Effects of Caffeine on Open Field Behavior of the Rat


The work is focus on the analysis of data got from the scientific research. The field of Physiological psychology is very important for the nowadays science and demands great attention.

So, the research was made with help of Books, scientific journals and internet resources.

The researches of animals are very important for contemporary science. It helps much in the science researches for medicine. So that is why the aim of this research is to define the influence of caffeine on rats that would contribute much to the knowledge about caffeine and its medical effects.

It was studies the psychological function of behavior of rats and the influence of caffeine on it through 8-9 weeks from the beginning of application of caffeine. The injection of caffeine to awake rats (10 mg/kg intravenously) was accompanied by short-term decrease systolic pressure in the left ventricle and its first derivative, and also increase of frequency of reductions and minimal diastolic pressure (Lorist, 1997).

After 7-day’s injection of caffeine (on 10 mg/kg twice a day) pump function of the isolated heart did not differ from the control, but over the maximal resistance to exile created by means of overlapping outflow. Consumption of caffeine during 8-9 weeks in the form of 0,1 % of a water solution also was not accompanied by change of pump function, but the maximal intensity of the pulsate functions, defined by product of developed pressure upon frequency of reductions, has been authentically raised on 23 %. The hearts of rats consumed caffeine also were capable to support higher level of pump function at electrostimulation of auricles with the raised frequency. Calculation of factors of correlation between power and functional parameters has shown, that the most significant for is the total maintenance of myocardium (factors of correlation 0,64-0,74). Results have shown, that at long application of caffeine initial (through 1 week) decrease in developed pressure is replaced by increase through 8-9 week, and it is combined with improvement of pump function of heart at high frequency of reductions (Carlson, 2006).

Caffeine is the most widespread medicine, at least in the USA, in the form of coffee, tea, coca-colas or chocolate use it as one of kinds of stimulators of the maximum nervous activity though it acts on many other things fabrics of an organism. The mechanism of action of caffeine connects that it, as well as its basic metabolite. At studying cardiac hystiocyte caffeine in high concentration (10-20 mm) for a long time apply as means of fast liberation Ca2 + from sarcoplasmic reticulum. On rhythmically reduced objects outflow Ca2 + during between reductions reduces fraction Ca2 +, allocated of CP at regular excitation cardiac hystiocyte. In this connection on the isolated heart of a rat caffeine (0,05-0,5 mm) renders negative inotropic influence. Similar influence renders caffeine and on heart of porpoises. The raised sensitivity of a myocardium of rats caffeine is noted also at studying function isolated papillary muscles.

Daily reception of caffeine in vivo is accompanied by the natural, though also small, increase systolic increasing of blood pressure, concentration of adrenaline, fat acids in blood. However at chronic application of caffeine there is an easing of reactions and degrees of increase of a level of adrenaline in plasma. Parameters of activity of a myocardium change also, the increase in duration of complex QRS that specifies delay of conductivity in particular is noted and can (at overdose of caffeine) to serve as the reason of occurrence arrhythmic actions. In the given work we studied consequences of long application of caffeine on heart of rats and the influence of it on their behavior (Carlson, 2006).

The research was made in accordance with the following raw data.

df total = 10 One-tailed cutoff t-score 1.813 Two-tailed cutoff t-score 2.228
Grooming t= 2.44 Sig direction? Sig
Defecation t= 1.87 Sig direction? Ns
Motionless t= 3.05 Sig direction? Sig
Crossing t= -4.39 Sig direction? Sig
Home corner t= -5.55 Sig direction? Sig
Thigmo-rearing t= -2.55 Sig direction? Sig
Water caffeine
Grooming SD=1.0954 SD=0.4083
Defecation SD=2.1679 SD=1.0328
Motionless SD=2.2586 SD=0.8367
Crossing SD=4.8028 SD=3.8297
Home corner SD=1.4142 SD=0.8944
Thigmo-rearing SD=5.4283 SD=5.4283

So, it is possible to state now that the rats which were given caffeine are slower in the process of grooming, defecation; they have the lower level of motionless.

The works, devoted to studying of chronic action of caffeine on the emotional state of a person or animals, are rare, and their results are inconsistent. Thus rats get caffeine usually intra-abdominally. It was found the physiologic way, and rats or 0,1 %-s’ solution of caffeine. But they were not given anything to drink. The scientists worked with two lines of rats, one of which was more disturbing. Besides rats were differently contained: the some – in groups, and the some – one by one. The solitary confinement for these animals is the adverse factor. Uneasiness of rats define on behavior in the chamber with two branches: light and dark. The more restlessly the animal, which spend less time on light. The primary condition of nervous system of rats has not affected their bent for to caffeine – all drank approximately equally. One group of animals has tested on itself sharp influence of substance: They gave them a solution of caffeine only one day, but a doze have received very essential – in 40 times greater, than daily consumption of the adult American. However caffeine in such quantity has not rendered influence on rats which held in group. Initially disturbing rats staying in not comfortable conditions have become nervous from a shock doze, that is in single sections only. But then they have got used, but at chronic drink of caffeine have deteriorated within three weeks nerves at rather quiet rats that contained in comfortable conditions (Lorist, 1997).

From here it is possible to do a conclusion, that restless rats are firstly more sensitive to exciting action of caffeine, but at its chronic consumption get used. Quiet animals, on the contrary, short-term caffeine stress is not to cause the reaction, but in due course they start to be nervous. Scientists emphasize, that the action of caffeine depends not only on genetic features of sensitivity this substance, but also from influence of factors of an environment (in this case, from social isolation). From long consumption of caffeine the most safe were excited both in genetic, and in the social attitude of a rat. But how animals reacted to drink of a stimulant, they did not get used to it. The cancelling of caffeine has not changed their level of uneasiness (Carlson, 2006).

It is worth saying that the initially quiet rats placed in comfortable conditions and on a regular basis sipping caffeine, began to be nervous more.

Besides it became obvious that the sexual behaviour of rats depends not on influence on a brain of man’s or female hormones, and from functioning their olfactory body. Those female rats at whom “switched off” the body catching pheromones (the molecules promoting a sexual inclination), adopted sexual habits of male rats – they threw the posterity though usually spend 80 % of time in a hole. It has been noted, that female in this case behaves in accuracy as male rat. In opinion of researchers, in the brain female rat there is “a functional circuit of male behaviour”. Till now distinction of sexual behaviour at mammals was attributed to influence on a brain of female (estrogen) or male hormones, begun for embryonic stages.


Regular introduction of a standard doze of caffeine (40 mg/kg) to rats facilitates formation of more precise circadian rhythm of mobility. Animals with a miscellaneous Chronotype noticeably differ on sensitivity to psychostimulator. The rats initially possessing better expressed rhythmics, the amplitude of a rhythm more sharply increases, and it acrophase is more strongly displaced on early night hours. The chronotypical features of an individual are obviously important for considering in experimental and clinical psychopharmacology.


Carlson Neil R., (2006) Physiology of Behavior (9th Edition) (MyPsychKit Series), Allyn & Bacon; 9 edition Biochemical changes in the exocrine pancreas of rats fed caffeine.

Lorist Monicque (1997) Nicotine, Caffeine and Social Drinking: Behaviour and Brain Function, Routledge; 1 edition The hypercholesterolaemic effect of caffeine in rats fed on diets with and without supplementary cholesterol.

Weinberg Bennett Alan, Bealer Bonnie K. (2002) The World of Caffeine: The Science and Culture of the World’s Most Popular Drug, Routledge.

Weinberg Bennett Alan, Bealer Bonnie K. (2002) The Caffeine Advantage: How to Sharpen Your Mind, Improve Your Physical Performance, and Achieve Your Goals-the Healthy Way.

B. Watkinson and P. A. Fried (1985) Web.

The Effect of Caffeine on the Blood Glucose Level

The goal of the investigation was to explore the effect of caffeine on the blood glucose level. It was hypothesised that taking coffee reduced the blood glucose level and hence improved hyperglycemia. There were two hypotheses in the investigation. The first hypothesis was “the ingestion of coffee reduced the development of hyperglycemia in KK-Ay mice,” whereas the second hypothesis was “caffeine ameliorated insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes mellitus in KK-Ay mice” (Yamauchi et al., 2010).

The control groups were made up of eleven 4-week old KK-Ay mice in the first experiment and 5 mice in the second experiment, which were given plain water during the entire experimental period. These were the controls because they were not treated with the factor under investigation, but were needed to prove that the experiment was successful.

The treatment groups consisted of ten 4-week old KK-Ay mice in the initial experiment and five mice in the second experiment, which were given coffee mixed with water in the ratio of 1:1. These were the treatment groups because they were given the component whose hypoglycemic effects were being investigated (coffee).

In scientific experiments, the control groups were necessary to ensure that the observed effects were due to the administered treatments and not other extraneous factors. In the experiment, the two sets of mice ate similar foods and were maintained under identical conditions. The only difference between the two groups was the administration of plain water to one group and the administration of a mixture of water and coffee to the other group.

It was evident that the scientists used the scientific method in their experimental design. They began with the statement of the problem where they identified type 2 diabetes as the key cause of “high rates of morbidity and premature deaths” (Yamauchi et al., 2010, p. 5597). They further observed that an elevated coffee intake was associated with a decline in incidences of type 2 diabetes.

Therefore, they sought to validate the ability of coffee to ameliorate hyperglycemia and the possibility of exploiting of caffeine as a therapeutic agent in type 2 diabetes. They then proposed hypotheses of the study and ensured that they included controls in their experiments. They further ensured the reproducibility of the results by including replications of each experimental unit (mice).

This was evident in their choice of 11 control and 10 experimental mice in the first experiment as well as the use of 5 control and 5 experimental mice in the second experiment (Yamauchi et al., 2010). The results were clearly presented and highlighted the differences in addition to the similarities between the control and experimental groups. The analysis of the data used statistical methods. The information was expressed as means and standard error of means, which gave strength to the validity of the observations.

There was no bias in the experiments because all the factors were kept constant throughout the study in the experimental and control units. The type of food, feeding habits, age, and temperature were kept constant for the controls and the experimental mice. In addition, similar clinical tests were carried out on both groups. The only different treatment was the addition of caffeine to water given to the treatment groups. This was the key factor under investigation.

The hypotheses were supported by the observations of the study. It was realized that the blood sugar concentration was significantly lower in the group of mice that received coffee than in the control mice. It meant that the intake of coffee reduced tolerance to insulin thereby increasing its effectiveness (Coffee and type 2 diabetes, 2006).

Consequently, glucose in the blood was utilized by the tissues of the mice thus reducing its concentration in the blood. These observations were in line with the proposed hypotheses. It was concluded that caffeine ameliorated hyperglycemia by reducing insulin tolerance.


Coffee and type 2 diabetes. (2006). Web.

Yamauchi, R., Kobayashi, M., Matsuda, Y., Ojika, M., Shigeoka, S., Yamamoto, Y., Tou, Y., Takashi, I., Katagiri, T., Murai, A., & Horio, F. (2010). Coffee and caffeine ameliorate hyperglycemia, fatty liver, and inflammatory adipocytokine expression in spontaneously diabetic KK-Ay mice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(9), 5597-5603.

The Effect of Caffeine on Pulse and Respiration Rates


Caffeine is a commonly used drug that is present in many beverages such as coffee, tea, and energy drinks (Cappelletti et al. 2015). The wide availability of caffeinated products has triggered immense research on their effects on wellbeing, cognitive rejoinders, and bodily performance (Seifert et al. 2011; Pesta et al. 2013; Trexler et al. 2015). For example, one study has shown that the intake of substances containing caffeine changes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, with positive inotropic and chronotropic consequences (Cappelletti et al. 2015). Caffeine also possesses locomotor-action-stimulating and anxiogenic effects, which affect the central nervous system. Even though these effects are generally beneficial, excessive caffeine intake leads to dependence and intoxication, which can have life-threatening implications. On the other hand, a different study has demonstrated that caffeine enhances the performance of trained athletes when taken in regulated doses (Goldstein et al. 2010).

The bodily effect of caffeine, known by its chemical name of 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, is thought to be related to the production of energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is necessary for the operation of life-sustaining reactions and is produced through cellular respiration, which may be aerobic or anaerobic. Exercise forces the aerobic energy system to produce ATP, which necessitates extra oxygen to be conveyed to the muscles. As a result, the heart works faster to propel more oxygen-containing blood to the tissues, which increases the heart rate. Physical activity also raises the ventilation rate of the lungs to satisfy the elevated oxygen demands and eliminate the carbon dioxide gas produced from cellular respiration. These processes lead to an increased respiration rate.

The aim of this experiment is to determine the effect of caffeine on the pulse and respiratory rates. Changes in pulse and respiratory rates from rest to post-exercise will be measured as a marker of overall aerobic performance. These findings will determine whether caffeine provides benefits in physical exertion. The study will use a physical test that is a modification of the Harvard step-up test, a reliable test that has been used to study physical fitness, oxygen intake, and cardiac efficacy (Leung et al. 2013; Kesavachandra & Reddy 2015; Bennett et al. 2015). This study will answer the question, “What is the effect of caffeine on respiratory and pulse rates?” It is predicted that caffeine intake will augment pulse and respiratory rates. The first null hypothesis is that caffeine does not have a substantial impact on the respiration rate. The second null hypothesis is that caffeine does not have a substantial effect on the pulse rate.


Experimental Design

The hypotheses were tested using two test drinks in two experimental groups: A and B. The subjects in group A were given a caffeinated drink while subjects in group B were given a decaffeinated drink. The subjects then performed aerobic exercises based on the Harvard step-up test. The procedure was replicated 146 times in total: 77 times in the caffeinated group and 69 times in the decaffeinated group.


The subjects of the study were required to be regular consumers of a minimum of one cup of caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee, cola, and hot chocolate or red bull every day. The subjects were also expected to have normal lung function free of asthma or any infection of the upper respiratory tract and not have any health condition that contraindicated strenuous physical exertion. On the experiment day, the subjects ate normal food within two hours prior to the commencement of the study but drank only water. Subjects in group A were each given 100mL of black coffee made from 6 grams of regular coffee beans, and subjects in group B were each given 100 mL of black coffee made from 6 grams of decaffeinated coffee beans. Each subject was given the equivalent of 180mg of brewed coffee. A one-hour break was taken before proceeding with the subsequent tests.

The subjects then undertook incremental step-up exercises with the aid of a metronome to moderate the velocity of the activity. Before beginning the exercises, the resting pulse of each subject was taken at the radial or carotid artery for half a minute, and the resting respiratory rate of each subject was measured by putting a hand on each subject’s back and adding up the number of times it rose and fell within half a minute. Both numbers were doubled to find the number of beats per minute as well as the number of breaths per minute. All values were recorded in a table. Thereafter, the step-up test was performed by changing the intensity of the exercise for 4 minutes. The rate of stepping increased every minute from 20 steps per minute to 24, 28, and 32 steps per minute. The subjects’ final pulse and respiration rates were measured when the activity was stopped. The changes in pulse rate and respiration rate were computed and transferred to the database on the class computer.

Two statistical tests (Student’s t-tests) were done to test differences in the mean change in pulse rate between subjects who consumed caffeinated coffee and those who consumed decaffeinated coffee and the mean change in respiration rate between subjects who consumed caffeinated coffee and those who consumed decaffeinated coffee. Both tests were done at a significance level of P=0.05.


The mean differences in the pulse rates and respiration rates were recorded and used to plot bar graphs of the two treatment groups as shown below in Figures 1 and 2. The mean change in pulse rate of the subjects who drank caffeinated coffee was slightly higher than that of those who drank decaffeinated coffee. The mean change in respiration rate was slightly higher in the subjects who drank decaffeinated coffee than of those who drank caffeinated coffee.

A graph of the mean change in pulse rate between subjects who consumed caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks. The caffeinated group had 77 replicates while the decaffeinated group had 69 replicates.
Figure 1: A graph of the mean change in pulse rate between subjects who consumed caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks. The caffeinated group had 77 replicates while the decaffeinated group had 69 replicates.
A graph of the mean change in respiration rate between subjects who consumed caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks. The caffeinated group had 77 replicates while the decaffeinated group had 69 replicates.
Figure 2: A graph of the mean change in respiration rate between subjects who consumed caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks. The caffeinated group had 77 replicates while the decaffeinated group had 69 replicates.

There was no significant difference in the mean change in pulse rate between subjects who consumed caffeinated coffee and those who consumed decaffeinated coffee (t= -0.62, d.f.= 144, p> 0.05). There was no significant difference in the mean change in respiration rate between subjects who consumed caffeinated coffee and those who consumed decaffeinated coffee (t= 1.70, d.f.= 127, p> 0.05).


It was observed that caffeine intake did not have a substantial effect on the pulse rate and respiratory rate. These findings corroborated the null hypotheses that caffeine did not have a significant effect on the respiratory rate and pulse rate. These findings support those reported by several scientists (Ivy et al. 2009; Goldstein et al. 2010) and could be attributed to the chemical nature and mode of action of caffeine. Caffeine is quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and metabolized by liver enzymes into three metabolites: paraxanthine, theophylline, and theobromine. The peak concentrations of these metabolites are attained in the bloodstream one hour following the intake of caffeine, which explains why the physical activity began an hour after the administration of caffeine in this study.

Caffeine is thought to influence physical activity in various ways. However, the most significant way is through its interaction with adenosine receptors. Caffeine competes with adenosine for its receptors due to its ability to traverse the muscular and nervous membranes. Consequently, its exercise-enhancing effects tend to be more nervous than muscular, which may explain why no substantial differences in respiratory and pulse rates were noted in this study. Therefore, the central nervous system was also implicated in caffeine mechanisms. It has also been reported that caffeine impacts the utilization of substrates during exercise by reducing the dependence on glycogen utilization and promoting fatty acid oxidation (Hodgson, Randell, & Jeukendrup 2013). High doses of caffeine of 9mg per kilogram have been implicated in reduced ventilation as shown by reduced VO2max during physical exertion (Ivy et al. 2009).

The physical form of the caffeine consumed also influences its effects on the body. It has been reported that caffeine is more effective when taken in an anhydrous state (Cappelletti et al. 2015). In the study, caffeine was administered as coffee, which could partially explain the results. The dosage of caffeine in the study may also be responsible for the observed effects, as the effectiveness of caffeine is highest in low to moderate doses of 3 to 6mg/kg as opposed to high doses of 9mg/kg. In this study, the subjects received 180mg of coffee. However, the exact dosage in mg/kg is unknown because the weights of the subjects were not recorded.

Therefore, this experiment concluded that caffeine did not have a significant effect on respiratory or pulse rates. Future studies could look into the wide-ranging physiological effects of caffeine supplementation and the effects of various caffeine dosages on exercise endurance.


Bennett, H., Parfitt, G., Davison, K. & Eston, R 2015, “Validity of submaximal step tests to estimate maximal oxygen uptake in healthy adults,” Sports Medicine, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 737-750.

Cappelletti, S., Daria, P., Sani, G. & Aromatario, M 2015, “Caffeine: cognitive and physical performance enhancer or psychoactive drug?” Current Neuropharmacology, vol.13, no.1, pp. 71-88.

Goldstein, E. R., Ziegenfuss, T., Kalman, D., Kreider, R., Campbell, B., Wilborn, C., Taylor, L., Willoughby, D., Stout, J., Graves, B. S., Wildman, R., Ivy, J. L., Spano, M., Smith, A. E., & Antonio, J 2010, “International society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and performance,” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition vol.7, no.5, pp. 1-15.

Hodgson, A. B., Randell, R. K. & Jeukendrup, A. E 2013, “The effect of green tea extract on fat oxidation at rest and during exercise: evidence of efficacy and proposed mechanisms,” Advances in Nutrition: An International Review Journal, vol.4, no. 2, pp.129-140.

Ivy, J. L., Kammer, L., Ding, Z., Wang, B., Bernard, J. R., Liao, Y. H. & Hwang, J 2009, “Improved cycling time-trial performance after ingestion of a caffeine energy drink,” International Journal of Sports Nutrition, vol.19, no. 1, pp. 61-78.

Kesavachandra, G. & Reddy, K.S 2015, “A study to evaluate the cardiac efficiency by Harvard step test in different age groups,” International Journal of Contemporary Medicine, vol.3, no.2, pp.53-57.

Leung, T. K., Kuo, C. H., Lee, C. M., Kan, N.W. & Hou, C. W 2013, “Physiological effects of bioceramic material: Harvard step, resting metabolic rate and treadmill running assessments,” Chinese Journal of Physiology, vol. 56, no.6, pp. 334-340.

Pesta, D. H., Angadi, S. S., Burtscher, M. & Roberts, C. K., 2013, “The effects of caffeine, nicotine, ethanol, and tetrahydrocannabinol on exercise performance,” Nutrition & Metabolism, vol. 10, no. 1, p.1.

Seifert, S. M., Schaechter, J. L., Hershorin, E. R. & Lipshultz, S. E 2011, “Health effects of energy drinks on children, adolescents, and young adults,” Pediatrics, vol. 127, no.3, pp. 511-528.

Trexler, E. T., Smith-Ryan, A. E., Roelofs, E. J., Hirsch, K. R. & Mock, M. G 2015, “Effects of coffee and caffeine anhydrous on strength and sprint performance,” European Journal of Sport Science, vol. 22, pp.1-9.

Aspirin, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Caffeine: Analgesics Analysis


The chemical nature of aspirin is that it is acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), which is a synthetic derivative of salicylic acid. Aspirin is an analgesic that falls in the group of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Aspirin is a common analgesic that has numerous functions. The major functions of aspirin comprise the treatment of pain, inflammation, fever, stroke, blood clot, and heart attack. In its mechanism of action, Chan (2015) explains that aspirin irreversibly binds to cyclooxygenase, which is an enzyme that synthesizes thromboxanes and prostaglandins. Fundamentally, aspirin irreversibly inactivates cyclooxygenase by acetylating serine residue in its active site. The reduced synthesis of prostaglandins prevents the brain from receiving information of pain and inflammation while the reduced synthesis of thromboxanes hinders the formation of blood clots.

Aspirin Structure.
Figure 1: Aspirin Structure.


The chemical nature of Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) indicates that it is a synthetic and non-opioid analgesic derived from p-aminophenol. Acetaminophen is a mild analgesic because its major functions include treatment of pain and fever. It treats mild to moderate pain such as back pain, osteoarthritis pain, headache, postoperative pain, and cancer pain. Essentially, Acetaminophen is a mild analgesic because it has no anti-inflammatory activity. The mechanism of action reveals that Acetaminophen acts by selectively inhibiting cyclooxygenase-2, hence, preventing the synthesis of prostaglandins. Essentially, Acetaminophen binds to the active site of cyclooxygenase-2 and causes its inactivation (Hinz & Brune, 2014). Consequently, inactivated cyclooxygenase-2 fails to convert arachidonic acid into prostaglandin H2. The overall effect is that the concentration of prostaglandins decreases resulting in the inhibited transmission of pain and lowered fever.

Acetaminophen Structure.
Figure 2: Acetaminophen Structure.


Ibuprofen is a synthetic analgesic, which is a derivative of isobutylphenylpropanoic acid and belongs to a group of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. As an analgesic, Ibuprofen relieves fever and pain and treats inflammation. The common uses of Ibuprofen are relieving pain associated with menstruation, rheumatoid arthritis, and migraines. Since Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, it inactivates cyclooxygenase, which is an enzyme that synthesizes prostaglandins. It is a non-selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase in that it inhibits both cyclooxygenase 1 and 2. Fundamentally, cyclooxygenase catalyzes the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin H2, which is a precursor to all other forms of prostaglandins (Bushra, & Aslam, 2010). Reduced concentration of prostaglandins inhibits transmission of pain while the reduced concentration of thromboxane prevents the formation of blood clot.

Ibuprofen Structure.
Figure 3: Ibuprofen Structure.


Naproxen is a synthetic analgesic that belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The functions of Naproxen are relieving fever, pain, inflammation, stiffness, and swelling. In essence, Naproxen can treat conditions such as migraines, tendinitis, kidney stones, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, menstrual cramps, psoriatic arthritis, and dysmenorrhea. Given that Naproxen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, it is a non-selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase enzymes, namely, COX-1 and Cox-2. Naproxen reversibly binds to these enzymes and inactivates them, hence, preventing the synthesis of thromboxanes and prostaglandins (Husain, Yaseen, Rehman, Sarwar, & Tabish, 2013). The absence of thromboxanes eliminates the formation of blood clots. Moreover, the absence of prostaglandins prevents transmission of pain in the body.

Naproxen Structure.
Figure 4: Naproxen Structure.


Caffeine is an alkaloid derived from plants as a potent analgesic and a stimulant. Chemically, Caffeine belongs to a class of chemicals derived from plants called methylxanthine. As a potent analgesic, Caffeine can relieve pain in conditions such as headache, back pain, arthritis, and migraines amongst others. Moreover, Caffeine is a common stimulant used in stimulating the central nervous system to increase physiological activities, enhance alertness, and improve coordination of the body. As an analgesic, Caffeine has antinociceptive effects because it inhibits adenosine a2a and a2b receptors resulting in reduced sensitivity to pain (Tavares & Sakata, 2012). Moreover, Caffeine relieves pain by reducing the activity and synthesis of cyclooxygenase.

Caffeine Structure.
Figure 5: Caffeine Structure.


Bushra, R., & Aslam, N. (2010). An Overview of Clinical Pharmacology of Ibuprofen. Oman Medical Journal, 25(3), 155-166.

Chan, A. (2015). Abstract CN05-02: Exploiting aspirin’s mechanism of action for combination chemoprevention. Cancer Prevention Research, 8(2), 1-23.

Hinz, B., & Brune, K. (2014). Paracetamol and cyclooxygenase inhibition: Is there a cause for concern? Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 71(1), 20-25.

Husain, M., Yaseen, Z., Rehman, S., Sarwar, T., & Tabish, M. (2013). Naproxen intercalates with DNA and causes photocleavage through ROS generation. The FEBS Journal, 280(24), 6569-6580.

Tavares, C., & Sakata, R. (2012). Caffeine in the Treatment of Pain. Rev Bras Anestesiol, 63(3), 387-401.

Restrictions, Warning Labels, or Other Controls on Caffeine Use

There is no requirement to include labels on food products containing caffeine to protect consumers from its effects. Caffeine may be regarded as a generally safe product by the Food and Drug Administration; however, it is clear that research indicates it can harm people (Markon et al., 2019). The risks of caffeine intoxication are underrated, and only a few products include warnings, which increases the probability of exposing the consumer to unknown effects of the commodity. The high market for caffeine products in the United States indicates that millions of children and adults use such commodities daily (Markon et al., 2019). If there is no labeling or warning, consumers may assume that caffeine does not negatively affect their bodies.

Physical dependence on caffeine should be regarded as a significant issue because it may lead to intoxication. When people experience caffeine intoxication, they may suffer effects such as anxiety, insomnia, tachycardia, and death. Using lax labeling requirements could effectively prevent immediate caffeine-induced harm and protect consumers from caffeine-related side effects (Markon et al., 2019). Additionally, imposing labeling and warning requirements can help improve consumer autonomy and foster effective use of caffeine.

In conclusion, there should be stricter regulation on caffeine as the current policies do not protect the interests of consumers. Millions of individuals consume caffeine, exposing them to its harmful effects of dependence and intoxication. Such limits could include the amounts of caffeine in energy drinks, snack foods, and other products. Establishing a mandatory requirement for caffeine products to display warnings on labels can help promote the safe use of the commodity by ensuring consumers understand what they are using.


Markon, A. O., Jones, O. E., Punzalan, C. M., Lurie, P., & Wolpert, B. (2019). Caffeinated energy drinks: Adverse event reports to the US Food and Drug Administration and the National Poison Data System, 2008 to 2015. Public Health Nutrition, 22(14), 2531-2542.

Caffeine and Its Positive Impacts on Mental Activity

Introduction of Topic

Coffee is a common drink consumed by many people across the globe. Individuals who want to function optimally in their fast paced working environments tend to drink coffee. Personally, I have been drinking coffee in order to stay awake and energetic. However, my experience shows conclusively that the human body becomes less sensitive to increased consumption of coffee. This means that people’s sensitivity to caffeine decreases when more cups of coffee are consumed frequently. Unfortunately, this issue has been underexplored by psychologists and researchers. Although many people believe strongly that increased intake of coffee results in high sensitivity, the outstanding fact is that the opposite is actually true (Bolton & Null, 2014). Past studies focusing on this issue have not presented convincing conclusions. That being the case, this discussion uses evidence-based research findings to address the issue. More information will be collected using interviews and research studies. Coffee shops and consumers of the beverage will be targeted for this study. The gathered information can make it easier for more people to change their coffee intake habits.

Thesis Statement

Since individuals who drink more coffee become less responsive to caffeine, new studies should be conducted to come up with new ideas to inform the consumption of this addictive compound.

Evaluation: Mental Effects of Caffeine

Coffee contains “caffeine and is the most widely consumed psychoactive substance across the globe” (Kucer, 2010, p. 106). When an individual consumes coffee, the psychoactive chemical is absorbed and distributed through the bloodstream. Consequently, caffeine is known to block a neurotransmitter called adenosine. The reduced level of this inhibitory neurotransmitter is associated with increased production of other nucleosides in the body such as dopamine and norepinephrine (Kucer, 2010). The increased level of these neurotransmitters results in increased neuron activity in the body. Such neurons eventually increase the level of brain activity. The individual will become vigilant, alert, and productive.

Bolton and Null (2014) indicate that “caffeine contained in coffee plays a critical role of stimulating the central nervous system” (p. 205). This study also indicated that individuals who consumed increased levels of caffeine shown increased mental activities. People who take coffee will improve mental performance and realize their potentials. The consumers also record increased levels of concentration and attention.

Another study conducted by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) indicated that the increased consumption of coffee led to improved attention. The targeted consumers were observed to complete their tasks much faster and accurately (Roehr, 2013). When the level of alertness decreases, an individual can consume caffeine in order to become awake. Professionals who work during the night can benefit significantly from the consumption of coffee.

Kucer (2010) argues that caffeine has the potential to improve memory performance. Repetitive or tedious tasks can be completed successfully by people to take coffee. This analysis shows clearly that caffeine has the potential to boost mental performance. Heatherley (2011) argues that caffeine should be classified as a pharmacological compound capable of increasing human activity. The compound also “increases effortful behavior in daily activities” (Heatherley, 2011, p. 92).

As discussed earlier, adenosine is the main receptor site for different compounds such as caffeine. When caffeine is consumed, neural firing increases significantly since the activity of adenosine is minimized. These facts explain why new neurotransmitters are produced in the body. Increased intake of coffee eventually results in new adenosine receptors in the human brain (Roehr, 2013). Individuals who want to record increased activity and mental performance can consume more caffeine every day.

This discussion shows conclusively that caffeine and alcohol have similar responses in the human body. When “huge quantities of caffeine are consumed frequently, the brain becomes excessively sensitive to adenosine” (Bolton & Null, 2014, p. 206). New adenosine receptors grow in the brain. This growth is what causes increased tolerance for the stimulating compound. That being the case, the affected individuals will be forced to consume high doses of coffee in order to increase the level of caffeine in the bloodstream. This development occurs when the growth patterns of different neuro-receptors such as adenosine, dopamine, and norepinephrine change significantly.

Roehr (2013) defines “caffeinism as a condition characterized by increased caffeine tolerance and verifiable withdrawal symptoms” (p. 6346). These signs are used to identify individuals who are addicted by caffeine. Past studies have indicated that individuals who take coffee in the morning remain fruitful and alert throughout the day. They also deal with the major health issues affecting them. This analysis shows conclusively that caffeine is a useful compound that can address a wide range of health problems affecting mankind.

Future Studies

Experimental analyses and studies are needed to establish the relevance of caffeine in a number of psychiatric disorders. The putative efficacy of this compound on such disorders can support the needs of more people in the society (Bolton & Null, 2014). Past studies have indicated conclusively that increased intake of the compound results in reduced responsiveness (Lara, 2010). However, this issue has been heavily contested by many scholars. That being the case, more studies should be conducted to determine the average quantities that should be consumed in a day.

Some people might be forced to consume more quantities of coffee in order to complete their demanding activities. Consequently, some experts have argued that such intakes might result in negative psychological implications. It is therefore necessary for researchers to complete more studies to understand this issue much better (Roehr, 2013). New studies should be conducted to identify the right amounts of coffee that should be consumed daily.

Past studies have revealed that the continued consumption of caffeine can deal with various health conditions. For example, some headaches caused by withdrawal and anxiety can be avoided by taking coffee (Lara, 2010). However, this knowledge has not been supported by past research findings. Future studies should therefore examine how caffeinism influences physical activity. The proposed studies should also explain how caffeine can be used to treat migraines and headaches. This knowledge will guide more people to consume the right quantities of this beverage.


Caffeine has been observed to have positive impacts on mental activity. People who drink more coffee every day find it easier to complete various demanding tasks much faster. The individuals also become alert and vigilant. The compound is also associated with increased concentration and performance (Lara, 2010). However, people who drink more coffee will become less responsive to caffeine. That being the case, new studies should be conducted in order to understand how caffeinism affects the lives of more people. The knowledge will also promote better consumption behaviors. This knowledge will support the personal and health needs of more people in the society.


Bolton, S., & Null, G. (2014). Caffeine psychological effects, use and abuse. Social Research, 1(1), 202-211.

Heatherley, S. (2011). Caffeine withdrawal, sleepiness, and driving performance: What does the research really tell us? Nutritional Neuroscience, 14(3), 89-95.

Kucer, N. (2010). The relationship between daily caffeine consumption and withdrawal symptoms: A questionnaire-based study. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 40(1), 105-108.

Lara, D. (2010). Caffeine, mental health, and psychiatric disorders. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 20(1), 239-248.

Roehr, B. (2013). Energy drinks: cause for concern or scaremongering. British Medical Journal, 347(1), 6343-6358.

Starbucks and Caffeine: Is It Unhealthy?


Euphoria Cup of Joe, java, speedball, Demitasse, picker-upper, Crema, cup of cake, Frappuccino, liquid heroin call it what you like, regardless the name its coffee and it’s an addiction. Coffee is more than a beverage it’s a way of life. Coffee is not just a beverage, it’s a drug. If caffeine can be labeled the world’s most popular drug, Starbucks are the major drug dealers distributing this drug through chains of coffee shops across the world. According to the George Boeree of the INA, there are actually 16,943 locations of Starbucks coffee shops across the globe with 4 new locations opening daily. Hundreds of thousands of law abiding citizens are physically addicted to coffee. But there’s nothing wrong with that is there? There is some apprehension however that coffee could the addiction to coffee really so serve as experts say it may be, as well as how one corporation takes over the globe one cup at a time through dependency of coffee. It is the caffeine in coffee which makes it addictive, so addictive in fact that it’s the most addictive substance known to mankind. The caffeine it contains accounts for most of the known adverse effects of coffee. Overall this paper will go in depth both good and bad sides of America’s favorite drug letting people find out coffee is more than just something used to make the most of “waking up in the morning”.


Why do people take coffee? The first answer that comes to mind is – for stimulation. Coffee is supposed to boost energy levels and increase mental alertness. Chemically speaking, caffeine has been found to increase the secretion of andrenaline and cortisol, which increase wakefulness and to decrease the levels of serotonin and GABA that have a calming effect on the nerves. It is commonly known that people who consume coffee in copious amounts sleep less. This makes it very tempting for students who have to study overnight and for workers on night shifts to consume caffeine in the form of a respectable drink called coffee. In Islamic countries where alcohol was forbidden, caffeine was considered a useful substitute for alcohol and coffee shops substituted for taverns. It even earned the name of “Islamic wine”. With increasing awareness of the evils of alcohol, in Western society, there seems to be a general drift away from strong intoxicants and towards milder ones like caffeine. Starbucks has capitalized on the idea that coffeehouses are much more socially respectable places to meet and converse than the barroom and coffee is much less of an intoxicating drug than alcohol. Hence Starbucks sells its caffeine loaded by focusing on the “experience” – creating the right ambience, providing the right service and having the right variety of products for people to come, sit and relax and take their doses of caffeine.

However, all things come at a price and so does the caffeine. Caffeine is actually listed as an actual drug sharing the same categories as heroin, cocaine, and amphetamines. At just three and a half dollars for a mocha latte cappuccino it is probably the cheapest drug to get a person banned at the Olympics. But it must be said that the allowed limit at Olympics is way above the generally considered beneficial dosage of 300 milligram (Johnson-Cane and Glickman, p. 31). Caffeine can cause gastrointestinal problems, and drinking too much coffee can make a person jittery. Caffeine is also a diuretic and can lead to dehydration. There are possible links between caffeine consumption and benign fibrocystic breast disease (Johnson-Cane and Glickman, p. 32). According to the article “Hooked on Coffee” written by Donelson Forsyth, caffeine is a carcinogen and more dangerous chemicals are released by the high heat of roasting, such as creosote, Pym dine, tars and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The darker the roast, the greater the potential hazard. Studies that Scotts has done linking coffee consumption with cancer are conflicting and inconclusive at this point, but there is a suggestion of a higher incidence of cancers of the pancreas, ovaries, bladder, and kidneys in coffee drinkers. Recent finding shows that the quality of sleep is affected by caffeine as well. Regular coffee drinkers are found to sleep less restfully (Challem and Werback, p. 32).

Kids are today bypassing milk for caffeinated drinks like Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew and Sunkist bought at school pop machines or served at the fast-food franchises set up within school campuses (Cordes 11). It is amazing to see teens and kids just out of elementary schools hang out at the local Starbucks. Sodas have caffeine added to them but the caffeine content is not regulated making them all the more dangerous. One can see caffeine becoming popular on the playground as well. Parents are bringing along high-caffeine drinks or packets of the new carbo- and caffeine-packed “sports goo” to help give their young athletes a winner’s edge. If caffeine is such a harmful substance, how come Starbucks are dealing with it officially in a global manner? Why is coffee not banned by the government? Why are even children encouraged to be customers at Starbucks cafes?

To find the answers to my questions, I thought I could ask Stacy who works at Barista. I asked her what she thought about caffeine being a drug. Well she looked at me in blank stare for a couple seconds before saying “yeah, coffee is a fuckin drug and if it isn’t sure as hell got me hooked[sic]” as she sipped on her Frap. She said that usual customers generally keep coming back for more coffee as days go by and they also increase the strength of the coffee they drink. During the entire conversation with Stacy she was puffing on her Newport brand cigarette and had jitters in her hands. From her looks, I could see she was being slowly eroded by caffeine. I was confused. If caffeine could do so much damage to a person, why have cafes become a vital part of our culture? What is it that is so very attractive about coffee that people would go for it despite knowing about its harmful effects?

I, being a non coffee drinker so far, decided to drink coffee and see just what all the fuss of coffee was about. I went to my local Starbucks in the morning and on the recommendation of a friend, chose to have the Brazil Ipanema Bourbon. I took it in black just like my parents so that I could know exactly what the coffee charm was all about. I was shocked and surprised to find that it did not taste enjoyable. It was bitter, sour and the after taste was extremely pungent. But after taking it, I felt rejuvenated and vitalized. So I drank it throughout the day and picked up another one after I got out of work. I decided to try different cups each day I’d go. I went to Terraza blends to dark mocha roast, to Arabian hazelnut after about a week of my coffee in diver I was happy with the results for the most part. The rush was great I remember just being on point and so awake regardless how I fixed the coffee, the flavor or even when I got it the euphoria was amazing. I could also honestly say that I was hooked. I finally knew what it was to be dependent on that extra something to get me through the day. I didn’t feel right having this addiction but it didn’t hurt me or anyone else, which is the mindset of every coffee drinker across the world.

If the present day Starbucks was founded on the model of the Italian cafes why are not Italians jumpier? Italians have healthy coffee drinking habits. In the morning they take a cappuccino of modest size which has normal caffeine content. In the afternoon they take expresso, ristretto or lungo or caffe macchiato, which is less in caffeine content. They also use smaller cups to drink coffee and hence their overall caffeine intake is much reduced (Kummer, p. 52). Mr. Eric Sterling, member of the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Substance Abuse (2001) in an interview has said that caffeine can cause psychosis even at low levels of 500 milligrams for some people depending on how sensitive they are to caffeine (ACLR, 1537). He further discloses that a cup of coffee from Starbucks has about 100-120 mg of caffeine. As reaction to caffeine varies from person to person, he says there can be no one single solution to the problem of coffee – it cannot be totally banned. I like this view of Mr. Sterling. If a person finds coffee addictive or creating physical problems, he or she must stop going to Starbucks as it would be equivalent to a drug store. For people like me, who can enjoy coffee with no side effects, Starbucks is a wonderful place to chill out with friends, provided the amount of coffee and its caffeine strength are wisely considered.

Works Cited

  1. ACLR (American Criminal Law Review) (2001). The War on Drugs: Fighting Crime or Wasting Time? American Criminal Law Review, 2001, Vol. 38, Issue 4, p. 1537
  2. Challem, Jack and Werback, R. Melvyn (2008). The Food-Mood Solution: All-Natural Ways to Banish Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Stress, Overeating, and Alcohol and Drug Problems–and Feel Good Again. John Wiley and Sons, 2008
  3. Cordes, Helen (1998). Caffeine Is the New Drug of Choice for Kids. The Nation, 1998, Vol. 266, Issue 15, p. 11
  4. Johnson-Cane, Deidre and Glickman, Joe (2002). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Weight Training: Illustrated. Alpha Books Publishers, 2002
  5. Kummer, Corby (1994). Coffee Talk. New York Magazine, 1994, Vol. 27, No. 21, p. 52

Caffeine: Health Benefits and Risks

The topic I want to address today is on health effects of caffeine. It is essentially “the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world. In North America, more than 80 percent of adults regularly consume caffeine” (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health par. 10). Caffeine is a stimulant, such as nicotine or cocaine, but with different psychoactive effects. It is mostly found in seeds of the Coffea plant, and the safe dose is determined to be 400 mg/day. Therefore, many people are regularly consuming caffeine in one form or another, mostly coffee, but there is no awareness of its health effects. Caffeine boosts alertness, helps to combat sleepiness, and improves attention, and coffee beans contain antioxidants.

Firstly, a systematic review of all reliable evidence on caffeine’s effect on health identified that caffeine could adversely impact bone metabolism and calcium in the body. It states that the increased urination due to the drug increases calcium excretion (Doepker et al. 1536; DePaula and Farah 37). Secondly, since caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, it elevates blood pressure, and chronic blood pressure is a known risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (Doepker et al. 1536). Thirdly, caffeine can significantly contribute to the development of anxiety, anger, confusion, and depression (Doepker et al. 1536). Fourthly, there is evidence that the drug can adversely impact fetal growth and development, which is why there is a debate about whether or not pregnant women can consume it (Doepker et al. 1536). In addition, it can disrupt sleep quality and duration, leading to symptoms of chronic tiredness as well. For all of these health effects, the studies mainly focus on adults, for whom 400 mg/day was deemed safe, but there is no extensive evidence for children, adolescents, pregnant women, and the elderly. It is evident that caffeine toxicity would be greater for these groups.

Works Cited

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. CAMH, 2019. Web.

DePaula, Juliana, and Adriana Farah. “Caffeine Consumption through Coffee: Content in the Beverage, Metabolism, Health Benefits and Risks.” Beverages, vol. 5, no. 2, p. 37. doi.org/10.3390/beverages5020037

Doepker, Candace, et al. “Key Findings and Implications of a Recent Systematic Review of the Potential Adverse Effects of Caffeine Consumption in Healthy Adults, Pregnant Women, Adolescents, and Children.” Nutrients, vol. 10, no. 10, 2018, p. 1536. doi.org/10.3390/nu10101536

Why College Students Should Not Turn to Caffeine


Caffeine is a stimulant that is extracted from plants with its major source being coffee plants. In its extracted form, caffeine exists as crystals which are bitter in taste. As a stimulating drug, caffeine is commonly used by youths especially those in college. This paper seeks to discuss the reasons why college students should not turn to caffeine. The paper will look at some of the trend of involvement of college students into caffeine consumption and the risks that surround consumption of caffeine by college students.

Caffeine usage by college students

The use of caffeine by students has been identified as a common issue. Being readily available in soft drinks such as “coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, soft drinks and over the counter preparations” (Landrum 151), students who have come to believe that caffeine can stimulate their bodies to respond more to the demands for more study time are increasingly getting involved in the consumption of caffeine purposely for its stimulating effects (Landrum 151).

A number of researches that have over time been conducted on the use of caffeine by college students revealed some trends in such consumptions. One of the trends that have been realized with respect to the consumption of the drug in college is that caffeine consumption by students bears some relationship to the level of effort that students need at a particular time in their study.

This follows the college system that has less work for the students at the beginning of an academic season which gradually increases with time as the students approach their exams.

According to researches, it has been significantly identified that as students approach the exam periods, their rate of consumption of caffeine increases. The students have therefore associated caffeine with the capacity to study, an opinion that is promoting the consumption of the substance among college students (Landrum 151).

Females have been identified to consume caffeine more than male students. For whatever reasons, the consumption of the substance is thus dependent on sex and the more female students are in a college institution, the more consumption of caffeine is likely to be registered by the institution.

The level of seniority of students in college also influences consumption of the substance. It has, for example, been identified that the level of consumption of caffeine is directly proportional to the study levels in college. A higher level of consumption is thus realized by senior students than their junior counterparts. It therefore brings about the impression that college environment has a characteristic feature of influencing students to use the substance.

Whether this influence is induced by the institutions’ systems or just a mere influence that is driven by college students among themselves, the issue is that college students are turning to the consumption of caffeine as a means of securing their academic success. The relationship between the consumption of the substance to the level of study of students and the academic season in relation to exams supports the claim that college students are resorting to caffeine (Landrum 151).

Why college students should not turn to caffeine

The use of caffeine by college students can be attributed to influence that is triggered by either the students or the academic environment that is occasionally strenuous to students forcing them to resort into substances that can stimulate their bodies to sustain extra efforts as they extend their studying time. There are, however, a number of reasons as to why students should not see caffeine as a solution to acquiring of extra efforts in studies.

Consumption of caffeine has been associated with a number of risks and dangers that can pose some limitations to a student. One of the effects of caffeine is the interruption that it causes to a person’s sleep. People who are deeply into high level of caffeine consumptions have the problems of interrupted sleeps. This interruption is particularly dangerous for students as they are expected to have enough rest and sleep in their lives.

The students will on the contrary have insufficient amount of sleep that is most likely transmitted into the day when full attention is required in class. Attending classes in a sleepy condition will therefore reduce the student’s effectiveness in understanding. According to Kley Kara, consumption of caffeine has the effect of increasing “heart rate and blood pressure” (Kley 1). Such impacts have a possibility of overworking the heart which may lead to malfunctioning of the heart.

Students who are much into caffeine consumption are therefore in danger of heart problems that can arise from issues such as cardiac arrests due to the heart muscles being overworked. Such complications have greater impacts in the life of an individual including death in the case of severe arrests. Same complications can arise in the case increased blood pressure. Dizziness has also been an impact of consumption of significant level of caffeine.

Together with “irritability and restlessness”, a student’s level of concentration will be compromised following consumption of caffeine (Kley 1). Other effects of caffeine include “decreased blood flow to the stomach, increased risk of osteoporosis in later age” (Kley 1) besides its addictive nature. An individual who falls into addiction of caffeine consumption further has the danger of prolonged and more severe impacts of the general effects of caffeine consumption (Kley 1).

Excess consumption of caffeine has also been associated with “dehydration, diarrhea and ulcers” (Faith Purpose 1). Medical complications of these effects have negative impacts on a student’s ability to attend and concentrate in class. Dehydration, for example, leads to extreme exhaustion of the body following reduced functionality of body organs; some of these functions are related to the brain system and thus induces a state that may not be favorable for a student to study.

Cases such as ulcers on the other hand have the capacity of subjecting a person to hospitalization. A student will therefore suffer from pain as well as miss class lessons while undergoing treatment following medical complications that are induced by consumption of caffeine.

Other direct impacts of excessive consumption of caffeine include “increased premenstrual, problems in the stomach and the esophagus, headaches and risen body temperature” (Faith Purpose 1). Usage of caffeine also has the threat of reducing levels of some minerals in the body. It has, for example, been established that excess caffeine in the body plays a role in reducing the level of iron and calcium in the body.

An individual who consumes large amounts of caffeine therefore risks deficiency of such minerals and the consequences of such deficiencies. Deficiency of iron, for example, which is essential in the development of bones and the production of red blood cells, can therefore pose threat to a person’s well being. Excessive caffeine usage is thus identified to be dangerous to lives of students (Faith Purpose 1).

Upon consumption of substances that are rich in caffeine, a person experiences decreased time duration taken to react to situations. This means that consumption of caffeine rich substances can induce faster unmediated reactions. Whether in class work or outside class, a student is subject to making quick decisions that could be erroneous. A case of a mistake made in a class assignment or an exam due to the induced quick response of caffeine can cost a student marks and even grades in final grading in college.

Since female college students are adults who can at the same time get pregnant, the dangers of caffeine to the health of an unborn child or an infant is equally a reason why caffeine consumption should be checked by female students. This danger can be discussed in two aspects: that of a college student who is expectant in school and is consuming high level of caffeine and that of a woman who got addicted to caffeine consumption while in college.

Excessive intake of caffeine by an expectant woman is particularly dangerous in the fact that caffeine easily diffuses through the placenta into the unborn child’s system. Similarly, a breast feeding mother can pass caffeine content into her child’s body through the breast’s milk. The danger under these considerations is that while the adults’ body systems are developed enough to eliminate the toxic caffeine by natural processes, the body of an unborn or a young child is not developed enough to eliminate the caffeine contents in itself.

Usage of caffeine by these women therefore induces a level of intoxication to their children. The concern should be adequately addressed under caffeine consumption at the college due to the possibility of addiction which might be effective through out a woman’s life (Goldberg 235).

There is a possibility that a student engaged in consumption of caffeine products may be taking too much of the caffeine without being aware. Following the lack of specification of substances in terms of the level of caffeine that they contain, a student might as well get into excessive consumption of caffeine without his or her notice. This means that a student can still be subjected to the risks of excessive caffeine consumption without being aware (Walker and Humphries 75).

There is, however, those arguments that seem to support the consumption of caffeine by college students. There are opinions that caffeine usage induces “increased sense of alertness, positive mood and alleviate headaches” among other benefits (Kley 1).


Consumption of substances that are rich in caffeine is highly adopted among students in collage following its stimulating effect. Though there are opinions of some benefits of caffeine in the body, the negative impacts that are associated with the consumption outnumbers the benefits and some of the consequences of caffeine consumption such as ulcers and heart and blood complications are fatal. It can therefore be concluded that college students should avoid or control their consumption of caffeine rich substances.

Works Cited

Faith Purpose. Dangers of excessive caffeine consumption. Assatashakur, 2011. Web.

Goldberg, Raymond. Drugs across the Spectrum. New York, NY: Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.

Kley, Kara. Caffeine, what every college student should know. Housing, 2010. Web.

Landrum, Erick. College students’ use of caffeine and its relationship to personality. Psych, n.d. Web.

Walker, Allan and Humphries, Courtney. The Harvard Medical School guide to healthy eating during pregnancy. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2005. Print.