The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas’ Theme Essay and Child Exploitation

“One day they leave Omelas and walk ahead into the darkness, towards a place even less imaginable to most of us than the city of happiness and they do not come back”. ‘The Ones Who Walk Away from the Omelas’ by Ursula Le Guin is a short story about a dystopian society where they sacrifice the freedom of a child for the progress and happiness of a city named Omelas. Its main characters are the boy, the narrator, and the society of the Omelas. In this story, the author uses the narrator to illustrate the sacrifices societies make for the greater good of the community.

The narrator gives the reader the only insight into what is happening throughout the story. The narrator describes their society as utopian, but there always seems to be a sinister tone. One could hear the music winding through the city streets, a cheerful faint sweetness of the air that from time to time trembled and gathered together and broke out into the great joyous clanging of the bells. The citizens of the Omelas live in a serene harmonious environment. However, they took happiness for granted. The narrator says ‘We can no longer describe a happy man’. The Omelas have no feelings of joy and are constantly discriminated against about what is necessary, what is neither necessary nor destructive, and what is destructive.

Although the Omelas usually hold a festival in the pavilion near the starting line the narrator says that there is no guilt in Omelas. In a basement under one of the beautiful public buildings of Omelas, or perhaps in the cellar of one of its spacious private homes, there is a room with a child in it. It is always looked away from the rest of the population and only a few people go there to see the child. The floor is dirt, a little damp to the touch, as cellar dirt usually is. The child is kept there in abominable misery so that the beauty of their city, the tenderness of their friendships, the health of their children, the wisdom of their scholars, the skill of their makers, even the abundance of their harvest and the kindly weathers of their skies would remain with the Omelas.

The children often don’t like seeing the child suffering. They wish they could help him or her out of the misery. They would like to do something for the child. But there is nothing they can do. If the child were brought up into the sunlight out of that vile place, if it were cleaned and fed and comforted, that would be a good thing indeed; but if it were done, in that day and hour all the prosperity and beauty and delight of Omelas would wither and be destroyed. To exchange all the goodness and grace of every life in Omelas for that single, small improvement: to throw away the happiness of thousands for the chance of the happiness of one: that would be to let guilt within the walls indeed

The story goes that sometimes, anyone who goes to see the child does not go home to weep or rage does not go home at all. They may leave home and never come back again. They go into the street, walk down the street alone, and keep walking out of the city of Omelas, through the beautiful gates. They keep walking across the farmlands of Omelas until the night falls. They go west or north, towards the mountains, and leave Omelas into the darkness and do not ever come back.

In conclusion, this story describes a selfish utopian society that sacrifices the happiness of one child for the prosperity of all. The Omelas community exists in the idea of the need to exchange all the goodness and grace of every life in Omelas for that single, small improvement: to throw away the happiness of thousands for the chance of the happiness of one: that would be to let guilt within the walls indeed.

Why Children Should Be Encouraged to Learn Cooking: Persuasive Essay

Did you know that 47% of children who do not know how to cook do not lead a successful life? I strongly believe that all children need to learn how to cook. Firstly, children will respect the hard work that goes into cooking, secondly, it helps children build relationships with family members, and lastly, it will give children an important life skill for when they are older.

First, it is necessary to encourage the child to learn how to cook because in this way children will respect the hard work that goes into cooking. As a child, I did not respect my parents’ cooking. I would throw away much of the food simply because they were ‘gross’. My parents decided to teach me morals by also teaching me to cook. After learning how to cook, I started to appreciate other people’s cooking, while also learning to respect my own. If children are taught to cook, their minds will also go through these positive changes. Teaching children to cook is a powerful learning experience, yet children do not necessarily feel like they’re learning anything important. After all, learning to cook can be a lot of fun. The lessons are big, though. Children who know how to cook understand what goes into preparing food. They may have a better idea of the fact that food doesn’t just make itself.

Secondly, it helps kids build relationships with their families. Studies show that children who bond with their families have brains that develop much faster than children who do not. Cooking, although dangerous, can be done as a hobby or fun activity with family members. The effect it has on the child is truly a miracle. The bonding automatically makes children talk more openly, allowing them to improve in social skills. This will overall benefit the child in many ways.

As an adult, a gourmet lifestyle doesn’t always fit into the budget and expenses. Buying cheap food from the grocery store isn’t completely palatable. If the only thing you can rely on is making your food, it doesn’t necessarily help if you were never taught to do so. When children turn into adults, cooking is a necessity. It is also the cheapest and safest option for food. How can cooking be implemented into your life at such a major point in life? It simply isn’t possible, it needs to be learned at a stage where the brain is still developing. In childhood, cooking needs to be implemented. Adulthood can take a bumpy pathway if cooking isn’t learned at the period when most brains are still developing. When people are adults, they simply do not have the time to learn the art of cooking. Subsequently, they will take more time to make their own food successfully. If all adults already know how to cook, there is simply no problem. They will all be able to cook as though it is the easiest skill to perfect. Cooking is a skill that needs to be put into children’s lives before they are fully grown adults, otherwise, their lives will go through many difficulties.

In conclusion, I believe that parents need to teach their children to cook from a young age. There are many reasons why this is the most important skill. Cooking helps children appreciate food and the way it is made, it helps children build closer relationships with their families, and also it is essential to life.

Essay on Inflated Self-Esteem

Praising children is often perceived as a beneficial way to reinforce your child’s sense of self-accomplishment and achievement. Parents frequently use praise to encourage and motivate their children’s certain behaviours and to boost their self-esteem. However, over-praising your child may lead to adverse effects, such as decreased motivation and self-consciousness (Swann, 2012). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to support the advice that over-praising kids does more harm than good (Chapnik Myers, 2018), by examining two empirical journal articles and discussing the different methods, results, and findings of the studies.

The first journal article I have chosen to examine shows how inflated praise may have a negative effect on a child’s motivation, causing an avoidance to seek out challenges and can increase the fear of failure in children with lower self-esteem (Brummelman et al, 2014). Brummelman et al conducted a study with 240 participants, who were all children aged 8-12, of which 103 were male and 137 were female. The participants were all visitors to the Science Center NEMO Museum in the Netherlands and agreed to participate in the study and received parental consent. The participants were asked to recreate a famous painting and told that a professional painter would judge their work afterward, when in fact there was no professional painter. The finished drawings were taken to a different room, where the painter was supposedly going to be judging them. A few minutes later, the experimenter re-entered the room with a note, supposedly written by the painter. The children who were in the inflated praise condition received a note saying, “You made an incredibly beautiful drawing!”, while the children in the non-inflated praise condition received a note saying, “You made a beautiful drawing!”, and lastly the children in the no praise condition did not receive any feedback on their drawings. The children were then shown simple and complex variations of the same painting and were allowed to choose which one they wanted to draw. They were informed that if they drew the difficult variations, they would make more errors but learn a lot and that if they drew the simple variations, they would not make any errors but would not learn as much. The results indicated that the participants took on more challenging tasks after non-inflated praise, however after inflated praise, they avoided challenging tasks. The results also showed that over-praising children could lead to an avoidance of critical learning opportunities, which could have negative effects on their learning and development. Furthermore, Brummelman et al found that inflated praise provokes defense mechanisms in children with lower self-esteem, which discourages them from activities that may reveal their weaknesses. Brummelman et al’s study supports Chapnik Myers’ advice that over-praising kids does more harm than good, as it shows us the adverse effects over-praise can have on children’s self-esteem, motivation, and learning.

The second journal article investigates how under and over praising children resulted in poorer academic performance and a higher risk of depression (Lee et al, 2016). Lee et al conducted a study with 337 participants, who were all elementary school students. The study population included 118 third graders, 99 fourth graders, and 120 fifth graders, of which 161 were male, and 176 were female. The students gave their written informed consent and their parents were informed of the study and gave parental consent. The participants were asked to complete a questionnaire during class, with questions regarding their parent’s praise of their academic achievements and whether they thought it was inflated or deflated based on their actual academic performance. The questions were answered using a 7-point scale, with 1 being “very much understated” and 7 being “very much overstated”. Their levels and severity of depression were also measured in the study. The results concluded that when students perceived parental praise as an inaccurate reflection of their actual achievement (either under or over-praised), they tended to perform worse academically. Furthermore, students who felt overpraised had higher levels of depression and emotional distress than children who received accurate praise. Lee et al’s study undoubtedly supports the advice that over praising kids does more harm than good, as it demonstrates how over praising children can result in poorer academic achievement, higher depression levels, and emotional distress.

Both studies demonstrate the negative relationship between over-praise and children’s development and well-being. Over-praise often results in lower self-esteem and decreased motivation and work ethic, as children may feel disheartened by over-praise as they may perceive the praise as disingenuous (Swann, 2012). This also hurts the child’s motivation and future learning and development, as children will tend to avoid challenging themselves, which can lead to major academic setbacks. Not only does over-praise have detrimental effects on children with lower self-esteem, but also on those with high self-esteem, as inflated praise can lead to high levels of narcissism and self-admiration (Brummelman, 2017).

While researching different studies, I learned that over-praising children hurts what praise is intended to do – increase motivation and self-esteem. This is important to recognize as parents might not be aware of how their inflated praise may be halting their child’s mental growth and development, rather than encouraging it. This is an aspect that I have only just considered while writing this paper, as typically when I think of praise, I associate it with positive connotations and encouragement. This advice will help me in the future as.The two studies I examined conducted by Brummelman et al (2014) and Lee et al (2016) strongly support the advice that over-praising kids does more harm than good (Chapnik Myers, 2018), by demonstrating the negative effects of inflated praise, leading to higher levels of emotional distress and depression, lower self-esteem and academic achievement, an avoidance to seek challenges, and has detrimental effects on the child’s future learning. After researching different studies, I would support Chapnik Myers’ advice and offer the same advice to any parent.

Essay on Sociological Effects of Divorce on Children

In America and all over the world we are going through an epidemic of early divorces. Back in the day, everyone grew up with the thoughts of everlasting love and the big happy family. In recent years there has been a spike in divorces which most people would not think twice about how it is affecting the children of this generation. Everyone always thinks a child is happy and oblivious to the bad that goes on in the world and at home, but truth be told children are very intuitive. Children who come from a separated family no matter the age at which the separation occurred will have negative tolls. Children of divorce suffer from short-term and long-term emotional trauma as well as the toll the divorce puts on the child/parent relationship.

The first issue at hand is the short-term emotional trauma that these children go through because of being in the hostile environment of parents going through a divorce. In most cases, divorces are ugly and nasty for many reasons. Parents trying to keep the drama out of their children’s lives for as long as they think they can. What they are not seeing is that little Tommy knows mommy and Daddy are not happy anymore and will start to act out. Short-term emotional traumas these children experience are feeling abandoned, feeling like they are the reason mom and dad are not happy, and acting out for attention. When a child starts acting up at school and no one knows why, looking behind closed doors will tell you that it is because they do not know how to react to mommy and daddy fighting.

Now this child is all grown up and is still single, never to have been in a serious lasting relationship.” Difficulties in leaving home and starting school may continue as difficulties in interpersonal relationships at age 16 and as depression in young adulthood.” (Paloson)One will ask why that is, well is it one of the long-term effects divorce can have on children? Children of divorce who have grown up can show long-term emotional trauma such as thinking all relationships are meant to be doomed. Others follow in one of their parent’s footsteps and become chronic cheaters and think it is perfectly normal. Another effect that is seen is the child finds themselves in the exact kind of relationship mommy and daddy had and because they saw the divorce, refuse to let go of the toxic relationship and stay unhappy to be “happy”. It is quite ironic to watch a child grow up and follow the exact mistakes their parents made and expect a different outcome. Not all children handle the separation so well and take it out on themselves, whether it is with drugs, drinking, or even self-harm into adulthood those scars are always present and haunting. Depression and becoming suicidal is one of the extremely long-term effects that can hit very hard and most of the time everyone else is in the dark about it until it is too late and even then help will only help so much after the amount of damage that has been done, can not be undone.

With every major event in a child’s life, there always comes a psychological effect. “There are studies with larger and more representative samples that support the view that marital disruption has detrimental effects on young people that extend into adulthood.” (Zill) Mommy and daddy are distant, they have different houses and sometimes even new families; these children now start to self-blame. Many children will think a divorced and remarried parent no longer loves them or wants them in their life because of the big change in environment. One split parent starts a new family the child will drift towards the other parent not wanting the new and, in most cases, refusing to accept the unwanted change. Children of split custody situations usually become overly attached to one parent and completely distance themselves from the parent they believe is to blame for the separation. In most cases, a child will prefer mom to dad and blame dad for the break. Parents may think that the divorce will not affect their relationship with their child/children when their relationship will never be the same.

However, there are a few cases where the divorce is nice and clean, and the child completely understands and prospers from the separation. Some children like the fact that they get two Christmases’ and two birthdays due to separate households. Two houses, four parents, and new siblings are what make some children happy. Sometimes these children prosper more than children who have tier parents together because the separated parents overcompensate for splitting up. These parents will spoil a child rotten because they do not want to think they are bad parents There is the occasional child who is completely oblivious to the unhappy environment and grows up completely normal to have a happy and successful relationship. A child accepts daddy’s new wife and loves their new baby sister without any resentment whatsoever. Some divorces are completely mutual and there is no hostile environment to expose the child to. While it is not as common some children want the divorce more than their parents and could not be happier about the outcome.

On the whole, divorce is becoming a normal thing. The American dream of falling in love and having a huge happy family is coming to become a rarity. It is not like in the ’50s when people talked about knowing right away, that they were the love of their life, and now forty years later they are married still with children, grandchildren, and sometimes even great-grandchildren. Nope sorry kiddies the new world of marriage end is more divorce than not and, in some cases, even more than one divorce. While it is sad it is also the truth and with this growing trend comes the need for awareness. Awareness for the children who suffer in silence are afraid to ask for help and are afraid to talk about the changes at home that they think are their fault. Divorce creates a hostile environment for children to develop leading to short-term and long-term psychological effects, and the weakening of the relationship between child and parent.

Reflective Essay on the Schooling of Children

Albert Einstein said, “Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its capability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.”

A quote that resonates with most of us, yet here we all are, regardless of our strengths and differences presenting a speech with a preselected topic all using the exact same marking rubric.

Every scientist will state that no two brains are the same and every teacher, parent, and Tumblr post will tell us that we are special, and unique and shouldn’t ever dream of trying to be like someone else. Then why are we all treated like a cookie-cutter frame and attend a one-size-fits-all schooling program? Imagine if a doctor prescribed the same medication for all of us, regardless of whether we had a stubbed toe or had leukemia. This simply stated is medical malpractice yet when it comes to school we have a teacher standing in front of 20 children all with different hopes, dreams, and aspirations having to learn the exact same content.

This isn’t a rant about your teacher session. I believe teachers have the most important job in the world. They are paving the way for a successful future. Teachers are heroes yet we are so quick to blame them. We often forget that they must stick to a curriculum set out by education officials many of whom haven’t even taught a day in their lives. To these officials we are just an examination number and for all they’re concerned, our intelligence is measured by our ability to climb this metaphorical tree regardless, of whether we’re monkeys or fish.

In a schooling system where marks presumably reflect our intelligence, we are now more focused on being able to effectively regurgitate facts on a test than we are to truly learn. If you disagree, rewind to grade 10 when we would all scramble for the previous year’s science tests. Not so that we could further our knowledge or test our understanding with past papers but rather so that we could parrot learn the tests with their memo answers in the hopes of an identical copy being handed to us the following day. Our marks are now prioritized over our morals, sleep, mental health, and overall general well-being.

However, when this is actually prioritized, it’s mind-boggling to think that our quality of learning would increase. Finland has been consistently ranked as the best schooling system in the world and that is because it has completely reformed its education system. Minimal homework, no standardized testing, a shorter school day, the classroom conditions are to promote a holistic, stress-free learning environment and their aim is for students to cooperate; not compete with one another which has ironically ranked their education system number one as a result. If these methods have been proven to be highly effective, why aren’t we following in Finland’s footsteps?

Please don’t interpret this speech as me being ungrateful for my education. I fully acknowledge that I am highly privileged to receive an education and such a spectacular one at that. Without my education, I wouldn’t even have the necessary skills to form an argument against the education system itself.

I can tell you about photosynthesis and igneous rocks and even imaginary numbers, but no… I don’t know how taxes work. No… I don’t know how to change the plug point nor do I know how to cook chicken nuggets without charring them. The schooling system is presumably preparing us for the future world yet remains stagnant in the educational sphere of the 19th century.

We can have personalized ringtones, number plates, and Instagram feeds and someday I dream of a personalized schooling system where fish aren’t expected to climb trees.

Children of Divorce Essay

Divorce happens when two adults decide that they can no longer cohabitate together. What if these two have children together? What happens to them? What impact does it have on kids? Does it impact their schooling? School can be challenging enough for kids but when that kid has a family that is going through a divorce it can make it even more challenging. According to Sasson, unfortunately, “more than 40% of American children will experience the divorce of their parents, which can lead to the upheaval of their home lives and potentially their school work.” (2014)

There are many different statistics out there that support the adverse effects divorce has on children. Children whose parents are going through a divorce can experience lower psychological health and this then impacts their education. Children who come from a home of divorced parents are twice as likely to have to repeat a grade in school. In the early months after a divorce students are less imaginative than their peers.

Many different factors can play into this. Divorce itself can be the cause of the inability to achieve in school. But so can the fact that when parents separate they are just not effective parents. Parents may be less likely to give appropriate supervision or care about their child’s education during a divorce because they are preoccupied with what is happening in their life at the time.

Some of the reactions children display can range from irritability to anxiety, or depression. Each of these factors effect social relationships and school performance. Children of divorced parents may receive lower grades and are less likely to do well in school. Children may regress in school. They may be more non-compliant than normal which could also affect their social relationships with peers. If a child has a poor visitation schedule and a difficult transition between their parents this may prevent him from functioning well in school. If the child comes from a single parent there may be less time and attention given to the child. Discipline may also suffer since parents often attempt to win over their children with bribery or no discipline.

If the children come from a high-conflict family then the divorce could be seen as a relief for them and could have a positive impact. However, if the children’s family life was low-conflict then children may experience worse symptoms because this comes as a greater shock.

Students who have had to experience a parent go through repeated divorces will do much worse in school. These students are often seen by teachers as being less pleasant to be around. These students are less focused and have trouble concentrating on their schoolwork. More often than not, they blame themselves for their parents getting a divorce.

The most beneficial thing for a student who comes from a divorced house is when both parents continue to play a role in their child’s life. They need to set aside their negative feelings about each other and develop a business-like relationship for the sake of their children. If children can see the resolution of the problems among their parents they can learn important problem-solving skills. Parents should continue to communicate about their child’s needs, show respect, and try to provide the child with two sets of essentials so they are not carrying possessions from one house to another house if at all possible.

According to Emery, “children benefit from the same kind of parenting whether their parents live in one household or two, they benefit from warmth and structure.” (1999) A child’s relationship should be with both parents, be nurtured by both parents, but when it is from a divorce they should focus on sharing that parenting.

The better the home life the better the child will do in his or her education.

The Outcomes Of Corporal Punishment In Children

Every child goes though that phase where they want to be on top of the world. They think they can do what they want, when they want. But then comes the mighty parents, using discipline to ensure the problem child doesn’t do this heinous act ever again. It is the job of parents to make sure their child remains as behaved as possible, eventually making them into great people in our society. But when does it become too much? Sometimes children can act so bad that the parent feels to need to inflict pain on them to make sure they learned from their mistakes, but they don’t know the potential consequences of their actions not only on the child, but to the parents themselves in extreme cases. It is one thing to discipline your child, but it is also another to straight up hit them to scare them. It is wrong and should not have any place in this world. Corporal punishment should not be allowed because it causes mental problems for the child, it sets a bad example for them to follow, and it should be banned all over the globe.

The mental well-being for a child is very important. Parents really want their kids to grow up and become successful in their adulthood. However, inflicting military-like discipline can take a huge toll on their emotions. So much so that they start to become scared for their life. According to American Psychological Association, using physical discipline can be a good way to get a child to behave in the heat of the moment, but excessive usage of this type of punishment can lead to mental issues for the child later. It also doesn’t make the child learn from what they did wrong in the first place. Likewise, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry made a list of potential things that a child who has experienced corporal punishment can have. These include aggressive behavior, low self-esteem, and having the urge to hit people. Both articles state that physical discipline is only a short-term solution to a child acting up, and that later down the line it influences the kid. Some of the mental health issues can be very traumatizing to the victims. It can lead to a loss of trust in others, and the parent-child relationship between them and their parents will always be strained if there is a history of corporal discipline in the family.

It would be only a matter of time before the child starts to inflict this punishment onto others. The most common example of this is bullying in school. Bullying is usually a result of extremely bad parenting with corporal punishment. “Being on the receiving end, children may learn to associate violence with power or getting one’s own way,” says Emily Cuddy, a professor of the Brookings Institute. According to Cuddy, parents who constantly hit their child results in much worse behavior by the child. The AAP also agrees with this, saying that the more children get hit by their parents, the more they feel the urge to use violence when they feel the need to. Our children shouldn’t end up having aggressive behavior, because teaching them to use violence against people to get what they want can potentially put them into jail in their adulthood.

Although corporal punishment is a bad way to discipline our kids, most parents seem to think it is alright to use it. Southern Methodist University’s research shows that most parents believe that it is okay to spank, not hit, their child to get them to behave. It is still legally permitted in 19 states to use corporal punishment against your child. The Brookings Institution also claims that physical discipline is a culturally accepted way of punishing young children. The fact that it is this accepted in our society is terrible to think about. To think that a parent would even lay a hand on their child is sickening, let alone think it is actually alright and normal to do it. Research shows that most countries do no think it is right, and they outright ban this type of behavior by parents. The United States should follow this principle and start punishing parents who do use force to discipline their child, because they could be creating more criminals and they don’t know it yet.

There are plenty of ways to prevent such acts from happening in the household. There isn’t not a way to punish a child for misbehavior without using force. A good and popular example of this is taking away their privileges. Also known as grounding them. This method is popular among parents as it is effective in that the troubled child will learn from their actions and never do it again. Another way of preventing misbehavior is to try and be a role model for them. Try and teach them how to be respectful, responsible people. This can be very beneficial to them in the future, they can end up being great people and can be responsible. These children shouldn’t have to live their life in fear.

Corporal punishment is not an acceptable way of disciplining children. It isn’t even worth using in the first place, as it can lead to unexpected but terrible things. Children are influenced by their parents/guardians, and it should remain that way but not to the extent of violence. There needs to be a line that should never be crossed by the parents. That way, we can ensure the safety and the success of the up and coming generation. That way, they can live happy lives without fear.

Dyslexia and Its Impact on Primary School Children: Analytical Essay

In this modern era there are so many new disease and brain problem that every single one of them is literally impossible. You can know some of them for custom dissertation but knowing all of them is just not conceivable. We recommend that you should take help from our Custom Dissertation Writers UK. One of the most common and recently discovered mental disparity is DYSLEXIA. Firstly the problem is very widespread but only few know about it.

What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia is most usually linked with difficulty learning skilled to read. It disturbs a child’s capability to identify and manipulate the verbal in linguistic. Children with dyslexia have a tough time deciphering fresh words, or deciphering them down into practicable portions they can then express out. This reasons of struggle with interpretation, inscribing and spelling. They might pay compensation by learning terms, but they’ll have suffer recognizing new words and might be sluggish in salvaging even acquainted ones.

Dyslexia is not a thinking of a kid’s intellect but in reality it’s described as a breach between a student’s skill and accomplishment. Some kids with dyslexia are capable to hang onto up with their colleagues with additional energy at least for the leading few classes. But by the third class or so, once they must to be capable to speak speedily and effortlessly in instruction to retain up with their work, they proceed into some concern.

How Much Common It Is

It is assessed that as numerous as single in five children’s has dyslexia, and that 80-90 percent of children with studying conditions have it. Dr. Sally Shaywitz, observes that many kids go undiagnosed as scuffles in educational institute are mistakenly credited to intellect, amount of work or ecological features. It is also seen by professionals that dyslexia followed more habitually in males than in females, but some present investigation shows that it upsets boys and girls similarly.

Signs of Dyslexia

A child with dyslexia may show these certain symptoms

  • Effort with remembering even modest rhymes
  • Mostly have a speech interval
  • Have distress comprehending guidelines
  • Recurrence or neglectance of short words for example and, the, but
  • Discover it problematic to express left or right direction

Conceivable Bases of Dyslexia

Investigators haven’t yet identified precisely what causes dyslexia. But they prepare tell that genetic factor and intelligence variances perform a huge character. Here are particular of the conceivable reasons of dyslexia:

Genes and inheritance: Dyslexia frequently competes in relatives. Around 40 percentage of brothers of individuals with dyslexia also tussle with interpreting. As numerous as 49 percentage of maternities of children with dyslexia have it, too. Experts have also learnt genes related to difficulties with reading and treating linguistic.

Brain composition and action: Brain imaging experiments have revealed brain alterations among individuals with and short of dyslexia. These dissimilarities occur in parts of the intelligence complex with important reading abilities. Those talents are expressive how appears are signified in words, and distinguishing what inscribed words look like.

How Is Dyslexia Treated?

Dyslexia is a life-long disorder. With appropriate aid, many individuals with dyslexia can study to recite and transcribe thoroughly. Early recognition and cure is the fundamental to aiding persons with dyslexia realize in education institute and in daily life. Most individuals with dyslexia require assistance from a instructor, tutor, or psychotherapist particularly qualified in operating a multisensory, controlled linguistic tactic. It is significant for these beings to be trained by a regular and obvious technique that includes a number of perceptions such as listening, viewing, touching at the similar time. Many persons with dyslexia require one-on-one assistance so that they can progress onward at their individual stride. Moreover, scholars with dyslexia frequently want an excessive agreement of designed rehearsal and instantaneous, remedial reaction to advance instinctive word distinguishing abilities. For chlidren with dyslexia, it is obliging if their external educational therapists effort thoroughly with classroom educators.

Educational Institutes can contrivance educational adjustments and adaptations to assist dyslexic learners get to the top. For instance, a student with dyslexia can be provided additional time to extreme tasks, assist with captivating comments, and work projects that are adapted suitably. Teachers can contribute recorded exams or permit dyslexic learners to use substitute methods of evaluation. Students can value from hearing to books and novels on tape, operating text interpretation computer systems, and as of lettering on computers. Learners may well likewise require aid with emotional concerns that from time to time be the result of as an aftermath of hurdles in educational institute. Psychological well-being authorities can benefit learners deal with their exertions

What Can Parents Do

Occupied with your kid to care their knowledge individually at school and at domestic can assist to step up their moods of self-worth and self-confidence. This can assist to them be acquainted with that they are cared for.

  • Effort with your kid at their personal speed. Don’t position any weight on them, but contribute sufficiently of admiration and inspiration.
  • While reading with your youngster, recollect that kids with dyslexia discover it tough to recite black font on a white background so expending colored layers positioned above the sheet can create it at ease for them to study.
  • Perform with your kid to advance their writing, safeguarding it is linked.
  • Rehearse spelling models and dodge educating your kid to indicate expressions by repetition as they won’t register them precisely.
  • Use writing supplies for example big fountain pen, dyes, oil pastel and various colored paper for your kid to inscribe on.
  • Do adequately amount of reading distinctly mutually.
  • Inspire your youngster to cultivate a consciousness of period by consuming an egg timer.
  • Multisensory education is very essential. If your kid scuffles with expressions, attempt using images, melody, animations, constructing a game or make use of art to progress a model.

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Research Paper on Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a disability that affects a child reading, spelling and/ or speaking. The difficulty varies from person to person due to inherited differences in brain development, as well as the type of teaching the person receives. Because dyslexia is neurological it affect a person’s language skill. This language processing disorder can hinders reading, writing, and sometimes even speaking. This research provides Guyanese educators with basic information about dyslexia, dispel some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding it and serves as a mini resource guide that will help to increase their capacity of implementing the correct intervention strategies to ensure the success of this diverse group of learners in their classroom.

Guyanese educators embracing dyslexic learners by learning and gaining appropriate knowledge about dyslexia, the cause, effects, symptoms and interventions that can be used in classrooms in Guyana.

Dyslexia is a reading and learning disability caused as a result of a defect in the brain processing of graphic symbols, which alters the way brain processes written materials. It is associated with structure and function of the left hemisphere brain that involved in the reading and language networks (Peterson & Pennington, 2015). Children with this disability usually have difficulties in word recognition, spelling, decoding and reading comprehension (Vellutino, Fletcher, Snowling, & Scanlon, 2004). Dyslexia learners usually experiences difficulties with other language skills such as spelling, writing, and pronouncing words. Dyslexia affects individuals throughout their life. however, its impact can change at different stages in a person’s life. It is referred to as a learning disability because dyslexia can make it very difficult for students to succeed academically in the typical instructional environment, and in its more severe forms, will qualify a student for special accommodation, and/or extra support service from parents, teachers and other qualified personnel. Dyslexia hinders the capacity of a child to learn well. A learner having dyslexia doesn’t have an easy life because their entire day at school is being scolded by their teacher for not being able to read and, being bullied by peers because they think that they’re idiots. Learners with dyslexia really need someone who understand and can help them. with the outline given above of what is dyslexia and how it affects persons. Guyanese educators having the knowledge can be a driving force in the success of the diverse group of children they come into contact with on a daily basis.

According to Alsobhi, Khan, & Rahanu (2015) there are three types of dyslexia, namely; vision- spatial, speech sound and central or surface dyslexia. Each individual may experience literacy, numeracy, and memory deficits (Baker, 2006).

  • a. Visio- spatial: Dyslexia children that are Visio- spatial are more likely to understand the ideas through their feelings and mental images compared to sounds or words (Yeo, 2008). This is due to the fact that children with this type of dyslexia find it hard to develop an adequate understanding of words and symbols, making the standard educational settings a disadvantages to them. this set of children prefer sensory over auditory learning experiences.
  • b. Speech- sound: Children with speech- sound dyslexia tend to stutter in a stressful situation and may mispronounce multi- syllable words when speaking (Moreland, 2015). Therefore, they usually avoid task that involves explaining or discussing a topic. These children tend to work more efficiently in isolation or one- on- one setting (Alsoobhi et al.,2015). Another difficulty faced by children with this kind of dyslexia is the omission of double letters within the word.
  • c. Central or surface: Central dyslexia is a reading difficulty that occurs in stages of the lexical and sub lexical routes. Children with surface dyslexia usually read aloud through grapheme- to phoneme conversations (Fawcett & Nicolson, 2017). These difficulties can cause several problems in reading, such as regularisation errors in reading irregular words such as “stomach” or “comb” that have silent letters.

It is crucial for teachers and care givers to recognise the signs and symptoms of dyslexia. The earlier a child is evaluated, the sooner he or she can obtain the appropriate instructions and accommodations he or she needs to succeed in school.

General problems/ symptoms experienced by people with dyslexia include the following:

  • Learning to speak
  • Learning letters and their sounds
  • Organizing written and spoken language
  • Memorizing number facts
  • Reading quickly to comprehend
  • Keeping up with comprehending longer reading assignments
  • Spelling
  • Learning a foreign language
  • Correctly doing math operations

Some specific signs for elementary aged children may include:

  • Difficulty with remembering simple sequence such as counting to 20, naming the days of the week, or reciting the alphabet
  • Difficulty understanding the rhyming of words such as knowing that fat rhymes with cat
  • Trouble recognising words that begin with the same sound (for example that bird, baby and big all start with b)
  • Pronunciation difficulty
  • Trouble easily clapping hands to the rhythm of a song
  • Difficulty with word retrieval (frequently uses word like “stuff” and “that thing” rather than specific words
  • Trouble remembering names of places and people
  • Difficulty remembering spoken direction

It is important to note that not all students who have difficulties with these skills have dyslexia. Formal testing of reading, language and writing skills is the only way to confirm a diagnosis of suspected dyslexia.

Dyslexia is not a disease and, therefore, there is no cure. Research have shown that the exact causes of dyslexia are still not clear, but anatomical and brain imagery studies show differences in the way the brain of a person with dyslexia develops and functions. Moreover, most people with dyslexia have been found to have problems with identifying the separate speech sound within a word and/ or learning how letters represent those sounds, a key factor in their reading difficulties. Dyslexia is not due to either lack of intelligence or desire to learn; with appropriate teaching methods, students with dyslexia can learn successfully. The impact that dyslexia has is different for each individual and depends on the severity of the condition and the timeliness and effectiveness of the instruction and remediation. The main difficulty involves word recognition and reading fluency, spelling and writing.

Jerome J. Schultz’s informative IDA fact sheet “The Dyslexia- Stress- Anxiety Connection” is a must read for teachers who need guidance on understanding in relationship between dyslexia and emotional and social difficulties, as well as the implications for academic performance and social interactions. Dyslexia can also affect a person self- image. Students with dyslexia experience a great deal of stress due to poor academic performance on the other hand if students succeed in school, they will develop positive feelings

about themselves. Children with dyslexia also suffer from depression. Depressed children and adolescents often have different symptoms than depressed adults. The depressed child will not want to talk about his/ her feeling and often times choose to misbehave and to cover up his/ her painful feeling.

Above all, it is critical that teachers, parents and other professionals working with children with dyslexia communicate on an on- going basis to provide the support needed, so that these children ca become happy and successful and eventually become happy and successful adults.

Students vary significantly in their ability to respond in different modes for example, student vary in ability to give oral presentation; participate in discussion; in discussions; write letters and numbers; write paragraphs; draw objects; spell; work in noisy or clustered settings; and read, write. Or speak at fast pace. Moreover, students vary in their ability to process information presented in visual and auditory formats because of the facts mentioned above the following methods/ strategies can be implemented to help students become academically successful.

The following can be implemented by teachers:

  • Have a structured approach which provides extensive practice using controlled text. This mean teaching thing in an order that builds on previously learned materials.
  • Use multisensory methods to explicitly teach new content. This will help with letters, sounds, spelling patterns, grammar, even math. Some ideas to integrate multi senses into activity is colour coding & high lightening, using movement, using songs and music, textured writing and games.
  • Encourage the use of graphic organizers: A graphic organizer involves organizing material into a visual format.
  • Placed students close to the teacher: Students with attention problem can be seated close to teacher, chalkboard or work area and away from distracting sounds, materials, or objects.
  • Uses cues to denote important items: Asterisks or bullets can denote questions or activity that count for heavily evaluation,
  • Allow the use of instructional aids: Students can be provided with letters and number strips to help them write correctly. Number lines, counters, and other assistive technology can help student compute once the understand.
  • Display work samples. Sample of completed assignments can be displayed to help students realize expectation and plan accordingly.
  • Use peer-mediated learning. The teacher can pair peers of different ability levels to review their notes, work on a given task/ activity, read aloud to each other, write stories, study for a test or conduct laboratory experiments.
  • Use flexible work times. Students who work slowly can be given additional time to complete written work.
  • Provide additional practice. Students required amount of practice to master skill or content.

This research seeks to highlights that dyslexia is a disability which can affect both children and adults. Studies shown that dyslexic children face many difficulties in their educational interaction and social surroundings. Also, they suffer from frustrations and low self –esteem because of lack of achievements, particularly in academic. Teachers awareness in Guyana about dyslexia and its impact on their learners is imperative in ensuring that they keep themselves abreast with new methods and strategies that would ensure sustainable development of their students. Thus teachers need to be made aware of their students conditions as early as possible so that appropriate intervention could be taken, for the wellbeing of both parties. In this paper I examined some intervention approaches teachers in Guyana can implement in the classroom to promote that support base for their students wellbeing and their academic achievement and success.


  1. Accommodating students with dyslexia in all classroom settings Jan 2004
  2. Alsobhi, A. Y., Khan, N. & Rahanu, H. (2015). Personalised learning materials based on dyslexia types. Ontological approach. Procedia Computer Science, 60, 113-121.
  3. Baker, D.W. (2006). The meaning and measure of health literacy. Journal of general internal medicine,21 (8), 878
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  5. Moats Dyslexia basics, 1-3 Nov 2008/ Moats, L., & Dakin, K. (2008). Moats, L., & Dakin, K. (2008). Dyslexia basics, 1-3. Retrieved October 1, 2013, from IDA website,
  6. Basic facts about dyslexia and other reading problems Jan 2008 L MoatsK Dakin/ Moats, L., & Dakin, K. (2008). Basic facts about dyslexia and other reading problems. Baltimore, MD: International Dyslexia Association.
  7. Social and emotional problems related to dyslexia, 1-5 Oct 2004 M Ryan/ Ryan, M. (2004). Social and emotional problems related to dyslexia, 1-5. Retrieved October 1, 2013, from IDA website,
  8. Peterson, R.L, & Pennington, B. F. (2015). Developmental dyslexia. Annual review of clinical psychology, 11, 283- 307
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  10. The dyslexia-stress-anxiety connection 1-4 Oct 2013 J Shultz
  14. Yeo, D. (2008). Dyslexia dyspraxia and mathematics: John Wiley & Sons.

Corporal Punishment In Schools: Apparatus Of Mending Or Oppression

“Discipline is helping a child solve a problem, Punishment is making a child suffer for having a problem. To raise problem solvers, focus on solutions, not retribution.”

– L. R. Knost

SCHOOL – The most primary and fundamental block of learning in a person’s life, are considered to be the most sacrosanct institution of our society. But there is a question that we need to ask ourselves – Does this sacrosanctity necessarily rests upon torture and torment of innocent buds of our society?

Committee on Rights of Child in the General Comment (No. 8) defines ‘corporal’ or ‘physical’ punishment as “any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort”.[footnoteRef:1] A 2007 study titled “Child Abuse in India” conducted by Ministry of Women and Child Development concluded that every two out of three child going to school are victims of physical abuse.[footnoteRef:2] As we are very well aware of the fact that Teaching is a cognitive activity and that’s why the learning process of a child should be on the firm base of “EDUTAINMENT” (i.e. Education + Entertainment) not on the dreadful background of child harassment and the physical abuse in the form of Corporal punishment. [1: United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) General Comment No. 8, The Right of the Child to Protection from Corporal Punishment and Other Cruel or Degrading forms of Punishment, (U.N. CRC/C/GC/8) March 2, 2007.] [2: UNICEF, All You Want to Know About Corporal Punishment, UNICEF India, (last visited Nov. 13, 2019). ]

Looking at the instances of corporal punishment throughout the country – the results are appalling. Their skulls are smashed against the wall, they are beaten to black and blue with sticks, they are compelled to do 150+ sit-ups, they are slapped tight on their face forcefully and ruthlessly multiple times, they are made to stand in scorching sunlight for numerous hours till they faint and fall down, they are made “murga” for hours which generates intense pain in shoulder and leg muscles. They are also subjected to verbal abuses by speaking of ill remarks about their caste/religion, shaming, ridiculing, using sarcasm and derogatory remarks that lower their dignity and self-esteem, etc.[footnoteRef:3] Worst part here is that parents who are ideally expected to have utmost concern for their offspring are either indifferent to their agonies and tears or even support the act of perpetrator. [3: HRD Ministry, Government of India, Advisory under S.35 of RTE Act, 2009 for elimination of corporal punishment in schools, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (Mar. 26, 2014),]

“Spare the rod and spoil the child” is what that animates such acts. Mindset of said persons are highly irrational and hence worrisome: Harass the laggards and Punish the Petulant, with the underlying concept of deterrence.

It is the darkest lacuna and ignominy upon the justice system of our country that till date we have no efficacious legislation for combating such menace. The so called “core children law”[footnoteRef:4] of our country, as per its Section 2(21) r/w Section 82 fails to cover prohibition of corporal punishments in schools as same does not falls within ambit of child care institution. The provisions of Right to Education Act, 2009 have no strong sanctions against such perpetrators other than “weak” disciplinary actions.[footnoteRef:5] Successive National Education Policies are not properly implemented. It is also quite ironically noteworthy that our law serves well-cooked defence[footnoteRef:6] to the perpetrators in the case at hand. But it also has a limit upto causing grievous hurt and the perpetrators usually transcend that limit too by their grotesque, diabolical and ghastly acts of so called “disciplinary punishments” against these naive lives. [4: The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, No. 2 of 2016.] [5: The Right of Children to Free & Compulsory Education Act, No. 35 of 2009, § 17.] [6: The Indian Penal Code, No. 45 of 1860, § 89.]

Teachers, Parents claim their intense bona fide intention beyond such acts without even making an attempt to look into the other side and the sufferer is an innocent life, who faces long term impacts of it – destructive behaviour, vandalism, pessimism, school phobia, avoidance, anxiety, and the worst one, self-killing.

At the flag end, it is germane to pen down few suggestions and at such backdrop if we really care for ultimate bright future of these seeds of nation and do not desire to see them either as an unemployed or as a criminal, then our ideologies need renovation or in the simpler terms reconditioning. Shift has to be brought from “rod” to “understanding and discussion”. Further, the direction of aforementioned “deterrence” has to be reversed from children to perpetrators by active role of judiciary because from aforesaid discussion it is evident that legislature and executive have certainly failed.

At the conclusion, golden words of Dr. Dan Siegel may be remembered – “Too often we forget that discipline really means to teach, not to punish. A disciple is a student, not a recipient of behavioural consequences.”