Agriculture and Farming in Abu Dhabi

Literature Review

Many researchers have conducted their studies on agricultural practices in the gulf region, including the UAE. According to Al Qaydi & Arthur (2008), Abu Dhabi is one of the seven emirates in the United Arab Emirates, which is known for its sustainable agricultural practices in the country. Although agriculture has not been the main economic activity in the gulf region, contemporary food security trends have influenced most Arab countries, including the UAE, to practice agriculture and farming (Behnassi, Pollmann, & Kissinger, 2013).

Importantly, Al Qaydi & Arthur (2008) note that the UAE government offers both financial and labor support to farmers in order to promote agriculture in the country. Many researches have been done on soil taxonomy in the UAE, with the invention of a non-absorbent type of soil that was one of the breakthroughs that have greatly influenced agriculture in Abu Dhabi (Shahid, Abdelfattah, Wilson, Kelley, & Chiaretti, 2014; Oxford Business Group, 2010).

Nevertheless, agriculture and farming in Abu Dhabi have witnessed growth in recent years, thus having enhanced food security in the country despite climatic challenges and water shortage (Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture 2014 – Abu Dhabi, 2014). The paper provides a review of literature about farming in Abu Dhabi, including its importance, land coverage, water sources, cost of farming, types of harvests, and type of soil.

What is the Importance of farming in Abu Dhabi

Various researchers have highlighted the importance of farming in Abu Dhabi. According to Al Qaydi & Arthur (2008), agriculture is one of the main sources of income in Abu Dhabi, with main exports being fruits, wheat, dates, and other exotic food crops. Apart from agriculture, United Arab Emirate citizens also practice livestock farming and fishery (Al Qaydi & Arthur, 2008). This increases the amount of food production for local consumption, thus boosting food security in the emirate.

According to Statistics Centre − Abu Dhabi (2012), tree farming has been practiced in the region for some time with the aim of offering protection against sandstorms and creating favorable climatic conditions. These trees also house different breeds of birds and invertebrates, which in turn create a tourist attraction for the country. The main tree species in Abu Dhabi are different types of palm trees, making the city to be the largest date producer and processor in the world (Statistics Centre − Abu Dhabi, 2012). Indeed, the UAE is globally popular for producing high-quality dates.

Amount of Land Covered By Farming

Behnassi, Pollmann, & Kissinger (2013), in their book titled “Sustainable Food Security in the Era of Local and Global Environmental Change,” have established that approximately 5.44% of land in Abu Dhabi was utilized for agricultural purposes. However, a big portion of fertile land is yet to be used for cultivation. On average, the largest portion of land has been used up in planting date palm trees. The remaining land is utilized for plantations used for wheat and livestock farming (Behnassi, Pollmann, & Kissinger, 2013). However, the government of the UAE and investors are encouraged to use more land in agriculture due to its good economic value.

Sources and Amount of Water Required for Farming.

Water usage in Abu Dhabi is another issue where most researchers have concentrated in. As noted by Jiménez & Asano (2008), the UAE lies in an arid area; thus, it lacks adequate water for agriculture and consumption. Surprisingly, agriculture in Abu Dhabi consumes over 58% of the total volume of water available in the emirate (Mohamed, 2006), thus putting pressure on the government to seek alternative sources of water (Jiménez & Asano, 2008). Generally, water usage in Abu Dhabi is divided into three classes, including private households, agriculture, and industries (Negewo, 2012).

Due to water shortage, the government has taken precautions by introducing new and efficient irrigation practices (Jiménez & Asano, 2008). A good example is drip irrigation, which requires less water as compared to other irrigation schemes that were used in the past. Verner (2012) notes that the government has also advised farmers against planting crops that require plenty of water; instead, they should have focused on crop species that are salt and drought tolerant. This has greatly reduced the amount of water used in farming. Sewage treatment services have been introduced, with the retreated or recycled water used in irrigation and agriculture (Free flow: Reaching Water Security through Cooperation, 2013).

Abu Dhabi also depends on underground water for farming (United Nations, 2001). One important aspect worth noting is that the government has ensured that water is distributed to farmers freely. Thus, farmers can use as much water as required without worrying about costs. Moreover, with the invention of hydrophobic sand produced in Al Ain (Wangnick, 2002), farmers are able to save a considerable amount of water. This non-absorbent soil retains water, thus reducing wastage through percolation to the underground in irrigation schemes. Farmers who do not use hydrophobic soils grow their products in greenhouses where conditions are controlled or shielded from the scorching weather conditions of the UAE.

Major Harvests in Abu Dhabi

Dates and palm trees have been the mainstay agricultural produce in Abu Dhabi for many years. However, the emirate has shifted to modern farming by producing crops, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbages, green beans, green and red peppers, pumpkins, sweet corn, carrots, and potatoes, which are normally sold locally (Statistics Centre − Abu Dhabi, 2012). Farmers also grow caviar and dates, which are normally exported.

Moreover, in recent years, Abu Dhabi has been recognized for its aggressiveness in wheat production, with statistics indicating that the emirate produces more wheat per hectare than any other part in the gulf region does (Bakhsh, 2014). More tests on other crops are also conducted to establish their adaptability to prevailing climatic conditions. Finally, Abu Dhabi yearly holds festivals about its agricultural practices, which mainly aim at advertising farm products locally and internationally (Al Qaydi & Arthur, 2008).

Costs Incurred by Government in Taking Care of Farming

Farming in Abu Dhabi might be considered expensive when government resources are put into perspective. The government tends to cover most of the farming costs through subsidies to farmers. Water and power are known to be the most expensive farming inputs mainly because they are provided to the UAE citizens freely and are consumed in large proportions, as they are necessary for agriculture (Al Qaydi & Arthur, 2008). The government also provides free animal and plant inspections. In the case of any animal disease outbreak or plant infestation, the government offers vaccines to animals through the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (Oxford Business Group, 2010).

The government also takes responsibility for the manufacturing and free distribution of fertilizers. This is done in most farms in Abu Dhabi, thus ensuring the high quality of agricultural products. The government also greatly contributes financially to the invention of waterproof agricultural soils that retain most of the water, thus boosting farm yields (Al Qaydi & Arthur, 2008). The United Arab Emirates government has also taken the initiative to educate farmers in Abu Dhabi on economic farming procedures and eco-friendly products that do not cause pollution to the environment. With these steps from the government, farming has become successful in an area that experiences hostile heat levels. These products sustain the economy and earn export revenue for the country.

Type of Soil Used and Its Source

According to Shahid et al (2014), major strides have been made in soil science, with the government coming up with waterproof soil that does not require frequent watering because it can retain water within itself. This soil has greatly benefited agriculture and helped in the conservation of water for irrigation (Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture 2014 – Abu Dhabi, 2014). Moreover, the invented soil is non-absorbent; thus, it does not allow water losses through percolation. This is actually a big boost to farming in Abu Dhabi in spite of severe climatic conditions.

During a survey carried out in Abu Dhabi, a large portion of land amounting to 400,000 hectares was discovered to contain soil that is fertile and good for agriculture in the entire emirate (Wangnick, 2002). More researches have established that most soils in Abu Dhabi are favorable for agriculture and farming (Metternicht & Zinck, 2008).

Meanwhile, soil in the city is enriched through compost fertilizer produced by a local compost plant, which supplies organic fertilizers to all farms. Here, the government subsidizes fertilizer supplies at 50% of the price (Bakhsh, 2014). The fertilizer factory in Abu Dhabi has enhanced its distribution channels by establishing local distribution centers in Al Ain and the surrounding farms (Bakhsh, 2014).


Abu Dhabi has become one of the most popular cities in the entire emirate due to its increased agriculture and farming practice. In general, farming has greatly developed the state’s economy and increased the emirate’s population. Agriculture is, therefore, a good economic boost and can lead to industrialization and modernization of an emirate. From the discussion above, it is evident that agriculture and farming have greatly contributed to the elevation of Abu Dhabi to the level of internationally recognized agricultural hubs. The innovation in soil taxonomy and water utilization is an eye-opener to modern society, showing that climatic conditions are not a hindrance to the attainment of food security in the modern world.


Al Qaydi, S., & Arthur, R. (2008). Evaluating the Farming Activities in the Western Region of the United Arab Emirates. Asia and Pacific Studies, 5(1), 73-88.

Bakhsh, N. (2014). . Web.

Behnassi, M., Pollmann, O., & Kissinger, G. (2013). Sustainable Food Security in the Era of Local and Global Environmental Change. London, England: Springer Science & Business.

Free flow: Reaching Water Security through Cooperation. (2013). Paris, France: UNESCO.

Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture 2014 – Abu Dhabi. (2014). Web.

Jiménez, B., & Asano, T. (2008). Water Reuse: An International Survey of Current Practice, Issues and Needs. London, England: IWA Publishing.

Mohamed, A. (2006). Arid Land Hydrogeology: In Search of a Solution to a Threatened Resource: Proceedings of the Third Joint UAE-Japan Symposium on Sustainable GCC Environment and Water Resources (EWR2006), 28 – 30 January 2006, Abu Dhabi, UAE. London, England: CRC Press, 2006

Metternicht, G., & Zinck, A. (2008). Remote Sensing of Soil Salinization: Impact on Land Management. London, England: CRC Press.

Negewo, B. (2012). Renewable Energy Desalination: An Emerging Solution to Close the Water Gap in the Middle East and North Africa. Washington DC, USA: World Bank Publications.

Oxford Business Group. (2010). The Report: Abu Dhabi 2010. Oxford, England: Oxford Business Group.

Shahid, S., Abdelfattah, M., Wilson, M., Kelley, K., & Chiaretti, J. (2014). United Arab Emirates Keys to Soil Taxonomy. London, England: Springer.

Statistics Centre − Abu Dhabi (SCAD). (2012). Abu Dhabi Over a Half Century. Abu Dhabi, UAE: Statistics Centre − Abu Dhabi (SCAD).

United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. (2001). Implications of Groundwater Rehabilitation on Water Resources Protection and Conservation: Artificial Recharge and Water Quality Improvement in the ESCWA Region. NY, USA: United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia.

Verner, D. (2012). Adaptation to a Changing Climate in the Arab Countries: A Case for Adaptation Governance and Leadership in Building Climate Resilience. Washington DC, USA: World Bank Publications.

Agriculture: “Yield Prospects by Land and Air” by Schafer

The article is about the annual Pro farmer Midwest crop tour. Marty Tegtmeier is a crop tour veteran, having done it for five years straight. He states that he learns something new every year. The crop tour stretches from Iowa to Sioux Falls every summer. The crop scouts meet in Columbus, Ohio, and receive training on sampling corn and soybean fields. The tour is by air with stops every fifteen to twenty miles.

Tegtmeier confesses that he benefits more from face-to-face interactions with farmers because they get to brainstorm on ideas. They also rub shoulders with crop experts who are beneficial to them as farmers. The article then describes the conditions of this year’s tour being worse as compared to last year. The scouts discovered that delayed crops were not just a western Corn Belt problem. They encountered field after field of delayed corn. Chip Flory, a Pro Farmer editor, described how in 2012, the tour experienced mature corn compared to 2013.

The article describes the events that take place during the Annual Pro farm crop tour. This is a new aspect of farming, involving fun and learning. The crop tour allows farmers to participate in learning a lot during their visits (Schafer). The editors of the article, however, failed to share what the farmers learned at the tour despite the delayed corn. They should have explained what they learned from the experts they met.

Most farmers subscribe to these articles to get information on how to improve their practice. The article offers information the farmers already know. It would have been better if the editors tried to come up with explanations to help new farmers.

Works Cited

Schafer, Ed Clark, and Sara. “Yield Prospects by Land and Air.” Farm Journal. 2013. Web.

Sustainable Agriculture as a Primary Model of Production

Choosing what to eat is soon becoming a tough one, with people torn between eating what they produce on their farms while growing naturally or enhancing the growth of the products using fertilizers and pesticides. The food choice goes on to the livestock debate where farmers inject their farm animals, including poultry, with certain drugs to enhance their growth and make them bigger while fastening their growth process.

Despite all the arising debates on the type of food to be eaten, genetically modified organisms and agricultural additives are slowly gaining weight in the current world. However, farmers need to know that as much as there is a push for Americans to adopt sustainable agriculture, the drive is more beneficial to farmers than any other stakeholder in the agriculture sector. Farmers should adopt sustainable agriculture because it helps maintain the environment, increase food security, has economic benefits, and has health benefits to the consumers.

The benefits of sustainable agriculture are derived from its meaning which is to use agriculture in a way that is beneficial to the environment. The benefits are in addition to good public health of the community and providing the farmer with good returns on investment. Sustainable agriculture should therefore be carrying the current food security burden while avoiding a compromise for future generations.

By not using pesticides and fertilizers, different forms of pollution could contribute to climate change, thereby reducing the prospects for achieving food security. Fertilizers and pesticides have been found to cause contamination of groundwater, leading to contamination of the major sources of water the streams of groundwater flow to (Prasad, 2020). Instead of using chemical fertilizers, farmers can use nano fertilizers with abiotic tolerance (Zulfiqar et al., 2019). Therefore, nutrients will be released at a controlled rate, increasing the nutrient efficiency of the soil and preventing nutrient depletion.

The world is when climate change is threatening to derail the effects of sustainable development goals. Climate summit delegates had to go overtime and debate over the weekends to reach a consensus in the contemporary world. They felt that food security is slowly becoming a concern; only sustainable agriculture can achieve this. Agroforestry helps maintain the environment, while biodiversity in farming helps achieve sustainable levels of food security (Garibaldi et al., 2017).

Take the example of a ranch where animals are reared and at the same time corn and vegetable are farms are kept simultaneously. They have diversified to produce food that ensures self-sustenance such that the only thing they can source outside is veterinary services. With this mentality, farmers can help produce enough food to feed a majority of the American population and ensure they do not go hungry.

Sustainable agriculture is also beneficial to public health as it is free from synthetic food, which is dangerous to human health. Processed and fast food have been found to increase the prevalence of certain diseases in society. A study revealed that consumption of junk food is likely to expose people to cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and certain types of cancer (Fuhrman, 2018). In light of these revelations, there is no point in leaving healthy farm foods like vegetables produced in a garden farm to go and eat French fries. Potatoes can be planted in a kitchen garden and eaten fresh from the farms without being processed. All the diseases mentioned are of public health concern, and farmers should help avert such situations. The benefits are more of a general perspective than the farmers who are being urged to adopt this form of agriculture.

Everybody else is trying to save their skin, and they should check the benefits the farmers get from sustainable agriculture. Farmers should know that by opting for sustainable agriculture, the costs they incur in agriculture will be significantly reduced. The use of satellite imagery eliminates rarities such as unpredictable weather patterns that could have otherwise destroyed the crops and subjected the farmers to losses. In addition to that, farmers who practice crop rotation will not require fertilizers as the soil will be enriched with nutrients, and pests and diseases that would have affected seasoned crops prevented (Rosa-Schleich et al., 2019). Farmers would thus have more revenue than expenses they would have incurred had they used industrial agriculture due to its intensiveness in labor and cash resources.

In conclusion, sustainable agriculture is beneficial to society in several ways. Farmers experience reduced costs in their businesses since the venture is not labor and cash-intensive and also because they do not use fertilizers that they would have otherwise bought. Sustainable agriculture helps increase food security via biodiversity, ensuring a variety of food is produced from one focal point. Health-wise, eating food produced from sustainable agriculture reduces the general public’s risk of suffering from lifestyle diseases such as obesity and chronic illnesses such as cancer. Farmers should, therefore, embrace this form of agriculture for the benefit of the general population as climate change eats into all possible scenarios one could turn to for help.


Fuhrman, J. (2018). . American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 12(5), 375-381. Web.

Garibaldi, L. A., Gemmill-Herren, B., D’Annolfo, R., Graeub, B. E., Cunningham, S. A., & Breeze, T. D. (2017). Farming approaches for greater biodiversity, livelihoods, and food security. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 32(1), 68-80. Web.

Prasad, M. N. (2020). Agrochemicals detection, treatment and remediation. Butterworth-Heinemann.

Rosa-Schleich, J., Loos, J., Mußhoff, O., & Tscharntke, T. (2019). Ecological-economic trade-offs of diversified farming systems – A review. Ecological Economics, 160, 251-263. Web.

Zulfiqar, F., Navarro, M., Ashraf, M., Akram, N. A., & Munné-Bosch, S. (2019). Nanofertilizer use for sustainable agriculture: Advantages and limitations. Plant Science, 289. Web.

Pesticide Ban and Its Effects on US Agriculture


Pesticides are chemicals designed to prevent or manage pests’ effects, such as rodents, bacteria, insects, weeds, and other pests. Most toxins that affect the environment are by-products from other processes such as automobile engine emissions. However, pesticides, which can be harmful to the environment, are manufactured to use them in the environment. As a result, several debates have emerged on the benefits and effects of pesticides and whether we can manage pests without them.

Furthermore, controversies have arisen on how much control the relevant agencies should have over the manufacture sale and use of pesticides. The recent adverse effects of pesticides that have been witnessed, because most of our farmers and households depend on the same pesticides, have fueled these debates (California Department of Pesticide Regulation, p. 1)

Can today’s society do away with pesticides?

Previous research has proved that American society is highly dependent on pesticides. A complete ban would result in serious problems compared to the environmental benefits that are sought by the ban. For instance, a study done by Knutson and others, which sought to find out the effects of a prohibition of insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides, had the following findings. Such a measure would result in a drop in food production, leading to an increase in food prices. These two conditions would make US farmers less competitive in the global market. The most affected produce would be major grains, peanuts, and cotton. Also, there would be a 27 percent drop in US exports of soybeans and corn drop. All these adverse effects would be summed up by losing jobs for 132 000 people (Delaplane, p. 3).

The findings of the research also challenged the notion that a ban on insecticides would help the environment. It explained that if pesticides were banned, farmers would have to increase the number of acres that they firm to compensate for the per-acre yield that will be lost. This will, in turn, result in a loss of wildlife habitat. With a pesticide ban, farmers would be forced to cultivate their farms more frequently to prevent widespread weeds, which would, in turn, promote high erosion of soil. Also, other countries with lenient environmental laws world increase their pesticide use and produce more, and capitalize on the reduced exports of the US (Delaplane, p. 3).

Another study was done, which concentrated only on the effects of a ban on fungicide. Considering that, fungicides are used to control fungicides, a plant disease that can kill crop plants and produce lethal food poisons. Therefore, it found out that such a ban in the US would reduce vegetables by 21%, fruits by 32%, and wheat by 6%. Worse still is the fact that consumption of such fruits and vegetables can help prevent some cancers and heart disease. Therefore, society cannot afford to operate without pesticides as it serves primary purposes that we cannot do without (Delaplane, p. 3).

Ethical dilemmas faced by Sam in his decision- making process

One of the ethical issues that face Mr. Sam is whether to protect the lives that can be lost through the harmful effects of the pesticides or protect the jobs lost by the ban. A case in point is Mr. Smith, who was mourning his wife, who succumbed to cancer. By supporting a ban, some lives at risk, such as children in school, will be protected. This is because the use of pesticides in schools and anywhere else that the children can access will be banned. On the other hand, some people work in firms that manufacture these pesticides. Other people are employed to apply these pesticides. With the implementation of such a ban, these people risk losing their jobs (Office of Governor M. Jodi Rell, p. 1-2).

Secondly, Sam is torn between protecting the environment and protecting farmers. Farmers use pesticides to control pests. This ensures that they get high and healthy produce. However, a ban on pesticides will mean that their products will be reduced and their quality will be affected. On the other hand, environmental activists would support the ban. This is because the use of pesticides is believed to cause harm to the environment. For instance, the pesticides used might be washed downstream, and this leads to the pollution of water. Therefore, banning pesticides would help prevent water pollution. As a result, of the two opposing sides, Sam is in a dilemma because by supporting one, he will be voting against the other (Parendes & Burris para. 7-8)

Effects of the pesticide ban on the county

Economic effects

Implementation of a complete ban would result in an economic drain on the county. Without the help of pesticides, maintenance, and care of facilities would be a great task. For instance, facilities will be exposed to termites. Hence they will be destroyed easily, and new ones will have to be acquired. A complete ban on pesticides might result in pest outbreaks. These can ruin crops and cost farmers a lot of money. Some of the agricultural plants at risk include flowering plants such as mums, which are the county’s biggest crop. Apple orchards, which are sprayed to control pests, will also suffer. Being that the apples are the treasure of the county, it will be forced to purchase from other regions because its supply will be too low to feed its members (Parendes & Burris para. 4-6)

Socially the ban would reduce health problems associated with pesticides, as explained by Josh Martin’s NRCS pesticide report, which pointed out that government records proved that pesticides use resulted in many health problems in the county. Therefore, banning them would reduce their effect, and that means that peoples’ health in the county would be improved. Politically, the ban would attract legal action against the county officials for passing a law that harms the economy of the constituents. If the county passes the law without following the standards that have been put like Quebec in Canada, then it risks being sued by the aggrieved parties (Babbage, 11-13).


I would vote no to allow continued usage of pesticides. My vote is influenced by the many benefits derived from the use of pesticides compared to the harm it brings. Most farmers rely on pesticides to control pests and have quality and healthy produce. In the case of a ban, the alternative is costly for both the farmers and the county. Also, some of the harms attributed to pesticides have been magnified; hence they do not show their real state. For instance, research has shown that the environmental damage attributed to pesticides cannot be compared to the adverse effects experienced if pesticides are not used.


Babbage, Maria. Ontario to enact toughest pesticide ban in Canada. (2000). Web.

California Department of Pesticide Regulation. What is a pesticide?. (n.d). Web.

Delaplane, Keith, S. Pesticide Usage in the U.S.: History, Benefits, Risks and Trends B 1121.

Office of the Governor M. Jodi Rell Governor Rell Signs Law Extending Ban Use of Pesticides on School Grounds. 2007. Web.

Parendes, L. A. and Burris S. H., Pesticides: Can We Do Without Them? (2005). Web.

The Indian Agriculture Sector

Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. It accounts for nearly 20 percent of the aggregate output. To be specific, nearly half of the population depends on agriculture for their livelihood (Government of India, 2010, p. 6). Contribution of the agricultural sector to the economy is declining, however other sectors thrive.

For example, approximately 45 percent of the total output was obtained from the agricultural sector in the early 70s,. The figure has dropped to less than 20 percent in the last decade. Nonetheless, agriculture still remains a significant source of employment for many Indians. It provides jobs to over half of the country’s population (Government of India, 2010, p. 12).

The dwindling agricultural production has led to a decrease in agricultural exports and an increase in agricultural imports. The ratio of agricultural exports to the total exports dropped to 10 percent in 2010 compared to 20 percent in the early ’90s. On the other hand, the ratio of agricultural imports to the aggregate imports grew by approximately 6.6 percent in the last three decades (Government of India, 2010, p. 13).

The decrease in agricultural production and the increase in agricultural imports have been a cause of major concern. Hot debates didn’t provide any solution to the problem, as well as small reforms. situation deteriorated which led to introduction of the next five-year plan.

As a result, the government came up with a five-year plan, which solely targets the agricultural sector. The five-year plan is aimed at reversing the disturbing trend in the sector.

The five-year plan puts emphasis on the country’s self-sufficiency and self-reliance in the food production (Vaidyanathan, 2010, p. 9; Government of India, 2013, p. 5). This paper explores the impact of the 11th five-year plan on India’s agricultural sector, particularly in promoting local food production and economy stability.

11TH Five Year Plans (2007-2011)

As the country’s population keeps growing, the nation needed to enhance its food production to take care of the ever-increasing demand. Given the significance of the agricultural sector to the economy, the government introduced the 11th five-year plan to provide support and incentives to farmers and other stakeholders in order to enhance production of food (Government of India, 2013, p. 5).

There are four principal elements of this policy. The first element is enhancement of viability of agricultural operations by increasing market access, availing insurance cover, and monitoring agricultural commodity prices (IBEF, 2013, p. 7).

The second element is provision of suitable technologies through research and training. The third element is increase of budgetary allocation for agriculture and its infrastructure so as to improve efficient use of natural resources and of agricultural commodity markets functioning.

Last but not least is provision of better delivery of services, for instance, loans to farmers, veterinary services and general farm inputs. In a nutshell, the 11th five-year plan was aimed at increasing food production by providing special programs and building agricultural infrastructure (IBEF, 2013, p. 7).

The Impact of the 11th Five-Year Plan on the economy and local food production

Figure 1 below shows India’s GDP growth rate over the last ten years. It is clear that between 1997 and 2007 the real agricultural output was decreasing, whereas the non-agricultural output was increasing. The ratio of agricultural GDP to the total GDP was very low during that period. This forced the government to reconsider its policy on food production, hence to introduce the 11th five-year plan (Central Statistics Office, 2011, p. 44).

The 11th five-year program introduced the National Food Security Mission (NFSM), which significantly increased production of cereals in the country. The principal goal of the National Food Security Mission was to establish scientific elements which incorporate mechanization, soil supplements and crop security measures (Government of India, 2013, p. 6).

The 11th five-year plan helped to attain 3.2 percent agricultural GDP growth. Even though the figure was below the projected value of 4 percent, it was significantly better than the figures under the previous policies (Central Statistics Office, 2011, p. 45).

Figure 1: Agriculture and Non-Agriculture GDP Growth Rate in India in the Last Decade

Source: (Central Statistics Office, 2011)

Before the introduction of the 11th five-year plan, the share of acreage of agricultural lands decreased by approximately 20 million hectares. Similarly, the area under food grains shrank by 10 percent. The lowest production was recorded in 2008.

However, the introduction of new technologies under the 11th five-year plan led to 80 percent increase in acreage of agricultural lands. The production of rice, wheat and maize increased significantly, followed by pulses on the second place. Under the 11th five-year plan, food grain output increased by 2.3 percent (Central Statistics Office, 2011, p. 45).

Generally, Indian agribusiness is characterized by diminutive and divided area holdings. There are around 130 million active holdings in the country. On average, each active holding possesses approximately 1.2 hectares. Less than 1 percent own more than 10 hectares (Sharma, 2011, p. 6). Before the introduction of the 11th five-year plan, the overall productivity among the smallholder producers was exceedingly low.

Their participation in the market was poor because of such reasons as high transaction costs, low yields, inadequate information and small market consumption. In addition, increased land fragmentation led to big losses on farmlands. As a result, many farmers opted to lease their lands or seek gainful employment outside the agricultural sector (IBEF, 2013, p. 5).

The introduction of the 11th five-year plan brought some positive results. The 11th five-year plan supported the formation of cooperatives and self-help groups. The cooperatives and self-help groups not only helped farmers to access credit facilities, but also to market their products. The government increased access to loan facilities by providing interest-free loans and subsidized inputs.

For this reason, many Indians went back to farming (IBEF, 2013, p. 6). By the end of 2012, cultivation areas had increased by 8 million hectares. The government also introduced other support programs through the 11th five-year plan, such as water for canal irrigation, power for groundwater pumping, retention price subsidy scheme for fertilizers, and access to the international market (IBEF, 2013, p. 7).

According to the IBEF (2013, p. 7), the main objective of the 11th five-year plan was to increase the production of food grains by 20 million tons. The government allocated roughly 900 million U.S. dollars for the project.

There are four main achievements of the 11th five-year plan for the first year according to the National Food Security Mission (NFSM). The first achievement was a 70 million tons to over 90 million tons increase of wheat production.

The second achievement was a 90 million tons to over 110 million tons increase of rice production. The third achievement was an 80 million tons to over 100 million tons increase of maize production. And the last was a 13 million tons to over 15 million tons increase of pulse production (IBEF, 2013, p. 7).

Figure 2 below highlights the growth rate of land, labor and capital output based on the agricultural GDP index. Even though the productivity growth rate in the agricultural sector has always been low, averaging 2 percent per year, during the 11th five-year plan it reached 5 percent. This was the highest figure recorded in the country’s history.

The closest was 3 percent, which was recorded in 1981. As a matter of fact, the Commission of Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) estimated the growth rate of real wages in the agricultural sector at 8 percent per annum during the period (Government of India, 2013, p. 9).

Figure 2: Growth Rate of Land, Labor and Capital Output

Source: (Government of India, 2013, p. 9)

The introduction of the scientific elements, for instance, labor saving mechanization led to the rapid increase of private investment in the agricultural sector. This is attributed to the country’s rigid labor laws and the ever-increasing wages (Shiva, 2013, p. 2).

Although mechanization helped farmers to deal with labor challenges, it caused a sharp decline in capital productivity. Even though moderated by gains from trade deals and debt cancellation, long-term investment in the agricultural sector may be unsustainable due to deteriorating capital productivity (Shiva, 2013, p. 3).

The 12th five-year plan (2012-2017), which is basically a continuation of the 11th five-year plan also emphasizes increase of food grains production. The two plans (11th and 12th five-year plans) recognize the fact that self-sufficiency in food production can only be attained by increasing the production of staple foods. In India, food security is inextricably linked to food grains.

Therefore, the debates on food shortages are concentrated on rice, wheat, maize and pulses (Sharma & Dinesh, 2011, p. 30). 12th five-year plan is also expected to produce high results and solve a lot of food problems in India.

The 11th five-year plan helped substantially to make India a food sufficient country, despite the rapid growth of population. In other words, India is currently food secure due to the 11th five-year plan (IBEF, 2013, p. 9).


Agriculture in India is both a source of food and livelihood. In addition, the sector is very important to the country’s economy. However, the period between 1997 and 2007 was characterized by low agricultural productivity and high levels of food shortage. This forced the Indian government to spend a large amount of money on food import.

On the other hand, the ratio of agricultural imports to the aggregate imports grew by approximately 6.6 percent in the last three decades regardless of the initiated key reforms in the agricultural sector. However, the reform programs were ineffective.

This led to the introduction of the 11th five-year plan, which was aimed at making India a food-secure country through the production of food grains. The plan significantly helped reverse the situation. As a matter of fact, the 12th five-year plan, which runs up to 2017, is just a continuation of the 11th five-year plan. The 12th five-year plan also aims at increasing the production of food grains, which are staples in India.


Central Statistics Office 2011, Revised Estimates of Annual National Income 2010-11 and Quarterly Estimates of Gross Domestic Product, 2010-11, Central Statistics Office, New Delhi.

Government of India 2010, . Web.

Government of India 2013, Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017): Economic Sectors, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi.

IBEF 2013, The Indian Agriculture Sector: Investments, Growth and Prospects, India Brand Equity Foundation, New Delhi.

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Vaidyanathan, A 2010, Agriculture Growth in India: Role of Technology, Incentives and Institutions, Oxford University Press, New York.

The Impact of Acetamiprid on Agriculture


In recent years, pesticides have become necessary for the protection of crops, flowers, and fruits. It is a perfect strategy for defense, as pesticides help corrode damaging organisms from plants (Subbanna et al., 2020). For instance, acetamiprid from the class of neonicotinoids is widely used in agriculture. In addition, it is one of the most eminent substances in the category of pesticides. However, the overreliance on pesticides caused significant concern in environmental protection, as scientists began to see more negative effects in their usage. There is an opinion about the slaughtering effects of metabolites produced by pesticides; these elements may impact the ecosystem. It is crucial to examine the reaction of acetamiprid with plants, its impact on the targeted organism, and the consequences of applying this pesticide.

Neonicotinoids: Acetamiprid

Neonicotinoid insecticides have become the most sold and prominent pesticides in the world. This type of pesticide is famous for its notable insecticidal effect and activity against target organisms. For example, acetamiprid is one of the most popular neonicotinoids; it is derived from nicotine. The reason for using acetamiprid is its wide insecticidal range, stability, and water dissolubility (Duan et al., 2019). It is also effective in corroding insects with biting and sucking parts of the mouth, as the active ingredient of acetamiprid is nicotine, which is dangerous for a significant portion of animals and insects. The efficiency is excellent if swallowed; the substance influences the whole organism of insects. Acetamiprid is better resistant to various internal factors such as rain, drought, sun, and wind. Therefore, it becomes one of the best solutions in comparison to other pesticides of the neonicotinoid group.

Xenobiotic Pharmacokinetics Metabolism

It is also essential to determine how the pesticide acts to kill the target. The four cornerstones of the pharmacokinetics of foreign substances are manifested in the absorption, metabolism, distribution, and excretion of dangerous substances (Esteves et al., 2021). For instance, acetamiprid enters the body with food and water and is also applied to the body. Metabolites of acetamiprid, namely imidacloprid and thiacloprid, are absorbed from the stomach of the insect. Next, these elements are distributed through blood or lymph and accumulated in organs, muscles, the brain, skin, and hairy parts. Some percent of acetamiprid is removed from the organism with urine and feces.

However, the most significant amount is saved within the organism. The action of this pesticide is similar to nicotine; the substance is toxic to a substantial part of insects. Neonicotinoids are fatal for rats and fish, and less harmful for birds. The action on target organisms is manifested in binding to postsynaptic receptors of the central nervous system of insects. As a result, convulsions start to develop, and the target aim dies.

Metabolites and Toxicity

Imidacloprid and thiacloprid are metabolites of this pesticide; however, these elements are not resistible to external factors. On the surface, metabolites are destroyed for 3-4 days, depending on temperature. According to scientific sources, the full expiration of acetamiprid itself happens within one hour (Duan et al., 2019). Therefore, metabolites of acetamiprid may stay alive for a more extended period and influence the environment. Xenobiotic metabolism of the substance is manifested in high resistance to external factors if located within the organism. For instance, insects might almost instantly die due to their small size and high level of toxicity on their organisms.

This pesticide is less toxic for mammals, as the cyano-group of this substance reacts with nicotine acetylcholine receptors in insects and reacts poorly with these receptors in mammals. Acetamiprid is commonly recognized as a moderately toxic substance; there are no cases of mutagenic effects. Acetamiprid is more toxic if swallowed and has a less poisonous extent when applied to the skin. Acute poisoning in animals at high doses of acetamiprid is tremors, paralysis, and convulsions.

Safety for Ecosystem

Acetamiprid has an average class of toxicity and danger to the environment. This pesticide is used by spraying under roots; the method is less damaging for the environment as it suggests point impacts on a smaller scale. It is used in fields, plantations, and private sectors; however, some negative consequences can be traced. Acetamiprid is an insecticide of contact action; it penetrates the plant’s vascular system when applied to crops. As a result, the plant becomes toxic to insects and some animals. Occasionally, beasts and domestic pets may eat the plant and get poisoned; and it becomes the flaw of acetamiprid usage. The substance is almost safe in small doses for people; however, there were several intentional poisonings of humans. Overall, this pesticide is safe for a significant part of mammals, and metabolites of acetamiprid are not toxic and fast-expired. Target aims of this substance (aphids, thrips, cereal flies) and other pests of crops are damaged, while valuable insects such as bees stay safe contacting with acetamiprid.


Overall, the usage of acetamiprid in agriculture is justified by its high resistance to external factors and an average level of toxicity for beasts and humans—the pesticide damages the vermin of crops, keeping mammals in birds in safety. Metabolites of acetamiprid are less toxic and may be withdrawn by the organism fast. It is also vital to notice that the substance does not expose organisms to mutation and synthesis of cancerogenic elements. Acetamiprid might be the best solution in fighting against insects that damage plants, vegetables, and fruits.


Duan, P., Ma, T., Yue, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Shang, Y., Gao, B., Zhang, Q., Yue, Q., & Xu, X. (2019). Environmental Science: Nano, 6(6), 1799–1811.

Esteves, F., Rueff, J., & Kranendonk, M. (2021). Journal of Xenobiotics, 11(3), 94–114.

Subbanna, A. R. N. S., Stanley, J., Rajasekhara, H., Mishra, K. K., Pattanayak, A., & Bhowmick, R. (2020). Reference Series in Phytochemistry, 1(1), 25–952.

Urban Agricultural Impact on Human Life


With about seven billion people on the planet, agricultural practices remain vital sources of pressure on available resources (Howard par. 1). It requires water for irrigation, pollutes the environment through the use of chemicals, and consumes a considerable amount of energy. Amidst these pressure and challenges, a new model of farming has emerged – urban agriculture, which may not essentially apply organic methods and aspects of environmental sustainability. Urban agriculture is considered as farming practiced within and around cities. Both plants and animals are components of urban farming. One major characteristic of urban agriculture that differentiates it from rural agriculture is the integration of agriculture in the urban economic and ecological system (RUAF Foundation par. 1). That is, urban agriculture is a component of and interacts with the urban ecosystem. In this respect, labor tends to come from urban residents; normal urban resources, such as organic waste and wastewater are used; the urban consumer is the immediate target market; both negative and positive impacts are noted on urban ecology; farming is a part of the urban food system; urban policies and planning influence farming; and competition for land is intense. It is imperative to recognize that urban agriculture is not a redundant past practice that will disappear over time. Instead, urban agriculture tends to grow when the city population increases and, thus, it is an integral aspect of urban practices. In this paper, I will explore how urban agriculture has impacted human life, its potential, benefits, inspirations, and emerging practices among other issues of interest.


It appears that urban agriculture seems to be more special and matters more in some countries, specifically Japan. This form of agriculture, which is restricted within or around cities, has gained recognition and now, is considered for improvement following initiatives by some policymakers. On this note, urban agriculture has been linked to some benefits. First, it offers fresh, the safe farm produces, including organic and/or crops with low chemical usages, which are now steadily in high demand by city residents. Second, urban agriculture offers an opportunity for city dwellers to engage in farming and support small-scale farmers through direct purchase of their produce. Third, it creates spaces that are useful during disaster management and for the urban environmental management system. Fourth, urban agriculture is a form of recreation and leisure. Finally, it creates awareness to enhance urban agricultural practices and food security.

The above-mentioned benefits of urban agriculture demonstrate its roles in urban food security and nutrition, management of urban ecology, economic impacts, and social impacts. Besides, they indicate why cities and policymakers now advocate for urban agriculture.

Potential Future Impacts of Urban Agriculture on Human Life

Sometimes urban agriculture is seen as a feature of developmental failure, poor resource utilization, or simply as a misplaced priority, but the fact is that the practice has gained recognition in the recent past. Individuals interested in locally grown fresh foods, urban regeneration, and environmental sustainability support urban agriculture. Urban planners constantly seek innovative ways to solve environmental and social issues that emanate from rapid urbanization. Further, the need to improve the urban ecosystem has led to innovative solutions, including urban agriculture aimed at food production, control of heat-island, and waste and water management (Moreno-Peñaranda par. 1). These practices strive to improve the well-being of residents while minimizing the ecological effects of urbanization.

It is expected that urban agriculture will play a critical role in urban sustainability in the future. For instance, in sustainability efforts, effective urban agriculture provides opportunities for stormwater management and thermal heat management, which ultimately reduces the amount of energy required to cool buildings. Besides, urban agriculture is seen as an opportunity to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem management. Still, it is most likely to impact food transportation (food mile) and offer bio-fuel resources from agricultural waste. Research indicates that urban agriculture is progressively touted as an environmentally friendly option to global issues, such as rapid urbanization, food security, public health, and environmental sustainability (Aerts, Dewaelheyns, and Achten 1-6).

The future of urban agriculture presents opportunities for developing a green economy. It is considered suitable for sustainable consumption. Cities are most likely to influence how countries attain green economy status. On this note, urban agriculture is an alternative for meeting urban demands relative to rural production. In Japan, for instance, Moreno-Peñaranda (par. 15) notes that the production of traditional rice and stockbreeding across urban settlements has declined dramatically as agricultural activities shift toward high value-added farm produce, such as fruits and vegetables. Japanese city-dwellers prefer urban crops from eco-friendly environments. As such, they have created local production and consumption links in various cities, which strive toward sustainability and income generation for farmers. Today, the city of Yokohama and Kanazawa have created their brands of urban agricultural produce for local consumers.

In Detroit, urban agriculture is a major practice, and it continues to improve year-over-year (DiStasio par. 1). It has continued to grow because of the direct support from the local authority, for instance, Detroit Mayor added a 60-acre urban farm to support fruit and vegetable farming and selling. The city-owned land was intended to support future greenhouses, farm fields, and hydroponic systems, as well as local food production and consumption (DiStasio par. 1). For Detroit urban farmers, direct support from the Mayor and access to large land are fundamental factors for advancing urban agriculture.

In the case of urban agriculture in Beijing, China is considered among the earliest efforts to integrate agriculture into the strategic development plans of the city. Since the 1990s, Beijing had appreciated the relevance of “urban agriculture to sustainable urban development” (Jianming par. 8). Consequently, the city’s municipal government spearheaded an official initiative to drive multi-function urban agriculture in urban regions by promoting the growth of ‘agro-parks’, which were designed to produce food for the city and attract tourists, as well as act as educational resources. Currently, Beijing has five zones to drive various agro-parks initiatives. The inner urban zone concentrates on “gardening, landscaping, and showcasing, and the inner suburban plain is dedicated for recreational agriculture for tourist attraction and precision agriculture is driven by smart technologies, such as automated irrigation based on moisture levels” (Jianming par. 9). The outer suburban plain solely drives contemporary large-scale farming and processing; the mountainous region is left for the production of certain fruits and ecological protection; and lastly, the regional cooperation division focuses on improving food security by promoting relationships with organized groups and monitoring import qualities (Jianming par. 9). Further, urban agriculture has received considerable support. First, the Chinese government now evaluates the financial significance of the practice. Second, the city government also assesses current performances of more than 1,300 agro-parks and provides the necessary policies for improvements. Finally, urban farmers can create cooperatives for bargaining power and accessing subsidies from the government.

Although London plays a less significant role in the Great Britain food supply, it has a wide range of urban agricultural activities (Garnett 477-500). Previously, the city’s food system was noted as an example of unsustainability because London is considered among the most expensive cities globally and was not known for urban agriculture. Today, however, a new generation of urban farmers has started to change previously observed limited agricultural activities in London. They have focused on transforming abandoned industrial warehouses, underground war bomb tunnels, and rooftops among other available spaces into urban agricultural spaces. Urban farmers have focused on derelict and poorly used spaces, urban brewing, beekeeping, and growing food crops to promote a green revolution and sustainability in London.

From the above-mentioned examples, urban agriculture plays a significant role in food sources and security by reducing food miles and food waste for growing city populations. Most strikingly, urban agriculture has led to some inspiring new projects, especially in London.

Inspiring New Projects

Urban agriculture in London presents some of the most innovative and inspiring projects committed to sustainable food growing and production, security, and environmental conservation while they create new opportunities to produce food for commercial purposes. London, for instance, now has the first aquaponics vertical farm, bee apiary, and brewery among others. Currently, an emerging trend is to integrate food production in green urban architecture to facilitate large-scale urban agriculture supported by rooftop greenhouses, gardens, indoor farms, underground tunnel farms, and abandoned warehouse farms among others.

GrowUp Urban Farms is a sustainable innovative farming business. The farm is based on the notion that a combination of the right place and the right products leads to sustainable urban agriculture. For GrowUp, vertical farming and aquaponics offer the best combination for efficient use of space while focusing on holistic food production. Aquaponics is a combination of “aquaculture (fish farming) and hydroponics (growing crops with no soil), which GrowUp has adopted to produce salads, fish, and herbs” (Symington-Mitchell par. 3). In this urban agrisystem model, the process involves water cycling via fish tanks to crops and back again. At the same time, fish offer fertilizer while plants filter water for fish (Symington-Mitchell par. 3).

Also, Growing Underground (GU) uses underground tunnels constructed during World War to conduct sustainable food production in London. With large tunnels available, LED technology has been incorporated to provide the right climate to support plant growth. These innovative urban farms use green farming, online retailing, and nearby chefs.

Further, Barnes & Webb is an urban beekeeping and farming venture. Rooftops have provided the best sites for beehives in the city because they are greatly under-utilized in a densely populated city. This approach focuses on exploiting unused city spaces for unconventional urban agriculture.

Urban agriculture and society

I have noted that urban agriculture plays significantly more beneficial roles in cities. From my observation, it is imperative to create policies that support the model to promote urban regeneration, green innovation, urban food security and nutrition, and reducing food miles among others. I will discuss four fundamental ways that city planners and policymakers can use to advance the impacts of urban agriculture on society.

One fundamental area of interest that can improve urban agriculture relates to enabling policy environment. That is, city planners, policymakers, and local authorities should formally accept urban agriculture and integrate it into urban land use to facilitate regulation and development of functional farming. In this regard, I believe that cities should review their current policies and by-laws on urban agriculture to eliminate potential clauses that restrict or make urban farming more difficult in cities. Consequently, they should develop policies, which encourage and sufficiently regulate urban agriculture to ensure sustainable practices.

From a critical perspective, I have noted that urban farmers face a shortage of vacant land and lack the security of land use because they must compete with private developers or public projects. Primarily, the land remains the most vital asset to drive urban agriculture. However, availability, accessibility, suitability, and usability of land in urban environments are major challenges. I observe that city local authorities can assist urban farmers to gain access to open spaces. The case of Detroit indicates how local authorities can promote urban agriculture by providing land. Additionally, zoning in Beijing is also an appropriate means of utilizing urban land to promote agriculture. Based on the land use of a particular city, city authorities should determine the most suitable methods to promote urban land use for urban agriculture.

Beijing now evaluates performances of its agro-parks to determine their productivity and economic viability. I opine that opportunities to enhance the efficiency of urban agriculture tend to be numerous but remain unexplored. Effective collection of data can determine the dynamics of urban agriculture, consumer perception, and farmer capabilities and training among others. It remains unclear whether agricultural support institutions, such as credit and research and extension, have paid any attention to urban agriculture. Irrespective of the scale of and capital invested in commercial urban agriculture, support institutions should provide their support to ensure sustainable practices.

Finally, in some instances, many consumers are concerned about the quality and health risks of produce from urban farming. Concerns may arise from the quality of water used and whether food is produced from genetically modified seeds. On this note, I believe that effective measures that address environmental, health risks, and quality of used inputs should be introduced to boost consumer confidence. Instead of introducing restrictions because of fear, policymakers should design effective measures to curtail potential risks from urban agriculture.


Many cities across the world are now embracing urban agriculture and even considering its impacts on national data. Some cities strive to create more land for such practices. I believe that urban agriculture will rapidly grow because of its food security, food mile, nutrition, economic benefits, and environmental impacts, as well as other social-related impacts. As such, one can assert that future cities will be green. These promises and observed benefits should convince policymakers and city planners to integrate urban agriculture in urban planning. Moreover, the ongoing practices in London, including the use of underground tunnels for farming, demonstrate innovative approaches adopted by urban farmers. Hence, it is imperative to invest in various farming techniques and technologies to facilitate urban agriculture. Effective policies should address all concerns of various stakeholders, specifically consumers. Overall, I have observed that urban agriculture is an innovative approach that presents opportunities for win-win scenarios in modern cities for resilient and sustainable cities, food security, socially inclusive cities, and productive, healthy environments. It is however clear that urban agriculture requires effective management and policies for successful, sustainable practices.

Works Cited

Aerts, Raf, Valerie Dewaelheyns and Wouter M.J. Achten. “Potential Ecosystem Services of Urban Agriculture.” PeerJ Preprints (2016): 1-6. Print.

DiStasio, Cat. Detroit’s largest urban farm to grow 60 acres of fresh produce. 2015. Web.

Garnett, Tara. Urban Agriculture in London: Rethinking Our Food Economy. n.d. Web.

Howard, Brian Clark. Green Gotham. 2016. Web.

Jianming, Cai. Urban agriculture makes China’s cities more liveable. 2014. Web.

Moreno-Peñaranda, Raquel. Japan’s Urban Agriculture: Cultivating Sustainability and Well-being. 2011. Web.

RUAF Foundation. Urban Agriculture: What and Why? n.d. Web.

Symington-Mitchell, Fiona. From N16 to SW9: How London’s Urban Farmers are Cultivating the City. 2016. Web.

The Main Objective of DNA Fingerprinting in Agriculture

Agriculture seriously depends on the ability of specialists to differentiate among genotypes and promote plant diversity. Therefore, the main objective of DNA fingerprinting in agriculture is to overcome the limitation of insufficient dissimilarity among prior genotypes and come up with the best ideas to discover new molecular markers and collect data differently (Piggott et al., 2015). The introduction of DNA markers made it possible for agriculture specialists to develop novel chemical reactions and significantly pushed the plant science forward. Some of the most important areas where DNA fingerprinting is used for agricultural science are hybridisation, gene flow, and mating systems (Evans et al., 2019). The advent of this innovation made it possible to analyse plants from remote areas and run specific sampling procedures that could help isolate the biggest issues and make it easier to respond to genotype problems.

Currently, DNA fingerprinting is directly associated with chemical fertilizers and hormones that assist in the fight against an abusive usage of pesticides. Therefore, DNA markers protect soil from pollution and make it easier for agriculture experts to stop the current decline in the quality of agrarian products (Wossen et al., 2019). The growing demand puts a serious strain on molecular biology because scientists have to invest more time and money in research projects that focus on genetic background or additional DNA techniques. Possible crop improvements and cultivar identification may only be possible under the condition where DNA fingerprinting is in place (Coyotzi et al., 2017). Agriculture experts, on the other hand, should ensure that chromosome engineering and crop germplasm may bring significant benefits to the area.

Overall, DNA fingerprinting is the best way to improve biosafety and maintain decent crop quality. In the face of numerous challenges linked to food shortage and population upsurge, it may be safe to say that DNA-based technologies are essential for the national economy because they help researchers establish better solutions for modern problems that might require additional expenditures. Even if it is going to cost more to investigate the potential technological capabilities of DNA-based agricultural techniques, agrarians should pay more attention to the pioneering methods in DNA plant engineering to create a much more efficient environment for plant cultivation. In the future, the agrarian community may be able to witness non-model plant species being genotyped-by-sequencing (Kosmowski et al., 2019). The cost-effectiveness of the proposed methods may also be expected to increase, as experts will have the opportunity to obtain full genomic sequence data and complete preventive analyses of risky situations based on massive data sets spawned by next-generation sequencing technologies.

Reference List

Coyotzi, S. et al. 2017 ‘Agricultural soil denitrifiers possess extensive nitrite reductase gene diversity’, Environmental Microbiology, 19(3), pp. 1189-1208.

Evans, A. E. et al. 2019 ‘Agricultural water pollution: key knowledge gaps and research needs’, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 36, 20-27.

Kosmowski, F. et al. 2019 ‘Varietal identification in household surveys: results from three household-based methods against the benchmark of DNA fingerprinting in southern Ethiopia’, Experimental Agriculture, 55(3), pp. 371-385.

Piggott, J. J. et al. (2015) ‘Climate warming and agricultural stressors interact to determine stream periphyton community composition’, Global Change Biology, 21(1), pp. 206-222.

Wossen, T. et al. 2019 ‘Poverty reduction effects of agricultural technology adoption: the case of improved cassava varieties in Nigeria’, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 70(2), pp. 392-407.

Internet of Things in Agriculture

The implementation of projects in accordance with programs related to smart agriculture is a breakthrough in this industry. Based on the findings proposed by Chalimov (2020), due to IoT tools, farmers worldwide can optimize their operations by implementing advanced yield control systems, thereby minimizing costs and increasing product quality and growth rates. The variety of sensors utilized in this area makes it possible to address numerous tasks of managing available resources without human intervention. Distinctive in their type, devices allow for tracking any electrochemical, mechanical, optical, and other changes, thereby signaling the necessary measures to be taken to optimize control (“List of agriculture sensors,” n.d.). Despite some barriers, such as the need to provide stable Internet access or the inability to maintain service for these sensors, their application is cheap, and the installation and use do not require special skills (“List of agriculture sensors,” n.d.). Therefore, IoT in agriculture is a promising direction, designed to reduce costs and, at the same time, help people increase their yields.

Due to the importance of this innovation, the federal government should fund such programs through appropriate grants. As Tzounis et al. (2017) note, many countries are concerned about the availability of agricultural commodities. Given “consumers’ demand for transparency in the production cycle and the environmental footprint of the products they buy,” governments encourage the development of this industry (Tzounis et al., 2017, p. 43). Particular attention should be paid to small farms that experience a decline in incomes due to the monopolization of the market by large agricultural holdings (“What is IoT in agriculture?” 2018). From an environmental impact perspective, IoT sensors also have value. According to Chalimov (2020), farmers can control such indicators as soil contamination, the proportion of harmful substances in the air, the level of water pollution, and many other characteristics that are crucial to address timely. By assisting other countries unable to implement IoT projects in agriculture due to underdeveloped digital infrastructure, the US can help solve such pressing problems as hunger or climate change. Therefore, relevant initiatives to support these activities are the government’s justified moral right.

Given the aforementioned factors, one can argue that IoT in agriculture is not only an innovation but also a relevant practical solution. Addressing multiple yield monitoring tasks and environmental issues, special sensors significantly simplify farmers’ work. Due to the continuous increase in the population of the planet, such tools should be popularized everywhere, and both large and small farms should be encouraged to introduce appropriate devices.


Chalimov, A. (2020). Eastern Peak. Web.

(n.d.). RF Wireless World. Web.

Tzounis, A., Katsoulas, N., Bartzanas, T., & Kittas, C. (2017). Internet of Things in agriculture, recent advances and future challenges. Biosystems Engineering, 164, 31-48.

(2018). AgFunder News. Web.

Weather Tracking and Effects on Agriculture


Weather tracking or forecasting is an evidence-based practice whereby experts and interested group use advanced technology to predict the future atmosphere and conditions of a specific region for a given period. Through the collection of timely and adequate data, these professionals can offer reliable results or explanations. Those involved in agricultural activities require timely weather information in order to make appropriate planting, crop management, and harvesting decisions. The current technologies used today include weather balloons, satellites, and weather station equipment. The purpose of this paper is to describe these technologies, their benefits, and what will replace them in the future. It goes further to explain how weather tracking affects crops and implications on jobs. The final part describes how this practice can impact future agriculture.

Current Technologies

The success of weather forecasting to meet the needs of different stakeholders depends on the tools and technologies put in place. The current ones being utilized include weather balloons, satellites, and weather stations. Balloons measure temperature and analyze the atmosphere’s vertical expanse. Satellites can monitor changing patterns and guide scientists to make accurate predictions (Cristani et al. 853). Weather station instruments are essential since they offer timely information on current patterns and improve record keeping for future references, such as windsocks, rain gauges, anemometers, and hygrometers.

These technologies deliver numerous benefits to weather forecasters. Firstly, they are reliable and can gather numerous parameters from a specified region. Secondly, satellites provide reliable data for effective analysis. Thirdly, the information collected using these systems can be integrated into a computer system for easy interpretation (Wiston and Mphale 229). Fourthly, they can be available to different users, thereby making them more reliable. Finally, they offer timely and more accurate information that can inform positive agricultural and economic activities.

Although modern technologies are changing very fast, chances are high that satellite systems and weather balloons will remain in use in the future. However, new ones have emerged that are currently transforming the field of weather tracking. For example, drones have become efficient since they do not require a pilot and can gather high-quality data. Agricultural satellites are empowering scientists to predict weather patterns more accurately. Towards the future, advanced technologies will emerge that can improve how weather forecasting is done. The best example is an advanced drone that can capture images and send signals from violent storms (Cristani et al. 857). Computer apps and systems will also become more useful and guide scientists to complete simulations and predict future trends.

Effects on Crops

Weather tracking is essential because it presents timely information to farmers and agriculturists. Depending on the acquired data, these people can make appropriate decisions regarding when to plant or spray crops. With long-term forecast results available, farmers can decide when to consider specific farming practices. They will be in a position to predict the availability of water in a given period, the possibility of a storm, and possible droughts. With this kind of information, many farmers have been able to engage in sustainable activities (Sobhani et al. 1513). However, some weather predictions and data tend to be inaccurate or unreliable. The presentation of this kind of information will eventually affect farming practices and result in crop failure. This is usually the case since the level of downpour might decrease or increase unexpectedly.

Similarly, the field of weather tracking has delivered job opportunities to members of the public and upcoming farmers. For instance, many people are now willing to engage in agricultural practices than ever before due to the availability of reliable and timely information (Wiston and Mphale 230). Those who engage in it will make informed decisions, plant on time, and identify the best markets for their produce. Many people have been employed by governmental agencies and institutions that are engaged in weather forecasting activities. This also includes professionals who conduct R&D to design superior technologies and apps.

Weather Tracking for Agriculture’s Future

The future of agriculture depends on the success and effectiveness of weather forecasting. This means that stakeholders involved in different areas should present superior technologies and ideas that will ensure that the available information empowers and guides farmers. When timely and accurate weather information is presented, chances are high that more people will be willing to engage in productive activities (Sobhani et al. 1516). The data will also guide them to consider new plants, crops, cultivars, and varieties that are associated with other regions. The end result is that the quantity of production will increase significantly in every part of the world.

With effective tracking procedures, people living in arid or unreliable regions will consider the importance of irrigation-based farming. The information will make it possible for stakeholders to predict potential diseases and pests that thrive in specified weather conditions and acquire the right pesticides (Wiston and Mphale 231). The final outcome is that more people will have a source of income, be prepared against unpleasant weather conditions, and eventually improve global food security.


The above discussion has identified weather tracking as a powerful practice for supporting agricultural practices. Both modern and future technologies will remain reliable and continue to present timely information to every stakeholder. All players in this field should engage in R&D in order to improve the way weather tracking is done and eventually transform agricultural practices for the better.

Works Cited

Cristani, Matteo, et al. “It Could Rain: Weather Forecasting as a Reasoning Process.” Procedia Computer Science, vol. 126, no. 1, 2018, pp. 850-859.

Sobhani, Masoud, et al. “Combing Weather Stations for Electric Load Forecasting.” Energies, vol. vol. 12, no. 8, 2019, pp. 1510-1520.

Wiston, Modise, and Kgakgamatso Mphale. “Weather Forecasting: From the Early Weather Wizards to Modern-Day Weather Predictions.” Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting, vol. 6, no. 2, 2018, pp. 229-232.