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Intro to PhilTEST IIIEd AimanPart I: Multiple Choice-Choose the best answer: 3 points each

1. For Nietzsche what has Christianity and Plato done to us?

Made us all peaceful, warless people, never killing others for religious reasons.

Saved us from a life of sin.

Made us into guilt ridden impotent wimps.

Shown us the way to enlightenment.


Made us into guilt-ridden impotent wimps.

2. In Ch.VI, Wollstonecraft raises several concerns for the way women were socialized. Which of the following would not be an item she addresses in that chapter?

That females are made women of when they are mere children.

That women deserve equal pay for equal work.

That the habitual slavery to first impressions puts women at a disadvantage.

None of the above.


That the habitual slavery to first impressions puts women at a disadvantage.

3. An explanation(s) Wollstonecraft offers for why women were drawn to the ‘rakish’ character in her day was…?

A. That the façade of the rake is easily detectable, but that his character is exciting.

B. That women could not live without love given the way they were socialized.

C. That the ‘bad boy’ image the rake projected filled their thirst for being provided for and would be the kind of man that would stand up for her.

D. All of the above.


c. That the ‘bad boy’ image the rake projected filled their thirst for being provided for and would be the kind of man that would stand up for her

4. When Wollstonecraft writes that, “The generality of people cannot see or feel poetically, they want fancy, and therefore fly from solitude in search of sensible objects; but when an author lends them his eyes they can see as he saw, and be amused by images they could not select, though lying before them.” Which of the following relates to that idea?

A. That females are taught to obediently follow the rules without question.

B. That it is advantageous to be alone sometimes.

C. That women were trapped to first impressions.

D. The value and importance of basic literacy skills.


B. That it is advantageous to be alone sometimes.

Part II: True/False: (a.k.a. flip a coin) 3 points each

5. For Nietzsche, being free means doing what your conscious tells you you should.


6. In his book, On Liberty, Mill presents an anti-paternalist view.


Part III: Short Answer: In a few actual, complete sentences, respond to the following: (6 points each)

7. Explain one specific example of Nietzsche’s point about the transvaluation of values and how a concept that once was considered bad is now good or what was once consider good now evil in the new system of value in conjunction with the actual lessons provided.

The transvaluation of values is a basic concept of humanity whereby the values held by a group of people ceases to be believed at the moment a new perspective is brought to the people. For example, he gives an example of Christianity and Buddhists. Christians make the human low and do not value the human person especially those who live a good life as it states they live in sin however Buddhism values human life and strives to end suffering. Therefore these two are contradictory and thus Buddhism in this case wins because it replaces Christianity which praises suffering.

8. Explain how Nietzsche would explain the phrase, “live in the moment” as suggested in the actual lessons provided.

He states that living in the moment is the best thing a person can do since they do not have to worry so much about eh past neither do they have to worry so much about eh future because from the present they can decide what kind of future they want and work towards it. therefore he stresses that a person should just look into the past into what they did not do correctly and make sure they do it correctly then the future is aligned.

Part IV: Essays: Write on any two (about one page each or more if possible)

1. Discuss Wollstonecraft’s thoughts on the education of women and the impact that can have on relationships as discussed in the lessons provided. What does she envision the future to be like? Are we there yet? If not, why not?

She was born in 1759 and her father did not provide for her good education. Therefore when she was 18 years she ran from home and she never went back there. She became a companion with a widow and she never stayed for long. However, at the age of 24, she began her school for girls only and this was to provide girls with education which her father never provided. She wrote different books like the vindication of the rights of women which inspired different people greatly to look towards women’s education and make it better for a balanced society.

Wollstonecraft especially celebrates women’s rationality and she values the place of women in the intelligent part of the society as she states that women should be intelligent on their own and not dependent on men. However, for intelligence reasons should be the first thing. And even with the development of intelligence, it does not mean that women to stop siring children. However, with the children and their caring nature women can still be outstanding in their intelligence and be better than thought about by most men. She stated that women should have the same education men have and they should study in the same schools.

2. Discuss Nietzsche’s critique of Plato and Christianity, emphasizing his thoughts on how the value systems hold us back. Be specific when possible with your examples and explanations as per the lessons provided and NOT other unsubstantiated internet sources.

3.Discuss the idea of freedom as found in Mill’s On Liberty and in Nietzsche’s concept of das Ubermensch. What is it to be free according to Nietzsche? Give specific examples as per the actual lessons provided.

4. Wollstonecraft writes, “This habitual slavery, to first impressions, has a more baneful effect on the female than the male character, because business and other dry employments of the understanding, tend to deaden the feelings and break associations that do violence to reason. But females, who are made women of when they are mere children, and brought back to childhood when they ought to leave the go-cart for ever, do have not sufficient strength of mind to efface the superinductions of art that have smothered nature.”- What is she saying here as presented in the actual lessons? What would a specific example of “females who are made women of when they are mere children” look like today and why as suggested in the actual lessons?

The behavior and the making of everyone is a result of their manner of being brought up. For the ladies, it is easy to get caught up by the first impression of something especially men. This, therefore, turns out that it is not the nature of women but their lessons when they were young. It is the same thing for boys who are never so much looked into when they are young to be taught what to look for as first impressions of something. However, ladies are taught these kinds of things, and therefore it is easy for them to identity first impressions of different things and especially men who might love them or who they might fall in love with.

For men, it is different though because they are not taught these but are taught other things like cognitive abilities and how good they can be in practical subjects and less of emotions. Men are taught generally how they can be supportive and protective shields in society, unlike women. Therefore women are made women when they are children the same as men. An example of an actual woman would likely be submissive to their husbands and do household chores and expect the man of the house to provide financial needs of the family.

5. Okay, I couldn’t resist: Discuss the “Dumbassification” of America and what specific factors lead to this phenomenon. Be sure to relate your response in some way to the actual lessons provided at some point in the semester.

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