Essay on Personal Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

A personal code of ethics is a set of written principles that govern an individual’s behavior and decision when confronting ethical dilemmas. They are unique to each individual in accordance with their beliefs, morals, and values. Thus, individuals must adhere to their codes of ethics because it applies to both personal and professional lives. The purpose of my code of ethics is to guide me through difficult situations and ensure that I make the correct decisions during my professional development and various leadership roles. Overall, I will share a small autobiography, several ethical theories, and a list of actions I have either taken or wish to take in accordance with my goals.


In contrast to the way others perceive me, my perception of myself is somewhat different. Many of the closest relationships I have with people see me as a strong and courageous person. According to them, my decisions, way of approaching fearful events, and refusal to surrender demonstrate my strength and courage. Additionally, they view me as a sincere and intelligent person based on my love to learn, solve problems, research unanswered questions, and can understand a person’s true intentions based on their body language, tone of voice, and interaction with others. People also tend to view me as admirable and honorable due to the stubbornness, selflessness, loyalty, and justice I demonstrate to people whether or not I know them. Additionally, most people view me as an introverted person because I like to sit back, observe, analyze, and weigh my options for situations or conversations as opposed to answering right away. Ultimately, part of me believes that it is important how people perceive me to be because their opinions can help me become the person I wish to be. However, I also believe it does not matter because those same opinions can limit me to reach my full potential in life.

In correlation to what others perceive me, my perception of myself is similar with a few differences. For example, I agree that I do not easily surrender when faced with challenges because I am aware that when I accomplish the challenge, regardless of my success or failure, I am one step closer to becoming the person I desire to be. Additionally, I believe I am selfless and just towards people because even if I do not personally know them I intend to care about their safety. On the contrary, I do not consider myself intelligent but rather wise because I view the world differently than most people. Normally people are satisfied with basic knowledge and their roles in life. However, I prefer to have a deeper understanding of the material I learn and believe there is more to life than the basic routine everyone is enslaved to in life. Thus, I only hope people find their purpose in life before it is too late. Overall, I view myself to be stubborn, courageous, wise, justice, and selfless.

In relation to both perspectives, I have a few ethical beliefs that define my decision-making process. Firstly, I believe it is important to have personal and professional integrity and loyalty to both oneself and others. Secondly, I believe people must have the courage to be able to face challenges and their fears to extend their limitations and reach their full potential in life. Thirdly, I believe one should selflessly defend and protect others who are unable to do so for themselves, whether that means advocating for the underrepresented or physically protecting them from danger. Fourthly, I believe the world and many situations are gray instead of black and white (or right and wrong); thus, people should be open-minded since anything is possible and there is never one right answer. Lastly, I believe in justice and equality because everyone should have the same opportunities in life no matter who they are based on age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or nationality.

Ethical Theories

One of the ethical theories that are critical to my code of ethics is a mixture of both ends-based and care-based thinking. The ends-based theory holds that an action is right if it tends to promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Additionally, it is theorized as consequentialism or teleological philosophy since the focus is on the results rather than motivation. As a result, the purpose of ends-based theory is for the betterment of society as a whole. On the other hand, case-based thinking partakes in the criterion of reversibility. According to that concept, one should test the morality of an action by putting themselves in the other person’s place by reversing the situation. Thus, encouraging us to promote the interests of others instead of setting limits on our actions. The purpose of this theory is to empathize with others and consider their needs. My ethics code is based on both of these theories because I believe that it is important to help and care for the maximum number of people. Ultimately, I believe the best way for a leader to grow is to help others regardless of the consequences.

The second ethical theory that is an important part of my code of ethics, is the dilemma paradigm. Based on the dilemma paradigms, I have the ability to analyze a situation with two equally valid answers and decide which path to take based on my values and goals. When analyzing the individual v. community paradigm my values tend to lean more toward community than individuals because I desire to help society rather than individuals such as myself for the greatest good. Moreover, when it comes to short-term v. long-term, I usually lean towards the longer term, because I believe it is important to think about how one’s decisions and actions affect the future. Additionally, when examining truth v. loyalty, I lean a bit more toward loyalty because from my perspective it is far more important to remain devoted and faithful than to stay truthful. Regarding the fact that I have witnessed both sides of the paradigm and have seen the negative consequences of telling the truth, which resulted in jeopardizing several lives. Overall, it is difficult to find truehearted people because even if they always tell the truth they may not always want the best for you and may limit your potential in life.

I will…

In reference to the frameworks that I discussed above and others that we discussed in class, I have generated a list of statements that contains actions I already take in my daily life, or actions that I want to act upon, but do not yet do so, or not as much as I should. By acting upon the following statement, I should be able to create and reach my goals, as they will help me become the leader I desire to be in the future.

I will never change who I am for others as I stay true to myself by defending my morals and values even when they are disfavored. I think that this statement is important for a couple of reasons. Firstly, every person is unique in their own way, this makes the world more interesting based on all beliefs and perspectives. Secondly, if people do not appreciate others for their uniqueness then they do not have the capacity to create positive change in the world because in order to change the environment they must be flexible, open-minded, and most of all creative. For those reasons, I learned that every person is as unique as their fingerprint and due to that uniqueness we all have an important role in life. Ultimately, one should never change their originality for the sake of others because no one can be the person they were meant to be.

I will find the courage to do what is right, by adhering to the higher standard of personal conduct, leading by example, and making difficult decisions under stress and pressure. This statement is important to follow because people tend to get what they give. Giving value to those in need will help them and will often inspire them to help others in return. Additionally, doing the right thing is how one becomes the person one wants to be in the future. In the result of bringing the right people into their life to succeed in their goals and potential. Also, many individuals who have had the courage to do the right things have been highly rewarded in life. As a result, having the courage to do what is right is not always easy but it is the first step to becoming selfless and changing the world for the better.

I will never surrender nor allow despair to conquer my life; for my purpose in life is not to live in luxury but to positively transform the lives of others. I have experienced many difficulties in life that I do not wish upon others, whether it was a lack of food, health, economics, or shelter. Additionally, I have witnessed and have a firm understanding of human violence, abuse, and negligence. Based on that knowledge my greatest desire in life is to help those individuals find the light in the darkness. I have experienced the fear, humiliation, and isolation of these unfortunate situations, but I have also learned that by trusting a person all those problems can be solved. That is why I wish to become a person that positively transforms the lives of others. Thus, I will never surrender to help those in need even if it means my sacrifice.

I will accept neither betrayal nor corruption from those around me as power and wealth means nothing to me unlike the happiness, security, or peace in people’s lives. Similarly, to my third statement, I have seen how both betrayal and corruption have destroyed many lives, including materially, financially, and even physically. That is why I quickly realized that I could not trust people for two reasons: 1) I do not know them, or 2) I know them and their true intentions. Additionally, I learned that trust is difficult to earn, easy to lose, and impossible to restore once lost. Especially, if it was to gain power, wealth, or some type of material because this says how little they value you. Ultimately, loyalty and trust are important values for leaders to have and give in life because they will allow leaders to reach their full potential.

I will be open-minded to all situations as it does not matter whether one is right or wrong but rather to understand the circumstance and have the ability to lead through them. Being open-minded can help me gain greater insight into new ideas and topics. Additionally, it allows me to create a more flexible and adaptable personality, which can help me become more reliable and reasonable in any career setting. Being open-minded, also means there is no unnecessary judgment and needless strife, but rather giving me an opportunity to build stronger and long-lasting relationships with those around me. Lastly, being open-minded could also help me become more humble, selfless, empathetic, and intelligent by opening my mind to the possibilities in life. Overall, having an open mind can help me reach my goal to become the leader that I want to be.


In summary, as a leader, I will use my code of ethics to ensure I make the correct decisions during difficult situations and during my professional growth. Additionally, I learned that my perception of myself differs from how others perceive me. Even though I see the importance of how people perceive me, I believe that those same individuals can do more harm than good to my potential. Furthermore, a few ethical beliefs I currently define in my decision-making process are to have personal and professional integrity, loyalty, courage, selflessness, justice, and equality. In correlation to that, two of my ethical theories that are critical to my code of ethics are the dilemma paradigm and a mixture of both ends-based and care-based thinking. Aside from that, this course has helped me define, and find the importance of developing my personal code of ethics, which I will use when making decisions in difficult dilemmas. Ultimately, it will be interesting to see how my code of ethics and I change over time as I continue to develop into the leader I dream to become.

My Ethics My Codes of Life: Reflective Essay


Ethics according to me “are the golden rules of practice that direct an individual’s behavior and conduct in a professional setting. In this assignment, I elucidate ethical codes in line with my profession and self; by being in the Concurrent disorders program as a student and novice in this field. Codes 1 to 4 summarize ethical codes linked to work and Codes 5 and 6 are pertaining to the Personal code of ethics.

Code 1

Point: I will be honest in all practices with my clientele population

Expansion: As a student/intern/trainee of the Concurrent Disorders Program, I will demonstrate credibility, honor, and truthfulness to the clients I deal with at the placement. I will not misuse any resources available to me for my own benefit and I will also not concoct fake facts or divulge information to the public or to the Individuals I deal with.

Code 2

Point: I shall strive to promote the development and growth of my client

Expansion: I will strive to promote the overall development and growth of my clients by ensuring they receive appropriate care, welfare, and services in a timely manner. I will not devalue or demean my client’s deficiencies.

Code 3

Point: I value and respect confidentiality in the matters I deal with

Expansion: As a learner and beginner in this field I will maintain and uphold confidentiality in the sensitive matters I deal with including client reports, personal information, and my organization’s professional confidential plans and practices. I will not disclose any confidential information unless asked by law or related authorized governing bodies. I will also not break confidentiality without my client’s consent.

Code 4

Point: I shall always keep my knowledge and skills updated for the welfare of my clients and for the contribution to this field

Expansion: I will always keep my learning trail updated and embark on finding new pathways to educate myself and enhance my knowledge in the field; so that my clients and organization can benefit most from my knowledge and skills.

Code 5

Point: I shall not engage in personal relationships

Expansion: Being a student and novice in the field I will uphold the qualities of being professional and will try to communicate and act by being respectful of the client’s privacy and personal life. I will not attempt to break the professional boundary at any cost with my clients, colleagues, agencies, and other related individuals I deal with and communicate with.

Code 6

Point: I will not discriminate against any individual I associate with

Expansion: I value and respect every individual’s personal and professional identity. I will not discriminate against anyone based on their color, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sex, or any background and status in society. I will be non-judgmental in my attitude and behavior.


  1. Essays, UK. (November 2018). Ethical Issues in Addiction Counselling. Retrieved from

IEEE Code Of Professional Values And The Manner In Which Individuals In The RSS Should Follow The Moral Dilemmas


information technology is a relatively new discipline and continuous innovation. IT professionals are ethically ethical with changing discipline, changing discipline, ethical discipline based on limited discipline – with a special precedent or cumulative wisdom. Discipline does not change much with the growth of ethics in the industry, although significant changes occur. Moreover, some predict that problems with the most powerful code of conduct around the computer have not been revealed yet. Of course, the Code of Ethics is a tough challenge for IT professionals, in fact, ‘although the computer revolution is often described as’ technical, ‘but the reality is primarily social and ethical’

Professionals, employers, intellectuals and students recognize the importance of ethics for IT practitioners. For example, according to an international survey by Information Systems Professionals, over 90% felt that professional standards had to be enforced. An Australian survey by Information Systems Professionals and Educators revealed that morality was one of the most important aspects of undergraduate degree programs for students. Another Australian study comparing student student prospects with student student expectations has revealed that there is significant importance to business ethics in business ethics.

Rights vs virtue

The ethical field is widely applied in various fields. There are several ethics relevant to the ICT industry. The objective of the report is to explain all ethics and professional ethics relevant to the ICT sector. The moral theories and the related themes for information technology cover each detailed description. This report highlights the contrast and contradiction between different moral theories.

It gives an explanation of the rights of all the rights of the general public, and allows the public to accept or reject it. An activity or choice If the function or assumption of the privileges of other people is to be considered morally right, The owner’s assumption is usually two times (not accurate). The first is God’s rights. This thought declares that the rights are from God. This assumption is erroneous on the basis that there is no evidence that God exists. One of the wrong censorship of rights is the right granted by the government. In the state’s recognized rights, the legislature selects the right activities. Some think that governments have endorsed the recognized rights of the state. The current human rights, legitimate rights and legally binding rights. Human rights are not respect for any nationality and religion. The legal right is that a person is approved in a legal framework

Virtue Ethics

This is to define some kind of function based on the character of a person, or distinctly morally definite performance, in a certain way or in the performance of the process of that process.

Following are three main elements of this moral theory:

Judaism: This is the core of the code of ethics that says that a person’s prime intent is saturation. The main goal of a happy life is a personality trait that can contribute to good.

Ethics of Protection: This is the second factor in practical ethics that suggests the importance of collaboration, community and relationship above the collective standards and impartiality. It supports the well-being of the rest of the community and the guests and for the well-being of the people. Product based Theory: This agent evaluates a certain process or judging ethics based on ethical and moral feelings.

This theory is appropriate to the information technology field in the context of a number of activities that are morally ill-founded by IT systems. For example, downloading content from the Internet to movies and other rights is a general practice performed by every other user. It is ethically wrongly regarded as theoretical. However, it is morally correct by justifying the ethics of ethics to justify the unity of the individual. It says that content has been uploaded for fun and entertainment and has been shared with friends and family. Such activities are said to be inaccurate.

Rights Ethics

The Second Theory of Ethics relating to ICT and its content is the Theory of Human Rights. First and foremost, legal rights when discussing rights to a person. Every citizen of this country is entitled to be provided by the state and federal government. In addition, there is another right that is called natural rights. This theory is based on the second rights, such as thought, belief, customs, and freedom.

These principles apply to the IT industry, as it assesses certain actions measured on the basis of the rights granted to each person. For example, there are specific rules in every country and impedes people’s ability to restrict the content of a particular website on a content that condemns a person or condemns the government’s content. However, this moral theory aims at the individual to use his / her belief and expression

Theory Of Relativist

Morality is a code of ethics relative to the customs, traditions and standards of one’s society and culture. Among some of the events that have been named morally rightly based on the norms of the law, the other is called a moral error by the other community or society. It is appropriate for the world of Information and Communication Technology. For example, YouTube is a site blocked in some areas. Also, there are a number of organizations that allow Facebook and other social networks to use apps. Some people do not allow them to use such terms. The main reason for this is the negative impact on the productivity of employees. However, there are no restrictions on these applications in other parts of the world due to non-justification of the use of terms like YouTube and Facebook based on the standards of society.


The root cause of this theory is the cause, the object and the self. By means of various sources and sources of living. Objective is the way to choose the person in your life. Includes selfish content and motivation. The theory of objectivism is based on these values. In accordance with this theory, the Code of Practice in any ICT activity in the Information and Communication Technology world. For example, from now on, the downloading process of copyright contents of the website discussed under the Code of Ethics is fair. However, this act may impose. legal penalties and punishments, leading morally to the same process under the theory of objectivism.

Theory of Objectivist and Relativit

Relativity is anything that the person thinks of a person definitely determines what is ethically based on right or wrong. Politely, one does not feel the same to someone else. This may be due to various questions. The so-called hatred can be identified by isolating both a good and a bad person outdoors. When deciding the public, it is called traditionalism. However, objectivity is expressed by the idea that good and evil is what is good and what is bad for people to consider it.


This moral theory is that a certain activity is morally correct and that these consequences are in no way harmless. The following two fundamental principles are related to the following moral theory:

The results or consequences of this process determine that the action is right or wrong.

This act correctly determines the positive effect of the Act.

There are many forms of this theory, such as Theravadaism. That action, or the importance of human well-being or the wellbeing of the process, is of utmost importance. On the other hand, chauvinism says that a person’s greed is a matter of high concern

This theory applies to Information Communication Technology and its related activities. Based on other ethical principles, the actions of the information technology industry are justified by the moral consequences of their negative consequences. For example, indexing ethics has been named morally as if indexing is done for personal gain when downloading free of charge free content. The uniqueness principle acts morally as a failure of the proprietor of the process. There may be legal obligations for user and content providers. The main consequences of this action have been called upon to harm the parties involved in the moral and moral misconduct.


The theoretical theory of ethics is the theory of a certain function of a function that is based on the control or duty associated with it with the level of compliance. The outcome of this process of action is to consider not only the consequences or consequences but also the adherence to defence law.

This is true in the field of information technology. There are several guidelines and rules associated with this section. For example, there are a number of project management methods defined in project management. The customer will need to connect with each project. The Waterfront module is only when the customer starts and closes. If a project is operating, the customer should not be involved after completing the specific sprite, if it is operated by an appropriate method. That act is regarded as a moral lie. In accordance with these rules, the customer may need to review and consult the project manager or other member of the project team.

Consequentialist vs Deontology

Satisfaction with the satisfaction of a definite result means that they do not follow the principles and guidelines set out in Deontology by following standards and control in specific results. When you have a specific promise, it is correct to follow the guidelines by following the correct guidelines.

Code of ethics and competence as standards for IT teaching and enterprise

The ICT Code of Practice records the moral and professional responsibilities of ICT. The Code of Practice should give advice on what society expects to accomplish in practice, what their friends expect and what each is expected of. In addition, it is necessary for the public to be notified of the code-specific duty code for the profession.

A two-party international computer association, one that is approved by CS and ACM, is a guide for members of ICT professionals. This code was created by a multinational task force with additional inputs from industry, government positions, military installations and other professionals from professionals in the profession.

In the only spirit that creates ethics, the IEEE Computer Society and ACM’s IT professionalism and salutation will help this code make the code a more effective tool. Publishing studies in these cases, the adoption of a supplementary census, the development of curriculum, working workshops and collaboration with licensing agencies and trade unions.

Problems with information technology

The importance of IT is important to our lives and is confronted with serious ethical challenges and is confronted with the challenges of IT specialists and IT users. With the advent of the emerging market in emerging IT systems, many IT professionals and users are not aware of the challenges posed by these technologies. They face major challenges, such as information technology, privacy, security, copyright violations and computer crime. Many criminals are very keen on the development of loopholes in technology. Cybercrime has become a profession that has become increasingly advanced since IT has been greatly assisted in the speed, flow and accessibility of information technology. Many businesses and organizations are at risk of becoming a cybercaster every day. Most, all businesses did not have digital networking

Security: With the tools of the Internet, any computer or system has become hacked as long as they connect to the Internet. Hackers can access to users’ computers and use hackers to collect data on for their own sake (Internet addressing) address. Also, whenever we use the internet, there are a wide range of cookies using the Internet, and information providers have been exposed to fraudulent and conflicting situations. Many large companies decide to determine these products or services that we can promote. When connected to the online banking, money can be transferred, hackers can easily suspend it, and all the money is transferred to their desired accounts that affect the bank using their banking technology using banking.

Privacy Issues: We have been able to share information and communicate information over the Internet. It even exploits our privacy. There are many ways in which we exploit our personality

Using the Web Web Cam, experienced computer users can cast any website of any online computer and they will give access to your personal life, most popular people are victims of these online stalkers. (A good example is that Dawn Raviva spied out of a room of a student at Rutgers University.)

Using social networks, the main concept of these networks is sharing your life with them new and old friends, however, piercing this window means photos when you take your photo during your lifetime, they Like to send it out to their friends who do not like you, you can expose yourself to the wrong intentions to use your data, and the skin Credits have been published to spy on their social networks.


This report on the IEEE Code of Professional Code of Ethics is also proud of how IEEE members should follow professional policy ethics.

At the end of this report, the Code of Conduct will enlighten on ethics and will help to understand the moral theory by understanding the importance of the IT business and the understanding of moral principles. Following the morality and the correctness As IT experts as well as the moral issues in this report have been recorded as IT features, a way must be found to prevent such a moral shortcoming. In addition to this report on the IEEE Code of Professional Values and the manner in which individuals in the RSS should follow the moral dilemmas,

Code Of Ethics: Ethical Framework Or Process For Resolving Dilemmas

Section one: Describing and Defining

The development of a code of ethics in an organization or country is based on the premise that ethical behavior is at the core of every profession. The Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) adopted a new code of Ethics on National Social Work Week 2005. Therefore, the Code of Ethics sets forth values and principles to guide social workers’ professional conduct but cannot guarantee because ethical behavior stems from a social worker’s commitment to engage in ethical practices. However, as much as it cannot ensure professional conduct, it is used to evaluate professional conduct among employees or social workers in organizations (Azzopardi & McNeill, 2016). Therefore, in Canada, each territory and province is responsible for the regulation of the ethical code of conduct among the social workers and ensures the protection of the public. Every social worker is therefore required to conduct any relevant regulatory body and establish if they conform to any code of ethics.

The thinking for the development of the code of ethics in Canada was due to the recognition of individual and professional diversity. This event is because there are reasonable differences of opinion which exist among social workers in which values and principles should be given priority in a particular situation. Lack of professional code of ethics, employees might end up engaging in conflicts because of behaviors that might affect the others, whether knowingly or unknowingly. These codes of ethics were therefore developed to ensure that social workers are aware of any conflicts between personal and professional values and on how to deal with them responsibly (Edwards & Addae, 2015). Second, the code of ethics was developed because ethical behavior requires due consideration of issues and judgment. It is possible to have conflict social and employee issues and therefore to respond to these issues appropriately there is a need a set of ethical code of conduct which will serve as the standards for analyzing the issues and finding solutions.

I believe these codes of ethics will help promote ethical behavior at work. In as much as they do not guarantee social worker’s ethical behavior, they provide a framework through which employee behavior can be regulated. Hey, serve as the principal code of conduct in which any behavior outside the established code of ethics is considered to be unethical and subject to an established organization or legal rules (Reamer, 2015). Currently, we have witnessed an incidence where employees have been misused in their organization, these code of ethics it will enable the management to treat all employees as equal and think from their perspective as well.

Section Two: Ethical Framework or process for resolving Dilemmas

The efficiency through which ethical dilemmas are resolved depends on the framework adopted by the organization or the party resolving the conflict, there, the regulatory authority or the labor union. A useful framework involves identifying the problems and parties involved in implementing the course of action and monitoring its progress. Different ethical frameworks have been developed to help in resolving dilemmas involving social workers in their code of conduct. Such frameworks include the ICAEW Ethical Framework and CASW Ethical Framework.

The ICAEW Ethical Framework/model

This ethical framework has been developed to govern the behavior of accountants in England and Wales. ICAEW stands for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Therefore, based on the provisions of the code of ethics for the accountants, all ICAEW members are expected to demonstrate the highest standards of professional conduct and to provide for the public interest (Stockall & Dennis, 2015). Their ethical behavior plays a vital role in ensuring public trust in financial reporting and business practices and upholding the reputation of the accountancy profession. For any ethical dilemma, this framework can be effectively be used to solve social workers’ ethical dilemmas in the code of conduct. The framework involves seven essential steps to resolving ethical dilemmas.

The first step involves gathering the relevant facts and identifying the problems. It is impossible to resolve an ethical dilemma without the right information and facts with the issues (Mullaly, 2006). This event helps in reducing common assumptions about ethical behavior. Once the relevant facts have been obtained, then the next step is to identify the affected parties and how much have they been affected. The third step in the framework is to identify the ethical issues in the dilemma being resolved, and this event is achieved by reviewing the code of ethics, which in our case, would refer to the new CASW code of ethics. The analysis of the issues rests on organizational, professional, and personal perspectives to the point. The analysis also seeks to establish if the issues are likely to affect the reputation of the organization and the social work profession and whether they affect or have the potential to affect the public interest (Eaton, 2019). The fourth step involves identification of the basic principles that are affected, such as integrity, professional competence, professional behavior, advocacy, among others. Once these have been established, the next step would be to employ the internal organization procedures of dealing with the issue with the established organization policies. The six steps would be to consider any alternative course of action such as applicable laws and regulations and finally implementing the course of action and monitoring the progress.

The advantage of this framework is that it offers the managers an efficient way of resolving dilemmas in the assessment of the issues from an in-depth analysis and hence enabling them to address the problems from a broad perspective. However, the primary demerit is that the steps may take too long before the issues have been resolved, given the analysis of the ethical issue.

CASW Ethical Framework

This framework has been developed by the National Association of Social Workers to address the ethical dilemma’s involving social workers (Catacutan & De Guzman, 2015). This event is most applicable ethical framework for resolving difficulties among social workers in Canada but can also be applicable in other professions and countries. The framework includes six steps for enabling managers to effectively resolve ethical dilemmas among involving social workers.

The first step involves the determination or company of whether there is an ethical issue or dilemma. Such an issue may arise from a conflict of rights and values or even professional misconduct. Once the problems have been established, the manager would then identify the fundamental values and principles or violated. Mullaly (2006) indicates such key values may include no upholding confidentiality when accessing organization information. The third step according to the framework, is to rank the values, or the principles identified according to the manager’s professional judgment. Then, the manager, after ranking the values and beliefs, will then develop an action plan which corresponds to the ethical priorities that have been determined as central to the dilemma. He will then later proceed with the implementation plan by utilizing most appropriate practical skills and competencies. Lastly, the manager would reflect on the outcome of the ethical decision-making process by evaluating the consequences of the process to the involved parties.

The more strength of this framework is that it can single out the ethical issues causing dilemmas and focusing on it without necessarily focusing on other issues outside the moral dilemma. Thus, it provides the manager with the ability to resolve the dilemma within the shortest time possible. However, its primary weakness is that it overlooks other social issues that might be related to the dilemma, and hence, it is possible to resolve the issue partly.

Section Three: Self Awareness about my Work Ethics

As part of social work, working with children who are abused and facing domestic violence cases is challenging, as I believe, would pose a big ethical dilemma. In a situation where I am requested to make a report about child abuse, and I have concerns over releasing information is a case of a moral dilemma. There, I would be faced with the tension to release the report, and the desire to respect confidentiality. However, there, by applying the NASW code of ethics, there is a provision which requires social workers to acknowledge our obligation to follow legal requirement and to protect the vulnerable then in this case it would be justifiable and ethically correct to provide the statutory report on child abuse irrespective of the confidentiality concerns.

The second ethical dilemma situation is when I am operating as a social worker in healthcare facilities by assisting the physician in handling counseling services. However, I am confronted by a patient missing the physician who requires immediate treatment and in this case, out of my level of competence of the profession. There is an ethical dilemma that this patient may not receiving any clinical attention and help if I do not intervene due to not the physician or any other healthcare professional such as a nurse. However, it is against the social work code of ethics to engage in a practice that is above, my competence level. In this case, I would only be of help to the patient up to the limit of my professional competence and not anything outside that framework.

Section Four: Working through it

After the analysis above, I believe that the second ethical dilemma situation is critical. Typically, we are presented with a job that is beyond our scope of competence. However, given the severity of the condition and the likely consequences to the party concerned, we may end in an ethical dilemma between observing the legal requirements and breaking the code due to other ethical concerns. In a situation where I am working in a clinical health care facility as a social worker offering counseling services to patients, by my professional competence and legal requirement, I am only required to undertake duties as per the limits of my professional expertise.

However, there, a patient visits the community healthcare facility where I am working as a social worker and does not find any nurse or physician available to attend to her. The distance between this community healthcare building and the next facility would worsen the patient situation. I’m faced with the ethical dilemma of helping the patient by prescribing any form of treatment, which could help remedy the situation as I contact the healthcare professions in further directions. By doing so, I would be going against the CASW code of ethics, which requires social workers to offer their services as limited to there are or competence. It is also against the nursing code of ethics for any other professional other than the nurses, and the physicians to administer treatment or any form of assessment outside their scope to the patients. The best services I would have offered would be counseling services deemed to understand the source of the patient’s problems and providing mental health services through counseling but not to offer any treatment help to the patient. It is against the code of ethics for a social work practitioners to engage in services which are outside the scope of our professional competence. However, the desire to help the patient given her condition is quite overwhelming as there is an urgency to help. The ethical dilemma there, therefore, requires an effective model or framework for resolving the dilemma and ensuring the best possible solution or course of action takes place.

After solving the ethical dilemma, I would apply the CASW ethical framework for resolving an ethical dilemma. This framework has been developed by the National Association of Social Workers to address the ethical dilemma’s involving social workers (Catacutan & De Guzman, 2015). This event is most applicable ethical framework for resolving difficulties among social workers in Canada but can also be applicable in other professions and countries. The framework includes six steps for enabling managers to effectively resolve ethical dilemmas among involving social workers.

The first step would, therefore, be to determine whether there is a moral issue or difficulty where, there, indeed, there is a professional, ethical issue. Once I have identified the problems, I would then determine the fundamental values and principles or violated. There, I would look at the violation of scope of practice while denying seeing the patient then would be potentially in conflict with our commitment to promote the well-being of clients. The third step according to the framework, is to rank the values, or the principles identified according to the manager’s professional judgment. There, I would rate the need to promote a professional code of conduct as the number one principle and value and the need to help the patient as the second value based on the impact on the parties or the public interest. This step would enable me to identify the most affected party and the code of ethics or principles and values violated and develop an appropriate actions. Based on the rankings, I would then develop an action plan which corresponds to the ethical priorities that have been determined as central to the dilemma and later proceed with the implementation plan by utilizing the most appropriate practical skills and competencies. Lastly, I would reflect on the outcome of the ethical decision-making process by evaluating the consequences of the process to the involved parties.

Section Five: Discussion

As a future social worker, I would be committed to observing the professional code of conduct in my bid to advocate for the oppressed, the voiceless, and others who are unable to advocate for themselves. However, to achieve this, I could express adherence to the social work values or promoting service, social justice, dignity, and worth of a person, the importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. My strengths are, therefore, in the ability to uphold the values of social work in my practice. However, my more weaknesses in dealing with any legal situation which conflicts with the benefits of social work as prescribed or any situation which presents an ethical dilemma. However, I intend to improve on my strengths by focusing on how to effectively integrate ethical behavior to my social work practice, by doing so I could analyze the situation and areas which require the application of the various codes of ethics as established by CASW.


  1. Azzopardi, C., & McNeill, T. (2016). From cultural competency to cultural consciousness: Transitioning to a critical approach to working across differences in social work. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 25(4), 282-299.
  2. Catacutan, M. R. G., & De Guzman, A. B. (2015). Ethical decision-making in academic administration: A qualitative study of college deans’ ethical frameworks. The Australian Educational Researcher, 42(4), 483-514.
  3. Eaton, C. (2019). Ethical Dilemmas with Older Adults in Health and Human Services.
  4. Edwards, B., & Addae, R. (2015). Ethical decision-making models in resolving ethical dilemmas in rural practice: Implications for social work practice and education. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 12(1), 88-92.
  5. Mullaly, B. (2006). Forward to the past: The 2005 CASW Code of Ethics. Canadian Social Work Review/Revue Canadienne De service social, 23(1/2), 145-150.
  6. Reamer, F. G. (2015). 18 Ethical Issues in Social Work. Social workers’, desk reference, 143.
  7. Stockall, N., & Dennis, L. R. (2015). Seven steps to solving ethical dilemmas in special education: A decision-making framework. Education and Treatment of Children, 38(3), 329-344.

Position Paper: Importance of the Code of Ethics for Engineers


The Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) value accountability, respect, integrity, professionalism and teamwork [1] and hold their members to a high standard as they represent the field of engineering in their work. The Professional Engineers Act of Ontario regulates the standards and engineering practices for the province and includes a statutory mandate to protect the public interest where engineering is concerned [1]. The Act was created in 1922 and is tasked with maintaining a Code of Ethics that as future Professional Engineers we will be required to follow. Section 77.2.i of the code, states that “A practitioner shall regard the practitioner’s duty to public welfare as paramount” [2]. For all disciplines of engineering, the work we do affects the public and their safety, either directly or indirectly, and we are therefore required to put their health and wellness first.

Before new engineers are eligible to apply for Professional Engineering status they graduate from their undergraduate degree with a ring ceremony. This ceremony, referred to as the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer, directs newly qualified engineers toward the consciousness of their profession and its social significance [3]. The iron ring, worn on the little finger of their working hand, signifies pride in your profession while reminding the wearer of their humility. The ring serves as a reminder to live by a high standard of professional conduct [3] and as it rests on the page when signing off on professional documents, its significance should not be taken lightly.

Reason for Including in the Act:

The Professional Engineers Act, the Code of Ethics, and the iron ring all serve to protect the public by creating performance guidelines and standards and reminding working engineers of the importance of their attention to detail. In my opinion, section 77.2.i of the code is one of the most important as it can be easy to get distracted by other aspects of the job such as deadlines, costs, and pressures and what needs to come first is public safety. If a building is constructed, an electric circuit is implemented, a code is written for an autonomous system, or a chemical compound is created, any of which will be used by the public, it is our responsibility to ensure that every possible precaution has been taken to avoid any injuries or deaths to those exposed. Engineering in general is a precise science and the highest safety standards must always be adhered to. There have been many noteworthy engineering disasters in the past and it is our duty to learn from those mistakes, consign the events to history, and continue to make things safer and prevent more accidents in the future.

One of the most disastrous engineering failures in history is Chernobyl. The nuclear plant exploded in 1986 after plant operators violated technical specifications during an experiment to test a new reactor cooling procedure to be used in an emergency [4]. The operators ran the plant at very low power, without taking extra precautions, making the reactors very unstable. This test was pushed forward by the Deputy Chief Engineer who went against protocol regardless of objections by operators on staff that night. The reactors were not appropriately cooled, and the power output accelerated. This led to an uncontrollable power surge destroying one of the reactors, shattered fuel tubes and caused a steam explosion [4]. The reactor’s core was exposed to the environment and deadly radioactive material escaped, contaminating up to 17 million people. This disaster could have been avoided if the proper process controls were in place and the operators had received adequate training [4]. It is catastrophic errors like this that we need to learn from and feel the weight of in order to take our profession seriously. When there are human lives involved, even the smallest tasks can make a difference.

Importance in Overall Strategy:

The Code of Ethics, and ‘ethics’ more generally, is a set of moral principles to be followed, an outline of what is right and wrong. Most sections of the code seem like common sense to most, as they are thoughts and actions that most people would deem immoral without obligation and would not consider doing. However, they are written in the code specifically so that there can be no question as to what is expected of an engineer in practice. For section 77.2.i, when it brings the welfare of the public into the code, this should be a very obvious statement for anyone reading it. Morally, none of us should be doing anything at any time that we know could be harmful to another. Even though this seems apparent in everyday life, for it to be enforceable in the workplace it must be in the code. Therefore, if your profession expects that you meet the public’s needs and provides you with the authority to make decisions on the building of structures, delivery of power or operation of a machine, for example, a statement imposing the protection of public health and safety is necessary.


Professional engineers generate products that create wealth and overall economic benefit to society, but also have the potential to cause harm to the public if incorrect decisions are made [5]. The PEO is the regulatory body in the province for the Professional Engineers Act and therefore the Code of Ethics. The governing members are trained individuals who together, after a formal hearing, decide if there has been professional misconduct. It is the obligation of the PEO to not only define the regulations and ethics which the engineers must follow, but also to ensure that their members are held to those defined standards. Section 72.2.g of the Act states that “Professional misconduct means a breach of the Act or regulations, other than an action that is solely a breach of the code of ethics [1]. Persons or companies found to have failed to comply with sections of the Act are disciplined appropriately. However, the Code of Ethics is not enforceable on its own as moral are subject to opinion and there is no clear lines of right vs wrong. Section 77.2.i regarding public welfare is covered by other sections of the Act, such as 72.2.c, 78.1, 33.1.4 and 52.3.e, all of which are considered professional misconduct, and is therefore reprimandable. The enforceability of the Act ensures that members who fail to maintain the expected standards of practice are subject to an objective disciplinary process that will determine whether there has been a failure to meet the prescribed standards [5].

The following is a summary of an example of a P.Eng. facing consequences due to professional misconduct which put public safety at risk. The accused member, Waldemar M Widla (Widla) was a professional engineer holding a certificate of authorization working for Fulton Engineered Specialties Inc (FESI) completing structural engineering tasks. FESI worked together with other engineering firms to install a solar panel array on the roof of a building partly owned by Widla. Under the agreement, FESI was responsible for providing and installing the attachment plates for pull-out force that were supposed to be in accordance with the structural design completed by another company. The building was sold in the middle of the project and Widla was notified that the building permit was still outstanding. A letter was required by a professional engineer confirming that the solar panel work required to be done was in accordance with the structural drawings. Widla signed and sealed a letter from FESI stating that all work completed followed the issued drawings. In fact, Widla had not inspected the work nor did he inspect the drawings. After the building sold it was discovered that Widla’s statements had been false and despite being advised that the work was not completed as required he took no steps to correct or amend the work or the letter. Widla and FESI were found guilty of professional misconduct for signing and sealing a letter to a building official that failed to make reasonable provisions for the safeguarding of life, health or property of a person who may be affected by the work. Widla’s licence and FESI’s certificate of authorization were suspended as a result.

Conforming to this Code:

I find this section of the code an easy one to conform to as it fits in-line with my personal morals and standards. My past work experiences have also been in line with the ethics outlined in the Act and have therefore been positive work environments to be a part of. I spent 5 years working as a Health and Safety Specialist for JAtech Services, owned and operated by Jay Armstrong. Jay is an engineering technologist specializing in machinery vibration and diagnostic testing. He believes that “going home safely at the end of the day is the most important aspect of any job”. As a company completing non-invasive mechanical testing on equipment the work is not considered high risk in comparison with the industry standard, however there is always room for human error. Jay believes that “as much as work safety can be pushed on the job site and during training, it comes down to how safe each individual plans to work each day”. It is easy to be distracted on the job, but it is just as easy to focus on what you are doing in a critical situation and make smart choices. As a future engineer I believe these statements hold true whether someone works with their hands or spends their work days in an office. Each and every time a decision or calculation is made health and safety concerns must come first. Mark Baird, P.Eng. believes “A professional engineer seeks to apply their sound moral reasoning, technical competency, communication ability, and ethical behavior to all situations they are faced with, both on and off the clock. I will know that I am truly a professional engineer when other people see me as someone who possesses those traits”. Mark works in the manufacturing industry and considers himself lucky to be part of an organization that holds its members accountable for their actions.

I completed two co-operative summer student positions with London Hydro and was very interested to lean how large a role public welfare played in this profession. Of course, in regards to potential contact with live circuits public safety was the number one priority. However, even smaller tasks such as removing a retired hydro pole involved numerous safety standards in place to not only protect the workers but also the public. Standards on how to place traffic cones around a stopped vehicle depending on the work and type of road, standards on the height and amount of fencing required around a hole that would be left open between work hours, etc. There was always consideration for how long people would be without power during a scheduled or incidental outage as summer and winter conditions can put people without power at risk.

Ethical behaviour is crucial in the workplace as an engineer. Safety is closely related to ethical behaviour, and part of our duty as an engineer is to ensure the safety of civilians with everything we do and create. Safety is the number one priority at almost any workplace, so it should take priority over anything. I personally think that this is one of the most important part of our code, mainly that people should not be afraid to stick up for what they think is right. It is part of our humanity to feel guilty when we notice something does not abide by our standards or morals, and we will feel guilty if we do not do what it is right. As hard as it may be to go against what others are saying, it is so important to make sure that everything with my signature on it is something I am proud of and something that I know will not jeopardize society. The main thing that must be kept up in my career is that remaining ethical is not a static issue. It requires review and evaluation. Companies need to periodically review their priorities and make necessary adjustments. Otherwise, their standards and training become obsolete.


  1. Professional Engineers Ontario. 2018. PEO. Accessed February 6, 2019.
  2. 77.2.i, Code of Ethics. 1990. “Regulation 941. General.” Professional Engineers Act, R.S.O. P.28
  3. The Corporation of the Seven Wardens Inc. 1922. The Calling of an Engineer. Accessed February 6, 2019.
  4. Mackay, Caroline. 2017. “Engineering Failures: Chernobyl Disaster.” Engineering Institute of Technology.
  5. Sal Guerriero, P.Eng. 2003. “Code of Ethics – a misnomer?” Engineering Dimensions.

The Necessity Of Engineering Ethics

Ethics is the formal study of morality. Engineering ethics are the standards of an engineer. Engineering ethics helps to improve my decision making skills. It also helps to improve my public and private behavior when interacting with people. Codes of ethics teach me to put the safety, health and welfare of public at first and makes me a responsible engineer (casually, legally and morally). We know different code of ethics serves different purposes. These codes also allow an engineer to object the unsafe practices not just a matter of individual conscience but with the weight of entire profession. By violating these code of ethics an engineer may lose its license as well.

Engineering ethics also helps to deal with complexity of problems in projects that an engineer face while working in a firm. It also helps me to improve my special knowledge and intellectual skills on professional level. It also teaches me how to cooperate in a group especially when working on a project. It also helps me to boost my confidence. As an engineer in company code of ethics also teach me to avoid all the conflicts of interest because it seems to be unethical and due to perceived deception we may lose the trust of our client that we are dealing personally or professionally. These codes teach to avoid bribery in all its forms and also helps to appreciate the efforts of others. These codes also state as an engineer it is our duty to treat all persons fairly regardless of their race, cast etc.

After code of ethics there are several NSPE code of ethics that we learnt in this course as well. An engineer should not affix its signature to any plan or documents dealing with subject matter in which they lack competence and shall not accept finances from then one party at a time on the same project unless agreed by both parties. Working as an engineer in industry engineering ethics also teaches us to keep the information of their clients confidential and always prefer to the company in which they are currently working. An engineer should be loyal to his company and never reveal its secrets. By virtue of being a professional engineer it is also a duty of an engineer not to reveal the trade secrets of its former company/employ. Engineering ethics also helps me to enhance my ethical skills. It also teaches to avoid injuring other by false or malicious actions.

In the end engineering ethics helps us to remain positive and to think more deeply about the concerns. It also helps us to rebuild an ethical community. It is the core part of who we about to become in future. This whole course also teaches me to put the safety of others first, to think creatively in difficult situations, to deal with others when working in a group, talk to the clients confidentially, to ensure our design have the best possible impact in other person life and always benefits best interest in people.

Ethical And Legal Implications In Nursing


This essay will depict ethical and legal issues involved in nursing, and each of the matters will be attributed to the provided case study to identify the ethical and legal steps that would have been taken during the scenario. The legal and federal boundaries are applicable in nursing under any circumstances. In addition to this, nurses should also act in an ethically manner to ensure the Standards of Practice, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. As, the medical practices and associated technologies are being updated rapidly, nurses need to take care of their decisions to prevent any risk of legal liability (Park et al., 2014). On the other hand, they should also be aware about ethical implications of their actions and inactions. Given case study involving a 70-year old patient, Mavis, it is necessary to determine the most effective actions according to the legal boundaries as well as ethically responsibilities.

Based on the provided case study, both ethical and legal limitations have been considered to assess the actions that are taken to handle Mavis. Each of the actions has also been evaluated with the help of legal or ethical standards, which are relevant to nursing, along with those that contradict it.

Ethical Issues

Situation and Possible Actions: When Mavis was attended after the second day of her operation, her conditions have worsened from the last night, and she was noticed, as she suffered from anxiousness, disorientation and confusion. She forced to go back home and think to start work, it reflected that she frustrated, which might be the effect of the drugs. In this situation, it was necessary to review her medication which was done by the in-charge nurse and was reported to the shift coordinator. When the nurse came back from reporting to the shift coordinator, Mavis left her bed and went to the visitor’s room. she not only opened up her gown, but also her dressing sponge was circulated from the surgical wound and faeces were smeared on it. Even, her IV cannula was opened up, and she was bleeding from there. Now, as Mavis was detected to be disoriented and confused and it was unethical to leave her unattended during the time (Cherry and Jacob, 2016). The nurse could have reported the shift coordinator by leaving someone to guard her or after providing the assurance to her before leaving the room. Moreover, as the nurse wanted to cover her and guide her to the bathroom for washing up, Mavis refused any form of assistance and even aggressively prevented the nurse from accompanying her in the bathroom. Under these circumstances, it would have been unethical to disregard her privacy and forcibly entering the bathroom even for washing her was inappropriate. However, faeces on the surgical wound can cause infection, it would also be unethical to let a delusional patient take care of herself. In this situation, it is necessary to call for additional help from other senior nurses or doctors for take care of the bleeding and wound contamination immediately.

Actions Taken: As, in-charge nurse left Mavis unattended and reported to the shift coordinator, it is considered as unethical to leave an elderly disoriented patient alone and in fact, led to further complications when the nurse returned. However, reviewing the medication and reporting it to the professional superior is part of the nursing practice and should be performed appropriately. This is a case of an ethical dilemma for the nurse as abiding by the nursing practices contradicted with the most profitable decision in that situation (Epstein and Turner, 2015). Mavis further started removing her clothes, it was responsibility for the nurse to handle the situation calmly by asking for extra help from the co-ordinators. Her hygiene needs to be maintained first to prevent further infection on the surgical wounds and the nurse should have to guide her in the bathroom. In fact, take care of the patient should have topmost priority of every nurse to prevent nosocomial infection. Despite the refusal of Mavis, the nurse wanted to accompany her in the bathroom without her consent, which was not considered ethical as per according to the age and mental condition of Mavis. So, it was necessary to provide assistance, but nurses should prioritize the goodwill of the patient over her own personal beliefs and decisions.

Implications: The actions, which was taken by the nurse needs to be evaluated based on the ethical guidelines and norms in nursing Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics and RN Standards of Practice as well as based on the need of the situation. As per Copeland (2020), the Code of Ethics for nurses consist of 9 provisions that help them to make necessary ethical decisions, when interacting with patients. The 3rd provision in the Code of Ethics states that the nurse should promote, advocate and protect the rights, health and safety of the patient. On the other hand, provision 4 states, that the nurse responsibility, accountability and authority to make decisions of nursing practices and provide optimal care to the patient (Copeland, 2020). Now, when it evaluated carefully and these two provisions are contradictory to the ethical principles of nursing, when it comes to making a decision for Mavis in the case study( Butts and Rich, 2019). The first of the six ethical decisions state that the patient’s autonomy and self-determination should be respected at all times. In the case of Mavis, despite struggling to go to the bathroom and wash up the wound herself, Mavis refused any form of assistance from the nurse. Now, in order to respect the autonomy of the patient, the nurse would have to consider risk of health and safety of the patient and nullify her own decision-making authority. This is indeed an ethical dilemma that nurses experience when it comes to treat patients. In addition to this, the second and third principles of ethics state beneficence and nonmaleficence for the patient, which represent doing good and avoid any harm that might occur to the patient. As, Mavis was contaminating her surgical wound with faeces and her insertion site of IV cannula was bleeding, the most appropriate ethical decision was to offer her assistance to wash up. However, Mavis’s refusal to accept any assistance needed to be granted to promote her autonomy over her own decision. On the brighter side, a special case could be made as Mavis was an elderly citizen and was genuinely disoriented and hence, incapable of making sound decisions. In contrary to this, when it comes to senior citizens, patient falls the 5th leading cause of death (Kangasniemi, Pakkanen, Korhonen, 2015) and Mavis clearly being old and delusional had chance to fall off in the bathroom and she had been left unattended during the wash-up. The nurse could take this into account and prioritize the nonmaleficence ethical principles over others and forcibly washed up her wound and put back the IV cannula to stop further bleeding while calling up superiors for help. The ethical principles of beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy and justice can be explained with the help of ethical theories.

The Deontology ethical theory states the upholding of duties when it comes to other individuals or society and makes consistent decisions. As mentioned, respect for autonomy and justice should be maintained by a deontologist, even if it causes harm to the patient or is least beneficial (Paquette, Sommerfeldt and kent, 2015). On the other hand, Utilitarianism is based on the consequences of action, and the one that has the greatest beneficial outcome should be pursued. The autonomy of the patient can be violated by a utilitarian if the action would yield more benefit to the patient as compared to her own decision (Wagner and Dahnke,2015).

Legal Issues

Situation and Possible Actions: Along with the ethical actions, there are some legal limitations as well that nurses have to follow when taking care of their patients. Additionally, they are legally obliged to provide some essential services to the patient to ensure their well-being and safety. It is necessary to determine the legal issues and dilemmas, when dealing with elderly patient as in the case study. When Mavis was first assessed after her operation, her vital signs were all under the normal limit, although it altered slightly during the following day. The heart rate was elevated to 92bpm, and blood pressure has decreased to 105/70. Despite looking pale, her body temperature has increased to 38 C. Although, proper medications and IV infusion were given and her health deterioration could be implied legal steps, if it was found that the medications were not appropriate. After sometimes, Mavis became aggressive and she said to attending nurse go away, she clearly looking disoriented, confused and anxious. In such scenario, the possible actions to avoid any legal implication is to review the medication and check side effect of the drugs, which were given to her. Also identify the any factors which can contribute to establish this kind of behaviour.

Next, it is necessary to inform a professional superior about the patient’s condition like the doctor or shift coordinator as the involvement of a superior would prevent any legal actions that may arise in the future regarding the health condition of the patient. However, it should be kept in mind that under such circumstances, a patient cannot be left unattended and should be guarded by some healthcare professional at all times (Griffith and Tengnah,2017). Failure to do so might result in the patient harming herself and against the nursing policy, which might even lead to the termination of the attending nurse. When Mavis started removing her clothes, it is the legal responsibility of the nurse to maintain the integrity of the patient. Covering her up with some clothes or offering her privacy inside a confined room is the ideal way to do so. As for the smearing of faeces in the surgical wound and opening up of IV cannula resulting in bleeding, this could lead to harm of the patient and considered malpractice and negligence on the part of the nurse. For this reason, based on the reports in National Association of School Nurses (2016), taking immediate actions to wash up the wound and putting back the IV cannula is important to prevent any legal actions. As she refused any assistance from the nurse, forcing her to wash up would result in a violation of the autonomy of the patient, which again might face legal steps. Attempting to assist her in the process calmly is the only way to prevent the patient from any harm.

Actions Taken: The nurse left Mavis unattended to report the medication review to the shift coordinator. While her decision to inform a professional superior about the prescribed drugs was appropriate, leaving the patient unattended in such circumstances can have legal consequences. Moreover, closing the door of the visitor’s room to give privacy to Mavis when she removed her clothes was also an ideal decision and immediate assistance to wash up the wound off faecal matter and stop the bleeding would ensure safety and well-being of the patient which is again legally practised ( Cowen and Moorhead, 2014).

Implications: While sources of law can vary from constitution and legislation to administrative and common law, the nursing laws are included under the legislative laws, also known as statues. All the laws related to nursing are included in the Nurse Practice Acts. Under the Tort Law, there are several unintentional torts that can account for negligence, malpractice and even professional negligence (Kass and Rose, 2016). When it comes to malpractice, there are five elements that have legal implications. They are foreseeability, causation, duty, injury or harm and breach of duty. Intentional torts can include invasion of privacy and assault. As, stated in American Holistic Nurses Association, (2018) in order to avoid any such malpractice and negligence, client safety is the topmost priority, followed by application of the five rights that include dose, client, drug, route and time. While leaving the patient unattended was professional negligence, informing the shift coordinator was the causation, which is standard practice under the NPA. When Mavis was taking off her clothes, closing the door of the visitor’s room prevented intentional tort of invasion of privacy. Finally, offering assistance to wash up the wound is necessary to prevent any harm or injury to the patient who is also a malpractice scenario and is subject to legal implications.


As evident from the case study and analysis of ethical and legal boundaries, the nurse attending Mavis acted almost ideally to treat her apart from a few areas. However, based on the legal obligations and ethical practices, some of the most appropriate actions and inactions have been discussed in the essay that would have helped the patient even more.

Ethics In Organisations

Ethics can be defined as doing the right thing when no one is seeing or rather distinguishing between what is right or best and what is wrong or undesirable. It has more to do with one’s character and how you behave when carrying out something. It is not merely the consideration of what is good and best for oneself, but the consideration of what is good and well for others also.

Both ethics and law strive towards determining what is right in human interaction and society. The law does so through employing the power of the state to ensure that all abide by the stipulations of the law, ethics on the other hand does so through values such as the internal obligation like doing what is right opposed to the external pressure of the law. Ethical values include respect, transparency and fairness and adherence to ethical values ensures that stakeholders of the organisation get along well with one another. Integrity is very closely aligned to ethics (Reynolds, 2007). If diversity is managed in an appropriate way this could lead to high morality in the organisation, this would stay in line with ethics and people doing what is requested of them in the right way by combining different experiences, skills, knowledge etc (Rossouw & Van Vuuren, 2010).

Woolworths sells a variety of products such as clothing, food, homeware, cosmetics, devices, wine and accessories. We understand that Woolworths did not follow their own code of conduct given the fact that they used someone else’s product without acknowledging the person who invented it. Because of the current situation that took place in the organisation this therefore leads to employees thinking it’s okay to do unethical deeds.

Without a code of ethics, employees are more likely to make the wrong decisions or do the wrong things because they do not know what is right. A code of ethics is a proactive way of addressing unethical behaviour within an organization. It establishes an organizations values and sets boundaries for adhering to those values.

Sometimes people will see unethical things happening in the workplace but they won’t report it because they fear that they might lose their jobs or sometimes they don’t know how to report the situation especially in a situation where the one doing the unethical deed is the manager of the organization or a supervisor of a certain department

This means doing something because everyone else does it. In most cases the thing that everyone is doing is wrong, but it will seem like the right thing because everyone does it. Eg when everyone in an organization takes pads and pencils home for their siblings, a person who is not really familiar with the rules and regulations or who is new to the organization will see that as the right thing

This usually starts at the top, because the people at the lower level look up to those at the top level. Meaning it is the duty of the manager to set a good example for his/her employees. If the manager does something wrong, the employees will do the same thing thinking that it is right. Eg let’s say your boss goes home whenever he feels like, you as an employee will do the same thing because he/she did it and because your look up to them

Woolworths is committed to upholding human rights, not only with respect to their own employees, but also for workers in their supply chain and anywhere else. Therefore, their policy aims to communicate a cleat set of requirements for their workers/employees as well as their external workers such as suppliers in addition to work with them. This includes:

They provide a safe and hygienic work environment by offering safety training. The accommodation that they provide is clean, safe and meet the basic needs of the workers and lastly, they ensure that the equipment that the workers make use of are always safe to use.

They respect all their workers’ rights to breaks during work. They believe that no worker should work over 48 hours a week, if they want to, they may do it voluntary

They are very strict on this part of the policy and employer/employees are not allowed to engage in acts of bribery. Therefore, it is clear that the policy of Woolworths do promote safety as it protects their coporate reputation and trust in their brands by doing the right thing. It also improve working conditions for a workers in the working environments.

No, this is not the first time Woolworths acted unethically. According to an article in Times live, 7 years ago, a complaint was laid at the Advertising Standards Authority against Woolworths claiming that Woolworths has copied Kwazulu-Natal-based Frankie’s range of retro cool drinks (Njilo & Knowler, 2019).

Based on the article that we read online, Woolworths copied the design of Ubuntu baby carrier that was designed by Shannon McLaughlin. They ordered her stage 2 design and then they send the to China to make the same carrier with cheaper fabric and then they sold it at a lower price. The original price of the baby carrier was between R1300 and R1500. Woolies sold them for R450 (Knowler, 2019). Those made Ubuntu baba lose a lot of customers, because everyone went for the cheaper product as they thought that it was a bargain. Meanwhile they were selling cheap fabric and bad quality to their customers. There was no specific charge against Woolies, because Shannon couldn’t afford it, but there was a lot of social backlash against Woolies and Shannon just requested from the retailor to take accountability and admit to their actions.

Although these facts seem so unlike the operations of Woolworths we conclude that Woolworths indeed did act unethical. They were wrong by copying someone else’s exact product and selling it as their own at a lower cost without permission and acknowledging the owner of these designs and products. This was a very irresponsible act of them to even consider doing something they knew goes against theirs standards, morals and regulations.

The times live newspaper clearly states that Woolworths apologised in a statement on Wednesday 9 January, admitted clearly that they ‘copied’, acknowledging only there were ‘striking similarities’ between their Stage 1 and Stage 2 baby carriers and those of the same name made by Ubuntu Baba’s eight employees at a factory in Retreat. The retailer of Woolworths also admitted towards McLaughlin that this was not in line with their values and goes against the very clear policy and creative guidelines they have in place for their design process but they did not fully admit to copying the product and they are still denying purchasing the stage2 carrier even though McLaughlin has proof of the order and delivery. In other words one of the main reasons why they apologized was because of the pressure of social media that was placed upon them and because it had an impact on their customers. They did not really do it because they felt sorry about what they did but to save their reputation. It’s a business strategy part. Newspaper reference.

We recommend that Woolworths should better their strategic leadership behaviour and their way of dealing with ethical issues. It is very clear that they own an explicit ethics policy and ethical codes but it means nothing for a standardised organisation like themselves if they do not adhere to those codes and policies. They need to put in place or organise constant training on how to deal with an ethical dimension, how to handle situations that involves ethical choices. It would be very wise to expand their information system to focus on areas where ethics may come in handy. Making available support systems for ethical behaviour and allowing the strategic leader to identify ethical breaches so that effective action can be taken (providing more like a zero-tolerance platform). Their ideas and strategic choices should also be thoroughly thought through and thoroughly planned. When it comes to business they should know that they should be informed and doing research should be their best friend. We would also like to advise Woolworths to take full responsibility and accountability when they messed up rather than admitting while beating around the bush and do business better.

Critical Analysis of the Code of Ethics in Intel Company


Ethics is considered one of the branches of philosophy, it was created to defense, systemize, recommend the concepts that concerned with correct and wrong behavior. It attempts to find solutions to resolve some issues that are related to human morality, through differentiation between concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime. (Anscombe and Elizabeth, 1981).

Ethics has discipline applied in many specialized fields, such as engineering ethics, public service ethics, bioethics, business ethics, and most of important and influential companies. For example, ethics in Intel Company.

Intel Corporation is an American multinational corporation and technology company headquartered in California. It is the world’s second-largest and second highest valued semiconductor chip manufacturer based on revenue after being overtaken by Samsung Electronics (Intel, 2007) and is the inventor of the x86 series of microprocessors, the processors found in most personal computers (PCs) (Fortune 500 Companies, 2018).

Intel is one of many companies that considered professional ethics are the basic of dealing with employees, consumers, other companies… etc. This report will clarify code of ethics and CSR (Corporate social responsibility) in Intel Company.

Code of Ethics:

The management department often has the responsibility of ethical codes, it does not to set up a specific moral hypothesis, but because they are considered as pragmatic necessities to control any organization under basic rules in a complex society in which moral concepts play an essential role. They have some differences than moral codes that used in education, culture, and religion of a whole society (Buonomo and Giampiero, 2000).

A code of ethics will start by selecting the significant values that are focused on the code and then will clarify a company’s obligation to its stakeholders. It also contains some details and instructions about the plans of the company to implement its values and vision. In addition, guidance to staff about ethical standards and how to achieve them.

Code of Ethics in Intel:

At Intel, all employees are committed to apply the Code of Conduct, and set expectations for Intel Corporation and its subsidiaries (all of them are called as ‘Intel’), also its members who are non-employee in the Board of Directors, regarding their Intel-related activities. The Code of Conduct must be applied to independent contractors, consultants, suppliers and others who have business with Intel.

If any employee is found to have violated Intel’s Code of conduct, he she will be subject to discipline or termination of work. If any of these laws are violated by any person, heshe will be punished in a civil or criminal way.

In addition, the Code of Conduct sets a standard for its employees in their working together, to create developed products, deliver them in the best possible way, and how to protect the value of ‘Intel’ in general through working with customers or suppliers. all members who work or deal with Intel must follow its business Conduct.

The Code affirms Intel’s five principles of conduct:

  1. Intel Conducts Business with Honesty and Integrity.
  2. Intel Follows the Letter and Spirit of the Law.
  3. Intel Employees Treat Each Other Fairly.
  4. Intel Employees Act in the Best Interests of Intel and Avoid Conflicts of Interest.
  5. Intel Employees Protect the Company’s Assets and Reputation.

Intel Conducts Business with Honesty and Integrity:

One of the values that Intel sees as essential and must be applied and used in a business conduct is integrity and professionalism of a high standard. It puts this value into practice by:

Dealing with consumers and suppliers with full fairness and equal rights; working as a responsible employee, respecting human rights, understanding Intel’s impact on the world, and keeping financial records that contain accurate information to build trust and mutual respect between the company and the client or others.

Intel has strong relationships with its customers, potential customers, products, and services, this relationship was built through marketing with credibility and fairness. Also, accurately preparing financial records and totals in time is a clear reflection of the integrity of the company during its business activities. Intel requires its employees to prepare real reports in their records and it does not condone any record that contains false or fake information.

Intel Follows the Letter and Spirit of the Law

Intel is one of the most important international companies, and therefore it follows the same laws in many countries where it does business in. Intel employees are fully responsible to search and follow with all applicable laws and regulations.

In case of violation, any one of these laws and regulations will lead to serious consequences, whether for the company itself or the person who caused it. So, if you have any questions about one of these legal issues, go directly to Intel Legal.

Some of important and common legal topics that Intel encounters include antitrust, anti-corruption, environment, import-export, insider trading, intellectual property, privacy, and public communications.

Intel Employees Treat Each Other Fairly:

One of the core values in Intel’s conduct is respecting each other’s employees, working as a confident team of abilities. Intel seeks to support open communication among employees and works hard to protect employees from any harassment, unsafe behavior, and discrimination.

Intel provides ‘Open and Honest Communication’ because it believes in free thoughts, ideas, questions, and creativity. Also, it’s highly focused on making jobs equal and discarding discrimination. Intel also seeks to provide equal opportunities for all employees and applicants. It does not take any other considerations when choosing its employees, for example, race, sex, nationality, color, religion, etc. Intel depends on efficiency only.

Also, follow the safety guidelines and laws that apply on its business to ensure the protection of employees, consumers, and the community.

Intel Employees Act in the Best Interests of Intel and Avoid Conflicts of Interest:

Conflict of interest is the interference of personal or family interests of the employee with hisher ability to make a right business decision, for the benefit of the company ‘Intel’.

Intel always tries to prevent its employees from trying to put themselves in a position when their interests are different than its interests, and to avoid taking any decision that might entice them to put their personal needs before the general company’s interest.

Intel is fully aware that conflicts of interest may sometimes occur unintentionally and without any deliberate intent. In this case, Intel advises staff to inform the manager immediately before it gets worse with a comprehensive report of all the circumstances.

Intel Employees Protect the Company’s Assets and Reputation

Intel spends a lot of resources in order to develop and maintain the quality of its assets that are used in business. The company and the stuff have a responsibility to comply with all procedures in order to protect the value of Intel’s assets. These assets contain physical assets, information, Intel brands, and its good name and reputation.

Intel’s physical assets also mean facilities, equipment, and computer and communications systems. Thus, it follows applicable security and accurate use of procedures to protect the company’s physical assets from stealing, loss, damage, or misuse.

At the same time Intel appreciates employee privacy, it considered that the desk, cubicle, or using laptop or computer or telephone equipment are private or confidential, and when it works with private and confidential information, it will take the whole responsibility to save it from any illegal disclosure, changes, or loss.

Intel Corporation employs its corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy to support its business.

CSR in Intel:

According to (Carroll, A.B., Brown, J., Buchholtz, A., 2017), Corporate responsibility is essential to all companies because of the effects of stakeholders on business performance, there are some factors, such as customer conception and brand loyalty. In the case of Intel, corporate responsibilities are addressed by using a different initiatives or programs. Partially, the company accomplishes its corporate citizenship through the Intel Foundation. The Intel Foundation serves as the main body through which the company contact with some stakeholders and implements corporate social responsibility programs to satisfy stakeholders’ interests.

As a leading firm in the semiconductor industry, Intel needs to ensure the satisfaction of these interests. A positive relationship with stakeholders optimizes the company’s business performance by supporting brand awareness and customer loyalty. Intel responds to social and market factors to adjust its corporate social responsibility strategy to ensure the CSR strategy’s long-term effectiveness in supporting business performance.

Intel’s corporate social responsibility strategy prioritizes the main stakeholder groups of the business in the following manner:

Customers (Top Priority)- Investors- Employees- Suppliers- Communities (Miles, M. P., Munilla, L. S., & Darroch, J., 2006).

  1. Customers. Intel’s CSR strategy afford the highest advantage to its customers. This stakeholder group is focused on the quality and price of the company’s products. Customers are important because they have influence on Intel’s revenues and profits. Thus, financial achievement.
  2. Investors are significant stakeholders considered in Intel’s CSR strategy, because they effect the availability of capital for and the value of the semiconductor business. The main concern of these stakeholders is the growth and profitability of the company.
  3. Employees. Intel Corporation values employees as a major stakeholder group in its corporate social responsibility strategy. Employees are important because they directly affect organizational performance, such as in terms of productivity.
  4. Suppliers. Supply chain conditions determine Intel’s business capacity. Changes in suppliers’ productivity can significantly affect the company’s production capacity. Thus, Intel’s corporate social responsibility strategy must consider suppliers as a major stakeholder group.
  5. Communities. Intel Corporation includes communities in its corporate social responsibility strategy. As stakeholders, communities are significant because they affect corporate image and consumer perception.


Intel deals ethically with investors, employees, and customers based on the importance of defining the code of conduct that will be followed with everyone.

Because Intel is a global company, its laws do not accept change or flexibility in case of error or breaking those laws. In order to satisfy all stakeholders, Intel sets these laws clearly before dealing with them to ensure honest and firm relationships during its business activities.

Code Of Ethics For Immaculata University


The fundamental aim of education is to grow an individual intellectually, personally, socially, and spiritually. Four conditions are necessary for this development to occur – intellectual honesty, reasoned discourse, and openness to all forms of constructive change and most importantly, respect for the rights and freedoms of others. This code of conduct is designed to provide such an enabling environment for learning to take place.

The standards expected from students that join Immaculata University are outlined in this code of ethics. A violation of this code will result in disciplinary sanctions and educational interventions from the Institution’s governing authority.


In spite of the diversity of culture, religion, sexual orientation, political and social inclinations, students shall be expected to always endeavor to present themselves in a manner that is reputable both to the members of the University community and society at large. While the University encourages tolerance to all these diversities, the use of foul and insulting language that appears to disrespect and demean others is highly discouraged. Since the University is a training ground for future duties that entail socializing with the outside world, official or smart casual wear is encouraged especially when one is attending classes.

Class Attendance

Whereas a section of your syllabus will entail group work and take-away assignments, a considerable portion of it will involve one-to-one lectures. Students are encouraged to attend all classes as this will help you maximize your learning opportunity as an Immaculata University student. The University may choose to deny students a chance to sit for their exams if they will not have met their requisite condition of having attended at least 2/3 of the assigned one-to-one class hours.

Drug and Substance Abuse

The abuse of illegal drugs such as heroin and cocaine is prohibited within the University premises. While responsible drinking and smoking are allowed within the campus, students are advised to restrict the use of these substances within non-working hours and in places that they are allowed such as recreation centers and designated smoking zones. The use of these substances in public places such as common rooms and lecture halls is illegal as it is considered public disturbance.

Prohibited Conduct

The University considers the following as acts of misconduct:

  1. All forms of academic dishonesty. These include but are not limited to plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, and facilitating acts of dishonesty.
  2. Endangering your life and that of the other members of the University community and engaging in acts and communication that an external party is likely to interpret as being risky.
  3. Violating the disciplinary sanctions imposed for an earlier offense or violation of this code of ethics.
  4. Acts of impersonation, falsification of identity and any initiation of false emergency alarms such as fire, explosions, and acts of terrorism.
  5. All forms of discrimination and sexual harassment.
  6. Unauthorized access to and spread of University material in any form; electronic or otherwise.
  7. Commission of offenses that are prohibited by the Federal, State and Local authorities.

Jurisdiction and Authority

Actions that will be taken under this students’ code of conduct are administrative in nature and not criminal. Thus, students may likely find themselves liable to the University authority under this code even if their actions do not necessarily lead to criminal charges. Moreover, the University reserves the right to press charges against the student even if the public prosecutor has absolved them of the guilt of their act of misconduct and concluding that they do not warrant a criminal proceeding.

Explanation of Choice of Code

The rapid technological advancements in recent times have affected the lives of typical American students in several ways. With a Netflix account, for instance, a student can watch as many Hollywood movies as they want. Although most of these movies have aimed at entertaining and informing their audiences, most viewers have seemingly been drawn more to their negativities. The use of the f*** word and other cursing words have, for instance, tremendously proliferated amongst the young people in recent days. Others have emulated the skimpy dressing of some of the actors even when they are supposed to attend official functions. It, therefore, became crucial for me to provide guidance as far as communication and presentation are concerned in the above code of ethics.