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1) Citation

2) 2 sentences for summarizing the content of the source.

3) How is this source related to my other sources? (at least one sentence)

4) Analysis: How is this source unique? (at least one sentence).

5) Evaluation and Reflection: How is this source useful for my research? (at least one or two sentences). Describe your reaction to the text: Would you recommend this text to peer researcher? How credible is the source?


This assignment is not an essay!!!!  It is due on 5/13

Please use a word document to complete this assignment. Use MLA standards to complete this assignment.  

For the format, I created an example (template) below:




                                             CREATIVE TITLE FOR YOUR RESEARCH

                                                   Place references in alphabetical order. 


Citation1:                   Gilbert, Pam. “From Voice to Text: Reconsidering Writing and Reading in the English Classroom.” English Education, vol. 23, no. 4, 1991, pp. 195-211.

 Annotation1:          Gilbert provides some insight into the concept of “voice” in textual interpretation, and points to a need to move away from the search for voice in reading. Her reasons stem from a growing danger of “social and critical illiteracy,” which might be better dealt with through a move toward different textual under-standings. Gilbert suggests that theories of language as a social practice can be more useful in teaching. Her ideas seem to disagree with those who believe in a dominant voice in writing, but she presents an interesting perspective.

Citation 1:

Annotation 1: (Write one elaborate paragraph that includes a summary, analysis, and evaluation/reflection of the source.)

Citation 2:

Annotation 2: (Write one elaborate paragraph that includes a summary, analysis, and evaluation/reflection of the source.)

Citation 3:

Annotation 3: (Write one elaborate paragraph that includes a summary, analysis, and evaluation/reflection of the source.)

Citation 4:

Annotation 4: (Write one elaborate paragraph that includes a summary, analysis, and evaluation/reflection of the source.)

Citation 5:

Annotation 5: (Write one elaborate paragraph that includes a summary, analysis, and evaluation/reflection of the source.)

Citation 6:

Annotation 6: (Write one elaborate paragraph that includes a summary, analysis, and evaluation/reflection of the source.)

Citation 7:

Annotation 7: (Write one elaborate paragraph that includes a summary, analysis, and evaluation/reflection of the source.)

Citation 8:

Annotation 8: (Write one elaborate paragraph that includes a summary, analysis, and evaluation/reflection of the source.)

Citation 9:

Annotation 9: (Write one elaborate paragraph that includes a summary, analysis, and evaluation/reflection of the source.)

Citation 10:

Annotation 10: (Write one elaborate paragraph that includes a summary, analysis, and evaluation/reflection of the source.)

Do you need this or any other assignment done for you from scratch?
We have qualified writers to help you.
We assure you a quality paper that is 100% free from plagiarism and AI.
You can choose either format of your choice ( Apa, Mla, Havard, Chicago, or any other)

NB: We do not resell your papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you.

NB: All your data is kept safe from the public.

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