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Health is Wealth. Why Should You Exercise Regularly?

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Why Should You Exercise Regularly?

Do you want to have more energy, feel better, and add years to your life? Just exercise regularly. One of the proven facts of exercise is that it periodically reduces a person’s probability of premature death by 30% (Amin et al., 2018). Additionally, running for 15 minutes every single day reduces the risk of depression by 26%. The significance of exercise cannot be overemphasized. As we all know, exercise reduces the risk of diseases and generally improves a person’s health. Regardless of age, physical ability, and sex, every person benefits from exercising regularly. Without a doubt, exercising regularly leads to a healthier and happier life.

To begin with, exercise helps in controlling body weight. Exercise helps in maintaining weight loss and prevents excess weight gain. Whenever one engages in physical activity, they burn calories. The amounts of calories burnt are dependent on how intense the activity is. If the activity is intense, you burn more calories. Making regular trips to the gym is good, but not to worry if you do not have a huge chunk of time to carry out exercise regularly. Doing any activity is better than none. If one wants to enjoy the benefits of exercising, they have become more active in their daily activities. For instance, they can take the stairs instead of taking the elevator or carry out the household chores by themselves. Consistency is of essence.

Secondly, exercise improves mood. Do you need to blow off steam after a stressful day at work? Do you need an emotional lift? A walk or a session at the gym can be of help. Physical activity helps in stimulating specific brain chemicals which leave one feeling less anxious, happier, and more relaxed. One also feels better about themselves and their physical appearance whenever they exercise regularly, improving their self-esteem and boosting confidence.

Thirdly, exercise combats health diseases and conditions. Do you hope to avoid high blood pressure? Are you worried about heart disease? No matter your current weight, being active and exercising regularly decreases unhealthy triglycerides and boosts high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (Kreindler & Amoroso, 2019). The one-two punch keeps blood flowing smoothly which reduces one’s risk of suffering cardiovascular disease. Regular exercise prevents or manages various health concerns and problems, including stroke, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes, falls, arthritis, depression, anxiety, and various types of cancer. Furthermore, exercise helps boost cognitive function and reduces the risk of death from other causes.

Fourthly, exercising regularly helps in boosting energy. Feeling overwhelmed by household chores or grocery shopping? Carrying out exercises on a regular basis helps in boosting a person’s endurance and muscle strength. Exercise delivers nutrients and oxygen to one’s tissues helping one’s cardiovascular system function more efficiently. When an individual’s health and heart improves, they have more energy to carry out their daily chores.

Additionally, exercising regularly helps in putting a spark in one’s sex life. Are you feeling too out of shape or tired to enjoy intimacy? Carrying out physical exercise regularly helps in boosting one’s energy levels and increases their confidence regarding their physical appearance which can boost their sex life. But there is even more to this. Exercising regularly helps enhance arousal, particularly among women. Further, men who exercise regularly are less prone to problems with erectile dysfunction than those who do not exercise.

Furthermore, exercise is fun and social. Physical activities and exercise can be enjoyable. Exercise provides one an opportunity to unwind, enjoy the outdoors and simply engage in activities that make them happy. What’s more, physical activity can also provide one with an opportunity to connect with friends and family within a fun social setting. So join a soccer team, hit the hiking trails, or take that dance class that you always wanted to join. Find something you enjoy, and do it. If you are bored, try something new with family or friends.

Moreover, exercise leads to a better quality of sleep. Exercise helps one fall asleep longer and faster because it fights insomnia and ensures that one is sufficiently tired by the time they are going to bed. Exercise helps in regulating one’s body circadian rhythm. Additionally, the increased body temperature that results from physical activity improves one’s quality of sleep by helping it reduce during sleep.

Another benefit of exercise is that it leads to healthier and younger skin. Exercise helps in stimulating the flow of blood to the skin. This helps in delivering more nutrients and oxygen to the skin which improves it. Through sweating, the body is able to excrete wastes on the skin’s surface. Exercise benefits one skin and triggers the production of antioxidants. Oxidants help in repairing damage caused to skin cells and improve the skin’s health.

Finally, regular exercise is helpful in managing addictions. Addictions can occur in any form, including food, alcohol, drugs, and nicotine (Pelletier et al., 2017). The brain releases various chemicals in response to any pleasure that is derived from addiction. Exercises such as running release chemicals which release with the addiction. For instance, running makes one feel exhilarated and euphoric. Regular exercise has proved helpful in helping people recover from addictions. Physical activities also distract people from cravings when they are in the process of quitting smoking.

The bottom line is, physical activity and exercise are great ways to boost one’s health, make them feel better and have fun. For healthy adults, it is recommended to have at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week or strength training exercises at least twice a week. It is important to spread activities throughout the week. Also, remember to consult with a medical practitioner before commencing a new exercise program, especially if you suffer chronic health problems such as heart disease or have not exercised in a long time.


Amin, F. M., Aristeidou, S., Baraldi, C., Czapinska-Ciepiela, E. K., Ariadni, D. D., di Lenola, D., Fenech, C., Kampouris, K., Karagiorgis, G., Braschinsky, M., & Linde, M. (2018). The association between migraine and physical exercise. The Journal of Headache and Pain, 19(1)., J., & Amoroso, P. (2019). Daily exercise is daily medicine. BJU International, 123(2), 200–201., L., Shanmugasegaram, S., Patten, S. B., & Demers, A. (2017). Self-management of mood and/or anxiety disorders through physical activity/exercise. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 37(5), 149–159.

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