Aviation Weather: Atmospheric Pressure

Atmospheric pressure can be described as the weight exerted by air at a certain level. Barometers usually measure the force applied by atmosphere per unit area. Thus, the units used include millibars, inches of mercury and most commonly here in America; pounds per square inch which is expressed as Ib/in2.

Pressure changes under the influence of some parameters, they include altitude or height above sea level and temperature. As we climb up, the force exerted by the atmosphere reduces. At lower altitudes, for every change of one inch of a mercury barometer, there is a change of one thousand feet in altitude. On higher altitudes, the rate of pressure reduction decreases. Like any other matter, air expands upon heating and contracts on cooling. This means that density of air changes as we move from one region to another. From that, it can be concluded that, pressure is not usually the same at a constant altitude.

The altimeter is an onboard aircraft instrument, which is essentially an aneroid barometer, used to measure the planes altitude. The altimeters scale has been changed to indicate height rather than pressure. In a way, it makes sense since pressure changes with height. On the other hand, temperature changes the air pressure; therefore, altimeters mostly indicate an altitude different from the true altitude. Ideally, the higher we go, the lesser the air pressure; thus, altimeters will indicate high altitudes if they detect a drop in pressure.

Warm air has a lower density than cold air. The thicker the air, the more pressure will be gained as we move upwards. Thus at the same altitude, barometers in cold air will indicate higher pressure than the ones in hot air. As we fly an aircraft from a warm area to a cold area maintaining the same altitude, the atmospheric pressure will drop. This drop in pressure will be interpreted by an altimeter as a rise in altitude. The indicated altitude will be different from the true altitude. On a flat landscape, if the indicated altitude is lower than the true altitude, there is no much problem. On the other hand if a pilot flies in a mountainous region on a cold weather, he should consider flying higher since the altimeter will give a higher altitude reading than the true altitude.

The altimeter can be adjusted to indicate true altitude at various altitudes. Taking off and landing of the planes are the most crucial periods in a flight. Thus, the altitude of an airport is the most meaningful altitude to a pilot. It is advisable for the pilot to make sure that his altimeter reading is at per with other plane nearby. The pilot should regularly set the altimeter in accordance with the nearest tower.

It is not possible, with the current technology, for a pilot to determine the average temperature of the column of air below him. If the technology was available, it could have been the perfect way of determining true altitudes. However, plane computers are able to measure temperatures of air near the plane and estimated the true altitude. The altitude might not be correct but it is usually near the true altitude. By considering this calculated altitude and the one of the control tower, the pilot can calculate altitudes virtually close to true altitude.

Aviation Weather: Atmospheric Pressure

Atmospheric pressure can be described as the weight exerted by air at a certain level. Barometers usually measure the force applied by atmosphere per unit area. Thus, the units used include millibars, inches of mercury and most commonly here in America; pounds per square inch which is expressed as Ib/in2.

Pressure changes under the influence of some parameters, they include altitude or height above sea level and temperature. As we climb up, the force exerted by the atmosphere reduces. At lower altitudes, for every change of one inch of a mercury barometer, there is a change of one thousand feet in altitude. On higher altitudes, the rate of pressure reduction decreases. Like any other matter, air expands upon heating and contracts on cooling. This means that density of air changes as we move from one region to another. From that, it can be concluded that, pressure is not usually the same at a constant altitude.

The altimeter is an onboard aircraft instrument, which is essentially an aneroid barometer, used to measure the planes altitude. The altimeters scale has been changed to indicate height rather than pressure. In a way, it makes sense since pressure changes with height. On the other hand, temperature changes the air pressure; therefore, altimeters mostly indicate an altitude different from the true altitude. Ideally, the higher we go, the lesser the air pressure; thus, altimeters will indicate high altitudes if they detect a drop in pressure.

Warm air has a lower density than cold air. The thicker the air, the more pressure will be gained as we move upwards. Thus at the same altitude, barometers in cold air will indicate higher pressure than the ones in hot air. As we fly an aircraft from a warm area to a cold area maintaining the same altitude, the atmospheric pressure will drop. This drop in pressure will be interpreted by an altimeter as a rise in altitude. The indicated altitude will be different from the true altitude. On a flat landscape, if the indicated altitude is lower than the true altitude, there is no much problem. On the other hand if a pilot flies in a mountainous region on a cold weather, he should consider flying higher since the altimeter will give a higher altitude reading than the true altitude.

The altimeter can be adjusted to indicate true altitude at various altitudes. Taking off and landing of the planes are the most crucial periods in a flight. Thus, the altitude of an airport is the most meaningful altitude to a pilot. It is advisable for the pilot to make sure that his altimeter reading is at per with other plane nearby. The pilot should regularly set the altimeter in accordance with the nearest tower.

It is not possible, with the current technology, for a pilot to determine the average temperature of the column of air below him. If the technology was available, it could have been the perfect way of determining true altitudes. However, plane computers are able to measure temperatures of air near the plane and estimated the true altitude. The altitude might not be correct but it is usually near the true altitude. By considering this calculated altitude and the one of the control tower, the pilot can calculate altitudes virtually close to true altitude.

Various Effects of Air Pollutants in the Atmosphere


The papers will discuss various effects of pollution on birthrates in California and other parts of the world. The paper will also discuss the amounts carbon which is considered dangerous to fetus and their mothers. Some researches have been done in California and it is shocking to note how air pollutants increase in the atmosphere is so dangerous (Haas, 2007). Also air pollutants affect the pulmonary artery, valve anomalies and aortic artery. The abnormalities caused by excess carbon in the atmosphere also include cleft lip, ozone, and heart defects. The paper will also discuss the professional literature used in various research units.

There were various methods used to come up with the various suggestions of this paper. Statistical methods were used; these methods used estimates by logic regression and a hierarchical regression. There was the use of polymus logistic regression, semi Bayesian estimation whereby a prior variance was set at 0.5.

There were chromosomal defects which were characterized by; isolated cleft lip and cleft palace in males (Diepgen, 2006).In many cases, some of the results which were found were not consistent. Medical response results of a research carried out by (Roohi, Kula & Mehta, 2001) in the second month of carbon monoxide exposure to ventricular septal were as follows:

  • In the first quartile, odds ratio
  • Second quartile carbon monoxide,1.62 %
  • third quartile carbon monoxide, 2.09%,
  • Fourth quartile carbon monoxide, 2.09%.

It was found out that a clear dose of carbon and ozone had direct effect on response pattern of aortic septum, valve and ventricular septal. (Haas, 2007).

The participants of this study were the populace of the area of study, researchers, California Birth Defects Monitoring Program staff and pregnant ladies who were being examined (Diepgen, 2006).

Study quality

In the research, there were various cases which tried to justify the negative impact of carbon in the atmosphere to the unborn babies. The study was based on data collected and tests done on pregnant women in various stages of their pregnancy. During the first three to eight weeks of the pregnancy, the levels of air pollutants in the unborn babies were as follows; ozone-2.5%, nitrogen dioxide-2.1%, sulphur dioxide-1.9%, carbon monoxide-3.2% per week. However, in some tests the carbon effect was not significant thus implying that this study was not full proof (Haas, 2007). This study design was highly positive in regards to the research question. This is because the populace was involved and the results were well documented thus justifying the results. Another justification of this study was the use of proper methods of carrying out the study; which were articulate and precise.

According to Haas (2007), the cases were examined in an appropriate manner which was acceptable to all; this was because the cases were well defined. The cases were representative because they were done on a precise location which was California; where the level of air population was high.

This study was biased since it only took into account of machines only, which could be defective thus giving a negative result in the end of the study. This study was not credible and more research may be required in order to use it in practice. In addition, the time frame used in this study was not adequate; much time was needed for further studies so as to make it credible (Haas, 2007). Estimates used were based on individual pregnant lady exposure to carbon during a specified gestation period and it depended on air monitoring-station that was close to a maternal-residence during delivery time and this was a possible cause of mis-classification. Hass (2007) argued that the actual particulate stations were placed far away from the residences which could have probably provided the little accuracy in surrogate measures for individual-exposure. More misclassification may have occurred if the mothers spent time during their pregnancy outside the area of monitoring. It is of importance to note that the number of cases cited here were not enough; there was need to use more cases in order to make the study more credible. The exposure was measured but not accurately thus, the level of bias was high. In addition there was a difference between out door and in door pollutant levels and thus personal exposures depended on physical activities, time spent at home and residential air exchange rates and therefore leading to another misclassification (Haas, 2007).


The results indicated that active smoking was the most likely cause of air pollution which adversely affected fetal development. The results suggested that fetal heart phenotypes were susceptible to the effects of two pollutants which were ozone and monoxide. The study also revealed that the ozone was a reactive molecule and a strong oxidizing agent that generated superoxides, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals which later contributed to oxidative stress (Roohi, Kula & Mehta, 2001).

The methods used to come up with these results were of significance because they took into consideration all aspects of pollution and engaged them in experimental work. The results of this study came from a vast area of research which represented the population; the people who declined to participate in this noble study were surpassed by those who participated therefore the effect was minimal. It would be an act of futility for the researchers not consider the important variables of the study and that was why it was indeed taken into consideration (Haas, 2007).


With such effects, the study made it impossible not to believe in the results. This was a case study of one region in the world and these results signify that the whole world is facing the same predicament; that is why these results will help every one including people in the local level. The study was just guidance and the results would be used to guide the locals on ways to curb the menace and to treat the affected people (Roohi, Kula & Mehta, 2001). The results were credible because they could fit in any other available evidence.

In this paper various effects of air pollutants in the atmosphere have been discussed and their solutions too. This research has enhanced the epidemiological practice since it has provided more information on this global phenomenon. There is confidence in this paper since it has provided an opportunity to know about the surrounding environment and also it has taken into consideration all the effects of excess carbon in the air by using modern research technology and analysis. It is important to note that without curbing this menace, the world will be extinct. This is so because there will be no young generation since the babies being born will not live to old age due to the effects of air pollution.

Reference list

Diepgen, T. L. (2006). Labeling and filtering of medical information on the Internet. California: Oxford University Press.

Haas, J. D. (2007). Health Grades Quality Study: Patient Safety in American Hospitals. New York: Oxford University Press.

Roohi. F, Kula. R. W. & Mehta, N. (2001). Twenty-nine years after carbon monoxide intoxication. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. California: Cambridge Press.103 (2): 9295.

Land Pollution Essay

It took 30 years for Love Canal to be inhabitable again after twenty-two barrels of toxic waste were dumped into its waters in the late 1970’s. Land pollution has greatly increased over the past several decades. Climate change has caught the attention of the world with very recent statistics of ice glaciers, ice gaps, and ice sheets melting metric tons of ice back into the water. This has surfaced many bad signals of global warming and climate change. We began questioning who? Why? What? Where? and How? these incidents were happening. We started blaming pollution caused by humans affecting earth’s ozone and atmospheric layers. But, exactly what type of pollution has affected earth’s atmospheric layers the most? Land pollution has become one of the leading causes for deforestation, industrialization, agricultural activities, landfills, and industrial waste.

Deforestation is one of the most harmful land pollution kinds. Twenty- seven percent of deforestation is caused by commodity-driven companies. Some of the top productions of commodities provoking deforestation are energy (most oils, gasoline, methane, etc.), mineral mining, and livestock. Wildfires have had a recent soar. As of 2019, more than two million acres of forest in the Amazon rainforest have burned. California has also been a victim of wildfires having lost 8.8 million acres of land in 2018. Shifting Agriculture also plays a role in deforestation. Cutting down trees for short-term agriculture, then later burning the cropped harvest for later reuse. In some cases the burned land is no longer harvestable leaving dead acres of land of eroded soil. Forestry, a popular niche for building and carving beautiful natural countertops cause harm to earth.

With industrialization rapidly growing, more and more problems have surged. Since the creation of the assembly line, companies have found new ways to improve their production speed by building a mass quantity of factories running on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are notorious for emitting Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) into the air causing great harm to the public health, more so the atmosphere. Innovation can get quite expensive, so we save money using old techniques because they work and get the job done but produce a huge number of unwanted wastes. Machinery is not always secure, we have seen many plantations break down harming the environment around them. Take for example oil spills in seas and the effect is does to water and marine life. The lack of government policies is also a big reason why large corporations can build many factories. Most of the reasons mentioned are for profit and is always a good thing to be aware of what capitalism can do.

Agricultural activities are a big slice of the cake of the land pollution percentage. In recent years, many farmers have used genetically modified fertilizers and pesticides (GMFP) to get better production rates off their harvest. Therefore, these genetically modified fertilizers and pesticides chemical compounds are unknown to nature. Fertilizer and pesticides that did not make it to the harvest, become absorbed by the land, later contaminating the soil. Like humans and animals eat, the great majority of harvest that we eat has GMFP, so we also become contaminated. Sedimentation and soil erosion are also a bad example of bad farming practice that cause soil to be unusable and wasted land. With the help of existing agricultural pollution, sedimentation is the cause of soil not being able to reach land. The harvest of new and so called “exotic” crops have pests, weeds, and diseases that we are not yet aware of how to fight off. Agriculture has an extremely high demand for freshwater. Not all sources of freshwater have clean filtered water. Some sources have contaminated water to filter that does not fully get filtered to be labeled freshwater, creating a chain effect when using this water for agriculture.

Landfills contribution to land pollution is self-explanatory. With incineration being an easy way to get rid of waste, air pollution emitted is hugely harmful to our environment and humans. Agriculture waist that is burned down from landfills are highly toxic and in long terms, if there is still waste from agriculture from the past burning, there could be serious soil problems. Over population is already a problem as it is. Making more waste means building more landfills, so on and so forth. Sewage pipes also make their way into the landfill topic. In Europe toilets were getting clogged everywhere, the cause; the sewages were getting clogged with solid waste, Landfills are just outright not good for this earth in general. There should be a better solution to dispose of waist.

Illegal dumping of toxic waste into rivers, lakes, and other forms of water, is the worst thing a factory or industry can do to nature. The obvious effect of toxic waste is water pollution, the easiest and deadliest way of polluting water. There have been cases of animals dying from drinking from intoxicated water streams, including my chihuahua. In the long run of things, dumping toxins and other forms of chemicals into waters is the future mutation of animals and plants. There has been reports of people developing cancer after being exposed to toxins being leaked somewhere in there nearby living areas. However, some companies do send toxins to other countries that can handle such power and dispose of it.

Humans can withstand only so much, before experiencing severe life-threatening illnesses. Land pollution effects human in such a way that we end up having a lack of oxygen in our atmosphere that we begin to have breathing problems. We start to develop illnesses like cancer, skin conditions, disorders, contamination, and many more lifetime limiting problems. With harvest becoming contaminated we have seen child defects at birth due to high lead exposure, even if it is only a small amount. We cannot afford to continue in this path.

Climate change and global warming has been the focus of many lately. If we continue in this way, we will pay the consequences of losing oxygen. All these causes combined make up the problem of the greenhouse effect. Agriculture has covered more than 70 percent of Nitrous Oxide (NO2) into our ozone resulting in the breakdown of atmospheric layers and letting more heavy hitting sun rays into earth. Land pollution at this rate is no good for us, it is estimated that we have eleven months to work with before we have irreversible damage.

Having land pollution is good, it’s almost like a vaccine for the earth, however, it becomes very dangerous and life threatening when there is an excessive amount of land pollution. For the same reason why having deforestation, industrialization, agricultural activities, landfills, and industrial waste is an easy way of hurting the public health and our environment. Making and not using unfertile land is no good. Using old methods of mass production is never going to result in a good way if you never change. Having to use genetically modified fertilizers to better harvest rates will never result in the long run and dumping toxins into land is nowhere near good. Maybe mother nature is going to become rogue and will kill us all, clean up earth, and there will be a new species of human beings.

Heating of the Atmosphere Essay

We humans are engaged in a variety of behaviors that are antagonistic, destructive, and catastrophic to our own kind and to our nature. Those performances have very devastating impact in human nature and to our one of a kind environment. We are dependent of inhumane behaviors that involve deforestation, mining, destruction of animal habitat, intensive pollutionary works, urbanization, and perilous invention of technologies. Those endeavors can root to degradational problems and depletion of resources, loss of wildlife habitats, forest fragmentation, loss of biodiversity, pollution, and climate change. Nowadays, we humans are deteriorating and being more cruel towards our nature just to provide our needs and wants. But we didn’t notice that it can affect us and we are slowly making our future life miserable. Yes, we undergone evolution, we learn more things but those advantageous traits punishes us and our nature through worse evolution of the future.

We humans began to change the land. We are in the generation where industrial revolution is continuously evolving and we began to urbanize large areas in the world. Urbanization is the process of making an area more urban, that can lead to forest fragmentation and destruction of large areas of agriculture. The level and growth of urbanization in the world is increasing as the time goes by. As we can see in different datas in the world, the projection of global urbanization is fast, that means rapidly continuously losing large areas of agriculture. Urban people change their environment through their consumption of food, energy, water, and land. Probably, another areas of urban are polluted so it has environmental factors such as pollution and killing of other living organisms. Large forest in the world are urbanized just to have highway systems and buildings. One example is Overton Park with ponds, paths, and old-growth forest that were actually now urbanized. Energy consumptions for electricity and transportation are mostly in urban areas. These consumptions can lead to island heating, atmosphere pollution, and increase of greenhouse gases that can destruct the ozone layer. Also, flood volumes increase because of forest fragmentation. If we look beyond the lines, the world we design for ourselves is for our own needs but doesn’t benefit us.

Another human behavior that has negative effect on our nature is deforestation. Deforestation is the clearing and destroying our forest or removing the trees. It can happen in any territory thickly populated by trees and other vegetation, yet most of it is now occurring in the Amazon rainforest. The deforestation can cause climate change, flooding, soil disintegration,

landslide, and increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people. Deforestation happens for various reasons, like cultivating, generally cows because of its speedy pivot and logging, for materials and advancement. It has been going on for a huge number of years, seemingly since man started changing over from tracker or gatherer to horticultural based social orders, and required bigger, unhampered tracks of land to suit dairy cattle, yields, and lodging. It was simply after the beginning of the advanced time that it turned into a scourge. People are more likely to cut trees just to sell so they will live but they are not noticing that we are slowly destroying our nature that has big impact for us to live.

Third human behavior is mining. Mining is the process of useful minerals from the surface of the Earth and the seas. Mining is one of the most popular way to earn money. But mining has a bad cause in our mother earth like disintegration, sinkholes, loss of biodiversity, or the pollution of soil, groundwater, and surface water by the synthetics transmitted from mining. These procedures additionally affect the climate from the emanations of carbon which have impact on human nature. Some mining strategies may have such critical ecological and general wellbeing impacts that mining organizations in certain nations are required to pursue severe natural and restoration codes to guarantee that the mined region comes back to its unique state. Many mountain were destroyed because we need some minerals.

Intensive pollutionary works and animal destruction are also human behaviors that can affect the nature. Pollution comes from factories, cars, oil spills, and garbage just on roads. Pollution causes global warming, smog, and be dangerous to humans when the world started to be fully polluted. Ozone near the ground can can be harmful to crops, human tissue, and many more things. Pollution can also destruct animal habitats. Animals is important to us, they are one of the reason to balance our ecosystem, animals need to sleep and eat like us, humans. Destruction of animal habitat is one of our problems because many animals need place to live. Many places here on earth is already destroyed because of climate change human acts.

Perilous invention of technologies have also effect in our nature. Though people seems enjoyable using technologies and love to make things easier, normal living quite change. People are slaved by technologies. Some people can’t live without air condition that can destroy our atmosphere. We love to use automobiles that we direct contribute to air pollution. Also, power consumption is high due to technology that means large scale of electric energy are generated everyday. We contribute a large amount of toxic waste in the name of technological up-gradation. We tend to adapt the trends using new gadgets for portability. We are noticing that it is definitely affecting the nature.

In conclusion, we should conserve the beauty of our nature starting with ourselves. That means, we are the one who will design our own future so think of solutions and we should take care of our environment. Also, we should have limitations to avoid sufferings, because what we do will reflect with our own benefit so we should start to love our nature aside from ourselves and start making things to happen. Retain to our mind that, all of us can make a difference in this world that we start now and in our journey in this life.

Reduction of CO2 from Atmosphere Resulting In a Better Future

“The beautiful creation of the Almighty has been destroyed by the Almighty’s mightiest creatures” – this topic could be a subject for debate, there will be motions against the house, for the house; but whatever will be the result depending on the strong opinions, the truth is Almighty is disappointed to see his creation in deep soup.

We the members of the mankind for our betterment have made injustice to the mankind in disguise of our comfort, betterment. Yes we demanded and gained those elements but are we capable enough for retaining them for us, for our future generations?

We have polluted our environment, earth, foods, health, lives to this extent that the effect of our deeds are almost irreversible. Though many organizations have been founded, many people became aware, many laws have been made to protect our earth, but there is a common decreasing factor – the awareness amongst the common people.

So, from the government side the steps have to be taken very firmly to restore the matter and respect our environment to retain the goodness of his creation, if not forever, then for few coming generations, by making the preventive measures our practice and habit.

To protect our environment the level of CO2, one of the most important generated greenhouses has to be reduced in a major proportion. Carbon dioxide, unlike methane, persists in the atmosphere for hundreds of years, so even if we reduce our emission rate, the level of the gas will keep going up.

At the moment, measurements show that this carbon level increase is exponential — it is accelerating. Currently, the best way to save our future is to remove carbon dioxide through direct air capture, a process that involves pumping air through a system that removes carbon dioxide and either liquefies it and stores it or chemically turns it into a substance either inert or useful.

The challenge here is to bring the cost of this process to below $40 per ton of carbon removed, since this is the estimated cost to the planet of our emissions.

Ways in which CO2 can be injected into the soil:

  • CO2 can be injected into depleted resources.
  • CO2 can be injected into saline formations.

Enterprising researchers have already developed systems that work by passing air through anion-exchange resins that contain hydroxide or carbonate groups that when dry, absorb carbon dioxide and release it when moist. The extracted carbon dioxide can then be compressed, stored in liquid form and deposited underground using carbon capture and storage technologies.

At the moment, most methods cost more than $100 per ton, but there are dramatic developments which promise great improvement. Three companies have opened pilot plants — Global Thermostat (United States), Carbon Engineering (Canada) and Climeworks (Switzerland). Climeworks is the trendsetter. They have opened a small-scale commercial plant in Iceland.

This is aimed to remove 1,000 tons of carbon dioxide from the air per year and pump the carbon dioxide, with water, down into basalt rocks underground, using Iceland’s abundant geothermal power as a source of energy. Here the carbon dioxide is literally turned to stone — it mineralizes rapidly because of the type of rock and the pressure. The carbon dioxide, turned to stone, is out of the planet’s energy system for millions of years. This is an enormous breakthrough.

Even in Houston, the home of the oil industry, climate innovation is taking place. In October, using an approach called the Allam cycle, a company called NET Power opened a plant that burns natural gas to produce power, but it captures all the carbon dioxide produced because the carbon dioxide is itself the working fluid — a new concept. It is a totally renewable energy source based on a fossil fuel. In theory, cooling air so as to liquefy its carbon dioxide content could also be used to remove it. This could involve setting up plants on high polar plateaus such as Antarctica or Greenland but has yet to be investigated.

Their research seems almost to smuggle technologies out of the realm of science fiction and into the real. It suggests that people will soon be able to produce gasoline and jet fuel from little more than limestone, hydrogen, and air.

Above all, the new technique is noteworthy because it promises to remove carbon dioxide cheaply. As recently as 2011, a panel of experts estimated that it would cost at least $600 to remove a metric ton of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The new paper says it can remove the same ton for as little as $94, and for no more than $232.

At those rates, it would cost between $1 and $2.50 to remove the carbon dioxide released by burning a gallon of gasoline in a modern car. In effect, Keith (David Keith; American; Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics) have grafted a cooling tower onto a paper mill.

It has three major steps.

First, outside air is sucked into the factory’s “contactors” and exposed to an alkaline liquid. These contactors resemble industrial cooling towers: They have large fans to inhale air from the outside world, and they’re lined with corrugated plastic structures that allow as much air as possible to come into contact with the liquid. In a cooling tower, the air is meant to cool the liquid; but in this design, the air is meant to come into contact with the strong base.

Second, the now-watery liquid (containing carbon dioxide) is brought into the factory, where it undergoes a series of chemical reactions to separate the base from the acid. The liquid is frozen into solid pellets, slowly heated, and converted into slurry. These techniques have been borrowed from elsewhere in chemical industry, like, paper mills.

Third, the carbon dioxide is combined with hydrogen and converted into liquid fuels, including gasoline, diesel etc.. This is the most conventional aspect of the process: Oil companies convert hydrocarbon gases into liquid fuels every day, using a set of chemical reactions called the Fischer-Tropsch process. But it’s key to Carbon Engineering’s business: It means the company can produce carbon-neutral hydrocarbons.

God created Man, Man created none – they only identified and modified those which were already there, beyond their knowledge. The points discussed on taking the preventive measures to reduce CO2 from our environment to make it a better, healthier one, has to be taken care by our government to make its premises a good one to live in.

Many first world countries have taken initiatives on the same but the problem lies in India as well as other Developing countries and underprivileged. Most methods costing more than $100 per ton, if converted in today’s date it will be Rs. 6965 per ton. We have 40 billion tons and tons of CO2 in our environment; the point is as a citizen everybody pays tax, instead of the cosmetic care taking of the country, the health care of the country is more important. It sounds only Rs. 6965 per ton, but a huge amount (Rs. 27.86 crore) and a tedious procedure involved in doing so, which is not possible for an individual, but for constituent – structured body like government will be able to channelize the same for its own people’s benefit.

Mars Exploration Mission: Martian Atmosphere Studies


Since the discovery of the existence of other physical bodies in the universe, scientists have spent most of their time in the laboratories looking for ways and means of critically studying these bodies. For that reason equipments have been made and signals placed in them to make it possible for the scientist to perceive what is taking place in the planets. One of the planets that raises curiosity of exploration is the fourth planet mars. With its closeness to the earth, scientist are doing all they can to probably make it a second home for human beings. Studies have been done and others are still being done to find out the many other mysteries of the planet.

Introduction To Mars

Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system from the sun. It is one planet that has gained interest of scientists who have continued to explore it. The planet as observed from the earth appears to be red or orange. Its brightness varies due to its rotation. It can also disappear from being seen from the earth depending on the position of the sun. Mars can be viewed on a telescope to observe some of its prominent features. From the various researches conducted, it has been discovered that the red color of mars is due to presence of iron oxide. Due to its closeness to the earth, scientists usually navigate it with the aim of finding out how possible it is for living creatures to survive on it. The possibility of past existence of living creatures on mars is not yet clear, but mythically, it is believed that, there are intelligent beings called the Martians that send signals to the earth. Even though there are conditions that suggest life can be supported on mars, the conditions cannot allow the continuous existence of life. Studies are still underway to ascertain if ever was living things on mars. Just like the earth, mars have physical features like the moon, mountains, volcanoes, valleys, deserts and ice. Mars has been referred to as the red planet because it is red in color. It was also named ‘mars’ after the roman god of war.


Studies suggest that, mars once had a magnetic field and liquid water and it is believed a massive satellite may have caused tidal heating that melted its interiors, thus generating a magnetic field. This magnetic field protected the Martian atmosphere from the wind leaving the water to settle on the surface. The orbit of mars could have decayed due to tidal forces causing the whole crust to move to a more stable configuration, where the impact basin was found at the North Pole and the volcanoes close to the equator. With no tidal heating from the satellite, the magnetic field could not survive. The impact of the solar wind heating on the surface hinders the reformation of the atmosphere. During those stages of active chemical reactions and volcanic eruptions, life could be sustained on mars, but it is not clear whether there were any creatures or plants. Currently there is little evidence of eruptions and most of the volcanoes are extinct which make life impossible.

Characteristics of mars

In comparison to the earth, the radius of mars is half that of the earth, less dense and its surface area is lesser compared to the earths dry land. Compared to mercury, it has a lesser force of gravity due to its less density. Mars is reported to have volcanic plateaus and blue basins and its surface is mainly composed of basalt (Adams, 2007). Other studies reveal that, the surface is rich in silica which is similar to the andesitic rocks and iron (III) oxide. The magnetic field of mars faded away around four billion years ago because of the plate tectonics that took place on mars. Mars is about 1480km in radius with its interiors consist of iron sulfide which is partly fluid. The core which is covered by the silicate mantle contains inactive volcanoes and tectonic features. The geological history of mars can be described by the presence of epochs; the Noachian epoch is the oldest and is responsible for the formation of Tharsis bulge volcanic upland, the Hesperian epoch led to the formation of extensive lava plains, the Amazonian epoch led to the formation of Olympus Mons.

The soil on this planet contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium, chloride and sodium. These minerals contain the nutrients that can make living organisms to grow but due to the low atmospheric pressure on the surface of mars, there if no liquid water. However, ice is found in large quantities with the presence of two polar ice cups, one in the south and the other in the north. The geographical features of mars are characterized by the presence of several volcanoes like Olympus Mons which is the highest mountain on the solar system. These mountains are currently inactive and show little signs of erupting again. A number of craters have also been found each with a minimum diameter of five kilometers. The craters were formed many years ago when there was a still rapid chemical reaction on the planet. Canyon have been found on mars which include; Valles Marineris which is the largest of all, the Grand Canyon and the Ma’adin Vallis. The existence of these canyons promotes the evidence that mars once had liquid water on the surface.

Seven cave entrances have been found and named after their seven founders’ namely Dena, Chloe, Wendy, Annie, Abby Nikki and Jeanne. They are commonly referred to as the seven sisters (Adams, 2007). The caves have been estimated to be about seventy three to ninety six meters deep. However, due to the darkness on the lower surface, it is suspected that they may be deeper. This feature gives the scientist hope of finding living creatures and liquid water in them. The caves are yet to be explored extensively due to inadequate technology. The scientists hope to advance in this area and bring us more detailed information about the caves. The two polar ice caps of mars are Planum Boreum in the northern part and the Planum Australe in the southern region.

The atmosphere of mars is thin due to the absence of the magnetosphere that makes the wind to easily merge with the Martian ionosphere. The gravity on mars is thirty eight percent of the earth’s surface gravity. The concentration of carbon dioxide is ninety five percent, nitrogen is three percent and argon is one point six percent. There are little traces of oxygen and water. Methane has also been recorded to be present in mars but due to its unstable nature, its presence is an evidence of its recent occurrence.

The Martian canals are some of the physical features that have been found to exist on the planet. They were discovered by an Italian astrologer Giovanni Schiaparelli in the nineteenth century using a resolution of telescopes. They were seen to be long straight lines on the surface (Rapp, 2007). The scientist gave them names according to the famous rivers of the earth. Due to these observations, it was believed that mars had water bodies and vegetations.


The climatic seasons on Mars are similar to those experienced on the earth surface. This has been due to the similar tilts of rotation that the two planets have. The lengths of the Martian seasons are double in comparison with the earths. This is because of the fact that the earth is closer to the sun than Mars. The seasons in the southern hemisphere are extreme compared to those in the north. What contributes to this is that, Mars is always closer to the perihelion during summer and closer to aphelion during winter in the southern hemisphere. Large dust storms have been recorded in mars which occur when the planet is closest to the sun and suspected to be the reason for the high increase in global temperature. Research has revealed that, the storms may occupy either a small area or even the entire planet.


Mars is approximately two hundred and thirty million kilometers away from the sun and it therefore takes six hundred and eighty seven earth days to rotate around its orbit. The axial tilt of mars is 25.9 degrees which is similar to that of the earth. The orbital eccentricity of mars is about 0.09 and its cycle is 96,000 earth years (Adams, 2007). It has been predicted that, the distance between earth and mars will decrease in the next 25,000 years.

Phobos and Deimos

Mars has two moons; Phobos and Deimos, which rotates closer to the planet. These moons were discovered in 1887 by Asaph Hall where names Phobos and Deimos stand for panic and terror respectively. They are believed to be the names of Ares’s, god of war, to mean two sons that accompanied him to war and Ares was mars according to the Romans. Compared to the moons on the earth, Phoebes rises in the west and sets in the east. It rises after every eleven hours while Deimos rises slowly from the east and takes almost three earth days to set and a longer time to rise again. The orbit of the Phoebes is below the synchronous altitude because it is lowered by the tidal forces. Hence, it is predicted that, in the next fifty million years, it will either crush on the surface of mars or break to form a ring around the planet.

Survival on mars

Due to the inability of the planet to contain liquid water, living creatures cannot survive on mars. However, in the past there were traces that proved flow of liquid water which would have made the creatures to survive. Mars has a very low concentration of oxygen, a factor that may limit survival of living creatures that depend on oxygen for respiration (Rapp, 2007). The absence of volcanic activity on the planet hinders the rotation of minerals within and at the surface of the earth. There is little transfer of heat on the surface of mars with insufficient atmospheric pressure and a poor insulation against the solar wind and other attacks. Mars also experiences dust storms which are very gigantic and can hinder the survival of life.

Evidences reveal that, Mars was once habitable by the living creatures yet it is not clear whether there were any living creatures on the planet. The presence of such nutrients as potassium, chloride, magnesium and sodium proves the ability of plants to grow. However, in order for them to survive, they had to be protected from the ultraviolet light. Methane that was recently discovered is an evidence of possible eruptions which is an indication of life on the planet.

Exploration of the planet

Most of the explorations to mars have failed for reasons that were related to loss of communication or technical complications. The first ever successful trip was NASA’s mariner 4 that was launched in 1964, in 1971 mariner 9 orbited mars and it was the first space probe to move around another planet. Mars 2 and mars 3 from the mars probe program were the first soviet probes to successfully land on the planet. These objects were launched in 1971, but when they were almost landing, they lost contact (Adams, 2007). In 1975, NASA launched the Viking program that had two orbiters with landers which successfully landed in 1976. Viking 1 remained in operation for six years and Viking two for three years. These landers displayed the first colors of the planet and mapped its surface which made the images recorded be useful up to date.

Phobos 1 and 2 were released to explore mars with the aim of studying the two moons that were discovered. Unfortunately, Phobos 1 lost its network and Phobos two failed when it was just about to release two landers on the surface of Phobos moon. The mars global surveyor was launched in 1996; it successfully finished its mapping mission in 2001 but lost its contact in its third extended program. A month after the launch of the surveyor, the mars pathfinder was launched which had a Sojourner that landed in Ares Vallis during the summer season of 1997. Research shows that, many images were sent back to earth which made it receive a lot of publicity. Launched in august 2007, phoenix is the most recent NASA object to be sent (Rapp, 2007). It landed on the North Polar Region in May 2008 and had a microscopic camera and a robotic arm. These equipments were installed with the aim of collecting more vivid images from the planet with the aim accomplishing it in November 2008 when the engineers could not connect with the craft in space.

With availability of the orbiters and lander, it has become convenient to study astronomy from the Martian sky. The earth and the moon are visible, Phobos appears to be a third the size of the full moon and Deimos takes the shape of a star and appears brighter than the earth. Other objects that can be observed from mars include meteors and auroras. The actual color of mars is butterscotch yet it normally appears as reddish or orange due to the color of the atmosphere on the planet.

Mars and culture

Due to the reddish appearance of the planet, it has been associated with war. It has been named Nergal by the Babylonians after their deity of war, fire and destruction. To the Romans, Mars is the god of war. The Greeks also called the planet ‘pyroeis’ meaning fiery and the Hindus ‘mangala’ or ‘angaraka’ in Sanskrit who is a war god with the signs of Scorpio and Aries. The Egyptians call it ‘horus the red’, the Hebrews, ma’adim, ‘the one who blushes’ and as the fire star by the Koreans, Japanese, the Vietnamese and the Chinese (Adams, 2007). Mars is therefore worshipped by the many communities of the world who consider him as a god that can intervene on their behalf to give them victory in times of war.

The symbol of mars is usually a circle with an arrow from behind to act as a symbol of shield and spear used by the roman god of war and also a patron of fighters. In biology, it is a symbol of the male gender, an element of iron in alchemy and also the main element in the planet that causes its color to be red. In earlier years of the nineteenth century, there rose a speculation that mars was populated with a group of intelligent beings called the Martians that send signals to the earth. These speculations have created a lot of anxieties among the people who do not know what to believe.

Mars has also been a major attraction to the fiction world due to its red color and the speculation that there exist intelligent beings. In one of the scenario, it is ‘the war of the worlds’ in which the Martians invade the planet earth in order to secure their home which is mars (Rapp, 2007). Others include; the ‘Martian chronicles’, ‘Marvin the Martian’ and ‘Gulliver’s travels’. These and many more are the fictions that were written from the mystery of mars.

Future of Mars

Scientists are not yet through with their mission to explore the planet. There is much curiosity within them to make more discoveries about the planet and are determined to make people live on the planet by making the unfavorable conditions to be favorable. With the improving technology, scientists are applying similar technology to their equipments that will make the work of exploring the planet more convenient. NASA has announced the launch of a robotic mission by the name Maven in 2013 that will collect more information on the atmospheric pressure of mars.

In her vision for space exploration, the United States has launched the manned mars exploration which is part of her long term goal to explore the planet by sending human beings there by 2037. The ‘mars science laboratory’ is carrying out experiments to drill and study the rocks found on mars to find out their chemical compositions (Adams, 2007). It has also been discovered that there are more features on the planet that are yet to be identified. With intensive explorations, scientists hope to identify and study them.

The reports that have been collected concerning the planet have given different views which may be a bit confusing to the natural mind. Due to the different scientists carrying out the explorations and the different signals they use for observation, the results have always differed. With more explorations being made and others yet to be launched, we expect to receive more reports that may reveal something more different than what we have always known. With the advanced technology, orbiters, rovers and Landers will be made to be even more sophisticated. The future studies may hence give us more accurate pictures of the planet and the detailed information concerning its composition and make up. More scientist and equipments need to be employed in this continual exploration to clear the doubts and confusions in people’s minds concerning the planet. Recent improved technology need to be used in exploring mars so that valuable information can be obtained about it, in order to get a better understanding based on evidence that will be provided. (Adams, 2007)

Importance of Atmosphere Essay

Earth is a planet with an ecosystem composed of four domains: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. They represent air, water, land and life respectively. Each of these spheres is important in making Earth what it is now: the only planet in the solar system that can support life (Rosenberg, 2020). Each place on earth has a unique distribution of characteristics in these spheres, which makes this place unique: landform, body of water, atmospheric pressure, humidity, altitude, etc.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand in detail what makes these areas of ecosystems indispensable for humans, plants, animals and all life. This article will focus on the atmosphere, its description, and its importance to the earth. discuss The atmosphere is a layer of gas surrounding the surface of the earth. It is composed of a variety of gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon and so on. These gases play an important role in sustaining life, because oxygen is the gas that plants, animals and humans depend on for survival. Indeed, plants usually provide oxygen after consuming carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, but at night, plants also consume oxygen.

Atmospheric nitrogen is used in the nitrogen cycle to enrich the soil. Therefore, in a general sense, the atmosphere is vital for the survival of life on Earth. The figure below shows the distribution of various gases in the atmosphere in relation to their volume. Among the planets in the solar system, Earth and Venus are the only planets that have a suitable atmosphere made of gas.

However, the atmosphere of Venus is too toxic due to the presence of noxious gases. The planet must have enough gravity and magnetic field to gather gas on the surface and form a layer. Outside the Earth, planets such as Mars and Jupiter do not possess this quality, and therefore do not have their own atmosphere (Achenbach, 2017). There are many layers in the earth’s atmosphere. Moving up from the surface, these layers are as follows: troposphere, stratosphere, middle layer, thermal layer, and outer layer.

The gas density decreases as the height increases. This leads to changes in low pressure and atmospheric pressure that contribute to the climate and climate of places on earth. The temperature between the earth and the sun is within a comfortable range that can sustain life. Most of the credit goes to the atmosphere. This is because the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere traps the ears that enter the atmosphere from the sun, thus keeping the earth warm, like a blanket. In the absence of an atmosphere, the earth will become so cold that it becomes uninhabitable. Even life cannot survive because it is not designed to survive in a vacuum.

If the atmosphere suddenly disappears at the present time, the water on the earth’s surface will suddenly start to boil to make up for the lost pressure around the earth (Helmenstine, 2019), just like astronauts in outer space, if not. make. Don’t wear spacesuits. In a very hypothetical situation, life exists in a vacuum and we will not be able to communicate with each other through sound, because sound does not travel in a vacuum. If the atmosphere does not exist, navigation will be very difficult, because any living thing will be extremely burned by the harmful ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. Currently, there is an ozone layer in the atmosphere that protects the earth from these rays by absorbing these rays. Ultraviolet rays, even with a small amount of dangerous frequency, can cause severe burns, skin cancer, blindness, and other diseases. However, the worrying thing is that the ozone layer is depleting and there is a very large hole in this layer, as big as Antarctica.

This is caused by the release of chemicals harmful to the ozone layer into the atmosphere by human activities (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2017). The earth’s atmosphere is also an important part of the earth’s mineral and water cycle. Although 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by water, it is not suitable for drinking. The water in the ocean must evaporate, form clouds, move in the atmosphere with the help of wind, and then rain elsewhere in order to replenish groundwater for plants, animals, and humans.

Similarly, atmospheric nitrogen is important for maintaining soil fertility. Nitrogen is fixed in the soil by nitrogen-forming bacteria in the form of nitrate, which is an important nutrient for plant growth (Britannica, 2021). The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere helps plants prepare food through photosynthesis, and the food produced is consumed by animals and humans all over the world to meet the energy needs of survival. However, due to over-industrialization and the burning of fossil fuels, the amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases has risen out of control, resulting in a sharp rise in the average temperature of the earth, which is called global warming.

Due to the greenhouse effect, as discussed earlier, carbon dioxide absorbs heat (Open Learn, 2021). Many other problems have occurred, such as wildfires and acid rain. Because there are a lot of harmful gases in the atmosphere, and the earth’s temperature rises uncontrollably. in conclusion In general, it can be seen that the atmosphere is a very important life-supporting area in the terrestrial ecosystem. As mentioned above, if there is no atmosphere, life on Earth cannot survive for more than a few seconds.

The presence of the atmosphere means that plants obtain sufficient nutrients through microbial nitrogen fixation and can produce food from sunlight, carbon dioxide and the water they absorb. The ozone layer protects the earth’s life system by absorbing all harmful rays that will harm all living things. The atmosphere of the earth is also important to climate and weather conditions.

However, in the past two centuries, it has been observed that rapid industrialization has led to the consumption of large amounts of fossil fuel resources, which has released dangerously large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which has caused serious damage. To an atmosphere that may be irreversible. Therefore, measures must be taken to prevent further damage to the atmosphere or any other areas of the ecosystem.

Consequences of Global Warming Essay

Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere and its oceans, a change believed to be permanent. (livescience.com ). The National Geographic website explains that global warming is the result of high levels of greenhouse gases(carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and ozone) in the earth’s atmosphere. Wikipedia asserts that global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the earth’s near-surface air and oceans (Wikipedia.com, 2008).

According to National Geographic’s official website, global warming is a concern because the earth’s climate is changing faster than some living things may be able to adapt. Furthermore, the new and more challenging climate creates new challenges to all life (Environment, National Geographic) Scientists usually alternate the term ‘global warming’ with ‘climate change’. This is because as the average temperature of the earth increases, ocean currents and winds interchange and consequently some parts of the earth are cooled while others are warmed. In the end, the climate differs in different places around the earth.


Global warming has had both positive and negative effects on climate and the environment but the negative effects have received more attention. These include rising sea levels because of melting polar icecaps and an increase in the occurrence and severity of weather events, for example storms, hurricanes and floods (LiveScience.com).Other consequences of global warming include drought due to changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation (Wikipedia.com),changes in agricultural yields, species extinctions and increases in the range of disease vectors.(Wikipedia.com,2008)

When these effects are combined the results will be especially harsh on countries and people without the resources to stay those effects. For example, climate change includes hotter temperatures. Extremely high temperatures are detrimental to the health of human beings. Also, there is the depletion of the Ozone layer. Thus, Ozone gas increases at ground level, damaging lung tissue as it is a harmful pollutant.

A positive consequence of global warming has been the increase in water. For example, increased seasonal runoff of Himalayan glaciers resulted in increased agricultural production in Northern India throughout the 20th century (Wikipedia.com,2008 ).

Many scientists believe that global warming is unstoppable, but people can try to stabilize the greenhouse gases emitted. Currently, the concentration of GHG rests at about 380 parts per million ( ppm),which is a cause of worry since it is believed that the point at which the most damaging impacts of climate change can be evaded is around 450 to 550 ppm.

To stabilize the emission of greenhouse gases involves cutting down on environmentally unfriendly practices, for instance using less fossil fuel like coal and petroleum and instead advocating for “clean’ fuels. Also, green vegetation (forests) should be conserved.

The article from USA Today that quotes scientists from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is mostly correct in the facts that it contains. It is basically a report of a five-year study that discovered a relationship between the appearance of extremely high clouds that are normally associated with severe storms and rainfall and seasonal variations in average sea-surface temperature of tropical oceans.

The scientists believe that global warming is causing the frequency of extremely high clouds to increase. According to their study, every time the average ocean surface temperature increased by 1.8 degrees, there was a 45% increase in the frequency of the very high clouds. As global warming is progressing yearly, the researchers predict that the frequency of storms will increase by 6% per decade.

Wikipedia.com quotes that Hoyos et al (2006) have linked the increasing trend in the number of category 4 and 5 hurricanes between 1970 and 2004 directly to the trend in sea surface temperatures. However, some scientists are undecided as to whether global warming is the real reason behind the increase in precipitation. The World Meteorological Organization clarifies that “no individual tropical cyclone can be directly attributed to climate change”.

The article quotes another similar study and shows that the results are consistent. This lends credibility to the assertion that the global rain rate has been increasing over the past 18 years. Because Earth’s existing ice sheets are beginning to melt, sea levels could be raised significantly. Additionally, the weather can become more extreme, leading to more intense storms, more rainfall and longer and drier droughts.

Recent evidence suggests that global agricultural yields will be affected by climate change.” Rising atmospheric temperatures, longer droughts and side-effects of both, such as higher levels of ground level ozone gas, are likely to bring about a substantial reduction in crop yields”(Wikipedia.com/effects of global warming)

The Senior research scientist at JPL, Hartmut Aumann mentions climate models that will benefit from the results of his research. According to NASA’s website, climate models are used to predict the climate change. The validity of the predictions depends on the ability of the climate model to reproduce the climate as seen. The models represent the various conditions that affect the climate, including land, oceans and the gases that form the atmosphere. If a model cannot explain the variations in weather and climate trends, their predictions cannot be completely credible.

Aumann’s research gives some idea on how clouds can be used in climate prediction without the amount of challenges that had been experienced before. Ocean-atmosphere models are used to tell how the weather and climate systems, including rainfall and clouds, respond to variations in the chemical composition of the atmosphere. At the moment, many climate models are at loggerheads when it comes to how clouds/cloud cover affect global warming. Some indicate changes in cloud cover that intensify global warming effects, while others demonstrate that cloud cover has little has a minor or even dampening effect on global warming.

Most scientists are in agreement over the fact that climate models have to undergo much improvement before any credible predictions concerning the earth’s future climate. The USA Today article is a strictly informational piece of journalistic work It reports the facts as the NASA scientists gave them and it has not added any sensational facts. On accuracy, it has managed to stick to the truth. I have verified this with information from the NASA website, Wikipedia, the National Geographic website and the LiveScience website.


To this end, the scientific evidence provided by the article is complete even if it did not go into much detail. Therefore, in conclusion, the USA Today article has represented accurately, clearly and fairly scientific information based on global warming from scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

Are Humans Responsible for Global Warming? Essay

Are humans actually affecting global warming? Humans have been worsening the state of our planet for over 50 years now (MacMillan, Amanda). Various activities such as driving, having barbecues, and even something as simple as throwing out our waste produces gasses that will cripple our atmosphere. Once you begin to look into the origins of global warming, and how these forcing and feedback gases we produce will alter life as we know it, or even how we can help then, you will begin to understand our planet further and become more educated on the topic of global warming and the changes humanity needs to make. We need to learn how to adequately protect our planet; it is crucial that we tend to and speak out about the gravity of this topic now before it is too late.

Humans have been warming the planet over the past 50 years (MacMillan, Amanda). Most of the products that we have been using are releasing forcing and feedback gases. “Forcing gasses,” force climate shift while, Feedback gasses, react physically or chemically to climate change (The Causes of Climate Change). Activities such as; Irresponsibly leaving vehicles operating, kitchen appliances on, water running, and lights turned on will waste enormous amounts of energy. As a result, harmful gases will be released into the atmosphere.

Humans have been rapidly expanding on the Greenhouse Effect. Human activities that are releasing Forcing, and Feedback Gasses, into the atmosphere, are only making things increasingly worse. Gases such as Water vapor (H2O), Nitrous Oxide (N2O), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), and Methane (CH4), are the main gases damaging our atmosphere (The Causes of Climate Change). Everyday people that are generating these gases know what they are but, do not exactly know what they are doing to our environment. In fact, in the United States, we burn fossil fuel to create electricity; over time, this method has balled up to in return make the coal-burning plants become most massive polluters by far. Just the pollution from the power plants alone comes out to about two billion tons of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) every single year (MacMillan, Amanda). Some unsusceptible things that release these harmful gases into the atmosphere are, Non-Biodegradable waste being thrown out, oil field gasses being released into the atmosphere, barbeques, and lawn mowers that produce pollution just like cars.

Many people suspect that global warming is solely caused by the sun, but that statement is a result of complete ignorance. There are several reasons as to why it cannot be the sun. Yes, the sun’s energy production does have the potential to causes climate change. The only flaw with that theory is the fact that our sun’s solar activity has not raised. Our climate has been going into the extraordinary heats and Ice Ages over several centuries and now it is happening more swiftly than ever before. Our climate change is no longer a gradual change; It is now a complete spike in climate. Current global warming cannot be explained by alterations in the sun’s activity and energy spike. Our sun has not increased its activity (The Causes of Climate Change). Several scientists have been monitoring the sun and its activity for years now and they have concluded that it’s nearly impossible for this much of a temperature spike to be coming from the activity of the sun. The only way that the sun could be causing the atmosphere to warm would be with the help of “forcing,” and “feedback,” gasses to make use bake like a potato in tin foil.

The effects Global Warming has had on our planet, and humanity over the years is no joke. Glaciers are beginning to melting a lot quicker than they are being made. In consequence, arctic animals are suffering from their environment deterioration happening right below them. Glaciers are presently melting four times faster than we originally thought. Our wildlife populations are now slipping and the habitats are changing along with the is the threat of extinction floating over several animals heads. In effect, the shifting of habitats creates more of a restriction on natural resources; this forces animals to move habitats after their own has been destroyed (Weaver, Sharon).

The global warmings cause consists of several distinct components. Deforestation which is damaging wildlife environments along with the generation of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). This forces the critters to acquire a new way of life when they migrate into new habitats. Not to mention the intimidations of starvation, reconstitution of the food chain, and altering of a natural selection becoming a new threat (Weaver, Sharon).

The climate is obviously changing; “The number of high-temperature events in the United States has been increasing, while the number of record low-temperature events has been decreasing, since 1950. The U.S. has also witnessed increasing numbers of intense rainfall events,” (Climate Change Evidence: How do we know?”) but along with that even several weather patterns are now changing; which, could eventually be fatal. Several people have noticed intense and unusual weather events have been taking place which in return, causes natural destruction that could have been prevented if we would have cut down on releasing these harmful gasses.

Sea levels are rising which can have devastating effects. The world seas have absorbed more than ninety percent of the atmosphere’s heat (Nunez, Christina). At this rate by the time a century has gone by the sea levels are expected to rise bt 10 to 32 inches or higher (Global Warming Effects). The water is absorbing excess CO2 from, of course, the atmosphere which can cause ocean temperatures to climb. Raised temperatures cause the volume of the water to expand. Another factor is The melting of the ice caps and glaciers along with stormy weather such as enhanced hurricane activity and land alteration. Hurricanes and other similar storms will become stronger, contrasting storms such as floods and droughts will become less rare, decreasing fresh water, a portion of diseases will spread like wildfire, and ecosystems are nowhere near coming to a halt with changing (Global Warming Effects). One frightening case of this is the fact that The wetlands have been deteriorating at a rapid pace. In particular, from 2004 to 2009, the percentage of loss was 25% higher than from the prior years recording the period of 1998-2004. Aquifers are now being contaminated by salt from the rising water. Environments for fish are being squandered. Habitats are lost for birds. Habitats for plants are being completely destroyed. Even soil that is being used for agricultural purposes is being corrupted (Weaver, Sharon).

In conclusion, global warming has obviously been caused by humanities poor choices and fast-paced life. We are releasing hazardous gasses into the atmosphere which causes our planet to quite literally cook while it does us the favor of burning holes in the ozone layer. We need to take action now before its too late, the future has already proven to be detrimental if we do not alter the way we are living. From the sea levels growing, and threatening sometimes deadly storms, to the erosion of once flourishing environments, we are negatively transforming our planet in its entirety.