Find two scientific papers related to the genetics of the disease you are resear
Find two scientific papers related to the genetics of the disease you are researching (hemophilia) and upload for approval to blackboard by Tuesday Nov. 28th (5% of grade for submitting)
First draft for feedback due 4th Dec (5% of grade for submitting)/returned ASAP
Final submission due December 14th 11:59PM (90% of grade)
You must cite both of the scientific papers you find in your final report – summarise the most important information you can find and cite as (Last name, year) after each piece of information you use in your paper
Title (5%) – your paper needs to have a descriiptive title
Style/language (5%) – paper should be clearly written, with each section following logically from the previous one, with as little repetition as possible. Style should be scientific (formal) – write in the passive voice without ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘you’ etc unless you have personal experience of the disease you are writing about that you want to include in your paper
Introduction (15%) – introduce the disease. (Hemophilia)
This must include:
all the major symptoms
discuss whether the disease has different levels of severity
discuss how the disease progresses over a lifetime
what is the lifespan?
Explain why it has been given the name it has
statistics about how prevalent the disease is in the US/worldwide. These statistics should be backed up by citations – give the reference as (Last name, year) for each citation. You may be able to use the scientific papers you found here as the references and summarise some of this information.
Include which parts/processes in the body are affected, and mention any other closely related diseases or diseases that affect the same processes
Current Scientific Thinking on the disease* (30%) explain the genetic basis for the disease – a full explanation of what the current ideas on the causes of the disease are
This must include:
The gene(s) that is affected,
A full explanation of what the gene normally does (what type of gene is it, what process is it normally involved in)
a full explanation of how a mutation in this gene results in the disease
what kind of mutation is it? Is the protein still functional or not?
How are normal body/cellular functions disrupted
Include a figure to show how the genes/proteins function – you should draw the figure yourself and cite the paper(s)/textbook they are adapted from
if there are environmental factors that contribute to the disease, include these too.
A summary of the research from the two papers you identified; explain what question the scientists were trying to answer (what question the paper was addressing) and what they found
This section must include a summary of the two papers you uploaded, and they should be cited to show where the information comes from. [If they include any discussion of potential cures for the disease save that for the next section]
Prospects for cure* (20%) – discuss the latest ideas for curing the disease/successful cures that have already been implemented. Use the research papers you found to help you; you can also suggest ideas from our biotechnology section here – are there any prospects for cure using techniques that we covered for individuals who have been born with or developed the disease?
If it does not look like the disease can ever be cured, explain why.
Conclusion (10%) – sum up everything you found; what do you think will happen to people in the future who have this disease, and how can their lives be improved.
References (5%) – Cite in text and list references in this section in alphabetical order in APA format. You can use your textbook as a general reference if needed.
*you don’t have to use these subheadings if you can think of better ones
You can (and should) use non-scientific resources such as websites, Wikipedia etc to help you understand the disease you are researching – you may even find newspaper articles summarizing the research papers you are looking at – but every fact included in your paper should have a primary citation of a research paper, or your textbook wherever possible; cite websites only as a last resort.
below i have attached a paper i wrote a few weeks ago so you can see my writing style.