Essay on Trauma and Memory Loss

Essay on Trauma and Memory Loss

As previously mentioned, collective memory is created through the process of communication, by using the individual memory of every member in a group. This is because, even if the same event is witnessed by a group, every member of that group may have a different recollection and memory of that event. Each person in a group will have their memory, which is everybody’s own experiences and memories. By successfully communicating with and listening to each other, individual memories can be ordered in chronological order or an order of importance or relevance, to form a collective memory, which will have a significant effect on a community. However, as with many things within the human body, our memories are not perfect. There are many flaws within individual memory, which, therefore, means that collective memory cannot be infallible. Firstly, it is physically impossible to store all of the sensory information that our bodies receive every moment of the day in our brains, as there is simply too much of it. Therefore, the brain stores small bits of information that are considered to be of the highest relevance, reconstructing the rest of the details around those smaller pieces when it is required (when you need to recall the memory). The human memory is split into two parts: the short-term, and the long-term memory. Within short-term memory, things are stored temporarily. The main limitations of short-term memory are limited capacity (only about 7 items can be stored at a time) and there is limited duration (storage is very fragile and information can be lost with distraction or passage of time). Secondly, long-term memory is the more permanent part of the human memory, where memories and information that we want to preserve for longer are kept. Memory can also be categorized into two types: explicit memory (which is the conscious, intentional recollection of factual information, previous experiences, and concepts) and implicit memory (which does not require conscious thought. It allows you to do things by rote). This memory is not always easy to verbalize, since it flows effortlessly in our actions. It is the explicit memory that is affected by memory loss, and other diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. These conditions can severely affect the ability to recall memories.

Within my case study, I believe there are many instances where the individual memory cannot entirely be trusted, due to certain limitations. Due to the old age of people who have experienced traumatic events, it is not possible to fully rely on their memories. The accounts of older people should be verified by comparing them with the accounts of other people, which were shared when they were younger. This is because the effects of memory-related conditions are especially relevant when referring to the Holocaust, as considering that the Holocaust ended in 1945, 77 years ago, many of the survivors can now be considerably elderly. In a hypothetical situation, where a 20-year-old person entered a concentration camp, and then survived, they would be 97 years old today. According to many medical sources, the probability of somebody developing dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, while being over the age of 85 is almost 50%. Furthermore, the probability of someone developing these conditions after the age of 90 doubles almost every 5 years. This shows that today, this person would most likely be affected by some sort of mental condition, which would mean that their ability to recall past experiences would be limited. This limitation of individual memory would make it difficult for this person to be considered as a reliable source, in a discussion about their experiences about the Holocaust, which would therefore make the collective memory (which is made up of many individual memories) not exactly accurate. Here, it would be important to compare the accounts of the now elderly Holocaust survivors, with those of when they were still young, to ensure that these recollections match up so that the most accurate version of the events can be provided.

Moreover, Japanese researchers have found that ‘experiencing trauma, abuse or neglect in childhood may lead to health complications later on, including a higher risk of developing dementia’. Following the liberation of those in concentration camps towards the end of World War Two in 1945, many attempted to suppress the trauma they sustained during the Holocaust and push it to the backs of their minds, distancing themselves from the terror and the grief, to start their new lives. However, for many survivors, this attempt at ‘moving on’ and continuing their life as if nothing had ever happened had not been successful, and they gave way to emotional and psychological difficulties. This inability to cope with their situations and acknowledge the suffering they were in led to several symptoms, which psychiatrists began to identify and group under names such as: ‘survivor syndrome’, ‘concentration camp syndrome’, and ‘post-traumatic stress disorder’. After experiencing such a trauma, it is not surprising that people sustained a lot of damage.

Apart from the obvious psychological pain that the Holocaust survivors would have experienced, all these conditions have a significant impact on a person’s memory. According to many studies and researchers, physical, emotional, and psychological trauma can all play a factor in memory loss. It is possible to experience permanent or temporary memory loss depending on the type of trauma, and the severity with which each individual has received it in. For many people, blocking out memories can be one of the main ways of coping with the trauma. Scientists believe that the process of suppressing memories is called ‘state-dependent learning’. When the brain creates memories in a certain mood or state, particularly one of stress or trauma, those memories become inaccessible once the person returns to their normal state of consciousness. Furthermore, memory loss is a natural survival skill and defense mechanism humans have developed to protect themselves from psychological damage from trauma. Due to all the trauma that the survivors of the Holocaust would have faced, some would not be able to recall their experiences, due to memory loss. Because of this, once again, their memories could be compromised, which would mean their collective memory is not entirely factually correct (however this raises the question of whether or not a collective memory has to be factually correct at all). This idea is supported by Judith Lewis Herman when she states that ‘when the truth is fully recognized, survivors can begin their recovery. But far too often, secrecy prevails and the story of the traumatic event surfaces not as a verbal narrative but as a symptom. Denial exists on a social as well as an individual level… We need to understand the past to reclaim the present and the future. An understanding of psychological trauma begins with a rediscovery of the past. On the other hand, trauma could also cause an individual to be able to recall an event with much better clarity, due to how severe the impact of that trauma had on the individual’s life. When faced with a traumatic event, some people will replay this memory or have flashbacks to it. Both of these effects could end up strengthening it in the individual’s mind, so it would become a vivid part of their memory, and then of the collective identity. Aside from whether or not an individual, later on, a collective, memory has to be factually correct, it is important to note regardless of its accurate state, it does play a major role in shaping a community’s identity.

Theme of Anterograde Amnesia in Disney’s Children’s Film ‘Finding Dory’

Theme of Anterograde Amnesia in Disney’s Children’s Film ‘Finding Dory’

Mental Illness has for a long time had a stigma about it, in not only real life but how it is portrayed on screen. Finding Dory is a movie that gives us a glimpse into what it is like for people who suffer from anterograde amnesia, the daily struggles and emotions that are felt. We get to see the growth of the character from childhood to adult and how the disorder affected her along the way. This story has a lot of truth behind it for being a fictional cartoon, we are going to ‘dive’ a little deeper into what really is going on in the mid of a person with anterograde amnesia.

Finding Dory: What Can A Fish Teach Us About Memory

We as a people tend to treat and think of people with mental illness in a negative way. This is partly do to how most mental illness is portrayed on screen for the world to see. Dark, scary, angry and usually a criminal of some sort. None of these are remotely close to Dory however, she is a bright blue, loving, comical Blue Tang. She also happens to suffer from anterograde amnesia, which is a complete loss of being able to form new memories (Anterograde Amnesia: Symptoms, Causes, Illness & Condition. 2019). In essence she lives five minutes at a time. Through Dory kids get their first glimpse into a mental illness and just what impact it can have on a person’s daily life.

A Fish Named Dory … I Think?

The movie actually is the second time we meet our blue finned friend. Dory was a part of the original motion picture Finding Nemo. However, she was not the main character. This time she is front and center of it all, in fact Dory and her memory issue (anterograde amnesia) is the whole driving story plot. She is on a search for her parents who she lost long ago due to wondering off and then forgetting where she was from and even who her parents were. No longer are we encouraged to laugh at Dory’s forgetfulness; instead, we see her insecurities and begin to sympathize with her as we see the world through Dory’s eyes.

Through flashbacks, we see Dory’s struggle with her memory and get frustrated as her parents try to teach her basic life skills. Her parents are caring and supportive, but live with constant worry that Dory won’t be able to adapt to adult life. Dory is scared of the what the future may hold and asks her parents, ‘What if I forget you? Would you ever forget me?’. Though Dory is often seen as comical and carefree, she knows that her memory problems are a constant source of frustration and worry for those she meets.

Finding Dory captures not only the difficulties experienced by someone with anterograde amnesia but also the struggle for others to understand the condition. Nemo (the clown fish star of the original film) supports her and accepts that Dory has a different way of handling situations due to her disability. Like many others living with mental disabilities, people with anterograde amnesia need a support of family and friends to aid in recovery.

Luckily, Dory’s disability doesn’t prevent her from being optimistic and determined. With understanding and support, Dory is able to overcome many obstacles that she faces in her adventure, as well as daily life. Finding Dory shows that whether you’re a blue tang fish with amnesia or a nearsighted whale shark, our differences don’t need to stop us from being happy, especially with the support of others. ‘Just Keep Swimming’.

Definition of Anterograde Amnesia

Anterograde amnesia is a condition in which a person is unable to create new memories after an amnesia-inducing event (Cuncic, A. 2019). There can be a complete inability to form new memories, or just a partial one of events that have taken place. The earlier memories that were formed prior to the event that triggers amnesia will remain unaffected. A person who suffers from this disease will likely ask questions over and over, that have been answered, as well as completely forget meeting people. It is common for them to have completely forgotten the who, what, where, when and why of any situation they find themselves in.

The cause of amnesia is usually a traumatic injury to the hippocampus or medial temporal lobe of the brain. This is the most common cause, but it is not the only way memory can be affected. Some other causes are injury’s that limit the amount of oxygen getting to the brain such as stroke, myocardial infarction or concussion. New information from the time of injury is not retained. The time limit of how long the information is held varies and is not dependent based upon injury type, it can be minutes to days and is individualized to each case (Smith, C. N., Frascino, J. C., Hopkins, R. O., & Squire, L. R. 2013).

What the Movie Gets Right

Finding Dory does a very good job at showing us the struggles of both the person who suffers from a mental disease and those who interact with them. The frustration and anger not only within the person as they feel ‘trapped’ in their own minds, but the people who love and care about the persons wellbeing. We are shown that her parents use many forms of teaching and memory games to help Dory navigate her daily life. They use repetition, pneumonic games, and even songs to help Dory retain as much information as possible. This same method is used for people who suffer from amnesia. Studies find that even though people and places are affected, the learning of skills and other procedural memory functions remain partially intact (Anterograde Amnesia 2019).

What the Movie Gets Wrong

While Finding Dory gets a lot right in the portrayal of how a person handles daily life with amnesia, it does get a few things very wrong.

First, Dory seems have been born with this issue, there is no mention of a traumatic event that would have triggered her amnesia. If she was in fact born with anterograde amnesia, she would never be able to form a memory of her parents and others she came in contact with. Most cases of anterograde amnesia are caused by a trauma or at least a definable event that impairs the brains function to make new memories.

Second, anterograde amnesia does not have a known cure. In fact, as time goes on the memories often get worse. The longer a person suffers from anterograde amnesia, the less time they have to hold onto new information. Dory however, gets better and her memory improves as the story progresses, now it being a children’s movie and made by Disney, it had to have a happy ending. The sad reality is that most of the people with this disease never recover.


Most of the time we see the portrayal of mental illnesses as plot devices used in a negative way. Its only purpose being, to have the bad guy have an issue that can explain his actions; mental illness is an easy target for this. The negative stigma mental illness has makes it that much harder for those who suffer from these types of disease to seek treatment and even talk to others about what is affecting them. It is nice to see that in the case of Finding Dory, there was a positive message being used. Not only was the illness shown in a truthful way, it was shown in a positive light. Kids were shown that there are people in this world that face things we can’t always see, and with a little understanding and patience we can help improve not only their lives, but ours as well.


  1. Anterograde Amnesia: Symptoms, Causes, Illness & Condition. (2019, September 27). Retrieved from
  2. Cuncic, A. (2019, July 19). Anterograde Amnesia Makes It Impossible to Remember New Things. Retrieved from
  3. Rohaidi, N. (2016, July 8). What Finding Dory Teaches Us About Memory Loss. Retrieved from
  4. Smith, C. N., Frascino, J. C., Hopkins, R. O., & Squire, L. R. (2013, November). The nature of anterograde and retrograde memory impairment after damage to the medial temporal lobe. Retrieved from