In this assignment you will build a logistic regression model to predict alcohol

In this assignment you will build a logistic regression model to predict alcohol

In this assignment you will build a logistic regression model to predict alcohol involvement of the driver in the crash (yes/no). You will create a nominal variable that is 1 if the driver has a BAC>=0.08 and 0 otherwise, and you will divide the data set into 65% training, 20% validation and 15% Test.
Review Assignment 4 Report Example .
Note: You will want to create your assignments with a similar format, layout and content. The answers shown are NOT THE REAL ONES and that copying the example will result in a 0
Review the Grading Table (below).
Use the Confusion Matrix spreadsheet for the validation set in the appendix. You can cut and past the information from JMP and then copy the confusion matrix into the appendix of the report.
Refer to the Alcohol Prediction Data jmp file to obtain the data needed for this assignment.
Interpret sensitivity, specificity, false positive and false negative rate, overall error rate.
Add the ROC and Lift curve in the appendix and interpret them in your report.
Provide strengths and weaknesses of the model for prediction as well as which predictors are most important contributors to explaining BAC>=0.08.
Use 10 pt Font Calibri or Times New Roman.
The report must include the following elements:
Figure 1: Receiver Operating Characteristic on Validation Data
Figure 2: Lift Curve on Validation Data
Table 1: Confusion Matrix for Validation Data
Table 2: Odds Ratios (Day_Week, HitRun Description, and Gender)
Table 3: Effect Summary
Include a title for your report (e.g, “Real estate…) and create headings for each section.

In your assessment, do the following: Summarize your findings, including your sc

In your assessment, do the following:
Summarize your findings, including your sc

In your assessment, do the following:
Summarize your findings, including your scores for each Driver (energy, focus, speed, and challenge).
Evaluate the validity of this assessment, including whether you agree or disagree with the scores.
Explain how self-assessments such as the one you completed can help you “know [yourself] in terms of strengths and weaknesses” (Casse, 2014, p. 30).
Delineate the measures you will take to improve your leadership competencies.

Only use peer-reviewed sources published between 2021-2023***** very important P

Only use peer-reviewed sources published between 2021-2023***** very important

Only use peer-reviewed sources published between 2021-2023***** very important
Please use Appendix 1 in the course outline to format and structure your analysis.
There are a few ground rules you must adhere to:
The report must be written in APA format. Sources are:
• American Psychological Association. (2010). Concise Rules of APA Style. 7th ed. Washington, DC: Author. ISBN: 9781433805608
• Report must include supporting references, in-text citations, a proper cover page, at least seven FULL pages of content, properly written references..
• Your assignment must include at least five scholarly references. Google Scholar, is a good place to start; Wikipedia is NOT a scholarly reference
• Report must be written in Times New Roman, 12 font, and double-spaced throughout.
• You will upload during this week
• If you have any questions, please email me.
Assignment Grading Rubrics
Quality of work 0 – 50 pts
• Substance
• Grammar
• Subject terminology
• Originality
Research 0 – 25 pts
• Use of scholarly articles to support your views
APA Formatting 0 – 25 pts
• Title page
• Running head
• Abstract page
• Main body
• In-text citations
• Properly written reference page
• Etc.
Total 100 pts
PESTLE Analysis
Porter’s Five Force
not too lengthy he will deduct points

Acoording to the Track1 file, finish the mothly file. Tips 1:I dont have any inc

Acoording to the Track1 file, finish the mothly file.
1:I dont have any inc

Acoording to the Track1 file, finish the mothly file.
1:I dont have any income because I am an international student
2:Living Expenses is the same
3:Other monthly totals are calculated by multiplying this week’s amount by 3
4:Questions can be answered simply

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your Excel skills and k

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your Excel skills and k

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your Excel skills and knowledge on the topics covered in this module.
There are two assignments to complete.
Complete the file M1 Assignment 1.xlsx. Add your unique ID to the file name.
Create a new file
Enter data in worksheet
You may add any data you want. A few ideas include creating a budget, tracking stocks, listing sports statistics, or planning and tracking professional goals.
Create at least 5 rows of data with 3 columns
Format the new table. Change each of the following to something other than the default.
Font type
Font size
Add a border around the table.
Create range names for each column.
Sheet tabs
Rename Sheet 1 tab with your first name
Add a second sheet tab and name it “CMR 282”
Change the color of the sheet tab to something other than the default.
Move CMR 282 tab so it is the first tab in the workbook
On the sheet named CMR 282, add your name to cell D2.
Change the font size to 14
Change the font type to Times New Roman
Save the file, and add your unique ID to the file name.
Points will be deducted for not completing or incorrectly completing any part of the assignments.
Submit the following files:
M1 Assignment 1 uniqueID.xlsx
M1 Assignment 2 uniqueID.xlsx

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your Excel skills and k

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your Excel skills and k

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your Excel skills and knowledge on the topics covered in this module.
There are two assignments to complete.
Complete the file M1 Assignment 1.xlsx. Add your unique ID to the file name.
Create a new file
Enter data in worksheet
You may add any data you want. A few ideas include creating a budget, tracking stocks, listing sports statistics, or planning and tracking professional goals.
Create at least 5 rows of data with 3 columns
Format the new table. Change each of the following to something other than the default.
Font type
Font size
Add a border around the table.
Create range names for each column.
Sheet tabs
Rename Sheet 1 tab with your first name
Add a second sheet tab and name it “CMR 282”
Change the color of the sheet tab to something other than the default.
Move CMR 282 tab so it is the first tab in the workbook
On the sheet named CMR 282, add your name to cell D2.
Change the font size to 14
Change the font type to Times New Roman
Save the file, and add your unique ID to the file name.
Points will be deducted for not completing or incorrectly completing any part of the assignments.
Submit the following files:
M1 Assignment 1 uniqueID.xlsx
M1 Assignment 2 uniqueID.xlsx

I have attached my previous assignments Overview It’s the moment of truth: the f

I have attached my previous assignments
It’s the moment of truth: the f

I have attached my previous assignments
It’s the moment of truth: the first step in introducing the new project to senior management. The senior management team is located in another state and wants to hear your pitch remotely. They have given you five minutes to deliver your pitch during a leadership meeting.
Create and record an elevator pitch for your new product or service using your project outline as a guide. In your pitch, be sure to include the following:
Introduction: Introduce your product or service.
How it fits: Describe how the product or service fits into the overall strategic plan and mission of the company.
Speculate about whether the product or service fits within the capabilities of the company based on your research from previous modules (use resources like, Yahoo Finance, and investor relations pages within the company’s website).
Justification: Justify your suggestion based on the numbers.
What will be the revenue gain?
Speculate on an ROI that justifies the project for investors and/or senior management.
Enhancing the mission: Explain how the new product or service enhances the company’s overall mission.
Does it project profitability?
Support your position with information and data from the company’s 10K (use resources like, Yahoo Finance, and investor relations pages within the company’s website).
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
A 3- to 5-minute elevator pitch video or audio recording (mp3) as well as an outline and references page in Word using double spacing, one-inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Write on this part Please!
A 1- to 3-page elevator pitch script in a Word document using double spacing, one-inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman font. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

2 The Role of AI and ML in E-commerce 2.1 Definitions and Theoretical U

2 The Role of AI and ML in E-commerce
2.1 Definitions and Theoretical U

2 The Role of AI and ML in E-commerce
2.1 Definitions and Theoretical Underpinnings Machine learning
2.2 Evolution of E-commerce and AI Integration
2.3 Personalization and Recommendation Systems in E-commerce
I am doing this thesis in a group and this is my part. Please don’t forget the in text citations and the sources. Please don’t use sources that are not free so that i could access them to check and also please tell me from which paragraph you took the information precise exactly the page and everything please.
Please no Ai usage since I will check it after Please and thank you so much