Overview of Summer Program Options for College Students

Summer programs are essential for college students. The majority of the students wait for summer because it is the time as they will have the freedom and a sort of break to their daily routine of life. There are plenty of options which involve fun and unique learning experience for every student.

Summer sessions are the classes offered by the colleges to enhance your knowledge in comparatively less time and it is provided at the graduate and undergraduate level. There are many Ivy League institutions such as Yale, Harward, and Cornelle that are providing summer sessions for their students as well as to the students from other colleges. Not only ivy league colleges, but there are also many other prestigious colleges offering summer sessions. It is a quite good experience a new atmosphere, new friends, new culture and so on.

Apparently, it is said that the duration of the session in Harward is seven weeks. These students are given the opportunity to stay on campus or off-campus and attend the classes. Also one can take classes online. But it is important to make a note regarding the last day for registration. The courses will be filled very fast, so it is better to be aware of all these points and start preparing for it.

Even Cornelle school of education and Yale college will provide summer sessions for students from outside college which can be taken on campus, off-campus or even online. The only thing matters here is to register for these courses as early as possible. “Set a reminder”- it is the best option to do so.

There are scholarships and financial aids to help you with your need or requirement to join these colleges.

Vacations in the name of the Student Exchange Program is definitely a good idea to plan for a vacation especially an international vacation unless you can afford it. Also, you can enquire in your college if there is any student exchange program which helps you to learn something new as well as explore other countries. Broadreach global summer educational adventures will offer you an international field experience in order to explore many other fields based on your interests, grade level, duration, and so on. It can be any sort of adventure like scuba diving, river rafting and also to learn foreign languages.

There are certain opportunities where you can volunteer to teach something say, for example, taking your regional language class which will be an exciting task for the people there.

Communicate with any of your friends, the first and foremost plan they have for summer is to do an internship. It is there in every student’s list. There is nothing wrong with it. It helps you in enhancing your skill and also builds your resume. When you update your resume with the skills you have gained by doing a certain internship, it will be an advantage for your future. It will give you the experience of working in the real and practical world. It can be done in the field of your interest like marketing, library (if you are a bibliophile so that even you can read as many as books possible), photography (passion), and so on. You might not get paid for every kind of internship, but there are certain internships that pay a stipend. It is easy to find internships availability online or you can request a wellwisher of yours to recommend you for one.

“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living”, quoted by Nelson Mandela. Few students will get carried away by a busy schedule during college days and will have no time to work on your interest (it is a passion more than an interest). For such students, summer is the best time to restart practicing and work hard on improving your skills. It might be singing, dancing, art or anything.

Essay about the Main Types of College Students Who Always Need Assignment Assistance

Help is what many people require at certain points in their lives. As for students, they need all the assistance they can get. This to a small extent helps them get through the bustles of college life. In addition to their studies, students tend to write essays and many assignments as part of assessments in their educational pursuits. However, only a few can undertake these without additional help. In this paper, I am going to consider the most common types of students who always need assignment assistance. Also, there are proffered solutions that will help them get the work done without external assistance.

The first type is lazy students. The college is a place of study. However, given the orientation of most students and their youthful exuberance, they tend to take an interest in other affairs. Some would rather party, listen to music or go for a walk with friends than sort out their assignments. There is the belief that assignment help services will get the work done for them. On the contrary, it is better to seize the opportunity and start fixing essays and assignments on your own. By doing this, it will be easier to snap out of lazy and time-wasting activities and focus on the actual reason for attending college – studying.

The next type is procrastinators. Procrastination is eating deep into the lives of many people. Students are not spared, as they seem to be the most hit. For the lot that falls under this category, they tend to keep off their work until later minutes. At that juncture, it becomes hard to finish up on time. To get out of this attitude, such a student should develop the mindset that every assignment is a hurdle to overcome. With this approach, he/she tends to face it squarely and finish on time. Thus, work should be put first before any other leisure activity.

Another type is formed by quality seekers. Without a doubt, quality is what everyone needs at specific points in life. There is a tendency that the subject matter is either unknown or the answers are limited. Hence, essay writing services are the last resort to get quality work. On the contrary, there is never a milestone you cannot attain in life if you work hard for it. The need for assignment help is not vital because you can actually make the best out of the work. With an ‘I can do it spirit’, there is a likelihood of developing the passion to undertake any task. Therefore, to receive a high evaluation of the work, it is necessary to stop relying on outsiders. Rather, work on yourself and delegate enough time to get the right resources that will help in achieving the grades you seek.

There are times when the lecture either becomes boring or the work of the previous day bores you. The last resort is either to sleep off or pay less attention. For inattentive/passive students, the best antidote to doing tasks by themselves is to pay strict attention to details. Listen to the professor while teaching, read between the lines, and seek clarification where necessary. With these, it is possible to deliver top-notch and quality work on time.

And the last type is formed by writing abhorrers. Writing is a task and only a few people have the mastery of it. It is not a surprise that many individuals (including students) do not like the idea of putting down thoughts on paper. However, writing opens many doors of opportunities. It hands you the ‘key’ to express yourself in a unique way. It also makes it possible to gain information on different topics. To be good at it, students should just start writing today and get their job done without anyone’s help.

The reason why the professor and teacher give assignments is to understand how the students understand the subject. All students are different, some successfully cope with their tasks, and some cannot do it without additional help. However, whether lazy students, procrastinators, or writing abhorrers, they are all capable of self-improvement by following the guidelines provided in this essay.

What Is the Value of a College Degree: Persuasive Essay

Growing up, the word ‘college’ is everywhere. Whether it’s at school or family and friend gatherings, it seems like you are repeatedly told how earning a degree can benefit you in the long run for your future. People would say, “A good education will take you farther than what love will”. It is so easy to say to yourself, “Why is going to college or earning a degree so important?”. What you don’t understand prior to starting college is that you aren’t just earning a degree. You are learning preparedness, organizational skills, independence, and accountability. All of these are fundamental tools to build a solid foundation for your future, and they come in the form of lessons.

For many people, earning a college degree is critical to their accomplishment in today’s retail. Having a degree makes accessible connections that may not be available to you otherwise. A degree enables you to certify for these supplementary opportunities and bid more compliance in where you elect to work. More engagements are feasible to degree-holders than high school graduates, but the actual jobs are further reachable.

Following a college education also bolsters your approach to opportunities by bridging you to a deep-rooted chain of colleagues, advisors, professors, and mentors. Degree earners can expect a level of support from this network that is not available anywhere else. Over the development of your course, this grid can free gates and attach you to corporation commanders with whom you can contribute to design and analyze contemporary endeavors.

As the world diversifies, career advertisement evolves with it. Accomplishing a college degree will help you master individual artistry and nature essential to generate a living in the field of your expertise. It will also manage you in insistence as the demand for proficient, college-knowledgeable employee progresses to soar.

On your path to receiving a degree, you will boost your intelligence which will give you an aggressive dominance in the professional market. In college, you have access to rigorous coursework and experiential learning connections that will branch you with the dexterity to compose you further alluring to organizations.

Obtaining a degree will also benefit your industrial establishment and cohesion for you and your family’s future. Children of college graduates are more likely to attend college and follow their dreams. They will see how earning a degree ensures a financial future and will give them all of the benefits that come with a degree.

In today’s professional advertising, constructing and cultivating an efficient chain is vital to advancement. A positive facet of earning a degree, from interning to volunteering, is constructed to encourage people who can further fashion your future. Taking advantage of the various job fairs and career advancement assets that scholars have access to is a tremendous way to establish that degree to work. It also puts you in the driver’s seat for your own career path.

In addition to gaining skills, there are opportunities to polish yourself that will become an important part of your valuable career path. Acquiring a degree is freeing in an odd way. It boosts your tenacity and affords a realization of accomplishment. The hunt for higher education gears you to grasp convoluted tests and overcome hardship, committing to an expanded bliss and curtails stress. There is personal and professional growth that can only come with earning a degree.

Degree holders also appreciate more on-the-job advantages that subsidize a sense of career achievement. Earning a degree has a positive impact on the lives of those who choose to better themselves through education. By allowing yourself to go on to great things, you are effectively granting yourself open sanction for the future. There is also a strong pathway that can lead to furthering your education, which then opens up even my doors.

In addition to paving the way to independence, college also enables you to discover and/or fine-tune your values, beliefs, and goals. By opening you up to a wide range of activities and experiences, you can learn more about yourself and what you stand for, follow and satisfy your curiosity, and discover what you’re passionate about. The college provides opportunities that may not be accessible to you otherwise, which is greatly helpful to your intimate advancement and pathway.

Furthermore, my reasoning for going to college is all of the benefits I just listed. It’s so easy, living in a small town where college is not for everyone to fall into the line that maybe college isn’t for you. There is some truth to that. College is not for all. College is for the people who have the determination to not just do it, but to succeed at it. Higher education is not easy by any means. Anyone who says it is, well, they are lying, and if it was, well then everyone would have a degree. College is stressful, sleepless nights, aggravating, time-consuming, and just plain frustrating at times. But then, finally, you get your assignment, paper, or test back with a good grade and for just a moment, you can breathe. You realize that maybe just maybe you can do this, and all the sacrifices you are making for it, well, they are worth it and they are paying off. Hard work truly does pay off and those good grades are proof of it.


    1. Shell, Ellen Ruppel. “College May Not Be Worth It Anymore”. Back to the Lake. A Reader and Guide, edited by Thomas Cooley, 4th ed., W. W. Norton, 2020, pp. 667-70.
    2. Rampbell, Catherine. “College Graduates Fare Well, Even Through Recession”. Back to the Lake: A Reader and Guide, edited by Thomas Cooley, 4th ed., W. W. Norton, pp. 672-76.
    3. Rosenbaum, James E. “Beyond College for All” Russell Sage Foundation, 2001.

Describe a Life Event Which You Feel Has Prepared You to Be Successful in College: Personal Narrative Essay

Since the age of 5, I’ve been taking piano lessons. Every year I complete a piano exam, which requires me to learn 3 new pieces of music to play. Perfecting 3 pieces of music takes a lot of hard work, effort, and time. There was one exam in particular that made me learn a key lesson in life and that I feel prepared me to be successful in college.

It was the day of my second piano exam. I was standing outside in the ice-cold autumn air outside my front door with my dad, ready to leave. As we drove to the train station, you could see the sun peeking over the horizon. We arrived at the train station and entered the train carriage.

The train ride felt like forever. I was gazing at the clouds going by, oh how I wish I could live on a cloud. I visualized the image in my head. I could be leaping from one cloud to another, living carelessly, without any trouble. I felt the smooth texture of the clouds underneath my hands. But on the spur of the moment, something hit me. It was called reality. Just at that moment, my imaginary bubble burst as my father shook my arm, indicating that it was now time to get off the train because our destination had arrived.

After a brisk 15-minute walk, we were sitting in the waiting room. Stark white walls. Cold serious voices. My fingers were brittle. I could barely coordinate taking the lid off my water bottle, let alone run my fingers along the keys of a piano.

I felt juxtaposed against the dull feel of this waiting room. A frail, thoughtful-looking receptionist scribbled on a small notepad on her desk, greeting students as they entered. She wore thin-framed glasses connected with a silver chain around the back of her neck. A small clock on the wall was meticulously ticking every second, breaking the silence of the room. The time between each tick on the clock seemed like minutes, rather than seconds. My fingers firmly clenched my knees, and my legs frantically moved up and down like a sewing machine.

“Emily Cicurel?”, a voice called.

I walked over to the hallway, where a lady in a pink flowy dress greeted me. “Hi Emily, I’ll be your examiner for today”. She smiled as I followed her into a small room at the end of the hallway.

I walked to the piano sitting in the middle of the room. I took a huge, deep breath before sitting down and attempting to familiarize myself with the grand piano. It was very different from the one at home. I admired the craftsmanship, both inside and out. The jet-black wood of the piano seamlessly wrapped and curved around the tightly stretched strings on the inside. The black exterior was contrasted with the wood and bright metallic internals. Two hundred and thirty strings stretch the span of the instrument. It is said that beauty is not only skin-deep but also extends throughout the inside as well. This piano was no exception.

I felt dwarfed by the instrument and once again noticed my sweaty palms clenching each thigh. I peered at the examiner who was now sitting behind a large, wooden desk. A tall glass of water and a bowl of lollies camouflaged a selection of ballpoint pens. She ripped out a piece of paper from a bag on the floor beside her, then glanced up. Staring directly into my eyes, she nodded her head and asked me to begin.

I took a deep breath, adjusted my position on the red velvet piano stool, and steadily positioned my fingers on the keys, performing my first piece. Each piece had its own character, and I tried to include some of my own as well. Twenty-two minutes later it was all over. I shook the examiner’s hand and left the building.

One month later, a large envelope arrived. It was my piano exam results. I carefully tore the envelope and reached my hand in, inside was a certificate saying I passed with a distinction. I was relieved.

This event in particular made me learn that after the challenging obstacles I faced, and countless hours of early morning practices, the black and white keys represent a sea of success. I learned how to prepare for the worst outcome and hope for the best outcome. Not only had I graduated with my 2nd piano exam, but I had also learned ruthless dedication and persistence. All this, I am convinced, is absolutely necessary for my successful studies in college. College is a kind of survival school, a place where my further professional and personal prosperity depends on success. I am grateful for that exam, which I feel has prepared me for what lies ahead.

Essay on Why Is College Readiness Important

The Brookings authors did some further evaluation of their own on the influences of excessive faculty course-taking. After analyzing a national consultant database of U.S. students and controlling for academic, demographic, and individual-level variables, they found that, on average, superior high college publications do little to prepare students to succeed in university courses.[1] Brookings also looks to have busted the delusion that college students function higher in topics that they first studied in high school. For example, college students who took a year of excessive college economics earned a closing grade in their college economics category that was solely .03 factors higher than college students who had by no means taken the subject before a ‘trivially small’ difference that was authentic even between college students who took the actual equal college course.

These findings fly in the face of the common faith that taking certain excessive school lessons is a vital part of university preparation. Brookings provides a few feasible explanations, and together with that college students are without a doubt studying the ‘wrong’ things in high school. Despite taking advanced courses, many students may additionally now not ‘sufficiently focal point on the essential wondering commonly wanted in college.’ There is additionally the unlucky opportunity that college students without a doubt neglect what they’ve learned, regardless of what type of class they discovered it in. Brookings’s evaluation notes that the ‘very mild gain from prior coursework’ they detected could be defined through ‘the little data that is retained from excessive school.’ The authors further note that, notwithstanding Common Core’s focus on nonfiction and argumentative writing, at least some top universities doubt whether excessive faculties have developed the ability to teach students college-level writing.’ As a result, some have refused to exempt students from entry-level writing requirements, even if they earned pinnacle rankings on the AP English exam.

As for solutions, the Brookings authors endorse giving colleges ‘more freedom to scan with progressive and experimental courses that may be greater beneficial to students in the long term.’ This ought to imply professional and technical education (which Ohio already does sincerely well), however, it should also include College Credit Plus (CCP). CCP is an incredibly new application that affords students the risk of earning high faculty and college credit at the same time. All Ohio students are eligible to take part (provided that they have reached a college readiness benchmark), and college students who pick out to earn credits through a public university aren’t charged for tuition, textbooks, or fees.

Why Is Going to College Important

A college education is a fundamental higher education for high school graduates. In this regard, a college education opens doors to infinite opportunities in the job market, including but not limited to finance, economics, law, nursing, and even literature. The U.S. view of college education is based on knowledge and workplace-related skills instead of personal growth and general intellectual development. Hence, a college education exists to teach knowledge and specific skills essential in the workplace environment. Despite the high college fees, which are incredibly daunting, obtaining a college degree is ultimately the fundamental step for success. This paper will thoroughly explore the research question, “How does a college education affect an individual’s success rate in the U.S.”

This study’s research findings will be based on essential elements related to conveyance, study articulation, identification of key terms, study design, study feasibility, clarity and precision, applicability, generalizability, and descriptive data conveyance. At its core, this study’s research problem attempts to illustrate the relationship between two variables. Thus, the research problem will give room to carry out a systematic investigation for assessing empirical data focused on the significance of this study topic. With this in mind, how does a college education affect an individual’s success rate in the U.S.?

While it is true that getting a college degree is worth it, failing to do so positions a person to difficulties, particularly finding a job in the workforce. The U.S., like many other countries in the world, presents quality formal education in distinct units, including apprenticeship, university, college, secondary school, primary school, kindergarten, and preschool. In early childhood, education supports a child’s development with essential programs below the age of 3, subject to an entry-level of 3 and 7 years of age for primary school. In addition, children can instantly interact with educators and peers in kindergarten and nursery schools. In the U.S., “kindergarten” terms imply an earlier primary education level. Higher education levels are referred to as post-secondary education, middle school, and high school education. Accordingly, college education manifests in two forms: postgraduate and undergraduate education. Hence, a college education is primarily provided in universities and colleges. Upon completion of a college education, graduates are awarded academic degrees, diplomas, and certificates.

In society, a higher college education entails working toward achieving a professional qualification. According to Florida National University (2019), higher education is fundamental in national economies, where social services, research, and teaching are often emphasized at graduate, postgraduate, and undergraduate levels. In the U.S., each state is made up of many universities. However, studying in the U.S. is often confusing when a student does not understand the words used in higher education. Some of these standard terms include;

    • Accredited: A university or college recognition that it practically meets the national or regional standards. Governments, schools, and employers globally recognize professional degrees from accredited institutions.
    • Affidavit of Support: The affidavit of support is a statement that proves an organization or individual’s adequate funding for covering the living and educational expenses of international students studying at either a university or college.
    • Assistantship: A monetary aid offered to graduate students to fund tuition for research and teaching assistant services.
    • Associate’s: The associate is offered by a university or college after completing a study program for an average of 2 years. However, some students need to enroll in a four-year bachelor’s degree course for their career choice.
    • Bachelor’s: In the U.S., and other parts of the world, a bachelor’s refers to an undergraduate degree offered by a university or college.
    • Career Services: Career services including workshops, counseling, and other resources at universities and colleges that help students find jobs and internships or graduate program applications.
    • Core requirements: These are fundamental courses that are required for students to earn a professional degree.
    • Course: The standard classes on specific subjects.
    • Credits: The specific units indicating that a student has completed courses.
    • Curriculum: A study program comprising of school’s set of courses.
    • Degree: A title or diploma offered to students after completing a particular study program offered by a university or college.
    • Dual degree: A study program offered by a university or college to receive two degrees.
    • Enroll: To enter a course or school as a participant.
    • Financial Aid: The money given to students to fund educational expenses and tuition fees.
    • Humanities: Professional courses on human principles and life, such as literature, music, art, religion, foreign languages, philosophy, and history.
    • Institute: A body established for research purposes, usually headquartered in a university or college.
    • Loan: A financial aid given to a person with an agreeable return period.
    • MBA: A Master of Business Administration degree.
    • Ph.D.: A Doctor of Philosophy degree.
    • Plagiarism: Using an author’s ideas and words without proper acknowledgment. (McKean, 2005)

In the U.S., studying for higher education offers many opportunities. Florida National University (2019) claims that getting a college degree is a ticket to having a better-paying job. According to Stringer (2017), about half of students in the U.S. think high schools have done tremendous work to impart to them with vital skills and knowledge required for college studies. However, others believe that getting good grades is more essential than learning (Stringer, 2017). In terms of development, the education world is rapidly changing at an unusual rate, and a shift is made towards learning and teaching skills to catch up with societal knowledge (Brock, 2010). On the other hand, economic and social outcomes are strongly affected by education, including but not limited to social connections, family stability, health, and financial success. Hout (2012) suggests that groups and individuals less likely to pursue college education suffer significant losses compared to traditional students. The study conducted by Hout (2012) revealed that nations, states, and communities significantly benefit from populations with higher levels of education, implying that social returns exceed private returns. Obtaining a college education significantly contributes to the “American Dream.” Author John Cassidy (2015) stated that “getting an education, particularly a college education, is a key to human betterment and prosperity.” Conversely, college graduates earn about $78,000 annually, which is 75% beyond the average value of $30,000 (Bahney, 2019).

The individual success rate in the U.S. is affected by different education levels. Baum et al. (2013) identified primary indicators attached to employment patterns and earnings through a holistic approach, including civic participation, public assistance programs reliance, and health-related behaviors. In this report, the argument is that students with high education stand a higher chance of being employed, and for this reason, succeed faster. Over time, the financial returns significantly differ time with different gaps in earnings. In terms of morality and societal upbringing, students with higher education are more responsible and contribute towards nation-building (Baum et al., 2013). Unlike high school education, college education better positions middle-income adults to rise to the top. To achieve success, Habley et al. (2012) argue that students must significantly showcase an unrelenting strive for persistence, including self-regulation, engagement, commitment, and motivation.

Why Do You Want to Go to College: Personal Narrative Essay

I want to go to college to be able to provide for my family. To start my own dream of opening up a business to help and inspire others to do well for themselves. I want to achieve something the other women in my family were not able to do. I want to be the one who brings a watershed into my family’s life where we won’t have to be face to face with struggle every day. In this essay, I do want to share what type of motivation they make for me.

My great-grandma came to the country to become a successful woman before the 1950s with the dream to start a clothing business. She used to make amazing dresses for herself. She didn’t become successful due to her having kids with my great-grandfather whom she met. Men around her didn’t see a purpose for her to live a dream she doesn’t need because she had a man to do that work. My family has always gone through struggles. From starting from being limited to how much food they can eat in a day, to hand-made clothes made by my great-grandmother. She ended up having 12 kids. She made sure that all of them were fed and clothed with everything she can provide. She birthed my grandmother whom I respect so much as well today. She had a love for cars. That was her thing. She always wanted to open an auto body. She still mentions it to this day. She went through a patch for years. My mother sadly started using. My grandma took my siblings and me under her wing. My mom was hardly around for 4 years. My grandma took care of all of us. She used up all her money for food. She’d buy us clothes. She sacrificed her dream of opening up an auto body for us. I had recently lost an aunt to cancer late last year, so another group of kids came her way. I can see the stress in her eyes. But she does it all out of love. My mother got out of the reach of drugs about a year and a half ago. She just had a child with her new boyfriend. But she still lives with my grandmother. We all do.

I sit and wish I can do something to help. But with school, commuting, homework, and sports I don’t have the time. My grandma is still working when she shouldn’t be. When I get into college and am able to pursue my dreams, I will be able to get my grandma out of debt. Help my mom with my younger sister. As a present-day generation of my family, I want to be the first woman to actually fulfill my dreams, and going to college is the first step to that.

Essay on the Consequences of Skipping Classes

During my first semester as a freshman college student, I took General Ed classes like the rest of the students, and as a part of it, I had to take General Biology, which I hated. General Biology did not have a mandatory attendance policy, so I ended up skipping most of the classes because I was familiar with the topics from high school. Little did I know that the content would be a little more difficult than high school, so I did not do very well in the exams and ended up with a higher C in that subject. My example is just one example of the consequences of skipping classes.

As recent studies show, with the exception of failing a subject exam, skipping one class can lead to repeated skipping, which becomes a habit. This can potentially have a negative impact on your academic performance, as by not attending classes, you risk losing points associated with your final grade. Skipping now may only affect you a little, but in the long run, it is a lot more than being a little behind.

Skipping class is easy when you don’t see the money side of it. Each class session you skip at an in-state, public university costs approximately $30. Even the average student skips at least 240 times in four years, and as a result, college students end up spending around $7,200 for skipping class (Sara Dignan, 2016). Nina Luksana, a student at New York University, says that she skips big lecture classes around seven times per semester in discussion-based classes, with that, the 14 lecture classes Luksana skipped this year cash in at a total of $718.20 (Maxine Joselow, 2015). Parents and society as a whole are trying so many things to give the younger generation an opportunity to get a college education, but kids still skip classes. Even though the cost of college is too expensive for some, the ones who are fortunate enough to get a college education shouldn’t get away with skipping 15+ classes a semester. The cost of college is enough for people to handle, but it really adds up when students skip class because of little to no attendance policies.

Skipping classes is a big problem that an attendance policy can be a good solution to. Colleges should make attendance one of their top priorities because without it students will skip too much and some may never attend, waste their money, and succeed far less than someone who regularly attends. Of course, even with an attendance policy, students will still skip classes, but it would hopefully motivate them to not skip as much as if there wasn’t one. In the absence of an attendance policy, students will skip at their own will instead of at their own risk. Even though students are adults and can make their own decisions, everyone needs a little motivation sometimes. They’re costing themselves money, and there is a direct relationship between skipping class and GPAs. Now, if you were paying thousands of dollars and you wanted to skip class, but you knew you’d risk your grade and waste money, would you?

Essay on Reasons Why College Is Important

In a simple definition, a college is a place or institution where you pay to study and eventually get a diploma to increase the chances of people getting better jobs and earning more money. But the truth is, college should be more than that. It is supposed to be a place to sharpen your skills and creativity and prepare you for the life ahead. It is the place to define your career goals and plant seeds that you will later reap. Sadly, my college days suck! I’ve got too many things I regret I didn’t learn and do during my college life that I’m sure would greatly affect my grownup life now.

Here are some of the things I wish college had taught me. I’m allowing you to know it and do it all while you are in college (and not end up regretting it, like me). This might be the key to empowering yourself after college and living a successful life. Read on.

Things I Wish College Had Taught Most of us

You are on your own

The first thing that one should learn in College is that you are definitely on your own. Many of us are miles away from our parents and thus, you are in charge of your own life from this moment on. So empower yourself, acquire the power of self-discipline, and don’t be afraid to make your own decisions! College is the start of the real world. If you don’t work hard and defeat procrastination then you will fail. If you did something great, you get recognition.

The parent’s advice is great. A friend’s advice is better at times, but your advice is best when you are in college. Because the truth is that you often already know the answer to your questions. You just need to have the courage to answer them and more courage to do them.

Start investing

One thing that I’ve learned in College is that it is really expensive. There’s rent to pay, books to buy, projects to complete and before you know it, you are just way off your student loans. And unless you are living in the Upper East Side, you probably have parents who can’t afford it all. So start taking part-time jobs, learn about finance management, and make investing your top priority.

Successful entrepreneurs know that it is never too early to start making money and to start investing. If you have extra money, no matter how small it is, don’t just let it sit down try to put it into something that would give you a return. You can invest from a risky stock market to a safe savings account. Research first before you invest. Finding a mentor to guide you to choose the right investment would also be a great idea. Often, banks have savings and investment plans designed to help a young person get started investing with limited funds, so you can also ask banks for advice.

Importance of building the right connections

As early as college, you need to choose the circles you want to belong with and the right connections; because often, they are the ones who you will be dealing with, whether it is on the business or personal side. “It’s all about who you know”. These connections are the ones who can help you land a job, hook you up for an apartment for rent, a business partner to help you reach your career goals, or simply a friend in need. Your roommate might be your maid of honor, your nerdy laboratory partner can be the next Steve Jobs and the person sitting next to you in your journalism class can be your future spouse.

Learn to take risks

While you are in college make sure you explore every possible avenue, find new experiences, be open-minded, and take risks. Yes, be an attacker while your spirits are at their height. Well, maybe not all. Just try the risk worth taking and avoid those that are stupid like taking drugs or cheating on your final exams. Successful people know that the courage to put a risky vision on the line is the key to breakthroughs and success. By engaging in new behaviors, you would know your limits, practice decision-making discover where you are truly good at, and later build self-acceptance.

Surely I’ll get a lot of negative feedback when I say that college is not about education. It is about immersion in a community. The degree itself is just a small percentage of what it teaches students. Important things in life are also learned like the examples mentioned above. So do you have any other things you wish college had taught you? Comment on the space below. You can also share some of your memorable college experiences and tag your friends too, we will be happy to read them.

Essay on Why Is College Education Important

Chattanooga is a city with great fortune. This city is the root of some of the most popular celebrities of all time. People like Samuel L Jackson, Usher, Thouxanbanfauni, and Ben Curtis are all from Chattanooga TN. There is also one very special college in Chattanooga. This college is The University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. Chattanooga always holds a special place in my heart like my granny’s cooking. This University is the university where my parents met, and if it weren’t for this university then who knows where my free as a bird spirit would be today. I am very thankful for this school in a weird way. All of the memories, new experiences, trials, and tribulations my parents went through affected my personality, and my social skills which are both very diverse.

I always wanted to know about my parent’s collegiate experience. For example, My mom and Dad both worked at a hotel. My mom would go to Sam’s, buy soul food, cook it, and then sell individual plates out of her dorm room. This hustle paid my mother’s tuition and the bills for her apartment. My dad’s major was finance. I think that what he learned in college has shaped my understanding of business and how money works. My father also pledged toward Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. My mother also met my godmother, who is one of the nicest people I know, in college, I have been meeting my dad’s frat brothers for a good chunk of my life. I can’t say that they’ve had the same effect on me as my godmother has, but the guys I have met are some cool people. My mom and dad met during their freshman year of college. The dorms weren’t ready for the freshman students, so my parents had to take a shuttle to school and stay in a hotel. My dad was gazing at my mom from the back of the on the first day of classes. From that moment forward my parent’s relationship would lead to my parent’s relationship evolving into the person I am today. Ever since I was a child my parents influenced that college was important. The idea of college may have stuck well with me because they wanted better for me. They are the reason why I want to not only go to college but go to a college of the same or higher competitiveness. I want to show that intelligence runs in the bloodline of my parents and through me and on to my children and grandchildren. I want college to be the definition of greatness for my family. So when someone sees my children they understand that they aren’t perfect, but they are intelligent and the roots that my parents set are the reasons why my children and grandchildren are intelligent because no one can take that away from them. No matter how many possessions they have, or the amount of money they make my future generations that will inherit my last name will understand that education is key.

In conclusion, the events that led to my birth all happened around this college campus. From my mother’s innovative thinking to my father’s party and wild attitude. A Lot of people told me that I was just like mom or they would say I’m just like my dad. I would never believe them. However, after hearing these stories I understand why I act the way I do. I understand why certain situations can determine the future. Understand way more now than I did then. Weirdly, you could say that this college has become a part of me and my identity. I want future generations beyond myself to experience education at a higher level. My parents worked hard to instill education into me and their full potential was not reached. In other words, my parents could’ve been better. I want my children to know that I never reached my full potential. However, as long as they are willing to push themselves beyond what they think are their limits, the opportunities are endless