Canadian Education System and Its History

Whist researching my topic, I wanted some background noise to help me concentrate. So, I turned on my TV and started to play one of my favorite shows, ‘Black Mirror’. The episodes are all individually casted and have unique storylines. The topics on the show explore relevant topics, but with exaggerated storyline to create an unease about our modern society. As I was endlessly sifting through information and glancing up at my screen, I realized that the mind warping ideas coming from the utopian TV show matched the ideas in my research. I quickly made connections ad saw exactly how I would explain the education system. At first, I thought I would create and describe an ‘episode’ of the series about high school, I would exaggerate the circumstances and create something that would make people think of high school with the skeptical perspective I sat at my computer, wondering how to create this story. Then I realized I don’t have to. When spoken about as a skeleton, school sounds morbid and cruel. So, instead of creating and altering our realities, I will be dry and right to the point. The circumstances of our school system appeal for themselves. The school system is based on things like our shameful history, standardized testing and current political problems resulting in funding cuts. Teens relinquish all control that we have. We trust that for a concept like school to be enforced all over the world it must be effective, there must be science behind it or logic. To understand how and why we’ve created this system we must remember that this is not a product of logic or science or psychology, it was a product of history.

I believe we need to view the problem in a futuristic mindset to find a solution, but to understand schools, we must view them in historical perspective. When we see that children everywhere are required by law to go to school, that almost all schools are structured in the same way, and that our society goes to a great deal of trouble and expense to provide such schools, we tend naturally to assume that there must be some good, logical reason. If we want to understand why standard schools are what they are, we have to abandon the idea that they are products of logic or scientific insight. They are, instead, products of history. As I previously said, schooling as it exists today, only makes sense if we view it from a historical perspective. As a step toward explaining why schools exist, I will in a nutshell explain the history of education.

For hundreds of thousands of years, children educated themselves. They learned through self-directed play and exploration. If you look at schools in relation to the history of our species, they are very recent institutions. For hundreds of thousands of years, before the advent of agriculture, we lived as hunter-gatherers. Children in hunter-gatherer cultures learned what they needed to know to become effective competent adults through their creativity and interest. The strong drives in children to play and explore presumably came about, during our evolution as hunter-gatherers. Adults in hunter-gatherer cultures allowed children almost unlimited freedom to play and explore on their own because they recognized creative activities are child’s natural ways of learning. The rise of agriculture and industry forced children to become laborers. Play, creativity and exploration were suppressed. Creativity, which had once been a virtue, became a vice beaten out of children. Hunter-gatherers saw did not see labor as a job or ‘work’, so they did not distinguish between work and play—essentially all of life was understood as play. The new industry gradually changed learning from what we here from the hunter-gatherers, into something more familiar in modern day. With agriculture, people learned that mass production could allowed them to make more money. This large-scale farming required long hours of relatively unskilled, repetitive labor, most of which could be done by children. Children’s lives changed gradually from the free pursuit of their own interests to increasingly more time spent at work. With the rise of a new bourgeoisie class, child labor gradually subsided, but this did not immediately improve the lives of most children. Business owners cheap needed laborers. They felt they could profit by extracting as much work from them as possible with very little compensation. During this time period the extent of a child’s education was squashing their willfulness in order to make them good laborers. A good child was an obedient child, who suppressed his or her urge to play and explore. A good child blindly carried out the orders of adult masters. But human instincts are very strong, the children’s creativity and need for exploration were so powerful that they can never be fully beaten out of a child.

The idea of universal, compulsory education arose and gradually spread. Some would be religious, and some public. As industry became somewhat more automated, the need for child labor declined in some parts of the world. The idea began to spread that childhood should be a time for learning. The idea and practice of universal, compulsory public education developed gradually in Europe, from the early 16th century on into the 19th. It was an idea that had many supporters, who all had their own ideas concerning the lessons that children should learn. Employers in industry saw schooling as a way to create better workers. To them, the most crucial lessons were punctuality, following directions, tolerance for long hours of tedious work, and a minimal ability to read and write. From their point of view, the duller or lest explorative the subjects taught in schools, the better. Although the traits to make a good laborer were most important, children still learned subjects such as Latin and mathematics, nobody believed that children left to their own devices, even in a rich setting for learning. They felt as though children had to learn just the lessons that they, as adults, deemed to be so important. All of them saw schooling as the implanting of certain truths and ways of thinking into children’s minds. The only known method of education, then as well as now, is forced repetition and testing for memory of what was repeated. With the rise of schooling, people began to think of learning as children’s work. The same power-assertive methods that had been used to make children work in fields and factories were quite naturally transferred to the classroom. Repetition and memorization of lessons is tedious work for children, whose instincts urge them constantly to play freely and explore the world on their own. Just as children do not adapt readily to laboring in fields and factories, they did not adapt readily to schooling. This was no surprise to the adults involved. By this point in history, the idea that children’s own willfulness had any value was pretty well forgotten. Everyone assumed that to make children learn in school the children’s willfulness would have to be beaten out of them. Punishments of all sorts were seen as essential to the educational process. In some schools, children were permitted certain periods of play (recess), but play was not considered to be a vehicle of learning. In the classroom, play was the enemy of learning.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, public schooling gradually evolved toward what we all recognize today as conventional schooling. The methods of discipline became more humane, or at least less corporal, the lessons became more secular, the curriculum expanded, as knowledge expanded, to include an ever-growing list of subjects, and the number of hours, days, and years of compulsory schooling increased continuously. School gradually replaced fieldwork, factory work, and domestic chores as the child’s primary job. Just as adults put in their eight-hour day at their place of employment, children today put in their six-hour day at school, plus another hour or more of homework, and often more hours of lessons outside of school. Over time, children’s lives have become increasingly defined and structured by the school curriculum. Children now are almost universally identified by their grade in school, much as adults are identified by their job or career.

Schools today are much less harsh than they were, but certain premises about the nature of learning remain unchanged: learning is hard work, it is something that children must be forced to do, not something that will happen naturally through children’s self-chosen activities. The specific lessons that children must learn are determined by professional educators, not by children, so education today is still, as much as ever, a matter of inculcation (though educators tend to avoid that term and use, falsely, terms like ‘discovery’).

Clever educators today might use ‘play’ as a tool to get children to enjoy some of their lessons, and children might be allowed some free playtime at recess (though even this is decreasing in very recent times), but the children’s own play is certainly understood as inadequate as a foundation for education. Children whose drive to play is so strong that they can’t sit still for lessons are no longer beaten, instead, they are medicated and pitied for a basic human reaction. School today is the place where all children learn the distinction that hunter-gatherers never knew—the distinction between work and play. The teacher says, ‘You must do your work and then you can play’. Clearly, according to this message, work, which encompasses all of school learning, is something that one does not want to do but must, and play, which is everything that one wants to do, has relatively little value. That, perhaps, is the leading lesson of our method of schooling. If children learn nothing else in school, they learn the difference between work and play.

A person who historically played a huge role in developing the education system in Canada was Egerton Ryerson. He was greatly involved in creating a wide spread uniform education system in Ontario. Ryerson helped found the Upper Canada Academy in Cobourg in the 1830s, which was one of the first school in Ontario. Ryerson also fought for many secularization reforms to keep power and influence away from any one church, which is ironic for his choices later in his career. Such secularization also led to the widening of the school system. The current Governor General asked him to become Chief Superintendent of Education for Upper Canada in 1844. It is in this role that Ryerson made his historical mark. He is credited with the creation of the modern textbook. Also, he fought for school to be free to the public. While Egerton Ryerson supported free and compulsory education, he also believed in different systems of education for white children and Aboriginal children. These beliefs played a role in the establishment of what became the residential school system that has had such a devastating impact on First Nations, Metis and Inuit people across Canada. Along with this he also believed girls shouldn’t be educated past 6th grade as their roles in society are to be wives and homemakers.

Next, I will transfer from the origins of the system to current application methods, every teen’s nightmare, standardized testing. School has always relied on standardized testing. The Industrial Revolution and the movement to increased schooling where students were what really advanced the use of standardized testing. Children were being moved out of the work force and into schools. One of the easiest and the cheapest way to test large numbers of those children was with a standardized exam. In the U.S. Alfred Binet (1857-1911) and Theodore Simon (1872-1961) developed what is now commonly known as an IQ Test, beginning in the late 1800s and culminating with the Binet-Simon scale in 1905. These intelligence tests were created in response to the wanting of the French government to develop special education classes for students who were not benefiting from the newly instituted regular compulsory education program. The tests tried to identify students who needed focused education in order to maximize their education. These standardized tests were an attempt to streamline education so that society would gain maximum benefit from each citizen. Historians suggest by World War I every day standardized testing was the only method of assessment. Although Americans were creating tests like the SAT tests, Canadians did not have a big exam like that until the 1960s. Alberta was the first province in Canada to create a big exam. Their first exam was comparable to modern EQAO. The test was given to 3th, 6th, and 9th grades. Historians suggest that Alberta’s introduction of achievement testing was done in response to a worldwide wave of educational reform that wanted more accountability and structure in education. At the 12th grade level, diploma exams were reinstated in 1984, after being removed for several years. These tests are the heart of the school system, yet there are hundreds of studies proving them ineffective. There are so many variables to be considered including giving an advantage those who can afford test prep, using arbitrary, subjectively-set pass-fail cut scores. They can reduce teacher creativity and the appeal of teaching as a profession, create unnecessary stress and negative attitudes toward schooling, waste the vast, creative potential of human variability, and even penalize test-takers who think in nonstandard ways. Speaking personally, I feel as though test scores do not reflect my overall intelligence.

Ontario’s education system has had its ups and downs, the most recent change is thanks to a politician named Doug Ford. His recent cuts are ironically labelled ‘Education That Works for You’. His plan focuses on modernizing learning, modernizing health and physical education. ‘Modernizing classrooms’ means improving broadband Internet access, requiring high school students to take a minimum of four online courses (up to now, online courses were typically optional), and making ‘sustainable’ cuts to grants for student needs which covers costs for things like classroom supplies and Indigenous language programs. It also means increasing class sizes—under the plan, average class size for grades four through eight will rise from 25 to 27, while average class size for grades nine through 12 will jump from 25 to 33. As for ‘modernizing learning’, Ford’s government hopes to introduce a new four-year math plan that will increase online resources and require new teachers to pass a math knowledge test to become Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) certified—seemingly regardless of their subject expertise. Meaning every teacher must pass this math test no matter their subject. The health and physical education portion of the plan is step in the right direction, they plan to undo the decision they made summer of 2018, which was to revert schools to the 1998 curriculum, including sex education after much backlash (the 1998 curriculum didn’t cover consent, online communication, or LGBTQ2+ identities). The final version looks more similar to the 2015 curriculum and covers consent, online safety, gender identity and expression. That said, certain topics will now be covered in grade 8, not grade 6. But Ford has neglected education on mental health, the farthest they will go is adding a class on what a healthy family looks like to help kids in abusive situations. They will also be adding the risks of opioids and vaping to the curriculum. This prime example of how the school system isn’t setup to help students succeed.

The picture I’ve painted in this paper should open your mind the way an episode of ‘Black Mirror’ does. It should show you that although history is important, it’s nothing unless we learn from it. It should show that a test doesn’t determine whether someone is or isn’t intelligent, and lastly should that, our future is depended on whether or not we change our ways. I could scare you by crafting a story. Using fiction to plant a seed in your mind, instead I used facts and knowledge to hopefully, invoke change. In the world of Charlie Brooker, my story isn’t a warning, change is inevitable, the question is when.

What Are the Benefits of Studying in Canada: Essay

Canada has become very popular among international students who are passionate about staying in the country even after completing their program. Canada is no longer a downgraded place when it comes to acquiring foreign education. International students are open to numerous opportunities in this country and they have a better chance of securing a permanent residence after the completion of their studies.

Canada is highly ranked among the top ten places to study and live in the global world, plus, the education system is highly ranked and rated. And this explains why thousands of internationals apply to study in Canada every year and call it their home.

Generally, Canadian schools are very particular about delivering quality and top-notch education, coupled with very affordable and low tuition fees. And because of this low tuition rate, Canada has become a major option for international students to study in a foreign country, away from their home country.

The first thing that makes studying in Canada beneficial is the way of life in this country. Canada is a very large country, thus it comprises different kinds of people, a vast landscape, a nice climate, and a very unique and fantastic way of life. Canadians are very particular about values, respect for human dignity, equality and diversity, pride, and so on.

In addition, Canada is home to a large number of colleges and universities that welcome international students all year round. There are many top-quality universities and colleges in Canada. Moreover, the programs they offer are very diverse, so everyone will be able to find something to their liking.

One more benefit of studying in Canada is that this country is considered one of the safest and most secure places to live in the whole world.

It’s very rare to come across negative feedback from Canadian international students. Over the years, they’ve all had amazing and encouraging things to say about studying in Canada. A higher percentage of Canadian institutions have international student offices that see to the needs and complaints of every international student.

There are numerous supports available for international students in Canada both from the institutions and the communities. As an international student with a work permit, you are permitted to work on a part-time basis during your study in the country. This will help improve your standard of living and cover your expenses.

Finally, is it really worth it to study in Canada? With all the benefits, definitely yes. Studying in Canada paves the way for opportunities for international students, it’s also the best way to secure permanent residence in Canada. Canada is also a place full of diverse cultures, Canadians appreciate and celebrate diversity and also appreciate other people’s culture. A greater opportunity is in stock for you if you become an international student in Canada.

Youth Unemployment Essay

1.0 Introduction

In this study, youth unemployment in Canada is taken into consideration. Canada is a nation situated in northern North America and the population of Canada is around 37 million people. In this study, the trend of unemployment in the period from 2000 to 2019 will be stated clearly by giving the measurement of the unemployment rate in Canada. Besides, the factors of youth unemployment in Canada need to be defined and clarified. In addition, the impacts of unemployment on Canada’s economy and the ways to overcome youth unemployment in Canada will also be explicitly mentioned.

1.1 Unemployment

The definition of unemployment is someone who is out of work at the moment but is eligible for jobs and has been constantly looking for work in the past month. The three major types of unemployment are frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, and cyclical unemployment. Frictional unemployment is short-term unemployment due to the method of linking workers with jobs. Examples of frictional unemployment are voluntary, relocation, newly entering the workforce, and re-entering the workforce. Structural unemployment refers to unemployment caused by a persistent mismatch between workers’ skills or attributes and job requirements. Examples of structural unemployment are advances in technology and job outsourcing. Cyclical unemployment is triggered by the contraction of the business cycle. An example of cyclical unemployment is demand-deficient unemployment.

1.2 Youth Unemployment trend in Canada

The line graph shows the percentage of youth unemployment rate in Canada from 2000 to 2019. In 2000, the youth unemployment rate in Canada was 12.6%. The graph rose by 1% to 13.6% from 2000 to 2003. In 2004, the figure stands at 13.6%. The youth unemployment rate in Canada dropped dramatically from 2005 to 2007. The lowest youth unemployment rate during the period was 11.1% in 2007. The figure increased rapidly from 2008 to 2009 by 3.8% to 15.3% and is the highest youth unemployment rate during the period. The graph declined marginally in 2010, then continued to rise in 2001 and 2012. The youth unemployment rate in 2013 was 13.7%. The graph gradually decreased from 2013 to 2018 but in 2019 the figure increased by 0.3% to 11.8% of the youth unemployment rate. Overall, in 2007 it had the lowest youth unemployment rate while in 2009 it had the highest youth unemployment rate.

2.0 Factors of Youth Unemployment in Canada

There are a few factors that can affect the youth unemployment rate in Canada such as lack of experience and skills, advances in technology, voluntarily and fewer jobs than job seekers.

2.1 Lack of experience and skills

The youth unemployment rate tends to be greater than other demographic groups due to a lack of experience and skills. This makes it more difficult for young people to find work. They cannot gain the practical experience that they need unless they can find someone willing to hire them. Most companies prefer to hire experienced workers rather than those without work experience. This is because experienced employees can easily get the job done and they will not spend so much time learning their work compared to employees without experience. When employees lack experience, they may not complete work on time. In addition, a lack of skills may be rejected by a company. Job candidates require skills such as communication skills, computing skills, self-arrangement, and others. People with no skills or lack of skills may not qualified for the company and hard to get employed.

2.2 Advances in technology

Advances in technology have brought a lot of benefits to the world and helped people improve their standard of living, but also made people feel anxious. This is because machines will replace more repetitive tasks since machines can improve accuracy and safety in many work areas. It makes human skills obsolete and at lease devalues them. Technological unemployment occurs when developments in technology and work practices cause certain employees to lose their jobs. For example, by integrating labor-saving equipment into the production cycle, a company may get rid of jobs and manufacture the same amount of products as before. Therefore, certain employees could lose their jobs.

2.3 Voluntarily

Voluntarily is when someone decides not to work and volunteers to quit the job. Most of them quit their job because they did not want to accept low-paid jobs. In addition, there are a few reasons for voluntary unemployment including that they are satisfied with the amount of unemployment payment provided by the government makes them feel that their work is not ideal, high marginal tax rate which decreases effective take-home pay, some jobs are considered demeaning such as security guard and others. Some of them are not working because they are finding jobs with higher salary and benefits. This can happen when the equilibrium pay rate is lower than the salary required to encourage people to provide labor.

2.4 Fewer jobs than job seekers

One of the factors of youth unemployment is that fewer jobs than job seekers. This is an economy’s overall demand for goods and services that cannot fully support employment. In technical terms is known as demand-deficient unemployment. This will happen during the decline phase of the business cycle and when aggregate demand in the economy is not enough to provide jobs for everyone who wants to work. Demand for goods and services is reduced, less production is required and fewer workers are needed. Low market demand has forced the company to lose too much profit and a decline in revenue. They do not expect sales to pick up at the moment so they must fire workers. The greater unemployment, which is cyclical, leads the market demand to slip even more. It contributes to substantial unemployment.

3.0 Impacts of Unemployment to Canada

Unemployment can affect a country in every perspective including economic, social, political, and others. This includes increasing government borrowing, crime rates increase, and Gross Domestic Product of the country will decrease

3.1 Increasing government borrowing

High unemployment leads to less consumption of goods and services, as fewer people pay income taxes and reduce spending. While underpayment of taxes leads to increased demand for government borrowing. The government should take action to compensate for the cost of unemployment. They must raise funds or increasing expenditures by trying to cover all these benefits in another way. In addition, the government does not only pay unemployment benefits, but it also needs to pay a family who has unemployment to receive housing benefits and income support. According to a new report by TD Economics, the increase in youth unemployment in Canada during the latest recession will cost Canadian youth $23.1 billion in lost wages over the next 18 years.

3.2 Crime rates increase

Getting out of work can affect people’s lives in many ways. It is not only a loss of income, it may lead to negative emotions. In underdeveloped countries, poverty and unemployment tend to be other causes of crimes such as robbery and theft. A man who loses his job and has no money to feed his family might resort to stealing. When the unemployment rate increases, crime rates tend to increase. According to a 2016 Journal of Quantitative Criminology study, people who are unemployed due to socially unacceptable reasons and do not want to find jobs are more likely to engage in theft and robbery.

3.3 Gross Domestic Product will decrease

When the unemployment rate increases, the gross domestic product will decrease. The relationship between the unemployment rate and gross domestic product is inversely proportional. High unemployment suggests that the economy runs below the maximum potential and is inefficient. This would result in decreased production and profits. The unemployed are also unable to purchase many items, so they would lead to reduced spending and lower production. A rise in unemployment will hurt multipliers.

4.0 Ways to overcome the unemployment among the youth

There are a few ways to overcome unemployment among youth as tertiary institutions should equip students with more skills, encourage youth entrepreneurship,

4.1 Tertiary institutions should equip students with more skills

Nowadays, people are living in a fast-changing world where the job market changes so dramatically. People with no skills or a lack of skills can be replaced by other experienced and skillful people. Lack of experience and skills is one of the factors of youth unemployment. The government should try to fix this issue by running a range of programs to help youth in developing new skills. The government should set the syllabus for tertiary institutions to equip students to graduate with more skills. Those skills that they need to learn should be transferred across different industries such as the ability to learn new things quickly, teamwork, thinking analytically, and others. Besides, they also need to include good working attitudes such as honesty, respect, and others.

4.2 Encourage youth entrepreneurship

Young people must be empowered to start businesses. In many countries, very few young people are willing to run a business after graduation. Young people should start their businesses to create more employment opportunities for others. Entrepreneurs are essential to creating wealth and driving economic growth, innovation and employment. The government can provide them with entrepreneurship courses and teach them how to manage and run their own business. This will be the first step in nurturing a more independent and driven youth generation in a country. The young generation was exposed to the Internet earlier, so they have a broader vision of the world and better creativity compared to the previous generation. Governments must develop incentive programs for youth entrepreneurship to help and motivate them more.

Essay on Liberal View on Minimum Wage in Canada

The candidate with the most votes wins a riding, and a coalition will be formed by the party to win most ridings. The prime minister is not directly elected; rather, the leader of the winning party will take the top position (Kestler 1). Six rival Parties are all trying to achieve the same common goal, which is to become the next government in power. I live in Sage Creek, Winnipeg, Manitoba, my drive is the Constituency of St. Boniface. The two parties that have caught my attention the most are the Liberals and the Conservatives. I will describe Justin Trudeau, who is a candidate for Prime Minister with the Liberal Party of Canada, who promotes the benefits of working citizens and seeks to raise Canada’s minimum wage. In contrast to the child benefits, the working parents need and will through. Below the higher position of Prime Minister, I’m going to talk more about Dan Vandal. Who’s got a c. Who will share ideas with his group, but more or less concentrate on his family, as well as helping parents better manage child care and accessibility. Along with a middle-class tax benefit that will further improve the neighborhoods in Manitoba. Andrew Scheer, along with the Conservative Party, is the leader to reform immigration policies and boundaries, and also to remove the carbon tax. As the MP for St. Boniface, Réjeanne Caron will reflect on the public safety of her city, beginning with a tax credit bus incentive that much of Manitoba would enjoy, along with the removal of GST on home energy. Several announcements have been made along the lines of this year’s campaign.

The Prime Minister of Canada is the head of the elected government which is normally for a four-year duration. When elected, he/she becomes the principal minister of the country. In this year’s federal election, there is an ongoing debate on who will succeed in becoming the next Prime Minister. In the running for this position, we have Andrew Scheer, from the Conservative Party of Canada, and Justin Trudeau, from the Liberal Party of Canada (Tasker 2). Both are very popular political leaders with a lot of experience, however only one can be elected by Canadians. Justin Pierre James Trudeau (Parliamentary member) is a Canadian politician who serves as Canada’s 23rd and incumbent leader. Since 2015, he has held this position and has been Liberal Party leader since 2016. Justin Trudeau spent his early years in the media as the child of Pierre Trudeau the popular Canadian prime minister. Growing up as a Canadian icon with his father, Justin learned how to ‘live and breathe’ a Liberal mindedness. Justin has promised many major changes to the government and the environment of Canada in his 2019 plan to win (Harris1).

Trudeau’s list of promises to gain voters includes eliminating the fee merchants pay to credit-card companies on every transaction, reducing the cost of federal incorporations, eliminating the federal business advisory services fee, and aiding small businesses by creating a voluntary payroll system to automate records (Lim 3). Trudeau’s campaign includes implementing a pilot project to give up to $50,000 to as many as 2,000 new businesses, to help them start up their companies. He also wants to include giving $250 to entrepreneurs to create a website. The Liberals estimate these above actions would cost the federal treasury $129 million next year, with it increasing to $163 million in 2023-24. Major credit card companies will be affected by this change and, in turn, it can force them to revoke offered reward programs linked to their cards (Bloomberg 4).

As part of their platform, the Liberals are also promising to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 and employment insurance sickness benefits to 26 weeks from 15 weeks. This gives an advantage to all lower-income citizens living paycheck by paycheck. In 2017, t3.4 million Canadians were living below the poverty line, or 9.5 percent of the population, down from 10.6 percent in 2016. An employee who earns $7.20 an hour minimum wage would be below the poverty line. All adults would need to perform minimum wage jobs in a Canadian family to live above the level of poverty (Grabish 2). On the other hand, to be above the level, a single person must earn $12,140 a year, or $5.83 an hour. As a consequence of Trudeau’s plan, employers with tight budgets may have to lay off employees to maintain their budget. Companies may pass on the cost of higher wages to consumers with price increases known as the ‘scale effect.’ This would lift living costs and establish a need for further rises in minimum wages.

The Liberals do pledge to raise the Canada Child Benefit if re-elected and to tax-free maternal and parental leave benefits. EI premiums were known for pregnancy or maternal income. To apply, during the 52 weeks before filing your statement, you must have earned at least 600 hours of insurable work (Canada 2). In the first few months of parenting a baby, parents usually struggle with sleep deprivation and loss in work hours. Trudeau is promising to increase the child benefit to 15%, which, in turn, would give $1000 to some families with newborn children. This would also grant new measures that will help LGBTQ become eligible for parental leave benefits. For the average family, Trudeau said that this would amount to an extra $7000 claiming the proposed new leave (Gale 7). Although business owners will likely have to fit that bill. Canadians may take advantage of this benefit and put pressure on the Canadian System, knowing that this will be available to all families. It may also cause undue financial stress on the Canadian government, which may encourage parents to stay at home and not join the workforce.

Andrew Scheer is in the running for the Conservative Party, also known as the ‘Tories’. Sheer is a Canadian politician serving as a Member of Parliament for the riding of Regina. Since 2017, he has been president of the Conservative Party and a member of the Official Opposition. Andrew Scheer is proposing some changes to carbon tax and immigration laws, but his most insightful pledge to the Canadian media was to bring change to immigration (Scheer 2). He claims that he would close the gap in the’ Free Third Country Treaty’ between Canada and the United States. It also offers increased language training, greater consideration of job skills, and a refocusing of the government-sponsored refugee program on survivors of violence vs. arriving, first served. Thanks to the increase in irregular migrants, Canadians have lost confidence in the fairness of the immigration system. Creating an unpredictable rate of immigrants taking advantage of these entries and becoming illegal immigrants (Lum 2). Although this sounds like a great idea and can solve Canada’s immigration system problems, this will cost a fortune for the government to pay, either leading to a tax increase a decrease in tax returns, or other cuts to benefits provided by the Canadian government. Like all advancements in security and technology, it comes with a price, and Canada might not be ready for this money, tax, and security overhaul.

Andrew Scheer has called the Liberals’ carbon tax ineffective and has advised he would repeal it. The Conservative party would leave it to the provinces to decide if they want to put a price on carbon. The average price of gasoline is $1.38, which has increased by 4.4 cents since the carbon tax was imposed. Carbon taxes make fossil fuel prices increase and impose a harsher burden on those living in low-income situations. They will pay a higher percentage of their income for essentials like gas, electricity, and groceries. This will most likely call for a carbon tax rule that reflects each company or individual’s ability to pay (Thompson 4). With the carbon tax causing increases in business overheads, companies will be prompted to find more efficient ways to manufacture their products or deliver their services. The carbon tax’s purpose is to make sure that companies that emit large amounts of carbon dioxide will reduce, and if not eliminate their emissions. According to a 2011 report by the Congressional Budget Office, “A $20 per ton carbon tax would raise nearly $1.2 trillion over the next decade. This means that there would be plenty of opportunities to produce green energy. Green energy will address the need for sustainable and less damaging power sources, and that a growing green movement that would be beneficial to society would be promoted”(LLeviticus6). Andrew Scheer has promised to remove the carbon tax, and better secure Canada’s immigration laws and borders.

The pecking order below the position of Prime Minister is vast. There are many MPs for each Party. In my riding of St. Boniface, six MPs are running, the two I will be focusing are are in the same parties as the prime ministers I researched. Dan Vandal, with the Liberal Party of Canada, and Réjeanne Caron with the Conservative Party of Canada. Rejeanne Caron is a Francophone Metis women. She is an active 25-year veteran of the Winnipeg Police Service. Also as an active community member, Caron currently sits on many boards and committees such as the board of The Bear Clan, and the Winnipeg Safe City Steering Committee in support of the UN Safe Cities global initiative to reduce sexual violence against women and girls. Caron focuses mainly on the security and public safety of her country. The proposed Green Public Transit Tax Credit is a 15 percent credit that would apply to the costs of weekly and monthly transit passes and frequently used electronic fare cards (Caron 4). The Parliamentary Budget Office says that the new credit will cost $229 million in 2020 and around $331 million by 2030. On an average weekday, Winnipeg Transit carries over 168,400 passengers. With this tax credit, many who seek to start using buses will receive a credit for using transit buses. This aids the community, not only by using tax credits saving people money and finding a cheaper and safer alternative than using cars which pollute the environment substantially, compared to busses which can hold a much larger capacity of people. New Canadian tests have revealed that modern diesel cars produce 10 times more toxic air pollution than heavy trucks and buses. However, buses and trucks have larger engines and burn more diesel per kilometer, meaning that cars produce 10 times more pollution. Exhaust and chemical pollution is only one item for Réjeanne Caron’s running for the Conservatives (Jaffe 2).

Another promise that Réjeanne Caron has made to Manitobans is taking the tax off home energy. This will return around 92.78 dollars to all households per year. The average home energy bill in Manitoba costs $111.67 per month. Being taxed on what you already pay for your household is unnecessary. The government is taking money that doesn’t belong to them and should either go back into the pockets of Manitoba Hydro or return it to the customer. One deficiency of the ‘no tax on home energy’ is that Manitoba Hydro will see an increase in the usage of electricity and other sources since the homeowners will be paying less, thinking that they can take advantage of their situation. This may cause more need for assistance and a higher demand for this utility, increasing the need for more jobs in the electrical system and power line workers across Manitoba (Giroux 11).

Dan Vandal, is a Métis politician in Winnipeg, MB. He represented St. Boniface on the Winnipeg City Council from 1995 to 2004 and from 2006 to 2014, and ran unsuccessfully for Mayor of Winnipeg in 2004, coming in second place to Sam Katz. Dan Vandal is another candidate of the Liberal Party of Canada running as an MP for St. Boniface and St. Vital. Vandal and the Liberals promised that the government would create up to 250,000 more spaces for children in before and after-school childcare programs. Child care, otherwise known as daycare, is the care and supervision of a child or multiple children at a time. Almost half (46%) of parents reported using some type of childcare for their children aged 14 years and younger in the past year. Expanding the childcare capacity not only in communities but all over Canada is a ‘life saver’ for some parents who commute across the city to pick up their kids (Tsang 1). The constant denial of applicants and overcrowded care centers are creating a sense of disapproval from the parents now trying to find other ways of getting someone to watch their children. Many parents have had to stay home from work just to be able to drive and pick up their kids from school. Especially if they live far from the school which is now common with the overpopulation of some schools. An increase in available spots for childcare services will open a whole new opportunity for some parents to find a way of relief. Although in some cases the parents who use child care will take advantage and leave their children for longer periods. This places more need for staff and facilities for the child care services to comply with the new requirements (TaxTips 2). Not only have to take more children, but there will also have to be multiple buildings built, or leased, to meet the quota of 250,000 more available spots open for more children. This will put an incredible burden on the taxpayer. The average child day care costs around $211 a week for Manitoba Families. If there were to be advancements and more facilities built this would not only raise the price of care but place a higher standard of requirements the parents must meet to be accepted. In Canada, a family with a child under five with no special needs, no public assistance, and who is in daycare for at least eight hours a week spends an average of $5.31 per hour and $8,320 per year on childcare. This cost cuts a very large chunk of their annual income just for child care. If there were to be more facilities and availability hours, the price would never drop, and constantly rise. This would make it hard for lower and mmiddle-classcitizens to be able to afford childcare services.

Dan Vandal and the Liberals also promise that if re-elected, the Liberal government would make sure middle-class income earners won’t pay taxes on the first $15,000 of earnings. The median annual income in 2019 for a single person living in Canada is $33,000, and that number jumps to $92,700 for families with dual income between two working parents. “With this tax cut, we’ll lift about 40,000 people out of poverty, twice as many as the Conservative plan, and make life more affordable for Canadians.” The plan is expected to cost $2.9 billion in the first year, increasing to $5.6 billion in 2023-24 (Haslet 3).

Canadians will be faced with a big decision this year when it comes to the well-being of Families, Immigrants, Taxes, Daycare, and the Environment moving forward. The candidates all hold important, valuable, and debatable offerings to our citizens. I can’t wait to be able to vote. The right to vote, when I’m 18, will not be taken lightly. I have learned a lot of things about politics that I’ve never heard of before by reflecting on the data gathered. I will better prepare myself for this task when I can participate and use my ability to decide my future. Understanding why Parties develop their strategies and others creates a sense of transition, so change is good for an ever-growing nation like Canada. Looking at key ideas and pointing out the strategies and commitments of each Party, I realize that it is time for change and that Andrew Scheer and the Conservative Party should have the largest number of seats to secure this year’s vote. For the main reasons that he approaches his proposals in a manner of consideration and care.

Essay on Gun Violence in Canada

The element of globalization, supported by high-level technological growth, has made it possible for different societies or nations to determine and compare various similarities and differences with one another. One of such elements that many societies tend to compare is the crime rate of the respective areas so that the right decision-making process can be made to establish the required high-level safety. Canada and the United States of America (U.S.A) are the ideal nations where the comparison in criminal matters is carried out since these two are geographically proximate and have relatively the same socioeconomic aspects. When the two countries of Canada and the U.S.A are compared on matters of crime rates, the United States is struggling with a high crime rate compared to Canada

Gun violence is one of the crime issues facing Canada and the United States. Gun violence refers to the type of crime executed through the use of firearms such as shotguns, pistols, assault rifles, and much more to intimidate, hurt, or kill the victims. The two nations of Canada and the United States have laws allowing ownership of guns. However, some individuals illegally acquire and use firearms to execute their criminal activities. The crime rates emanating from gun violence have occurred in the two nations in the recent past as discussed below. In the United States, although the 2020 years recorded limited mass shooting cases, 2020 was the year that the nation marked one of the deadliest years in terms of gun violence. Over 43500 deaths resulting from gun deaths and a total of 610 mass shooting cases were recorded in the United States. The country was also subjected to alarming gun violence in the states of Atlanta, Boulder, San Jose, California, and Georgia within the period running from March to May 2021 (The American Journal of Managed Care, 2021). Furthermore, about 70 percent of gun violence occurs in the United States since the guns used in the heinous acts are easily concealed, hence preferred by many criminals (Webb, 2019). On the other hand, Raycraft’s (2021) report shows that the gun violence crime rate was relatively lower at 8344 victims in Canada. However, despite the lower rate of gun violence between Canada and the U.S.A. in 2020, the pattern reveals that this form of crime is increasing, as the 2020 firearm crime was a 15 percent increase compared to the previous year’s population. One significant difference between the gun violence crime in the United versus Canada is that the latter has about 13 rates of general gun ownership to that of the United States, but with relatively low handgun ownership. However, the increasing rate of crime in Canada should be a warning that it is high time changes are put in place to curb the issue of gun violence than it is now. All in all, the crime rate in the form of gun violence tends to be more alarming in the United States than in Canada.

The Importance Of Dress Code At Business Interview

Mainly in Canada your attire is your identity while appearing and leading the business &job interviews; it should be appropriate as it displays your you are wearing what is totally regarding the job interview you are going to do because professionals always appear like a gentleman in Canada while doing professional works.

It is commonly said that “book is not judge by its cover”, but here the term reverses here your personality that portrayed via your dress code during interviews which in result boost up your confidence and encourage you to do it with a full enthusiasm.

Image at front of the interviewer or the audience as well as your colleagues when you are representing the whole criteria; at that time your dress speaks with your words.

In other words the individuals or interviewers who are unknown at the same time so when you meet at the first site; your dress with in a perfect settled way shines in the other person’s eye, which directly influences and obliges the opposite person to cognate “what an amazing personality you have”, or he might be affected & consequences of that comes with a positive attitude.

As we are living in judgment era so your outfit displays your image in other’s mind. Make a habit of reactions of people that they give when you appeared at front of them that really appreciates you towards the “success that dress bestows you”.

From top to bottom your attire should totally be based on the modest needs of interview strategist era which allows you to think that which suit is appropriate; what could be the perfect things to do that will be explained in the following paragraphs by other group members which elaborate more regarding this with an effective conclusion.


If you are already well dressed, then there are lots of things to kept in mind for getting a job and success. While going for an interview, two things matter a lot that’s how you present yourself and how others judge you. Half of your success will focus on your qualifications, experience and skills. As we know, the first impression is the last one as you will not get any other chance to represent yourself

Nearly everyone will create a pleasant impression, but only a few will give a permanent impression. To put an impression on others requires around 5 seconds which involves education level, knowledge, intelligence, ambition, social status, ambition and heath. There are a few factors which are noted which judging you and your work. Appearance and body language cover 55% of your performance and the rest of the cover by your presentation mean what you say and how you talk such as intonation, pacing and inflection. In your body language, handshake, smile and eye contact can impress others. While greeting by your interviewer, extend your hand first and give a firm grip. You should give warm smile and maintain eye contact which illustrates your strong interpersonal skills, positiveness and confidence about your job.

While speaking any answer, think twice before saying nothing and be genuine. Practice will help to put a good impression on others. You should be prepared for how you will represent yourself in front of others. You should arrive 15 minutes early which can show the punctuality attitude of yours. As we know while doing any work, don’t be panic and show your enthusiasm and passion toward your work. Always Be comfortable and attentive in the interview environment.

One more important thing is notable that you should always ask for a dress in advance. May be, you have a great sense to attire dress, but We should give more importance to our appearance because it speaks a lot. It can make or break one’s career. So if you have any doubt regarding dress code, it’s better to clear it earlier otherwise you will get lost you chance.

Building Professional Wardrobe

  • Invest money in great suits which lasts longer.
  • Shop smarter and try to spend less money like always think in advance that what to buy and look for sale first.
  • Before shopping, look what you have in your current wardrobe. For this, first buy something that you can wear to work after that shop for fillers.

Your Professional Wardrobe for:

The specifics for women



  1. Pants with matching jacket:Material for this should be pure wool or wool blend.Colors must be only navy, charcoal gray and black.

    Choose a conservative style which is versatile.

  2. Shirts:Material should be cotton or cotton blend with white color.Always prefer long sleeve shirts as they look more professional than short sleeve.
  3. Blouses:Tops with button ups, turtlenecks and shells, make sure it keeps you covered.Must be of neutral color and soft and light patterns.
  4. Skirts:Should be of modest length, cover thighs when sitting which means no shorter than 2 inches above the knee but can be longer. Make sure it would be comfortable while walking, climbing stairs and sitting.For professional wear, skirts should be fitted not clingy and flowing.

Jewelry and Accessories:

Have post earrings, modest necklace, broaches and ring per hand. Handbags should match the outfits as well as scarves and belts.


Must be clean and polished. Heels should be of minimum 2 inches and comfortable while walking and climbing stairs. Closed toe and Opened toe both are acceptable.


Socks only needed to match the color of shoes and slacks, cover ankles and reach mid calf.

Hosiery is mandatory to be worn with skirts. Hosiery must be plain, neutral colored.


Keep hairs out of the face and must brushed. Nails should be painted a natural color. Even makeup should look natural and clean. Keep nails and teeth well maintained.

The role of dress in business success for “MEN”

Professional Wardrobe for Men:

  • First of all in this step you have to follow the other steps which are shown below: –
  • Shirts with good looking and simple button on it. Kind of light pair of slacks and a simple good quality belt.
  • Suits: Pants should be matching with the jacket.
  • The best kind of material for the men in this kind of situation is “Wool” or “A Blend Wool”. As for color navy, charcoal gray and black are the best-looking color for this and all are acceptable. Muted pattern is going to be outstanding for business success as most of the patterns are not acceptable in some situations. A versatile style is also the best option for going for any interview.
  • Shirts: For shirts the best material is going to be “cotton”. Also, long sleeve shirts look more professional than short sleeves.
  • Jewelry: It’s a kind of thing which look best when it keeps to minimum limit. For Ex: – Kind of wedding bands with a watch is too much. Only a watch is going to be best. Also, too much flashy watches are also banned in some kind of places.
  • Ties: A correct “Tie” should reach to the top of your belt’s buckle. Also, if you don’t know how to tie correctly, learn or have some kind of help from someone. However, pattern is also important, whenever you are choosing a tie. Geometrical, Stripes and diagonal which will be small to medium not too much large.
  • Accessories: Things like vests. Cuff links, and tie should have to match to the rest of your outfit. However, don’t wear all at once, because that can be too messy for all of the outfit.

These are some don’ts that help to get success in business:

  • Hygiene: Firstly maintain your personal hygiene in which a person have well brushed teeth and fresh bath and make sure you have no gum, candy or any other object in your mouth and don’t smoke during your work.
  • Dress: Doesn’t wear that has stains always make sure that your dress should be pressed, clean and stain free. Try to add wrinkle free clothes in your wardrobe that is convenient for workers.
  • Shoes: Don’t wear unpolished shoes and shoes should be professional not athletic or sneakers and don’t wear white socks with it.
  • Perfume: Another important thing avoids strong fragrances because some people have allergic reaction from this, so it put bad impacts on the recruiters and your coworkers.
  • Tattoos and Piercings: Don’t show your tattoos and piercings if you have cover it with clothing, makeup and accessories.
  • Hair: Don’t use unusual hair color like blue, green; keep your hair simple and out of your face, skip your hair accessories your hair should be well groomed.
  • Nails: Don’t match your nails to your outfit; it should be painted a natural color and well cleaned.
  • Makeup: Use makeup wisely tries to be professional one by enhancing your natural beauty with using neutral colors. Don’t use pink or red blushes or highlighter; avoid heavy makeup, shiny lip glosses and clumpy mascara.
  • Accessories: Don’t wear unmatching accessories that’s looks very weird in professional dress code. Brooches are acceptable to add little color to a jacket or sweater. For example: – girls should not wear heavy jewelry like necklace, many rings in one hand with the shirt and pant suit just wear watch and small ear rings.
  • Bags: Don’t carry traditional bag that be well decorated and so colorful, try to carry the professional lather bag that is black or brown in color and it should match your outfit.

The main purpose of business profession is looking at the best you can because the way you dress represents you and your company in front of your clients.

Canada’s Gun Laws Vs US Laws

Gun Incidents and Laws in the U.S. and Canada

During the year 2018, there has been over 47,000 gun incidents in the United States. With such a significant number of deaths resulting from gun use, this has sparked controversy around the Second Amendment of the Constitution, which grants people the right to bear arms and whether it should be upheld. Comparatively, Canada has only endured 208 shootings. It is no surprise that Canadians pride themselves on having more gun control than the U.S. so what can the States learn from Canada? First, I intend to uncover how America’s gun laws compare to Canada’s and what steps are required to obtain a firearm in both countries. Then, I will discuss whether or not Canadian gun laws would have prevented some of America’s worst mass shooters. Finally, I will touch on the difference in gun culture between Canada and the U.S. and what America can learn from their northern neighbor.

Obtaining a Firearm

It is common knowledge that Canada has many more restrictions when it comes to obtaining a firearm in comparison to the U.S. Thinking back to one of my previous statements, the numbers associated with the amount of gun incidents in the U.S. versus Canada proves there are additional requirements for Canadians to get ahold of firearms. Let us begin discussing what it takes for someone in the U.S. to obtain a gun. According to Audrey Carlsen and Sahil Chinoy’s 2018 article titled ‘How to Buy a Gun in 15 Countries’ for The New York Times, those wishing to purchase a gun in the U.S. really only have two steps to follow and the entire process can be finished within an hour. First, in order to purchase a gun from a U.S. gun store, the buyer must pass a background check. These checks are done to determine whether or not the process of purchasing a gun will continue. The types of people who would be rejected from purchasing a gun include but are not limited to: felons, fugitives, drug addicts, the mentally ill, illegal immigrants, and anyone convicted of domestic violence. While only a handful of states require extended background checks, it is said that around a third of gun owners in America are able to buy guns without a background check by purchasing them from a private seller. While the Gun Control Act of 1968 regulates the firearm industry and firearm owners through the prohibition of the sale of firearms by anyone without a Federal Firearms License, there is something known as the ‘gun show loophole’. According to The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV), the gun show loophole allows for prohibited purchasers to avoid background checks because the sale of a firearm between two people in the same state does not require a federal license. This loophole in the system makes it much easier for individuals to get their hands on a gun, including criminals and those deemed mentally unstable. Enforcing background checks on all sales of guns will ultimately prevent many criminals, and other banned purchasers from buying guns and potentially harming the lives of others. While obtaining guns in the States is a fairly simple task, this is not the case for Canadians interested in purchasing firearms.

Gun Ownership In Canada Vs Usa

Purchasing a firearm in Canada is more difficult and this is because Canada’s firearm laws are far more complex than those of the U.S. When it comes to firearms, Canadian law refers to three different classifications: the ‘non-restricted’, the ‘restricted’, and the ‘prohibited’. All three kinds of guns are able to be purchased and legally owned in Canada, but the requirements for these restricted and prohibited guns are stricter. According to a 2018 article posted to titled ‘How to Buy a Handgun in Canada: Regulatory and Procedural Steps’, the first step to obtaining a gun is taking two eight-hour courses, starting with the Canadian Firearms Safety Course and following with the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course. In these courses, individuals will learn safety rules as well as the basics of operating different types of guns. This is done to ensure buyers are responsible owners and users. You must then pass written and practical exams to receive a certificate that you submit to the federal police to continue the process towards a handgun license. Police run background checks and ask for two references, including a list of names of the partners the purchaser has lived with in the last two years. This process, on average, can take about two months. It is then required to pass a preliminary license verification by the seller, request approval from the federal police for the store to transfer ownership of the gun to you, and finally, register the firearm with the federal police. In Dylan Matthews’ 2014 article for Vox Media ‘Here’s How Gun Control Works in Canada’, in most cases, it is prohibited for one to carry a firearm on them but in rare occasions, one may get a permit to carry a concealed firearm if its use is in connection with one’s occupation. They may also be carried as personal protection if there is an active police file that presents evidence of whether the police provide sufficient protection for that person. It is clear that Canadian gun laws are harsher than those of the U.S. and perhaps these additional laws provide evidence as to why there are more mass shootings in the U.S. than in Canada.

Potential Solutions to Mass Shootings in the U.S.: A Canadian Perspective

There have been a number of discussions over some of the solutions that may prevent future mass shootings in the U.S. The idea of arming teachers, enforcing stricter background checks, implementing harsher punishments, and raising the age to purchase all seem to be sufficient solutions to this growing epidemic. In reality, these possible solutions would likely not make any difference. As an example, in Canada, the minimum age requirement to get a gun is the same as the U.S. but this country does not see nearly as many mass shootings in comparison to the States. This provides some evidence that denounces the need to raise the age to purchase a gun and rather implement stricter laws regarding what guns can be purchased. While almost every gun utilized in a mass shooting in the U.S. is legally available for purchase in Canada, the reason we tend not to see as many shooting incidents is because in order to obtain these restricted guns, Canadians must endure hours of training in order to qualify for a firearms license. In Tristin Hopper’s 2018 National Post article titled ‘Would Canadian Gun Laws Have Stopped America’s Worst Mass Shooters’, he goes over a few examples of the guns used in America’s mass shootings and whether or not Canadian laws would have prevented them from happening. Guns in Canada are legally owned for the purpose of target shooting or hunting whereas in the U.S., much of gun ownership is for the purpose of self-defense. Canadian law requires that many restricted firearms cannot legally be owned without special approval. This means that almost all the guns used in America’s mass shootings are made unavailable to Canadians and if by chance one was granted approval, the buyer would be unable to carry such guns without proper containers. It is essentially extremely difficult for a person in Canada to conceal a firearm and get away with carrying one due to gun owners being frequently monitored. I am confident in the fact that Canadian law would definitely have prevented a majority of the mass shooters in the U.S.

Gun Laws In Canada Versus Usa

It is well known that gun culture in Canada differs greatly from the U.S. Gun ownership in America is considered a right protected by the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment was originally established as a way for people to have some sort of protection against a tyrannical government in the eighteenth century. The addition of the Second Amendment to the Constitution provided a sense of security for Americans to defend their families and their country in the event of a corrupt leader. Initially, the right to bear arms was intended to prevent the British from suppressing the activities of the militia. Nowadays, some argue this amendment is unnecessary because militias are a thing of the past and have been replaced by well-equipped military forces. Nonetheless, gun-activists hide behind this amendment and believe their right to bear arms should not be tampered with. On the other hand, in Canada guns are considered a privilege. In Jordan Press’ 2014 article titled ‘What to Know About Gun Control in Canada’ for Ottawa Citizen, there is mention of the Supreme Court denying that gun ownership should be added to the Charter because it is, in fact, a privilege. Another thing worth mentioning is how many Canadians have strong trust in the government and believe it will do all that is in its power to protect its citizens. Americans tend to rely on themselves for their own security. While it is nearly impossible to change one’s beliefs regarding whether guns are morally right or wrong, I believe it is necessary for the U.S. to take notes from Canada regarding gun ownership. Addressing gun violence is essential in the U.S. because mass shootings are happening far too often. The idea of ‘peace, order, and good government’ in Canada is significant and provides evidence that support claims made about Canada being a peaceful and organized nation. The States should take note of this and consider how ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ may have some responsibility for what is wrong in our country.


I presented some information regarding gun control differences between the U.S. and Canada. To begin, I discussed America’s loose gun laws in comparison to Canada’s much stricter laws in addition to what the process of obtaining a gun in both countries looks like. I brought up some evidence to support whether or not Canadian gun laws would have prevented some of America’s worst mass shooters. To conclude, I presented some differences in gun culture between the U.S. and Canada and what lessons Canada can pass onto the States. Understanding the significance of gun violence in both the U.S. and Canada is necessary when establishing gun ownership laws. Debate around gun laws in the U.S. is a pressing issue that still requires a lot of addressing. It really is no surprise Canada is considered the friendly neighbor to the U.S. because their differences in gun laws result in Canada having one of the lowest gun-death rates in the world.