لطالما كانت جزءًا أساسيًا من حياتنا اليومية، ومن بين المجالات التي تجلت فيها قوة

لطالما كانت جزءًا أساسيًا من حياتنا اليومية، ومن بين المجالات التي تجلت فيها قوة

لطالما كانت جزءًا أساسيًا من حياتنا اليومية، ومن بين المجالات التي تجلت فيها قوة الرياضيات هي صناعة الأفلام البارزة. من تحديد الميزانيات لإنشاء التأثيرات البصرية المعقدة، والفيزياء جزء مهمًا في إنتاج الأفلام التي
1. الميزانيفي البداية، ظهرت الرياضيات في تخطيط إدارة الميزانيات. تحديد تكاليف الإنتاج، أجور الممثلين، التكاليف المحددة، الفنية كلها تعتمد على الحسابات الدقيقة ولا تتجاوز الميزانية المخصصة. بعد إصدار الفيلم، استخدم الرياضيات أيضًا في تحليل وألف وألف
2المهنيين المحترفين هم من أكثر المجالات التي تعتمد على الرياضيات. يتم استخدام معادلات ألعاب المحاكاة الاحترافية، نماذج من الألعاب الثلاثية الأبعاد، الإجهاد (مثل مشروبات أو تحركات مائية)، تأثيرات الإضاءة والظلال الواقعية. من دون الرياضيات، لا يمكن تخيل إنشاء عوالم افتراضية مثل تلك التي لها والتي في أفلام الخيال العلمي والفاف
3. الرسوم المتحركة (الرسوم المتحركةفي الرسوم المتحركة، أصبحت الرياضيات جزءًا أساسيًا في تحديد حركة الشخصيات والأشياء على الشاشة. تعتمد تقنيات مثل “Spline Interpolation” و”Keyframing” على الحسابات الرياضية وأنشطتها سلسة وطبيعية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يتم استخدام الجبر وهندسة صناعة الأدوية والشخصيات وتحريكها بطريقة بسيطة
4. الصوتيات والموسيالرياضيات جزء أيضًا من تصميم الموسيقى والتصوير. وتحليلها صوتياً يعتمد على الرياضيات بشكل كبير. فهم الترددات والنغمات والأنماط الصوتية يمكن من خلق موسيقى تصويرية تناسب المشاهدين المختلفين في الفيلم.
خاتمةمن الميزانيات إلى المبدع المبدع، الرياضيات جزء لا غنى عنه في صناعة الأفلام. وبالتالي للرياضيات يمكن أن يساعد المخرجين الكبيرين والمنتجين في تحقيق المزيد من الإنجازات، مما يجعل الرياضيات جزءًا أساسيًا من هذا العالم السحري الذي يجمع بين الفن والعالم

please see the attached file named (chapter 1,2 and 3 new ) you need to complete

please see the attached file named (chapter 1,2 and 3 new ) you need to complete

please see the attached file named (chapter 1,2 and 3 new ) you need to complete section 3 and 4:
3 Methodology
3.1Factor identification
3.2Data Calculation (don’t mention the result only general overview- you should include some table of data )
3.3 Data analysis
3.4 Model development
3.5 Model validation
Result and Conclusion
(for this section please us attached python file-don’t include codes but you need to include each tables figures and graphs with caption of each one of them. The python file you should attached it to this report as appendix
4.1 Data analysis
4.1. Correlation
4.1.2 Box plots
4.1.3 Scatter plots
4.2 Model development
4.2.1 Training
4.2.2 Validaiotn
4.2.3 implication
Please use the attached PDF python file to complete this and extract figures and tables. the attached published paper is an example of how your writing look like. more importantly you need to use the MX report template of all report sections

Hello buddy, Good day, How are you doing?, i hope you are good?. There are a fe

Hello buddy,
Good day, How are you doing?, i hope you are good?. There are a fe

Hello buddy,
Good day, How are you doing?, i hope you are good?. There are a few things that I would like you to adjust and edit in the thesis below, which I would list. This are the list of actions that I would require you to do on the thesis.
The thesis that I want you to adjust and edit is Bandar 2000.
1) use the Bandar 2000 document study the article and extract the references from the citation and article which is stated and write the references beneath the document in the reference section
2)in the bandar 2000 document the tables in the article are not drawn well, I would like you to use Bandar 1000 document copy the tables and draw it accordingly in Bandar 2000 document like it is in Bandar 1000 document
3) in the Bandar 2000 document at the estimation procedure section , the formula’s in the estimation procedure are not written properly in the Bandar 2000 document. I would like you to copy the formulas in the article pdf that is written properly below and use it to write the formula’s properly in the Bandar 2000 document
4) in the Bandar 2000 document there is a lot of Artificial Intelligence in the article, I would like you to reduce the Artificial intelligence to 0% without changing the points and ensuring the readability of the sentence is structured and textured accordingly .
5) when finished from the above actions send me the plagiarism and Ai report of the Bandar 2000 document using turnitin.
I would be expecting a quality work from you as instructed.
Best Regards

Всего один лист может снизить риск инсульта, диабета и рака · · · Практически

Всего один лист может снизить риск инсульта, диабета и рака

Всего один лист может снизить риск инсульта, диабета и рака
Практически каждый знает о качестве оливкового масла.। Но знаете ли вы, что листья оливы также обладают магическими свойствами? В древних культурах его использовали для лечения различных недугов.। Недавние исследования также показали положительные аспекты его использования.।
По сути, вся польза для здоровья начинается с ингредиентов, называемых биохимическими веществами.। Фитохимические вещества содержатся в травах и растениях.। Защищает растения от вредителей। Когда мы едим листья этого растения, фитохимические вещества попадают в наш организм и защищают нас от различных заболеваний.।
Листья оливы содержат тип фитохимических веществ, называемых олеорезинами.। Он имеет различные преимущества, полезные для здоровья.।
Веб-сайты о здоровье Healthy and Natural World и RealPharmacy.com рассказывают о пользе оливковых листьев и дают советы экспертов.।
Контроль высокого кровяного давления
Олеуропеин в листьях оливы помогает контролировать высокое кровяное давление। Это помогает расслабить кровеносные сосуды। Предотвращает свертывание крови, уменьшает нерегулярное сердцебиение.। Помимо этого, он поддерживает кровообращение в коронарных артериях.।
Исследования показали, что листья оливы помогают регулировать уровень сахара в крови.। Он предотвращает диабет второго типа। Оливковый лист защищает здоровые ткани организма।
Предотвращает рак
Экстракт оливковых листьев помогает предотвратить рак молочной железы। Он подавляет рост раковых клеток.। Это также уменьшает рост опухоли।
Листья оливы обладают противовоспалительными свойствами.। Он защищает мозг; Защищает центральную нервную систему от риска инсульта। Помимо этого, он также предотвращает старческое слабоумие и болезнь Паркинсона.।
Противовирусные и антибактериальные ингредиенты
Листья оливы обладают противовирусными и антибактериальными свойствами.। Предотвращает появление различных типов вирусов и бактерий.। Кроме того, он содержит антиоксиданты। Он предотвращает свободные радикалы। Лист оливы снимает воспаление।
костная структура
Согласно исследованию 2011 года, проведенному в Испании, олеопропилен предотвращает потерю плотности костей.। Борется с остеопорозом। Кроме того, этот лист стимулирует образование костеобразующих клеток.। Его можно назвать достаточно безопасным продуктом питания.। Экстракт оливковых листьев можно употреблять в жидкой форме или сушить и измельчать в порошок.। Вы также можете приготовить чай из оливковых листьев и съесть его.।
Но если человек проходит химиотерапию, то лучше ее не принимать.। И лучший способ – проконсультироваться с врачом, прежде чем что-либо принимать.।

THIS MY ARTICAL: Climate change has emerged as a profound threat to coral reefs

Climate change has emerged as a profound threat to coral reefs

Climate change has emerged as a profound threat to coral reefs worldwide, profoundly altering these vibrant ecosystems. Coral reefs, often referred to as the “rain forests of the sea,” are intricate marine ecosystems teeming with life and biodiversity. However, they are increasingly under siege due to rising global temperatures, ocean acidification, and extreme weather events exacerbated by climate change.
One of the most visible impacts of climate change on coral reefs is coral bleaching. Corals rely on a symbiotic relationship with algae called zooxanthellae, which provide them with nutrients and their vibrant colors. However, under stress from factors like increased sea temperatures, corals expel these algae, causing them to turn white or “bleach.” While corals can recover from mild bleaching events if conditions improve, severe or prolonged bleaching often leads to mass coral die-offs, leaving behind ghostly white skeletons and devastating local ecosystems.
Ocean acidification, caused by the absorption of excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, poses another significant threat. As the oceans absorb more CO2, they become more acidic, hindering the ability of corals and other marine organisms to build their calcium carbonate skeletons and structures. This can weaken coral reefs over time, making them more vulnerable to erosion and damage from storms.
Rising sea levels, another consequence of climate change, threaten to inundate coral reefs and their surrounding coastal habitats. Coastal development and pollution exacerbate these pressures, reducing the resilience of coral reefs and their ability to recover from disturbances.
The impacts of climate change on coral reefs extend beyond environmental concerns to socio-economic ones as well. Millions of people around the world depend on coral reefs for food, income from tourism, and coastal protection from storms. The loss of coral reefs can disrupt fisheries, tourism industries, and coastal communities, exacerbating poverty and food insecurity in vulnerable regions.
Efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change on coral reefs include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, establishing marine protected areas, and promoting sustainable fishing practices. Additionally, scientific research and monitoring efforts are crucial for understanding how coral reefs are responding to climate change and identifying strategies for their conservation and restoration.
In conclusion, the impact of climate change on coral reefs is profound and multifaceted, threatening these vital ecosystems and the myriad benefits they provide to both marine life and human communities. Urgent global action is needed to address climate change and protect coral reefs for future generations.

Hello buddy, Good day, How are you doing?, I hope you are good. I would need you

Hello buddy,
Good day, How are you doing?, I hope you are good. I would need you

Hello buddy,
Good day, How are you doing?, I hope you are good. I would need you to do reduction in the bandar’s thesis below by reducing the Artificial intelligence to zero and the plagiarism to 10 percent or below and making sure the sentences are properly combined and articulated well, as well as the points in the discussion document are still in place in the article and not changed.
Furthermore buddy, i would like you to use the previous plagiarism and artificial intelligence results below of the bandar’s thesis and do the required reduction on the bandar’s thesis from the highlighted text indicated on the previous plagiarism and artificial intelligence results of the bandar’s thesis.
Finally buddy, when finished with the required reduction buddy in the bandar’s thesis, you would also send me another results of both the plagiarism and artificial intelligence that you have reduced in the bandar’s thesis.
Please buddy, I need you to do a quality work for me and I hope you understand everything being stated.
Best Regards

Hello buddy, Good day, How are you doing?. I hope you are good. Please buddy, i

Hello buddy,
Good day, How are you doing?. I hope you are good. Please buddy, i

Hello buddy,
Good day, How are you doing?. I hope you are good. Please buddy, i need you to run a quick check on the following document below and check for the plagiarism and also for the artificial intelligence of the thesis document by delivering to me thereafter the results of both the plagiarism and artificial intelligence of the documents.
Anticipating your positive response.
Best Regards.

Hello buddy, Good day, How are you doing?. I hope you are good. Please buddy, i

Hello buddy,
Good day, How are you doing?. I hope you are good. Please buddy, i

Hello buddy,
Good day, How are you doing?. I hope you are good. Please buddy, i need you to run a quick check on the following document below and check for the plagiarism and also for the artificial intelligence of the thesis document by delivering to me thereafter the results of both the plagiarism and artificial intelligence of the documents.
Anticipating your positive response.
Best Regards.

Hello buddy, Good day, How are you doing?, I hope you are good. I would need you

Hello buddy,
Good day, How are you doing?, I hope you are good. I would need you

Hello buddy,
Good day, How are you doing?, I hope you are good. I would need you to do reduction in the bandar’s thesis below by reducing the Artificial intelligence to zero and the plagiarism to 10 percent or below and making sure the sentences are properly combined and articulated well, as well as the points in the discussion document are still in place in the article and not changed.
Furthermore buddy, i would like you to use the previous plagiarism and artificial intelligence results below of the bandar’s thesis and do the required reduction on the bandar’s thesis from the highlighted text indicated on the previous plagiarism and artificial intelligence results of the bandar’s thesis.
Finally buddy, when finished with the required reduction buddy in the bandar’s thesis, you would also send me another results of both the plagiarism and artificial intelligence that you have reduced in the bandar’s thesis.
Please buddy, I need you to do a quality work for me and I hope you understand everything being stated.
Best Regards