The American Messiah

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The American Messiah

George Washington: The American Messiah




George Washington is probably the most popular president in the history of the United States because of his efforts in creating what is nation this free nation. His popularity over these other controversial presidents like Trump maybe because he laid the foundation for the freedom that allowed them the chance to be president. This meme seen in the picture below is an insinuation that George Washington was a savior, Messiah is a Hebrew word that means savior or a leader sent to liberated people form a form of oppression. Although this is what George Washington was, he did heroic things for America that would amount to this great honor. It is even safe to argue at least he was an actual person that people got to see and interact within recent history.

He was the leader of the American Revolution and led troops against the British colony winning freedom for Americans before assuming the role of president after. Being the first president of America he helped define what that role was going forward. However, the heroics of George Washington that may shape this perception of him by Americans began way before he became the Army General in the Revolution. His military exploits began when he was only 21 years old.

In 1753, the French who had occupied Canada was moving towards a region south of Lake Erie, which was an area claimed by Virginia (now in present-day Western Pennsylvania) and were already starting to build a commercial port. Virginia was under British rule and the Governor at the time, Robert Dinwiddie could not sit back and watch. Both France and Canada were well aware of the commercial viability of this area. In retaliation, Dinwiddie sent Washington then a 21-year old major to deliver a message to the French, demanding that they vacate the area. This responsibility for such a young man resonated with the journey of the Messiah in preparation for a major task.

It is reported that the journey was demanding and Washington together with his guides and locals Indians that were commissioned to accompany him hiked for many days. The return trip was especially demanding and it is told that Washington’s experienced handler at one point suffered frostbite. Although the journey was long, Washington fell into Allegheny River which was ice cold off a raft and slept on the island without shelter, he suffered no illness. Governor Dinwiddie was so impressed that he published the account of this grueling 900-mile journey in Williamsburg and London, making George Washington world-famous by the time he was 22. Just like the messiah, his life was carved out at a very young age. Every sine pointed to how great he was going to become.

Washington was sent back a few months later, as a lieutenant colonel commanding an army of 150 men to assert the claims of Virginia over the land the French had refused to release. Washington scuffled the French soldiers killing 10 men including their commander. He then surrendered to a place called Fort Necessity where he was ambushed by French soldiers and surrendered. He resigned from this commission but then went back as a volunteer aide to General Edward Braddock sent by the Crown to drive the French from Ohio. Although the army did not succeed in their quest Washington stood strong and witnessed two of his horses being shot under him as well as four bullets going through his coat. Although he was extremely brave he did not have enough support to win that war. Because of this conduct, he was promoted to command Virginia’s entire army and performed well in carrying out an assignment that required him to protect a 350 miles frontier which was quite a frustrating assignment.

All these assignments prepared him for the most difficult one yet. Just like the Messiah, these were odd trials that strengthened him for the American Revolution. The American Revolution was a revolutionary war fought between 1775 and 1783 between the British colonies in America and the crown. His duty in the American war began in the First and Second Continental Congress. The continental congress was a group of representatives from each colony that decided to rebel against the colonist and met initially to broker a deal with Britain. This deal did not, however, materialize because Britain decided not to flinch which culminated for a call to arms. in May of 1775 the Continental Congress appointed Washington as the general of its Army.

His task as the general of the Continental Army was not by any measure easy. Unlike the British who had men brewed in combat, he had to rely on farmers. As the savior he is, he was able to hold his army together during the tough battles and the defeats. Over the six years that the war lasted, George overcame every obstacle to win the war against the British. Crossing the Delaware was one of Washington’s most notable victories where he staged a surprise attack on the British on Christmas day, 1776. This was such a decisive victory in that it turned the favor back to the Americans. Washington went to fight numerous battles years after until the British surrendered on October 17, 1781.

Although many people regard Washington as the father of the nation, they have not sat down and evaluated the trying journey he endured for the sake of every free American today. Just like the Messiah, his journey was extremely trying with obstacles an average man would not have endured. He was indeed a messiah for the American people. Washington then served as president for two months and spent his two terms establishing the traditional roles of the presidents. He built the nation from the direction of words from the constitution. Like the hero he was, he felt it necessary to leave office two terms because unlike a tyrant, a president was not supposed to be too powerful.


Head, David. “The Papers of George Washington: The Revolutionary War Series, Volume 23: 22 October–December 1779 ed. by William M. Ferraro.” Journal of the Early Republic 37, no. 4 (2017): 787-790.

Mount Vernon. “George Washington’s Life.” George Washington’s Mount Vernon. Accessed February 2, 2020.

Nevins, A., and H. Graff. “George Washington.” Encyclopedia Britannica. Last modified December 10, 2019.

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