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English 1111 1111

1 Jan. 2111


The LSC System must adjust to a budget cut and reduce their expenses. The college is trying to get rid of student services that students rarely use or students find wasteful. Our research must discover whether one student services should be removed, reduced, or preserved. So we decided to take a survey of twenty students of the LSC System and ask them face-to-face whether the LSC system should make the EDUC 1300 course mandatory, optional, or get rid of it. Getting rid of a requirement may reduce expenses of instructor salaries, but it may reduce school income.

We took a survey amongst twenty random students of the LSC-NH campus regarding EDUC 1300. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions in total which included nine closed questions and one open question. Our primary goal was to determine if students find the EDUC 1300 course beneficial or not and if it should be mandatory or not.

Should EDUC 1300 course be mandatory? Yes No

Number of Students 3 17

Should the LSC get rid of EDUC 1300 course? Yes No

Number of students 15 5

The above table indicates the result of questions 4 and 5 respectively. In response to question 4, we found out that out that almost all the students think that the EDUC 1300 course should not be mandatory. Also in response to question 5, most number of students suggests that the LSC system should get rid of the EDUC 1300 course if the LSC had a budget cut on any of the student services. These results were consistent with our expectations.

Would you recommend this course to someone else? Yes No

Number of Students 11 9

However, we found that even though most of the students didn’t like this course, they would still recommend this course to a friend or a relative. More than 50% stated they would recommend the course to someone else, because they think that this course would help students to be ready for college and get used to the educational environment in the college. We did not expect this result. We believe this discrepancy means that they know some students do benefit from the course and need a refresher in time management, budget management, and learning skills. In our experience, we have seen students need help with navigating online resources, which the course covers.

Learning fundamentals that were found beneficial Time Management Budget Management Learning Skills

Number of students 4 11 5

The above table indicates the result of question 7, where students were asked about which learning fundamentals they found beneficial while taking the course. We found out that more than 50% of the student think that Budget Management was more beneficial than Time Management and Learning Skills. When asked about why they think budget management was more beneficial, they suggested that since majority of the students start working at the age of 18-20, they could manage their money in effective ways and use them efficiently by using some Budget Management tips that they learned while taking the course. As for Time Management and Learning Skills, our group feels students think they already know what to do with time and studying, but we do acknowledge some students do not do what they know to do.

Rating the course from scale of 1-5 1

(Not beneficial) 2

(Less beneficial) 3

(moderately beneficial ) 4

(Beneficial) 5

(Very beneficial)

Number of Students 2 7 4 6 1

The above table indicates the result of question 6. The students were asked to rate the course from scale of 1-5 on basis of their experience from the class (1 being not beneficial and 5 being very beneficial). The results indicate that 45% rated the course less or not beneficial, and, 35% rated the course beneficial or very beneficial. It seems more students do no find the course beneficial. We also asked the students what was the worst part of EDUC 1300 course. Some students felt this course completely wasted their time and money because they already knew everything that was taught. Some of the students said that the class had too many reading and writing assignments, while some students said that the book was barely used for class purpose. But, at the end, almost all the students agreed that they got to learn at least one lesson in the course that benefitted them in some way.

After completing the result analysis, we found that even though most students didn’t like this course, they would still recommend this course to someone else, especially to those who want to get well versed with the college-level education. All they want is that this course should be made optional by the college rather than keeping it mandatory for all. Also, some students told that they would still take the EDUC 1300 course, even if it was optional, since they found it interesting because of activities. The results of the survey are quite interesting because even though many students didn’t like this course, almost all of them learned at least one thing from the course that proved useful for them.

Do you need this or any other assignment done for you from scratch?
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You can choose either format of your choice ( Apa, Mla, Havard, Chicago, or any other)

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