The Importance of Cultural Intelligence in Communication

The world is constantly becoming more and more interdependent, and people need to react to these changes by developing cultural intelligence and flexibility. All the cultures have different cultural peculiarities that were formed throughout their history and development of the nation. It is necessary to consider and respect the cultural differences and similarities during the process of communication with people who have various cultural backgrounds. People should be curious, tolerant, and open to the representatives of other cultures in order to ensure safe and mutually beneficial communication. Hence, the development of cultural intelligence may be considered one of the most crucial and necessary things relating to the process of intercultural communication (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). The development of cultural intelligence should start with the comparison of the native culture of a person with the culture of someone he wants to communicate with. This process targets the establishment of similarities and differences between the nations of those who are involved in the process and helps single out the direction and possible themes for further interaction.

The present writing is aimed at comparing the American culture with the French culture since a lot of French people currently move to the United States for the purpose of work or studying. Hence, it is necessary to be aware of the cultural peculiarities of the French nation in order not to do or say something that may hurt or insult them. In addition, knowing French peoples cultural identities and background helps understand the way they perceive the world and different cultures, including the American one. Before meeting people of a particular culture in person, everyone usually has quite a stereotypical description of their image and culture, which usually does not match the reality (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). That is why a lot of people are surprised or even puzzled when a person from another culture differs from a stereotypical image that was formed in their native culture. To avoid possible misunderstanding and embarrassment or to, at least, minimize the chances of their emerging, it is necessary to be open to interaction with the representatives of different cultures and treat them and their nation with respect.

When speaking about the prejudices the American people usually have towards French culture, it is necessary to begin with the fact that Americans perceive French as those who are less disciplined. Hence, American people usually work harder during the weekdays in order to leave all the worries and duties behind at the weekend, while French people do not pay much attention to the difference between weekends and weekdays. Apart from that, Americans tend to move to different places quite easily, while for the French, it is difficult enough to go far from their home region. That is why Americans tend to perceive French people as those who do not work hard enough for their well-being and are not ready to move far from where they lived for years. However, there is one thing about the stereotypes that is applicable to all of them, including those described above. It concerns the fact that the process of their formation takes years, while cultures change and evolve due to their influence on each other (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). Hence, stereotypes may not relate to the actual cultural identity of a nation.

When communicating with a representative of a particular country, it is extremely important to pay attention to the similarities and differences between the cultures of those involved in the process of interaction. This aspect is vital due to the fact that every country has its own values and assumptions that may not coincide with other countries points of view on particular issues. To avoid possible misunderstandings and ensure safe and free communication, it is better for the interaction partners to consider the values of each others countries and respectfully observe them (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). When speaking about the similarities between the American and the French cultures, it seems reasonable to begin with the fact that both countries support common values and share a democratic way of thinking. Both countries prioritize independence and freedom of speech and peoples expressing their opinions.

However, despite these similarities, there are far more differences between the two countries that should be paid attention to during the communication process between the French and American people. The most significant difference concerns the culture of individualism that is common for Americans (University of Portland, n.d.). While they support and value individuality, French people stick to teamwork, solidarity, and government help (Ensign, 2020). Apart from that, American people are more open and can easily communicate with strangers and even help them if needed, while French people are more reserved, and it is hard for them to speak with someone they do not know as with a friend. In addition, there is one more thing to remember for both American and French people during the communication process. It concerns the fact that some Americans tend to be wary of the French because historically, American land was the object of dispute between England and France. Hence, it is better to avoid history-related topics in the interaction between American and French people in order not to start any conflicts.

However, cultural intelligence is quite a versatile issue, so it is necessary to take into account many other issues apart from the stereotypes and cultural differences or similarities between particular countries to ensure safe communication. Managing emotions in stressful situations belongs to cultural intelligence as well because people of different cultures may perceive and endure stress differently. For instance, American people acknowledge that work stress is a significant problem that harms peoples mental health and general well-being, and it should be properly treated (University of Portland, n.d.). That is why psychologists and psychotherapists are quite demanded occupations in the American job market. It is typical of the American people to attend these healthcare providers in order to seek help in the struggle with stress. Apart from that, Americans tend to deal with their stress-related issues themselves without other peoples help because they think that it is rude to put their trouble onto others who may have their ones. Doing sports or public activities is also a good way to reduce the stress that is typical of American people.

When it comes to the stress management ways that French people use, it is necessary to state that attending psychologists is not as common there as it is in the United States. Though they still go to the healthcare professionals when they have serious mental health conditions, the best way to reduce stress after a long working day for them is to drink a glass of wine. This ritual helps a person shift from the working mode of thinking to the more relaxed and calm one (Ensign, 2020). However, French people may reduce stress by doing other activities like sports or walks.

When people finally manage to develop cultural intelligence, it is necessary for them to incorporate all the skills and knowledge in real-life communication with people from other countries. The most efficient way to do it concerns understanding and acceptance of the cultural differences people from foreign cultures possess (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). It ensures safe and free communication between the participants of the communication process as well as mutual respect. The next step concerns the constant studying the partners culture, since new phenomena may appear in them or the old ones may transform. The final way to incorporate cultural intelligence into the process of communication with people from other countries is to implement the practice of conflict-solving (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). Cultural intelligence may help figure out the reason for the conflict and develop the strategy for their solving. The participants of the communication process should remember that cultural differences may become the reasons for the conflicts. Hence, it is necessary to be respectful and attentive to other peoples cultural values in order not to escalate the conflict.

To conclude, it is necessary to state that cultural intelligence is one of the crucial components of communication, especially when it comes to the interaction between people of different cultures. It is important to consider the differences and similarities between the mentalities of the participants of the communication process to make it safe and respective from both sides. Apart from that, it is better to avoid stereotypical thinking when it comes to cultural communications, as stereotypes may be old, wrong, or do not reflect the identity of a person one interacts with.


Ensign, A. (2021). French traditions and Culture. FamilySearch, Web.

Indeed Editorial Team (2021). Cultural intelligence: Definition and importance in the workplace. Indeed, Web.

University of Portland (n.d.). American values and assumptions. Web.

Communication: People-to-People vs. People-to-Devices


This paper summarizes our study of the correlation between face-to-face communication and communication via social media. After describing our research activities, we provide some comments concerning the ethical challenges that we encountered in our study. Finally, we identify the main themes that emerged in the process of researching and analyzing our study in accordance with them.

Research Activities

In our research, we focused on studying the way people interact with each other while buying goods in various retail stores and shopping malls. The goal was to identify the role that social media accessed through technological communication devices play in affecting the clients choices and compare this role to that of face-to-face communication.

While conducting the study, we obtained materials for analysis by observing groups of people (a large part of whom were young women shopping together) and single customers. We paid particular attention to the way groups discuss the goods to be bought. It is noteworthy that groups were oblivious of their being observed and, thus, behaved in the most natural way. On the other hand, there was a drawback, the crux of which is that the researcher, in some cases, could only hear the conversation partially. We also investigated how often both groups and single customers used technological devices to communicate and to help with choosing goods.

At the same time, it is stressed that numerous retail shops utilize social media to attract clients (Rapp, Beitelspacher, Grewal & Hughes, 2013). Therefore, we also paid attention to how social media are employed to shape the choices of customers. To do that, we studied accounts of various shops in social media and the way people reacted to them in comments.

Ethical Challenges

American Psychological Association (1992) lists some basic general principles that must be applied by psychologists in their work, as well as ethical standards that psychologists need to comply with. In relation to our research, it is important to comment on the principle of respect for peoples rights to privacy. It might be assumed that in our research, it was possible to disregard them by prying into a customers personal life while observing their communication with each other and leaving them unaware of it. However, we did not listen to any kind of communication, which was not to be heard by anyone else. We endeavored to maintain safe distance that would allow us to see the actions of the observed and only hear parts of their conversation carried out in a semi-loud or loud tone; we could not hear any parts of customers interaction, which was done in low, quiet tones.

The clients, despite being oblivious of the researcher, were communicating in shopping malls or retail stores full of people, and, therefore, were aware that it is possible and probable that other people hear them. In fact, our behavior very much resembled the behavior of an ordinary shopper, except that we paid more attention to what others say. On the other hand, researching the way people form their preferences might enable companies to satisfy the needs of the clients better, which is compliant with the principle of caring about the welfare of others.

Results of Observation

As was noted, we observed peoples behavior in public places where it is possible to purchase goods, but mostly in large shopping malls and retail stores. We attempted to understand the way clients communicate with each other directly, face-to-face, and how they use their devices.

We found out that both females and males discuss their purchases with friends, but women tend to be accompanied by friends more often while shopping, particularly in departments related to clothes and other goods that can be worn.

We were able to perceive a curious peculiarity related to the way customers use various devices while doing shopping. Even while buying goods in groups, people, especially females, employed their devices to share their impressions and experiences. For instance, they often made photos which are commonly referred to as selfies with their cell phones, and then spent some time doing something with the devices; it is possible to assume that they posted the photos in social networks or sent them to their friends. It appears that they often received feedback, for in many cases, they waited for some time before checking with their phones again and then buying one or some of the products in question or leaving.

On the other hand, while buying various devices or equipment on ones own, males often used their phones for some time before deciding what to buy. They rarely called anybody, while females often used their phone in order to discuss the purchase with their friends or relatives. Still, people of both sexes employed devices while choosing products.

While analyzing social media, Facebook, in particular, we were able to notice that customers often leave comments under posts in accounts of various shops and malls. In some cases, people even tag their friends, writing that they liked the product and advising them to buy it, or just showing off. Comments were much more often positive. Negative comments tended to be shared more often, and they disappeared from malls accounts after some time. Posts made by a shops account were sometimes shared; friends were seldom tagged.

Analysis of Results

In our opinion, the major themes that emerge from our observation might be formulated as follows:

  1. How does the use of devices differ between sexes?
  2. Communication via devices is very common nowadays; to which extent does it combine with face-to-face communication, and to which extent has the former substituted the latter?
  3. Which is more influential in the media, positive or negative feedback of customers, and why?

Let us consider these issues.

  1. From our observation, it is evident that both males and females utilize devices while buying products. Correa, Hinsley, and De ZúHiga (2010) note that it is unclear whether women make use of social networks more often than men do. It is assumed that personal traits influence the frequency of usage of social media much more than gender does (Correa et al., 2010). It is also highlighted that females tend to get information about products from sellers and then to get advice from their friends about whether to buy a product or not, whereas males more often look for information on goods on the Internet (Kraft & Weber, 2012).
  2. It is clear that communication which employs various devices is very popular nowadays. Rapp et al. (2013) highlight that social media have a significant influence on peoples behavior, and companies take this into account while creating their marketing strategies. From our observations, we can assert that the usage of devices has replaced face-to-face communication to a certain extent, for people often find the information they need (whether it is data about the characteristics of the product or simply friendly advice) online. Still, people often shop with friends, in which case communication via devices, even despite appearing to be quite important, only complements face-to-face communication rather than substitutes it.
  3. We can conclude that both positive and negative feedback about shops in social networks has an effect. It is hard to tell exactly which is stronger, for companies often deleted negative comments. Still, it can be supposed that the negative comments sometimes tend to cause more effective than positive ones, for if somebody is seriously unsatisfied with the service, their friends might empathize with their feeling of indignation and want to warn others, and share the negative comment. This assumption is confirmed by Pfeffer, Zorbach, and Carley (2014), who discuss the phenomenon of online firestorms, i.e., a sudden discharge of large quantities of messages containing negative WOM [word-of-mouth] (p. 118). On the other hand, when somebody posts a positive comment, it can be assumed that people are less likely to share it because they might perceive it simply as advertisement; also, as in most cases only the person who shared the post visited the place in question, there are much fewer reasons for others to share the post.

It is also noteworthy that social networks are much more powerful a tool for spreading the word-of-mouth, and, judging from the scope of usage of social media, it can be assumed that a person, while getting feedback from their friends online, also receives emotional satisfaction which is not much weaker than satisfaction from personal communication.


After observing customers behavior in shops and studying social media, we found out that both males and females employ devices while shopping; that females often utilize devices while being in a group; that social media often help people choose goods and are used by companies to promote their products. The way men and women use devices while shopping is different; it is claimed that men generally seek information, while women look for advice. We also stress that communication via device complements, but not substitutes face-to-face communication, and that social media, despite being used for negative feedback about products more willingly, are not a much weaker source of emotional satisfaction than face-to-face communication.


American Psychological Association. (1992). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Web.

Correa, T., Hinsley, A. W., & De ZúHiga, H. G. (2010). Who interacts on the Web?: The intersection of users personality and social media. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(2), 247-253. Web.

Kraft, H., & Weber, J. M. (2012). A look at gender differences and marketing implications. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(21), 247-253. Web.

Pfeffer, J., Zorbach, T., & Carley, K. M. (2014). Understanding online firestorms: Negative word-of-mouth dynamics in social media networks. Journal of Marketing Communications, 20(1-2), 117-128. Web.

Rapp, A., Beitelspacher, L. S., Grewal, D., & Hughes, D. E. (2013). Understanding social media effects across seller, retailer, and consumer interactions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41(5), 547-566. Web.

Communication and Navigation Systems

This part covers a section of avionics that deal with navigation and communication; it also covers the electronic devices that use avionics features. Constituents in the electrical navigation and communication systems are reflected as aircraft devices, and such can only be renovated FAA-standardized repair site or the original assemblers. Specialists must have the necessary permissions from the Federal Communication Commission to do specific radio aerials processes (Crichton). Every radio receiver mounted in a plane used for intercontinental trips must have an FCC-issued wireless station permit, and the license should be shown on the aircraft (Crichton).

Radio is a way of conveying brainpower from one position to another by electromagnetic radiation means. The process by which intelligence is loaded on a carrier is called modulation, and there are multiple ways to do it. In aviation communication instruments, only three are most common: frequency modulation, amplitude modulation, and single-sideband (Crichton). Amplitude modulation is a way in which the audio signal alters the power of the transporter.

Frequency modulation aids in acquiring communication that is free from any interference. Such interferences may be natural, for example, lighting in the atmosphere or human-made like electric motors. SSB is good because it eliminates a single sideband in the transporter, and in return, all the transportation voltage is used in the outstanding sideband. SSB signal also inhabits a reduced percentage of the frequency band, unlike FM and AM, which need a more significant portion of the frequency spectrum (Crichton). Magnetic and electric waves are components of radio waves, and they are right-angled to each other during propagation. Radio waves are carried from the antenna in three parts, depending on their frequency.

Necessary Instruments in Communication Systems

The antenna is one of the instruments used; it is an electrode linked to a radio carrier to radiate the electromagnetic energy generated by the aerial into space. Antennas are suitable for transmitting because they are good at receiving. When selecting an antenna, its polarization, length, and directivity are vital to check (Crichton). It should be half the wavelength, dipole, and its electric field should be vertical and the magnetic field horizontal. For a transmitter and a receiver to get the maximum amount of power into their antenna and receiver antenna, respectively, the antennas should be linked into a particular type of electrode called coaxial cable (Crichton). Coaxial cable is a transmission line also vital in the communication system.

A coax cable must be matched to the transmitter and the antenna or receiver. Coax is rugged, but it should not be left to overheat, and the diameter radius must be bent ten times smaller than the cable diameter. Communication Radio antennas are vital instruments; they have modernized tuned antennas that form part of the plane structure (Crichton). They are used for HF communications, unlike in the past where they used long-wire trailing antennas.

Electronic Navigation Systems

Traveling by air became practical when pilots could navigate without relying on visual recognition of landmarks thanks to Radio Navigation. Low-frequency, four-course wireless range was the earliest radio Navigation system (Crichton).

Radio Transmitters were stationed along the selected Federal airways on the airport. When landing at an airport with the system, the pilot would tune the receiver to the wireless range frequency to locate the station. An alignment design was flown until the pilot perceived the frequent sound and diverted towards the station (Crichton). The main disadvantage of this system is that it worked under low frequency that it was highly prone to atmospheric static, and during bad weather, it was unreliable. It also required a highly skilled pilot as disparities in signal strength could lead the pilot to unsafe topography.

Important Instruments in Navigation

Radio Magnetic Indicator is a vital instrument panel developed to pool information from different indicators to make their interpretation easier. It is a widely used device that chains the remote showing compass with the pointers for the ADF and VOR. A flux-gate compass pushes the dial of the devices, and the head of the VOR pointers points to the TO direction to the station (Crichton). ADF compass indicates the location relative to the front of the aircraft, which is the top of the pointer.

An instrument landing system is also vital as it ensures that pilots step on the ground once they have reached their destination. It has electronic components that aid in its efficiency: localizer, marker beacons, glide slope, and compass radars for middle and outer markers. Compass locators are mounted at the center and outer marker, and they transmit a frequent carrier and keyed identifier with a range of about 15 miles (Crichton). A localizer provides direction down the stretch centerline of the instrument runway roughly 18 miles out to the touchdown location.

Marker beacons are located between four and seven miles from the end of the runway. The outer marker gives a series of dashes to show where the pilot should land. Glide slopes transmit guiding signals about 1.4 degrees extensive and are angled upward from the spreader at an angle of 3 degrees. Finally, the Radar Beacon Transponder is the most vital instrument in controlling a plane along with the busy terminals or airways. With the numerous aircraft in the air at any time, air traffic regulators need to locate the dots on the scope made by a particular plane.

Work Cited

Crichton, Michael. Airframe. Knopf, pp. 797-867.

Legends on the Net: Modern Ways of Communication

The Gist

The writer is referring to the use of modern communication technologies as a medium used in passing social-cultural practices as well as contemporary fads which develop into informal groupings built on similar trends. There exists a sophisticated system of communication that has enabled and simplified reaching any part of the globe. The argument is that the emergence of a virtual community is a big-time occurrence that has completely altered ways of communication as well as socialization. This community capitalizes and basically relies on the use of online methods of communication as opposed to the conventional man-to-man human interaction on a day to day activities. The use and access of virtue communication modes surpass other aspects of life that are regarded as socio indicators of individual ranking like users level of education or religion. These are deemed as irrelevant when it pertains to the application of virtue communication as it is spread across the board and accessible to anyone. This portrays a euphoric fashion that swept across the board as people embraced this concept impacting many aspects of daily human interaction. With this mode, there are all sorts of risks since there are no checks to control and ascertain provided details and information.

The multimedia wave has given rise to different subcultures which have developed distinct habits and practices, these subcultures are formed in line with those social online groups. (Gies 2008) The writer compares the modern communication modes with the traditional ways where groups are formed around a common ideology and information is shared using the one on one interaction method. This is equated to the modern online forms of communication like Facebook, the internet, and tweeter amongst others, where socializing groups have formed and they share knowledge and exchange information as well as get entrainment.


The writer argues that since there is a proliferation of organized online communication methods, there has emerged a fad of urban legends. This is a clique whose lives are dependent on multi-media communication their lives are led literally virtually; they depend on these online facilities for daily living. These are people who work, socialize, trade online, and perform many other hosts of activities. This lot can be effectively accessed online, their character and opinion are formed and shaped online. They also spread their influence to other parties through the same means. This is a medium that can be used to transmit and spread certain beliefs and practices effectively since these groups transform into subcultures. It is possible to use this model as a conduit of transmitting a particular way of life or changing peoples ways of thinking and doing things since most users tend to live to script, the influence of the virtue world.


Human beings will communicate well if they are in a community, online modes of communication revolve around groups with a common binding factor. The use of online communication facilitates the easy spread of ideologies within the group. Virtue communities existence is facilitated by the existence of enough amenities that are accessed and shared online, it is possible to share knowledge, trade, fall in love, get emotional support, access education and do anything that can be done in life outside the virtual community. Technologies have ideological and political significance since they influence the ways of thinking as well as the distribution of resources. The ever-increasing multi-media usage is a powerful tool to influence a groups attitude or opinion. This kind of influence takes both positive and negative forms; there are cyber crimes and other forms of ills that happen in cyberspace. On the other hand, constructive influence takes place. Since it is possible to access almost everything available in the traditional interaction methods, virtual communication offers an alternative in reaching out and communicating with the rest of the world.

Work Cited

Gies Lieve. Crime, Media and Culture. Sage Publications (2008). Web.

The Rise of Mass Communications


Advanced technology has rewritten the future of the world. Technology is getting advanced day by day and these technologies decide the life of the people. It has been applied in every sphere of life especially in the field of mass communication. Propaganda persuades people to a cause or position and the role of mass communication in its propagation is pivotal. Nowadays, governments declare their propaganda through mass media. The rise of mass communication has been of great help for the declaration of propaganda. This paper presents the role of propaganda in current affairs and it has reviewed one article to assess the role of television on world affairs.

Purpose of the Paper

The purpose of this paper is to understand the role of mass communication in the circulation of propaganda, the relevance of television in mass communication, and to know the role of propaganda in current affairs in the twentieth century.

The role of propaganda in the conduct of affairs in the 20th century. Propaganda is a form of communication that attempts to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist. Persuasion is interactive and attempts to satisfy the needs of both persuader and persuade. A model of propaganda depicts how elements of informative and persuasive communication may be incorporated into propagandist communication, thus distinguishing propaganda as a specific class of communication. (Jowett, Jowett & ODonnell, 2006, p.4).

Propaganda had a great role in molding the attitude of the people till the twentieth century. This term was very familiar to Christianity since the Vatican, the center of Christianity declared numerous propagandas. Propaganda can influence two factors and they are behavioral change of the people and the public opinion. It communicates lucidly about the concerned matter. Since the propaganda is presented logically, people would believe it.

Therefore, it may lead to behavioral change of the people. The main objective of the propaganda is to create a public opinion. If people are not aware of a particular issue, the concerned authority will issue the propaganda to persuade the people towards its position. Propaganda is designed to manipulate others beliefs and induce action in the interest of the propagator by drilling the message into the listeners heads. It involves the use of images, slogans and symbols to play on prejudices and emotions. The ultimate goal of propaganda is to entice the recipient of the message to come to voluntarily accept the propagandists position as if it was ones own. (Brahm, 2006, para.2).

There are a few components that have to be addressed in the propaganda. There must be an ideology behind the propaganda to convince the people. It will have a target which is the audience and these people may belong to a particular group or set. But in this advanced world, the role of propaganda has diminished. Now people have various accesses to accurate information or knowledge. People have started to think globally and they have become very liberal. People like to collect information about many issues by themselves. There is no need to convince the people about an issue. People will have their own opinion collected from different means. That is why propaganda loses its importance in current affairs.

Review of the Article

A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication (Harris, 2004, p.1) is the book that is reviewed in this paper to understand the role of television in world affairs, elections, and wars. Mass media is a very modern concept. It is a new technique that emerged in society. It is used to spread the information to a large section of people in the society such as a nation or a state. Television plays a vital role in influencing human affairs and wars. The Residents of the United States spend 15 hours of their average 39 hours of free time watching television. Every day people worldwide spend over 3.5 billion hours of free time watching television. (Harris, 2004, p.1).

Sometimes, the media act as the only way to provide information. Televisions depend completely on advertisement revenues for financial support. This means that the advertisement is reaching out to the people successfully for marketing of the commodities. Television acts as the agent of value transmission. The values that it spreads may not be right. In chapter 7 the article claims that there is a chance of divergence of reality in news. The news is the most accepted form of mass communication to retrieve information. Here, the editors choice is also influenced. Politics is the major part of the news in all cultures. Each political party has its news channels to promote the news which is favorable to them. In politics; television has done drastic changes about the election campaign.


Propaganda influences the attitude and behavior of the people and now the government and other organizations communicate their propaganda through different means of communication. Television is one the finest ways to communicate propaganda. It had a pivotal role till the twentieth century. But now, it has been changed and people started to collect information from various means instead of making them convince.

Reference List

Brahm, E. (2006). Propaganda. Beyond Intractablity. Web.

Harris, R. J. (2004). A cognitive psychology of mass communication. Routledge, p.1. Web.

Jowett, G S., Jowett, G., & ODonnell, V. (2006). Propaganda and persuasion. Sage, p.4. Web.

Effective Communication: Nonverbal Communication

Successful communication is one of the most essential but challenging processes. It is crucial to know some practices and details to communicate easily and effectively. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and explain nonverbal communication and the process of listening. Then, the factors that impede good listening, some helpful practices for improving listening skills, and several types of responses with examples will be discussed.

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is the process of sending messages through tactile, kinesthetic, and visual channels. Nonverbal elements seem to be the most significant tools for expressing feelings. The rationale for this is that people are able to control what they say in words and lie. However, only some humans can control their nonverbal language, and its elements can say much more than the person is saying.

There are three types of nonverbal communication, and the first one is body language. In this type, people use physical behaviors to convey and express information or emotions. The example of body language is crossing arms over the chest  the person is being defensive (Mehrabian, 2017). The second type of nonverbal communication is vocal cues  an inflection of a sound like coughing, crying, and yawning, that is used to send a certain message. The last type of nonverbal communication is spatial relations, which is the study of people using their personal space. For example, the distance may change depending on if a person likes someone, and differs from real touching to several inches apart.

Process of Listening

Listening is a process of getting and interpreting information with the help of hearing; it consists of five steps. Receiving is a process of registering sound waves as they hit the eardrum and identifying and interpreting them. Without this step, it is impossible to make all the following. The second stage is understanding; the listeners understand the context and meanings of the words they hear. Its importance is that information has to be interpreted correctly.

The third is evaluating when listeners critically assess the message they get, and this stage defines how good the next two steps will be made. The next one is remembering; it is a crucial moment because the received information may be needed in the following conversations. The final step is responding to what the listener hears, which is essential if a person wants to let the speaker know about his or her interest in the conversation.

Factors Impeding Good Listening

Some factors that impede good listening are the lack of interest, uncomfortable temperature and positions, noise, and intrusion. As for me, the lack of interest is the factor that impacts me the most. It is rather hard to concentrate on listening when I am not interested in receiving that information; so, I start thinking about something else and looking at the watch. All of this impedes my good listening and getting the message from the speaker.

Improving Listening Skills

The practices that help to improve listening skills are facing the speaker and maintaining eye contact, being attentive and relaxed, trying to picture what the speaker is saying and to feel what the speaker is feeling. As I am working on improving my listening skills, I think that trying to picture the information and feeling the speakers emotions are the most useful practices. The reason is that it is difficult to get distracted or forget if people experience something themselves.

Types of Responses

There are two friends, John and Mary; John is telling about his recent trip to Germany, and Mary is so excited that she sometimes helps him finish some sentences. This is an example of the first type of responses  prompting. Then, Mary retells several parts of the story using different words and constructions  this is paraphrasing. When she gets worried or amused, Mary starts thinking aloud and making comments  this is reflecting. Finally, she asks John about some details concerning his trip; this is an example of questioning.

Empathy in Listening

While listening to anyone, it is good to demonstrate interest and involvement by showing empathy. However, there are some difficulties with this skill, as it may not be expressed as intended. The first problem with empathetic listening is that it is not easy to let the other person dominate the conversation and not to seem uninterested in the discussion. Another problem is that a person may want to show empathy by making some comments and expressing his or her opinion but is afraid to seem inappropriate and judgmental.

Principles of Effective Communication

There are three main principles of effective verbal and nonverbal communication that can improve listening and communication skills. Congruence means sending the same information in nonverbal and verbal ways; the speaker learns how to control all the channels of communication, and the listener practices how to get all parts of the message simultaneously (Thompson, 2018).

Individuality is the readiness to express your own opinion, which helps the speaker to be more interesting for other people. Concreteness is about being definite, vivid, and specific; this skill lets the speaker build the speech and be understood correctly.

Effective Feedback Suggestions

There are some suggestions for making feedbacks effective, and the first one is to make sure the response is timely and add context that was while speaking. Also, it is good to involve both the listener and the speaker in the process of feedback. The best suggestion for me is to give the necessary response on time because the situation is still on the minds of both communicators. In my daily communications, I will use this recommendation by answering the e-mails and messages right away, let people know about my decisions as soon as possible, and not make anyone wait for my responses too long.


Mehrabian, A. (2017). Nonverbal communication. London, England: Routledge.

Thompson, N. (2018). Effective communication: A guide for the people professions. New York, NY: Macmillan International Higher Education.

Communication and Personality in Negotiation

To get a dream car at the lowest price possible negotiation at the car mart is a must. Negotiation refers to a dialogue between two people (the buyer and the seller) to get to an agreed price of an item. People tend to take negotiation for granted but it is a daunting task since many things are in play. For instance, communication and the personality of the participant may enhance the negotiation process or may detract one of the parties from the process and ultimately a deal may not be sealed. Therefore this essay will look at the role the two play in negotiation as well as give a detailed example of negotiation.

The last time I was in a car mart I started by introducing myself to the attendant. Then after a short tour in the showroom, I started the car I wanted while pointing at it, and requested its price tag. I was shocked because the price was higher than I had anticipated. I quoted my price and the salesman just smiled. He told me that, the car was worth more than that; this was the case because it had been built using the latest technology. Additionally, he opened the door and showed me some of the inbuilt features and I liked its music system. We cross-examined everything that I said and what he said and at the end, we settled at a price that was lower than he had initially quoted.

From this case, one can realize that negotiation is all about fostering effective communication skills. Communication takes place when the intended information is received by the other party. (Key Aspects, 2009) posits that we have to be aware of both verbal and nonverbal communication. Verbal communication creates and sustains a dialogue between the two parties. However, the vocabulary that is being used may hinder this process. For instance, the use of abusive and negative words may discourage the buyer. Therefore one should use friendly terms to keep the other party interested in negotiation.

Nonverbal communications on the other hand include kinesics, proxemics, facial and eye expression, chronemics, and physical appearance and dress. Linguist agrees that nonverbal communication takes 75% of communication that takes place. Therefore we have to be very keen on these things to negotiate effectively. However, nonverbal communication is culturally specific and this may prevent an individual from getting the real picture (Key Aspects, 2009).

Personality deals with individual behaviors that drive our actions. Understanding different personality is vital because it helps us deal with different people perfectly. Henry (2008) commenting on the same theme asserts that the knowledge of our personality places us in a better position whereby we can manage it and this is one way of improving our performance, hence enhancing negotiation. There are four basic personalities that everyone should take time to understand so that you can be flexible when interacting with business-oriented people. These personalities have different behavioral characteristics and they include pragmatics, extroverts, amiable and analytic. Once you understand different personalities you can deal with all kinds of people.

In conclusion, communication and personality influence the pace and process of negotiation. Once we are aware of the roles that these two items play, then we improve our performance and any negotiation thereafter becomes easier.


Key Aspects of Communication in Negotiation. Web.

Henry (2008): Personality and Negotiation. Web.

Societal Mores in Communication and Interaction

Societal mores are a part of life and existence. They determine principles of communication and interaction between individuals in society. Mill and DeToqueville underline that for people to believe (or to pretend to believe) that they could establish good institutions to control bad men, i.e., men who in the narrow pursuit of their selfish interests would hinder the advancement of the common goodwas to ignore (or at least to minimize) the fact that those institutions were themselves conceived and were to be administered by interested and selfish men. Hence, even with the best institutions in the world, the problem would still remain. In contrast to Mill and DeToqueville, Hegel takes into account the spiritual nature of a human being and his religiosity.

Mill and DeToqueville underline that despite generally pessimistic view of human nature, not all men are governed by considerations of self-interest alone. They thought that some men at least are sufficiently dedicated to rise above the passions and narrow pursuits of the multitude. But unless it can be shown that such men (or reasonable approximations thereof) actually were in control of the writing of the Constitution and of its subsequent amendments (formal and informal alike), and that such men have continued to determine the policies of the state, it is futile to expect good institutions to emerge and to be properly run. To warn, therefore, as Madison did, that enlightened statesmen would not always be at the helm is not necessarily to conclude, as he did, that our best hope lies therefore in good institutions; for in the absence of such enlightened men, the helm may be improperly steered and the institutions corrupted and destroyed. It is rather to emphasize the necessity of procuring and appointing such enlightened men, and of keeping them in power. Such, at any rate, is the contention of those who look neither to withdrawal nor to good institutions but appeal instead to wise (i.e., enlightened) and therefore virtuous rulersmen who know what the right principles are and who can therefore be expected to apply them with prudence, or who, though lacking this knowledge, possess other qualities of excellence that set them apart from ordinary men and commend them as good rulers. Thus, the appeal to social mores is no more than the quite legitimate demand that men practice what they preach, that they not merely seek to understand what democracy is but that they observe its values in their day-to-day relationships (Birsch 54).

In contrast to Mill and DeToqueville, Hegel believes that social mores unconditional and are based on the philosophy of spirit (or freedom in solidarity). For it overlooks the fact that interests and passions, not principles, are the primary movers of men, and that a charge of logical inconsistency does not bite very deep. This discrepancy between faith and deed can be accounted for, among other things, by the fact that people can grant or espouse a principle without seeing its ramifications in practice; or by the curious fact that men who are aware of the inconsistency remain, all too often, untroubled by it. They seem to have little difficulty in compromising their creeds and in discovering new rationalizations when it is convenient for them to do so. They are not overly disturbed by the intrusion of facts contrary to their prejudices, for there are always some facts to reinforce their prejudices; and since, in any case, the real grounds on which they hold their beliefs are not the grounds allegedsince it is their attitudes rather than their opinions that are at stakethe exposure of false charges, of misinformation, of illogical reasoning, of moral unjust behavior, and the like leaves those attitudes unaffected. This is why the informed are hardly less prone to prejudice and discrimination than are the uninformed, why consistency of thought and action is regarded in many quarters as but a foolish hobgoblin of little minds (Birsch 87).

Mill and DeToqueville suppose that the appeal to democracy is a completely ineffectual one. Always there are some men, even if but a few, who would be guided by the light of reason, who respect principles and seek to act in accordance with them. But even for such men it is not alto ether clear that the appeal to democracy is an effective bar to oppressive action. For one thing, such an appeal remains always but an invocation of general principles, and as such it cannot resolve particular issues. For another, it is less an appeal to a principle than it is an appeal to a procedure. Clearly, men may agree on a general principle and disagree as to its particular applications (Mappes and Zembaty 12). Hegels second contribution to a social ethic was his acute recognition of the forces in modern society that were beginning to depersonalize human beings. He saw that culture can harm men with its beneficence as truly as with its cruelty. A century after his death, hundreds of social critics were pointing to the ways in which persuasive manipulation lures men to give up their freedom, pressures them into conformity, and treats them as consumers rather than selves. Kierkegaard was completely ignorant of the clinical and statistical techniques by which psychologists, sociologists, and cultural anthropologists come to their conclusions (Birsch 23). His imagination sketched out most of the lines of contemporary social criticism. The emerging Christian social ethic, alert to biblical faith and the latest news faces the ethical issues peculiar to this age. Hegel alerts it to the injustices of a society that crushes opportunity for migrant workers, slum dwellers, and racial minorities. Hegel alerts it to the blandishments of the same society as it surrounds men with comforts and muffles the unsettling demands of a transcendent God (Mappes and Zembaty 65).

Social mores can be perceived as a principle of government that looks primarily to a method or process through which conflicts in moral and political ideas can be negotiated. It establishes a procedure for the tentative resolution of disagreements; it does not formulate an answer to such disagreements. Consequently, the appeal to democracy is an appeal not to a fixed and final solution but to a method through which a solutionadmittedly tentative and experimental in naturecan be obtained. It is true that majorities do not always decide wisely, and that the right method can therefore be said at times to produce a wrong result. But so long as the integrity of the method is respected, that result remains subject to continuing inquiry, to criticism, and to the possibility of change (Mappes and Zembaty 51).

In sum, Hegel makes a constitution to understanding of social mores added the idea of philosophy of spirit and The fact that a real or professed faith in democracy per se is insufficient to prevent departures from the democratic principle has led some theorists to seek the remedy in the inculcation of a more universal and binding principle. From this standpoint, abuses of power can only be controlled by mans submission to divine truth, to Gods will. From this standpoint, it is the tragic failure of secular democraciesand the explanation of their oppressive actsthat they have reversed this elementary principle and have confounded Gods will with mans will. They have forgotten that the will of God is a rational will, and that it is, consequently, not what men will but what they rationally will that can alone claim legitimacy. For this reason, men who speak of freedom, who affirm (as theological adherents of democracy affirm) that democratic forms and institutions find their essential and ultimate meaning in the preservation and enlargement of human freedom, must understand that what is here meant by freedom is not Hobbess absence of restraints.

Works Cited

Birsch, Douglas. Ethical Insights: A Brief Introduction. Mayfield Pub Co; 2 edition, 2003.

Mappes, Thomas, Zembaty, Jane. (2007). Social Ethics: Morality and Social Policy. McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages; 7 edition.

Difficulties in Communication of Children

Children of between 3-5 years of age that face difficulties in communication often consider playing a core part of their personalities. A challenging situation may stimulate a child refuse from engaging in play. When a kid is bullied by friends while playing, he or she may develop reduced ability to interact with other people in the future. Bullying may occur when a childs toy is taken against his or her will or threats. In other instances, a kid may feel pressure due to not being given a chance to express personal views and preferences. In such a situation, difficulties experienced in playing with others may be complicated.

When children leave their home setup and start interacting with other children, in particular, sharing toys, space, and other inputs, they may develop coping mechanisms as they have to survive in a completely new situation. Some kids may have difficulty expressing themselves in such situations, while others may be overprotective of the place they reserve for themselves and their possessions. According to Pinchover and Shulman (652) when children are threatened in school, they normally shrink and prefer to play at home, where their feelings are appreciated.

Team building is an important aspect that can help overcome the abovementioned difficulties. Inviting parents to share thoughts concerning their childrens behavior is one of the major steps to be taken. Adults play a core role in diagnosing the problematic behavior since worked in the past for their kids as a solution can also apply in the current situation. Parents can detect the factors causing the children to develop difficulties and establish the causes of the difference in behavior in school and at home. In case the situation escalates, and the relatives are unable to offer the best solution, they can opt for the child to see a specialist.

Parents involvement is important in addressing the situation as some children face problems in a group setting while feeling completely safe at home. This normally happens when a child has been brought up without other siblings and thus has not learned how to share, ask politely, and relate with peers. The teacher or the adult managing such group sessions needs to implement the following simple practices to encourage engagement.

First, the adult should provide the children facing difficulties in playing with others with the necessary help. Since it is very hard for them to ask other children to play together, teaching them how to request help or involve in common activities is one of the best solutions (Pinchover and Shulman 660). Secondly, such children should be taught how to calm down in case of an upsetting situation or a conflict. Particularly, negative emotions can be neutralized by asking the offenders to apologize for the inappropriate behavior. Following such approach will help in alleviating arguments among children.

When kids experience complications is communication with others, and no intervention measures put are in place, they are likely to be defensive, angry and upset. Such children should be given a chance to vent their feelings and fears. Showing them sympathy and trying to understand them normally can improve the situation and give them time to learn interaction skills. In case the set interventions do not achieve the expected results, external intervention measures like seeking a specialist should be considered.

Work Cited

Pinchover, Shulamit, and Shulman, Cory. Youre Playing Because Its Fun? Mothers and Teachers Perspectives Regarding Play Interactions with Children with ASD. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, vol. 5, no. 28, 2016, pp. 643-664.

Gendered Communication in the Workplace

Gender communication differences have been studied by a plethora of sociolinguists and sociologists all around the globe. Although the world becomes more globalized and versatile, there is still room for gender stereotypes or even discrimination that affects male-female discourse in different environments. It often results in misunderstandings, anguish, or distress for one of the dialogs sides. Discourse differences usually stem from distinct purposes of communication and patterns of talk that can be explained by basic social and psychological reasons. For instance, women converse to establish and maintain relational connections with others, whereas men use communication as a tool to establish individuality. In general, there are feminine and masculine speech communities that have their own features, unique communication behaviors, and strategies. Discourse analysts need to identify the reasons for such differences, their effect on individuals, and ways to avoid related social damages. The gender differences in Kuwait currently is of interest to me. Thus, I conducted an informational interview with a discourse analyst to discuss gender issues of workplace communication, especially regarding the teachers professional life.

I enjoyed this activity as I got a chance to view the problem from a different perspective and enrich my own knowledge regarding real-world gender communication. For the interview, I identified my classmate with whom I graduated from my masters studies. Although he is a relatively young discourse analyst, he has experience investigating gender differences in workplace communication in Pakistan. His current field of research intersects with my own one; hence, I considered his opinion and knowledge to be helpful for my future work. Another advantage of this person as an interviewee is the fact that I know him well what decreases the chance of misunderstandings and falsity.

Every successful interview requires careful preparation and a well-structured, relevant set of questions. For this very reason, I familiarized myself with as much background as possible. For example, I refreshed my knowledge reading the literature review I prepared earlier on gender differences in workplace communication. Many articles and publications have been read and summarized by me to understand the issue. In general, both communication styles driven by gender have their advantages and disadvantages in workplace settings. Women, who are more polite, tentative, expressive, perform better in collaborative environments. On the contrary, men perceived as more power-hungry and assertive, have an edge in decisive situations when quick actions should be taken (Goman, 2017). Meanwhile, I have been keeping in mind my own topic and looking for decent scientific sources that I will use later. Before the interview, I was not sure about the research questions and methodology. Hence, I decided to ask the interviewee for his suggestions and opinions.

For the interview, I prepared six questions that were eventually discussed. The first one was about the construction of workplace discourse which requires different language use by male and female teachers. My colleague revealed that, through the centuries, the male style of communication was a standard-setter in the work environment. Thus, the way women construct their verbal messages, and their language was viewed as inferior and incomplete by males. It can be explained by the social roles two genders used to play both at work and at home. For instance, men for centuries remained the main workforce in various fields, being in charge, whereas women were underrepresented and subordinated to them.

Although discourse at work is still dominated by the masculine version, the last few decades saw a significant increase in the presence and participation of women in the labor market. As a result, the feminine speech style has recently received greater representation and confronted with the masculine one, which raised a question of non-discriminative communication. Researchers regard gendered discourse as a key factor in building social identities. The social environment and its language norms categorize individuals and stimulate particular behavior in order to fulfill gender roles.

The second question discussed the main challenges of gendered discourse and how people try to overcome them. According to the interviewee, the main problems such as gender miscommunication come from behavioral stereotyping due to different socio-cultural and socio-linguistic backgrounds of professionals. For instance, it was found by researchers that almost all male teachers expect their female colleagues to be more polite, though all teachers are obliged to adhere to this social norm. Although they receive similar education and have the same rights and obligations, they still feel dissimilar from the opposite sex. The already mentioned features become visible in their grammar, syntax, semantics, conversational sample, and overall behavior. The majority of men and women are not aware of such differences in language use. Nevertheless, speech patterns can be adjusted by male and female staffers to accomplish comprehensive discourse at work. In the modern world, professionals representing different genders strive to adjust their language to avoid sex discrimination in communication.

Gender identities and ideologies were addressed by the third question. The former impacts the process of an individuals self-identity development, shaping ones believes, thoughts, and the language they use in communication with the opposite sex. The primary goal of communication for both genders is to share their feelings, thoughts, and messages with others. My classmate stated that teachers accommodate their language communicating in a mixed-sex environment to manage their social integration. In comparison to the same-gender conversation, the discourse style of the mixed-sex group requires greater communication adjustments from both sides. It was also found that women change their style of speech more often and significantly than their male counterparts. The latter have a strong dominant identity and traditional beliefs that make them less ready to adapt linguistically. Thus, workplace communication has a stronger influence on the development of womens identity, ideology, and even language use. In general, females strive for social connection, association, approval, discourse effectiveness, and feel less uneasy not conforming to a gender stereotype than males.

The role of discourse analysts was further discussed in the interview. My colleague stated that discourse analysts are important as they can assess communication at the workplace between males and females in-depth. What is more, they are able to identify main issues regarding gender-related language use. The differences in speech styles may inform the analyst on the quality of communication, the presence of stereotypes, and gender discrimination. It means that such professionals can help researchers to define a precise standpoint and provide a meaningful perspective.

Furthermore, the interviewee suggested the potential solution to the issues found in gender communication at workplaces. As it was early mentioned, the professional world was male-dominated creating obstacles for women who wanted to have equal rights and adequate treatment. Today, there is no strict division of males and females at workplaces, instead, it is often addressed by a companys management. Nevertheless, some relics of the past such as opposition to female authority by males just based on gender remain. Female teachers often face invisible socio-linguistic restrictions that hinder their career advancement as educators. Neutral discourse (neither male nor female-dominated) therefore should be encouraged at all levels to minimize the gender issue and establish a progressive environment. It would provide equal opportunities to female teachers based on performance and personal traits instead of archaic gender roles.

Gender discrimination and stereotyping remain the main problems that should be further studied and eliminated. An interdisciplinary approach should be applied to establish a gender-fair style of language that would treat men and women equally. I learned from the interview that feminization and neutralization are among the prevailing strategies addressing the issue. They both encourage the use of the gender unmarked forms, standardization of individual linguistic behavior, and language structure.

This activity assisted me in systematizing the knowledge I received in class and from the readings. I used it as an opportunity to expand my knowledge collecting information from the interviewee. My classmate provided important insight on gender communication at workplaces, as he is studying similar issues in Pakistan. Moreover, the informational interview is a great example of group work that allows a cross-disciplinary discourse with people either representing business studies, sociology, or anthropology. When working on the research, it is essential to collaborate or consult with a professional who has a different point of view and vision on gender roles in the workplace. This interview improves the research process and makes it less biased. In general, I enjoyed this kind of activity and look forward to working further on my research.


Goman, K. C. (2017). Are there gender differences in workplace communication? Linkedin. Web.