Learning Diary

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Learning Diary

Learning Diary

Skills for business

Tutor: Keeshon



2407 words

This learning diary is presented by a student who studying undergraduate Foundation Program in on campus London and therefore preparing for university. It is an essay show of what the student has learned in the completed sections of his or her undergraduate course. The preparation for the learning diary is for purpose of reflection can help the student to assess and assess his or her experience throughout the course. The framework of introspective diary is periodic, which helps to review students’ learning habits repeatedly. The objective of this learning diary is to understand what has been learned in the last two terms and the areas the student should focus on to improve his or her learning experiences before graduating from oncampus London. A diary helps in learning from the past through things that were either done correctly or wrongly and carefully planning. Therefore, this reflective diary is a description of the presentation, the CSR essay and the exams.

Section 1

Presentation Skills (Marketing Mix Presentation)

Description and Feelings

The presentation that was focusing on the marketing mix with the example of Cathay Pacific Airways business class section. The presentation was excellent, and feel high level of confidence from the presenter. The details of the presentation required that the student should research the marketing mix on a specific company and specific item or service of interest. It meant carrying out secondary research analysis on the information provided on Cathay Pacific Airways that help in the development of the presentation. The main challenge experienced in the research was getting the information related to Cathay Pacific Airway’s marketing mix. But, the available content is straightforward and contains a description of the company’s marketing mix. During the presentation process, curiosity and the desire to find new information about the company are part of the experience This process is very important for developing English learning skills and knowledge. The long process of conducting research and creating presentation slide is feel boring. Opposite to the expectation is the fact that the presentation was not similar to that of a company creating a new product or service. Therefore, it helped in the development of the feeling that the research was easier than expected.

Reflection (Evaluation and Analysis)

The presentation on the marketing mix clearly presented its four main features, the history of the company and what the company is doing. It is the part of the presentation that was Very good, so I have more deep understanding of the company. A significant limitation of this presentation is that it does summarize bad time control as an aspect of the marketing mix. This shows that the research was only conducted on some small and important side of the company. Missing such important details leads to insufficient conclusions on the subject under study. During the research, paying close attention to those sides which related to the company’s core values is a major strength. Additionally, the primary research conducted with a questionnaire was part of the marketing mix presentation. A significant disadvantage of the presentation is the lack of a detailed description of the company’s marketing mix. Each side of the marketing mix is presented briefly without a description. However, the overall experience in the process of conducting the research and presentation have a major impact on knowledge development throughout the course. The acquired research-based knowledge will be applied in conducting research-based projects. Additionally, because the company is one of the leading air transportation providers across the world, it has acquired a lot of knowledge about the company.

An example of poor performance is the overlap between the questionnaire and the Secondary research. It does not clearly distinguish between the results of the questionnaire survey and secondary research. The presentation also fail to provide a detailed explanation of the findings of the research methods. In presenting a research report on the findings, it is important to give a clear guideline that gives the reader an opportunity for easy analysis (Pennington 2013, p. 97). Relevant titles and subtitles must be used to distinguish the content of each research method. In order to improve this, review how to use various methods and methods to display the research results. Additionally, comments on existing literature that can guide research and skills development help keep reports relevant. Also, more research will be conducted on the best presentation skills that will aid in developing better presentation. Therefore, the entire research project and presentation will help in generating useful experience for future study in the university. It will be a great help in the process of undertaking university studies that mainly entails conducting research projects and essay. Although there still some mistakes in the presentation, but the outlined improvements will still improve the quality of future research project presentations.

Section 2

Argumentation and Academic Essay Writing (CSR Essay)

Description and Feelings

CSR essay is kind of a research project base on example of multiple companies. The theme of this article is “Corporate Social Responsibility” and is used by different leading companies. During the given period, it is also written using the required number of words. Therefore, to reach the required level of the paper, it needs to be highly valued. The main challenge encountered in the process of conducting research is the lack of understanding of the concept of corporate social responsibility and related concepts. Therefore, it increases the need for more research to promote a more general understanding of CSR issues. However, the existing literature provides a simple understanding of the concept. With the development and enhancement of subject knowledge, the process is also full of satisfaction. The most flattering aspect of writing this article is its contribution to subject knowledge. It also applies simple and understandable concepts. The most incredible thing about writing this article is the frustrating process of citing CSR strategies of different companies. Regarding the development of the paper, it is expected that the paper does not have to follow any type of format. Contrary to expectations, the paper follows a specific format. Curious to learn more about the format of the paper.

Reflection (Evaluation and Analysis)

This article contains corporate social responsibility reports for such as company as Virgin Atlantic, Starbucks, McDonald’s, Disney-Mickey Mouse and Friends book. Presenting images related to the organization’s CSR issues is considered excellent. However, this article does not provide detailed information on how these companies implement their CSR and their effectiveness. This article is considered very brief and provides limited information on the subject. The advantage of essay writing is absolute understanding of the topic. After conducting research to collect knowledge on the topic of CSR, the information obtained is very useful for the development of CSR by the relevant organizations. The disadvantage is that the scope of the requirements of this article is limited, and it is impossible to describe the CSR strategies of related companies in depth. The process of researching and identifying CSR issues related to the different companies being studied is both exhausting and time-consuming. This means opening the official websites of these organizations to get first-hand information about CSR issues. Although the website provides CSR information for the organization, the information is usually short and does not provide a detailed view of the entire topic. The examples of issues related to corporate social responsibility presented in the paper are wrong and disrupt the necessary development and structure of the paper. After introducing the corporate social responsibility of these companies, these examples should appear at the end of this article.

The general structure of the essay was unorganized evident in the presentation of images without giving a relevant explanation. Thus, it fails to direct the reader into what the essay presents about the topic. Essay writing involves following a predetermined structure that helps in the analysis and evaluation (Kılıç, Genç and Bada 2016, p. 108). Thus, a good presentation of an essay implies a good organization in the structure and development of the ideas being addressed. In the presentation of an essay that gives an overview of the topic, images are suitable, but it does enable the writer to gain a good understanding of the topic. Therefore, the use of images should be accompanied by relevant explanations that provide the reader with an in-depth understanding of the topic. To achieve significant improvements in what was not done well entails numerous tasks ranging from conducting online research and the use of library materials that guide on essay writing and presentation. Additionally, the search for information using relevant websites such as Harvard business reviews and official news websites is significant in acquiring information on issues related to well-known companies across the globe. It is also necessary to focus on the areas that were conducted well and focus on ways for further improvement. It entails conducting more research on the company’s most recent images related to their CSR issues and strategies. The overall experience acquired in the process of researching and writing this essay is fundamental in conducting more essays, both in the undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The technique of presenting while giving relevant and detailed information is a basic technique that helps in writing most course-work activities.

Section 3

Exam Preparation and Exam Taking Skills

Description and Feelings

Was carefully prepare before all the exam take place in the center or online. Most students feel worried and scared about the exam coming up and the process of exam preparation. However, the completion of the exams outstanding a feeling of contentment for having prepared well for the exams. It is a little difficult to solve the problem based on the calculation of statistical data. However, the theoretical part of these issues is straightforward and self-explanatory. Understanding the requirements of the question is a key element to find out the correct answer. The most likable thing about preparing and handling exams is that it brings more knowledge and understanding than you learn from a tutor. And the most unlikable thing is you only have limited preparation time. Therefore, it is important to review everything which might content inside the exam paper carefully. The exams came out contrary to the expectations of being difficult to answer, and turned out simple and hence resulting in profound happiness

Reflection (Evaluation and Analysis)

Explanations and descriptions are considered as most important part of excellent performance of the exam. Fully prepare the model of the learning content in the course, which helps to achieve excellent results on theoretical issues. However, I think that the skills of using special formulas to calculate are poor. Personal power to learn and master theoretical concepts helps to perform well on statements-based problems. However, poor skills to understand and master technical statements, especially those related to calculations, resulting in very poor test results in this section. The process of preparing and conducting an exam is very useful because it requires us careful personal learning and analysis, which helps to collect important knowledge from what we learn from tutor. This experience also challenges people to conduct more personal research and broaden the areas they rarely understand. Individual studies provided a self-efficient framework that can accommodate the required learning opportunities and plan (Yeager et al 2014, p. 559). This also reduces the tendency to rely on the course tutor to provide all the answers needed for student questions. Also, forming discussion groups, whether they are physical groups or online groups, can help improve exam and learning performance by sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas of what we learn from oncampus as some time teacher might provide information of the exam which we did not fully understand.

It is possible to enhance the understanding of different models by conducting more research and developing research questions, thereby further improving outstanding performance such as theoretical issues. By reviewing the content of classroom teaching, learning and performance skills can be improved. Exam preparation and the overall learning experience of the exam help to predict the future needs of the course work. It gives the impression that in order to complete the good grades of the course, more individual learning is needed. Sometimes, students think that the details provided by some classrooms are not worth modifying because they seem to be irrelevant to the course requirements. This is wrong because all aspects of the course are likely to be tested in the exam. It is also important to pay attention to the details provided by the tutor. These details may be small and will help the overall performance of the exam. Worried about failing the exam, people have to study harder in order to be fully prepared to solve the exam problems. This experience will help future university studies, because more time will be allocated to individual studies, which greatly contributes to the scores during the exam. Students are always encouraged to use library materials and online content on research topics. It can not only make people have enough understanding of the subject, but also improve the overall academic performance. In addition, exam preparation techniques such as commenting and developing content summaries are important for knowledge development in future learning.

In summary, reflective writing requires reflection based on the results of the process and the evaluation process. Reflective learning is essential because it provides directions for learning experiences and areas that require significant improvement. Some people say, “Experience is the best teacher,” and individuals will learn from past experience. These experiences can help them pay more attention on the right and wrong, and adjust on this base. This reflective dairy product provides a fair and impartial assessment of the assessment conducted this semester. Therefore, it outlines the achievements and failures encountered during the learning and examination process.

Reference List

Kılıç, M., Genç, B. and Bada, E., 2016, Topical structure in argumentative essays of EFL learners and implications for writing classes. Dell ve Dilbilimi Çalışmaları Dergisi, 12(2), pp.107-116.

Pennington, M.C., 2013. Electronic media in second language writing: An overview of tools and research findings. In New perspectives on CALL for second language classrooms (pp. 81-104). Routledge.

Yeager, D.S., Henderson, M.D., Paunesku, D., Walton, G.M., D’Mello, S., Spitzer, B.J. and Duckworth, A.L., 2014. Boring but important: A self-transcendent purpose for learning fosters academic self-regulation. Journal of personality and social psychology, 107(4), p.559.

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