocal tones can you understand 93% of it? (Knapp, 1980).The truth however is clear; the source of this myth was more specific communication rather than a general communication (the focus was only on attitude and feelings) (Knapp, 1980)

In addition, the experiment never at all took into account any real world communications conditions. In the research, accomplices were read out positive or negative single words like thanks and dont respectively. In some illustrations, the words were collected together with snapshots of people looking neutral, negative or positive. The participants were then required to give their opinions on whether the words were negative, neutral or positive given the combination of words/ tone or words/ picture. This is where Dr. Albert Mehrabian came with this statistics (Morris, 1995)

In reality, we dont typically communicate in single words and we are never communicating feelings either. But to the amazement of many, these fundamental understanding have been thrown out of context, they have been misunderstood and even confused up to the point of claiming 93% of communication is non-verbal. Then who can claim the percentage of 93% is wrong? But the concept of the communication percentage has been excessively oversimplified so much such that it has lost meaning. So this implies a different meaning for marketers and other people in the sales field. Non-verbal communication can serve to convey you as a sales person more vividly. For example, clothing can convey who you are and any sales person wont hesitate to dress well to communicate themselves well. However, non-verbal communication process can be a very intricate process to learn. For instance it can be impossible to practice your body language. This leaves the 93% unrealistic because somehow you would use words to communicate yourself well (Joseph, 1986)

Second myth

Another myth is that for an effective communication; 55% should be body language, 38% should be tone of the voice and a merely 7% of the communication content are words. These perceived percentages have been used frequently by communication consultants, media trainers, body language specialists and Human Resource instructors. This is quite unfortunate because these figures have not been scientifically proven and the information is quite general. Sorry to say that these figures are merely a myth and only urban-related. To illustrate this perception when you logically think of the words in the personal communications it should be more than 7%. But this figure has been wrongly used but it is a false statement which has been illustrated as fact (Mcneill, 1992)

So what is the truth about these figures? First of all the original experiments were carried out by Dr. Albert Mehrabian, a UCLA psychologist in 1967. Their results and findings were quite narrow but they were documented after all. They findings they presented only related to inconsistent communication whereby the messages and other behaviors of the speaker are simultaneously conveyed. But it also possible to convey verbal undertones yet facial expressions, tone of the voice, postures or gestures are totally opposite (Morris, 1995)

Verbal communication is used mostly as compared to non-verbal communication. Most people use the verbal communication more and they tend to believe that it is a more convenient and they enhance communication level. Also it would be impossible to communicate all the words through emotions. It would be possible to describe through words that a person is unhappy but a teardrop will tell a lot more than words. A picture is indeed a thousand words, hence with no doubt you can easily communicate to people or group of people through a mere glance. Without a doubt, there is no way to justify that non-verbal communication is more important than the verbal communication. Nonetheless, it should be noted that many people use both verbal and non-verbal communication and therefore going into depth and finding out which is superior will be much like questioning the wings a bird will prefer most helpful to fly (Mcneill, 1992)

Third myth

We all have been influenced by technology. In some cases technology is playing positive and others negative. For example, messages are now guaranteed delivery and no distortion at all through the help of technology. But in reality it is the people who determine the effectiveness and efficiency of communication abilities. Technology is the driving factor and helps in developing the communication channels. Nevertheless, communication is determinant in a persons possibility and that is the bottom line (Joseph, 1986)

Another non-verbal illustration

The tie can be the smallest piece of cloth worn on the body but it gives out much information about the wearer without the understanding of him/ her. For example, a striped necktie gives an impression that the person holds a conservative taste. On the other hand a spotted necktie suggests that the person is jovial and fun loving. The bow tie indicates that the person is an intellectual. Politicians have gone a long way in utilizing the tie as a non-verbal communicator to influence others. For instance environment-driven politicians will always wear a green tie to conform to the surrounding while politicians who want to prove that they are socialist will tend to wear a red tie (Blatner, 1985)

It is often the ties that are first noticed from a person among the other clothing. Hence, the tie can be used to determine the different character traits that a person has. The prominence of the tie is unmatched since its the first item most people notice. Knowingly or otherwise we use a persons tie as a means to judge them, their status and their character (Andersen, 2007). How one wears a tie determines how people will judge you. A well tied tie depicts neatness, efficiency and a well mannered person (Andersen, 2007).

The tie itself in as so far as making public statements is concerned has been used by many a leaders both in the corporate world and in the political arena. To the casual eye the type or color of the tie does not mean much, yet there are various languages that the color of tie conveys (Tarkovsky). This is normally called the language of the ties. Some of the tie colors and the message they convey are as follows:

Red Tie: The message that it conveys is that the wearer is a fighter who does not give up and it depicts aggressiveness and is a warning for people to watch out (Tarkovsky).

Dark Red (Bordeaux): This conveys the message that the wearer is a thinker and has the time to do things in the right manner and one should not be underestimated at all.

Vivid Blue: We can cooperate and am ready to compromise for the sake of unity and effectiveness.

Yellow: I am ready for a fight because I am angry

Gold: What I start I finish do not expect me to quit any time now. (Tarkovsky)


Non-verbal communication is not an abstract and equally important as the verbal communication. Nevertheless, it is important to observe that; different individuals respond differently to different situations, the background of non-verbal actions is relevant and the last observation is that non-verbal cues are affected by cultural norms.

93% of all communication is non-verbal and usually in different forms. Non-verbal communication through clothing is surely what everybody sees about you. Different clothing worn by different people suggests something unique to them but above all clothing portrays vividly ones personality (Joseph, 1986)

Today the clothes we wear; the traditional costumes, street fashion or military uniforms are as a result of appropriate styles and development of meaning and different identities. Clothing carries a deeper meaning and the maker of the clothes wants to bring out an intended or perceived expression through its cloths (Mcneill, 1992)

Unfortunately to majority of the people the clothing you wear is a reflection of who you are and what you would represent yourself to be. Additionally, the clothing you wear tells the rank you occupy in the society. The significant judgment would be what you wear. People have adopted the statement dress to impress because people are highly judged on their style by mainly their superiors or the high class people because they may not be meeting the standards of what they are expected of them (Blatner, 1985)

The clothing makes a statement about the personality of an individual or the possible mood of the day. The clothing also gives a first impression about you, therefore people will always judge you from the first impression and the way you wear can bring out different meanings about you. But what you wear does not necessarily say who you are. For instance, if you are wearing t-shirts and baggy trousers does not mean you have no goals in life. It should be the complete opposite and never a determinant of the person the clothing suggest.

The non-verbal communication through clothing has changed over time and the perception and it is now carrying is different. The wrong myth that has long been attributed to the non-verbal communication has wrongly been made a fact. We are all confirmation that the 93% non-verbal communication is surely impossible without uttering any single words. Therefore, seeing a well groomed individual and concluding that the person is self confident will be wrong. Verbal communication may be necessary in commending the person. However, I believe it is all about the first impression that clothing goes with. A casing point a tie is the first garment that is noticed of a person (Mcneill, 1992)


Andersen, Peter. (2007). Nonverbal Communication: Forms and Functions (2nd Ed.).

Blatner, A. (1985). Becoming aware of nonverbal communication. In A. Blatner, Role development: A systematic approach to building basic skills. San Marcos, TX: Author.

Joseph, N. (1986). Uniforms and Non-uniforms: Communication through Clothing. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Mcneill, D. (1992). Hand and Mind: What Gestures Reveal About Thought.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Morris, D. (1995). Bodytalk: The Meaning of Human Gestures. New York: Crown Publishing Group.

Knapp, M.L. (1980). Essentials of nonverbal communication. New York: Holt, Rhinehart & Winston.

Sacha Tarkovsky: Ties  What Does Your Tie Say About You?

Cross-Cultural Communication Style of Women and Men


Men and women are different in various ways. From birth, males and females differ greatly. These differences are both physiological and psychological. For example, when a child is learning a language, the female child is noted to have a good memory in that she can recall faster. This ability to recall faster makes her a good learner. On the other hand, the male child is said to maintain a sense of direction. This makes men be good learners of visual-spatial sciences and mathematics. Some factors contribute to these differences one of them being the social factor (Hudson 103).

Gender and Linguistics

The males and the females exhibit two different cultural worlds even if they are in the same interactive setting. This is seen in the use of language by men and women. In other words, men and women use language differently although they are in the same environment. This is due to different perspectives of gender in society as well as the different roles and statuses of the two genders in the community. A language is therefore a tool that just reflects this. Both mediums of language, that is, written and spoken show that men and women communicate differently (Heath and Gordon 433).

Female Form Male Form Meaning
Lakawein Lakaweis Dont like it!
Lakawwil Lakawwis Im lifting it
Lakawwilit Lakawwilie I lifted it

Anthropologists have referred to linguistics to try and understand the difference between males and females. Studies have led to the coining of the phrase sex-exclusive forms of language which refers to the distinction in linguistics that has traditionally been made between the male and female speakers. An example is suggested by Hudson (214) of the study carried out among the Koasati people as shown in the table below

  • Female Form
  • Male Form
  • Meaning



Dont like it!



Im lifting it



I lifted it

One of the languages that have interested experts in the Japanese language. The Japanese form of language distinguishes the males and the females not only in grammar but also in phonology and lexis. The impact of this is that the language generally implies that women are more polite, they are more soft-spoken, and that the women are less self-assertive as opposed to their male counterparts.

Language is one of the revealers of the place of the female and the male in the different societies of the world. These factors have made the Japanese woman attain a coveted position among the women of the other societies in the world. It is thought that the language of the female Japanese carries the elegance and the beauty that is characteristic of the females something that may not be very developed in other societies (Shlomo et al 20).

The age factor also largely influences the different use of language forms. It was noted especially among the Japanese that older women tend to use the feminine forms of language more often than the younger female speakers. The geographical locations of the speakers were also

considered to be an influencer of forms of language as it was realized that the female Japanese living in the urban settlements tended to use the feminine forms of speech more frequently than did those in the rural settlements (Heath and Gordon 423).

Distinguishing Between Women and Men

There exist major differences in the use of linguistic forms in the speech of men and women. Men and womens use of language differs even though they live in the same speech community. It has been observed that women have some common terminologies that they use in communication which is well understood by the men counterparts but the men would not be caught dead using those terms in day-to-day communication. Similarly, men also have some common terms that they use that are well understood by the women although the women would become a laughing stock if they attempted to use them in conversation. This fact has led to a form of linguistics in which the males and the females are talking the same language yet it appears they are talking in two different languages altogether (Shlomo et al 20).

It is worth noting, these linguistic forms contrast in all speech communities. In a speech, there is a likelihood of getting men and women who speak the same language but have different linguistic features. This is in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary as well as morphology. Women prefer using standard and formal language in their use of language, unlike men who use non-standard language. The reason behind this is that women are entrusted with taking care of the culture. This is through teaching children language and culture. In addition, they are expected to develop and maintain relationships as well as enhance intimacy. This is unlike men who use language to achieve status and independence.

The females will tend to use terms that have been said to provide conversational support. These are words or phrases that will generally encourage the other speaker to keep on conversation and they are often in question form. Examples include, yeah? Really? and mmm? Experts have observed that women will generally be more tentative in their conversations.

These forms of speech tend to suggest uncertainty in the language of the female speakers that is not characteristic of the male speakers. These will include terms like, you know&, sort of, I was thinking, maybe I shouldnt&, what if& It is this form of speech that makes the female communicator less assertive. The study of speech patterns has also revealed that females are more likely to receive more compliments than males during an average conversation. Consequently, the females tend to pay more compliments than their male counterparts during an average conversation (Heath and Gordon 437).

One of the other main differences that come out in language among the males and the females is the vocabulary. For instance, males are generally thought to have a larger vocabulary in sports while females are thought to be more versed in colors and their different names and variants (Heath and Gordon 437). Here are two examples of the differences that exist in male and female conversations

Female Conversation

A: Thats a pretty dress

B: You think so? Thanks. I bought it at Woolworth

A: I particularly like the color

B: really, me too. I had a hard time selecting it though because it also comes in beige and royal blue

A: really? But you made a good choice, purple looks good on you.

B: Thanks a lot

Male Conversation

Father: I am going to take a nap but do wake me up at four.

Son: why?

Father: There is a game at four I want to watch.

Son: which teams?

Father: Juventus versus Arsenal

Son: O.K. we will watch together

From the above examples, it can be inferred that the females generally hold more fluid conversations. The father and son conversation is a simple short question and short answer approach while the female conversation is more detailed. The female will go a step further to compliment her friend on the good choice of the dress. This is one of the characteristics of the female conversation. As we can see, the females also have a good general knowledge of the colors while the males are more interested in sports. The female conversation will also be generally longer than the male conversation (Hudson 76).

Experts have also observed that there are generally more interruptions in a conversation amongst a couple of females as opposed to a conversation amongst a couple of males. The females will generally have their reaction and response to every sentiment and would want to make it known immediately while the men will take a longer time to respond and they will often allow a speaker to finish rather than interrupt him.

Written Work

Cross-cultural communication style is not only evident in speech but also written work. For example, women tend to be brief in their writing such as in SMS and other messages such as e-mails. By doing this women calls for continuous communication, unlike men who aim to achieve consensus. Some people believe that differences in language usage simply reflect different roles and statuses held by two genders.

Women are always given low status and are given social pressure to behave they do things and talk. This results in women using question tags, hedges, and intensifiers. Women use facilitative tags which are based on the person being addressed. They indicate intimacy between the speakers. Men on the other hand use modal tags which are self-oriented and exhibit the speakers influence on the addressee to confirm his ideas (Shlomo et al 15).

To make the differences between the male and female writings more clear, I will quote two writings from the same journal one from a male writer and the other from a male writer. The first excerpt is written by Simpson Paul (Shlomo et al 15)

The main aim of this article is to propose an exercise in stylistic analysis which can be employed in the teaching of the English language. It details the design and results of a workshop activity on narrative carried out with undergraduates in a university department of English. The methods proposed are intended to enable students to obtain insights into aspects of cohesion and narrative structure: insights, it is suggested, which are not as readily obtainable through more traditional techniques of stylistic analysis. The text chosen for analysis is a short story by Ernest Hemingway comprising only 11 sentences. A jumbled version of this story is presented to students who are asked to assemble a cohesive and well-formed version of the story. Their re-constructions are then compared with the original Hemingway version

My second excerpt is written by a female author, Blakemore Diane, in the same journal (Shlomo et al 15).

My aim in this article is to show that given a relevance-theoretic approach to utterance Interpretation, it is possible to develop a better understanding of what some of these so-called apposition markers indicate. It will be argued that the decision to put something in other words is essentially a decision about style, a point which is, perhaps, anticipated by Burton Roberts when he describes loose apposition as a rhetorical device. However, he does not justify this suggestion by giving the criteria for classifying a mode of expression as a rhetorical device. Nor does he specify what kind of effects might be achieved by a reformulation or explain how it achieves those effects. In this paper, I follow Sperber and Wilsons suggestion that rhetorical devices like metaphor, irony, and repetition are particular means of achieving relevance. As I have suggested, the corrections that are made in unplanned discourse are also made in the pursuit of optimal relevance. However, these are made because the speaker recognizes that the original formulation did not achieve optimal relevance. In contrast, deliberate reformulations are designed to achieve particular contextual effects, and they should not be taken to indicate a failure to communicate any more than, for, repetition.

It is evident right from the first phrase of each quotation that one is a male author while the other is a female. The female writer uses the personal form my aim& while the male uses the form the main aim& Quite on the contrary, the male author, Simpson, takes a less personal form in the entire excerpt electing to use one pronoun throughout. Unlike the case with the female writer, Simpson continues to refer to Hemingway after he has introduced him in the text rather than use the personalized pronoun form. It is also worth noting that Simpson uses way fewer personal pronouns (only three) as opposed to Blakemore who uses a total of twelve personal pronouns.

Another sharp difference that comes out is the use of negation forms of speech. Simpson uses one negation while Blakemore uses a total of four negation statements. In addition, the male writer uses more of statements in the modification of nouns as compared to the female writer. These differences bring out the important distinguishing factor between male and female writers since male writers dont personalize their writing as much as female writers do.


The female and the male forms of communication have been under study since time immemorial. The differences that exist in communication between the males and the females within a society stem from the fact that males and females are generally different physiologically as well as psychologically. Men and women will generally use language differently although they may be in the same physical environment. The main reason behind this is the different perspectives of gender that exist in society as well as the different roles and status of the two genders in the community. A language is therefore a tool that reflects this difference.

As experts have observed, the females have some common terminologies that they use in communication which is well understood by their male counterparts but they would not be caught dead using those terms in the day to day communication. On the flip side, the males also have some common terms that they use that are well understood by the females even though the females would become a laughing stock if they attempted to use such terms in conversation. This fact has led to a form of linguistics in which the males and the females are talking the same language yet it appears they are talking in two different languages altogether. Both mediums of language, that is, written and spoken show that men and women ultimately communicate differently.

Works Cited

Heath, Jeffery and Gordon, Mathew. Sex, Sound Symbolism, and Sociolinguistics. Current Anthropology. 39.4 (1998): 421-449.

Hudson, Richard. Sociolinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Shlomo, Argamon et al. Koppel Papers. 2003. Web.