Afghanistan has been on the verge of destruction for almost three decades now but the prospects for a better country are still very high. Although the existence of the al-Qaida group of terrorists has always undermined the efforts to maintain peace and retain normalcy in the country, there is a window of hope to achieve the same (Menon, 2012). America has been at the forefront in championing the fight against terror on an international scale and this could be placing the US in a prime position to benefit from the anticipated growth of the country (Menon, 2012). Nonetheless, looking at the situation as it is currently, the country actually has very little to offer. Sceptics argue that there are no real prospects for economic growth apart from the illegal drug trafficking trade.
Political instability
The current political instability in the country has divergent impacts on the future relationship between Afghanistan and the United States of America. Protecting the American interests in the Middle East is vital for the survival of America and its citizens. Nonetheless, the US has a tainted image especially from the Middle East (Menon, 2012). Critics from the Middle East condemn the US for speaking peace and making war at the same time. The effect of the ombudsmans function of the US over Afghanistan is slowly affecting its influence in the country (Usip, 2013). The locals do not feel safe in the hands of Americans instead they hold them in paranoia and dislike.
However, the presence of American troops in Afghanistan has little to do with the good of the Middle Eastern country (Menon, 2012). It is a measure carefully designed to safeguard the interests of the American government in terms of security, economic development and world influence. The plane crash of an American stealth drone RQ-170 Sentinel in Iran was a controversial event (Menon, 2012). However, there is more than meets the eye in the whole scenario. The drone was launched from Afghanistan and its mission was to conduct surveillance over Iran (Ebscohost 2013). Little is known about the drone that killed Osama bin Laden but the fact is it was launched from Afghanistan.
Benefits of Americans presence in Afghanistan
One of the major benefits of the presence of the American troops in Afghanistan is that it their presence destabilizes the terror groups that are mostly based there. The American government is responsible for the future of the coming generations. Paralysing the activities of the Taliban and the Haqqani networks is a major safeguard for the Americans and the world at large. Although it may seem like a negative approach towards peace, the extremists who are willing to lose their lives for a course they believe in it might be the only way to deal with the security challenges they pose to the entire world.
Afghanistan is one of the countries that give the US access to the Arab world and this is very crucial to the United States of America (Menon, 2012). Surveillance over some of the radical terror groups would be impossible without the American troops on the ground (Menon, 2012). This can be tragic not only to Americans but also to the entire world in a broader perspective. For that reason, Afghanistans stability becomes a very important concern for the US, which is a signal for a positive and legitimate reason. Withdrawing the troops from Afghanistan would increase the vulnerability of the Americans as a country as well as losing leverage on Iran and Iraq, which are the two very vital countries to keep an eye on (Commentary, 2011).
The future of Americas interests
The future of Americans interests in the Middle Eastern countries is greatly dependent on the stability of Afghanistan (Commentary, 2011). A number of rising regimes that carry great hatred towards the US have always attempted to stop and hinder Americas influence in the region. The Middle East is the hub for Americas oil, which is a major source of energy. Losing contact with the Arab world may be tragic to Americas economy, which greatly depends on oil from the Middle East. The positive impact of Americas presence in Afghanistan is that these resources are secure unlike otherwise. Therefore, the future of the United States with regards to oil and security threats is greatly controlled by having those troops there. Their presence makes it quite difficult for the existence of criminal gangs and the formation of terror groups. The recent capture of Osama bin laden was a great achievement and a great deal for Afghanistan.
Critics who oppose this move by the American government to safeguard its interests in the Middle East and specifically in Afghanistan seem to base their criticism on one side (Commentary, 2011). Most critics argue that the actions of the US are based on selfish ambitions to control the world. However, the most radical international terror groups have sprouted from within the borders of Afghanistan (Commentary, 2011). The most Arabic rebels to stage the greatest terror attacks globally have used Afghanistan as a base and financiers funding terror groups are finding a haven there (Menon, 2012). The anticipated post-American phase in Afghanistan might become a great challenge to the locals especially with the culture of impunity, corruption and political instability, as is the current situation.
Aftermath of Americas departure
Leaving with the current situation would greatly paralyze the country and create tension among the locals but more so affect the possibility of America protecting its interests. The lack of a government is a problem that could persist if the American troops are withdrawn from Afghanistan. The main reason for this assumption is that the native army is comprised of local tribesmen who come from different ethnic groups (Coll, 2009). These ethnic groups have many difficulties interacting and getting along therefore causing tension among each other.
Researchers predict an ensuing war in Afghanistan if the troops are withdrawn due to ethnic differences and other social factors (Coll, 2009). Therefore, for the future of Afghanistan and by extension the well-being of the future coexistence with the Americans, the troops should offer more support and put a government in place.
Therefore, it is not only sufficient to note the importance of American troops in Afghanistan, but also their role on a global scale. Protecting the American interests is the factor that has been greatly considered while making the decision on whether to retain their troops or not (Coll, 2009). However, in the same endeavour, their watch over the Middle East through Afghanistan has greatly helped enhance security for all and even for the future generations to come. As many people feel, the American troops should stay in Afghanistan a little longer to assist and help maintain calm and bring the country back to the rule of law and normal governance (Coll, 2009).
Coll, Steve (2009). U.S. Interests and Policy Choices in Afghanistan. Web.
Commentary (2011). The Benefits of U.S. Troops in Afghanistan. Web.
Ebscohost (2013). Current Situation in the Afghan War. Web.
Menon, Rajan (2012). When America Leaves: Asia after the Afghan War. Web.
Usip (2013). Afghanistan: The Current Situation. Web.