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Language Comprehension of Typical Children and Children with Autism

The development of speech from the time children are very young to when they can speak or communicate in a certain language fluently is a process. This has been determined through the research referred to as the Longitudinal Study of Early Language (LSEL). This research has looked deeply into the nature of the children having different learning rates in a certain language, the children’s process of learning the languages they are exposed to. One of the major observations is that one of the ways the children learn new languages is through adults’ observation. Therefore, they can imitate how to refer to certain objects and items, thus knowing what is meant by different things in that particular social setting. Apart from the initial event of not knowing a certain language, the research also focuses on the impact of a caregiver on the children and how they contribute to their vocabulary and learning of a certain language.

The research includes children who have ASD (Autism spectrum disorder) and those who are also developing in their different languages, which they are being taught, and learning. The research involved the researchers giving visits to the different children who are undergoing this type of language learning and those who are also suffering from ASD. Therefore, when the researchers visited the different parents and caregivers for the children, they were able to determine the effects of ASD on learning different aspects and parts of the language. The visits were six, and therefore through this, the researchers learned a lot about language development in children. These visits also recorded 30 minutes caregiver-interactive sessions with the children. Therefore, from this, the researchers could understand how the different children comprehended the different aspects of language learning.

Even though these diseases and conditions like ASD affect the children, it is still essential to note that these issues do not affect how the children learn the languages presented to them when they are young. However, when the children are exposed to different languages, they learn faster or slower depending on how the simplicity or complexity of the different languages. This kind of language learning was mainly the SVO- subject-verb order of language learning. The children observed that what the parents looked into as they talked about was what was meant by the adults, and therefore it is through this that the children were able to relate easily to the meanings of different words.

The LSEL mainly discussed 6 IPL tasks: syntactic bootstrapping, wh-questions, shape bias, noun-naming bias, and aspect. Longitudinal relationships between the language, which is general, and IPL behaviors were observed along the LSEL. On the shape bias, the children were found to distinguish the very many words and how they are represented physically through the different objects.

Therefore LSEL indicated a great success in language understanding when the child is young to the time they can comprehend the language fully. The research also indicated that social differences and early exposure to language determined how a child can gain knowledge about that specific language and how this affects their language gain later in life and how this is an essential part of the lives of these young people. It also follows that the different visits performed also indicated that the first times the children had not fully developed in the language, however towards the last visits, which are towards the sixth visit, the children were able to learn about the language and thus improve in their understanding of their language.

In conclusion, therefore, we learn that children with ASD, even though generally thought to have a different understanding level of language which they are exposed to, unlike the normal children, this is not explicitly correct.Reference

Naigles, L. R. (2020). It Takes All Kinds (of Information) to Learn a Language: Investigating the Language Comprehension of Typical Children and Children With Autism. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 0963721420969404.

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