The effects of racial discrimination and the resulting segregation echoed in every area in the late 19th and early 20th century, causing the debate concerning the need for integrated schools to become rather polarizing even within the African American community. Whereas the concept of integrated education supported extensively by W.E.B. Du Bois was prevalent, the approach developed by Booker T. Washington also represented several valid points such as the necessity for a strong, self-directed effort in learning as the basis for gaining a platform in the community (Aiello, 2016). Despite the fact that the concept of integrated learning remains the only valid approach toward an inclusive and non-discriminatory environment, the plight of both philosophers could be understood given their background and the struggles that they faced.
Indeed, Washington’s perspective on education, as well as the area of education on which he focused, namely, an industrial one, suggested the development of practical skills geared toward gaining competence in farming and different types of manual labor. The described approach to learning stemmed directly from Washington’s background, particularly, his childhood experience as the son of an African American mother, who was a slave at the time (Aiello, 2016). In turn, Du Bois, who was born to a family of African American landowners and had the opportunity to graduate from Atlanta University, understandably insisted on the importance of higher education.
Thus, even though the present-day interpretation of social justice allows viewing integrated education and the acceptance of diversity as the only possible solution, the ideas that Washington proposed were justified by the sociocultural background in which he was born and raised, as well as the atmosphere of hostility, hatred, and ostracism by which African American people were surrounded (Aiello, 2016). Furthermore, Washington’s focus on industrial education as opposed to Du Bois’ emphasis on higher education restricted the opportunities of African American people to advance within the U.S. community, which could be explained by the restrictions that Washington himself faced as he grew up in the 19th-century U.S.
Aiello, T. (2016). The battle for the souls of Black Folk: WEB Du Bois, Booker T. Washington, and the debate that shaped the course of civil rights. ABC-CLIO.
The essay “Industrial Education for the Negro” by Booker T. Washington today constitutes a historical document which provides the reader with an insight into the life of the 19th century United States. In the article, the author insists on the introduction of industrial education to the curriculums of all black students to ensure that they understand the value of labor. The essay exposes a conflict between Washington’s vision for the black people and the reality, the solution would be to train the younger generation in various industries, but it could harm their intellectual development.
As mentioned above, Washington promoted the idea of providing black students with industrial education, which was not widely practiced. Such a situation conflicted with Washington’s idea of the black people’s education since he was certain that it was necessary for the race to lay a foundation by engaging in various industries (Washington 17). Du Bois (42) held an opposite opinion and believed that the success of African Americans depended on the most educated representatives who could lead the mass. Nevertheless, Washington’s conflict solution was to introduce black students to trades, which could give them useful skills and thus establish the foundation for the advancement of all African Americans. Similarly, T. Thomas Fortune (220) stated that the hard work of black individuals would guarantee equality to the entire race. At the same time, Washington (20) stressed that industrial education should not restrict the intellectual development of students and instead had to be only an addition to the existing curriculum. Yet, it is still possible to consider the adoption of industrial education as capable of negatively impacting student’s ability to learn traditional subjects such as mathematics effectively.
Thus, “Industrial Education for the Negro” by Booker T. Washington contains a conflict between the author’s vision and the real world. Washington believes that the situation with a lack of African Americans with trades harms the black people’s advancement in society. Nevertheless, the solution to the conflict through the provision of industrial education to students can limit their capacity to learn sciences and other disciplines requiring considerable intellectual effort.
Work Cited
Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt. “The Talented Tenth.” The Negro Problem: A Series of Articles by Representative American Negroes of Today, edited by Booker T. Washington, J. Pott, 1903, pp. 211–234.
Fortune, T. Thomas. “The Negro’s Place in American Life at the Present Day.” The Negro Problem: A Series of Articles by Representative American Negroes of Today, edited by Booker T. Washington, J. Pott, 1903, pp. 12–17.
Washington, Booker T. “Industrial Education for the Negro.” The Negro Problem: A Series of Articles by Representative American Negroes of Today, edited by Booker T. Washington, J. Pott, 1903, pp. 7–30.
Watergate is in the list of the words to arouse a variety of associations, predominantly unpleasant in this particular case, as it stands for American biggest political scandal. It revealed how a politician could stop at nothing in order to increase their power, which finally destroyed their career. Although the immediate political effect of the case happened to be less serious than it could have been, it left a considerable trace in history in a long-term perspective.
In 1972, the contemporary president Richard Nixon was running for re-election on the background of social tensions resulting from the Vietnam War, which determined the need for an especially forceful presidential campaign. He and his advisers apparently decided to discredit his Democratic opponent, hence grow more attractive for voters; that, in turn, meant seeking for damaging materials. In an attempt to do so, participants of Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect the President broke into Watergate headquarters of the Democratic National Committee.
They “stole copies of top-secret documents and bugged the office’s phones,” which was illegal espionage (Watergate Scandal, 2021, para. 4). The burglars’ connection to the president was not immediately apparent but suspected after detecting copies of re-election committee’s phone number among their personal possessions.
Nixon did not admit his involvement in the burglary in order not to lose votes. The population believed him and re-elected him successfully, but it became clear in a while that he had lied. “A great deal of the credit for uncovering the detail” belongs to Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward (Watergate Scandal, 2021, para. 5). In particular, it was revealed that a range of Nixon’s aides, including the contemporary White House council named John Dean, had been aware of his abuse of presidential power.
The cover-up began to unravel relatively soon, considering the scope of the crime. Some of the members of Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect who took part in the burglary began to “crack under the pressure” by early 1973 (Watergate Scandal, 2021, para. 12). The above-mentioned reporters along with some of Senate investigating committee members suspected the presence of some big scheme behind their actions and sought to check the hypothesis. A substantial share of information came through from the former associate director of the FBI who remained anonymous till 2005.
What Nixon had done qualified at the same time as an obstruction of justice, a power abuse, and a violation of Constitution; in addition, he tried to cover up the crime. That was a sufficient reason for the House Judiciary Committee to vote for impeachment (Watergate Scandal, 2021). The president was bound to resign, which had a substantial effect on political life in the USA by aggravating the disappointment associated with the war and fostering cynicism in the population. I find such a response absolutely adequate, as I would feel the same if I revealed that my president had lied to the nation. By contrast, Watergate had positive results in the long run as well, notably, Americans began to think more critically and question their political leaders.
To summarize, Watergate scandal is the only case in American history when a president resigned in the face of impeachment. That story disillusioned completely the population, most of which, including voters, had believed Richard Nixon and re-elected him. However, it would not be relevant to only mention the negative effect of Watergate, since it helped people to grow less naïve about the presidency, hence change American political life forever.
The main event, which made Theodore Roosevelt the president of the United States of America is the murder of President McKinley. No one expected such shock for the governmental body for that difficult period for the whole country. Roosevelt describes this event as the following: On three previous occasions the Vice-President had succeeded to the Presidency on the death of the President. In each case, there had been a reversal of party policy, and a nearly immediate and nearly complete change in the personnel of the higher offices, especially the Cabinet. I at once announced that I would continue unchanged McKinley’s policies for the honor and prosperity of the country, and I asked all the members of the Cabinet to stay. There were no changes made among them save as changes were made among their successors whom I myself appointed. (Roosevelt, 1913) This emphasizes that he was a courageous man, as he continued the politics which were the reason for the murder.
His service in the American army made him a disciplined man. Surely, such a high duty as presidency requires the strict following of the rules and powerful will. Being a warrior (During the Spanish-American War, Roosevelt was lieutenant colonel of the Rough Rider Regiment, which he led on a charge at the battle of San Juan. He was one of the most conspicuous heroes of the war) made him courageous, disciplined, and strong-willed.
His nature as a hunter and farmer helped him to become a successful president. Thus, he instinctively felt what America needed in order to become the dominant State of the world. Successful landowner and the master of life he managed to become the leader of the USA and head the team of Republicans and Progressive Party members. However, In spite of strong will and domineering, living in Badlands character he was the perfect diplomat, as he had to deal with other farmers, traders and sheriff.
The announcement of the policies and the proclamation of “The Big Stick” helped him to gain popularity among the progressive population, however, increased the dissatisfaction among those who did not support the course of his politics. Originally, “the big stick” was headed against those who killed McKinley, and, it is emphasized that this decision helped him to be listed as one of the most progressive presidents of the USA.
An assassination attempt is a universal tool for gaining popularity. That shot had broken his speech; however, it did not stop his heart. Sympathy towards him increased essentially, as the crowd was shocked:
He spoke for ninety minutes. His opening comments to the gathered crowd were, “Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot, but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose” (Lessoff, 2005).
His presidency is regarded as the beginning of the modern presidential use of the power of the office because of the fact that he was the first who used the power of the office for achieving the aims and the goals of the whole nation but not separate classes of the population.
Lessoff, Alan. “Roosevelt the Reformer: Theodore Roosevelt as Civil Service Commissioner, 1889-1895.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 35.1 (2005): 204
Roosevelt, Theodore. Theodore Roosevelt, an Autobiography. New York: Macmillan, 1913.
While every age is said to have had its own impact on society, the 1960s are immortalized in the memories of many, even though they were not yet alive then. A decade filled with love-loving hippies, The Beatles are conquering the hearts of Americans from across the Atlantic and the roaring popularity of the civil rights movement. With activism on the rise and the atmosphere of hope and change in the air, it is easy to disregard the negative parts of the 60s, which were all too real. The Vietnam War, the inner-city riots, and assassinations played an important role in shaping the decade and becoming a turning point in American politics and society. In 1968, the US entered the Sixth Party System, with the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. 1968 becoming a turning point in American politics and society.
American Politics Pre-1960s
Over the years of existence in the modern United States, there have been numerous iterations of the party systems and political structures in the attempts to address the differences between Democrats and Conservatives. The previous party system, the Fifth, was established in 1932 under Franklin D. Roosevelt. Under such a structure, the opposing factions, New Deal Coalition and Conservative Coalition consisted of the members of each of the original parties, namely Democrats and Conservatives. However, the intra-party ideological groups did not prevail for long, and after the events of the 1960s, including the Civil Rights movement and Cold War, the decade gave birth to the Sixth Party System. As a result, Republicans and conservative ideals became more prominent in the US political scene, gaining dominance over the Democrats for decades to come.
Key Events of the 1960s
As mentioned, the 60s are famous for their tremendous effect on the events of the time and the decades to come. The key events leading up to the 1968 political changes in the party system included both national and international affairs. The decade was packed with the Cold War and the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights movement, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and John F. Kennedy, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the landing on the moon. While these events might seem disconnected from each other, together, they brought together the societal and political change that allowed the decrease in government intervention in the economy and laissez-faire capitalism. Furthermore, the rise of Christianity in the US facilitates the mass appeal of conservative ideals. Americans were no longer content with compromising their ideals, combining the opposing views, which led to the separation of conservatism from the democratic ideology and the creation of two distinct parties.
The events of the 1960s showed American society the need for the limitation of governmental power in the decisions that are made on behalf of the citizens. Millions protested military action and the complacency of the American people, such as can be seen in the Port Huron Statement by the Students for a Democratic Society, 1962 (“The American Yawp Reader,” 2022). This bold statement proposed by young activists emphasizes the need for action to be taken to rescue American society from destruction by excessive militarism and cultural alienation.
Not only were the activist movements of the times loud and obnoxious, but they were often heard by authorities and even referred to, such as in Lyndon Johnson’s speech on Voting Rights in 1965 (“The American Yawp Reader,” 2022). Using the language of the activists and the promises that were made to Americans in the past years, he gave authority and validity to the societal changes. At the same time, Americans were fighting for the preservation of their identity and individual freedoms. There is no surprise that, as a result, government intervention in the economy decreased, and the general popular ideology returned to the traditional values, especially after the liberal years that preceded it.
Who Triumphed?
As a result of the political changes, as mentioned above, the Republican party came out on top. Unlike in the previous decades, the parties were no longer mixed in their composition, and instead, the majority of the power lay solely in the hands of the conservatives. While the Democrat party retained its power over some states, the majority of the population became or remained affiliated with the Republicans. This new era first became known as the Raegan era and had since then endured a number of events and occasions.
As mentioned above, the parties separated once again, with the conservatives and the democrats gaining their own seats at the table. While originally, the changes led to the spike in the popularity of conservatives, over the past few years, the Democrats have begun to regain their popularity. The differences in the ideologies remain as high as ever, and the extreme nature of the opposition between the two parties does not allow for effective cooperation between them. Nevertheless, it might be the case that the new party system will be established soon, whatever it might be. All that is clear is that history shows that the changes in society drive political and structural changes and vice versa.
Work Cited
The American Yawp. Stanford University Press Edition, 2022. Web.
Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were the representatives of the Progressive Era when major shifts in the USA took place. The two presidents managed to contribute to the development of the country in different ways. Roosevelt was a former war hero who was ready to make quick decisions while Wilson was a more careful decision-maker who tried to consider all possible facets of a problem. The presidents made numerous effective decisions that helped the country evolve into the superpower.
Main body
Both presidents tried to address social issues, which led to the improvement of thousands of underprivileged people’s working conditions. Roosevelt ensured all Americans’ access to open spaces and recreational zones, while Wilson managed to increase people’s access to education. Wilson banned child labor and introduced maximum working hours for some groups of workers. Both presidents aimed at reducing corporations’ influence and making them comply with rather strict rules. As for foreign policy, Roosevelt wished to make the USA a leading power in the international arena. Wilson tried to remain focused on domestic issues. Roosevelt was ready to participate in wars and conflicts (for example, the country participated in the war in Spain under his presidency). Wilson was reluctant to participate in the First World War, although the USA had to enter the war.
All in all, the two presidents had very different personalities, but they were both progressive. Wilson can be even regarded as a more progressive president as he made unprecedented steps to make the economic development of the country more sustainable and appropriate for further advancements. Both men had quite different philosophies as Roosevelt was a military man while Wilson was a scholar. However, both of them managed to contribute greatly to the development of the USA and its empowerment.
The relationship between media and politics has been the subject of numerous studies over the last few decades. Before the advent of modern media, politics was the confine of a few individuals and families. Media is currently a great source of political manipulation and a key determinant of any political environment. It has become the most important constituent in politics. Yang and Liu confirm that whoever is able to run the media platform controls the politics of an area (701). If information is power, media qualifies as the tool that is used to deliver the power.
Any leader who intends to control masses has to run the media as a tool that is effective in changing any regime. Currently, no boundaries have been set for areas that can be reached by the media. The internet, which is the latest addition to the many different forms of media, came into being in the last century. Capitalist economies and democracies where the freedom of expression is safeguarded have contributed towards the flourishing of different forms of media. The United States is one of these nations. The influence of the media on politics is very evident. This research paper investigates the relationship between media and politics in the US. Besides, it provides details of how political issues are mediated through media filters.
Literature Review
As previously stated, several researches investigate the relationship between media and politics in different areas of the world, particularly in the US. This section investigates these sources in an effort to get a clear picture of what they have concluded in terms of media and politics. An example of a study on the relationship between media and politics in the US is the research by Andrea Hickerson on “Media Use and Transnational Political and Civic Participation: A Case Study of Mexicans in the USA” (1). In this research, the researcher explores the use of communication through media platforms to foster transnational activity in the USA (Hickerson 143). The study investigates the participation of transnational communities in politics through the contribution of media activities. The researcher suggested that media has a significant effect on the political and civic participation for these communities, specifically the Mexicans in the country (Hickerson 144).
Hickerson’s main aim was to investigate the relationship between media and political participation of transnational parties in the country that they currently live in and their country of origin (145). He begins by revealing few studies that address the relationship between the two entities. The only available research suggests that media weight on politics is influenced by the attitude of the concerned individuals and the media type among other factors (Hickerson 143). The researcher chose a valid population group on which to base his research since Mexicans constitute one of the largest immigrant societies in the US.
Hickerson concludes that there is potential significant influence of media on politics between the two nations (141). The Mexican population in the US barely participates in the election of its politicians even after their home country allows them to participate in the same event (Hickerson 143). However, the various media campaigns are significant in ensuring that the country manages to woo as many voters as possible in the election.
In the second study, the researcher begins by acknowledging that the institutional system in the US allows separation of powers and multiple vetting points. These characteristics require consensus and compromise (Levendusky 611). In a study titled ‘Why Do Partisan Media Polarize Viewers?’, Levendusky claims that the partisan media in the US has some contribution to the political conditions in the country (611). The effect of such a move to polarize the nation means that the public is affected by the decisions that the politicians make. The results of this particular research indicate that the partisan media is a significant source of polarization and influence on people in the way they react and respond to political issues (Levendusky 611).
Levendusky observes that the American “constitutional system rests on compromise, too much gridlock, and debate makes governing extremely difficult” (620). The partisan media in the nation offers strong political influence on the elected leaders on political issues. An example provided by the researcher is the political opposition that is availed to the healthcare reform legislation that president Obama wanted to introduce (Levendusky 620). The republicans provided the opposition to this legislation. The driving force was the partisan media that had characteristically taken the antireform side (Levendusky 620). The author states the example of Rush Limbaugh. According to this researcher, politicians had a hard time making a compromise because they were forced to choose what their supposed population wanted them to engage in.
The other example that is stated in the research is the flu vaccine. Levendusky explores the effects that partisan media in the country has on the daily politics (620). The result is that media influence on politics in the country creates a situation where the country’s politicians have to deal with issues that are not important to the country, despite them being politically expedient (Levendusky 620). The partisan media is not implicated in causing these effects alone. However, it accelerates the same effects. Levendusky concludes in this research that the overall results of the effects of the partisan media on the political decisions in the US are largely negative (621).
The third research that this research looks at is the influence of media on politics and/or how it manifests in other nations. The research by Rasa Balockaite examines the effects that media has on politics in Lithuania, especially by looking at the lower class in that nation. In this research, Balockaite asserts that the poor class in society has traditionally not had its own intellectuals (20). Over the last century and since the origin of postindustrial capitalism, the researcher also states that new elites have emerged to dominate the public discourse (Balockaite 20). The researcher recognizes language and culture as some of the two central influences of the modern political systems. Balockaite states that media is a significant part of the popular culture since it has a significant influence on social systems in different parts of the world (20).
In the above research, poor individuals who have little influence on media are recognized as having minor effects on the politics of the country. The poor class is portrayed as weak and unable to influence decision making in the country since it is not part of the political systems in this nation (Balockaite 21). For instance, poor citizens in Lithuania are unable to lift one of their own into political influence without lifting the individual out of poverty and hence the reason why they are inadequately represented (Balockaite 21). Therefore, media in this nation has been a significant source of alienation for this part of the society.
The largest group in this nation comprises the poor individuals. However, their voice in national politics is not significant. Balockaite states that media plays to the tune of the rich by only influencing the political systems in the way that the rich people desire (21). The observation means that the media platform in this nation is a significant source of political influence based on the effects that poor people have been subjected to because of lack of media representation. This situation has led researcher to conclude that the influence of media on politics is global and may be a significant source of alienation of the poor. The study also concludes, “Lithuania’s poor class constitutes the latest version of authorized Otherness as they enter the public sphere as exotic exhibits that are exposed for public curiosity and entertainment” (Balockaite 21).
The three articles demonstrate an interrelationship between political systems not only in the US but also in other parts of the world. However, elites control media platforms in these nations, including the US. Results show that they are able to manipulate the political systems to their advantage. Losers in this form of manipulation include the public that is meant to benefit from political matters of their regions. The literature also demonstrates an existing gap on the interrelationship between media and politics in the USA.
Research Method
The first method that was used in the study involved the selection of appropriate studies for review on the relationship between media and politics. These studies were selected based on their weight on the overall topic of media and politics. The analysis of these studies, including those discussed in the literature review, provided a link between political decisions in the past and media influence. The main finding was that few studies focused on the relationship between media and politics in the USA. Hence, they are insufficient for an article review form of study. Therefore, the primary approach to the study was selected.
Research on media influence required the selection of an appropriate sample that could represent the population. In this research, the methodology constituted random participants in the US. The sample was randomly selected where the community from different areas participated in the study. Qualitative methodology was used. Questionnaires were developed with questions on how media influenced political decisions in the last general election in the United States. Questionnaires that were used in the survey constituted several questions, including the provision of an appropriate bio-data for the participants. These questionnaires were sent to the respondents via emails, with those who agreed to participate returning the answered questionnaires.
The results of the survey were then analyzed, with the appropriate methods of data presentation being used. The results were later used to arrive at the conclusions that were part of the study. The issues discussed in the questionnaires provided significant results that could help one link media with political changes in different parts of the world. According to Kakachia, Pataraia, and Cecire, the most appropriate and effective method of gauging the effects that media has on politics is to capture the opinions of individuals who are directly involved in these political issues (255). Therefore, the random sample of participants in this study was selected as a representative sample of the general population.
During this research, 621 questionnaires were sent to the participants who were required to fill and submit them before the end of the stipulated deadline. Out of the 621 questionnaires, 412 were filled. This figure was a response rate of 66.34%. This response was adequate for the formulation of adequate conclusions. The number of male participants was 287, representing 69.66% of the respondents. The rest of the participants were females who constituted 30.33% (125) of the participants.
The main question that the participants were required to answer is whether media stakeholders had any influence on the way they casted their votes in the last general election. According to Cull, direct and indirect influences of media on political decisions in any democracy may be demonstrated by the exhibited voting patterns (143). A significant majority of the participants (78%) responded in a positive way to this question, thus indicating that media stakeholders had an influence on the way they voted.
The questionnaires also investigated the different influences that media had on different aspects of the political systems (Öztürk 47). According to Gerber, Gimpel, Green, and Shaw, media has particular effects on each of the different political systems in a region or country (141). The areas of influence that were investigated in the study included the choice of presidency, the option of political party, choice of governors, and the preference of local leaders. The most significant influence that media had on decision-making in politics was on the choice of the presidency (88%), followed by the chosen party (76%). A minor influence of media was evident based on the way the public voted in the local elections (64%) and the voting for governors (58%).
The other aspect that the paper investigated in relation to the link between politics and media is how much the participants trusted media as a source of political information. There was significant support for media in terms of influencing political decisions in the country. Majority of participants concurred that media is an important source of political information and advice. According to Lashley, the media platform wins the hearts of people through the influence and control of information that is available to the masses (373). The percentage of participants who agreed that media is an important point of political information was significantly high (72%).
The findings are similar to Lashley’s conclusion of a significantly high number of people who agree that the media is a significant source of political information and influence (373). This inference means that political decisions that are reached in this political system depend on the information that is available to the media platform where individuals are in control of the information systems (Lashley 373). Over the last several decades, the growth of the internet has affected political systems in different parts of the world such as the US. Politicians are able to manipulate the mass by establishing control of all sources of their daily information (Lashley 373).
Discussion and Conclusions
Media is stated as an important influence on political systems and decisions in different parts of the world, especially in the US. The hypothesis is that there is a big relationship between politics and media in the USA. The findings support the hypothesis that media is a point of influence not only to the local politics but also to the national politics in the USA. Most of the respondents in the study demonstrate the importance of the media tool as a point of information and mass manipulation.
According to Gonzalez, the United States is one of the nations that gain in terms of the freedom of expression (572). However, this situation has come at the expense of sound political information sharing. Individuals who control the media platform are easily able to influence the decisions made on the political arena. Politicians have to go by media policies to ensure that they respect the opinion of the different media sources in the country. This particular research demonstrates that there are different levels of interaction, despite the large influence of political systems by media.
The strongest office in the USA and possibly the world is surprisingly affected most by media. Decisions of the electorate depend on the information available on media about these leaders (Gonzalez 572). If the results of the last general election are anything to go by, media is a strong influence on the existing political systems in the US and the current administration. This observation is not limited to the current administration since media had even governed most of the past governments (Gonzalez 572).
The relationship between media and politics is not just one-way. Hence, politicians also influence media operators to gain ground in their political careers and ambitions (Gonzalez 571). Gonzalez states that individuals who control the media platform also manage power (574). Over the past few decades, political leaders in the USA have engaged on a competition for the local and national media, with the target being to please media with the aim of influencing the general population. The research supports the general hypothesis that media is a central influence on the political decisions made in the USA. This strategy is not just a short-term measure.
The implications of these findings include that the future political decisions will not be based on the interest of the masses. Rather, they will be based on what the media platform determines as important to the nation. This plan has a negative effect on the relationship between media and politics. However, there is a good outcome from this relationship since politicians are likely to influence the positive political changes through the media base. Media can play a bigger role in terms of changing the existing political systems in the US to bring a positive change in the country.
In conclusion, the United States is one of the nations that have a vibrant media that forms a central part of governance. The influence of this country’s media runs through the different political levels. However, the relationship between media and politics in this nation is two-way since politicians are able to manipulate the media platform for political gains. There is a need for future interactions between media and politics to be centered on genuine needs of the general population. The limitations of the study include the restricted number of studies on the topic and the time taken in the study.
Works Cited
Balockaite, Rasa. “Can You Hear Us?: The Lower Class in Lithuanian Media and Politics.” Problems Of Post-Communism 56.1 (2009): 12-22. Print.
Cull, Nicholas. “The Long Road To Public Diplomacy 2.0: The Internet In US Public Diplomacy.” International Studies Review 15.1 (2013): 123-139. Print.
Gerber, Alan, James Gimpel, Donald Green, and Daron Shaw. “How Large and Long-Lasting Are the Persuasive Effects of Televised Campaign Ads?” American Political Science Review 105 (2011): 135–50. Print.
Gonzalez, Michelle. “Religion And The Us Presidency: Politics, The Media, And Religious Identity.” Political Theology 13.5 (2012): 568-585. Print.
Hickerson, Andrea. “Media Use And Transnational Political And Civic Participation: A Case Study Of Mexicans In The USA.” Global Networks 13.2 (2013): 143-163. Print.
Kakachia, Kornely, Tamara Pataraia, and Michael Cecire. “Networked Apathy: Georgian Party Politics And The Role Of Social Media.” Demokratizatsiya 2 (2014): 255. Print.
Lashley, Marilyn. “The Politics Of Cognitive Dissonance: Spin, The Media, And Race (And Ethnicity) In The 2008 US Presidential Election.” American Review Of Canadian Studies 39.4 (2009): 364-377. Print.
Levendusky, Matthew. “Why Do Partisan Media Polarize Viewers?” American Journal Of Political Science 57.3 (2013): 611-623. Print.
Öztürk, Ahmet. “International Politics And The Media: The Case Of The Press/Media In The War On Terror.” Alternatives: Turkish Journal Of International Relations 8.3 (2009): 42-72. Print.
Yang, Edward, and Xinsheng Liu. “The ‘China Threat’ Through The Lens Of US Print Media: 1992–2006.” Journal Of Contemporary China 21.76 (2012): 695-711. Print.
President Bidens’ student loan forgiveness and relief program addresses student loan interest capitalization, payment pause, and repayment. The changes essentially affect the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program that allows federal student loan borrowers to receive payment credits (Aid, 2018). PSLF covers individuals with Perkins or Federal Family Education Program (FFEL) loans, those who have failed to make timely or full payments, and borrowers on the wrong repayment plan (Curtis & White, 2019). Government organizations at the local, state, and federal levels, including the U.S. military, and not-for-profit institutions that are tax-exempt, are eligible for PSLF. However, one must be employed by a recognized institution or qualified employer to qualify for PSLF credit. Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan aims at making repayment more affordable, fair, and with minimal effect on American taxpayers.
The Effectiveness of the Plan
President Joe Biden and the U.S. Department of Education announced a plan to help federal student loan borrowers transition to regular payment. The plan is three-fold, with loan forgiveness of up to $20,000. As part of the plan, Biden paused the extension of loan repayment (Congressional Research Service, 2022). The COVID-19 pandemic ushered social and economic challenges, affecting the flow of money. Given that the Biden-Harris Administration extended loan repayment several times, those without federally held loans have yet to have to make loan payments. The pause has since been extended through December 31, 2022, and will resume in January 2023. In addition, the plan provided targeted debt relief to middle- and low-income families. In doing so, Biden-Harris Administration targets to increase the efficiency of the student loan system, as demonstrated in Figure 1. The Department of Education has not student loans under Biden’s policy. Thus, borrowers can benefit from the policy, and thus, Biden’s policy might work.
The U.S. Department of Education proposals present competing visions from the Republicans and Democrats on the future of student loan repayment and forgiveness. Republicans propose loan relief, while the Democrats offer proposals for forgiveness. Given that Congress will less likely consider the Republican plan, Biden has actively incorporated elements of the proposed legislation into the PSLF program. Borrowers’ student loan balances will not grow if they make monthly payments. Friedman (2022) mentioned that the PSLF plan recommends a relief of 10,000 dollars for federal student loan borrowers, including Parent PLUS Loans, Direct Loans, Perkins Loans, and FFEL Loans. In contrast, Democrats want the cancellation of 50,000 in student loans, but the Republicans prefer a small-scale cancellation (Friedman, 2022). Broad loan cancellations offered by other financial services are unfair since they disproportionately benefit high-income earners. The PSLF simplifies student loan repayment by limiting waivers and eliminating bureaucracy within the U.S. Department of Education.
Loan Repayment
For example, limiting waivers enables borrowers previously ineligible for a student loan to count toward the student loan forgiveness plan. The policy has increased the number of eligible borrowers for some relief. Approximately 27 million people will be eligible to receive cancellations benefits of up to 20,000 dollars, out of which 20 million borrowers will have their loan balances fully canceled (Congressional Research Service, 2022). Since taking office, Biden has canceled public servants’ student loans of approximately 8 billion dollars (Friedman, 2022). Currently, the United States uses four repayment plans: ICR, REPAYE, income-based repayment (IBR), and PAYE (Friedman, 2022). The Biden-Harris Administration supports replacing of income-driven repayment plans with a single framework like IBR. Furthermore, capitalizing on student loans that accrue interest on student loan balances has raised concern from policymakers and the public. Interest capitalization typically exacerbates the growth of loan balances, forcing borrowers to pay interest balances on their principal. Therefore, it would be fair to pay others back pay within the last ten years that would have qualified for it.
Impact on American Tax Payers
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has developed an order that allows borrowers who qualify for multiple loans to apply for the cancellation benefit. In essence, the benefits are applied to defaulted loans and then take into consideration non-defaulted loans under specific programs. However, for individuals with remaining student loan balances upon benefit cancellation, ED recalculates their monthly payments, which might gradually reduce (Congressional Research Service, 2022). However, changes made to borrowers’ accounts based on such adjustments might count toward their PSLF forgiveness or IDR. Consequently, borrowers will be restricted to counting the same service period toward PSLF and Teacher Loan Forgiveness (TLF) and have to be employed by a certified contractor.
The Biden-Harris Administration proposes changes to student loan programs and to make loans more affordable. Biden’s student loan relief program would potentially alleviate debt burdens for student loan borrowers, including public service workers under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF). Additionally, the plan includes measures to address interest capitalization by lowering the overall cost of loans in areas not required by statute. While the plan has not fully taken effect, there are noticeable changes, making it fair to pay people back within the last ten years that would have qualified for a student loan. While the costs of the student loan forgiveness plan will pass on to the American taxpayers, they will be minimal.
Expansion into a foreign market is often associated with numerous benefits in terms of performance and profitability. However, the process is also associated with significant risks due to a host of unfamiliar and factors and a low suitability of the environment. To minimize the said risks, it is necessary to create an entry strategy based on the available data. The following report provides the recommendations for the Bush’s Best Baked Beans’ entry in the Egyptian market.
Company Profile
Bush’s Best Baked Beans is a brand owned by Bush Brothers and Company, a corporation producing a variety of canned beans and other products such as green peas and hominy (Bush Brothers and Company). The company operates primarily in the United States and Canada and is responsible for more than 80 percent of the baked beans sold in the domestic market (Bush Brothers and Company). The success of the brand in the United States has prompted the company to seek the opportunities to expand to the foreign markets.
Country Analysis
Industry and Economic Development
The economy of Egypt has undergone a significant transformation in the recent decades, primarily due to the proactive stance of the government. Currently, the country’s economy is based on a free market system. While the government is still in control of a significant proportion of the economy, a positive trend is observed towards its liberalization (Nations Encyclopedia). In addition, the government has managed to achieve a relative stability in the economic development, indicated by a steady annual growth of gross domestic product by an average of 4% (Nations Encyclopedia).
However, it should be mentioned that the described positive tendency is primarily due to support from the United States and the European Union, and the pace of improvement has considerably slowed down in the recent years due to the recession of Gulf economies. Thus, the economy cannot be considered favorable for the international entry.
Public and Private Enterprise
As was mentioned above, the Egyptian government has taken a proactive stance towards the development of private enterprise in the country. Currently, the state-owned entities are not allowed to receive preferential treatment from the government and are subject to the same legal requirements as private companies. Another positive trend is a privatization of the state-owned enterprises initiated by the government in an attempt to stimulate growth of the private sector (The World Bank).This setting allows for a fair and direct competition between the public and private sector and is favorable for entry.
Legal Issues
Despite the described positive trend discussed above, the current legislative environment is largely restrictive to businesses. Numerous legal aspects required for the establishment of business, including obtaining construction permits, trading across borders, registering property, and enforcing contracts, are both complex and expensive. According to the World Bank, Egypt is ranked 128th by the ease of doing business (The World Bank). The process is especially challenging for the international players, whose lack of familiarity with the country’s legal landscape decreases the efficiency of actions at the initial stage.
The taxation system in Egypt is challenging due to the complexity and inefficiency of the collection system. The country has two forms of income tax, which significantly complicates the process and discourages the parties from paying. As a result, the tax evasion rate is high in the country (KPMG). The majority of employers mitigate these difficulties by developing numerous strategies intended to aiding their employees in the process. However, such approach requires sufficient familiarity with both formal and informal aspects of the system. Therefore, it would be reasonable to expect significant difficulties faced by the management of a foreign company upon entry.
Foreign Direct Investment
According to the latest report from the investment minister, foreign direct investment in Egypt is increasing steadily. By the end of a fiscal year in June, the total amount of foreign direct investment was $8.7 billion ( This result can be considered an improvement over the previous year’s amount of $6.9 billion. However, it is still below the identified target of $10 billion, which is expected to be reached by the end of the year, according to the official statement (Noueihed and Feteha). However, it is worth noting that FDI measurements vary depending on the involved organization and sometimes differ from the numbers reported by the independent statistical sources, which undermines the relevance of the metric for the entry strategy.
Strategic Management
As can be seen from the information above, the business environment of Egypt poses numerous risks for the entry by a multinational company. The most notable risk is the dependence on the country’s economy on several external factors. The most notable ones are the support issued by the United States and the European Union.
In addition, it should be noted that despite the significant effort on the part of the Egyptian government, Bush’s Baked Beans will face numerous financial and resource losses associated with the opaque and inflexible legal landscape. It is also reasonable to expect a certain amount of difficulty faced by human resources department since the employment conditions may be adversely impacted by the lack of familiarity with the taxation system. However, all of the highlighted risks are mostly feasible in the short term and will have negligible effect in the long run.
On the other hand, the ongoing reform of the country’s economic environment and the increasing attention to the growth of private enterprise suggest a feasible opportunity for the long-term economic development. The latest step undertaken by the government is the transition from a fixed exchange rate to a floating one. This move helped the country to comply with the requirements of the International Monetary Fund and increased its attractiveness to the international players. Therefore, it is reasonable to suggest that the long-term perspective of international entry is positive.
It is also worth mentioning that the labor market in the country is characterized by a high percentage of unemployment among the young, educated individuals. This factor should be incorporated into the company’s strategy through a polycentric approach to hiring. This approach would provide access to the untapped market segment and ensure that a sufficient number of employees are familiar with the specificities of the local regulatory and economic environment.
Social Responsibility
The most feasible directions for the development of the corporate social responsibility program are the improvement of conditions of the local communities and the compliance with the environmental regulations. For the Bush’s Best Baked Beans brand, the latter will be primarily focused on the preservation of land used for agricultural purposes and the promotion of the sustainable agricultural practices. Due to the fact that a significant proportion of the country’s GDP is based on agricultural activities, such direction may enhance the sector and, by extension, diversify and stabilize the economy.
The former can be done in multiple ways including the minimization of the company’s environmental impact, the promotion of environmentally-friendly practices, and the establishment of programs designed to respond to the unaddressed needs of the communities. It should also be mentioned that the establishment of healthy agricultural and industrial practices in combination with the creation of jobs for farmers has the potential for improving the quality of life of the local residents while at the same time contribute to the performance and profitability in the long run.
Recommendations and Conclusion
As can be seen from the information presented in the report, Egypt can be considered a viable destination for international expansion in the long term. The factors in favor of this assertion are the ongoing reform of the business environment undertaken by the Egyptian government tackling the economic and legal domains and aimed at greater compatibility with the international standards. Based on the observed trends and the results demonstrated in the recent years, it is possible to expect further economic growth, by extension, the increased purchasing power of the population.
However, it is important to acknowledge that the said changes are a recent addition and depend on the stance of the government that is still in control of a significant proportion of enterprises in the country. Considering the political instability in the region, the possibility of major changes should be taken into consideration. It is also important to acknowledge the challenges of the current legal and taxation system that are unlikely to be eradicated in the short term.
Based on this data, it is reasonable to recommend joint venture as a preferred mode of international entry. Such an approach would allow for the utilization resources from a well-developed agricultural sector. In addition, the experience of the local businesses will help to avoid the majority of the issues associated with unfamiliar conditions.
Works Cited
Bush’s Best Baked Beans. Bush Brothers and Company, n.d. Web. “Egypt – 9.5-Foreign Direct Investment.” Export. 2017. Web.
In America, cartoons have been a very popular way to discuss various social issues. There are websites and magazines dedicated solely to this genre. To achieve expressiveness, cartoonists usually employ devices such as hyperbole, irony and satire (Sterling 254).
Main body
In this cartoon, a stout man in a formal suit is depicted. His posture is confident and steady, and his hands are in his pockets. This character is William Marcy “Boss” Tweed, a corrupt American politician of the 19th century. The cartoonist, Thomas Nast, mocks him for bribetaking. He did a whole series of cartoons on this issue, and their impact on the American society was enormous (Boime 43).
This cartoon is laconic, and this makes it universal. At the same time, it is very indicative of its hero’s nature – one even can guess his nickname.
In this cartoon, there is a snake cut into parts. By each part, there are initials. The most arresting part is the slogan – it sounds rather intimidating. Maybe those who do not join will be cut into parts just like this snake?
This 1754 cartoon by Benjamin Franklin urges the American colonies to stay united. The parts of the snake represent the American colonies, some of which were not included. The image was widely used as a symbol of unanimity and resistance in several political conflicts (“Join, or Die”).
Like any good cartoon, this one is simple but eloquent, and it strikes the viewer’s emotions momentarily.
The devil with a bucket of some red substance is standing on top of a brick wall smiling. In the background, there is a city in which Washington, D.C. is easily recognized (“To begin with, I’ll paint the town red”).
The devil with a bucket of what looks like blood is a very vivid metaphor for bloodshed. On closer inspection, we notice that the devil’s waistband says “democracy”. Such a depiction certainly says enough about the author Grant E. Hamilton’s opinion on the subject – he sees democracy as problematic, to say the least.
In this cartoon, we see Uncle Sam teaching little children whose waistbands say “Philippines”, “Hawaii”, “Puerto Rico” and “Cuba”. We notice that the children look shocked and even scared, and Uncle Sam looks angry and intimidating. We instantly feel sorry for the children.
This 1899 cartoon by Louis Dalrymple explores the American colony policy. The message here is that the colonizers should ask for the consent of those colonized, and the author clearly disapproves of the current situation (“School Begins”).
This is another cartoon condemning the USA’s foreign policy. Uncle Sam is at a restaurant, and a waiter named McKinley (the then USA president) is serving him (“Well, I Hardly Know Which to Take First”). The menu includes different territories as if they were meals, which makes the whole situation uncomfortable to observe.
Here we see famous American businessmen sitting on a raft carried by many poorly dressed workers. We notice their sad, tired faces at once. This image implies that these magnates have built their fortunes upon the grassroots’ hard and low-payed work. The author, Bernhard Gillam, clearly disapproves of this situation, so does the viewer (“The Protectors of Our Industries”).
This cartoon shows a lot of money falling into a huge machine. The man, however, catches but a little coin, and we see he is surprised. This cartoon implies that average citizens get very little from the taxes (“Washington Money Machine”). This issue can be applied to many countries, and many people can be sympathetic with the character.
This cartoon features John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev having a discussion about whose Disarmament plan should be performed. Behind them, there is a hole in the wall, and we can see missiles and explosions (“My Disarmament Plan Is Better Than Your Disarmament Plan!”). The background and the characters’ words form an oxymoron, it is clear that the leaders do not mean what they are saying. This drawing is heavy with satire and promotes pacifism.
The title of this 1974 cartoon by Art Wood is, of course, ironical. The woman in the picture is not an astronaut but a housewife. A balloon saying “food prices” is taking her into space, and this is not a pleasant journey. The lady is desperate because the food prices are growing rapidly (“First Woman Astronaut”). We immediately feel sorry for this woman who now will have to learn to survive in the brave new world of costly food.
In this 1975 cartoon by Etta Hulme, a man has found a treasure on a desert island. The other man is reading a document from the Internal Revenue Service, which says they have to declare their find. Both seem surprised and shocked, the whole situation is absurd (“It’s from the I.R.S. – it says, ‘all income, from whatever source derived…’”). Bottles with letters do not travel this fast, so the I.R.S. must really want to know about all the citizens’ money. The bitter irony can be felt here, as paying taxes is usually an unpleasant routine.
Boime, Albert. Thomas Nast and French Art. American Art Journal, 1972. Print.