The Meerkat Advertising Campaign


It is clear that marketing strategies are evolving alongside the development of technology and society. New trends in marketing differ significantly from conventional ones. Thus, meerkat advertising can be regarded as a new approach. It is necessary to note that the campaign fits the conventional objectives (informing, reminding, persuading). Thus, Alexandr names the website that provides specific services and the funny creature stresses that it is a good website as it can help people achieve particular goals (to find the best insurance options). Of course, when a person sees Alexandr and Sergei, he/she still recollects about the website which is now associated with the two brothers.

Main Body

The approach chosen is very different from conventional marketing strategies as it is difficult to trace the way how the advertisement actually sells things. Nonetheless, the meerkat advertising campaign sells the website as the creature repeats the name of the website several times and the visual representation of the website is provided. Alexandr also says that the website is very effective. His words work as a first-hand piece of advice or even a universally acknowledged fact. The advertisement creates an impression that the viewer gets a solution to a problem instead of being exposed to persuasion and cheating.

Admittedly, in spite of the obvious benefits of the approach, it also has certain hazards. Thus, if the advertising is too creative, there can be a risk that the ad (or created characters) can be more popular than the product itself (or even worse, people will not even associate the ad with the product). However, it depends on the way the message is delivered. In a meerkat advertising campaign, the character always refers to the website. This makes people associate the creature with the name of the website. More so, it is important to create merchandise where the name of the website is always present (a toy meerkat can hold a book entitled and so on).

As far as I am concerned, I believe that the primary function of advertising is to inform and make people interested rather than sell, as sales can be seen as a result of peoples preferences. Thus, the meerkat advertisement makes people aware of the website that provides certain services. People looking for the services mentioned in the advertisement are likely to use the website. Therefore, there is no need in persuading people that the website is the best in the world and they should use it exclusively. It is more important to inform people and let them do their own choices. This freedom (or rather illusion of freedom as there is still persuasion and the use of various marketing techniques) makes people want to use this or that product.

Finally, it is important to add that the new approach implies the use of secondary income streams. Buying a toy or a cup with Alexandrs face, a person will still think about the website from time to time. Clearly, the client should benefit from merchandising as the client provides the product and the client has all rights to use the product in many ways. Of course, license and copyright rules have to be present to make all details clear and avoid any misunderstanding.


In conclusion, it is possible to note that the meerkat advertising campaign has expanded the boundaries of marketing. New effective approaches come into play and it is clear that they fit the needs of contemporary society.

Personalized Digital Advertising and Its Benefits


With the development of IT technologies, Internet advertising has evolved, too. Such companies as Google and Facebook are constantly changing, adjusting to the new conditions so that their advertising platforms work. Today, digital advertising utilizes many techniques based on programs that detect, track, and analyze the actions and reactions of the users on the Web. Advertisers include the collected data about peoples feedback, as well as their data, in their further work and provide specific ads for people depending on their interests and preferences.

Such a way of retrieval of the information undermines the institution of privacy online. As Carole Cadwalladr, the author of the article Google, Democracy, and the Truth about Internet Search stated, people do not know how our personal data is being mined and used to influence us (491). The unawareness of the possible ways the personal data might be used online imposes a variety of ethical issues and privacy concerns that have to be resolved to eliminate its harmful effects.

How Personalized Digital Advertising Works

Internet technologies as a relatively recent phenomenon have occupied a significant place in modern peoples lives. It is impossible to imagine ones day in life without browsing the network, buying products, or just entertaining and communicating on social media. Such an active usage of websites and online platforms is a useful tool for marketing, advertising, and other spheres to influence people. Properly utilized data about users is capable of targeting them for selling goods and services.

Online activity of people, as well as their reactions to particular content, is included in such essential spheres as political elections, reforms, and others. By liking a post about a political leader on Facebook, a person obliviously sends a signal to some data-mining companies which analyze the information and use it to influence people (Cadwalladr 489-490). Similar to informational tracking, the methods of data collection are applied to advertising. It is not done occasionally but has already developed into a vast system of hundreds of different sites that are using all the same tricks (Cadwalladr 487).

Every time a user accesses social media, email, or a random purchasing website, he or she distributes information about themselves. Companies use software and cookies to track peoples shopping habits, record data, and sell what advertisers need (Lewis et al.192). Internet advertising, in turn, publishes ads based on the information collected. Such an approach has both positive and negative effects on peoples lives online and on humanity in general.

In the past, when purchasing habits or personal letters were possible to keep private, it was easy to preserve confidentiality. However, in the modern world, everything that happens online, from a persons location to the activity in Facebook or Twitter accounts, becomes public (Willis 71). Today, when the amount of information exceeds the demand, the personalized attitude in many spheres, including advertising, might be interpreted as a positive aspect. If a person has some preferences in products, it is comfortable to get new information about similar items or new ideas on the market without spending time on the search. However, as the tendency shows, privacy intrusion has its limits.

The ads content generated with a personalized attitude was appealing to people until it became viral. The pages of websites are overloaded with advertisements, most of which are personally addressed to a user based on his or her search history and likes. According to Tucker, privacy concerns may lead to reactance, such that consumers resist the ads appeal (546). Reactance becomes a behavioral pattern within which the targeted consumers begin to resist such an intrusive influence. Thus, a track-me attitude of people who do not specifically protect themselves online enforces users to be cautious about being transparent online and that it might be used against them (Willis 64-65). That is why peoples trust in online platforms diminishes when their confidentiality can be violated.

Another concern related to the issue of personal information used is the influence of third parties on a user. According to Cadwalladr, analyzing systems utilize Facebook likes, as well as Google search history, and introduce a user with specifically chosen information (493).

If it is possible to select necessary data for displaying, it is possible to influence a person with that information. Not being able to manage private data online, people do not control the search results they get. Such a tendency might lead to severe biases in the knowledge a person receives from such browsing and ultimately affect their views on specific events. Therefore, personalized digital data is a manifestation of a robust system of technological methods capable of ruling the thinking and behavioral patterns in many people, which is a violation of a human right of free choice.

The Implications for Resolution of the Issue

There exist several ways to improve the situation with the harmful usage of personal online data by third parties. As for social media, such platforms as Facebook and others adjust their privacy policies. They develop an interface for safety and privacy control where a user can identify the aspects of his or her profile that are going to be publicly displayed or preserved confidential (Tucker 547).

Such settings allow the users to establish control over their personal information and be aware of the data that might be used by third parties. It is also possible to delete cookies from the browser or install an application that blocks tracking (Willis 70). As for the informational websites and online shops, it is possible to indicate that a website does not utilize any data-mining technologies and does not violate the privacy issues of its users. This method might increase the level of trust toward a site and be beneficial for both a consumer and a marketer.

Moreover, a change towards privacy respect from social media platforms has positive effects on both advertising and peoples perception of personalized ads. According to the research conducted by Tucker, the reaction of Facebook users to the customized advertisement upon the introduction of the possibility to control the privacy settings on their profiles was more favorable (557). The profit of the ads did not decrease, which shows that for people it is essential to be aware of their ability to control the amount of information they display publicly.


In conclusion, the digital era presents its advantages and harms to humanity. The technological methods and programs enable marketers, advertisers, and other third parties to utilize the personal information of a user, as well as his or her behavior and preferences online, to influence people and profit. A personalized approach in digital advertising simplifies the searching routine and allows people to save time and be able to find the necessary goods and services without any effort. However, the viral tendency to intrude into the personal space leads to the consumers reactance and concern about other harmful ways the confidential data might be used.

The technology utilized in such type of advertising is capable of selecting particular information to be displayed for an Internet user and might lead to significant biases. To eliminate the harmful effects of privacy intrusion online, it is possible to establish platforms that do not utilize such technology or introduce control over public information on social media. However, such interventions and precautions do not guarantee complete safety online.

Works Cited

Cadwalladr, Carole. Google, Democracy, and the Truth about Internet Search. They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing, with Readings. 4th ed., edited by Gerald Graff, et al., 2014, W.W. Norton, pp. 480-499.

Lewis, Randall, et al. Measuring the Effects of Advertising: The Digital Frontier. Economic Analysis of the Digital Economy, edited by Avi Goldfarb et al., 2015, University of Chicago Press, pp. 191-218.

Tucker, Catherine E. Social Networks, Personalized Advertising, and Privacy Controls. Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 51, no. 5, 2014, pp. 546562.

Willis, Lauren E. Why Not Privacy by Default? Berkeley Technology Law Journal, vol. 29, no. 1, 2014, pp. 61-133.

Usage of Images in the Marketing Sector


Images have been used by different cultures, nations, and organizations as symbols that give them an identity. The symbols are usually unique emblems that distinguish a group from the other. These symbols may have different meanings to other groups but possess a significant identity to the users. The symbols are usually signs of prestige and dignity to the concerned groups, which make them to be so much cherished by them. The use of images has also been adapted in the marketing sector by companies and on products to signify their services. This has gone a long way in promoting the products of a certain company.

Visual Culture

Visual culture, according to Mirzoeff (1999, 32) is the reflection of what is actually seen by the observer and the picture that is created in the mind concerning the seen object. This is a general subject that deals with the appealing value of a certain object. Visual culture tends to describe the striking feature of a certain object or art. Several decisions and comments are always made when the eyes of the beholder looks at a certain object.

By looking at an object, the observer is able to draw some conclusions about it without even reading its contents. Visual expression has been a method used since time immemorial to create the first impact. When designing an object that will be accepted and appreciated by the public, it is important for the artist to make it in a way that it will attract an individual the first time they look at it.

Different cultures are represented by unique images and symbols that can be easily identified. This may be reflected by the different flags that are used to represent the different nations. These are unique emblems that can not be used by more than one culture. There is an immediate picture that is created in the mind of the observer when they behold a certain image. This usually reminds them of the history and identity of a certain form. By using such emblems it signifies the pride and appreciation that the user has towards the culture or form represented.

Taking an example of a national flag, we find that a flag tells us much about a certain nation. As simple as it may look, when observing the flag of a nation it reminds individuals of the many challenges that they may have gone through as a nation and how they are coping up with the situations. A national flag usually gives the citizens a sense of identity, it will keep reminding them that they are from some where and whatever they are, they are reminded to pledge their allegiance to the same. National flags are usually placed in administrative offices, learning institutions, and in public meetings, especially during national holidays. Mirzoeff (1999, 33)

The flags may have different meanings to different people; there are different kinds of pictures that are drawn in their minds when they see a certain flag Howells, (2003, 29-30). The flag of a country will remind an individual of both the positive and negative challenges and achievements that the country went through. It reminds them of the solidarity of the freedom fighters and what they had to go through to ensure the achievements that can be seen, it also reminds them to protect and defend their national heritage at all times.

A national flag may also bring out emotions in an individual; by looking at it, a person may be reminded of a sad moment in the nations history and be moved to tears. When a country is not doing well either economically or politically, an individual will be reminded of those current happenings, that may create a sense of hopelessness in him, likewise, when there is something positive that is happening in the nation, by looking at the flag. The citizen of the nation will feel proud, which will in turn brighten and motivate them.

National flags do not only have impacts on the citizens of a country, but there is also an image that may be created in the images of foreigners about a certain nation. When people look at the flag of America, they think of a superpower, a nation that has the potentials of succeeding in all aspects Barnard (2001, 21-24). However, with the recent challenges that have been facing the nation, the people look at the flag, and they are reminded of the earlier leaders that worked extra hard to maintain the countries international recognition. It makes them feel let down by the recent leadership that has failed in maintaining the nations supremacy.

When an individual currently sees the flag of Zimbabwe, they are reminded of the current crises that are facing the country, someone will either be moved with compassion towards the innocent citizens that have to suffer due to the poor leadership, or they will be moved with anger towards its poor leaders that are not ready to resign.

From such examples, we come to realize how significant a visual emblem is to the onlookers. It forms a source of inspiration and flashback that may be beyond a thousand words. Through an image, many pictures and memories are drawn in the mind of the onlooker. It provides a source of identity that cannot be matched by any other form, its uniqueness and connection to a certain kind of heritage gives it a significant importance that will not only be cherished by the owners but also the onlookers. This is the reason why many cultures, religions, nations, and other group organizations pose a figure that makes them be recognized by the onlookers without having to verbally explain themselves.

Visual images have been for a long time been used as a source of identity and recognition, the same has been transformed into the marketing sector, where it has been considered as the best method of sales promotion. The marketers considered the impact that has been created by the different nations, cultures, and religions in giving them a source of identity and thought that if the same is utilized in business, it will have a similar impact.

Many companies have since invented emblems and logos that give them a source of identity and pride. The same impact that is created in the minds of the observers when they see a certain flag is the same that will be created in the minds of the customers that see a logo of a certain company. Apart from the logos and general emblems of the company, different products also have different trademarks for their goods.

These trademarks signify a certain product and distinguish it from the other similar products. To protect on their multiple use by other unauthorized companies, the trademarks are usually registered. There are some specific companies that have gained international recognition due to the high quality products that they have continuously produced. When the observers look at trademarks or logos, and quality is displayed in their minds concerning a product, such products will not have to struggle to gain identity in the market.

Even the users that are new to the products will easily buy them due to the testimonies they have heard about them from other users. An example of a product that has gained international recognition due to its quality products is the Coca-Cola brand. Coca-Cola does not only represent a brand name of a soft drink, but it is also the name of the company that manufactures the product.

This brand name has come to be recognized as the leading in the production of quality drinks, the drinks that therefore come with such a brand name will receive a lot of support from the consumers Howells (2003, 30-31). If such a company therefore decides to launch a new product into the market, it may not need to employ such extensive means to advertise it. The mere mentioning that it is a product of Coca-Cola will guarantee its acceptance. The company has been recognized for the unique images that they use to make their promotions. They have not only been interesting, but they have made many consumers of the product want to be associated with it.

It has become a sign of prestige that has even attracted the attention of other small scale business men. It has been common to see other products that are not necessarily from the company, bearing the brand name. The small scale industries that are benefiting from such recognition include the cloth industries. They have designed tee shirts, caps, and other clothes with such a design simply because they want to benefit from such sales.

Such products may not necessarily sell because of their quality but simply because of the symbol they have. Some consumers may not have the time to go through the details of the product; they simply lookout for the product brand. When they see a product that bears a brand, they trust, they will immediately go for it. Such will only happen for those products and brands that have been in the market for a long time.

For the brands that are absolutely new in the market, they require a technical advertising mechanism for them to receive a substantial recognition. The combination of images and the text therein should be able to communicate the intended message effectively and efficiently.

A product may fail to attract the potential customers not because of its quality but the means and measures that are used to advertise it. For a new product to gain the needed attention, it should be displayed in a way that will create a positive first impression. A customer will be attracted to consider the other details of the product after they have been satisfied by their look. It is generally assumed that the outward display of a product or service reflects on its content. It is therefore important for the marketers to strive at creating that first impression when displaying their goods and services. Several measures have to be taken before designing a marketing image.

The very first thing that an individual needs to understand the intensity that a given product or service needs to reach. The efforts and expenses applied in a certain advert will determine how far the product will reach. If the brand is meant to reach the international community, then it is necessary for the display measures to be in accordance with the international requirements. The same applies for the regional and national brands. Once this has been identified, it is easier to choose the kind of image that will suit the identified area.

The second thing to be considered is the kind of identity that the mention product desires to display. Culture adds test to a product and makes the concerned individuals to be identified with it. For example St. Johns ambulance service is a voluntary health care organization that assists patients with urgent needs. Looking at such a brand name, the picture that will be drawn into the observers mind is that due to its name, St Johns, it has a Christian background.

The person reading such a brand will not have to be explained about its history Chaplin (1994, 33-38). The brand name, as short as it looks, explains a lot about the kind of services that are provided. Such a brand name will gain a lot of attention from the Christian community due to the fact that it has a brand that they can easily identify with. Such a brand name will however not be of significance to other communities like Muslims and Hindus; the only thing that may attract them to such services is their testimony and not the brand name. This is because; the brand name is of Christian nature, an identity that is of no significance to them. This example signifies the importance of giving a product a cultural identity.

Next, the advertiser needs to understand that not every of the potential customer will be able to comprehend the writings of the product. It may also be displayed in a way that the potential customers dont have the time to concentrate on the readings. It is therefore important to identify an image that will communicate the required message without necessarily looking at the details. An example of such an image is the picture of a red cross.

A cross, to many, represents sacrifice for humanity; this is because of its history that associates the death and crucifixion of Jesus to save mankind. This is the reason why the sign will be used to communicate to the public about the humanity services that are being offered by a certain organization. The Red Cross will be used to direct people to health care services such as hospitals, clinics, ambulances and so forth.

When somebody is in urgent need of health care, they may not have the time to read the name of the hospital or ambulance, the sign of the Red Cross will be sufficient to tell them that they can access the needed help from that particular place. It is therefore important to look for a symbol that will quickly communicate the message without the observer having to read through the details. Such images may become of important significance, especially with the services that are to be provided for twenty four hours. At night, some names may not be clear to read or comprehend; an image will act as the fastest means through which a message can be communicated.

Another good example of such an image that is used to communicate urgent information is that of a skull with two bones in the form of an X. Such an image reminds the passers by to take caution because the place they are may not be safe for them. With such a sign, the advertiser will not need even to right the details of the danger that is being cautioned about. This is because, the message is of an urgent nature and giving the individual time to read it may make him succumb to it before they finish reading Mirzoeff (1999, 34-35). Such a sign requires a person to look at it only once and take the required action. It is therefore clear from the two examples that an advertising image should be chosen according to the urgency and the required response that it needs.

Flowers are used to signify beauty, and therefore any piece of advertisement that comes with flowers will create such a picture in the mind of the client. Different flowers may also mean different occasions; it is therefore important to consider such depending on the clients that are being targeted. The use of sounds has also been a marketing method that has recently been used to attract customers. This has been commonly used in the media and communication industry for identification by the industries.

The Nokia and Motorola phones can be identified by their unique tones. It is therefore easy to know the kind of a phone that a person is using by simply listening to its tone when they receive calls. Media channels like televisions and radios also have distinct tunes that can be identified by their listeners who may not be in a position to view them. Such sounds give the companies a sense of identity and recognition.

Advertising media

After considering the above factors, it is important for the advertisers to know that it is not only about the best designs that are chosen for the product that will make it be recognized by the prospective clients. The choice of the advertising media will go along way in determining the extent the message will go and whether it will serve the intended purpose or not. In choosing an advertising media, one should consider the kind of clients that they are targeting, their geographical locations, among others.

This will assist the marketer to choose a media that he knows will be accessible to them. If the product or service is meant to reach the international community, the advertiser may require a substantial amount of resources so as to accommodate the different international cultures. They also need to be careful to use objects and images that will be acceptable by such communities.

There are several advertising Medias that one can choose from, and they include: newspapers, magazines, books, posters, leaflets, stickers, billboards, neon boards, radio, television, internet, mobile phones, and tee shirts, among others. Each and every media has its own strengths and shortcomings; it is therefore vital for the advertiser to consider such factors for them to make the best choice Robins (1996, 20-25).

There is, however no limitation to the number of media that one desires to use, all this depends on how effective the advertiser thinks they will be and the amount of resources they are willing to invest towards the same. It is important for the advertiser to employ some sense of knowledge and wisdom to balance between the resources invested in the advertisement and the prospective impact it will have.

It will therefore not be practical for an advertiser that desires to reach a certain small targeted group to use television to advertise the product. For example, if an advertiser wants to advertise the services of a local health care facility, it will be unpractical for then to place posters in the areas that are not within the locality of the health care center. This is because the person in need may not travel all the way to such a place when there are many such facilities in their area. It will only work if the center offers unique services that may not be available in other areas. Such a means may only make the advertiser spent much and realize little. When an advertiser identifies the potential group that they are targeting, he needs to maximize the available Medias for maximum marketing.


The internet has been recently been the preferred advertising media that can be used to market almost all products both nationally and internationally. This is because of its availability and flexibility. With millions and millions of people accessing the internet every day, it has provided the best opportunities to reach such individuals. Internet advertising can be done either through emails or websites.

Email advertising has proved to be effective as it ensures that the messages reach the selected individuals. Mails are most appropriate for use when the advertiser desires to communicate some changes or the availability of certain services to the prospective individuals. It is mostly used by the advertiser to reach a group of people that he or she is familiar with Mirzoeff (1999, 32-33). There is however a method that has been adopted by some websites, where they randomly select email addresses from a certain server to market their services and products. This is usually in the form of an email subject that will be sure to raise the curiosity of the readers who will be directed to such a website.

There are different kinds of websites that may belong to certain organizations or those that are solely for commercial purposes. Both websites may be used for advertisements as long as a deal has been agreed by the owners.

With the many websites available, the advertiser needs to select one that is sure to reach appropriate customers Rose (2001, 38-41). For example, when an advertiser desires to communicate the availability of new medicine in the market, he will need to select a health website. This is because of the fact that the people that will frequently visit such a website are in need of health care, and the advertisement may just be timely for them. This also applies to other products, if they are marketed in a website that is not appropriate, a wrong audience may be targeted and thus rendering it ineffective.

Neon boards

Neon boards are white luminescent boards that enable the users to leave their messages that are usually written in bright colors. These messages are usually illuminated by fluorescent lights located at the edges. Such boards are appropriate for displaying products, especially when it is dark. The colors used for writing on these boards are erasable, which makes them even more flexible to use. Neon boards allow the use of bright colors and can be the main attraction, especially for customers that are moving at night. Neon boards can be designed in any form as the advertiser pleases, and can also be changed regularly Barnard (2001, 21-24).

The attractive colors used to display the message on the neon boards makes them irresistible by the eyes and thus making them to be read by most people that may be passing by. Neon boards are usually placed at busy places like bus stages, road junctions, and other public places. Although they are slightly costly, they may reach a large number of customers within a short time.

Radio and television

Radio and television are media that have been used for quite a long time by the marketers to promote their products. This has been mainly because of their wide use. Each and every household owns a television or a radio and therefore giving the marketers a guarantee of their commercials reaching a substantial number of customers. Commercials are usually aired during news and movie breaks and thus giving them the ability to be heard by people whose concentration is high Howells, (2003, 29-30). Frequent airing of products on using such channels makes the products familiar by the people which may raise curiosity within them to try out. When the product is found to be of quality, the company is sure of having loyal customers that may also encourage their friends to use a similar product.


Newspapers are daily copies that are sold to the public to inform them of the current happenings within their surroundings. They are commonly used for advertising products that are mostly in need of a detailed explanation. Being a written means of communication, they will not only include detailed information of the product, but they can always be referred to for clarifications. Unlike other forms of advertising, newspapers are flexible and can be read in any comfortable position and thus making the advertised products to be read with ease. They are also sold on a daily basis, and thus, when the products are frequently advertised, the customers become familiar with them, which raise the curiosity to try them out.

Books and magazines

Books and magazines are the best advertising Medias that can be used to target specific customers. There are different books and magazines, all written with the aim of reaching certain targeted consumers. The advertisers can therefore use such an opportunity to advertise products of such kind of groups in appropriate magazines and books. The advantage of a magazine over a newspaper is that the magazines are usually printed on a high quality paper that can be printed in many colors. This will make the advertisements to come in a more colorful and attractive way and thus making them eye catching. Magazines can also be referred to in case of need; they also have a longer life that can facilitate sharing among many individuals.

These are just some of the most preferred forms of advertising that are sure to bring results. Correct research should always be done by the marketer before choosing a media of advertising Robins (1996, 20-25). The design of the advertisement should be done by an expert to ensure that it displays all the required details in the shortest form possible. Advertising should never be a temporal exercise; it should be done regularly even if the product seems to have taken ground in the market. There are many more products in the market, and if the consumers are not regularly reminded of the product, they may doubt its quality and resolve to another one.


From the above analysis, we come to realize that it takes much more than just manufacturing a product and placing it in shops for selling. It requires the marketers to employ extensive forms of sales promotion which starts from the way the product is branded to how it is generally displayed. This is the vital things that will either attract customers or shy them away from the product. When the foundational methods of such advertising are done effectively, then the product will not stay in the market for long without gaining recognition.


Barnard, M 2001, Approaches to understanding visual culture, Palgrave, pp 21-24.

Chaplin, E 1994, Sociology and visual representation, Routledge, pp 33-38.

Howells, R 2003, Visual Culture Blackwell Publishers, pp 29-31.

Mirzoeff, N 1999, An introduction to visual culture, Routledge, pp 32-35.

Robins, K 1996 Into the image, culture and politics in the field of vision, Routledge, pp 20-25.

Rose, G 2001, Visual methodologies: an introduction to the interpretation of visual materials Sage, pp 38-41.

Changing Advertising with Wireless Technologies


Advertising has had its fair share of evolution ever since its birth. With changing communication technologies, marketers induce new mediums in advertising. Advertising jumped from print to TV and now the internet. Now, communication technology is bombarded with new and latest wireless accessibility facilities and advertising is not to lag behind! We see advertising now as we have never seen it before. As much as TV remains the prime medium of advertising as to date, the dawn of DVRs, wireless access and mobile devices, social networks, and mobile phones have changed the shape and form of advertising to a great extent. Although DVR tends to threaten the way advertising was traditionally done, new technologies have provided endless opportunities for marketers. Advertising requires fastest and the most accurate accessibility to the targeted customers, and these latest communication technology wonders provide just that.

Advertising and DVRs

Digital Video Recorders brought about a threat to the conventional modes of TV advertising that put concern upon marketers. DVRs gave the users a chance to altogether skip the advertisements fairly easily. According to a Forrester Research survey, over 30 million homes possess DVRs in 2009. Due to this TV commercials are being reduced to 20% in the coming 5 years (Locklear, 2004).

Now this change has brought about two different impacts onto the world of advertising. Firstly, markets are now working with DVRs manufactures to get information on viewer demographics and interests to induce better targeted advertising in future. In addition, marketers are pushing for wider screens of DVR so as to get additional opportunities for advertising. more interactive ads are being developed to display through the DVR remote (Otlacan, 2009). Secondly, a move from TV advertising is also leading to a boom in Internet advertising revenues. Seventy-five percent of advertisers have increased spending on Internet advertising, a report said (Locklear, 2004).

Advertising and Wireless Accessibility

Currently the hottest spot in the advertising world is in the Wireless advertising zone, where the advancements in the wireless technology have brought about a revolutionary change in the use of mobile devices and a new form of advertising.

Wireless advertising is the use of wireless networks to send advertisements to mobile devices, let it be for the purpose of creating brand awareness, increasing sales or promoting a new product. Wireless advertising is a new medium and channel of advertising where marketing is done through mobile phones, PDA, and pocket PCs. Why have wireless networks become so popular recently? Three are three reasons for this that put them far above the conventional mediums of advertising (Yunos, 2007).

  • Firstly, they offer accessibility. Wireless devices are handy and are carried everywhere. When adverts are sent through such mobile devices, they reach the customers promptly and provide accuracy in supply of the information directed by the marketers for the customers.
  • Secondly, they are personal. The individual identity of a customer can be easily tracked down. This not only helps in advertising but also in marketing research. TV was nowhere near this close to the target audiences!
  • And thirdly, advertisers and marketers can easily track the target audiences whereabouts whenever they have the device turned on (Yunos, 2007).

The customers too of the current age are fast and want awareness. Wireless networks allow the advertisers to provide easy access to awareness regarding various product lines through these networks. So we can say wireless networks cater to a perfect match between the advertisements and the customers. Therefore we can say through wireless accessibility, advertising is more targeted and individualized. This was never before in the time of TV monopoly in advertising. Through wireless accessibility, target customers can search products, inquire, order and make purchase from anywhere in the world. Other than easy access to the vast target audience, for advertisers, wireless technology offers standard and extremely cost effective means of advertising (Yunos, 2007).

Advertisers use three common modes of advertising via wireless networks: I-mode, SMS, and WAP, each of which requires different mobile devices and accessibility requirements.


WAP stands for Wireless Application Protocol is a tool in mobile devices that allows users to access information from anywhere in the world instantly. WAP makes the internet wirelessly connectible. It translates the WML/HDML language of mobiles to HTML/HTTP language of internet, allowing the users to send their requests and interact on the internet through web servers (Yunos, 2007).


The common use of mobile devices is sending SMS which stands for Short Messaging Service. It is a distinct digital feature in mobile devices which allows the users to create, send and receive messages containing letters or numbers to and from other mobile devices or email addresses. This is done based on SMS messaging gateways through the internet. SMS is popular because it is fast, reliable, silent, and it requires minimum effort and it delivers precisely what is required in situations where loud communication is a problem. For marketers sending ads through SMS is the latest trend. SMS has a fewer rate of ignorance and people do give them due importance. Advertisers are making the best out of this feature (Yunos, 2007).


Thirdly, I-mode, which was primarily invented in Japan, allows the mobile device users to access internet and web through their mobile devices. They can browse the web, check, send and receive emails through their mobile devices through i-mode. It was invented in 2000, and so far it has over 10 million users worldwide. It also uses C-HTML language and links wireless devices to the World Wide Web through protocol (Yunos, 2007).


Other than these wireless devices also include PDA, Personal Digital Assistant, where users can store and cache content. It is simple and is becoming very popular. It synchronizes internet content unto the device. Because of this, wireless advertisers create downloadable ads to get into the devices. These ads are either discount offers or new product awareness campaigns where samples or discount coupons are being offered (Yunos, 2007).

Web Clipping

Web clipping is actually a support program of PDAs. It lets the users access updated content through the mobile devices or wireless modems. It brings the web content to the palms of the users. The web content from the web pages gets customized to the tiny screens of the PDA, where are easily readable and accessible and closer to the readers, thus more benefits for the advertisers (Yunos, 2007).

We just examined the endless and ever growing opportunities for advertisers through wireless advertising. When we talk about online advertising, we can not ignore the growing strength of the online social networks, and we can also not overlook how they are now benefiting the advertising world.

Advertising and Social Networks

Social networks have brought the latest trend in online advertising. Peer-to-peer advertising is another name for social network advertising. What is social network? If you have heard of Facebook or Twitter, you may have already witnessed then wonder of peer to peer advertising even without noticing.

Famous social networking websites include The Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, Tagged, Hi5 and a lot more. These websites contain the normal ads bar you see on the sides of these websites, like other websites, usually these are the ads placed by Google or Yahoo. This is one way these websites benefit the advertisers (Mccolum, 2009). Other than that, the increasing popularity of the ads on these sites is through the widespread and immense use of applications on the profiles of the users, sending and receiving gifts to each others profiles, sending invitations to various games, links to brands and etc (Chatterjee, 2009). Where users are busy in branding their profiles, they are continuously engaged in being exploited with advertising. Advertisers through these websites have narrowed down the whole process to come to the needs of the youth in a more personal way. Customizing avatars which is a feature offered by all of these social networking sites is also a form of web advertising and the marketers are benefiting each day through this exciting feature. According to a research, one in every five online ad is featured on the social networking websites. MySpace is the online advertisement leader with 9.2% of all online ads. Second come Facebook who has the share of 8.2%.,, and share about 3.7% of online ads served and other websites with less popularity have about 0.1% of the online ads (Chatterjee, 2009).

Advertising and Mobile Phones

It is said that where internet is being exploited currently with online advertising, little light has been shed upon using mobile phones for advertising though they are thought to be the next big thing.

In London a research conducted by the Online Publishers Association showed that more and more people are using mobile Internet is on the rise, and are displaying acceptance of mobile advertisements. Another research in the United States showed that about 76% of the cell phone users have web access through their phones and around 34% use this service as to date. Other researches have shown that 14 percent access the web for news and information (Pfanner, 2007).

So, what does this show us? They show an increasing trend towards mobile internet users, although the numbers currently are low. How can we say that? It is a fact that, all over the world, people own more cell phones now than personal computers.

According to Bob Greenbag, who is the chief executive of R/GA an advertising agency in New York, mobile phones should be on the top most priority for the advertisers, why? Because they are with the customers at all times! So what is a better way to reach them? But despite this fact, TV still remains the foremost prioritized medium for advertising and mobile is out on the third screen (Pfanner, 2007).

In Japan, increasing amount of advertising is being done through mobile phones where they send text messages and ask for responses from customers, either in the form of getting samples, coupons or entering contests.

On the other hand, several companies enter into joint contracts with telecommunication companies to send promotional messages through SMS to mobile users. Telecommunication companies themselves make the users aware of new product campaigns through text messages.

A latest trend is towards voting through SMS lead by several reality shows on TV such as American Idol, where many countries al over the world have followed suit. The responses they get not only help them gain revenue through each SMS they receive but also help them in determining their popularity and viewership (Kaketsis, 2007).

As much as mobile phones hold the potential for effective and targeted advertising, they are not as much exploited as they should be currently. For this reason, Nokia has embedded new services in the phones to hamper mobile advertising. One of these features enables the digital advertising specialists to create campaigns for cellphone-based media applications like music players and navigation systems which are more individualized features. This would allow the advertisers to reach directly their targeted customers. The other is related with web applications with the similar notion.


Advertising can never be stopped. One may squeeze it one way but it sprouts out enormously in another way because marketers are always looking for more and more ways of reaching target customers more effectively. Where DVRs tried to reduce the influence of advertisements, by giving the customers power to ignore ads, advertising sprung up via online means and also through wireless accessibility. The users of PDAs, SMSs, I-modes, etc are now being targeted by advertisers at an increasing rate. The newest trend is towards social networking advertising, where the youth is busy bedazzling their profiles with advertisers campaigns that are now moving towards more individualized advertising. However, when we talk about individualized marketing, the most effective medium has to be mobile phones. Although they are thought to be most effective medium, they are the least used one. But in future, with the increasing trends pointing towards their dependency for advertising, we can say that mobile phones are the next big thing in terms of individualized advertising for targeted customers, as they first and foremost provide the most reachable access to the customers. Why? Because every customer has it in their hand or pocket, just waiting to be touched by ads!


Chatterjee, P., (2009). Peer to Peer Advertising Through Social Networking Websites. Web.

Kaketsis, M., (2007). Mobile phone advertising: the next big thing. Web.

Locklear, F., (2004). DVRs poised to change advertising culture. ARS Technica.

Mccolum, J., (2009). 20% of Online Advertising is on Social Networks. Web.

Pfanner, E., (2007). Mobile phones are new frontier in advertising.

Otlacan, O. (2009). Advertising in the DVR Age.

Yunos, H., (2007). Wirelesss Advertising. Web.

Hall Pass: Analysis of Advertisements

The US Grant Exquisite Weddings Autumn-Winter 2009

The advertisement that appeared in the Exquisite Weddings Magazine promoted a chain of luxury hotels. The ad only contained a picture of a hall in the hotel along with the name of the chain and contact information. The main creativity element of the ad is in emphasizing the luxury level of the hotel. The use of a golden color palette emphasized the expensiveness of the promoted product, with a minimalist approach in the textual information contained in the advertisement. The text used a white font with a blue background which contrasted against the main picture used in the advertisement. Other than the name of the hotel and the contact information, no emphasis was placed on the product, except for the picture.

The target audience of the advertisement can be seen through the direction and the theme of the magazine  weddings. Thus, the target audience is mainly women brides, planning their wedding. The main strategy is minimalistic. The picture shows a wedding hall which is the main selling idea, and which aim is to deliver the level of luxury to consumers. The creative strategy statement is emphasizing that luxury speaks for itself. Consumers draw their own conclusion in this case (Belch & Belch, 2009, p. 193), whether such level of luxury is what they want or not. The strategy is successful, where all the intended objectives and the message are conveyed in one picture, and thus, any other words will be redundant in this case.

The USA Grant

Ad for the Movie Hall Pass, a banner on Yahoo! Sports

The ad consists of two spots on the main webpage of Yahoo! Sports. One rectangular oblong banner is located at the top of the page, where the banner is animated with a sequence of the films tag line and the main performers. The other banner is of a square shape featuring the main picture from the films poster, the title of the film, and the date of the premiere. Both banners feature the same background color and font, which were used in all promotional materials used for the film, and accordingly, both banners lead to a website dedicated to the film.

The main aim of the ad is to increase the awareness of the film. The main selling points are the main leading stars, which order on the screen outlines their celebrity status and the ability to sell the film; Owen Wilson is on the forefront of the banner. Another selling point is the credentials of the directors, which in this case is making the highly successful film Theres something about May. Thus, those main selling points of the film are successful in attracting those who are either familiar with the works of Owen Wilson, Theres something about Mary, or both. The role of the principal star, in that regard, is the highest factor influencing the choice of the movie (Kerrigan, 2009, p. 83). The strategy used in the banner is in attracting the attention of the reader, capturing attention when scanning the webpage. In that regard, the blue background works well as a contrast to the webpage, while animation attracts the attention of the viewer.

The banner

Hip Hop Abs Workout Infomercial

Would you like to get flat, firm, sexy abs, without ever getting on the floor for painful sit-ups, boring crunches, or gimmicky ab machine?

Well, now you can with ShaunTs Hi Hop Abs.

The infomercial advertises DVDs of a workout program by the fitness trainer Shaun T. The infomercial is structured around promoting the main selling point of the product Hip Hop. Such selling points can be seen through the use of music during the infomercial, the use of the font, the dance routines, and others.

The infomercial is successful in promoting the main selling point of the product through showing contrasts. Such contrasts can be seen through providing black and white pictures of people exercising user traditional styles, picturing them as boring and useless. The latter is shown to contrast the images of joy and pleasure gained through exercising using Hip Hop Abs. The main tag line of the product can be stated as exercise can be also fun. The emphasis of such tag line can be seen through the use of music, the reactions of the participants, who identify themselves with the hip-hop culture. The strategy can be seen twofold, where on the one hand, it cannot be perceived as creative, as the main template for infomercials is the same: condemning conventional or traditional representations of a product or service, showing the innovative representation of a product or a service, providing testimonials, and bonus offers for calling immediately. Such strategy target impulse buying(Agee, 2001), and despite being repeated, such approach was proved successful, where studies indicated that infomercials are watched and sell products (Belch & Belch, 2009, p. 471).

The Philadelphia Inquirer 25 Feb. Issue. Page A17 DNB First

The advertisement promotes the online banking services of DNB First Banking. The ad is reflected through a black and white picture and two layers of text, combined with the logo of the bank. The picture shows a couple using a laptop. The main creative strategy in the ad is appealing to consumers rationality and emotions, providing an innovative feature. The main elements of the ad can be seen through the message conveyed in the picture and the differentiation of the size of the fonts, each bearing a different significance.

The ad promotes a service whose main selling point is an innovative service. The strategy used can be seen successful as it both targets the rational and the emotional appeal of the customer (Belch & Belch, 2009, p. 287). The rational appeal is targeted by listing the features and the benefits the customer will receive. The emotional appeal, on the other hand, is conveyed through the text  make a smart choice, appealing to the need of the customer to feel that he/she is making the right decision. Additionally, the picture itself carries emotional weight, showing a picture of a family and the potential benefits they will receive from using the service. The use of the words relationship, as the connection between the customer and the bank, plays a role in making an emotional bond, similar to the one shown in the picture.

An emotional bond, shown in the picture

Laura Torrado Dental Services

The direct mail catalog promoted dental services. The main creative strategy was through emphasizing the selling point of the service through images and fonts. All the pictures in the catalogs were focused on showing images of perfect smiles. The emphasis on the smile can be also seen through the way the color of the font in the word smile contrasted against other words in the text. The use of the color blue as the background provided a comfortable background for the contrasting whiteness of the font.

The tag line of the ad appealed to the emotions of the customer, emphasizing their trust. In that regard, the use of such words as care and trust was successful in outlining the importance of the service to the consumer. Accordingly, the inclusion of the address and a picture of the location of the clinic were successful factors in addressing a target audience with higher levels of income. The benefits of direct mail catalogues is in their ability to target specific audience, and in that regard, the brochure emphasized the high level of the service through its location.

The care expertise setting


Agee, T. M. (2001). Planned or Impulse Purchases? How to Create Effective Infomercials. Journal of Advertising Research, 41(6), 35-42.

Belch, G. E., & Belch, M. A. (2009). Advertising and promotion: an integrated marketing communications perspective (8th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Kerrigan, F. (2009). Film Marketing: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann.

Documentary on Children and Advertising: Making a Persuasive Case

Consuming kids: The commercialization of childhood is a documentary that focuses on the tremendous growth of child marketing which has thrived in an unregulated industry. The documentary addresses topics in a wide range scope such as edutainment for toddlers and babies, commercialization in schools and increased market research. It relies on industry insiders, health care professionals, advocates for children, news media clips and advertising to expose the controversies in the industry. Although the documentary recognizes the impact of child marketing on growth in terms of annual spending of about $700b, it is against wholesale commercialization of childhood through exposing the effects of the same on the well being and health of children.

The film has tried to attain a substantial degree of persuasion although the specific goal of the film is not clearly stipulated (Lannon, p. 123). The film succeeds in connecting with the audience on the basis of relationships by addressing them as parents and society and rationally providing information that allows the audience to engage in thought. Additionally, the evidence provided is broad and adequate enough to persuade. In addition, the film recognizes the constraints to its achievement by addressing the various constraints involved. For example, the organizational constraints of the media revealed through the reduction of the authority of the Federal Trade Commission, political constraints originating from the deregulation of the industry, legal constraints and ethical constraints.

The documentary Consuming kids generally addresses parents and school administrators. The political realities addressed refer to the influence of rich industry owners on the decisions of the government. This is addressed through the decision of the Congress to lower the power of Federal Trade commission and indeed deregulate the industry thus giving more power to the industry players (Media Education Foundation). The political realities are exposed through blaming the government for the problem yet it is supposed to be the solution. Ronald Regan, a player in the industry for example dismisses the authority of Congress on the basis of bureaucracy and praises the media for professionalism.

The film connects with its audience through relationally and rationally addressing them as parents and the manner in which the argument is presented stimulates thoughts of the audience. However, the film excludes the children from the play and does not include more supporters of the child marketing (Pugh, p. 165). Replaying the film on a personal basis, I would include the kids more so as to have their opinions and points of view which would be considered and then have the insights of the experts based on these opinions. In addition, I would include the supporters of child marketing so as to provide opportunities to challenge their opinions and have the audience get their points of view.

The authors of this film have to overcome the constraints of showing the relation between child marketing and its effects on children. They have to do this by providing broad-based evidence that shows a causation and reaction effect. In addition, the authors have to overcome the constraints of technological advancement and modernization and provide recommendations. The film is likely to meet resistance from the children due to their exclusion and this is not adequately handled since children have a personal responsibility for their lives despite having other people watch over them. The film is also likely to face resistance from the Congress because of the political realities revealed and the positive contributions of the industry to the economy. Additionally, the industry players are likely to resist it since it would mean reduced business for them.

The beginning of the film reveals its thesis from the title. The thesis is the effect of childhood commercialization on consuming children. At the beginning of the film, a different point of view is presented through the recognition that since the journey of consumerism for children begins at infancy, they have the right to be considered as consumers at that age (Media Education Foundation). This means that as consumers they are subject to the mechanisms in the market. The film focuses on reasons that support the fact that childhood commercialization has the effects of consuming kids. The reasons provided include the purchasing influence of children who determine major purchasing decisions, the nagging behavior and manipulation of parents, the deregulation of the industry, lack of media literacy curricula to help children, edutainment and the reliance on experts in advertising to erode the innocence of childhood and the effects of child marketing on the well-being and health of children (Pugh, p. 166).

The focus of information is important with much emphasis on the deregulation of the industry as the cause of the problem while the other reasons are given equal weight. The conclusion of the film focuses more on the effects of the child marketing on the children. The authors provide a definitive action for the audience which entails taking responsibility for their children. However, this proves more of a challenge in a deregulated industry and the solution would be advocacy for increased regulation and increased research on the same. The film clearly presents the consequences of inaction mainly in negative effects on the health of children such as diabetes, obesity and general inactivity.

Works Cited

  1. Lannon, John. Technical Communication. New York: Pearson Longman, 2008.
  2. Media Education Foundation. Consuming Kids: The commercialization of Childhood. [Online].
  3. Pugh, Allison. Media Education Foundation. Consuming Kids: The commercialization of childhood. Journal of Consumer Culture 10.1 (2010): 164-166.

A Surreal Downtown Scene. Analysing the Case

The graphic advertisement by Blair Bradshaw

This graphic advertisement by Blair Bradshaw, an already famous, though reasonably new, artist at the time of this work, absolutely shows us the eclectic nature of his work. This graphic was part of the Absolut Vodka campaign and is one of the most collectable in that campaign(Anonymous). The various elements of this graphic are absolutely riven with innuendo and yet, they hint that maybe this is the artists dreamscape of a perfect city street.

The picture seems to be Times Square New York City combined with downtown San Francisco very early in the morning as the blue goes from light to dark from bottom to top. It probably represents Market Street looking at the Ferry Building, but the building seems to be combined with the New York Flatiron Building. The artist has taken some interesting liberties with perspective and light in this surreal image. The background sky is light blue as in early morning or evening, but the surface streets are dark, Another distortion of light is the pictures that make up the walls of the buildings. They glow brightly while the street below is dark. The various works of art seem to also hang like on curtains or be on suspended surfaces at different levels just floating in space.

With the brighter pictures of famous works of art lining both sides of this downtown street and the Ferry/ Times Square Building, the artist is making a very subtle joke, since this is the financial district in San Francisco and the heart of entertainment in New York. Billions of dollars flow through these buildings and the artist has adorned them with billions of dollars worth of fine art. Bradshaw has brought the two city elements together in this picture and covered them with the best of the best fine art.

The exaggerated perspective leads the eye to the Mona Lisa on the front of the Ferry Building. In fact, the way the painting and building parts are arranged appears that the Mona Lisa is standing at the end of the street looking at us. A large pole in the center stretches wired arms out to either side to supply power to the streetcar tracks in the road. The colors in this scene cover the entire range with a predominance of white, yellow, red and orange, yet nothing clashes. It is as if the artists had all agreed that their paintings would all look good together. They appear to be muted at first glance, but in looking at the paintings individually we can see that each one appears to represent its true color.

The two sides of the street appear to split at the end building into two streets curving away from the center, and the city seems to go on forever. Various artists from the Dutch masters to modern pop artists are included. The largest painting is a Degas of a single dancer tying her toe shoe. It dominates the right. Two of Andy Warhols fill much of the left side. In looking at Bradshaws imagined display of some of the worlds most marvelous artworks it is a compelling dream to live in this city, Galleries generally separate works of art into categories of genre, time and school. It is, perhaps, from an underlying fear that the works might clash, Bradshaw has shown us that this is just not so, Being able to see all these wonderful paintings all in the same place and be able to actually see them all at once right next to each other would be an uplifting experience. This graphic by Bradshaw is very desirable, and it is the first I remember ever seeing that treated the premier works of art of the world in such a manner. It is a statement which almost cannot be expressed in words. It certainly says more than we can say about it.

Bradshaw created this work for Absolut Vodka, and it is possibly the best thing he has done to date. It speaks directly to the target audience beneath the surface at a highly emotional subliminal level. The art works which characterized this innovative advertising campaign for Absolut Vodka,(Anonymous) and changed it from a weak startup to a leader in the field, were visually captivating and simple direct compelling invitations to become one of the elite drinkers of Absolut Vodka. It communicated a whole life style in each single image, using what the industry termed visual puns(Forceville 1998).

So what is the pun here? Perhaps it is that in an Absolut world, one controlled by the target audience, big business would be replaced by art. It might even point to the replacement of functionality in the reality of buildings to aesthetic in the masterpieces displayed. Could this metaphor which Bradshaw created be taken even further? Could he mean the replacement of everything mundane by artistic creation? There is certainly room for all of those interpretations. It is really up to the audience to decide. In the case of visual arts, what Rosenblatt (1978) said about text is even more true, that every viewing of the work involves a different object, and engenders a different interpretation, because the viewer is different. Even the same viewer at a different time is different , if only by virtue of having viewed the work. Everyone brings their own baggage, their own background and understanding. These images touch each person on a personal level, and though there are a few universal responses, each person responds differently. At is simplest, this graphic is fascinating to look at. At the highest level it is communicating a philosophy of life and showing the viewer what it could mean. Just imagine if every container or package the purchaser took home was a work of art and a wonder to behold. Is this Blair Bradshaws Absolut world?

The visual effect of this graphic is to draw the viewers into this world and allow them to gaze upon this dream. The shading in the graphic creates an almost three dimensional look with the right side curving and the left side straight. Each painting appears to be on its own level on a surface created just for it. Though there are larger paintings which dominate this landscape, the smaller ones are given equal place on their own platforms. This amazing variety of creative art shows us a lot about the nature of man. Everyone of these was painted by a single person, some of them after the artist actually made his own paint.

The artist is known for creating depictions of large groups of objects. It is something akin to Warhols fascination with pop art. He studies the patterns of every day life. In this picture he shows us what he imagines it should be, and even hints that the art walls continue on down the streets as we see light rectangles which we suppose are canvases.

The time and place of this work are notable. It is approaching morning and the night lights are still visible, but will soon vanish in the daylight. We can guess that these works will not be so noticeable in daylight as at night. There is little traffic, only a few taxis and a few cars. Movement of some of the cars and taxis is indicated by the blurring of their taillights or headlights. Few figures of people are visible. Two very interesting human figures are crossing the street. They are bright white. Are they real humans illuminated? Are they phantoms? If they are phantoms could they be dead artists, perhaps two of those represented on the buildings?

In the foreground, of course, we see the distinctive bottle of Absolut Vodka. This is the signature element. This is the brand that will make all this come true. This is the brand for people who like this idea and want this world. This is their world, and Absolut is their drink. This graphic works on so many levels it is no wonder that this company has gained such a following, and that their ads are highly collectable. The company has been running this campaign for more than twenty years and it has been so successful it has virtually changed the advertising world.

Other companies are following the lead of graphics like this and all the top producers of Vodka are creating collectable ads. The ads for this product have become virtual galleries in magazines, on billboards and anywhere else they can be featured (Anonymous). This particular ad was one of the best ever created for this campaign and possibly the best thing the artist has done to date. It has started a virtual war among vodka producers about who can woo the most customers with wonderful artistic ads and their underlying witty text. It has changed all the rules. It is certainly memorable and a really great example of what can be done with art. It is interesting to note that this is an instance of intertexuality in visual art. Such has been done in literature for a very long time and in movies of the last fifty or so years. advertisings often have capitalized upon some interesting or catchy phrase to add meaning to their advertisements without using more words which cost space. So the connections carry that extra content and add to the message. The end result is an easily obtainable gallery of really great art for the common man, or maybe the slightly uncommon man who values them. One example is the phrase Ill be back, or all of its various synonyms. This was originally in the speech Macarthur gave to the Philippines, It has been echoed in movies like Arnold Schwarzeneggers Terminator movies and in many other places, including advertisements. In fact, this phrase was so overused in ads around the world that the phrase can no longer be used without including an image of the Terminator and the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Bradshaw has done this with this advertising graphic. He is in no danger of copyright infringement as all these artists are dead, (Maybe thats why those two ghosts are there.) However, he has created a new kind of possibility with advertising and visual arts.

If nothing else this graphic is exciting and wonderful to look at. It is an example of visual communication at its most powerful and creative energy at its best. The artist has somehow managed to arrange all these painting in such a way as to entice the viewer to spend considerable time perusing it. All the while that viewer is looking at these wonderfully displayed elements the message from Absolut is getting through on a totally subconscious level. Even writing about this has convinced this writer to check out some of their beverages. Ads like this are really exciting. It is art and advertising, and a gift to all of us.


Absolut vodka wars  ABC news. Web.

The story. Web.

Forceville, Ch. Pictorial metaphor in advertising / charles forceville London ; New York : Routledge, 1998.

Rosenblatt, Louise M. The Reader, the Text, the Poem: The Transactional Theory of the Literary Work. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1978.

Statistics Use in Advertising

One of the primary ways to use statistics is through advertising. On the one hand, numbers can help a supplier of goods and services convince customers of their value. However, it works only if the numbers are used properly. On the other hand, misinterpretation of information can be used to deceive customers. It may work somehow, but eventually, customers will feel the deception and choose another company to contact. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how statistics are used in fake ads and what they lead to.

Here is an example of statistics that can be interpreted in different ways: the revenue of the U.S. cosmetic industry is estimated to amount to about 49.2 billion U.S. dollars in 2019 (Ridder, 2020, par. 1). First, it gives customers some information detached from particular cases and events. Suppliers can see connections between completely unrelated factors, drawing the wrong conclusions.

As a result, customers can feel that they have to start a business in a particular area, in this case, cosmetics (Viscusi et al., 2018). They spend money on poor quality products and lose from it. Second, incorrect use of these statistics can lead to the fact that customers stop trusting the company that uses it. They see that marketers are trying to use any means, including deceit, to attract an audience. Undoubtedly, in the long term, this negatively affects the reputation of the organization. Customers stop trusting them and go to those who can be trusted and who use reliable data. In advertising, the numbers mentioned above can be used as follows:

In 2019, the U.S. cosmetics industry generated nearly $50 billion in revenue. The market is huge, which means that you can become a part of it. Its amount allows everyone to dive in and get some revenue. With our cosmetics franchise, you can open stores throughout the city and attract hundreds of customers. We can help you find the audience and launch ads to start earning money right away. This is your chance to make women beautiful and happy.

Indeed, the statistics themselves look quite convincing, but they do not reveal the real facts. The truth is that, over the past three years, the revenue of the cosmetics industry has been gradually declining, which may indicate negative changes in the market. Therefore, it can be a rather dangerous niche for investments. However, ad creators do not report this and do not use the data correctly. One of the possible negative consequences is a thoughtless purchase of a franchise, the creation of an unprofitable business, and losses. Thus, even though statistics allow people to validate research, track market trends, discuss important economic changes, and perform other significant actions, they may be truly misleading. They can cause unnecessary expenses and other negative outcomes.

Another major negative factor in the misuse of statistics is justice. Indeed, lies can reach such proportions that they affect other companies or those providing statistics. This can lead to subpoenas, public hearings, and other complex processes. Undoubtedly, this will affect the companys financial condition, reputation, and relationship with other companies. Eventually, even if they wanted to attract customers, they will end up broke. Thus, it is necessary to use a statistic in the right way. It will help save reputation, attract truly loyal clients, and stay fair.


Ridder, M. (2020). Revenue of the cosmetic & beauty industry in the U.S. 2002-2020. Statista. Web.

Viscusi, W. K., Harrington, J. E., & Sappington, D. E. M. (2018). Economics of regulation and antitrust. MIT Press.

Advertisement: The Elaboration Likelihood Model

After determining the desired results of advertising activities, it is essential to find necessary appeals and bring them to potential buyers. In order to do this, it is necessary to identify potential buyers for whom the advertising is intended, to identify which media are most often and thoroughly perceived by the target audience. In addition, it is essential to determine the needs of potential buyers and the significance of the proposed product in their satisfaction. The elaboration likelihood model can help do it.

As a result of the variety of advertising that any audience is exposed to, there is a need for an interrupting idea. For example, MacDonalds repeats its slogan Im lovin it in their advertisements on TV, on billboards, and cars. This means an annoying repetition of the unique offer. In this case, the idea is persuaded through the central route. It requires a serious examination of the arguments that the message has (Lawson, 2014). Thus, when people hear how good fast food is, they remember it and choose the restaurant when going out.

The weaker way of transferring information in advertisements is through the peripheral route. Packaging, marketing, advertising, and PR play a vital role (The Elaboration Likelihood Model, n.d.). Photos, illustrations, captions, and comments used in advertising can become the most effective sales tool. They are eye-catching and provide an excellent opportunity to place a short, juicy text. Usage of a well-known personality, loved by many people, serves as an incentive to attract attention, for example, on Coca-Cola bottles. Therefore, it will make people consider buying these drinks instead of other ones with a simple logo.

Advertising plays a critical role in the lives of people around the world. To some extent, it determines ones image and lifestyle and has influence on views and attitude to oneself and the world around. In my opinion, the primary method has a more active impact on consumers. Thus, an obsession gets stuck in peoples heads and makes them constantly think about buying a particular product. It can influence consumers choice by providing them with accurate or misleading information that affects their preferences.


Lawson, A. (2014). An introduction to the elaboration likelihood model [Video]. YouTube. Web.

The Elaboration Likelihood Model. (n.d.). Communication Theory. Web.

Pharmaceutical Advertising is Propaganda

Fake advertisement is prevalent in various sectors, and it has penetrated the pharmaceutical industry. Businesses have lost much money in fines after being found to be liable to inaccurate advertising, for instance, Purdue Pharma in pharmaceutical industry and Volkswagen in the automotive. The main aim of propaganda is always helping a company either be at the top of their field or increase sales or both. In the drug manufacturing venture, there are many organizations producing different medicines for the same condition. To ensure that a firm stands out from the rest, unauthentic and dishonest promotion of a drug is done. With the growth of the internet and social media, individuals have spread pieces of information about certain drugs. Companies in the United States have previously advertised opioids as a safe drug class.

Drug manufacturing companies in the United States claimed in their promotion of opioid that less than one percent of individuals who consume the drug as prescribed would become addicted to it. This information misled not only the patients but also the doctors who could no longer feel negative about prescribing it. It is important to note that these drugs contain purer forms of heroin. After use, most people were discovered to opt for heroin as soon as their doctors stopped the prescription. This is mainly due to the high prices of opioids as well as the abundance of other drugs. This clearly shows that the advertisements were false, and it led to many more people suffering from addiction. This paper shows how companies in the pharmaceutical industry have used propaganda to earn profits at the expense of many people. It also provides a detailed counter argument that supports that drug advertising is done for the benefit of the patient.


Pharmaceutical advertising by organizations is done to mislead individuals, including doctors, to consume products with the intention of making profits. Drug-manufacturing and selling organizations have invested millions in marketing products such as opioids as non-addictive. As it appears, their efforts worked since more people now are consuming than in the previous years. This class of drugs was mainly used for treating cancer patients as well as for the end-of-life care (Failoc-Rojas et al., 2021).

Currently, they are prescribed to more than half of the entire countrys hospital patients. The reason why they have become common in hospitals is due to the notion sold to the doctors, patients, and public that less than one percent of individuals would be addicted to it after using. It is important to note that propaganda means spreading information, ideas, or rumors with the intention of helping a cause, institution, or person. It can also be spread to damage the image or cause of another individual or institution. For instance, the opioid epidemics, as well as associated heroin crisis, have devastated many in almost all American communities.

The drug-class includes lawfully prescribed painkillers such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, codeine, fentanyl, and OxyContin. Often, they are identified brand names, for example, Dilaudid, Demerol, Percocet, and OxyContin. Prescription opioids consisting of purer particles of heroin have in previous been viewed as the fuel of the drug epidemic. It has been proven that once a patient becomes reliant on the drugs, they will surely turn to heroin which is inexpensive as well as abundant (Failoc-Rojas et al., 2021). They do this attempting to avoid withdrawal when a doctor reduces or stops the prescription or when it becomes expensive to continue purchasing.

According to CDC, at least seventy-five percent of new heroin abusers initially consumed a prescribed opioid (Failoc-Rojas et al., 2021). More than two million U.S. citizens are addicted to prescription opioids and are abusing them, while over half a million are addicted to heroin (Failoc-Rojas et al., 2021). Since the early 2000s, the issue has led to many deaths in the country (Failoc-Rojas et al., 2021). As noted by experts in the field, the number of deaths has quadrupled as of 2015 (Failoc-Rojas et al., 2021). This is alarming considering a drug is manufactured to improve life quality.

Another one thousand individuals are treated in emergency departments for issues arising from the misuse of drugs on a daily basis. Over the course of one year, this totals to the whole populace of cities the size of Cleveland, Tampa, or Minneapolis needing urgent care (Hayler, Leahy & Simmons, 2018). In 2007, several Purdue Pharma executives pled guilty to criminal charges for misleading doctors, regulators as well as patients concerning the addictiveness of the drug (Failoc-Rojas et al., 2021). The firm then had to part away with six hundred million dollars in fines to resolve the civil as well as criminal charges for the misbranding of OxyContin. The fine was little when compared to the billions the organization and others gained during the drug epidemic that they started (Failoc-Rojas et al., 2021). Reflecting on the opioid matters evolution, marketing appears as a profitable propaganda.

The companies in their promotions repeatedly lied that even the doctors ultimately believed that it was true in spite of previously thinking differently. They used the technique that many have used even in the past to spread misinformation many times that other people decide to believe. Believing it was the right thing to do, the doctors prescribed the drugs with more frequency. Those with the aim of convincing individuals that opioid is not addictive also utilized their power to hide the truth. They crafted as well as promoted the notion called pseudo-addiction, stating that it refers to the syndrome associated with treatment that causes abnormal behavior that develops as a direct effect of lack of adequate pain management.

Counter Argument

Contrary to what has been mentioned above, pharmaceutical advertising is done to help patients. In the United States, it is believed that informing customers will benefit the drive for medical care reform. A consumer can also benefit from gaining access to various information sources concerning drugs as well as other treatment alternatives instead of depending on health care providers only. The internet has increasingly become a popular source of medical data for many people. A study revealed that more than six thousand adults showed that even though doctors are still the most trusted source, forty-eight percent of the subjects searched online first before a physician (Hayler et al., 2018).

It also revealed that ten percent sought the professionals advice first (Hayler et al., 2018). Pharmaceutical organizations-sponsored websites are ideal in informing patients by communicating safety dangers. This shows that pharmaceutical companies are interested in improving peoples lives and not spreading propaganda. The information they provide helps to encourage the patients to contact a clinician.

A common claim is that direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising forces a patient to consult a medical expert. A survey discovered that exposure to the DTCPA led twenty-seven percent of Americans to seek an appointment with their physician concerning a condition they had failed previously to talk about (Hayler et al., 2018). Another study discovered that the small print in a drug advertisement was strongly related to patients contacting their care providers. The impact of direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising in increasing patient contact with medical professionals could also be advantageous by encouraging dialogue concerning lifestyle changes that better an individuals health. Majority of the professionals in healthcare appear to agree that it is beneficial since it promotes engagement with their clients. In a survey, fifty-three percent of doctors claimed that it led to improved discussions (Hayler et al., 2018). Seventy-three percent believed that it aided individuals to ask more informed questions (Martin et al., 2018). Additionally, it may also assist by promoting awareness as well as detection of negative responses to drugs.

There is adequate proof that dialogue prompted by DTCPA does not always benefit the drug manufacturer since a doctor cannot prescribe according to demands of a patient. In a report by GAO, it is learned that two to seven percent of individuals who asked for a prescription were provided with it as long as another health provider advised on doing that (Martin et al., 2018). Data also suggest that a patient who discusses medication with a physician after watching an advertisement usually receives another treatment or recommendation. Of all the patients who hold discussions with their physicians after seeing a direct-to-customer pharmaceutical advertising, seventy-seven percent reported that the latter recommended health as well as a lifestyle change. This shows that in addition to improving dialogue between patients and doctors, advertising in the pharmaceutical industry can also be said to not be done with the intention of gaining more than enough profits.


This paper has shown through a discussion that pharmaceutical advertising can be propaganda or informative and helpful to the life of a patient. One part agrees with the topic, while the other disagrees. The first part believes that efforts done by companies in the industry are aimed towards generating profits by misleading individuals, including doctors who can prescribe drugs to their patients. These firms spend much money on the promotion of the various products as harmless and with no long-term effects on a life of an individual. Data suggests that this is false especially considering the crisis created by various companies, for example, Purdue Pharma.

The organizations communicated that opioids could not be addictive to more than one percent of the consumers. This gave people hope, and doctors who previously held reservations about the drugs believed too. Obviously, their method worked, as seen in the increase of the prescription of the drug in hospitals in the United States. As mentioned earlier, prescription opioids consist of small quantities of heroin, which means that the patients are most likely to turn to heroin after treatment is done. This leads to addiction which shows that the companies lied in their advertisements and they have risked peoples lives.

While there is a side and data to support against pharmaceutical advertising, there is also information to show that it is important for organizations to promote the drugs. Research revealed that more than six thousand adults claimed that despite the fact a doctor is the most trusted source of medical information, many people still search online for data on various issues. In fact, many of them preferred online sources first before seeing a physician. This means that when these organizations use social media platforms or websites, as used by most businesses currently, people will access the information, thereby helping them have a detailed view according to various sources. Individuals also are able to learn about the various side effects associated with a particular drug. While this does not guarantee that a patient can seek a specific prescription from their doctor, it helps them ask more thoughtful questions that direct their treatment.


Failoc-Rojas, V. E., Callirgos-Lozada, C. C., Castro-Maldonado, B., Arce-Villalobos, L. R., Vera-Romero, O. E., & Toro-Huamanchumo, C. J. (2021). Evaluation of medical advertising provided by pharmaceutical companies in printed drug advertising material in Peru. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 12(9), 3159-3162. Web.

Hayler, J. D., Leahy, D. K., & Simmons, E. M. (2018). A pharmaceutical industry perspective on sustainable metal catalysis. Organometallics, 38(1), 36-46. Web.

Martin, K. D., Josephson, B. W., Vadakkepatt, G. G., & Johnson, J. L. (2018). Political management, research and development, and advertising capital in the pharmaceutical industry: a good prognosis?. Journal of Marketing, 82(3), 87-107. Web.