Interest Groups

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Interest Groups

Interest Groups

Not all interest groups are bad, as many of them still continue to pursue their main objective since the time they were formed. One of such examples of an interest group that serves to help the people in the Texas Organizing Project that was formed to organize the Black and Latino communities in Dallas, Harris and Bexar counties with the primary aim of transforming Texas into a diverse state where working people of color have the power and representation that they deserve. Through this, the group has helped in improving many sectors such as access to healthcare, poverty and education as well as enhancing community organizing. Based on this, the group has greatly helped in empowering people of color. Another interest group that have redeeming qualities include the Texas Teachers Association that was founded in June 1880. The group has been vocal in advocating for the plight of teachers through pushing for resolutions concerning the improvement of the teaching profession and the development of free public schools in Texas. Besides, the groups played a crucial role in the establishment of the first state university in Texas. Based on this, the two interest groups have continued to advocate for the people’s interests.


Texas Organizing Project. Retrieved from: from 1880 to 1974. Retrieved from:

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