What Makes You Happy: Essay

I guess we all have a nice place where we feel happy to go to, it is like a secret place that if you feel unhappy you can go there immediately to feel better. There is a beautiful place that makes me feel happy and be the happiest girl in the world, which is my neighborhood’s park. This place is my favorite because it makes me relax, be happy and remember old memories.

First, my neighborhood’s park makes me feel relaxed. For example, when I feel stressed about anything, like something in university or my life, I go there to relax and try not to think about anything that makes me mad. I used to bring my drawing supplies, books, and snacks to eat while I am drawing or reading, and drawing and reading in a quiet place make me relax. When I feel relaxed, I like to draw and paint trees and people on canvas and read interesting books under the tree, and I prefer a big tree to block the sunshine. In addition, I like to go there a lot if the weather was good. These are examples of why this park improves my mood and relaxes me.

Second, my neighborhood’s park makes me feel happy. For instance, if I feel mad or sad and my day was not good or joyful, I go to the park alone and think about good and positive things. It makes me feel better. For example, I think about my dreams or funny stories, observe trees and families playing with children, and when the park is empty, I go play with slides and swings, when I see and do that, I feel happy. These are the reasons why I feel happy when I go to my neighborhood’s park.

Finally, I remember old memories when I go to the park. For example, when I was young, my family and I used to go to the park and have a picnic, play with my siblings and family. When I come back from school usually, I spend most of the time there and do my homework, eat lunch, and play with my neighborhood friends. This makes me feel happier when I remember my beautiful memories. This is why I love going to the park and remembering the nice things.

In conclusion, there are many places can people go there to relax and be alone. It is important to have a place we go to when we feel sad, stressed, or lonely. I think that everyone should have a place can go to if they feel sad and this is useful because the stress, sadness, and bad feelings will disappear and you will forget them if you feel relaxed and calm. Thankfully, I have a such place, my neighborhood’s park, that really makes me happy.

Why I Love Video Games: Essay

One evening, on a regular Friday afternoon, my older brother came home with a brand-new Xbox 360. He brought out a headset and controller and asked me if I wanted to play. It may seem insignificant, but this singular moment changed the rest of my life. I cannot think of a day in the past 6 years when I have not gotten on my computer or Xbox to play video games with my friends. From skillfully mastering mechanics to defeat the Ender Dragon in Minecraft, to pressing the ‘A’ button and jumping on some Goombas in Mario, I have fallen in love with video games due to the freedom provided inside these worlds.

Waking up on a Saturday afternoon after spending all night playing video games with my friends is the best feeling I have ever had in my life. Games have captivated me like nothing else was able to and have kept me going through life. They are the reason I am who I am, and I will always be thankful to my brother for lending me his controller and introducing me to the vast world of gaming. Video games made me happy when nothing else could: when I failed a math test, or someone was rude towards me, the only thing that could keep my mind off of it was video games. When in doubt, I knew that video games would always be in my room, sitting there and waiting for me to come down and put my headset on.

Video games created a competitive drive in my soul. Before playing video games, I never enjoyed much. So much so that my parents called me ‘turtle’ because of how slow I was to complete everyday activities because of the apathetic nature I had in my early life. Losing in a video game was different from losing in everything else. It made me want to strive to become better than what I was before. This eagerness to become better after a tough loss brought me to the place I am now. In all honesty, I would be a horrible student if it were not for video games. As ironic as it may sound, video games pushed me to do more in my whole life than on after.

With the amount of distress going on in the world, it’s a great feeling to know I can always play a game and connect with people. No matter what they look like, what car they drive, where they live, or how old they are, I can always connect and learn about people and become a better person through these experiences. Video games have taught me what it means to connect with people and have shown me what empathy was, not just what empathy means. Video games cultivated my personality and allowed me to recognize the importance of helping people. Video games can change your perspective on people and the world itself. Traveling to Niger and virtually experiencing the hardships that come from these places only helped transcribe how truly hard it was for these people. Video games force me to see the bad in the world, traveling from experience to experience. Video games made me want to volunteer more for my community and one day help more than just my community.

I want to create wonderful virtual worlds for people to play and explore, something that anyone could sit down and adventure through nights upon nights and still not be bored. Relieving people from their hardships is what I want to accomplish, through not only video games but helping in the real world. Life is a tough row to hoe, and helping people have fun is beautiful. My goal, however, is to help aid people from my community to people across the world through virtual means and real-life needs.

Halloween As My Favorite Holiday

It was the month of my favorite holiday, Halloween, the only time of the year where accepting candy from strangers is ok. This story was back when I was a child, around 8 or 9, and was about to go outside to play with my friends. As I headed out, I was amazed with joy, of all the fall scenery. Seeing the neighborhood houses decorated, the clouds turn gray, and the weather turning colder, really put me in the spooky season. I soon met up with my friends to play some Halloween games, ironically at a church park. After playing some games, we all decided to play hide-and-seek, keep in mind the park is located inside the church, and has many locations to hide. We all screamed, “Not it!”, and since Junior was the last person he yelled, he would be the seeker. As we all ran to hide, we did not know that day, would forever be remembered in our brains.

When Junior began counting, I stayed a few seconds to see which way would everyone run to. Adrian, Steven, and Albert ran together in the direction to the top of the stairs of the church, Julie and Daisy hid inside the slide, so I decided to hide the opposite location of theirs, so it would take longer to find me, and I would win. I then remembered that there was a secret staircase that hardly anyone knew about, near the back of the church. I ran to the back of the church and opened a secret gate, that was hidden from bushes, and walked underground of the secret staircase. I stayed there, since the door was locked, but it didn’t matter because no one could see me. I soon began to whisper giggle, thinking I would win. 20 minutes passed, and I had not been caught, I wondered if they forgot about me, but was not going to leave my hiding place, so I stayed longer. Me not knowing, I feel asleep and the sky was dark, I was very scared. I could not hear any voices anymore and was just about to leave, when the door opened behind me. Unaware I did not see a hand reaching toward me, until something touched me, and I yelled like I was dying. “Ahhhhhhh!” I shrieked and dashed out the secret staircase and to the front of the park. I was running towards the park in the middle of the church, when I saw all my friends calling for me. I yelled, “Guys help me! Someone is trying to kidnap me!”, I then began to explain everything that had happened to me. When I finished, everyone was silent, then began laughing hysterically. “You’re lying Freddy, no one is trying to get you,” laughed Adrian. Just then, we heard someone running in the hallway behind us yelling, “Kid stop!”. I turned around and face changed completely looking fearful, and I yelled, “That’s the guy! That’s the kidnapper!”. All my friend’s faces soon looked fearful as well, and we all bolted to the exit gates of the church’s park.

We all ran, as if it were a competition, trying not to be last, to avoid getting grabbed. Julie shouted, “Wait for me, don’t leave me!”, and Steven yelled, “Don’t push, I don’t wanna fall!”. We all we about to be relieved leaving the park, when we saw in horror that the gates were locked, and were trapped! We all began shaking the gate, trying to break free, and escape the man chasing after us. Daisy then shrieked, “ He’s coming! Someone help us!”. As the man came near us, I thought to myself that of all months, this had to happen to us ironically near Halloween. When the man approached us, we were silent, shielding ourselves. “Hey kids,” He began, “Which one of you, was sleeping behind the church?”. I embarrassingly said, “It was me,”. He then said, “I saw you on the camera, and was gonna tell you that it’s late and to go home,”. I responded, “I thought you were going to kidnap me, cause you grabbed me, so I ran,”. He then shook his head saying no, saying he was a janitor who worked there, which led to me feeling embarrassed for thinking I was going to be kidnapped. He finally stated, “You guys better get going home, it’s gonna turn dark soon, and you never know who’s out there,”. We all awkwardly chuckled to his comment. The janitor then walked near the gate to unlock, and he said, “Thank you mister,”. Just as he lost sight of us, we all bolted home, laughing that we thought we were going to get kidnapped or killed. When I got home, and into my room, I knew began thinking that I would never remember this funny but scary experience that occured on the month of Halloween.

Reflections on Who I Am

“The question to deep ask, ‘who am I?’ begs something much deeper. The question is no longer ‘who am I’, but ‘what am I?’” (De Ruiter, par. 2). Therefore, this question can be best answered by looking more into the person’s life. To analyze that, exploring the person’s past, who they are now, and what they aspire to their future is the best way to find out more about them.

I am a Palestinian boy who lived most of his life in the UAE and Canada. I am grateful for being Arab, and my culture has always been something I value. Both my parents are Palestinian as well, and thankfully, they have lived with me every day since I was born. I have four siblings who are younger than me. Even though that would often be such a hectic job to handle at home, I still adore them as their role model and their oldest brother. Furthermore, I have a big family that consists of 12 uncles and aunts, being close friends with them and their children, my cousins, has always been enjoyable at family gatherings. I am very appreciative for starting my life, having caring parents, lovely siblings, and fun cousins.

Like any other person, I am someone who has different interests and hobbies that both entertain me and help me become a better version of myself. I like various athletic activities; my favorite is track and field. Ever since I was in elementary school, I would always be known as the fastest kid in the class. I enjoy watching the Olympics, and my favorite athlete is the 100m world record holder, Usain Bolt. On the other hand, a sport that could be considered as my weakness is basketball. I do not approve of it as much due to how I usually prefer to carry all the weight on my shoulders instead of having teammates who might cost you a game against another strong team. My interests and hobbies have always been the reason why my life is balanced, it has also helped me grow my overall character in various ways.

My future is the most crucial part of my life as a 17-year-old. Having goals to achieve is always something to keep in mind whether it is getting into university or something as small as breaking a new personal best in my favorite sport. My #1 goal, ever since childhood, was to become a computer scientist. I have always been a tech nerd who would impress my parents about ideas they never thought of. In addition to that, I see a high potential of the tech industry due to the increasing growth of smart gadgets and AI. A person who I would always look up to is Bill Gates. His achievements have changed the world forever and unlocked new possibilities where humans can develop. Summing up, I wish that my first step in university is where I can start working on goals that I will be proud of in the future.

In conclusion, many aspects contribute to building a personality, defining who someone truly is. Although a person’s life may have plenty of twists and turns that would make them uncomfortable, it is always necessary to overcome these challenges in order to develop a strong character.

Reflections on Who I Am and What My Purpose in Life Is

The philosophy definition of self is, among other things, the conditions of identity that make one subject of experience distinct from all others. Learning about what makes oneself is fascinating but really makes you think about who you are, why you believe what you believe, and what’s important to you. Self refers to a person’s experience and past experiences as a single, unitary, autonomous being that is separate from others, experienced with continuity through time and place.

Who am I? That seems like such a simple question but when you really think about it, it is quite complex. I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, and a Christian. I got married at 19 and had my first baby at 20. I have been married for 7 years. Being a wife and mother consume my life right now. I stay home with my children. My son is in first grade and daughter is in preschool. Each of these roles definitely have shaped me into who I am today. Since I got married and had kids so young, I feel like I am still learning who I am.

When I think about being an avocado or an artichoke, I can relate with both. I can relate to an avocado because my past has changed me and shaped me into who I am and who I know I don’t want to be. I can relate to an artichoke because I feel like I am always growing and learning and adjusting my views on different things in life. I think getting married young and having kids young makes me relate to an artichoke. There is so much I didn’t know and still don’t know. I am always reshaping my views on different topics as they come up.

I struggle a lot with the question of whether we should have a purpose in life. When I get to the end of my life will I fill fulfilled. Why are we here? I honestly, can’t answer this question fully. I know I am here to be a good wife and mother. When my daughter goes to kindergarten next year and both my kids are in school full time I will really struggle with my purpose. What will I do when my kids are grown? Will I still fill fulfilled? I think it is important to know where you want your life to go so that you can make dreams a reality.

Rationality is the habit of acting by reason, which means in accordance with the facts of reality. I have been known to in the past act out irrationally on a whim. I have come a long way with being rational. I had a rough childhood. Worse than some, but better than others. Growing up I was always in a sense of panic and that carried over into my adult years. I am a worrier, not warrior. I always tell people that when I am around you have no need to worry because I will do it for you which has made me act irrationally. I am now more conscious about how I react to situations.

The idea of self is so interesting to learn but also just to think about. When you really think about it you go through all of our life. What makes you who you are, your past, and your present. You really think about what matters most to you and what got you here.

My Skills and Abilities: Self-Reflective Essay

This current report is Self-Reflective Essay in which I identify and evaluate my skills and abilities. Also, this report outlines my own professional growth needs and core competencies in the areas of leadership, teamwork, social engagement, and communication. The results of my online test are used as evidence in this reflective study for my assessment. This current report is an individual reflective essay that identifies and critically appraises my skills and competence. In addition to that, academic theories and credible sources are used in this current reflective report to support my online test data.

The test results show that I have got a good score in assertiveness. As assertiveness is a very good skill to have, I can benefit from its results. As my assertive score is high, I can become a part of a team where I can perform my skills by efficiently communicating with other team members. I was excited during my online test, however, at the same time, I was also nervous. Before my assertiveness test, I knew consistency in behavior was an important factor affecting character. I could see that the results in assertiveness are high while analyzing my skills like aggressive and passive. My passive skills are a little higher than my aggressive ones, which will help me to manage my emotions. I believe the reason behind my transformation from an aggressive person to a passive one is the experiences that I had during work. However, I felt happy when I realized that I am more assertive in nature than passive.

While I was analyzing my personality insights, I could identify that it also scored an average score whereas, my openness and conscientiousness scored high. These two major skills will help me in enhancing my professional performance while working in an organization. I felt a little disappointed after my personality insight test. Before the test, I thought I was an agreeable person who keeps peace with others, especially when there are differences of opinion. After scoring low on agreeableness in my insight, I was a little frustrated, however, I was satisfied with my other scores on the test, even though I scored only average in extraversion and emotional stability. Getting a high score on openness and conscientiousness was the key factor in making me feel satisfied with my insight test.

The test has also included my resilience where it has tested my major personal and professional skills like adaptability, self-confidence, problem-solving, working with others, etc. My insight has also been tested in the test where it has tested my emotional stability, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. While my score of personal resilience was evaluated, it was understood that my major skills, such as my professional skills and my skills, have got high scores which will highly help me while I am working in an organization. In my resilience, some of my major skills analyzed were problem-solving skills, self-confidence, organizational skills, adaptability skills, working with strangers, and support networks. These major skills will help me in increasing my group performance, where problem-solving skills will help me to solve conflicts or any other problems inside the organization. The adaptability skill will highly help me while I am working in a company where I can work anywhere comfortably. If my adaptability skill is low, then I cannot work in an organization comfortably, which will highly affect my productivity. While analyzing my ‘working with others’ skills, it is understood that the score was higher. This will help me to work comfortably with strangers where if my skills in working with others are low, then it will also affect my productivity where I cannot get comfortable while working in the organization while working with strangers. I was enthusiastic about my resilience test, and I felt very happy after my test result. I was not expected to score high on all the different scales of personal resilience, but after realizing that I scored high on all the different scales of personal resilience, which includes coping with change, problem-solving, self-confidence, working with others, support networks, and organization, I felt so happy. As per the observation of Ungar and Theron (2020), personal resilience will help individuals adapt to any group or organization quickly. I thank the exposure I got during my internship program for developing my resilience skills. As mentioned by Chugani et al. (2020), if a person needs to act as a patron in challenging situations, resilience is an important skill that needs to be developed. I think the responsibility that I have taken in different academic programs and internships is the major reason behind the enhancement of personal resilience skills.

My sound decision-making was also tested. Sound decision is a great skill to have, which will help to make appropriate decisions while working in any company. The result of the sound decision-making test also made me glad since the result was pretty good, yet it also made me realize that I need improvements in my decision-making.

The temperament test was most exciting for me; I thought that I was an extrovert person, but the result made me realize that I am an introvert. I was pleased because the result showed me that I am a thinking and judging person.

In the overall analysis, the test result is highly satisfactory for me because all the test results provide a significant result that is adequate for me to increase the quality of my professional skills. Surely, my experience has made a high impact on shaping my skills, which have now been reflected in the test results. For example, the result I got in assertiveness relies on my past experiences, which include my customer interaction, product presentations, and knowledge gained from different training programs at the hospital and company. According to Taylor (2013), knowing that you can handle any difficult person or situation is a major aspect of confidence.

I strongly believe that my openness and the opportunity which I had got to express my thoughts has increased my communication skill and ability to accept the thoughts of other individual living in society. During many team works, lack of collaboration is the most hesitated thing that could reduce my confidence. It is because I am highly interested in working as a team participant rather than a team leader who is just interested in providing instructions to their team members. While analyzing my test result, a high score in personal insight shows my interest in collaborating with others working in my team.

According to Alba (2018), the decision-making ability of an individual is important in teamwork to guide the team in a proper direction. In my view, decision-making is also beneficial for forecasting the team performance to prevent the aberration of the team from the policies made in the task. I think my self-analysis and workplace experiences have increased my decision-making skills for working in a team. I have understood that developing or upgrading skills is vital for an individual to strengthen my professional career effectively.

Along with my result, I also analyzed the result of my friend because of curiosity, and it gave me insight into the necessity of increasing different skills which are highly essential for increasing individual performance while working in a team. I have understood that making further improvements in certain skills is beneficial for me in the future for increasing my performance in the workplace. People management skills, problem-solving skills, and conflict management are the three major skills that I need to improve in the future.

Problem-solving skill is essential for me to take further responsibility while participating in a team. On the other hand, conflict-management skills will be beneficial for me to handle the issues that are generated between the teammates. To improve my problem-solving, I need to handle different tasks in teamwork, suggest a solution for various issues existing in various teamwork, and get guidance from people who have accomplished complex projects in various industries. From the results, I know that I lag in understanding the situation of others and have a tendency to blame them. Hence, improving people management skills can sort out my issue of blaming others up to some extent.

From my self-analysis, it will take six months to accomplish the target which I have set from now onwards. Similarly, to improve conflict management, I need to participate in different programs to get knowledge about real-world solutions like work placements, attend training sessions to enhance analysis skills to find a solution for a problem and develop a positive attitude in the workplace. Moreover, I think it will take one or more years to reach the target level. Likewise, for developing people management, I need to make extra efforts to reach my goal. To increase my people management skills, I am planning to increase my listening skills and analyze the situation of other individuals, attend university career programs that focus on developing leadership skills, and increase my self-awareness skills to judge other people working in a team.

In conclusion, this current reflective essay helped me to assess my skills and abilities. Moreover, this reflective report also helped me to identify my strengths and weaknesses. This report identified the areas where I need improvements in my personal development, along with the areas of leadership, teamwork, and communication. The results of the assertiveness test, personal resilience test, personality insight test, sound decision-making test, and temperament test were a huge help in identifying my strengths and weaknesses. It was also identified that I need improvements on certain factors in my personality insight and temperament and also in my sound decision-making.

That’s Who I Am

Strengths that we have within ourselves come from talent and investment. Have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I?”. Well, I have, and as my paper goes on you will know who I am academically, professionally, and spiritually. The details will go on to tell what type of learner I am, what type of employee I am, as well as what kind of person I am within my faith.


As a learner, I consider myself to be very driven and smart. In order for me to learn things I need to visually see it in front of me. I will sit in the front of the class so I am able to see everything that is going on. If I am taught something one time you will not have to show me again. My ability to grasp onto information is remarkable. There are many times that my friend’s ask me how I am so knowledgeable. My response to them is “I am nosey”. I pay attention to everything even if it does not involve me. My previous college experiences have shaped my current circumstances because it has showed me that I am worthy of completing my education and if I put my mind to it, I can accomplish it. I think it’s about challenging yourself and taking charge of your learning experiences because they are yours and no one else’s. I truly believe that knowledge is power because once you have obtained it it’s know yours. I consider my strengths of command and adaptability responsible for my incredible drive and ability to not give up when things get difficult or change. Rath explains that “command leads you to take charge” (p.61). The ability to take charge of my education and go with the flow of this has got me this far and will take me to even greater places in the future.


First thing that comes to mind when I ask myself “Who am I career wise” is although I am a LVN and I love what I do I am not where I would like to be. I have spent my whole professional career in the medical field starting from a medical records clerk, to an emergency medical technician, received my phlebotomy license, completed LVN school, and now attempting to complete my bachelor’s degree in nursing. Being a licensed vocational nurse I am very compassionate about my patients and their families. I want to help people when they are at their lowest points in life who feel helpless and give them hope through encouragement and health. I am an advocate for those who cannot speak up for themselves or take care of themselves properly. Doing so many different jobs in the medical field has shaped my present circumstances into knowing anything is possible and I can only move forward from here just takes time and perseverance. Command again allows me to take control of my career goals and pursue as much as I can without giving up. In ‘StrengthsFinder 2.0’ the author states that when you have a strength in significance your “independent spirit, you want your work to be a way of life rather than a job” (Rath, 2007, p161). My significance theme will not allow me to settle for less and does allow me to keep going until I reach the place I would love to be.


At a younger age faith is not something I really had. I did not pray like I should and I did not think about God watching me and what I was doing. I think this was because I was young and was only worried about myself but that changed at the age of twenty-two. I lost my mother to cancer and this by far was the most traumatic thing I have ever experiences in life even up until today. At that point I turned to God for answers, my faith started to grow, and the trust was building. Since then, I go by ‘God is great’ which is has always been I was just a little late at realizing it. God has done some many things for my children and myself allowing us to do and have exceptional things. “It is doubt that is the beginning of real faith” (Chittiser and Williams, 2010 p. 15). I am a child of God and although I do make mistakes, he forgives me because I learn from these mistakes that make me the mother, the sister, the daughter, the partner, the learner, the nurse, the friend, and the co-worker I am today. Relator allows the value I have for relationships and friendships such as the one I cherish with God to subdue any conflicts that may arise. “The more you risk together, the more each of you proves your caring is genuine” (Rath, 2007, p.145).


This purpose of this essay was to indicate the proper information in order to receive the answer to “Who am I?”. I have given insight about who I am academically by examples to the type of learner I am and how it is easy for me to retain information if I see how something is done by visually examining. Showing my drive and admiration through my career path and ability to keep going is one way to see who I am. The biggest factor that shows myself and who I am is my faith in God. Although I had questioned him at one point in life, he is now who I give my life to. Multiple facts have been given throughout my paper of who I am in multiple different aspects of life.

Different Hats I Wear

People tend to describe themselves in a numerous amount of ways. This may include race, gender, or even profession. We all possess a variety of characteristics and by secluding ourselves to just one in particular would be doing a true disservice to the person we have worked so hard to construct. The different ‘hats’ we may wear define us as people and the specific part we play in this thing called life. From time to time, depending on the circumstances you could potentially be wearing more than one hat. In my eighteen years, I have worn a variety of them. Some of these caps were worn fleetingly and have been either set aside until further notice or just simply retired themselves. Others have become a part of me and will contribute to who am I for a lifetime. Although I may not still be wearing all of these hats, they were all experiences that played major roles for the person I have become and still becoming. So, in this essay I will talk about the major hats that have shaped me into the person I am today.

Family is the exposition to most of our lives and the infrastructure of our core existence. The greatest and most important hats I wear are that of being a sister, daughter, and granddaughter. We are all born with two parents, however, everyone isn’t fortunate enough to grow up with both in the household. My parents are the foundation of who I am today. Without them both, I am almost sure I would be a lost puppy trying to find my way. The lessons they have both taught me from birth will be instilled within me for a lifetime and quite honestly have gotten me thorough some really tough situations. I know some of the lectures our parents give aren’t always what we want to hear, but as we move into adulthood these are key components, we are going to need for this difficult world we must live in. Therefore, it is my job as a daughter to just listen, obey, and fully grasp the guidance in which my parents provide. It is my duty to reflect what it is they have indoctrinated in me and overall emulate them as individuals.

I have always considered my grandmother to be my second set of parents. Yes, parents with an s, plural. My grandmother has been there for my younger sister and me ever since I can remember. Like my parents, she has taught me many valuable lessons that I will endlessly cherish. When my sister and I were younger, she would tell us these folk tales before going to bed and coincidentally the tales would always have a moral or lesson that went along with it. The most important lesson that came out of these stories that I will always remember is that life is what you make it, so make something great of it. As her granddaughter it is my position to display an illuminating spirit, so I always keep that stored in my memory and every day I wake up planning on doing at least one great thing.

One essential and crucial hat I enjoy wearing the most is being a sister to my younger sibling. At a young age, I was taught that with being the oldest comes the youngest looking up and following behind a lot of what we partake in. My sister is truly my best friend and I adore our relationship the most simply because she is the only sibling I have. I tell her just about everything and make it my purpose to give her the best advice possible. By reason of her, I take caution in the things I do around her being that I want her grow up to be a much better version of me.

All in all, I myself wear many hats, but these are just a few of the innumerable amounts. These are the ones I wear most often and for that reason, I strive to create an existence of dignity and one to be admired. Without my role in wearing these specific caps, I might not be the same person. As I look back over my life, things could have turned out a lot differently, so it is important that I continue covering my head with these crowns and be the best me that I can be.

My Personal Qualities: Essay

Each person has qualities that are considered worthwhile, and as such are the driving force of his life, determining how he can act in particular instances. In my life, I have a number of qualities that I hold dear. They are the result of my upbringing, my propositions in life, as well as my socialization. In this essay, I will identify the core personal qualities that I hold and how they influence my everyday choices, actions, and plans that I make.

The qualities that characterize me as a person are bravery and responsibility. I consider bravery a perfect quality to follow in life because I am someone who likes to face difficult situations and try new things but gets through them. I have the strength in the face. For example, when I used to get picked on in elementary school for having a big nose. Does days were the worst, I would cry day and night. There was a time when I almost wanted to kill myself and get over everything, but I thought to myself how much harm I would cause my family. So, I decided to end the situation and be brave by facing them and not listening to negative comments.

Not only do I consider myself a brave person, but also a responsible one, because an independent woman like me has responsibilities to do as a big sister and an educated. For example, during the day, I get my education after school I do homework, and once I am done, I do chores. The more responsible I am, the more people see me as a role model, and it is easier to maintain an organized routine to achieve goals. No matter what happens in life, responsibility is something we will need for life for the future that is coming, family, bank accounts, etc. Some people might think that having fun is better than being responsible because they get to release their stress. The more they party and get loko they forget about the responsibilities they have. Responsibility plays a big role in everyone’s part of their life because you become more confident, solve problems, become a role model, and improve the decisions you make. People who are responsible don’t make excuses for their actions or blame others when things go wrong. It is accepting the consequences of what we say and do. It also means developing our potential and promises and honoring our commitments.

To sum up, the qualities that define me as a person and which I follow in life are bravery and responsibility.

Goals of My Life

To accomplish anything in life, everyone needs to be plan and a path to get there. This especially applies to my carrier path. I personally have many goals that I would like to achieve in my lifetime. The three main goals of them are to become a vegetarian cook, own a restaurant and to travel around different countries to expand my business of restaurants as well as to enjoy everything after being successful in my life. I would like to explain more about my goals in the upcoming paragraphs.

To begin with the top goal which I want to accomplish in my life is to become a vegetarian cook in the future. I have had this dream since I was 12. So, I know for sure that this is what I want to do and there’s no regret in this goal. The road to become a cook will probably be a hardest ever but I am willing to face my fears. In order to accomplish this goal, I need to go to college for cooking course. For this first I need to get work permit so that I can find a good job. A job will help me to improve my cooking skills and other working skills like how to work with a team, how to manage my time with work. I can also get experience from that job for my future. Once I get the enough experience with my cooking course then I will proceed with my next goal in life to own a restaurant and to become my own boss. For that I need to save more and more money by doing a lot of work at my job also need to keep track on my spending and make budget for everything. For saving money I will start transferring a fixed amount of money from my expenses every month to the saving account, also by paying all my bills on time so that I will not get any extra charges as fine to pay. By following all these steps, I will proceed to my next goal of life.

Second goal of my life is to open my own marvelous restaurant. Being my own boss comes with a lot of responsibilities but also shows that I am committed to my work. A reason to own a restaurant is to get things done the way that I want to them to. Another reason is so I can try my own new recipes by my own different ways as I want to and when I want to. Out of all my goals I believe this is the one which takes more time and more efforts to get done. I will work as hard as I can do to get close to my goal. So, to accomplish my own restaurant I need a perfect location which should be visible to public, easily accessible to people specially to whom using transit so that everyone can access to my restaurant. Moreover, the area should be clean, pollution free and beautiful as well. After that I will decide the interior structure of my restaurant like how to design kitchen and how to decorate dining room. Like any other type of company, a restaurant will need a business plan should include menu and pricing, equipment, qualified employees who should be responsible toward their duties. I will need to look for candidates with prior experience and an ability to multitask and to work quickly and efficiently. Also front-of-house staff in particular should exude exceptional skills. There are some fundamental positions like general manager, servers, chefs, hosts I will likely need to fill when I will open my restaurant. Thus, there are lots of responsibilities for the owner to make the restaurant better in competition area.

One of my three goals is to travel different nations to expand my business of restaurants and to enjoy everything what I have done in my life after fulfill my two goals. To accomplish this goal, I would organize some events to get the feedback from other people about my restaurant to make that better. The views of other people would help me to make changes to open more restaurants in different countries in which I would travel to explore my business. Also, I need to study the market to understand if my original model or offering will work or if some changes are required for better results. I can also do this with the help of social sites by posting about restaurant and its food, also people’s feedback which may enhance the number of customers. One more way to attract the customers is, that I will keep changing or adding new dishes to the menu every six months to make the customers more curious about food. I will need to create a budget and a financial plan for all my upcoming ventures. By travelling I would look for good location, investors and good employees before the launch of new restaurant and train them adequately. So, these are all things that I would need to concentrate while searching to open other restaurants in different countries. When I have grown to where I feel that everything is going to great then I would plan some vacations with my friends and family while travelling to enjoy everything what I would done in my life and to celebrate my goals which I might fulfill with great success.

In conclusion, by picking my three goals make me feel better to fulfill my dream to become a vegetarian cook who motivates me to open my own my restaurant which leads me to move around the different regions to rise my business of restaurants and enjoy everything after being successful. I feel like I have one life to live so why not live it up with my goals that I would really want to be done in future.