Find two scientific papers related to the genetics of the disease you are resear

Find two scientific papers related to the genetics of the disease you are resear

Find two scientific papers related to the genetics of the disease you are researching (hemophilia) and upload for approval to blackboard by Tuesday Nov. 28th (5% of grade for submitting)
First draft for feedback due 4th Dec (5% of grade for submitting)/returned ASAP
Final submission due December 14th 11:59PM (90% of grade)
You must cite both of the scientific papers you find in your final report – summarise the most important information you can find and cite as (Last name, year) after each piece of information you use in your paper
Title (5%) – your paper needs to have a descriiptive title
Style/language (5%) – paper should be clearly written, with each section following logically from the previous one, with as little repetition as possible. Style should be scientific (formal) – write in the passive voice without ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘you’ etc unless you have personal experience of the disease you are writing about that you want to include in your paper
Introduction (15%) – introduce the disease. (Hemophilia)
This must include:
all the major symptoms
discuss whether the disease has different levels of severity
discuss how the disease progresses over a lifetime
what is the lifespan?
Explain why it has been given the name it has
statistics about how prevalent the disease is in the US/worldwide. These statistics should be backed up by citations – give the reference as (Last name, year) for each citation. You may be able to use the scientific papers you found here as the references and summarise some of this information.
Include which parts/processes in the body are affected, and mention any other closely related diseases or diseases that affect the same processes
Current Scientific Thinking on the disease* (30%) explain the genetic basis for the disease – a full explanation of what the current ideas on the causes of the disease are
This must include:
The gene(s) that is affected,
A full explanation of what the gene normally does (what type of gene is it, what process is it normally involved in)
a full explanation of how a mutation in this gene results in the disease
what kind of mutation is it? Is the protein still functional or not?
How are normal body/cellular functions disrupted
Include a figure to show how the genes/proteins function – you should draw the figure yourself and cite the paper(s)/textbook they are adapted from
if there are environmental factors that contribute to the disease, include these too.
A summary of the research from the two papers you identified; explain what question the scientists were trying to answer (what question the paper was addressing) and what they found
This section must include a summary of the two papers you uploaded, and they should be cited to show where the information comes from. [If they include any discussion of potential cures for the disease save that for the next section]
Prospects for cure* (20%) – discuss the latest ideas for curing the disease/successful cures that have already been implemented. Use the research papers you found to help you; you can also suggest ideas from our biotechnology section here – are there any prospects for cure using techniques that we covered for individuals who have been born with or developed the disease?
If it does not look like the disease can ever be cured, explain why.
Conclusion (10%) – sum up everything you found; what do you think will happen to people in the future who have this disease, and how can their lives be improved.

References (5%) – Cite in text and list references in this section in alphabetical order in APA format. You can use your textbook as a general reference if needed.
*you don’t have to use these subheadings if you can think of better ones
You can (and should) use non-scientific resources such as websites, Wikipedia etc to help you understand the disease you are researching – you may even find newspaper articles summarizing the research papers you are looking at – but every fact included in your paper should have a primary citation of a research paper, or your textbook wherever possible; cite websites only as a last resort.
below i have attached a paper i wrote a few weeks ago so you can see my writing style.

Please click on the link below. Watch the documentary entitled Growing up Trans.

Please click on the link below. Watch the documentary entitled Growing up Trans.

Please click on the link below. Watch the documentary entitled Growing up Trans. Choose the 2 children that had the most impact on you and write about what their struggles were. Should parents support their children in their transitions? Why or why not. This entry must be a minimum of 300 words.

Growing Up Trans

The Big Picture As you progress through this course, you will acquire informatio

The Big Picture As you progress through this course, you will acquire informatio

The Big Picture As you progress through this course, you will acquire information in a sequential, topic-specific manner. Each topic will include information that is relevant to this assignment. For example, the knowledge you gain from the lesson on bacterial cell morphology will be applied to the first paragraph topic, Cell Morphology and Growth Requirements. Your answers are expected to include information from sources that go beyond the textbook or classroom. Examples include peer-reviewed journal articles, interviews with clinicians who deal with microbes on a daily basis, personal experiences, and other reputable sources. You are expected to clearly understand the meaning of each topic before you construct your answer. For example, you are expected to know the meaning of “epidemiology” and to understand the topics that are connected to it. Don’t forget to read and understand the rubric before you start. Refer to it often – it will help guide you through the process. Name of Microorganism: ________________________________________________________ 1. Description of the Microorganism (week 1) Write a paragraph describing your organism. Please be sure to include the type of organism (bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoa, helminth, etc), morphology (shape, arrangement , colony morphology if applicable), description of structure (gram result, type of nucleic acid or virion structure, spore type, etc if applicable) and also the type of microscope and/or stain you would use to view the organism. Please use proper scientific terminology and good grammar and sentence structure throughout this project. 2. Virulence Factors Include a paragraph on the virulence factors the pathogen has and how they affect the host. Please enhance this with detailed explanations of the virulence factors and how they affect the host as you gain a better understanding of them throughout the semester. 3. Immunity Which innate and/or adaptive defenses protect us from infection by this bacterium? Does this pathogen induce a specific type of immune response (example: delayed-type hypersensitivity)? If so, which one(s)? 4. Pathology (Infectious Disease Information) What condition(s) or infectious disease(s) does it cause? Which tissues or organs are affected, and how are they affected (for example, chronic TB is characterized by lung tubercles)? Describe the complications that can result if the infection is left untreated. Are these acute, chronic, or latent infections? What organ system(s) does it infect? Is it an opportunistic pathogen? If so, where is it normally found in the body? 5. Epidemiology Draw and label a diagram on how this organism is transmitted. Make sure you include the reservoirs of infection, any vectors if involved in transmission, the type of transmission, and portals of entry and exit. 6. Prevention Is there a childhood vaccine against this microbe? Name of vaccine If so, when is it administered (the recommended schedule, including boosters if recommended)? If the vaccine is not recommended during childhood, which at-risk group should get the vaccine, and when? Describe the type of vaccine and how it works : If there is no vaccine available, list at least three measures the can be implemented to prevent people from acquiring this infection. 7. Treatment Chemotherapeutic agents: antibiotic or antiviral etc. used to treat. Mechanism of action for these chemotherapeutic agents. Why is this agent efficacious against this particular organism ? Additional therapeutic agents or practices. If there is no treatment specific for your organism what measures are take? 8. Clinical relevance Are there any MDR (multi-drug resistant) strains of this microorganism? If so, name the strain(s) Is this strain a known healthcare-associated pathogen? Which persons/procedures within a clinical or healthcare-assisted setting are particularly at risk Which antibiotics are used against the multi-drug resistant strains? Be specific 9. References Include at least 4 APA style references (scientifically appropriate credible resources) that show where you found the information in this microorganism profile.

Similar to those dreaded high school English book reports, in your report here y

Similar to those dreaded high school English book reports, in your report here y

Similar to those dreaded high school English book reports, in your report here you should include the following: the title, author, type of book, main characters, plot setting, time and place of story, your personal impressions and conclusions… The report should be 4-5 pages maximum, single spaced, TNR 12 pt font, 2 cm around margins. While the scientific aspect of your report will be of higher importance, the style, form, flow, and logic, should receive sufficient attention as well.
Here are the list of books:
Dawkins, R. The Ancestor’s Tale: A Pilgramage to the Dawn of Evolution. Houghton Mifflin Co.
Dawkins, R. The selfish gene. Oxford University Press.
Gould, S. J. Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History. Norton paperback.
Ridley, M. Evolution and classification: The Reformation of Cladism. Longman Group Ltd.
Pääbo, S. Neanderthal Man: In Search of Lost Genomes. Perseus Books Group.
Darwin, C. The Voyage of the Beagle. Empire Books.
Quammen, D. The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinctions. Simon & Schuster.
Hull, D. L. Science as a Process: An Evolutionary Account of the Social and Conceptual Development of Science. University of Chicago Press.
Sober, E. Reconstructing the Past: Parsimony, Evolution, and Inference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.

This week you are learning about ecology, biomes, population dynamics, climate c

This week you are learning about ecology, biomes, population dynamics, climate c

This week you are learning about ecology, biomes, population dynamics, climate change, and other environmental issues. As you are aware, there are several plant and animal species on this planet that are considered threatened or endangered.
For this week’s discussion, you need to choose one (1) endangered species from the area where you currently live or have lived in the past.
Visit the ICUN Red List of Threatened Species website and type in your county, state, region, or country.
Use the name of your species in the title of your post to make it easier for other students to see when they are responding.
Please address the following about your endangered species (number your answers):
1. State the organism’s genus, species, and common name if applicable.
2. State the geographical range, and based on what you have learned from this week’s textbook readings, determine the biome and ecosystem in which this species lives.
3. Using what you have learned in this week’s textbook chapters, describe this species in ecological terms, and how it fits into the food web and the ecosystem.
4. Discuss the primary reasons why your chosen species is endangered or threatened (habitat loss, change in climate, etc.)
5. How have humans impacted the survival of this species – both negatively and positively?
6. In your opinion, what level of effort should we expend on saving endangered species? What can be done to help them survive, and, in particular, your chosen species?
Consider adding a photo of your chosen species.
Include in-text citations and references in APA format to all information used to prepare your response, including the specific page of the ICUN Red List site that you used.

I need to finish the discussion of lab results for 6 experiments. The document “

I need to finish the discussion of lab results for 6 experiments. The document “

I need to finish the discussion of lab results for 6 experiments. The document “Lab Report Document_v01” has all the results of the experiments in photos. For each photo please add one sentence explaining what the photos are and what they are testing. The Week 10 and 11 Lab information outline the lab results performed, and the “Printed Assignments_v01” outlines the lab assignments in the textbook.
I need the discussion of results section to be filled out for Exercises 28 and 29 in week 10 and Exercises 32, 33, 34, 45 in week 11.

Looking at the graph below, we can see that Stressor A has a positive effect on

Looking at the graph below, we can see that Stressor A has a positive effect on

Looking at the graph below, we can see that Stressor A has a positive effect on the response of interest and Stressor B has a negative effect on the response of interest. Remember that the response could be anything like growth or sprint speed – this is a theoretical graph.
For this collaborative discussion, here’s the prompt I’d like you to answer:
What is the formula to get the additive effect? (Hint: you can define a new variable or new variables). Make sure you explain what all the terms in your equation are!
Based on your formula, what number would the additive effect be?
List which of the grey bars (left, middle, right) is the additive, synergistic, or antagonistic effect and how do you know? Explain your reasoning!
Based on what you know about how synergistic and antagonistic effects work, give a theoretical number for the synergistic and antagonistic bars.

This work is due December 5 at 5:00 pm (AST) (17:00 AST) Please note that all qu

This work is due December 5 at 5:00 pm (AST) (17:00 AST) Please note that all qu

This work is due December 5 at 5:00 pm (AST) (17:00 AST) Please note that all questions must be answered in your own, computer-typed, size-12 font words (English or Spanish, your choice) and be limited to 500 total words (for each answer) with single spacing. However, try to respond to each item in at least the same level of detail presented in the book. Anyone found presenting another’s work (regardless of source) as her/his own will receive a failing grade. You must limit each answer to 500 words, in Word format. In your own words, respond to any five (5: your choice) of the following six (6) essay questions: you must limit each answer to no more than 500 single words. Use mostly, if not all, the information provided from the book and place the references in APA format. 1. Describe the processes in Photosystems I and II in generating ATP and NADPH. Be sure to explain how these two systems are connected to one another. Then describe how these are used in the Calvin Cycle to generate Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. 2. Describe the roles of the Na+-K+ pump and the K+-Na+ leak channels in establishing the membrane potential. Then explain how gated-Na+ and gated-K+ channels use this electrical potential energy to generate action potentials. 3. Describe how the lac operon if regulated through (a) negative control and (b) positive control. 4. Describe a signal transduction mechanism involving each of the following: (a) extracellular ligand, (b) transmembrane receptor, (c) G protein, (d) G protein alpha subunit, (e) adenylate cyclase, (f) cAMP, and (g) a protein kinase. 5. Describe signal transduction-mediated apoptosis. 6. Describe the cell physiology topic that you found to be the most challenging one to learn.

File 1: Main paper under review File 2: The figure I want you to add File 3: Mar

File 1: Main paper under review File 2: The figure I want you to add File 3: Mar

File 1: Main paper under review File 2: The figure I want you to add File 3: Marksheet File 4: Assessment brief File 5: Lecture slides for help on what to include – include 10 references (Harvard), including the paper under review – please review all files before starting for a better understanding of the homework