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Last Name H-O

Last Name: H-O

(3-5 pages)

16% of final grade

Due, Friday, February 4, by 11:59 pm

 NOTE: Complete this assignment if your last name begins with H-O

Paper must be double spaced, with one inch margins, 12 point font and include section headers for each of the paper sections noted below (Three Representational Roles and Role You Choose, Influence of Legislative Leaders, Rank and Explain Influences of Institutional Factors, and Explain Your Vote) and at least three full pages long.

Objective: The objective for this assignment is for students to understand and critically analyze the multiple pressures on policy makers in Texas as they most listen to their leaders, the governor, the voters (social responsibility) and their own conscience (personal responsibility) in deciding how to cast their vote on a controversial issue.

Assignment: You have recently been elected as a Republican to the Texas Senate from a competitive district (even number of Democrats, Republicans and Independents) just outside of Dallas. One of the first bills that you must vote on is House Bill 3- a bill to ban Critical Race Theory (CRT) from Texas Schools. Your constituents support the bill as does the Governor your party, because they believe it will decrease division and animosity among students. However, you oppose the bill because you believe CRT is not being taught in Texas schools and the bill is a waste of time The Speaker of the House opposes the bill as well.

In explaining how you will vote on the bill, be sure to explain the following:

What Representational Role you will adopt (trustee, delegate or politico). (Unit 4 Written Lectures, Slide 4-25). Be sure to discuss all three representational roles.

How will the Speaker of the House, the Lt. Governor and Governor of Texas influence the fate of the bill? (Unit 4 Written Lectures, Slides 4-9, 4-10, 4-18 & 4-22 )How do you think constituents might try to influence your vote? (Unit 4 Written Lectures, Slide 4-20)

Which factors noted above and in your notes (constituents, governor, party leaders and your own opinion) will influence your vote? Rank them in importance. (Unit 4, Written Lectures, Slide 4-20, 4-21)

Will you vote for or against the bill? Please explain your answer thoroughly. You should refer back to the representational role here. (Unit 4 Written Lectures, Slide 4-25)

The paper should include subject headers (ie. Representational Roles, Influence of Legislative Leaders, etc.)

Assessment: Your Assignment will be assessed based on the following rubric.

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NB: All your data is kept safe from the public.

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