Network Layers and Communication Flow Levels

TCP/IP Protocol Suite covers a whole family of protocols, application programs, and a network. The architecture of these protocols is necessary for an integrated network, which consists of connected separate heterogeneous packet subnets. They are connected to each other via gateways. Heterogeneous machines are connected to each of the subnets, and each of them operates according to specific requirements and means of communication. However, all subnets can receive data with the appropriate network header and deliver it to the required address (Mundra & El Taeib, 2015). It is crucial that there is no need for a subnet to have a reliable end-to-end protocol; therefore, two machines on the same network can exchange packets. In an actual business, this Protocol Suite is utilized to ensure communication between computers that belong to one network. Notably, they function within local area network. It is implemented through architecture, the levels of which are application layer, transport layer, network layer, and data link layer (Gangane & Kakade, 2015, p. 3713). The purpose of this paper is to characterize these layers in terms of the communication flow between organizational levels.

Application Layer

It is the upper layer of the system, and it contains applications that are needed for the lower layer protocols. With the help of those, data can be delivered to the ultimate destination machines (Mundra & El Taeib, 2015). Every layer has certain functions to be able to perform the required tasks. In an actual business, this layer ensures standard Internet services, which any individual can utilize.

The protocols of this level include such options as FTP (copying files), SMTP (mail protocol), WWW (hypertext service for accessing remote information), and other functions. FTP protocol implements the possibility of remote access to the file. In addition, the user has an opportunity to interact with remote computers, for instance, to print the contents of directories (Mundra & El Taeib, 2015). This protocol also performs authentication since the user needs to enter a password and a login so that the files can be accessed.

Transport Layer

At this layer, two protocols can function, which are the transmission control protocol and the user datagram protocol. The first one provides a stable viral connection between remote application processes. The second protocol provides a similar transfer by the datagram method. This method assumes less overhead since it does not require a virtual connection (Mundra & El Taeib, 2015). Nevertheless, user datagram protocol (UDP) does not perform any additional functions. In actual business, it can be used to send short messages. The user data that comes from the first layer is checked, and the package that has been generated at this layer is sent to the next level.

Notably, the information of this layer should not be lost. When the acknowledgments are not obtained, the packets will be transmitted again. UDP is less reliable; therefore, it is utilized when no extra protection measures are required when sending data. In addition, this protocol does not ensure that the information will be accepted by the host (Gangane & Kakade, 2015). Despite the fact that the data can be lost, it will not interrupt the completion of the task. This pattern can occur in an actual hierarchical business. For instance, if someone attempts to download a video from local area network, some bytes can be lost. Nevertheless, it will not affect the user experience.

Network Layer

The third layer is the level of interaction between networks. It transmits datagrams through local networks, special communication lines and so on. The stack utilizes IP (Internet Protocol) as the main network layer protocol. Its purpose is to move the data by routing it. It is done over the whole network. Other examples include IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) and ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) (Anand Kumar & Karthikeyan, 2013). The example of its use in an actual business can be linked to the provision of information to the correct host. The layer ensures that sending files or anything else proceeds to the correct destination. This layer also ensures safety of information delivery.

The fourth layer is responsible for communication details. An example of it can be the networking between machines that occurs through client server architecture. In this situation, the communication can proceed over local area network. The functions of this level include mapping of IP-addresses into physical network addresses and encapsulation of IP-datagrams in frames (Gangane & Kakade, 2015). In addition, the tasks of this layer are definition of the medium access method, presentation of data to the physical environment, and sending and receiving of the frame.

Concluding Points

Thus, in hierarchical businesses, the server handles the performed requests. At that time, computer users actively interact (Anand Kumar & Karthikeyan, 2013). The Communication Flow Diagram (Figure 1) in Appendix exhibits the four layers vividly. It shows that the corporate network is a complex system, and the main task of networks is that the system should efficiently process information flows and obtain correct solutions for user tasks.


Anand Kumar, M., & Karthikeyan, S. (2013). An enhanced security for TCP/IP protocol suite. International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, 2(11), 331-338.

Gangane, S., & Kakade, V. (2015). Base of the networking protocol  TCP/IP its design and security aspects. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 3(4), 3712-3718.

Mundra, S., & El Taeib, T. (2015). TCP/IP protocol layering. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology Research, 3(1), 415-417.


The scheme below shows the various connections that occur in the process of communication.

Communication Flow Diagram.
Figure 1. Communication Flow Diagram.

E-mail: Effective and Professional Electronic Communications

Over the past decade, the internet has revolutionized the way in which communication occurs in the workplace. One of the revolutionary communication means which has emerged is the use of emails. According to Isabelle (2009), electronic mail is now the most useful channel of communication across the globe.

As such, it is of uttermost importance that we, as professionals, equip ourselves with the knowledge of how to effectively utilize this technology to ensure effective and professional communication at the workplace. This being the case, there need to be standardized elements that govern the language, tone, and vocabulary used while composing an e-mail to ensure that he message therein is concise and easily understood by the recipient. Below are some factors to consider while writing an e-mail to fellow colleagues at work.

To begin with, one should make sure that the title of the message is compelling and guarantees the attention of the recipient. In many cases, people often delete messages without reading them simply by looking at the subject line. Therefore it is important that the title be precise and straight to the point. In addition to this, the message should be rich in content, use simple language and vocabulary, well punctuated, and, most importantly, ensure comprehension.

When sending out emails, ensuring that the message provides a personal connection to the recipient is of importance. For example, sending an e-mail with no subject, Hi, or general words like information as the subject line would yield fewer results as compared to using a title such as urgent work for you! The choice of words used makes a great difference as they can be used to emphasize urgency as well as the importance of the message.

Flynn, N & Flynn, T (2003) suggest that while emailing, each subject must constitute one message. This means that as a sender, one must avoid mixing unrelated questions and responses into one message. Each e-mail you send must only tackle the intended subject. In addition to this, when forwarding a message to a fellow colleague, make sure that you provide a brief summary so that the reader knows what the message is about.

When emailing, the formatting of the email may mark the difference between efficient and inefficient communication. Being brief by putting the core points within the first lines and always specify who should respond and when are some of the marks of an effective email. One should remember to include greetings and signatures in all emails as they reflect courtesy and good manners. In addition to this, always adopting the appropriate tone and not using uncommon abbreviations and pronouns are important to ensure that effective communication is achieved.

Clues of the authenticity of information

The Internet has been compared to an ocean of information. While some of this information is useful and beneficial in value, there exist volumes of useless information. According to Patterson (2000), one of the limitations of information on the internet is the lack of standards, and as such, the authenticity of information is, at times, hard to prove. However, there are clues that may help one establish authentic information. In most cases, authentic data always has information about the author, and contain proper citations as per the original source of the published materials. This information is also balanced and without bias and contains dates and is organized and easy to find even from other sources.

Sometimes the authenticity of information can be inferred from the website from which the information is obtained. For example, reputable websites such as can be relied upon to provide accurate information concerning criminals. The URLs of most websites can also help in evaluating the authenticity of the information posted. Kennedy (2001) acclaims that all websites end with a three-letter suffix indicating the domain of the host, for example,.gov= government institutions,.com= commercial entities,.edu= educational institutions. Therefore going into such websites shows to which parties they are affiliated to and can, therefore, be used to confirm authenticity.


Albanese, I. (2009). Effective Electronic Communication.

Flynn, N. & Flynn, T (2003). Writing Effective E-Mail: Improving Your Electronic Communication. Cengage Learning.

Kennedy, E, G. & Montgomery,T, T. (2001). Technical and Professional Writing: Solving Problems at Work.USA: Prentice hall.

Patterson, A, D. (2000). Personal Computer Applications in the Social Services. Allyn & Bacon.

5G Networks and Vehicle-to-Everything Communications

With the development of 5G networks characterized by ultra-low latency, high reliability, and high speed, the automobile industry currently pays particular attention to the implementation of data-intensive technologies, including the use of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications. Operated through the Internet-of-things (IoT), V2X communications allow making cars autonomous. Their architecture is based on sensors that may generate and disseminate data through vehicle-to-network, vehicle-to-person, vehicle-to-infrastructure, and vehicle-to-vehicle links. Thus, new technologies imply the creation and maintenance of real-time data for control over the vehicles automatically.

At the same time, the generation, collection, and transmission of the large data volume required currently face new various privacy and security challenges. They include reliable cooperative driving, secure mobility management for group-oriented autonomous platoons, and privacy-preserving and efficient vehicular big data processing and sharing (Lai et al., 2020). Data transmission between network entities, onboard equipment, and control functions should be confidential. Automotive safety applications are supported by the Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) standard that provides data transfer, however, it is not well developed enough to provide secure data exchange (HyperSphere AI, 2019). In addition, customers private data used for registration and payment should be protected as well to prevent its leakage. Thus, UW should evaluate available measures from the perspective of technologies safety, security, and privacy protections before their implementation to provide quality service for its customers.

In order to provide data safety, security, and privacy, solid cybersecurity solutions should be applied as the majority of cyberattacks are caused by unauthorized data access and unsecured software updates. In this case, access to control vehicle-related information should be provided only to authorized users. On the one hand, this measure will allow customers to use the system with comfort putting once all essential information, including name, occupation, address, license

number, public-key certificate, telephone number, and visa number (Lu et al., 2019). On the other hand, the transmission of their confidential information increases the risk of its leakage and collection for inappropriate purposes. In this case, the potential solution is partial or full anonymity  for instance, BMW applies CarData (BMW, 2020). In this system, users decide by themselves which data should be released for analysis. Another strategy is the implementation of anonymous authentication techniques that allow users to access services without exposing real identities (Lu et al., 2019). In other words, they will be provided with an anonymous credential by the provider that proves their ownership during service access.

Data security may be provided by HyperSpheres patented communication protocol. Together with Secure Dynamic Network & Protocol (SDNP) and blockchain architecture, it helps keep data private and secure during fast data exchange (HyperSphere AI, 2019). In addition, one of the benefits of HyperSpheres blockchain is its ability to record vehicle communications in order to prevent unauthorized access and initiate an investigation if a car accident happens or any unlawful action is detected. In addition, the use of cars with V2X communications technologies traditionally presupposes payments that should be secure and safe as well. In this case, PSEV, a developed Internet of Vehicle architecture with an Ethereum framework, facilitates and secures parking and other payments using Android application modules (Jabbar et al., 2021). However, the major potential disadvantage of this system is its instability due to constant development and changes. In general, all applied solutions require continuous and thorough examination as a great variety of cyberattacks create a threat to the systems security due to the volumes of data used.

Reference List

BMW (2020) Connected car. Its history, stages and terms. Web.

HyperSphere AI (2019) How to provide sufficient data security in V2X Communications. Web.

Jabbar, R. et al. (2021) Blockchain for the Internet of Vehicles: how to use blockchain to secure Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication and payment?, IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(14), pp. 15807-15823. Web.

Lai, C. et al. (2020) Security and privacy challenges in 5G-enabled vehicular networks, IEEE Network, pp. 37-45. Web.

Lu, R. et al. (2019) 5G Vehicle-to-Everything services: gearing up for security and privacy, Proceedings of the IEEE, 108(2), pp. 373-389.

Individual Cultural Communication of Arabs Analysis


Arabs trace their descent, traditions, and origin to the nomadic ethnic groups in the arid regions of the Arabian Peninsula. Their universal language is Arabic, and Islam, which is the worlds fastest-growing religion, unites them.

The majority of Arabs are Muslims with Arabism and Islam being intrinsically interwoven and sharing basic cultural beliefs and traditions. Accordingly, understanding the religious beliefs of Arabs is vital to knowledge about patients cultural structure of reference (Purnell & Fenkl, 2019). Purnells Domains of Culture comprises comprehensive criteria for cultural components, which make it suitable for the analysis of Arabs communication patterns such as readiness to share feelings, the significance of physical touch, use of eye contact, the implication of gestures, and the influence on nursing and health care.

The Willingness to Share Thoughts, Feelings, and Ideas

Arabs might identify congenital disabilities as an assessment of their faith in a deity. Consequently, they are usually private concerning family issues and may not be willing to share information such as the disability of a relative. Therefore, when talking about a family members congenital disability with an Arab, there is a need not to concentrate on the disablement but tackle particular concerns of the condition. Arabs are also not willing to share some feelings, ideas, and thoughts with people of the opposite sex (Purnell & Fenkl, 2019). Therefore, for effective care, health institutions should try as much as possible to have female practitioners handle female patients as their male counterparts give medical attention to male patients unless in situations of emergency treatment where saving a life takes priority.

The Practice and Meaning of Touch

Physical touch is an issue of concern among Arabs as it is mainly acceptable in cases of intimate partners, friends, close members of the family, and people of the same sex. Consequently, in the provision of healthcare, it is appropriate to have practitioners of the same sex. In circumstances when it is not possible, there can be a third individual in the room of the same sex as the patient to make them feel comfortable (Attum, Waheed, & Shamoon, 2019). If an individual of the same sex has to carry out a physical exam, there is a need to alert patients that an article of clothing requires being removed for medical examination but will be returned immediately. This communicates reduced exposure and informs patients of the reason for the removal of the necessary article.

Personal Spatial and Distancing Approaches

While Arabs are at ease of communicating with friends and members of the family, they show spatial and distancing policies when communicating with strangers. Consequently, male practitioners might require communicating through a spouse in situations when patients are female. For instance, if a male physician is asking questions to a female patient who has been accompanied by her husband in the room, but she fails to respond, he can seek her approval of the questions being answered by her spouse. This can sort out any misunderstanding and is usually not offensive (Purnell, 2019).

Moreover, adoption is not appropriate in the Arab culture attributable to the loss of identity and family name. Nonetheless, the Quran promises great reward for taking care of orphans. Arabs may assist individuals who require assistance as foster children are not deemed ones own under their cultural practices, and cannot act as family heirs. Nevertheless, in situations where a suckling mother happens to breastfeed an orphan, such a child is connected with the family and is assigned more rights.

Use of Eye Contact

Although the use of eye contact by Arabs is considered normal between friends and family members, it is highly discouraged amid strangers, persons of the opposite sex, and people of different age groups. Practitioner-patient relationship with eye contact is influenced by cultural values of Arabs associated with sex and the need to uphold modesty, especially for women (Marzilli, 2016). As much as possible, when dealing with Arabs, eye contact should be avoided in an attempt to sustain females modesty (be it a patient or caregiver) and to act as a sign of respect. When Arab patients avoid eye contact with health professionals, it should not be interpreted as a lack of trust or indication of rejection.

Significance of Gestures and Facial Expressions

Some communication is not anchored in language as people may articulate their thoughts, feelings, or ideas through facial expressions, eye contact, or gestures. There is a need to comprehend non-verbal communication in a given culture since it is an essential component in the development of cross-cultural connections. In the Arab culture, frowning, moving the chin back, and producing a clicking sound with the tongue signifies refusal, no. In other cultures, this may appear rude but Arabs simply use it as an acceptable means of refutation (Li, Abdulkerim, Jordan, & Son, 2017).

Even if Arabs like to articulate their greetings loudly, a warm smile while touching the heart is encouraged. In the Arab culture, pointing ones finger up toward the sky indicates that it is upon God and not human to determine fate. However, pointing the finger towards the sky while shaking it has a different meaning since it signifies that one is being judged for wrong conduct. It is vital to take note of the gesture or facial expression articulated to avoid misunderstanding.

Acceptable Means of Standing and Greeting People

In the Arabian culture, age is strongly associated with seniority, which makes it common for a young person to stand up the moment an older person gets into the room or to greet the oldest individual in the house. Arabs usually provide less personal space than is typical in the West hence will stand or sit very close to another person. Additionally, handshakes are soft when greeting Arabs, which makes a firm clasp or fist-pumping activity offensive. However, it is common for people to hold hands longer than it may be considered comfortable in other cultures since it is taken to be an indication of reverence and welcome (Li et al., 2017).

In the cultural practices of Arabs, it is appropriate for a female to place her hand over the heart and to say hello when greeting a male friend. It is highly discouraged for male friends to embrace each other and is unusual for them to hug or have cheek kisses. Unlike their female counterparts, male non-Muslims should not try to shake the hand of a woman. Moreover, non-Muslim females should not end the handshake before their Muslim counterparts do.

The Prevailing Temporal Relation

All cultures are comparable in that they all manage time and have discernment of dimension. Nevertheless, different cultures vary with respect to the dimension that they put emphasis on among the past, present, or future. Arabian cultures worldview is past-oriented because it cherishes its cultural roots, history, and traditions. This is particularly attributable to well-built religious practices that underscore standards such as family values (Marzilli, 2016).

Furthermore, in the culture of Arabs, an individual has no power to establish her future as that is considered only possible with God. In Arab culture, public communication viewpoints should underscore cultural heritage and the manner in which the past is significant for the future. This is different from other cultures, for example, in the US, which is future-oriented as it puts worth on prospective human possibilities.

The Impact on Nursing and Health Care

Culture and religious beliefs have a great impact on a persons conduct, attitude, convictions toward health and illness, and healthcare. Attributable to perceived limitations in medical attention, the Arab culture is at a heightened risk for numerous diseases. In this culture, there is a need for patients to be attended to by nurses and physicians of a similar gender as theirs. This is particularly vital when the patient is in need of gynaecological or obstetric care (Li et al., 2017).

Such restrictions might encompass gender inclination of practitioners, modesty, and misconstruction regarding the causes of diseases. Arab patients have a feeling that suffering, diseases, pain, and death may arise as a test from the deity and that through illness; people are cleansed from their sins. Moreover, in the Arab culture, medicines that contain alcohol or pork-based are prohibited unless in an emergency. Nurses and health practitioners should be cognizant of Arab culture to offer culturally competent care to such patients. An informed, respectful, and culturally competent approach is vital to enabling patients, nurses, and physicians make proper decisions.


Purnells model comprises wide-ranging criteria for cultural components that make it suitable for the examination of Arabs communication patterns such as eagerness to share feelings, the consequence of physical touch, eye contact, the insinuation of gestures, and the effect on nursing and health care. Physical touch is a significant concern among Arabs as it is primarily acceptable in cases of intimate partners, friends, close family members, and people of the same sex.

The use of eye contact by Arabs is deemed normal between friends and family members but highly dejected amid strangers, persons of the opposite sex, and people of unlike age groups. Culture has a great influence on a persons conduct, feelings, and convictions toward health, sickness, and healthcare. Nurses and other health professionals should be well-informed of Arab culture to provide culturally competent care to such patients.


Attum, B., Waheed, A., & Shamoon, Z. (2019). Cultural competence in the care of Muslim patients and their families. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Web.

Li, C., Abdulkerim, N., Jordan, C. A., & Son, C. G. E. (2017). Overcoming communication barriers to healthcare for culturally and linguistically diverse patients. North American Journal of Medicine and Science, 10(3), 103-110. Web.

Marzilli, C. (2016). Assessment of cultural competence in Texas nursing faculty. Nurse Education Today, 45, 225-229. Web.

Purnell, L. (2019). Update: The Purnell theory and model for culturally competent health care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 30(2), 98-105. Web.

Purnell, L. D., & Fenkl, E. A. (2019). Handbook for culturally competent care. Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Soccer and Other Sports as a Communication Medium


Soccer and other sports activities have immense communication potential because of the high involvement of people. The atmosphere is charged, people are completely engrossed in the game and at the moment whatever message is communicated to them is likely to get increased attention by people. It is for this reason that soccer and other sports are increasingly being used as a medium of communication. You want to sell your shoe line, have a team wear it to the next game and see the positive response you get. Similarly, if you need to say something about your product, simply place it on the boards on the ground and watch the response.

Sports communication

However, advertising for brands is not the only way sports communication potential is exploited, companies and organizations have used this vehicle to further any worthy cause. Research conducted by Recours et al. reveals that & members of a social world to be linked by shared perspectives, a language, and activities which are their own, shared communication network, and bonds that go beyond a desire to compete. This is a very valid insight into the psyche of a spectator. When people are watching sports, they are fully involved and feel a sense of belonging to one of the two teams. They want one to win, they share a sense of belonging with the players, and also share the same values as other fans. In this extreme atmosphere of positive feelings, any message is well taken and all communications get a heightened response.

Sport personalities have also become an effective medium of communication for the simple reason that they are seen as heroes. Birrell reveals, In its pure form, charisma is a certain quality of an individual personality under which he is set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities.

This charisma is found in sports heroes and thus any message they support is well taken by their fans.


The communication potential of sports is thus immense. Most companies are well aware of this and have thus used it effectively to their advantage.


Recours, R.A., Souville, M., & Griffet, J., 2004. Expressed Motives for Informal and Club/Association based Sports Participation. Journal of Leisure Research. First Quarter Vol 36 No 1. 1-22.

Birrell, Susan (1981): Sport as ritual: interpretations from Durkheim to Goffman Social Forces 60 (2): 354-376.

Importance of Communication in Enhancing Customer Service in Medical Offices

Customer Service in Medical Offices

Customer service is an important practice in medical offices today. Communication is an important aspect of customer service. In medical offices, the health professional needs to adopt high standards of communication skills for them to be able to build rapport with their patients. Currently, with the advancement of technology, there are various communication channels that health professionals use to communicate with their patients, colleagues, and health stakeholders. Above all, communication in medical offices is critical as the professionals are required to ensure that patient privacy is adhered to at all times.

Building Rapport

Health professionals need to build rapport with their patients for effective customer service. To do so, the health professional needs to seek the right time and environment. In this case, it is discouraged to approach a patient while they are distracted since it will affect the quality of communication (Ahern, 2019). To offer high-quality customer service, health professionals should always ensure that they have approached their discussion with small issues. The approach plays a significant role in promoting self-disclosure. Not everyone is familiar with self-disclosure while others lack the importance of disclosing how they feel. Approaching the topic from the simplest point makes it easier for patients to explain themselves to health professionals.

Choosing the Right Environment

Health professionals should always consider the environment where communication occurs. For instance, a loud and chaotic environment hinders effective communication in medical offices. Tone and voice contribute to 40% of face-to-face communication (Ahern, 2019). Loud environment also requires the use of a raised voice, which affects effective communication as there are high chances of mishearing crucial information (Ahern, 2019). Another factor to consider is the privacy of the patients information. If a health professional intends to ask questions that are considered private, such as the patients HIV status for example, they should ensure a more private environment.

The use of technological gadgets such as mobile phones is another crucial factor that a medical professional should always consider. It is unethical to use a mobile phone while communicating with a patient. To avoid this occurrence, where there is a need to use a mobile device, the health professional should ensure that the patient is informed in advance (Friedman, 2017). One particular scenario where the use of a mobile phone may affect effective communication include where a nurse is making rounds and happens to receive a call while they are talking to a patient. This occurrence can distract effective communication between a patient and the nurse.

Dealing with Difficult Conversation

Difficult conversations are common occurrences in medical offices. The best approach is asking open-ended questions, this gives the medical professionals the chance to understand where to start the conversation. It is advisable for health professionals to listen carefully without interruptions. This helps patients building confidence and feeling appreciated. In such a scenario, it is advisable to ask questions after they have finished expressing themselves.

There exists a significant difference between communicating with elderly patients and adult aged patients. Patience is essential while dealing with older patients. It is always advisable to give older patients time to express themselves without showing them signs of impatience or stress (Ahern, 2019). This approach makes them comfortable to talk about their conditions. It reduces the chances of misdiagnosis and wrong medication in elderly patients. Regardless of their age and cognitive abilities, it is important to always show them respect and patience.

Communicating With Elderly Patients

Another factor to consider while dealing with older patients is the language one uses to communicate with them. The use of complicated medical terminologies is discouraged in patient-doctor communication. This approach, in particular communicating with older patients in this difficult language, is detrimental (Ahern, 2019). It does not only prevent them from expressing themselves but also makes them close down on the medical profession which has a negative impact on the quality of care they receive. Repetition is unavoidable while dealing with older patients as they tend to forget easily and understand concepts slowly.

The Group effort approach is essential while dealing with elderly patients. It makes it easier for medical professionals to communicate with patients and make an effective decision regarding the best procedure to offer them. To achieve this, medical professionals need to ensure that they involve the patient family members (Friedman, 2017). To avoid conflict, the medical professional has the mandate to bring the family together and have them appoint one member whom he will be communicating with regarding the patients condition.

Communication with Children

Another critical area that medical professionals need to consider in offering exemplary customer service is communication with children. Children are the most vulnerable group of patients that medical professionals have to attend (Ranjan et al., 2015). While dealing with children, health professionals should ensure using a language they can easily understand. To do this one is required to have a mental note of the childs age. This approach allows a medical professional to develop a language, tone, and speech that will make the children patients comfortable around a medical facility.

Making Children Comfortable

Children are more affected by the use of negative words in a conversation. To promote effective communication with children, one needs to offer them gifts as a form of reassurance for their bravely and resilience (Ranjan et al., 2015). The use of moderate language and a friendly tone plays a significant role in ensuring that children feel more comfortable around a medical office. Again, the use of distractors is an effective method that helps in reducing pain in children. For instance, a child who is about to undergo major surgery is not only nervous but also psychologically affected by the various procedures that they have to undergo. To effectively take care of this situation, a medical professional may decide to bring the child various toys to show that they will do no harm, and the accessories that will be used for the procedure. An explanation of the situation and the procedure to the child and parents will play a significant role in ensuring that the nervousness in the child and parent is reduced.

Team Collaboration

Various studies have shown the importance of communication and team collaboration in enhancing customer service in medical offices. To offer excellent services to their patients, health professionals should establish and enhance collaboration amongst themselves (Ranjan et al., 2015). This will eliminate the notion of autonomy and help in building trust, respect, and promote teamwork in serving patients. Collaboration also plays a significant role in providing quality services to patients. It provides a reliable channel through which information is shared among the medical office teams.

In conclusion, communication skills in a medical office are essential in enhancing and promoting customer service. Health professionals need to establish and implement reliable support and collaboration amongst themselves to improve customer service. Further, to improve customer service in medical offices, communication training should be promoted in medical offices. This approach will play a significant role in enhancing customer service in medical offices.


Ahern, G. (2019). Communication skills in healthcare: A Guide to practice. Ausmed.

Friedman, R. (2017). Improving communication between doctor and patient. Psyccritiques, 62(25)

Ranjan, P., Kumari, A., & Chakrawarty, A. (2015). How can doctors improve their communication Skills?. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 9(3), JE01-JE04.

Communication Technology: Impact on Personal Relationships

Effective communication skills are critical to positive human relations and serve a principal role in social development by enabling conflict resolution and understanding. However, before completing this course, I was not conversant with the implications of my conversation habits and how my approaches to interacting and connecting with others using online technologies influenced my relationships. Initially, I believed that communication software and devices were intended to foster social bonds and meet new people from all over the world. As a result, I rarely communicated with the people who were closest to me including my peers, parents, and family members. My beliefs and attitudes on the role of communication technology significantly interfered with the quality of my relationships, especially with my parents, and prevented me from developing meaningful relationships with my classmates and peers.

My attitudes, values, and beliefs about communication technology behaviors influenced various areas of my personal development. In particular, my approaches had the greatest impact on relationship initiation and development since I obtained skills that allow me to comfortably converse with strangers and communicate with others. For example, I was quick at making friends on campus and I enjoy talking to others without necessarily having something in common.

However, these approaches harmed my ability to maintain relationships since they do not promote long-term attachments and continuous conversations. Although I meet and talk to a lot of people, I rarely contact them or converse with them occasionally. Hence, this habit limits me from interacting with those close to me and maintaining strong bonds. On the other hand, my communication beliefs, habits, and attitudes had negligible effects on my relationship dissolution as I have always experienced hardships in breaking up personal relationships and arguing with family members or friends.

The Implications of Communication Technology on My Relationships

I believe that communication technology has deteriorated my relationships but helped me to possess effective communication skills. Communication technology has hindered my relations with individuals around me since I am more inclined to talk to people online and maintain brief conversations. More specifically, conversing with people online allows me to sustain shallow conversations and insignificant discussions meant to catch up and pass time. As a result, I find it difficult to engage in sensitive dialogues that obligate emotional expressions and personal experiences. For example, I remember being extremely uncomfortable in a high school class discussion that featured domestic violence. My parents were going through a rough patch during the time and I did not want to share the information about their arguments with anyone I knew. Therefore, my habits have prevented me from seeking help when I should and establishing personal relationships by sharing issues.

Analysis of a Key Relationship

The relationship that I would like to analyze using online communication concepts is my bond with my mother because we have suffered through several adversities. I have fostered strong bonds with my mother over the years because we share a lot of experiences. However, my pursuit of higher learning has diminished the quality of our relationship over my period of study, which is against my wishes. One of the main reasons why I believe our conversation patterns have changed is because of a shift in our mode of communication (Mason & Carr, 2022). Initially, we used to keep in touch and interact face-to-face because I met her after school. Nevertheless, these days we hardly meet, thus obligating us to communicate using technological solutions. Therefore, the social presence and social information processing theories of online communication are relevant for this case and can offer guidance on the best solutions to build a better long-distance relationship.

The social presence theory of communication can help me establish a better relationship with my mother because it disqualifies the effects of long distance. The theory proposes that presence is a psychological attribute and a state of mind. Therefore, individuals use of technology can mimic the real world as long as they experience the psychological effects that come with real-life communication (Kahlow et al., 2020).

Nevertheless, most individuals do not associate online communication with reality, thus limiting them from experiencing associated feelings or body reactions and establishing lasting bonds. On the other hand, the social information processing theory explains that people can establish interpersonal relationships online like in real-life using verbal cues. However, this concept suggests that building a lasting relationship online takes a longer time than in face-to-face conversations (Davis & Agrawal, 2018). Thus, these theories can inform my understanding of my relationship with my mother and how I can improve.

I rarely use communication technologies to sustain personal relationships and keep in touch with the people close to me. Therefore, I do not engage with my mother as I used to because of my habits in online interaction. Although we speak occasionally, our conversations are not as deep and are often unsubstantial. On that account, my usage of these technologies in sustaining my relationship with my mother has been unsuccessful as we are continuously drifting apart. For example, my mother has been pressuring me to introduce her to some of my friends and potential future mate, but I always postpone her demands for another time. In addition, I dislike communicating using mobile devices when I am busy, which sends out a message that I am ignoring her. As a result, my communication attitudes and habits have resulted in various arguments and destroyed the loving relationship we once shared.

The use of communication technologies makes information exchange complex because they do not reconcile individuals situations during the time of communication. In other words, people who are some distance apart have varying experiences and may be facing issues that interfere with their ability to effectively communicate or engage (Tseng et al., 2019). As a result, an individual may misread or misinterpret particular word cues, thus leading to misunderstandings.

The media richness theory proposes that different forms of communication and media possess different capacities for relaying information as it is sent to the receiver. Particularly, face-to-face interactions are rich in passing information compared to solutions like texts because they incorporate several other cues such as body movements, facial expressions, and gestures (Ishii et al., 2019). On the other hand, communication devices can be less effective in transmitting information due to their reliance on verbal cues. Thus, these factors can hinder effective communication and personal relationships.

Proposed Applications and Strategies

The quality of my relationship with my mother has significantly deteriorated due to ineffective communication and fewer interactions. Therefore, I plan to change my approaches to conversing with her and the communication technologies I employ to foster more realistic conversations and information exchange. For example, the social information processing theory supports that individuals can establish strong bonds and meaningful relationships using verbal cues as long as they spend more time communicating (Kahlow et al., 2020). As a result, I will make an effort to always speak to my mother every day and every time I get a chance so that I can enhance our connections. In addition, I plan to offer more information during our conversations to realize an emotional attachment and trust (Masur, 2018). Nevertheless, it would not be advisable to occasionally share bad news over the phone since it can diminish the quality of the relationship. Thus, staying positive and developing the relationship will allow us to maintain our bonds.

The adoption of verbal cues in online communication can result in misinformation and misunderstanding. Thus, I intend to alter the solutions I use to keep in touch with my mother so that they can mimic real-life conversation scenarios and allow more expression. The media richness theory supports that face-to-face communication is more effective than other solutions for passing information (Tseng et al., 2019). Therefore, I will make time to engage with my mother using video streaming apps and live chatting social media solutions since they enable more lively interactions. These approaches will enhance our understanding of each other and encourage a feeling of presence, a critical attribute of human relationships.

Effective communication is the key to long-lasting relationships because of its ability to foster strong bonds. Therefore, adopting the strategies mentioned above in other interpersonal interactions online can help me build more meaningful relationships with the people around me. For example, most individuals are unable to sustain their relationships because of feeling disconnected from one another (Masur, 2018). However, strategies like using live chatting media to converse and keep in touch can enhance the feeling of presence, enable more understanding, and help individuals establish a stronger connection. In addition, applying the concepts of the social presence theory will enable me to associate my interactions online with real-life scenarios to trigger the feelings and emotions that accompany face-to-face conversations. Hence, these approaches will help me to initiate, improve, and sustain my interpersonal relationships.

Initially, I believed that online communication solutions, social media, and mobile devices were intended to interact and keep in touch with individuals far from our reach. As a result, my attitudes toward online interactions were inclined toward brief conversations that do not hold much emotional weight. However, on completing the course, I discovered that online communication technologies are critical and beneficial in sustaining all kinds of relationships because they keep people connected as in real-life communication. Therefore, my attitudes have shifted because I now perceive online technologies as an unmatched solution to staying engaged with many people without necessarily having to meet them and interact with them.

Communication theories such as the social presence theory propose taking time to build relationships using online communication technologies. Thus, its concepts have influenced me to spend more time talking to people and sharing experiences with them. Similarly, social information processing and media richness theories are critical in informing individuals of the role of cues and emotional presence in online conversations. Hence, the course ideas have altered my approaches to using online technologies to build meaningful relationships.


Davis, J. M., & Agrawal, D. (2018). Understanding the role of interpersonal identification in online review evaluation: An information processing perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 38(1), 140-149. Web.

Mason, A. J., & Carr, C. T. (2022). Toward a theoretical framework of relational maintenance in computer-mediated communication. Communication Theory, 32(2), 243-264. Web.

Masur, P. K. (2018). Situational privacy and self-disclosure: Communication processes in online environments. Springer.

Ishii, K., Lyons, M. M., & Carr, S. A. (2019). Revisiting media richness theory for today and future. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 1(2), 124-131. Web.

Kahlow, J. A., Coker, M. C., & Richards, R. (2020). The multimodal nature of Snapchat in close relationships: Toward a social presence-based theoretical framework. Computers in Human Behavior, 111, 106409. Web.

Tseng, F. C., Cheng, T. C. E., Yu, P. L., Huang, T. L., & Teng, C. I. (2019). Media richness, social presence and loyalty to mobile instant messaging. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 119(6), 1357-1373. Web.

Family Communication Influenced by Technology

The article Influence of technology usage on family communication patterns and functioning by Ashwini Tadpatrikar et al., examines the degree of influence of technology and family communication and identifies current patterns of family activities. As part of the study, a literature review was conducted on the relationship between technology and family communication (Tadpatrikar, Sharma, & Viswanath, 2021). Based on the results, the authors determined the prospects for developing relationships in the family in the conditions of technology impact and the predominance of virtual communication.

This article aims to find ways to adapt family communication patterns, taking into account the growing role of technology in everyday life. Improvements in technology aimed at simplifying communication are reducing face-to-face communication. Since this tendency affects family interactions, the article aimed to investigate the nature and extent of this phenomenon. After summarizing and summarizing different interpretations, the authors formulated research questions using PICO guidelines. In addition, the selection criteria for conducting the research were formed by analyzing related publications. The research results were structured in an electronic database for further information extraction. In the articles content, a convenient and understandable diagram is given regarding the selection of researched publications. Therefore, the research can be accessible to any audience, including those who are not entirely competent in the selection systems and extraction of the research results.

Having examined the study results in more detail, the hypothesis about the influence of the latest technologies on the nature of family communication has been confirmed. The authors note that regardless of the type of family orientation, there is a tendency to encourage technology-based communication. However, the degree of control and emotionality of communication in the family may differ. In addition, the systematization of the research results made it possible to distinguish four phases of the family cycle. It enables one to determine how technology is integrated into the family system. According to the study, in the long run, families lose their internal connection with the introduction of technologies into communication. Despite this, the authors note that the state of communication is positive in families where parents and children implement equal and shared use of technologies.

Summarizing the criticism of this article, the publication is perfectly structured and meets all the requirements for the design of scientific works. The information given in the article is reliable since the authors of the publication are scientists of psychology and psychiatry. The article is published based on verified literary sources and reliable research data. Also, the text contains graphic data in a small but sufficient amount, which does not create the effect of overloading the text. However, I would recommend considering the use of line or bar charts to better visualize the statistical information. Borrowed information is correctly cited, and abbreviations are deciphered. No grammatical or stylistic errors were found in the text. The articles design and content are generally correct and precise.

Having considered the issues of the article in detail, it can be claimed that the information provided correlates with societys current problems. The article aims to research the specifics of technologys impact on family communication. As part of the research, it was proven that, in most cases, technologies change the nature of spending time with the family. The layout and text of the article are impeccably executed, and the writing style is understandable to both a general and a specialized audience. The graphic materials presented in the publication are balanced with the text and harmoniously complement the presentation of information. The article is recommended for reading and can be valuable for further research.


Tadpatrikar, A., Sharma, M. K., & Viswanath, S. S. (2021). Influence of technology usage on family communication patterns and functioning: A systematic review. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 58, 102595. Web.

What Should Be Considered to Effective Communication

Any researcher, speaker, or lecturer wants his or her document or presentation to have an appropriate effect on the audience. In general, people provide positive feedback if the ideas or findings of the author were clearly presented. However, for effective communication, the audience, context, media choices, and purpose of a report should be considered. First of all, the understanding of the target audience is immeasurably significant for the planning of the speakers message. For instance, foreigners will not appreciate the material to the full extent if a researcher mentions multiple facts from the history of his or her country that is not generally known. That is why it is essential to examine the audiences major demographics, such as gender, age, nationality, religion, culture, and education, in advance (Austin & Pinkleton, 2015). Moreover, the context and location of a presentation should be highly considered as well. The consideration of cultural, psychological, historical, physical, and social factors will inevitably help to establish effective communication.

In addition, a person who presents any material should ask himself or herself an important question concerning goals that should be reached with the help of this presentation. A lecturer may persuade people to perform particular acts or simply provide information. The identification of the purpose of a presentation or a document will contribute to the efficient planning of material. And the material should be presented in a clear, professional, and logical way. Moreover, communication effectiveness may be improved by the appropriate choice of media by the nature of the message that will be transmitted as it may be oral or written, formal or informal (Austin & Pinkleton, 2015). In addition, such factors as the urgency of a matter and the presence or absence of distance between a speaker and audience should be considered as well.


Austin, E. W., & Pinkleton, B. E. (2015). Strategic public relation management: Planning and managing effective communication programs (3rd ed.). Routledge.

How People Changed Their Communication Values

Communication is an integral part of society, without which it cannot exist. People share information both verbally using words and sounds and non-verbally using emotions, facial expressions, and gestures. Human relations can be described as a collection of various tools for transmitting information. Access to data is a crucial characteristic of individuals motivation to embrace a particular communication paradigm. For example, the transformation of attitudes towards digital or technological channels opens up the limitless potential for receiving messages and letters, regardless of geographic location. This factor is a point of contact between generations since people began to use an image, not identity, when interacting. Thus, communication has changed over the years due to the emergence of innovative ways of transmitting data and diversification of the ways of representing the user online and over the phone.

The modern world is characterized by complete access to multichannel businesses and information systems. People are increasingly using virtual correspondence, online calls, and e-mail for everyday interaction. It has become an integral part of the professional and personal spheres of life in which individuals rely on their smartphones as communicators. Nevertheless, such a paradigm of data transmission did not always exist, and previous generations used radically different delivery methods. I talked with my parents and learned how they made social contacts twenty years ago and what values were pursued. I expected to hear obvious arguments, such as the prevalence of live dialogue and nominally limited communication due to the few devices available. The answers partly coincided with the assumptions, but they were more detailed and more related to interpersonal relationships and psychology than technology.

The first change is that people have become less careful about each other. It happened because access to information and its transmission channels became more open. My mother reported that she had noticed a separation of contacts in recent years. For example, an individual types a Facebook message to a friend while a professional conference occurs. This person apparently should be involved in the lecture material and participate in discussions or provide a report on a specific topic. However, the separation of contacts and Facebooks use as a form of informal communication distracts the individual from both professional activities and does not allow a full-fledged dialogue with a friend online. My mothers experience reminded me of Sherry Turkles speech in which a similar kind of communication change was provided. The author reported that people deliberately use additional connection forms to respond to the temporary loneliness experienced at certain times in their lives (Turkle, 2012). Thus, access to multifunctional technology and various communication channels gives people the ability to maintain a dialogue with a comprehensive contact list continually, but it also minimizes their value.

Information in the modern world is replacing the factor of intimacy in the life of each person. It is no secret that every human has unique character traits, worldview, and plans. These elements are essential for gradual development and psychological maturation. Besides, privacy includes romantic and companionship, single thoughts, religious preferences, and many other concepts that the individual chooses. Communication today deliberately diminishes these options value, forcing a person to share them for social approval. My father provided this argument based on personal observation on social media. People today are eager to post on Instagram or Facebook about their career positions, the museums interior, and new clothes. All this is done for the contact list to see these changes and react to them. Thus, modern communication has influenced the framework of privacy, which ceases to exist with the constant race for audience attention.

A third way that times have changed was to favor standardization and service speed over human contact emotion. I noticed this factor in my friends more than once, as they began to value capitalist advantages more than general social benefits. For example, the usual pizza delivery order has been transformed into a few clicks in an online application with notes that allow the supplier to bring food without calls and communication. It is a standard process in the modern world, as people are increasingly abandoning unnecessary conversations and correspondence in the approval of automated systems. This argument has been reaffirmed numerous times and could have indicated an increasing role of privacy and personal boundaries in society. However, it is instead a desire to get the product one needs without stress quickly. Thus, the transformation of communication today occurs with a decrease in peoples involvement in live contact to minimize additional psychological stress in everyday life.

The transformation of information transmission channels has penetrated everyday life and has become its fundamental characteristic. A short interview with my parents and observation of friends behavior made me understand that people have changed their attitude towards dialogue and correspondence on a subconscious level. Society prefers online ordering and delivery to minimize contacts with service providers. On the other hand, people communicate with their friends in messengers when their participation is critical. It leads to the fact that privacy is becoming a term from the past, while modern users share personal information online to gain approval and create the illusion of popularity. However, the takeaway from this reflection is that virtual chats and social media make us more lonely in real life.


Turkle, S. (2012). Connected, but alone? [Video]. TED Conferences. Web.