Journal Review

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Journal Review

Journal Review

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Journal Review

History of the Organizations

The William Beaumont Army Medical Center was initially known as the William Beaumont General Hospital, and William Beaumont, an army surgeon, inspired its name. The William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas, serves as a military medical center for the United States Department of Defense. Its coverage extends to current duty service members, their families, and military retirees. Beginning in the 1850s, the hospital was first established at Fort Bliss. Fort Bliss had been relocated multiple times before settling on La Noria Mesa in 1893. Fort Bliss’s function as a significant military medical institution began with the erection of WBGH’s 48 buildings in 1920 and 1921. The Army started building a brand new 12-story facility to the west of the WBGH region in 1969. The new building opened in 1972 and was named William Beaumont Army Medical Center. The tower of this structure is 124 feet high and was designed in the modernist style. Despite having enough for 611 patients, the hospital had 463 beds during the 1980s (Harward, n.d).

The mission of William Beaumont Army Medical Center

The mission of the WBAMC is to offer compassionate, safe, and high-quality care to its nation’s brave service members, for whom this cutting-edge medical facility was designed. Other missions of this professional nursing organization include; To guarantee that the state’s 1.4 million active duty soldiers and 331,000 reserve-component associates are in good health so that they can successfully carry out their duties in support of national security, to guarantee that all current and reserve medical professionals in uniform are adequately educated and prepared to provide medical treatment in support of operational troops wherever they may be stationed across the globe, and to offer medical benefits that are proportionate to the sacrifice and service of more than 9.5 million current duty members, military pensioners, and the families of those individuals. of the Organization’s Website

The William Beaumont Army Medical Center has a well-designed website that enables the facility to make an excellent first impression with its potential customers. Also, the organization’s website creates a good user experience for visitors and makes it easier for them to navigate the website. The WBAMC’s website has an easily accessible search box, allowing visitors to find what they are looking for quickly. Also, the website has an easy-to-read layout which enables the website’s visitors to be able to read and absorb the website’s contents easily. In addition, the website has readily accessible contact information, including an email address and phone number through which clients can conduct the organization. Besides, WBAMC’s website has high-quality images and videos, which capture the reader’s attention and make them spend more time on the website.

Resources Available for Members of the Organization

Some of the patient resources Available for Members of William Beaumont Army Medical Center include; military health system policies, forms, clinical investigations, access to care, and FAQs. The organization also supports protocols, statistical support, and grant development (William Beaumont Army Medical Center, n.d.)

How Students can use Information from the Organization

Students can use the information of William Beaumont Army Medical Center to evaluate and determine adjustments that they could be made to the organizations. Besides, students can use the information to learn more about the setup and what should be included in a professional healthcare organization.

Summary of the Article

This article outlines the nonpharmacological methods for decreasing parental concern for newborn vaccine-associated pain. According to Abukhaled and Cortez (2021), multiple studies have shown that parents’ worries about their children’s discomfort play a role in their reluctance to vaccinate. Therefore, the authors’ main aim was to address parents’ concerns about pain during newborn vaccination. This article used pre- and post-evidence-based implementation design to conduct the project. To alleviate the discomfort associated with vaccines in babies less than six months, health practitioners at an urban ambulatory clinic used nonpharmacological techniques supported by research. Before and during the introduction of pain management therapies, parental worries about vaccine-related discomfort were evaluated using a validated survey. According to this article, there was a reduction in parental anxiety about vaccination discomfort from the time before the intervention until after it was given, and this change was statistically significant in both treatment groups. Therefore, according to Abukhaled and Cortez (2021), a nurse’s ability to employ nonpharmacological ways to ease vaccine-associated discomfort in newborns is a significant factor in easing parental anxiety. Immunization rates can be improved if newborn pain and parental pressure are reduced.

Main Ideas that Nurses can Take Away

The main idea that nurses should take away after reading this article is that nurses can employ nonpharmacological approaches to ease newborns’ experience while receiving regular immunization successfully, lowering parents’ anxiety over the discomfort connected with vaccines. In addition, nurses should understand that reducing newborn pain and parental stress may boost immunization rates. Also, after reading this article, nurses should learn that despite a vast amount of empirical evidence regarding strategies that effectively relieve pain in newborns, there has been a great deal of inconsistency in the management of baby discomfort during small painful operations. Another thing that nurses should take away is that untreated pain may have negative consequences, including a heightened sensitivity to discomfort during subsequent medical operations, elevated levels of anxiety and altered patterns of behavior, and a reduced capacity to respond favorably to adequate analgesia during painful treatments. Lastly, nurses should understand that they must perform pain management interventions so that parents can be less concerned about their babies’ pain during vaccination.

How the Article Represents QSEN competencies

The QSEN initiative seeks to address the pressing need to equip the next generation of nurses with the necessary skills, knowledge, and practice they will need to ensure continuous improvement in the safety and quality of the healthcare delivery systems in which they operate. Some of the QSEN competencies have been represented in this article. For example, the article has described QSEN’s competency in patient-centered care by addressing that it is an ethical obligation for nurses to provide pain relief to patients. The article points out that nonpharmacological approach to pain treatment are preferable since they are less intrusive than pharmaceutical options and fall squarely within the scope of the nursing profession. Besides, when healthcare providers work to alleviate patients’ pain, they also advocate for the patients they serve, who often rely on their caregivers for their fundamental needs.

The article also represents teamwork and collaborative QSEN competency. It incorporates attachment theory, created by the collaborative work of Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby, which proposes that early nurturing relationships between a mother and her child help the young child learn to control their emotions and empathize with others. In addition, the article represents quality improvement competency through its data collection, analysis, and patient outcome analysis. Lastly, the article represents Evidence-based practice by utilizing evidence-based nonpharmacological.

How the Article Addresses Issues of Accountability in Nursing

Accountability is essential in nursing because it reduces fear, increases trust, and improves performance and morale. This article has addressed the issues of accountability, especially ethical accountability in nursing, by pointing out that it is both an ethical and moral obligation for nurses to alleviate their patients’ suffering by providing pain relief. In addition, this article addresses professional accountability by insisting that nurses and other medical practitioners should utilize nonpharmacological pain management approaches since they are effective, safe, and entirely within the nurses ‘scope of practice.

Ethical and Legal Issues Arising from the Article

This article has followed all the ethical and legal considerations related to article writing and conducting clinical research. For example, the article shows authorship, publication, etiquette, and honesty. Besides, the authors have shown citations of where they got information; thus, this article is based on facts.

How Reading this Article Affected My Understanding

After reading this article, I understood that a nurse’s fundamental responsibility is to ensure that every patient gets the kind of immediate and appropriate attention necessary for their condition. Nurses accomplish this mission in a variety of different ways. Additionally, nurses evaluate and determine the requirements of patients, after which they put the patient’s medical plan into action and oversee their care. In addition, through this article, I realized that nurses need to know how to manage infant vaccine pain effortlessly since it is a significant concern to the parents.

References, M., & Cortez, S. (2021). Nonpharmacological Methods for Reducing Parental Concern for Infant Vaccine-Associated Pain. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 35(2), 180-187.

Harward, G. (n.d.). William Beaumont Army Medical Center. TSHA. Retrieved October 23, 2022, from

William Beaumont Army Medical Center. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2022, from

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