Live Concert Report

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Live Concert Report

Live Concert Report

Student’s Name


Jazz All-Year Round – JESSE COOK

Live Concert Report

I attended the Jazz All-Year Round – JESSE COOK concert at the Place des arts in Montreal. It was held on the 18th, September, 2012. This is one of the most memorable moments I can not forget in my life. It is very important to mention that the concert was well-organized and presented in an appealing manner to all the present fans, including me. Jazz All-Year Round – JESSE COOK concert was presented in this big hall by eight artists. There were vocalists, instrumentalists and dancers. They professionally performed their roles with the prowess that left me yearning for more.

The Jazz All-Year Round – JESSE COOK crew used a variety of instruments, including piano, trumpet, guitar, saxophone and banjo. Each of these was well-coordinated and made the songs played be quiet rhythmic and interesting throughout the whole concert. The sounds came out so clearly and it was very easy for anyone to be acquainted with the message being delivered in each of the songs. There was a free flow of tones in the songs played. These would interchangeably and rhythmically transit from high to low tones. Each of the instrumentalists was competent in doing their bit. For instance, the vocals were tactical in the use of microphone. This helped to produce a clear and audible sound projections in line with the instruments played.

Besides, the musicians were so presentable and rhythmically moved on the stage that they nearly thrilled the audience. They were dressed in a unique uniform that identified their band. This was a very well-designed fashion that conspicuously produced flamboyant colors in the beautiful laser beams in the theatre hall. This appealed to the audience which was thrilled by the presentation. Both the artists and the audience were familiar because I could notice the audience being engaged in singing part of the songs played. Surely, Jazz All-Year Round – JESSE COOK is a must watch concert for any youth willing to entertain.

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