How Becoming a Mother Changed My Life: Personal Narrative Essay

I came across midwifery 4 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child. The care, support, and compassion that was given to me by these amazing professionals motivated me to go on this career path. When I became a mother and I went through the whole process of being pregnant and giving birth, made me understand the importance of a midwife and how satisfying can be to help bring life into this world and to give all kinds of support to another woman. At that moment I knew that midwifery is what I want to do!

Midwives are all about supporting women and their bodies on their journey. I feel proud of midwives as these are the real people who prepare females for motherhood. I have a passion for supporting women to have the best experience and outcomes possible across the antenatal, intrapartum, and postnatal periods. I will find it so rewarding to be part of a woman’s journey to becoming a mother.

I’m somebody who has had a long-standing interest in midwifery and motherhood and pregnancy. Currently, I spend a lot of time and effort studying my access course, particularly the science modules since I believe it’s important to have a basic understanding of the body, and I know that I am at a point in my life when I could commit to such an in-depth degree and the career. I will be proud to follow the NMC code of conduct, 6 C’s, and local trust policies I regularly follow the trends on midwives from Midwives Diaries, Sara Wickham, and MIDRIS websites, and read all the journals related to this field too.

My current role has allowed me to build skills in terms of quickly establishing reports and this will be essential as a midwife building respectful relationships with each woman and listening to them regardless of their background or circumstance to optimize the outcomes.

I went through a lot of training in safety and security and courses like pediatric first aid where I gained the skills and competence in keeping everyone safe midwifery is very important to keep safe both, mother and baby.

My experience in a customer service area has enabled me to meet and interact with people from a wide range of backgrounds, and it has greatly improved my ability to communicate. As a result, I possess the ability to talk clearly and adapt my tone to suit each individual, to make them feel comfortable. I have always been a caring person, and I know that I will encounter some situations that will be uncomfortable for mothers in midwifery, so having a caring and attentive attitude is critical in these situations. Having taken part in work experiences or volunteering at mummy and baby groups, I think that the skills I have acquired will prepare me well for this course.

Being a midwife will be emotionally hard work, I imagine working with vulnerable, sometimes angry, frightened women, it can be frustrating, demanding, and sometimes even scary, but it will be also life-changing, life-expanding, and life-affirming! The long hours, the night shifts, and the difficulties of something so demanding to make being a midwife a very challenging job. Nevertheless, I believe that experiencing the joy of delivering a baby and handing it to a new mother is worth all the challenges.

As I believe I am a strong student, I am committed to my professional studies and I know I will succeed at studying Midwifery at university.

Sports Management Internship: Lessons Learnt

Sports facility management is a concept in sports designed to help keep leagues, tournaments, sports complexes, and all other activities orderly and running most efficiently (American Association for Health Education). Sport facility management is not just an issue of making sure that the leisure center is organized. It also involves providing better services and ensuring all stakeholders, especially the customers (players), are familiar with the services.

In this report, I will highlight an array of activities that I performed at a sports facility center as an intern for a period of [Insert time/months/weeks]. I will extensively discuss how I carried out daily activities as I sought to gain practical experience in sports management.

As an intern, I expected to gain practical experience in sports facility management areas. For this reason, I had to be actively involved in all departments of sport facility management. This called for collaboration and a strong team working with other colleagues to get maximum output most efficiently. To be specific, I was actively involved in management, scheduling budgeting, and baseball coaching, among other activities. I was very excited to work as an intern in managing a sports facility, and I was motivated by the fact that I would be coaching baseball, which is one of my favorite sports.

The first week was only for orientation. I was introduced to all the staff members on the first day, and during the entire week, I was taken around the sports facility to familiarize myself with my new work environment. The supervisor was the one who took me around, and once I had fully acquainted myself with the sports complex and all activities offered, I was assigned one of the employees at the facility who did an extensive orientation in the offices and stores.

He took me around the offices, and I was introduced to almost all employees, especially those I would be working closely with. Finally, I was taken to my new office, which was well equipped with a computer, a printer, files, and all the necessary office tools. Here, I was introduced to several management systems, including the sports facility management software, which I learned to use within a few days. I was given comprehensive training for the rest of the week in all areas. The exercise was necessary for understanding the practical part of sport facility management, which I must say was very useful and exciting.

Having received an extensive and broad orientation, I began running duties independently in the second week. I was provided with the work schedule, which changed from time to time, depending on the clients’ demands. Being new and having no experience was quite challenging, but I consulted my supervisor and work colleagues whenever I encountered any difficulties. Based on the level of cooperation with highly esteemed individuals, I had less worry about, as my colleagues were ready to solve any problem.

Daily activities

Because of continually traveling to different sports complexes for exposure, my day-to-day activities began with morning assessments. As a routine management practice, I walked around every morning, checking over to familiarize myself with all activities that happened when I was away. This also meant that I had to talk to different staff members and go round the sports facility. Whenever necessary, other colleagues and I would have a meeting for briefing about daily activities and general progress. Where a problem was detected, I would consult my supervisor for help, and sometimes I would help the staff members to resolve emerging issues.

Once back in my office, I would make all the day plans and organize the daily schedule. Mostly, I managed the daily schedule for all staff members under my department, and later I would organize my program. However, every staff member had a programmed plan that was well outlined on the notice board. From time-to-time, I would make adjustments and record the changes according to everyday schedule. In case there were no changes, I would assess the progress, sort out daily activities, and finally plan for priorities—this enabled efficiency and organization.

In the case of new developments, I would develop a new program to fit the new services. However, before making appropriate modifications, I would discuss all products with the supervisor before presenting suggestions to the staff members. Depending on the topic, the staff members would give their opinion, and we would make an informed decision as a team.

As part of the sports facility management, I would ensure that all routine administrative duties were kept up to date. This involved checking that accident report forms were recorded and filed appropriately. This was very necessary for ensuring the health and safety of all involved stakeholders.

In addition to this, I was responsible for accounting and budgeting. On a daily basis, I would ensure that all financial transactions were recorded appropriately and kept up to date. I also confirmed that such records were filed appropriately for future reference. At the end of every week, I would monitor the documents and assess all costs against financial targets due to issues of accountability and for the purpose of smooth running of the sports facility. I would also get involved in setting plans, including all financial budgets.

On the other hand, I had the responsibility of developing new marketing strategies. I would decide on my target group, discuss the issues with the supervisor, and, if approved, I would research the best method for attracting and reaching potential clients. In most cases, this involved working on advertisement strategies that would be most efficient. To facilitate the process, we worked as a team together with other staff members on various ways of reaching the public and getting them to familiarize themselves with the sport facility activities. At times, this would mean planning and organizing special events to sensitize the public.

Finally, in order to ensure quality service delivery, I would walk around talking to the clients and listening to their views. This was important in improving service delivery. On a daily basis, I would speak to a number of clients on issues of quality service, facilitates efficiency, and staffing levels. I would assess their feedback and make a general conclusion. The most important thing was ensuring that customers were satisfied with the services offered. Based on clients’ feedback, we, as staff members, would discuss necessary amendments with other staff members. I would oversee all changes, if any were proposed, to ensure quality service delivery.

Coaching baseball

As an intern, I was also involved in baseball coaching, and I trained the Old Travel baseball team made of teenagers between 16 and 18 years old. The training was routinely scheduled for two hours daily from Monday to Friday. In addition, over the weekend, the movement took place between10 and 12 in the morning hours. My primary responsibility was scheduling and managing the players on a daily basis.

As a baseball coach, it was my responsibility to train my players primarily on the basics of baseball. Warming up was the first step that we would get involved in before engaging in the actual playing. Through this procedure, I would be able to isolate fast players, strong ones, as well as creative ones. This would help me to know where to field each player for the purposes of training. I would endeavor to keep the notes on each player, including the time he uses to get the ball to the first base, the length of the hits in the field, and who ran fastest. The training was scheduled as follows: Monday was for physical exercises only.

On Tuesday, the first one hour was for sprinting, and the other hour was for batting. On Wednesday, training would involve pitching only after warming up. On Thursday, physical exercises again with an emphasis on sprinting. Friday was scheduled for training on catching, while Saturday, we would go for tournaments to the East Coast. Sunday was usually for recreation and team-building skills.

After the entire period of internship, the players had learned adequately one of the most useful skills in baseball: batting. The first thing they learned was to select a bat that fits one by swinging it a lot. I ensured that they understood the significance of the connection between the ball at high speed and the bat. At the end of the fourth week, each player had identified their potential and had known where they best fitted: pitching, catching or batting.

More specifically, by this time, they had learned how to keep their heads steady with eyes on the pitcher and always getting ready to swing when a good pitch is made. In addition, they were able to keep the front shoulder down and had conceptualized the idea of avoiding uppercuts by knowing the zone they were comfortable hitting. In summary, it was a pleasant experience as we interacted each Sunday and evaluated the progress of each player. By interacting, the players were able to share their views, and this helped in building the team spirit. Under my coach ship, the team won three crucial games.

Lessons acquired from this internship

Before enrolling for the internship, I hoped that it would provide me with real field experiences and skills that are useful in developing my career. I knew the training would provide me with direct experience. Foremost, the internship program really helped me to gain practical experience in the area of sports facility management and supplemented the knowledge that I had acquired in class.

Secondly, working at a sports facility actually helped me to develop leadership and management skills. Because of many responsibilities and challenges, I was forced to make crucial decisions, and this helped me in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of my leadership and management skills. Today, I believe that the experience I gained during this period equips me with competent skills to manage any other sports facility.

Thirdly, working at the sports facility provided me with an opportunity to gain cross-cultural experience hence learning to appreciate and accept diversity. As an intern, I worked with colleagues from different cultural backgrounds. This opportunity helped me to exchange ideas and experiences with other people, and because of this experience, I significantly improved teamwork and communication skills.

Finally, through the internship, I learned new dimensions in the area of sports and facility management. Due to handling many tasks and responsibilities, I was able to learn new things. On a number of occasions, I interacted with experienced individuals in this field, giving me an opportunity to develop unique aspects of sport and facility management that I may not have been able to learn in the classroom.


In conclusion, the internship program was beneficial and interesting too. I became familiar with issues of sport facility management, and more importantly, I developed a network while working with other professionals in this field. Although managing sports facilities was quite challenging and demanding too, I was able to handle my duties with the help of my superiors and other colleagues.

Indeed, I realized teamwork is necessary for good organization and maximum productivity. It is during this internship program that I was able to assess my strength and weakness, which has helped me improve both in terms of career and in terms of personality. With the experience gained from this internship, I believe I have acquired quality management and leadership skills. With such skills, I am confident that I can efficiently run a sports facility center in the future. The opinion is that more internship programs should be offered to students so that they can gain practical experience, which is essential in any vocation.

STEM Career Interests

Literature Review

All over the world, youths have consistently varied in their levels of STEM career knowledge, their career interests and their intentions of pursuing a STEM career. STEM career knowledge is believed to define a student’s familiarity with a particular STEM career, varied considerably based on the learning institution’s STEM career guidance. The level of STEM career knowledge a student has directly affected his/her wishes of pursuing a STEM career in the future (Compeau 2016; Zhang and Barnett 2015). The seventh grade is the essential time period for imparting STEM career interest and for building the self-interest in mathematics and science, thus it’s during the middle school age that a student’s beliefs about competency and interests commence solidifying (Simpkins et al 2006).

In order to fully prepare the upcoming generation of the world population with the relevant knowledge concerning science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills, so as to be capable of applying reasoning, findings of science, art aesthetics as well as brains of creativity in order to advance national progress has always remained a subject of greater interest and a national concern (NAE, 2014). Modern investments and allocation of resources by the public and private sectors are all based on the significance of workers with the STEM skills as well as competencies (Rothwell, 2013). Despite all these, involvement in the STEM labor market by the females has consistently been on the decrease as compared to males (Miller et al 2009).

Numerous research efforts have seemed to comprehend any individual’s interest into a STEM-based career after the seventh grade, with minimal scrutiny given to a person’s encounters with STEM during the early education (Dewitt et al 2011). Other research work has commenced an investigation of the younger individual’s preparation and participation with regard to these pathways. For instance, Tai et al 2010 established that a young student’s interests and aspirations in science are a better prediction of their future enrollment in science as opposed to their counterparts during earlier schooling days. Several other research works established the connection between an individual’s early expectations and their eventual education and career choices in science. Minor research work has been performed that investigates all essential STEM subjects; typically focusing on the student’s expectations as well as interests regarding science or only mathematics.

Methods and Instruments

The relational survey technique was widely employed in this research work as the basic quantitative research methodology, with the participants being obtained by simple random methods on the basis of volunteers. The initial step composed of 172 7th grade students, out of which 140 students undertook part in the survey with 7 not being analyzed due to incomplete filling of the data collection forms. The resulting number of participants was 133 (69 females and 64 males). The science process skills test was utilized as the major data collection tool which showed a 55 accumulation for those students with interest in mathematics, optimum accumulation was experienced in the 10 – 40 averages in technology and engineering fields. It was then observed that career interests for students in science and mathematics are greater as compared to their interests in engineering and mathematics. Another survey technique used was the STEM career interest survey which composed of four factors, each of eleven items contributing to a total of 44 items. The coefficient of reliability was obtained as 0.92. simple linear correlation analysis was also performed for a statistically meaningful relationship.

From the analysis, its vivid that senior and older students in the middle schools have vast knowledge with respect to science and mathematics requirements in the pursuit of STEM-related careers, however, this knowledge and understanding were in general insufficient. It was also observed that students with greater mathematics capabilities were more knowledgeable about STEM career admission requirements. In addition, individuals with greater mathematical interests as well as knowledge about STEM careers were observed to be able to pursue a STEM career. The majority of the students with a higher interest in scientific as well as technical skills were also very likely to prefer a STEM career as opposed to those who gave preference to careers involving concrete, productive as well as practical activities.

Importance of Article

The significance of this article was to obtain a comparison of science process skills with STEM career interests of middle school students. It was further to investigate the nature of the relationship that existed between the two.

Research Question

Is there a statistically meaningful relationship between STEM career interests and the science process skills of seventh-grade students?

Major Challenges encountered

Several challenges were encountered during the survey the most notable being unwilling students to volunteer towards the research leading to a lower number of samples taken for analysis. Other challenges included unresponsive students from the samples selected and also a failure by some students to return the interview forms submitted to them. Minor challenges as well were experienced during the data analysis but were later resolved.


The outcomes of the above research work revealed that seventh-grade students in middle school had a limited STEM career understanding as well as comprehension in regard to the subject necessities and also to what sort of encounters the careers would cover. In addition, students who had fewer interests in mathematics exhibited a declining interest in the pursuit of STEM-related careers. Thus, the data obtained advocates for the need to provide better access to knowledge and student awareness towards comprehending STEM careers and the structure of the STEM work. When the students are exposed to STEM careers, their interests are improved and higher chances exist of them pursuing the related careers in science, technology, mathematics as well as engineering.


  1. Archer, L., DeWitt, J., & Dillon, J. (2014). ‘It didn’t really change my opinion’: exploring what works, what doesn’t and why in school science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers intervention. Research in Science & Technological Education, 32(1), 35-55.
  2. Sharkawy, A. (2015). Envisioning a career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics: some challenges and possibilities. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 10(3), 657-664.
  3. Guzey, S. S., Harwell, M., & Moore, T. (2014). Development of an instrument to assess attitudes toward science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). School Science and Mathematics, 114(6), 271-279.
  4. Uttal, D. H., Miller, D. I., & Newcombe, N. S. (2013). Exploring and enhancing spatial thinking: Links to achievement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics?. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22(5), 367-373.
  5. Ridsdale, C., Rothwell, J., Smit, M., Ali-Hassan, H., Bliemel, M., Irvine, D., … & Wuetherick, B. (2015). Strategies and best practices for data literacy education: Knowledge synthesis report.
  6. Jacobs, J. E., & Simpkins, S. D. (2005). Mapping leaks in the math, science, and technology pipeline. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2005(110), 3-6.

The Common Reason Of Being Fired

In this paper I am going to identify and explain the top five reasons an employee is fired and the top 5 characteristics of a successful individual and how those characteristics pertain to your dream career. According to Doyle. A (n.d.) the top five reasons why an employee is fired are (1) misconduct; (2) poor performance; (3) under the influence; (4) absenteeism; and (5) lying (para. 2, 5, 6).

Apart from the reasoning’s of why an employee is fired there are characteristics that will help an individual be successful which they are; passion, honest, be on time, have the necessary skills, and social. Starting of on why an employee is fired is misconduct; includes sexual harassment towards other employees, stealing office supplies which you should never do, and unethical conduct.

Number two: Poor performance; if you are slacking off, turning in any type of report late or just don’t progress during the time you’ve been there. Reason Number three: Lying; As Doyle. A (n.d.) Pointed out, not only is it unethical to use false information, but can also damage the company as well as lying in a job interview (para. 3).

Reason four: absenteeism; Missing every week can lead to you being fire as it can show that you are always not completing work, irresponsible or just don’t have legitimately reason of being excuse. Reason Five: Under the influence; going to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs can make an employee misbehave, be danger to others and themselves, and not function properly. Now being passionate, honest, on time, having skills, and being social are the characteristics of a successful individual and are the key to your future career. As being honest can show you are trustworthy, help you build a reputation, and shows your loyalty to customers and your upper employees.

Also being passionate can be seen as a person who is not absent, love what they do, and make a work environment more enlightened. Adding on is being on time, as it describes you as a responsible person who completes work, who is punctual, and who values their work time of their clients and employees. Next characteristic is skills; having the right skills is important as it requires you to understand what type of environment you are in, adapt or obtain new skills throughout your work years as in can get you a higher promotion or salary.

Lastly, being social. Being social is one of the most important characteristics for a successful individual as it involves everything in your workplace, like communicating with your coworkers and especially with customers because you set an example for the workplace, so being social is definitely a major characteristic in getting your future career.


  1. Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Get Fired. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Astronomy As A Career Path

When you look up into the night sky you can spot thousands of stars, the moon and maybe other planets like Mars and Venus. This is the working place for astronomers and astrophysicists. Their job is it to solve the secrets of the universe, collect information and try to answer important questions (Department of Astronomy University of VIrginia) like “ Where do we come from?” and they try to find out the concept of the universe. But many people are often also very critical about this field of science because nearly everything is based on theories. This paper is about careers in astronomy and what do you have to do to find a way in this very small field.

For astronomers the Universe is the laboratory. Astronomy is a science that seeks to explain everything that humans observe in the Universe, from comets and planets in our own solar system to distant galaxies to the echoes of the Big Bang. Professional astronomers are motivated by curiosity and a deep desire to understand some of the grandest and most beautiful phenomena in the universe, as well as a desire to share these wonders with others. By studying the cosmos beyond our own planet, we can understand where we come from, where we are going and how physics works under conditions which are impossible to recreate on Earth.

When you want to study astronomy/ become an astronomer you have to have a very good science knowledge. That includes math, physics, chemistry and environmental science. That’s why many colleges are offering courses even before the semester started to get on that required level. And of course astronomers do not just use telescopes in their studies of the universe. In recent years powerful supercomputers have been employed. That’s why you have to have good coding skills and you should like working with a computer. Python is probably the most versatile coding language right now (Berkeley University of California).So you should start learning those coding languages early. Also astronomers must apply equal measures of analytic thinking and imagination, logic and intuition to answer the most fundamental questions about the cosmos: What are stars and planets? How did they evolve? Why does the night sky look the way it does? Does life exist among the stars? How did the universe get here? How will it end? If astronomy seems a rigorous science, it is because the objective of astronomers is nothing less than to understand the nature of the universe. It takes a special person to pursue this objective. One who likes to challenge and be challenged.

The decisions that you made in high school can have a big effect on your career as an astronomer. Generally students who take mathematics or science courses after the tenth grade have the best chances of successfully pursuing a science or engineering career. Most colleges require at least one year of high school science and two years of high school mathematics. This minimum background is not enough for students planning to major in science. A better approach is to complete math through pre-calculus in high school. This gives students who plan to major in astronomy or physics the necessary grounding in mathematics needed to start their science courses as soon as they begin college. Both chemistry and physics courses are also strongly recommended in high school as adequate preparation for the first years of college. Many entering students have taken advanced placement calculus and physics, though these courses are not required, but they can help you a lot. Students should also get involved in high school science groups, state junior academies of science and local amateur astronomy clubs. There are a lot of such organizations in the United States.

After you have graduated from High School you have to find a good college. But because of the fact that astronomy and astrophysics is such a small field, you will probably go to college far from home, because there are not many options where you can study. You could go for example to the University of Virginia. This is a college and graduate school of arts and science and they have a big department of astronomy. According to the UVA they are “ world leader in innovative and cutting edge science” and with their over fifteen full time faculty, they have one of the largest departments in Southeast. Other options are the Northern Arizona University where you can do your Bachelor of Science in astronomy and physics and it will take you four years. The Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and the University of Hawaii Hilo are also good places to study astronomy.

Most astronomy positions require a PhD degree, which can take five or six years of graduate work. This path enables the astronomer to do much independent work, which is what makes astronomy enjoyable: finding a problem and finding a way to solve it. Admission to graduate school generally requires completing an undergraduate physics or astronomy/physics major with a B average or better and satisfactory performance on the Graduate Record Exam. Once admitted, the astronomy graduate students take advanced courses in astronomy and astrophysics while beginning to undertake some research. The specific courses depend on the requirements of the department and the student’s research interests. After the first two years of course work, the graduate program generally requires research projects to be conducted under the supervision of faculty members, culminating in a PhD dissertation.

Astronomers work in many different positions. Those who do concentrate on astronomy typically find themselves employed as faculty or researchers at universities, observatories and government labs. Although most astronomers have advanced degrees, people with an undergraduate major in astronomy or physics can find jobs in support positions at national observatories, national laboratories, federal agencies and sometimes in large astronomy departments at universities. But you can work also in planetariums, science museums or in other public service positions to provide an important information link between the world of professional astronomy and the general public. Just about ten percent of all astronomers work in business or private industry. Astronomy is a small field but very popular. Only those with a strong education, ability and deep passion for the subject are likely to find a permanent position.

In the field of astronomy is a small turnover of positions each year and therefore strong competition for positions. Because it is so hard to get a job, many people are leaving this field. But that should not be a problem because astronomers have much knowledge in many areas. So there are many alternatives for example scientific and educational publishing, software development, consulting (at aerospace, software and other technical oriented firms), scientific translation (translation of scientific or technical texts, according to your area of expertise), engineering (engineering services at government or private sector) and much more (Careers for Astronomers).

There are different kinds of astronomers. Observational astronomers might look for new planets, try to understand stars, galaxies, black holes and other phenomena or try to map the entire sky (International Astronomical Union). There is also cosmology and this is a branch of astronomy that involves the origin and evolution of the universe, from the Big Bang to today and on into the future. According to NASA, the definition of cosmology is “the scientific study of the large scale properties of the universe as a whole.” Astrophysics is a branch of space science that applies the laws of physics and chemistry to explain the birth, life and death of stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae and other objects in the universe. These are the three biggest and most popular fields but there are also much more smaller and specific fields in astronomy. But you can not study most of them. Most of the time students study astronomy in general and they also have courses in more specific fields that they are maybe interested in or they find their field later when they already have a job. But you can also stuck with astronomy in general.

Astronomers have a very important job and it helps us to understand things. But the job is not necessary for our lives and it doesn’t helps us in our daily lives and because of that there aren’t many job offerings and a lot of help have to change their career into a different field. And not everybody can become an astronomer because you have to be very talented in science and you have to be able to understand things fast and easy. But for those people who are able to do that and who are really interested in that topic they should really try it out. Because you have so much freedom as a professor or a researcher in a university and you can work on things and questions that you are interested in and that you are passionate about. And maybe you find the answer of one of those questions or answers. And when you work in a planetarium or as an astronomer teacher you have the joy to fascinate other people with the characteristics of the universe. But if you are not passionate about astronomy you will probably not have a chance.

Comparison And Contrast Of Nursing Career Vs. Business Career

In our times now, nursing and business careers are very popular. Many people are taking these two degrees in college and after they giving more effort for them to be a professional nurse and business administrator. In many countries, both of these careers are in demand. All over the world, they need these two professions. These two different careers could give the same positive profit in the life of a person. But are there any similarities between these two? And in which areas they are in contrast?

We will talk about first the definition and differences between nursing and business career. We all know that Nursing is all about healthcare professionals, they are always in demand in any country. The demand for these careers or positions is continuing to increase. Nursing graduates can work in hospitals, they can also be nursing homes or caregivers, they can also work in a company as a company nurse, etc. This career is not as easy as we know, courage and compassion are required to this profession. If he is a nurse in the hospitals, they should always focus on their duty and all the important instructions from the doctor should be done perfectly and safely. Part of their job is to take care of all their patients with compassion, and love. They should always be patient in everything that they do as a nurse. It is also a must for them to assist the doctors to provide what he needed to check the condition of their patients. Another hard part of their job is when they are administering medicines, monitoring of the patients, always need to take the reading of any observations, and always keeping the families of the patients informed about all tests and observations they’ve done in the patients. In some hospitals, there is also a nurse who is inside the office, even he is a registered nurse, he can still do an administrative job and roles. A person who took nursing courses can have a different career in the future, he can be a registered nurse, nurse manager, and a practitioner. About the work timing of this nursing job, we all know that their timing is not normal at the work timing in the office. All nurses have shifting in their schedule, sometimes they are working 8-12 hours a day. They have a morning shift and evening shift. These are some of the reasons why the nursing job is one of the noble and respectful jobs in the world. They serve people with all of their efforts, time and strength.

In comparison with a business career, it refers to a business world. Part of this career is taking a piece of knowledge about the whole process and how the business is moving and growing. If you are a Business course graduate you should expect that your knowledge should be broad and not only about how the product should be sell. As you are involved in the business world, you should also need to know the raw materials, production or processing of the product of a business and how it will be market in all target customers. This career is also your preparation to enter other fields of a business and understand other fields, like sales, management, accounts or finance, and even the operations. A person who has a business degree can work in many establishments like manufacturing companies, banks, insurance companies, etc. Some of the popular careers or jobs he can do are to be a Marketing Manager or coordinator, Managing staff, Human resource specialists, Sales managers, and Advertiser. Meaning this career, play an important role in ones’ business because a person with this degree can be flexible in any area or field within the company. In term of work timing, most of the time this career have only 8 hours work in the office from morning until afternoon only.

As you can see after we give some definition and job description the nursing and business has, we know now in which part they are focusing. Nursing career is focused on the health and life of their patients while in contrast, Business career is focused on the business life itself. As both of them are challenging careers and in demand, they are both require good communication, decision making, and strong administrative skills. Both careers have also the opportunity to serve the community and other people. Nursing and business careers also promote improvement in leadership, that’s why both of them can also play a role as a manager or a role in any higher position which is related to their profession. Even these two have a different process of how to be professional in their field, but both of them are similar in dedicating themself to do their particular role in a company. Both of them can be the lifeblood of any company that they will be involved in.

The reason why nursing and business career is so popular, it’s because these two is so fulfilling and profitable careers. If you love to be a nurse someday that is good and if you want to have a business career in the future that is also good because both of them are worth it to be dreamed of. But choosing your right career is depends on your interest, talents and you need to consider what your hearts love to do. No matter which career you want to choose, the important is it suits your personality and you feel that you can find joy from it. If you choose the right career, for sure it is easy for you to enjoy everything that you need to do and you will never be afraid to face any challenges along your way. It doesn’t matter which path you want to pursue if that is the right education for you it can prepare you for a rewarding and profitable career. A good career can help you to have a good future.

How Professions Are Affected By The Digital Society

Impact of digital society has not only benefitted an organization but has an impact on society, culture and politics. Next are some examples of such impacts.

  • Education to Electronic-Education – previously everyone encountered teachers and being physically present in a classroom, nowadays students tend to learn long distance from home or in their spare time. Allowing them to progress at their own speed. This shows that soon the need of a physical teacher could be replaced by a digital library and digital course (Manuel & López, 2004).
  • Newspaper to E-News or E-Media – in the past the new paper printing and magazines were high on demand, now it’s rare to see in the society people carrying newspapers in the public, most of us witness mobile phones, iPad, and electronic book readers being used in the public transport, thus making this profession in a printing press disappear (Prokopets, 2019).
  • Flight Attendant – to robotic assistance – most people dream of being a flight attendant or a flight steward, but in the future, this could be replaced by robots that deliver precisely what you need with a press of a button (Prokopets, 2019).
  • Lumber Jack – with new technology this profession can disappear with technology advancing at a rapid phase, the profession could be turned into machines and it can be mapped to a certain area to cut trees and it will do the job for them. And with the climate change and people arguing over to save the environment the digital use has become more common and the use of paper is less, due to this reason the profession is about to see a 9% drop in 2020 (Prokopets, 2019).
  • Mail Career – even though it is still alive, nowadays no one uses a mail to pay bills or wait for a bill of electricity or phone to come by post, most of them are available online and by email and flying drones to deliver posts will make this profession a target to reduce into 0 eventually (Prokopets, 2019).
  • Librarians and library – even though many books are being printed they also are available online, thus making this profession and physical library disappear or be more like a museum for future generations (Prokopets, 2019).
  • Food delivery and cooks – food delivery is now also adopting technology to order online such as in Czech Dáme jídlo and Uber Eats are becoming more and more popular, cooks also have a high risk of being replaced by machines or robots in the future (Prokopets, 2019).
  • Tax Examiner and Tax collector – tax payment, tax reimbursement, and tax examiner can be automated or done more efficiently with technology. Making accounting organizations pay fewer employees than they used to (Prokopets, 2019).
  • Taxi Dispatcher – in the past we used to call a taxi and they arrive. And now we use a mobile phone to pinpoint the location and compare with different apps to get a nominal rate. Thus, this profession slowly ceases to exist (Prokopets, 2019).
  • Farmer – fewer farmers are needed to for farmland with technology, the same applies to food demand new research and new digital printing could print food with the same composition in the future (Prokopets, 2019).
  • Travel Agent – mostly nowadays generation do not go to a travel agent to book, they do it online so this profession is going to see a drop and eventually will not exist since everything will exist online (Prokopets, 2019).
  • Customer Support – from tradition queues to phone calls and physical writing and chat with humans, will be replaced with chatbots that are sophisticated using neural networks and adaptive technology to replace this profession same in the future (Prokopets, 2019).
  • Audit profession affected – by Artificial intelligence, dashboards and data mining analytics can be used to have predictive analysis and forecasting to redesign work and conduct analysis on structured and unstructured data. As mentioned in (Team, 2018) words by Brian Foster, KPMG’s U.S. Emerging Audit Solutions Leader. “Auditors can then use this as analysis to deliver high-quality audits that dig deeper into the data and reveal more about a company, its risks, its financial reporting controls and its operating environment,”

Technological change begins with talking to the people who influence it and the people who are most affected. To this end, one of the key findings of Forbes 2025 / KPMG review report is that four out of five respondents, 80%, argue that auditors should use larger samples and more sophisticated technologies to collect and analyses data in their daily work (Team, 2018).

As mentioned above the audit profession cannot hold on to traditional auditing techniques, may it be accounting, agriculture, quality or technology audit, all professions are in need to adopt and evolve with the digital society.

Are there professions that still cannot be replaced by technology, technology is changing increasing in a rapid phase in the world and the way we live, every life in our aspects in affected by digital technology, digital society described in this chapter shows how, it has impacted on society and society, in general, has been evolving for thousands of years, and the new society is digital society making changes and impacting, business culture politics and day to day life.

What Causes People’s Career Passion To Change?

When john was 5 years old his parents ensured on calling him Dr. John. In order for john to receive a decent quality of education, his family payed every penny they owned with no hesitation. As he grew up and went to high school, his dad made sure that he focuses on biology and the other sciences, because those were the main subjects that university applicants get assessed against. John couldn’t wait until he becomes a doctor. 4 years in pre-medical school and 6 years of surgery focused studies, he believed he was ready for becoming a doctor. 3 years into his job, john is unhappy, depressed and continuously under pressure. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon thing to happen with people. Losing passion for a job or a specific career path is an increasing phenomenon in the 20th century. According to Foss (2016) “Because our interests can change over time, and because meaning can be found in so many ways and in so many places, when we glorify a “passionate calling,” it leaves too many people out. of responsibilities that may outweigh their absolute freedom to choose something else, not everyone has the luxury of going after their dreams” (para. 10). Faded passion in a career occurs because of several reasons, the most common being, that the career choice is tough, disappearing due to technological advances, and is not as good as it seems.

One of the reasons why people tend to change their career passion is because their choice of career is very difficult to achieve. Pursuing a career in medicine and studying for 8 years might not be a common endeavor for most individuals. According to Spector (2018) “becoming a doctor remains one of the most challenging career paths you can embark upon. It requires extensive (and expensive) schooling followed by intensive residencies before you’re fully on your feet. The idea, generally, is that all the hard work will pay off not only financially, but also in terms of job satisfaction and work-life balance; then there’s the immeasurable personal benefits of helping people, and possibly even saving lives” (para. 2). The long hours of studying and the extensive amount of pressure that students are exposed to in medical schools, all of this only to be rewarded with a passing grade might cause students to lose control. Not only in medicine, but also in various different fields, when students get into situations such as spending sleepless nights, and being continuously put under a lot of pressure, they will lose motivation through the career.

One of the primary causes for a faded career passion is the chance of the profession dying in the future. People at a young age often have multiple career options that are being presented to them, it also happens that parents influence their children’s choice of profession. Every child aims to be a pilot as their dad, or an architect as their mother. Nevertheless, choosing a career path in the 21st century depends mostly on the developments that are happening in the current period. A millennial who is aiming to graduate with a medical degree cannot assure that 20 years from now the profession of a doctor will not be replaced by a machine or a robot. According to Alderson (2018) “companies have every reason to employ robots over humans. Not only do robots pay for themselves in a matter of months, but they’re more efficient, don’t need sick days or vacation time, don’t need to be insured, are always polite and punctual” (para. 3). As a matter of fact, students get to change their careers based on what accommodates with the recent future.

Another factor that causes people to give up on their career passion is because they find out after they join the workforce that the job is not as impressive as expected. For instance, this is commonly wide spread amongst the Engineering profession, constructing towers seems so great and glamorous. Additionally, people who work at engineering are very respectable in their positions and in the high level of responsibility they take. But in reality, the market is saturated, Stressful, and employees take a long time to climb up the ranks. Caprino (2019) claims that “It’s not effective if you try to choose a career direction just from the mere idea or sound of it – to hang all your hopes of success onto an idea that’s never been tested for you” (para. 9). Choosing a career based on stereotypes and

In conclusion, there are multiple reasons for people to change their career passions, the difficulty for attaining one’s dream job, the expiry of the profession, and the failed expectations might only be a few. In a public speech event on passion and career Terri Trespicio said “I’m leery of passion for a few reasons. But one of them is that passion is not a plan, it’s a feeling. And feelings change” (Trespicio, 2015). It takes a lot of time and effort for an individual to pursue a passion and turn it into a career. Passion is not simply a feeling, but it’s the full energy that people put in something knowing that it will be possible. Joining a profession for its reputation and status will not always work out right. Years from now, a lot of professions will be eliminated and replaced with robots and machines that will be taking the roles of human beings, the only jobs surviving will be those involving creativity and originality that the artificial intelligence will not be able to take over. Furthermore, it is an expected aspect of life for people to desire another profession and quit their career passion. What one is passionate about at 16 is not necessarily what they will be passionate about at 30. Whether was it a doctor, artist, teacher or a lawyer, those individuals might have had a change of heart while seeking their passion because it is a natural thing to happen with human beings. To an extent, everyone has a fear of disappointment and failure, but in order to prevent giving up on our dreams and passions, the right thing to do is to pursue a career passion that one enjoys and is able to perform with joy and excitement.


  1. Alderson, E. (2018, May 13). These Jobs are Most at Stake to be Replaced by Robots. Retrieved from
  2. Caprino, K. (2019, February 15). Stop Searching For Career Passion — You Won’t Find It That Way. Retrieved from
  3. The doctor is out? Why physicians are leaving their practices to pursue other careers. (2018, August 18). Retrieved from
  4. Foss, E. (2016, September 28). There’s So Much More to a Fulfilling Career Than Following Your Passion. Retrieved from
  5. Stop searching for your passion | Terri Trespicio | TEDxKC [Video file]. (2015, September 14). Retrieved from

Is Engineering A Good Career?

It is a broad term that covers a wide range of applications and industries. Combining mathematics, science and technology, engineers produce creative solutions to real world difficulties. It is therefore an amazing career option with so much potential for growth. You just have to figure out where your curiosity lies. It is all about the passion, aim, pride, dream and joy. It totally depends on you in which field you want to make your career. Engineering is an activity other than purely manual and physical work which brings about the utilization of the materials and laws of nature for the good of humanity.

Think about everything that we have right now cars, planes, internet, phones, TVs etc. etc. all made possible because of engineers. This shows that it is the backbone of human civilization. Even the most common things like the houses that we live in requires an engineer to design it. So I hope I drove the point across to you : engineering is an important profession for mankind.

Is it more important than other professions like medicine or law? I would like to believe all professions are important for a fully functioning society. If you’re at a crossroads trying to pick your degree, then I can only suggest for you to read more about what an engineer does and the various engineering fields (there are quite a number of them). From there you will be able to see if it’s something you’d like to do or not.

Every course has a good career option, It depends on how you take it. Engineering is a good career but only if you have patience to work hard. Engineering is absolutely a good career field if it’s the right career for you. If you have an analytical mind and like to solve practical problems using math, physics and technology, it could be your most successful choice. Engineers enjoy a very rewarding and respected role in today’s society, and should always have good job opportunities.

Making a career in engineering is worth considering not only for the financial rewards associated with it, but also, for its other various aspects that are appealing to the engineers. The only thing that is difficult, however, is a major responsibility that they have on their shoulders.

It is a great of the best of all. It just depends how hard work are you willing to do if you do it in the beginning and get admitted to a Government college then rest of the time you spend there would be your golden time, and if you could not get a Government college then joining a separate college like a private college then you would have to work hard for the course time and become as skillful as possible, but to say in a single sentence engineering is indeed a great field.

If you like Mathematics and Science and like generally tinkering with things or objects (assemble, re-assemble, engineer, reverse engineer) and like applying the laws of Science (Physics etc) to derive conclusions, and arrive at well-reasoned and applicable results then you are good to go. Engineering mostly deals with application and implementation— two things crucial to the advancement of mankind. There are many branches in engineering and each one deals with a particular facet of the marvelous world of engineering things.

Objective Career Success

How successful is your career? What is career success? How somebody defines success? A sole answer to these questions is difficult to be presented, as success means different things to different people.

In recent years, many researchers have attempted to define the concept of job success by trying to analyze the individual and organizational factors that shape it. Understanding the factors that predict job success is an issue that is of interest not only to employees but also to organizations as personal success in the long run can lead to organizational success (Judge, Higgins, Thoresen, & Barrick, 1999). Therefore, researchers continue to examine and study those factors that may lead to success.

A career is a sequence of jobs an individual holds throughout one’s work history (Feldman, 1996). The path one follows across time and space (Van Maanen & Schein, 1977). Whereas success in one’s career is a natural expectation of individuals, the nature of that success depends on what one expects from it. In fact people have different definitions of career success founded on their assessment of their career prospects (Ebadan & Winstanley, 1997). Not everyone perceives success in the same way. Some people tend to view their career more (or less) successful than others do.

According to Seibert and Kramer (2001), career success is defined as ‘the accumulated positive outcomes of work and psychology resulting from one’s work experiences’. Success accommodates also two kinds of meaning: ‘the attainment of an object according to one’s desire’ (subjective) and ‘the prosperous achievement of something attempted’ (objective) (Arthur B.Michael, Khapova N. Svetlana, Wilderom PM Celeste, 2005).

For this reason, career success has been operationalized by objective and subjective measures and researchers study work experience from both sides. The first includes variables that measure extrinsic factors such as salary and number of promotions during a career (objective career success). The second perspective concerns endogenous factors such as job satisfaction (subjective career success). While recognizing the difference between the two options, the phrase career success is used to encompass both sides.

In the current research have been chosen to identify factors affecting career success using both measures.

Human capital and demographic characteristics are also an object study in relation to a successful career. According to the theory of human capital, people with a high level of education enjoy more choices because of investments they have made to develop their human capital. Really relevant research indicates that education is positively related to employee development at managerial positions, increasing their remuneration and promoting them in the workplace (Wayne et al., 1999).

Research indicates that human capital has a significant impact in successful career, as it explains a large part of the salary fluctuations and number of promotions. Researchers ascertain that investment in education and work experience constitute the strongest and most stable predictors of career development (Ballout, 2007). Kirchmeyer (1998) argues that work experience and working hours are closely linked to objective and subjective career success. He also states that investment in human capital is an important predictive factor for employees’ development, however seems to affect to a smaller degree the job satisfaction.

Early career surveys for career, studied the demographic factors in relation to the successful career. A number of studies indicate that various demographics factors such as gender, age, marital status, number and age of children, spouse’s employment contribute to objectively successful career. As expected, age has been found to be able to predict positively objective criteria of success, such as remuneration and promotions (Kuijpers, Schyns, & Scheerens, 2006). The same is supported by Judge et al. (1995), who view age is a predictive indicator of an objectively successful career, especially in terms of earnings, regardless of gender. It has also been found to be negatively related to labor satisfaction, as long as people grow older, their satisfaction decreases (Judge et al.,1995).

As a concept, career success is directly linked to the hierarchical evolution of the individual and the outcome of their career experiences. Both the individual and the organization invest time, effort and resources on career development activities that can lead to the achievement of career success.

Objective career success refers to specific categories of variables that are used by society, business, and an individual’s coworkers to describe the typical steps one takes that lead to success in a particular profession.

Achievements that are objectively observable (Seibert et al., 2001) such as salary, number of promotions, position in the hierarchy, professional status of individuals are used to approach this concept of success. The objective career is publically accessible, and related to social role and official position. Writers who see career success from this angle read it in structural terms (Wilensky, 1961) and emphasize people’s inclination to organize around standing variations (Nicholson, 1998). Objective career success reflects shared social understanding instead of distinctive individual understanding.

Nicholson and Waal-Andrews (2005) suggest that six objective success outcomes occur:

  1. Status and rank (hierarchical position).
  2. Material success (wealth, property, earning capacity).
  3. Social reputation and regard, prestige, influence.
  4. Knowledge and skills.
  5. Friendships, network connections.
  6. Health and well-being.

Most of the researchers have used a single or two variables to measure the above criteria (Gattiker & Larwood, 1986). For example the hierarchical evolution within a business (Kotter, 1982) or the combination of hierarchical level and salary (Elliott, 1982).

Other studies have sought to analyze objective success more thoroughly and have used measures when determining the extent to which gaining a ΜΒΑ degree (Pfeffer, 1977) or international work experience (Cava & Mayer, 1993) has contributed.