Communication plays a significant role in the performance of any business irrespective of the industry within which it operates (Snyder 3). James Shaffer, in his article Make Communication Your Business, explores the subject of communication in business, highlighting its significance in the success of any business. Shaffer acknowledges the impact that communication professionals can have in bringing about change that will lead to improved performance in business. Various communication professionals in top corporate positions lend their support to the importance of closing communication gaps, often alluding to instances where such practice has helped immense record success has helped their organizations achieve greater efficiency and better performance. However, one cannot achieve the desired outcome of effective communication immediately. The process of achieving desirable business performance takes time and involves several steps as opposed to it being a one-off activity.
The first step is the timely involvement of the leaders. The managements support in this endeavor is crucial as it is a determinant of its success. Second, is to present to the companys leadership the value proposition early enough, which will mean immediate recognition of the challenge and an exploration of the plausible solution (Shaffer 24). The proposal should show the value that you intend to add to the company and its clients while highlighting the items that you will change versus those that will remain constant. In his article, Shaffer samples feedback from one of his firms customers who opined that the communication would only handle work that props up the communication skills of leaders increases the impact that execution of strategy has, brings about early wins in areas identified as having high impact and has improved return on investment. According to the client, the communication would not do work that is immeasurable, fails to alter peoples work culture in a way that offers improved results, is a one-off work, and has no connection with strategy execution. From the list, the customer was able to prioritize items.
The third step in the process of achieving success with effective formal communication is to carry out a value-to-cost assessment. The assessment will enable measuring the ability of different communication activities to help people in bettering their work. A survey of the effectiveness of the communication processes using employee and client feedback can help one understand the role that the changes introduced to play in the overall success of the business. The communication professional can then make use of the information gathered to rank the various activities in order of importance while comparing the items with the cost of their implementation (Shaffer 25). With such analysis, one can tell whether or not they may be overspending on any of the initiatives. One can then move on to the assessment of communication capabilities as the fourth step. Just as Shaffer, I believe that it is essential to determine how good one is in executing a strategy as this will help in determining the right approaches to solving the problem.
The fifth step involves ensuring that one measures the right things. Emphasis should be on outcomes. If, for instance, if an organizations key performance indicators include quality, productivity, and delivery, then they should be or at least inform the communication goals. The sixth stage is the development of the appropriate infrastructure that will support the communication initiative under implementation (Shaffer 26). The big question is on what you are trying to achieve compared to what you need as such. With the questions answered, one now needs to be willing to start small. An overhaul of the communication can appear to be an enormous task. The best thing to do is begin by focusing on smaller parts or departments before replicating the same and applying efforts to the rest of the organization. Another area of interest is the high priority areas. There are criteria that one can use to identify the best group. One is that the group is of value to the organization. Second, it has robust leadership and that the group operates below capacity. Another important factor is that the identified group members have the ability to determine the outcomes. The final step would be to bring on board the new way.
Apparently, the process of achieving desirable business performance takes time and involves several steps as opposed to it being a one-off activity. The first step is the prompt involvement of the organizational leaders. The second phase entails the presentation of the value proposition early enough, which will mean timely recognition of the challenge and an exploration of the possible solution. Step three is in the in the process of achieving the intended objectives of effective formal communication is carrying out a value-to-cost analysis. One can then move on to the fourth step involving the assessment of communication capabilities. The fifth step entails ensuring measurement the relevant things. Sixth: the development of the infrastructure that is necessary to support the communication initiative under implementation. One then needs to start small. The final step would be to bring on board the new way. There is a need for communication professionals to be willing to consider the implementation of better communication for improved organizational performance.
Works Cited
Shaffer, James. CW Make Communication Your Business, 2013, Web.
Snyder, Jason. Todays Business Communication: A How-To Guide For The Modern Professional. Business Expert Press, 2014.
Communication in organizations, just like in all spheres of life, is fundamental. In the present case, in which an employee has violated company policy by using a company computer for personal activities, a supervisor or manager must find effective ways of ensuring employees adhere to rules, policies, and regulations by communicating these to employees. In addition to this, the supervisor in question aims at making the employees aware that the company is aware of the undertaking such activities. The policy states that employees should refrain from using company computers for personal activities. The communicator will need to remind the employees of this policy and urge them to adhere to all policies (Guffey and Dana 154). He/She will also need to define and offer examples of the activities that the company considers personal. Though identified with the policy statement, employees may claim to be unaware of the categories of activities in this clause.
This is a formal type of communication because it aims at emphasizing company policies to employees. However, the nature of the issue is not quite formal because the use of social networking sites is informal. In this case, the communicator should integrate certain informal aspects when communicating with the employees. This will be more important when illustrating the types of messages displayed on the site.
When communicating company procedures, goals, and policies, it is effective for fro managers to use a formal communication channel. However, in this situation, a formal channel will be ineffective because the supervisor will not need to recognize hierarchies while disseminating the bad news. Therefore, the supervisor will use an informal channel outside the strict hierarchical context. The supervisor arranges for a formal discussion with the concerned employees in a discussion board, where he/she directly communicates the message and obtains feedback from employees.
To make the employees understand that this is a serious violation, the supervisor will utilize direct communication content. Direct communication content uses meaningful words to express opinions. For clarity and display of authority in the message, the supervisor will need to use direct content. Indirect content may relay ambiguous messages to employees. In addition to this, indirect content may not emphasize the importance of this message as needed. The communication will also be verbal and face to face.
Because the supervisor obtained this complaint from the manager, it would be effective to employ the use of testimonial evidence because this type of evidence is supportive and moderately strong (Burgoon, Laura and Kory 46). In addition to this, testimonial evidence uses credible or well-established sources. This will strengthen the supervisors arguments and offers chances of offering examples. However, while using this evidence, the supervisor should be careful not to use employee names, as this may lead to intimidation. If it is necessary to warn the employee, it would have to be in a private session with the perpetrator. However, in this situation, the supervisor should use a generalized approach, addressing all employees for them to assume responsibility as a group. Another consideration that the supervisor may have is to allow employees to use the company site for employees networking. A company social site would eliminate employees need for interacting with outsiders while at work. This is useful in reducing boredom and monotony at the workplace (McKerrow 87).
Once the supervisor/communicator has issued the examples, proof of violations, and the repercussions for future violations, it will be necessary to give the employees opportunities to question, offer opinions, and comment on the meeting. Closing such a meeting without obtaining feedback or comments from the employees would be detrimental as the communicator will not be sure if the employees understood the message or their feelings towards this policy. Without feedback, there may be chances of reoccurrence in the future. The communicator will also require employees feedback in order to report to the manager.
The business world is not static. New ideas are developed each day while peoples tastes and preferences also keep on changing. Consequently, each firm is faced with an imminent need for continuous change. This change may include changing the technology used in production or the equipments used. However, for change to be complete manpower must be involved in the change. This is because it is people who run every single aspect of any organization. Unfortunately, not every person is willing to accept change. Because some institutions have tried to change but ended up with catastrophic results, models of effective change management have been developed. When any process of change follows these models, the process of change becomes smooth and leads to positive results. Nevertheless, the process of change can become very difficult to implement if the model is not correctly applied. Consequently, any firm should consider the models of effective change management for positive results.
It should be noted that change is a process and not something that can take place in one day. Somebody cannot wake up one morning and say that a given procedure should be followed henceforth. Following all the steps of effective change management models is crucial in ensuring that available resources are properly aligned to meet the objectives of change. Moreover, while the change process is being initiated, it is important to ensure that normal activities of a firm do not stop (East & Serventi, 2011). As a result, effective change management models are designed in a manner that ensures the process of change does not in any way paralyze daily operations of an organization.
Similarly, while change is very crucial, it is important to note that taking too much time to implement it can lead to reduced efficiency. In this regard, models of effective change management come in handy to help in cutting the short time taken to unveil any proposed changes. It is crucial to note that a well-managed change leads to positive results and well reception from employees. Most importantly, models of effective change management are very crucial in reducing costs incurred while unrolling the process of change (Cummings & Worley, 2008). Also, models of effective change management help in reducing resistance from employees thus making the process of change to be more smooth leading to enhanced productivity.
While implementing any suggested change, people need to be told why the change is necessary. Secondly, there is a need to have in place a group of people who have a passion for ensuring that the change succeeds. There should also be clear objectives of the change. Moreover, there should be effective communication of the change thus giving the employees ability to change (Cummings & Worley, 2008). The creation of short term goals and perseverance are also crucial steps in ensuring that the process of change succeeds in the long term.
I once worked in a construction company where we used to do most of our activities manually. However, advancement in technology led to the discovery of various machines that would help in executing some of the functions. These machines would do work faster than people. Hours taken to complete one assignment as well as the costs incurred were bound to reduce if the machines were used. Consequently, management decided that it was high time they brought in the machines. Employees were told that the machines will come and that they were very good at enhancing the earnings of the company. Unfortunately, employees were not informed that the machines were not meant to put anybody out of work. Consequently, communication about the change was not effective and employees were not read to change.
Skipping of this crucial stage made things difficult and had negative effects on the company (East & Serventi, 2011). To begin with, employees resisted the change and nobody was read to learn how to operate the machines. This was not only so among the technical staff but also among all other staff who supported their colleagues in a show of solidarity. Moreover, employees entered a go-slow mood to compel management to drop the change. As a result, the productivity of the company dropped drastically.
Due to the resistance from the employees, the process of change was derailed. There were no employees who were dedicated to seeing the change successfully implemented. Most employees wanted the program to completely fail and were ready to do anything to that effect. This meant that meetings had to be held regularly to coax employees to support the change. Even though these meetings were eating into the companys productive time, they also increased the time taken to implement the change. Regrettably, this also disrupted the normal operations of the firm. Various projects took longer than expected while others completely stalled. The result was increased costs to the firm and a reduction in net income. In the end, the firm was compelled to put the whole change on hold. Management had to start by educating employees on the need for the change and their role in the whole process. This meant extra costs because the process was to be started afresh.
Cummings, T. G. & Worley, C. G. (2008). Organization Development and Change. Stanford: Cengage Learning.
East, N. & Serventi, E. (2011). Implementing an Effective Change Management Strategy. London: Ark Group.
A Proposal of SNS to Improve Members Motivation in Voluntary Community Using Gamification
Article Summary
This article dwells upon the use of gamification tools to motivate people to participate in voluntary communities through the improvement of communication within the groups. The researchers explore the influence of the use of social networking services (SNSs) on members motivation to take an active part in the communitys activities. One of the goals of the researchers was to identify the major peculiarities of an effective SNS to introduce the corresponding service. The researchers developed a social networking service (f-Simo) and examined its use in a local university. The research is based on the quantitative analysis of data although elements of the qualitative research (several brief interviews) are also employed.
The researchers look into characteristics of the games utilized and identify seven major aspects: the use of badges, names, and scores, graphic interfaces, virtual currency, rewards, assignments, simple games between activities. Before the experiment, the researchers conducted surveys to identify barriers to members motivation. Two major problems reported were the difficulty to acknowledge the benefits of the practice and the inability to see other members achievements. The authors developed the service based on the features of used games and with regards to the barriers outlined. The quantitative analysis of the members participation shows that the developed services proved to be efficient. The number of practice sessions, as well as practice time, increased significantly three weeks after the start of the experiment. The researchers also conclude that the use of badges, names, and scores of members, as well as assignments promoting collaborative work, affects positively members motivation.
Problem Statement
After the analysis of existing games and students accounts of barriers to participation in voluntary communities, the researchers developed and evaluated a social networking service aimed at improvement of voluntary community members motivation.
Research Questions
Although there are no particular research questions outlined, it is possible to formulate the research questions as follows:
RQ1: What features of SNSs positively correlate with the motivation of voluntary communities members?
RQ2: How can the developed SNS affect the members motivation?
The research questions outlined are valid as they enable the researchers to develop and evaluate an effective gamification tool that motivates members of a group to communicate more effectively and participate fully.
Quantitative analysis deductive, descriptive
The game developed based on existing games
The variables included the number of practice sessions, the amount of practice time, members attitudes towards the avatar change, graphic representations of ranking and practice time, and the ties within a group
The methods used to analyze the data were t-tests
A Scatter diagram (as well as tables) is used to report the results of the research
The methodology is chosen effectively as the researchers are interested in evaluating particular variables that reveal the level of members participation. The researchers employ elements of qualitative design to assess students ideas concerning particular barriers to their full participation. This enables the researchers to develop an efficient gamification tool characterized by particular features. The variables are also chosen wisely as they help evaluate the effectiveness of the new game. The researchers focus on the number of sessions and time spent playing, which can be regarded as the most illustrative aspects of participation. It is also necessary to add that the use of quantitative design is valid as it provides numerical data that show particular changes if any.
The researchers attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of a gamification tool and utilized an effective research design. However, it is associated with several limitations. The number of participants (25 male and females) is insufficient to generalize the data (p. 86). The basic sample bias was not met. The samples were students, which can make the tool inappropriate for working people who may have less time to spend playing. The time devoted to tool testing was also limited. It is noteworthy that the period from November to December can be regarded as quite busy for students.
Irrespective of some limitations, the research contributes to the scope of knowledge concerning the use of the gamification concept in the working place. The tool can be utilized in working settings effectively. The study shows that the game facilitates communication between members of groups, which can be used in private sector companies. The game also positively affected the participants collaboration, which can be utilized in the business environment. The cohort of students is usually diverse, and, hence, the game can be used in companies where employees pertain to different cultures (Western and Islamic). The difference between the attitudes of Western and Asian students can be analyzed to develop gamification tools that will be used in the diverse Emirati contexts. This research unveils particular features valued by potential players. Further research can focus on the use of the game in private-sector companies in Dubai. The developers of gamification tools can utilize this studys findings.
Gamification for Workplace: Mobile Application to Motivate Lecturers Towards a Satisfied Job Performance
Article Summary
This study dwells upon the utilization of gamification tools in the working place. The researchers evaluated the correlation between the use of games and employees motivation. The researchers evaluate the effectiveness of a mobile application in the academic setting. The case study design was used to assess the correlation between the use of games and performance management (motivation, to be more precise). The faculty of a Malaysian university took part in the research. The research involved pre-test and post-test interviews. The researchers focused on such categories as participants understanding of the gamification concept, their attitudes towards games, and their effects on employees performance, competition (extrinsic motivation) and reward (intrinsic motivation). During the first phase, the participants reported about the need for change. The test involved the use of an Android-based application that concentrated on competition, reward and recognition from authority. The researchers provide a comparison of the pre-test and post-test answers. During the post-test interviews, the majority of participants (75%) reported that games positively affect employees motivation and performance. The participants believed that the use of games would make their working environment fun and more engaging, which would positively affect their performance (p. 14).
Problem Statement
By implementing pre-test and post-test interviews, this study attempts to identify employees attitudes towards the use of gamification and its effects on their motivation and performance.
Research Questions
RQ1: How could games facilitate employees performance?
RQ2: What factors affect employees performance as related to gamification?
These questions are relevant to the purpose of the paper as they enable the researchers to evaluate the correlation between employees motivation, as well as overall performance, and the use of the gamification concept. At the same time, it could be beneficial to formulate another research question concerning the employees motivation and the way it is affected by the use of gamification tools.
Qualitative case study deductive, descriptive
The use of a mobile application is evaluated
The interviews were held in two phases (pre-test and post-test interviews)
The data were assessed with the use of Nvivo
The analysis of the participants interviews led to the identification of such themes as gamification, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, competition, rewards, and performance management
The methodology is relevant as it addresses the research questions and the purpose of the study. The researchers stress that the qualitative design is chosen as the study focuses on the existing trends and social phenomena (p. 11). More so, the researchers are interested in the participants attitudes and beliefs, not specific outcomes manifested through the changes in the performance of some groups of employees or the entire organization. The qualitative design is associated with a significant degree of bias, but the focus of the study is peoples attitudes rather than particular indicators of performance, which makes the qualitative design appropriate.
The study provides insights into employees attitudes towards the use of the gamification concept in the working setting. The research is consistent with the recent findings concerning the efficiency of games used in working places. The use of a mobile application has proved to motivate employees and improve their performance as seen by the participants. The research has several limitations. First, it is characterized by the bias related to the qualitative design. The participants ideas rather than specific indicators are used to evaluate the efficiency of a game. However, the researchers look into peoples assessment of the use of the gamification concept, which is also vital. It is essential to understand these attitudes as it will unveil the degree to which the games can be used. Another limitation is concerned with the number of participants (which is not outlined). The academic sphere can differ from other spheres such as private-sector companies. Nonetheless, the approach used by the researchers can be employed to evaluate the use of the gamification concept in the private-sector firms environment. Another limitation is that it can be difficult to evaluate the application as a few details are provided.
Irrespective of the limitations, the study in question contributes significantly to the bulk of knowledge concerning the use of the gamification concept in the working environment. Employees react positively to the use of games aimed at improving performance, motivation, and so on. It is possible to add that the research also provides insights into the use of games aimed at improving communication within the organization. Employees who are motivated properly are likely to invest more effort in the development of proper communication channels to increase the productivity of employees as well as the entire organization.
Meng, C.K., Hamzah, M., Andrians, R.M. (2015). Gamification for Workplace: Mobile Application to Motivate Lecturers Towards a Satisfied Job Performance. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(26), 9-15.
Otake, K., Shinozawa, Y., Sakurai, A., Oka, M., Uetake, T., & Sumita, R. (2015). A Proposal of SNS to Improve Members Motivation in Voluntary Community Using Gamification. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 6(1), 82-88.
Best Games Production is currently facing a dilemma concerning the release of the much-anticipated video game. This is as a result of the latest discovery that there is a bug that affects the video game. This lowers the quality of the video game. Releasing the game within schedule means that it will not be possible to remove the bug. This will cause customer dissatisfaction. It is also risky for the company since the games poor quality affects customer loyalty. As such, the companys future earnings, as well as the market position, will most likely be affected negatively. Similarly, postponing the release of the game will also cause customer dissatisfaction due to the hype and euphoria the marketing department has created. Amidst the dilemma, the best solution has been reached.
Before the solution is presented, it is imperative to recapitulate the scenario at Best Games Productions. Deciding with regards to this dilemma takes the following considerations into account. There are several stakeholders of whom this decision affects directly. These include the developers, marketers, suppliers, the public relations team, quality control, the customers, and the company board members. Each of these stakeholders has vested. They are either pushing for or delaying its release. Moreover, there are other key considerations, which must also be considered. Best Games Production has a long-standing reputation for ethical business practices. The best interest of both the company and the public herein referred to as the customers, are the basis on which decisions are made at Best Game Productions. Decisions are made in such a way that, while the interests of the public and the company are taken into consideration, future business sustainability and profit-making is not jeopardized. In addition to this, the company esteems to maintain very high-quality standards in all its products, regardless of the cost.
Given the scenario described above, it has been decided that the release of the video game be postponed to facilitate the removal of the bug before the customer uses the product. This decision is informed by the following realities. If the game is released as scheduled, the company will make good profits from the high sales expected during the holiday season. This will satisfy the immediate high customer expectations. This also means that the additional expenses which would have been incurred by delaying the release would be avoided. This move, however, is for short term gain. It will also jeopardize the companys future goals since, even though the game is still playable with the bug the quality of play is greatly jeopardized. This will cause customer dissatisfaction. As such, the customers, who the company esteems, will lose faith and opt for products from rival companies. Losing customer loyalty is a risk this company is not willing to take.
On the contrary, postponing the release of the new game gives the production and quality assurance teams enough time to remove the bug. In the short term, this is a very risky move because of the following factors. The company will forego the lucrative holiday season sales. This will dent the companys profits, albeit for a short while. Postponing the release of the video game is most likely to cause customer dissatisfaction. Moreover, this move will require additional funds to cater for additional costs involved in the editing of marketing materials. The public relations team will also have the additional task of ensuring that the companys image is not affected. However, these are short-term shocks that the company can absorb in the long term. Revenue foregone from the festive season as well as additional funds used for extra marketing activities can be recouped through aggressive future sales. The dissatisfaction caused to customers through delayed-release does not, however, threaten customer loyalty as much as the poor quality game does (Lawfer, 2004). Such dissatisfaction can be addressed through future promotion events and assurance of good quality products.
Postponing the release of the video does not threaten the future of the company as much as releasing it with the bug intact. Furthermore, the company will uphold its esteemed business ethics as well as customer loyalty. For the sake of both the company and its customers, it is imperative to postpone the release of the video game to allow improvements to be made.
Press Release
The Best Game Production
To: Our esteemed customers
RE: Release of New Video Game
The Best Game Production is the leading developer, producer, and distributor of video games. In the recent past, Best Game Productions has provided its customers with top quality and interesting video games. Some of the most popular products from The Best Game Production include serialized video games. Currently, the company is preparing to release Season V, of its ongoing video game series. Because of this, the company would like to release to its clients, some details regarding the impending release of Season V, during the coming holiday season.
The company takes the quality of all its products seriously. As such, the production stage is strictly monitored to ensure that all its products pass the companys internal and external quality checks, before being released into the market. Our quality control, development, and production teams work together to ensure that minute product weaknesses are spotted and corrected before our products are released to our consumers. With regards to quality assurance procedures, one of our quality checks involves reviews by internal and external video game experts, developers, customers, suppliers, and legal authorities. This is a rigorous exercise, which may take more time than initially expected. The purpose of such stringent reviews is to ensure that our customers get value for their money (Racherla and Temple University, 2008). Therefore, at Best Game Productions, we strive to provide the best quality products to our esteemed customers.
Best Game Production would like to inform its customers that Season V of the ongoing video game series, which is due or release soon is currently undergoing reviews from experts and customers. Best Game Production quality control team would like to announce that one of the reviewers has noticed a technical issue in one of Season Vs applications. The technical issue noted is minor but significant to the performance of the Video game. We would like to inform our customers that the company can release the game as it is since the issue only has minor effects on the performance of the game. Since the Best Game Production esteems maximum quality standards, the product has been taken back to the development team, which is working round the clock to make improvements on the technical details surrounding that minor technicality, before the product is released to our consumers.
Best Game Production would like to assure our customers that the issue encountered is just technical and does not pose any threat to users or the product in general. The technical issue only threatens the speed of Season V. The company values its customer so much that it opts to correct any issue that arises from its products before releasing the products to the consumers since the company wants the customers to attain maximum enjoyment and benefits. Given this, the release of Season V will be delayed for a few months to allow the technical team ample time to correct which will enhance the performance of the game.
Due to the delay caused, Best Game Productions will not be able to release Season V of its sequel as scheduled. Therefore, Season V will not be available for sale in any of our stores during the holiday season. The decision to delay the release of Season V is in the best interests of the mutual relationship between Best Games Productions and its customers. However, the company would like to assure our customers that our developers will have fixed the issue by January, and as such, Season V will be available during the New Year holiday. Therefore, our customers can look forward to a great beginning to the New Year, with great anticipation of the release of the improved version of Season V. Meanwhile, our customers can enjoy the current selection of games, which will be available throughout the holiday in all distribution stores at discounted prices.
Best Game Production would like to assure our customers of timely delivery of all its products and that such an occurrence will not be allowed to occur again in the future. Furthermore, future products will be reviewed well in time to avoid such delays. The company highly regrets any inconvenience caused to our esteemed customers.
Eliminating noise during communication
At Best Game Production, communication is part of business success. As such, the company employs the best communication strategies as part of its successful business strategies. In this regard, the company has to manage this situation through the best communication techniques to avoid the underlying risks associated with miscommunication. As such, in writing the memo and the press release, unnecessary noise was eliminated through several techniques.
One of the best ways to eliminate any form of noise, according to Ellis and Toft (2010), is to separate the roles of the listener and the speaker. By doing this, one can concentrate on either giving or receiving the message fully without any interference. In such a scenario as Best Game Productions, emotion might run high due to unmet expectations. As such, in writing the memo and the Press Release, the role of sending and receiving the message are completely separated. Best Game Productions assumes the role of the message sender. By doing this, both the internal and external stakeholders addressed by the Memo and the Press Release respectively, assume the listeners role. As such, since Best Game Productions is the sender of the message, both the memo and the press release are constructed in such a way that they are fully focused on sending the message from the beginning to the end. This eliminates emotional noise, a case in which both the message sender and receiver wants to play the two roles simultaneously.
There are major assumptions that belabor the Best Games Productions scenario. These include the assumption that there is impending financial ruin if the company does not sell during the coming holiday season. In writing the two documents, these assumptions are addressed by presenting the case as it is and presenting a stronger counter-argument. For instance, the CEO is informed of the immediate risk of postponing the release of the video games, an argument countered through the assertion that such short-term financial shocks can easily be absorbed in the long term. Furthermore, the assertion that such a move is for the best interest of both the company and the client casts away any doubt.
In a scenario like this one, communication barriers emanating from the ambiguous use of language might arise. In this regard, Rothwell, (2004) suggests the use of simple language. As such, simple words, phrases, and sentences with simple straightforward meanings are used. Furthermore, words with double meanings are not part of the diction. The press release is for public consumption, and as such words are carefully selected to avoid any psychological noise (negative perception). Given this, the term bug was not used to describe the reason for the delayed release of the new video game. In its place, the phrase minor technical issue was used. Furthermore, terms such as problem, difficulty, poor quality and others, which would create a negative attitude about the product, were deliberately left out.
Reference List
Ellis, D., & Toft, D. (2010). Bams: the essential guide to becoming a masters student. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Lawfer. R. (2004). Why customers come back: how to create lasting customer loyalty. New Jersey: Career Press.
Racherla, P., & Temple University. (2008). Factors influencing consumers trust perceptions of online product reviews. Ann Abor, Miami: ProQuest.
Rothwell, J. (2004). In the company of others: an introduction to communication. New York: McGraw Hill.
Subject: Supply of Food Colorings and Preservatives
Dear Mr. Smith
Thank you for bidding to supply Coca-Cola Amatil (CCA) with an assortment of food colorings and preservatives used in the manufacturing of our various brands. CCA wishes to inform you that your esteemed company has been selected to supply the assorted products for twenty-four months, starting 1st October 2014.
According to the terms of the bid, CCA expects that your company has the capacity to supply one million units of food colorings and one million units of food preservatives per month and as per the agreed health specification standards. The number of units requested may rise as we approach the festive season, hence the need for your company to maintain sufficient stocks that can be used on a needs-basis. You are requested to visit the companys website ( to get insights on how you can utilize CCAs supply chain networks to lower costs and ensure the products reach the company on time. As we continue our cooperation, you will realize that we value honesty, teamwork, and the capacity to meet strict deadlines.
CCA is pleased to commence this relationship with your company and have no doubt that you will continue supplying top-of-the-range products that meet company specifications. CCA is grateful for the time and effort that you have put into making this bid and is pleased to commence doing business with you as per the terms of agreement contained in the original bid documents. Please, accept the companys heartfelt gratitude for your consideration in this matter.
Subject: Cancellation of Bid Terms/Bid No. 614/01/2014
Dear Mr. Smith
This is to inform you that Coca Cola Amatil (CCA) has deemed it fit to cancel the above-mentioned bid for the supply of assorted food colorings and food preservatives to our main factory located in Washington, DC. The decision to terminate the contract binding the two companies has been made by CCAs Board of Trustees after careful consideration of the noted violations.
CCA refers you to the original bid document, which laid the groundwork for our continued cooperation. Clause 9 of the document obliged your esteemed company to supply CCA with the assorted products while strictly adhering to the agreed health specification standards. The company is sorry to report that the first batch of products supplied by your firm failed to meet the set safety and health standards, and therefore could not be used for its intended purpose. This significant breach of contract has informed the decision of the board to cancel any further engagements with your company.
CCA is pleased to conduct business with enterprising and innovative companies such as Walnuts Home Beverages. However, the safety and health of our customers are fundamental for CCAs progress and competitiveness, hence the need to vacate the previously agreed contract. CCA sincerely hopes that your esteemed company will address the issues raised for future cooperation. Thank You.
Starting November 1, 2014, the company wishes to introduce telecommunicating opportunities for all expectant female employees who may opt to work from home. The change of policy is being implemented after a noted complaint from our female members of staff that they should be allowed to telecommunicate during the later months of pregnancy.
The eligible female members of staff are requested to notify the human resource department once they enter the sixth month of pregnancy in order to initiate them into the telecommuting program and also facilitate the acquisition of the technological tools needed for successful telecommuting. The eligible employees will undergo a one-week training program to ensure that they meet their work targets once they enter the telecommuting program and thereafter. All bonuses and allowances for affected employees will remain the same, as this program is intended to provide an avenue for expectant female employees to continue providing the much-needed services without compromising their health and wellbeing.
A meeting will be held with all departmental heads on October 25 at 9 a.m. with the view to discussing the formalities of the new program and how best it can be implemented to achieve optimal outcomes. The meeting will also discuss if the program can be extended to other deserving cases, hence departmental heads are requested to raise any questions or comments and address them to the relevant office before the commencement of the meeting. All departmental heads are requested to attend without fail.
Team briefing: identification of the current problem and the necessity to have several options of why and how it may be solved regarding the current changes, necessities, and expectations
Personal communication
Daily at 10:00 till the final meeting with the R&D departments director
Team members: Dan McCord and the other two managers
Bulletinsto share a burning necessity of the program
Written form
Weekly before the meeting
All internal stakeholders
Consof the program
A written plan that is announced orally
Several times during the meeting with the R&D director
All internal stakeholders
The financial supportoffered by the government
Once before the meeting
All internal stakeholders
Milestonesof how the program will be implemented
e-mail and an oral report
All internal stakeholders
Challengesof the implementation process
Oral presentation
Daily until the challenges are illuminated
All internal stakeholders
Summary of Rational for the Plan
The offered plan is appropriate for the case when Dan McCord with several managers has to convince the R&D director about the importance of speeding up the process of implementation of the computer program (Kerzner 2013). The strongest point of the plan is that it is supported by thought and a kind of care for the implementation process that is recommended by such researchers as Kaplan and Norton (2008) and Meredith and Mantel (2012). Another supportive issue is that Dan McCord, as the main project manager, participates in each stage of the plan. Project Management Institute (2013) informs that the role of the project manager is crucial indeed, and only in case the manager is aware of each change and progress of a case, the project may be properly controlled and improved if necessary.
In order to prove the necessity to implement the program within a short period of time, the manager has to focus on its different aspects. This is why the plan focuses on both, the negative and positive sides, its pros and cons, and the general milestones that help to comprehend the essence of the process. The participation of each member of the company in the discussion is also an integral part because this way provides the R&D director with a chance to understand the urgency of the program and identify its benefits in regards to the company.
The financial report discusses the main financial changes and serves as proof that the government does participate in organizational development, and the company should not suffer because of possible losses. Finally, the presence of managers from different projects should make the R&D director think about his/her possible incorrectness in regards to the computer program implementation and the necessity to re-evaluate the whole situation taking into consideration the latest improvements from the governmental side.
In general, the communication plan for a range of stakeholders offered seems to be a good combination of ideas and periods. It is not enough to prove the urgency of the program. The plan helps to be specific with each detail and offer the most crucial ideas to convince the R&D director to change the mind and believe that the current situation is more or less favorable for new ideas offered by Dan McCord and the representatives of the two other projects that have been characterized by the directors persistence and unwillingness to observe the options available.
Reference List
The Problem with Priorities 2013, in HR Kerzner (ed.), Project management case studies, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, pp. 532-533.
Although a range of studies point to the fact that leadership skills are not intrinsic and, therefore, can be fostered in literally anyone (Lussier and Achua 9), the acquisition of the corresponding competencies and the search for the unique approach that will help create a team and lead it to success is admittedly complicated. Nevertheless, I believe that, by focusing on the concept of lifelong learning as the basis for developing my leadership competencies, I will be able to become an efficient leader.
Viewing experience as an essential part of becoming a good leader and understanding the importance of a proper communication approach, including the negotiation and problem-solving techniques, I will be capable of managing a team and promoting the personal and professional development of every participant, thus, creating premises for successful completion of any project.
Leadership Framework: Transforming Peoples Minds
The transformational leadership style seems to be the most reasonable choice to make when it comes to defining the proper framework to work with. Seeing that the identified strategy helps build a unique philosophy that will, later on, challenge the participants concept of workplace responsibilities and promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and initiative among them, it will be sensible to focus on the transformative leadership style framework.
Strategic Challenges: Building a Vision and an Approach
A good leader must focus on the needs of the people working under their guidance (Kurucz, Wheeler, and Colbert 86). Thus, it will be necessary to create a vision that will encompass the needs of all stakeholders involved, employees and customers being the focus. For these purposes, the Six Sigma framework as the tool that will help increase customer satisfaction rates and enhance the professional growth of the staff should be viewed as crucial (Pyzdek and Keller 18). Particularly, every project will be handled with the help of the DMAIC tool, with the addition of the Total Quality Management (TQM) approach and the Just-in-Time concept (JIT) to enhance productivity and reduce waste and promote sustainability (Longoni 29).
Personal and Organizational Charters: Ethics and Decision-Making
There is no need to stress that, as a leader, I will have to meet the expectations of the people employed in the project. In a certain way, a leader must be a role model for the staff to follow. As far as the personal characteristics are concerned, I will have to become the model of ethical choices, whereas, from the professional perspective, I will have to demonstrate the framework according to which the decision-making process occurs (Simpson and Taylor 15).
Team Self-Assessment: Focus on Communication
Similarly, as a leader, one must promote the independence of the staff members. For instance, regular self-assessments must be viewed as a necessity. Serving as the premises from the employees to learn about their progress and identify the weaknesses to work on in the future, will also inform me about the future challenges that will have to be addressed in the team so that the project could advance.
Managerial Style: A Combination of Participation and Coaching
When it comes to choosing the managerial style, one must bear in mind that there is a significant gap between a leader and a manager. Although both positions are crucial to any organization or project, the roles that the two performances are often quite different from each other. Particularly, a manager is preoccupied with the issues that are related directly to the current objectives and problems within a particular team, whereas a leader embraces the situation on a larger scale, focusing on people and encouraging their growth (Magee 53).
With the differences mentioned above in mind, one should admit that a manager, while supervising the team, should address the issue of increasing the competencies of the staff members, therefore, promoting their professional growth. Thus, when performing the managerial functions, I will encourage participation and engagement in the process of staff coaching actively.
Conclusion: When Every Choice Matters
A leader does not need to have a set of inborn qualities, nor does he have to possess an intrinsic understanding of how to guide people toward success. Instead, leadership qualities can and need to be developed based on the experience of working with people and building practical knowledge based on the previously acquired theoretical concepts. As a leader, I will view the needs of employees and customers as the priorities of the organization and strive toward creating an environment in which successful communication will serve as the foundation for enhancing team excellence.
Works Cited
Kurucz, Elizabeth C., David Wheeler, and Barry A. Colbert. Reconstructing Value: Leadership Skills for a Sustainable World. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. Print.
Longoni, Annachiara. Sustainable Operations Strategies: The Impact of Human Resource Management and Organisational Practices on the Triple Bottom Line. New York, NY: Springer, 2014. Print.
Lussier, Robert N., and Christopher F. Achua. Leadership: Theory, Application, and Skill Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Cengage Learning, 2015. Print.
Magee, Jeffrey. The Managerial Leadership Bible: Learning the Strategic, Organizational, and Tactical Skills Everyone Needs Today. New York, NY: FT Press, 2015. Print.
Pyzdek, Thomas, and Paul Keller. The Six Sigma Handbook. 4th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2014. Print.
Simpson, Justin, and John R. Taylor. Corporate Governance Ethics and CSR. New York, NY: Kogan Page Publishers, 2013. Print.
Every organization has to change sooner or later, as change is often required for expansion of the company. Transparency in internal communication has been demonstrated to be a valuable attribute for many businesses. Therefore I have chosen to implement it into my organization. This paper will cover the value of this change and the methodology I chose to implement it.
Effective internal communication is one of the essential parts of a successful company. This level of communication can be achieved by creating a culture of transparency within the organization. In a culture of transparency, every team member is allowed to provide feedback on the projects of the organization. They can freely communicate with employees of higher ranks, while also gaining more information about upcoming changes and projects. Studies on transparency and internal communication have shown a variety of positive outcomes when a company nurtures a culture of transparency.
First of all, this type of culture increases the trust of the employees in the company. This trust can be seen when employees become more motivated and focused on fulfilling the goals of the organization. Another positive outcome lies in the ability of both managers and team members to provide feedback to each other, without fear of offending anybody. A culture of transparency lets information flow freely despite the differences in the hierarchy of the organization. With a large amount of regular feedback, the company can analyze it and make changes according to the wishes of the employees. This aspect of transparency makes it highly valuable for my organization. It makes transparency not only a change that would improve morale but would also give a platform for future organizational improvements (Mishra, Boynton, & Mishra, 2014).
To properly implement this change within the company, a bottom-up methodology should be utilized. The nature of transparency in internal communication makes it essential to consider the ideas and feedback of employees. By choosing a bottom-up approach, the employees will realize that this is not a half-hearted gesture but rather a complete commitment to change implementation. The choice of this method would serve as the first step to achieving the desired result. Although this approach would certainly take longer to implement than a top-down approach, it offers several benefits over the latter.
A bottom-up approach allows every member of the team to participate in the decision-making process, which means that no one would be left without a voice on the matter. When people see that their suggestions have been considered, or even implemented, they will begin to gain more trust in the company. This feeling also comes with an impression that this change is not just a mandatory order from the manager but rather a thoughtfully constructed program that the employees themselves can help implement. The bottom-up method of implementation would also help prevent errors or oversights in the original plan. For example, perhaps the employees would like to receive less feedback on certain types of activities; this kind of information would be essential to gather and analyze for a proper facilitation of the culture of transparency (Kuipers et al., 2013).
Most successful organizations value internal communication. With studies showing a positive outcome, it seems sensible to try and implement it into my organization as well. This type of change should be implemented through a bottom-up approach to show the employees that their voices are important and can lead to serious changes for the company.
Kuipers, B., Higgs, M., Kickert, W., Tummers, L., Grandia, J., & Van Der Voet, J. (2013). The management of change in public organizations: A literature review. Public Administration, 92(1), 1-20.
Mishra, K., Boynton, L., & Mishra, A. (2014). Driving employee engagement. International Journal of Business Communication, 51(2), 183-202.
Key Problems: Short-Term and Long-Term Perspectives
Seeing that the lack of control over the production process has led to exposing the consumers to a massive threat to their health, it will be crucial for Gupta to reconsider the current approach toward controlling the production processes. Furthermore, the company should view the specified experience as an opportunity to update the quality standards and reinforce the importance of corporate ethics, as well as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Thus, positive publicity may become a possibility (Argenti, 2016).
Recommendations for Coca-Colas Communication Strategy
It is crucial to make sure that reinforcing the standards of corporate ethics should be the current focus of the companys attention. In other words, Coca-Cola must communicate the idea of recognizing its fault and striving to improve. Furthermore, the communication between the companys departments must be improved so that the quality of the production processes could rise and similar issues could be avoided in the future (Argenti, 2016).
Key Constituents and Crisis Avoidance
Five regional communication areas can be viewed as the primary constituents of the communication process at Coca-Cola at present. While it is important to design different communication management tools for different areas, the lack of collaboration between the five departments is a reason for concern. Therefore, active promotion of cooperation should be viewed as one of the key priorities for Coca-Cola currently. Further crises can be avoided by designing the risk management strategy based on the use of the latest approaches to information management. Furthermore, the incorporation of the strategies for quality improvement, such as Total Quality Management (TQM) and the Six Sigma approach should be considered (Pyzdek & Keller, 2014).
Real Sales of Wishful Thinking?: Case Analysis
To build a successful strategy that will allow propelling a company to the top of the market or, at the very least, make the sales numbers increase, one must elaborate on corporate values and a code of ethics that will help promote integrity across the organization. A closer look at Martys case will show that the firm is lacking integrity desperately since there is an evident ethical issue that needs to be addressed. To be more accurate, the dilemma between allowing Robert, the employee in a wheelchair, to remain a member of the staff and increasing the companys sales needs to be mentioned as the primary source of concern.
The case shows quite clearly that Robert meets the basic requirements set by the organization. Furthermore, he has clearly contributed to the enhancement of loyalty rates among the customers, with his responsible attitude and care for each client. However, his performance is quite slow. Therefore, the reasons for Martys doubts are understandable (Association of Legal Administrators, 2011).
Nevertheless, the fact that Marty refuses to embrace diversity in the workplace and invest in the long-term development of his staff shows that the company lacks ethical values and standards. Thus, the organization needs to embrace the concept of diversity, at the same time making the best use of its resources. To be more specific, the organization should provide reasonable accommodations in which Robert will be able to deliver the performance of the required quality.
By focusing on the needs of the staff, Marty will be able to improve the integrity levels in the organization. Furthermore, the foundation for promoting diversity can be built. As soon as the appropriate ethical values and HRM strategies are introduced into the companys design, a gradual improvement is expected.
Argenti, P. A. (2016). Corporate communication. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Association of Legal Administrators. (2011). The business case for diversity: Reality or wishful thinking? Chicago, IL: Institute for Inclusion in the Legal Profession.
Pyzdek, T., & Keller, P. (2014). The Six Sigma handbook. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.